Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h. may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, adhe Centre Democrat | SEES | WHERE THE An Army Trans. pert burns 33.000 gallons of feel oll | a day. 1 | FUEL GOES VOLUME 63. NUMBER 16. BELLEFONTE, ya. A, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, —— 1941, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. ounty Reac y For Primary Election tic Nominations to be Made ‘ates: No Candidates for Officials to be Chosen. Many Democr: by Write-i Congress; NS. f LA of Wounds Robert W. Schriver Schriver ———— ——. A—— COUNTY TO RECEIVE addition an m OG ier Millhe will be held at 2:30 p Sunday April 30. in the Reformed church at Madisonburg the Millheim Evangelical inl gler in charge Pleasant Gop | Man Promoted in England the with Judge William H. Keller to Preside at Presen- tation, Saturday H AY al Belles Swimming Pool to Be Open This Year vimmin JUDGES” PORTRAITS iof J Clarence Hamilton of Belle- 5 s the rear “for men CAL NATIVE LIRES F USINESS POS + Thomas B, Hamilton Hon- ored by Insurance Com- pany in New York COMPLETES 15 YEARS' SERVICE Brother of Bellefonte and State College Residents w Ham yk Is Breq nave LN nd heads of departments ned in the tributes speaker omrade H rveral oO i and Hamilton a Quin Hamil Bellefonte hede g Ago He | 5 a and - to ‘ Anu won, of was horn year iiton, the a and a broth crnfinnid 8% sage Tir H New Bowling Alley To Open | Next Month Cl Clas West High ted 10 be opened to thie bet May 15 was ans ed yes official 200-feet long remodeled ib bowling ter ha The Odd Fellows Cl ~ 2 former ardware treet, Is public June room on ometime ween and Ou terday by OOF The om is being and redecor- ve regulation bowling ompietely ated and the §) expect be installed by of Pittsburgh will be [llur Holts a ed invisible to bowl- wil} will be of the alley he room globe t part of section Both duck ar allable to bowlers and women wd ten Wash Aare pins bo and soft drinks will tion will be the i of yd °' Brouse Re-elected je Pre dent. Judes SACRED CONCERT TO By GIVEN AT PINE GROVE fMicer oncert will be pr year ‘in St ul's Luth ibility Grove Mills, on Bunday clean 7:30 p. m., by the tion. Acts of van- Binge and breaking up furni- Men's Chorus the pool. will not The Burnham year, Con ularly on the re WMRF inday from fran courcn Aj Burmham Pine Grove Pine 23 the non the respon ril ground the Singer Vesper Lewistown 4:30 10 51 ture are be Joss placed alx 3 ’ al shin +» tolerated ideral rg from rd tation ther 8 m esented Sacred Mills heard Hour over evers Do's And Don'ts For April 25th voters, Democrats especially, will be re- quired to write-in the names of many of the eandidates for whom they wish to vote at the primaries next Tuesday. the following re- minders may save ballots from being disregarded by election boards because they are improperly marked Because Centre county DO THIS: In indicating your preference for a candidate, make an X The X must be marked inside the square provided at the right of the name. If you use stickers, or write-in the name of the candidate of your choice, you may mark your X in the square opposite the name but the vote will count without the X in these instances, Use only a lead pencil ‘'n marking your ballot or in writing in the name of candidates, If you use stickers, or write-in names, see that they are placed within the lines provided on the ballot Vote only for the number of candidates indicated in the heading for each office Be sure to vote DONT'S: Don't mark your ballot with ink, crayon, or anything but pencil. Don't use a check mark, or any other mark but an X to indicate your preference, Don't scribble writesin names or paste stickers over several spaces or outside the spates so the election board has reason to doubt your intention, Don’t forget to vote, En President of Elks i | william Dre H f the Club at ne annual that group held the ted Fiks jon day West Bros Hie Was Bellefonte organizat Mot Hks home on reel dent «¢ meeting ol night at Higl treet 0. A. Kline was re«elected as president and Herbert M. Beezer WAS named secretary and treasurer elected were Mr. Brouse Dr. Richard P. Noll, Mar- n Miller, and Edward R. Miller The club voted contributions of 150 each to the Red Cross, the Sal {vation Army and ' the ‘Bellefonte {High Schoo] football team The meeting was preceded by a ‘ham dinner at which more than 100 members were present. Entertain. ment included several vaudeville acts and a program ‘by a magician Music included numbers by an ac cordionist and by the Little Ger- man Band of Logk Haven Trisetoe M line 'T. L. Fromm Accepts Position at Hershey ———— LT. Lynn Fromm, of West Logan {street, has accepted a position as [plant superintéhdent of the Anville |Btone Co., whose [are located at He , And whose! main offices are in Conshohocken. | Jue began his new diities April 10, He has had éonsiderable exper Jence in the production and selling of lime and limestone products, be- ing formerly employed by the Amer lean Lime and Stone 00. and White. rock Quarries, He wis most recently employed by the Bellefonte Stone Co. as superintendent of operations at Howard and Curtin, His family will continue to reside : 1 Vice nt and mines Director Arrives To Begin Duties . NS. Calhoun Now in