i Where t A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h. lons of gasoline an hour, he Fuel Goes may use 200 gal. An Army Trans port burns 33.00 gallons of fuel oll a day. WHERE THE FUEL GOES VOLUME 63. NUMBER 21. - 1944, D, @he Centre Demorral BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, MAY 2 SUBSCRI PTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. eavy Da mage Cause&. 1s 1 r Five Feet of Water 1} - - . cagle Highway; F J , BE Hh Washed by “Flash Upper Bald Eagle Valley yesterday was taking stock of damage caused by flood waters caused by flash” storms which struck that area Tues- day alternoon and night, causing a complete cessation of traffic over Route 220 in two places until early yesterday morning Flood waters reached CENTRE HALL MAN 5 AR PRISONER Sgt. Kenneth L.. Runkle in Germany, Red Cross Informs Family % * a depth of hs | Staff Sgt Kenneth 1. Runkle, Centre Hall airman who has been listed as missing in action since an air raid over Germany from En- glish bases on April 8, is a prisoner in Nazi Germany according to a telegram from International Red Cross received by the. south's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Run- kle No further details were included in the telegram, which indicated that a letter containing more infec mation would follow shortly The Centre Hall flyer, who been serving as a top turret gunner | on a B-17 Flying Fortress, was be- lieved to have taken part in great raids by Fortresses and Liberators on airplane assembly plants in old Poland, East Prussia, and Gérmahy itself Before his last flight 8 8gt. Run- kle had expected to return home for a furlough after completing five more missions with his bomber crew He enlisted in the Air Forces on No- vember 2, 1942. He was first sent to New then the had Cumberland and Miami Beach Fla, where he under- went training as a mechanic. He also attended school in Texas and the Boeing Alrcraft School at Seat- tie, Wash. before being sent abroad. | In Maveh, S8gi. . Runkle was! awarded an Alr Medal in recogni- tion of his having completed five | missions over oécupiedt Europe as top turret gunner on the Flving Fortress Rosemary IIT The Centre Hall gunner was grad. uated frm the Centre Hall-Potter High School in 1041, where he was f member of the high school basket. ball team. Before enlisting he was employed at the Wallace Bohn farm Centre Hall Former Countion Is Killed In Italy Dorsey Hunter street, Bellefonte of East Curtin Tuesday night re- ceived word that his nephew, Por- rest Reeser, aged about 30, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Reeser, of Lon. caster, formerly of Snow Shoe, had been killed in action in Italy on De. cember 4, 1943 Some time ago Reeser was report ed missing In action, and word his death was contained in a War Department message received by his parents Tuesday Reeser, who of was well fhown In various parts of Centre county through frequent fishing trips Bellefonte and in Penns Valley, en listed In the army more than two Years ago and saw service in North Africa, Sicily and tly Prior to entering the service he was employed by the National Cash Register Company in Lancaster He was unmarried and is survived by his parents and by a brother, Har- old, living in Reading. His mother is a sister of Mr. Hunter, of Belle fonte to | Beckwith COUNTY - lood [[SES| PLANE G Lieut, Jimmie Kelley, 27, Died May 6 in Corsica, Relatives Learn WAS SERVING HIS by F FIN _- L » Traffic on Bald ar o.nds Are Badly Storm. five feet over the highway between Port Matilda and Hannah, more than two feet over the road nea Martha Many cars were stranded in the flood waters before the two sections of road were cl to further traffic about 5 p.m. 1 day Four watchmen, State Highway Department, were on duty all night on the road until the waters receded. The barriers were removed at § m. yesterday and traffic resumed, caretaker George Stiver reported Highway Department graders were engaged most of yesterday removing a heavy laver of earth which washed over the highway from nearby fields The J. T. Beckwith dairy farm at Hannah was particularly hard hit by flood waters, much of the top soll of A large field being