Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 06, 1944, Image 8
THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 6, 1944 — Fifty Years Ago Henry Morris Fillmore was daily all its cise buildinggs He There qQ Hastings | taking horseback for exer- to encourage his appetite Gen, D H trips om night al ground with On Sunday blacksmith burned contents. Several by also were 10 insurance they have some ple Col, J. L. Spangler pw fine Kentucky horse on Monday On Monday evening an impromptu nd Q ce was held in the Bush Ar {sited at he home by the young A y on Mona An elegant Itallan ore ! shed the musi [ while V un ex At the M \ ! rl risourg all shop to the and alway to with him ant trip manage close rned semen and about chased Hunting- william G. Hoflex Mi A, C Hofler will tt OSes Mr dence people of the town pects Lo en- isters Piomise from th of the make Milk Coolers| AVAILABLE AT ONCE ! n Flectric; Gasoline or Tee Cooled Cabinets HUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STORE Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE, i 1 miven } ] wens Pro the benefit of the Large quantities of the Carrey, Pa fish ceeds will © organization PA IMRAN ag Ee a 8 iii ee M M. B. RANKIN AGENCY | MARY M. RANKIN, Agent. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Crider’'s Exchange Building BELLEFONTE, PA. i a i i Sl w ae ) H Oma Jmuiinng Han Ye 8 Th a Let Me Represent You! It is your opportunity to have an or- dinary working-man represent you in Gen- eral Assembly. For twenty-six years there has not been a Representative elected from Bellefonte or Bald Eagle Valley. My exper- lence in every walk of life fits me to serve you. Having sons in the service, you may be assured 1 will promote legislation beneficial to your family and mine, HARRY F. JONES Candidate for Representative for General Assembly gather a | | Brown is closing out his stock william Soper, the base all expert, left on Tuesday for Mil kee, fill out n engagement that team Dt Thomas R and wife returned on Satur lay from thelr extended trip to the Fourteen person church n morning enthusiast, Cleve to Pacific const joined this place on John Waite is selling quite a in thi Presbyterian t Sunday the bicycle number of the ind wheel ection 50 YEARS AGO he Walter Cohen family home Spring Street wa extensiy remodeled being and n PW ection being added to the st ture State College econd m AIR of peep Women and Mrs Street y become er in Lhe Umi In $4 Emanuel Klepper resident Bellefonte, wae killed at Wildwood, N. J. when he ates fe former vr 4 mile of instanti net om a tree! r ir . regt 1 reer Marriage the followi Crane, Port Tate Sampeel, a both Belief Julla Zavada Oscar Wert Bellefonte ” 4 “ e malied from ans farm at Centre wm ilor with a 120.060 egg full capacity Were with the ana were a tot 250000 eggs In the process of turned into chicks Mrs. A. H. Hart Mills, suffered a forehead when the WAS a DASE! skidded and crashed into a tree on East Bishop St Her husband was Qriving ma chine. Mr. Hartswick was a brother John Hartswich ural mall car- rier of Beliefont Greenwood Hockenberry resident of Snow Shoe, died In sleép at his home, aged #9 YOar He was born in Bellefonte but when he was ten years oid the family moved to Snow Shoe where he spent the remainder of his life. Although he was past the draft age in the Civ. il war he enlisted and fought in sev. eral battles Mrs. A. P. Krape, of Centre Hall, was taken to the Gelsinger Hospital, Danville, where she underwent an operation Mrs. Harvey Smith, of Howard, was admitted 10 the “Lock Haven Hospital to undergo medical | treatment George A. Rodgers, formerly station agent at Beech Creek. had been promoted to the Tyrone station John T. FElsen- fhuth had rented his farm Dear | Woodward to his son, Orvis, who was to begin farming there immediately | Sheldon Rossman five-year-old ison of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rossman {had a narrow escase when he was struck by a car driven by a Mr Henry of Mingoville. He was se verely injured about the head, one shoulder and abdomen. The lad wich aceration thu car an which she wer reel the deat | entire operat Tro CENTRE HALL NEWS CHURCH SERVICES Presbyterian Charge Hey J J Glenn of Dickinson, will officiate at the follov places of worship on Eacter Si ADI Hall Church service, 9:30 a. m.;: Church school, 10:30 a. m. Lemont—Church chool, 10 a. m., Church service, 11 Pine Grove Mill Church 1 9:30 m church service Nine mnday 1 0: Centre \ m ale 1:30 p. m C. C Church 10:30 0: Centre oly Comm Holy Communion 10, Georges V 0:30: Hol union ley Commun - Hammond wor 10:30 10:45 Church K. Hoster- + Hall Easter n