Charge of Legion and BHS Bands; Has Had Long and Bril- lant Career. = SATE COLLEGE ~~ SHULTZ NAY Bt MAN 15 MISSING sgt. Blair Harman, 20, Ra- dio-Gunner, Reported Lost Over Europe achuted fo | Safety Mar Haein by narents LE lioman aboard ¢ Por: 8 Flying Fortress, hve art ise tse serving as the mothe ar é Army pre- | 4 bombing Shuit € IA, Shultz, plot ying Portres, lila rabedom: College filer was stationed at an jost in a mass alr raid AAF bomber base somewhere in over Europe England ener of his family sald Prom companion Deta eOneern Sgt. Harmar hom tx last fig tht were not known, although 4 vernment an group was of an American with more than 8 Nin credit was sone here Ision un edemy territory. ndicated in Uw messag ne WOuld be re;ave ’ Le by 14 parent a 1 iY Sgt. Harman Alr Porces in January ofived his init Filia. He then Ii for ur Was Army ana re. z in Miami to Chicage training. He Texa IN rick Shultz Lt missdie begat Lot Wal Ww War radio tioned 10 al to halt apparent crew wo J One ther eflorts air fields {ter spending a brief A eight par January of thi nt He with hi Arrival 15 wmrent Nome man February combat fig! a begat making i bomber crew » i hi i March home. but | pereeant tude 1 finall a graduate Schau in chute maineg in with the hom Wh contin other plane Higt of 1042 ha spread urplane mpanion concluded a tatement that if Lt Sh its German = TTNTWEDINID 55 * LEGION POST Eo 16 Are World War II Vet- erans; Eckenroth and Rhinesmith Preside joien The ti AP ——— Striken II, Suffers Fire In Same Day brought double tro of Pike Sunday bie for Steve Nicholas fonte Late in the afternoon tricken with what was diag an attack of gall trouble and v 1 rushed to the Centre County Hos a World War 1 veteran, was in- pital in the Widdowson ambulance itiated Into membership in Brooks-| About 10:30 o'clock Sunday night Doll Post American Legion, Belle fire was iscovered in thw kitchen fonte. at a regular meeting at the of the Beliefonte Lunch on South Post Home, East Howard street, Allegheny street, of which Steve Monday night proprietor The initiation was conducted by! It turned out that neither trouble Post Commander Charles A, Eck- very serious. The restaurant enroth, and the oath was adminis. man responded quickly to treatment tered by Samuel D. Rhinesmith, at the hospital. Belliefonte's two fire district commander of the Legion companies, answering a general The new members of the Post are: Alarm, used a couple of quarts Wallace J. Ward, Bellefonte, World chemicals to douse the fire in War I veteran, and the following f100r under a range in the restauras veterans of World War 11: James R. kitchen Holt, Unionville: John F. Watson,) Firemen said the fire [ Milesburg: Joseph J. Torsell, Daniel when the oven of the range ome {P. O'Leary, Jr. Malcolm G. Love, overheated. Sole damage was a hole |George 8. Kellerman, Paul D. Lose, |less than a foot in diameter in the | Theodore D. Canavan, Guy ©, floor | Baughman, Fdward R. Ray, 8. H {Smith and Ralph L. Toner, all of Bellefonte: and Norman K. Mc- Murtrie, Lee E. Cettig, Wilbur R. Gearhart, and Clarence M. Hoy, all of Bellefonte, R. D, The initiation ceremony was fol- (Continued on page Three) one on Wan of he esulted EE. Kofmans Buy Coal Yards in Bellefonte ee —— fonte has purchased from Howard | Thompson, of Curwensville, the for. Fire Destroys Home mer Fuel and Supply Company con! | The Glenn Litten home at Red and office bullding on ‘Dunlap Jacket, nar Blue Ball, burned to Ha street, Bellefonte, and expect to take ground ay evening with a of the in the estimated at over 4 . The fire, of Lersgy iT propel J. O. Brewer, who for a number ¢ curb to make a delivery i Missing In Action Staff Sgt. Walter 1 Bressler PRISONER OF WAR Companion in Another Plane Believes Crew Par- 4 J % MC FY ON "ryveETeE Anges World War 1 For six months was reported missing in action ‘Andy.” an infantryman, had been weinded in three sngsgements, and sas one of five persons eft stand. engagement ar yyy \ af the evs here wa fn one one - —— Local Minister Is Honored at Altoona r dh, » % & Gaining o, Council Passes First uminous Law ough Emploves Se v Phi TAKES PART IN | NAVAL BATTLES = Chief Gunner on Heavy Cruiser Spending Fur- lough in Bellefonte Town’s History; State College churcl D Howard E. Oak won { pastor of the Bald Eagle Pre Charge ———— Boy Injured By Truck at College Kenneth Greer -year-ol Id Mrs. Kenneth COreen of 120 Hamilton avenue, State College fered head Injuries and bruise body Friday afternoon when apparently mn into a Rallway press truck operated by Harold Smith, of Pihe Grove Mills The accident happened about 4 » m. near the boy's home when the truck, traveling west, pulled to Police sald the driver evidently did not see the youngster who was reported to have been playing in the street, The driv. er knew nothing of the mishap un- til he returned to the truck from the house The youth was taken to the office of a State College physician and after undergoing preliminary treat. ment was brought to the Centre {County Hospital for observation, He Hr Fa ' of he Ex K the [returned home the following cay According to well founded reports, when it was apparent the injuries Kofman's hauling service in Belle- were not of a serious nature 152 To Be Called For Draft Exams —————— Pre