washed down over the road. About 5 p. m. Tuesday, Mr was forced to drive his herd of about 30 cattle to high ground when waters rose around the farm buildings The rain which caused the flood began at noon Tuesday and contin- ued until about midnight. At times in the Martha and Hannah areas, the storm reached cloudburst portions and streams rose with phe- and osed ues emploves of the For Jimmie Lynch e Death Dodgers yy “i, It non May heen Jimmy Kelley was killed in 68 In Corsica stationed for of Moshan- plane crash where he the past n few ceived aunt Miss shannon home Lt. Kelley, who completed an en- listment in the Air Corps in 1837, re-enlisted In the Army Air Forces as a private on Jaunary 29, 1942 at MacDill Field, Florida After a period of training MacDill Pelld and Camp Blanding, Florida, fhe [was transferred Keesler Plield where received assignment to the Boeing School of Aeronautics at Oakland, Cali- fornia. There he completed a six months’ course a raft me- chanic Saturday Charles Mary C by his uncle and J. McGowan McGowan, Mo- ’ 3 1 pro- to he {Continued on page Five) DEM. WOMEN T0 MEET IN ALTOONA 3-Day Sessions of Group to be Held at Penn Alto The annual convention Pennsylvania Federation cratic Women will be held at Al toona, June 1 2. and 3, with head- quarters at the Penn Alto Hotel The theme of the convention will be, “The Post-War World.” The first day will be devoted to the “Home Front” and the second day wil be: devoted to the “Poreign Front. ™ Mrs. Marshall Awkeman, region al director of District No. 12, will be the convention chalrman, and Mrs dith Flanigan president of th v of Women an aire Appointed an Aviation Cadet al San Francisco, Cal, he subsequent. ly received his flight training in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia where he received his wings He was awarded his commission at Turner Fleld, Albany, Georgia, In August, 1943. Tis transitional train- ing at the Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, 8 C February. 1944 At the time of his death, Lt Kel- ley had been overseas only two months, serving in North Africa, of the of Demo- pleted several missions as a bomb- er pilot Dodgers and appeared at the New York Worlds Fal: and in simost every State in the United States He was gradusted from the Snow Shoe High School in the class of 1934 It Kelley is survived by his fath- and step-mother, Mr. and Mrs James F. Kelley, and the [follow- ing brothers and sisters, all of Phil- adeiphia: Mrs. D. K Mason Jack Kelley, Mrs William 2Z Maguire, Jane Kelley. and Robert Kelle) younger brother, Michael Oler Blair Democratic chairman The exed PY Count mn oe Federatic will act as co- utive board of the Feder- ation will hold its quarterly meet the Penn Allo Wednesday May 31. at 8 o'clock The registration desk for the con- vention will open the same evening from 7 to 9 o'clock and will continue to function during the feriod of the convention The formal opening of the con vention will be held 10 a. m. on Thursday with the acting president as presiding officer. Greetings from local speakers reports of the secre. ing ats - evening A ’ Corpus Christi, Texas Banjo Band To Sell Equipment at members of the (Continued on page Four) $11,927.71 Collected In War Fund Drive At the monthly meeting of the lo- cal chapter American Red Cross Mrs. William Kline reported a total of $11.90277 collected on the 1044 War Fund drive. This still leaves a sum of $800 to be made in order to complete the chapter goal of $12.800 for the year Anyone desiring to contribute, may contact Mrs Kline Mrs. Pred Warner, chairman of the home service bureau, stated at the May meeting that 40 cases had been worked upon during April A new member has been added to this department, Mrs Edgar Spicer, who is stag informationist for the Pris. Victor H. Pifer that to the fact that he has no plans for reclor present bonds for future use by adult organization War of the now the treasurer in the armed forces, has a number of uniforms now in storage vaults as well as parade drums, cymbals, am- piifyers, batons and other equip- ment for which there is a good mar. ket at present Punds realized from the sale of equipment will be turned over to