choo) 10:00. vice 11:00 i Jou wii Reformed [| LOCALS AND PERSONALS H I ( “ (id ned last : Ohlo reviolu JCANDAL H ke on ‘ H. Mlk manager of Telephobe Company showed films on the the landin on Bic- Taras n yphilis. F the Bel State College telephone wore RNd Ais ere Richard Mann of Be of her Lefont PAT Limbert Ann Wednesda) was Ceo pa weekend visitor and Mrs. A Ek C. Otts and returned on soe the former Mrs was a Hospital Paul Ross and {am- moved from Potter y the forme? Della Richer hich they purchased Daniel Irwin of Wilkinsburg {few days ast seek Wit} Ms R 8S Ie and where th her mothe: her r+ Ceisinger while father nn home = M1 visited for a her sister family Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry MeClenaban near Centre Hall, were Mr. and Mr, J J. Hemmis, children Joe, Jr, and Jimmy Hollidaysburg, Mr, and Mrs. Sherman Putt, children Bon nie. Disna, Duane, Parry and Vir- ginia of Altoona Mary Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Rickert, was guest of | honor at a birthday supper in honor of her seormd birthday at the home | of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams, Thursday Other guests were Mr.) and Mrs. Rickert Mrs. Sallie Kellerman of Belle. fonte, spent a few duys last week | with her sister, Mrs. John Rudy i Mrs. John Burkholder and Mr and Mrs. Bruce Knarr visited on | Saturday with Mr, Burkholder, who is a surgical patient in the Gels. inger hospital. Mr. Burkholder Ws getting along well An Lo T L was organiged at the home of Mrs. C. €. Otto on Thurs day evening under the direction of Miss Beth Sterns of Camp Hill, state feld worker for the WCTU, ue. teen young people were present, of the group the following officers Horner; ol include tion = Monda nome « Mri home * play ich as nics, The group will meet the y evening i The next meeting will f Mr Mar in Centre Me Mr Mir sLunrt Reubey and ralli nd rect games, hikes and pie iat third Jol montn. mi; Ho The twenty Refreshments Mr eich be hie rt on Apr William Clooani y Nefl yreturned Hall, R. D spending a week with her « Mrs. E Mr quit th urday, ast su Fultz « busines Ruth the ti] Mr rangen Mir Ww and € restaurant which they mmer f Mil 8. M) Hackett restaurant for a few months wr and ents Harr Hall, R. D The q anaer, Daniel Mrs, Je also M fonte Mr. ¢ liters M1 doh ha ra and N Miller Mrs Creorge busing conducted Hat taken over and Mi charge ol a communi Mr. and Mr will be roy, nave 61 8. Frank will have mond held held the nit Smith Mr y McClenahy had a quilting re Mr Cla Rudy Sallie Ki rs. wWilbu rv "| { ' 4 b from Belielonie tot 1 Bat VACALE family Mr "| State guest urday 4 i Dy ang Colley ickert The Col Fdwa Mi Le re were Hackett Mr r CGleane in Schaefer terman al rs Bunda Ho slerman Rickert on Friday Those present vere Alma Hi Mr A Bechaol wl Mi: third Psa Were fry 1 12 0c) wee of wl re of the Evangelical ehureh God bless ng exc ept noe that the ladies listen to anytl jokes? WHEN WINDS | GET ROUGH A Windstorm Folicy Protects You From Floancis!l Less. Bes John F. Gray & Son General Insurances Fhene #7-) Bellefonte, Pa. FUTON JCI Jar C1 MELROY'S Pleasant Gap, Pa. Electric Appliances Gifts - Toys Patents i se a aS ad Fountain Service Phone Bellefonte 6851 Saul us susURUNRN DlumsRa Ie aunReaat a te tan tLe Lee le TT | ‘em, would _ It takes 6 wise man to be satisfied with what he deserves BEGINNING TODAY YOU CAN SECURE A 14: lel]: TRIAL OF A Western Electric HEARING AID Designed by Bell Teluphons [ ober aberion Come in~Teday And Ask About Our Trial Plan AUDIPHONE C0. 451 Altoona Trust Big ALTOONA, PA, Phone #910 > Send me FREE bookdet: “Key 10 How ng Heppanem Name fr ——————— 3 J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY One of the Oldest Agencies In Centre County EDW Temple Court LIL. KFEICHLINE Phone 2521 These are times when each of us has reason to be sad, even on such a da¥% as Easter. Yet in their natural bounty flowers can bring cheer that will dispel all gloom. And as thes brighten the home to which you send them hour after hour, day after day, the true spirit of your Easter greeting will fill the heart of the recipient. Choose the traditional way to in a bouquet, plant or corsage rich in natural beauty. We have ex- quisite lilies, colorful tulips, and all the other flowers of the season . . send vour greeting . A EASTER J0Y FLOWERS der now for Easter delivery, Orchids Gardenias Roses Carnations Daffodils Paper White Narcissus Snap Dragons Violets, etc. . Which you may or- POTTED FLOWERS Hydrangeas Gardenias Rose Bushes Cinnerarias Yellow Callas Spireas wa i ~~ Azaleas, etc. See Our Display in Room On the Diamond, Formerly Occupied by the Diamond Restaurant i a o a a i