Martha Mong, band treasurer, conversion into war bonds bond and has nearly $200 in treasury. it was reported oner of War division Mrs. George B. Thompson, chair- man of public health nursing also reported new assistants in this de. partment. Mrs. Joseph Parrish has been elected chairman of the Nurses Aldeg to fill a vacancy left by the resignation of Mrs. Willlam Sieg, and Mrs. A. C. Heverly replaces Mrs Ben Beeger, who also has resigned, as chairman of the home nursing division A plea for workers was made by Mrs, Charles Mensch who heads the surgical dressings unit in Bellefonte 21 T0 GRADUATE AT PORT MATILDA Dramatization of Stephen Foster's Life to be High- light of Program SECOND ENLISTMENT Loan ars Was Former Stunt Driver » had | SiEned weeks prior to his death, accordifg ©d to sell thely to a War Department telegram re- Loan and drive, sj with whom he made his individuals Allens reported Al ment Prior to the War he was a stunt bers and guests present, driver for the Jimmie Lynch Death ward RB. Miller, A mentarian tioned at the Naval Alr Station at '®F. Mrs At a recent meeting of officers and lows ach. Bellefonte Banjo Wallace J Ward, Mrs R ( Bianes Band. it was announced by band di- Mrs. owing ert Eckenrode The band, which has 53 members | dent 0] County Prepares | tN For5thLoanDrive [$f RASH Quota Set at New High of $2,238,000 in Cam- paign Beginning June 12; Nine Districts Are Assigned Local War Finance Committee the direction of Chairman Claude G. Alkens, of State College, at a meeting this week pre- pared the way for the Fifth: War in which the county $2.238,000—0r $205.000 grest- the 15 the War Loan Campaign Centre Cotinty s under ¢ quota | for er than ' n ignment aalth I't and will we will open on June ue until July 8 making ready unprecedented bonds M1 this wee as- to each nh county itas they are expect- n the Fifth ont } [ ' he first ep in sale of an of all ty i t me number wy of ikens a ne eting of the ne districts the q Snare drive wn the fourth again will of bonds particularly the series bonds In the fourth drive Centre county's quota of "E” bonds wns $887.000, and a total of $010.000 was sold 103 of the quota For the Fifth Loan, the county's ‘E” bond quota is $865000, Mr. Alk- The quota of other of bonds to be sold to indiv- $A0R.000 and axgign- for sales to corporations groups is $645,000 the As CARS wolnl emphasis to vg Iw SALON mis > ' 3 placed on the Or cent per type iduais the po ¥ clubs and other Quotas. In the following breakdown districts the the chairman the quotag of bonds name of the district of that nesigned fon district Yarou Rie given H R other State bands als Colleg: $245,000 £180 600 cl S$83.000. total Bellefonte Horace E bonds, $225.000 duals. 190.000: ch £300,000 1 Philipsburg $220,000. ot 000 total om nao tions £518 000 it $805 000 I individu tal John ners ts cm $520,000 Hall $41.000 uals. $30,000; clube non $73,000 Snow Bhoe, Claly $41,000: others to G00. corporations 000 Howard, Donald nds, $41.000 $30,000; clubs total, $81.000 Millheim, 8 bands, $42.000 $35.000 ihe ¢ ud i" corporation Centre Fri nk E bonds total Hall indivi 85.0060 bonds $35. $41 .- F duals total B others to indivi F fuals $10,000 Gardner orporations Ward others tn amaey F individuals $15,000 (if arporations nltnged om Page Three) NAME OFFICERS OF WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. Brown, Alexander was completed In Now Chairman, Presides at Dinner Meeting At the annual dinner meeting of Italy and Corsica where he cOm-|... pellefonte Woman's Club, held Monday night at the Brockerhofl Hote] with approximately 75 mem- Mrs. Ed- retiring president. placed the gavel in the hands of Mrs. Alexander Brown. fewly elect. ed president of the club Other officers elected to serve with Mrs. Brown were first vice presi dent. Miss Catherine Burkett: sec- vice Mrs. William secretary Mrs Jones. corresponding sec Mrs E Keith Anderson Mrs. James Logan, pariia- Mrs. Wallace J Ward members-at-large. Mrs. Edward Mil W. Leslie Thomas and Mrs Emerick : nominating com- mittee, Mrs. Hays Mattern, Jr, Miss Mary Porbes and Mrs. Christian Harman: auditing committee, Miss Mary Rankin and Miss Eleanor Wion. Mrs. Miller paid special trib- wast presidents present as fol- bra Robert Mills Beach, Mrs ond Hoover Harry retary treasurer president recording ¥ J ute to E. E. Widdowson and Mrs. Rob Mrs. C Peters. of State Callege organizing another junior band, the retiring vice president of North Cen. uniforms and other equip- tral District ment of the junior band should be! Arthur W. Cowell, retiring president gold and the money converted into of the Woman's Clubs spoke briefly, and Mrs County Pederation of also gave a short Wallace J. Ward, presi- the Centre County Fed- Centre talk. Mrs of (Continned on page Siz) Two Jailed In Theft of Gasoline and Hams Paul Rossman, of Bellefonte and for | Joseph Peters. of Coleville, are lod- to belged in the County jail without bail used as the post-war band members, for their appearance in court on choose. The band now holds a $500] charges of burglary resulting from the | the theft of gasoline and a ham from the John Tressler farm near the The Banjo Band was organized 12 Henderson school on the Jackson. years ago and during history appeared at the World's Fair, ite colorful | ville road, April 29 The men were committed to jail the Jersey Boardwalk, Niagara Falls | by Justice of the Peace Willlam H and a number of cities in Pennsyl- vania \ \ True friendship js based upon ser- vice to others, not upon favors re. Dukeman, of Bellefonte, investign- ceived Brown, of West High street. Ross man and Peters were arrested by State Police at Rockview bararcks, who wilh the aid of Chief of Police ted the burglary —_———— PARADISE 10 | | In IN RE y Shows PENIC FIRST TIME Local Man Im- provement Under ‘Mir- acle Drug’ \J SUPPLY BROUGHT FROM LOCK HAVEN Patient, Harry Lutz, Suf- & fers From Blood Stream Infection Penicilly Is Deng i the Centre Cou seems to be a the life of man who Lon is su oecie blood -» Victim Lutz, of East Bishop came il] suddenly on week. His muscles and jo ed and he developed a |} The following the of the disease street, wi Monday . } f 1 ¢ " n inst stiffen. temper - * WAS re- where the ature day moved to host all pit istomarily to al usual dr can: fect Mr. Lutz y 105 degrees ins were adminis re temperature and ne of the time Same Rules to Prevail During Open Season at Local Project from all expected Penne Bellefonte lowing announce. week by State Fish Commission that there sould be an Open season al Plihermen's Pare dise from May 26 to Juiy 15 a Pribr wo last week the Coramis. ston had announced the Paradise woilld remain closed this year In order co-operate with the OPA in the matter of saving gasoline and tires, but by reversed Anglers of avivania are fomorrow fo ment this the to ohiections OPA i's earlier wl were Nn no nffered the Commis. faim ras OPA was quoted as having » as long as there is 1 ’ ¥ why no wT there } nw to the project Commissioner sald last year: with each ten trou reanoT A ooug ing ban SONS MA 0 drive Fish French in eflegt to a calch two of which may be killed. Fish- ing will start each day at # a m and end when a siren is yunded at night, usually at # p Sunday fishing be permitted in the project All fishermen must register booth at the entrance There are mammoth there.” French added some them will weigh 10 pounds Fishermen can only use cial with barbiess hooks regular hooks with the barbs moved. Even the possession of bait, angle worms meat any other bait inside the is banned as is the use of " piel — n t use their A Charles ile angler limited of t daily only m - wil t as usual no sOIMme artifn lures Hyer or preserve sPInners Centre Hall Yank In England, Hits Postal ‘Jack Pot’ 8gt. Donald G3. Foust, formerly of Centre Hall, now in the services of the U. 8 Air Forces Maintenance Work stationed somewhere in Eng land, completed a 17-day course In {an RAF school. Upon returnihg to his base he found awaiting his pres- ence, 81 Jetters, a package, his week- ly paper, The Centre Democrat, and his course on Diesel Engines upon which he wil] study in the near fu- | ture. ture dropped » week neared the norma h terday ir normal confident : been checked Attendants frug was fin Luty's condition which was regarded as being critical. has Imp to the extent that his compirte recov. ery Is anticipated. They credit peni- oillin with having saved hiv life tempera and hospita that the d inistere M1 oe ved Non-Resident High Examinations May 27 MITA Aare : HERE TONIGHT Home Food Preservation’ to he Discussed at Session at BHS Auditorium ™ Preset Food this Home ff 8 ih ject vation more impor than ever before-wil] by Miss Janet Boisson, home service director West Penn Power Com- pany. and Miss Louise Smith home economist and defense nutritionist Westinghouse Eleftric & Manufac turing Company. at the Victory” cooking school this Thurs. day evening. May 25. at 7.30 high school auditorium Food rationing has made it neces- sary to plan now for next winter's | meals and with even greater acre- ‘age planted in Victory gardens, the housewife 8 looking ahead Miss {Soisson will describe the various {canning methods and reviewing can- {ning fallures and successes of the 1943 Victory harvest Discussing the canning meeting, Miss Solsson today said Many | women never canned before jast Continued on Page Four) ant Year be discussed 8 the held t N 121 To G R From Local High we -aduate Exercises to be Held at Sehool Auditorium, June 8th; Rev. Francis P. Davis Will Be Baccalaureate Speaker. One nundred twent 16 of them in the hed to be grad ea ANNUA; commen: Bellefor Hig? Thursday Bellefonte ~ment 1s ever he His rio A 4 borer of the presentation Blaney president hoard will be pervis will awarded ing pri program n 8 Dubbs J Health for moming wher in the crashed Inu —| ireened across the road and into Mar Lockingto 19 MEN CALLE TONAWY DUT Bellefonte Group to Go Altoona by Bus on June 1 Ninetee; A met of will leave next Thursday AJtotna the Navy as the Local Draft Board ‘ them vo teers for for induction rrirrent yh Na WAS ANN H quia ” ’ te ord 41 R ¥ Ri James James Warne: Robert OO Philip ¥ ard Sents, M Hinds, Ming f ry Br tf ¥ CT'aw Malis Three Injured When Car Driver Sleeps Indiana. Pa Wednesday ’ ™ Three were inj residents ied early last the drive; Oo thelr car fell asleep and the machine Patterson's service sta tion State © Mr. and Mrs. Robert H Ray daughter. Lucille, 18. were bre in the Alpha Fire Company lance to the Centre County pital, where Mr. and Mrs suffering from laceration head and their daughter being treated for a small scalp wound and other injuries The accident happened at 2 a m as the oar was traveling along the road from Old Fort to Boalsburg The driver, Mr. Ray. apparently fell asleep at the wheel and the oar lege ar mught amb Hos Ray are i the is Cas the service station, No damage resulted to the station, but damage to Lhe car, a 1940 Studebaker President se AMER poge Four) HEAD OF EA Installation Ceremonies to he Held in Lodge Rooms Tonight Smoke at Hospital Causes False Alarm Wher near the ta mistook A Late »n uh SOMeOn (rated sy residing $y fre {1 nL Local Union Hol ds Banguet ay 15 i ove M on ! GRADUATE ZI RON HOWARD S34 (3. B. Long Presents Di- plomas at Ceremonies Friday Night Twenty-one members of the sen. jor class of Howard High School received diplomas at the 39th anu- nual graduation exercises held In the high schoal auditorium Friday night Members took part the exercises plete program follows Processional, “Btars and Stripes Porever.” Sousa, Hassinger's Orches- tm. Invocation, Rev. Roy Coss Master of ceremonies, Robert Day: a Knowledge Charter. Richard ’ of the graduating class The com- in Lan) for County Communities Memorial Services Scheduled A —— dan. was estimated at $400. The In- Allison: A Christian Olariat. e- eter 0 eikn Wars posts, to- diana couple were enroute to their vada Shultz; “America the uti. yan of Hi ‘home from Lewisburg, where they ful” High School Chorus, The Call Ushering at the services, including had picked up their daughter, a stu- to Colors, Calvin Fisher. the solider, the distribution of programs for the dent at Bucknell University, Millard Hinton. the Red Cross occasion, will be done by members | . —— Nurse, Sylvia Gardner; the Civilian, of the Alpha Fire Company as has NONE HURT IN HEAD.ON been the case in, previous years. | CRASH NEAR MONUMENT Music will be provided by the State College American Legion Junior, Damage totaling $250 was caused Drum and Bugle Corps and the to cars operated by Willlam J H. The quotas of work in this division have been doubled and tripled in the past few months because of the Twenty-one persons will receive diplomas at annual commencement exercises of Port Matilda High School, in the Methodist church at Steady increase in the demand of Port Matilds, Wednesday, May 31, Surgical dressings for our armed) school officials announced yesterday, forces The members of the class now in | exercises will include ' and | the armed forces will be amons PLEASANT GAP MAN a speaking program LE pg be those to be graduated | INJURED IN ACCIDENT held on the Diamond. As a highlight of the program, | ———— | Col. John M. Bain of Northum. students will present a dramatiza-| Paul Zeleznick, 24, Pleasant Cap, berland, a member of fean tion of Stephen Foster's life, through was admitted to the Centre County | Legion Post No. #4, Northumberland, narrations, stage portrayal of inci- Hospital Priday morning for treat. dents In his career, And through | solo, ensemble and orchestra rendi- Plans are being completed by Brooks-Doll Post, American Legion, and Jackson-Crissman-Saylor Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, for the annual Memorial Day celebration to be held in Bellefonte, Tuesday The | ’ (Legion Band will take part in the of Foreign Wars are Samuel D parade and exercises Rhinesmith, John G. Love, R. T | The program at the Diamond will | Willard and William Garis open with the playing of “The Star | Spangled Baner” by the bands, fol- | Serviosh ui Osfiage lowed by the invocation and a selec-| Program detalls for the State Col. tion by the V. F. W. Pife and Drum | Ife Community Memorial Day ser (Corps. After the address by Col. Yices to be held in the high school Bain. Rev. Stenger will (stadium at 7 p. m. Friday, were an. | {Ing squad of the Veterans of Foreign committee in charge of the annual State College High School Band | Pulger. Haven, and Benjamin’ [Wars will be followed by taps, [celebration | In case of rain or conditions pre- Merryman of Monument. in a crash The parade will form at Howard] The committee, headed by R. Eventing holding of the exercises out- early Sunday morning on Route 364. Minshall of the State College Amer. doors, the services will take place in near Monument An investigation of cen ———— ll Lillian Day, Emma Brungard, and Jean Yearick Presentation of awards and pre. sentation of the class by N. J Welk. ert: presentation of diplomas, B. O. Long: the graduates creed, Ruth Lomison: “Star Spangled Banner” tor accident near Wingate, Zeleznick Rev. William E. Downes tions of some of the songs for which | received cuts of the face, hands and | he is best known. one knee, and lost several lower Valedictorian of the class is Betty teeth in the accident. Weston, while the salutatorian will! The Pleasant Gap man was be Esther Weaver, Jennie Flelsher brought to the hospital by Al Bren | will receive the citizenship award nan of Clarence. and the athletic award will be pre. | - sented to Don Myers, ! To Call 15 Into Army Members of the class are: Kath. Local Draft Board No. 2, of Belle- ryn E. Beamer, John M. Blazosky, fonte, has received a quota of 15 men Madalen M. , Stanley for induction into the Army on June R. Dillen, William G. in the 7, board officials announced yester- (Continued on page Pour) | day, John's Catholic church, Bellefonte, will give the invoeation, and H, C. fonte Methodist church, will pro. lows benediction nounce the + program will begin at 7 p. m. The route of the parade is as fol. lean Legion Post, 1s com {members of the various civie and s and organizations of the community high school auditorium using the W. Fairmount avenue entrance vicinity are invited to attend the services and are urged by the com- mittee to y thelr flags during the day at homes and places of business. Program al Pleasant Gap. The Inter-Organization Council of Pleasant Gap is in charge of ar- rangementa for Memorial services at (Continued on Page Fowr) | All residents of State College and gyb.station the accident was made yesterday by State Police from the Pleasant Onp| The cars crashed head-on as they class: Richard Allison, Erma Brungard, , Betty Harter, Millard Lomison, Dorothy