Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 06, 1944, Image 6
A pril 6, 1944 Page Six : a THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFORTE, PA. Fred Dyke, Mrs. Paul Weaver and Howard Gray, all of Milesburg: Mr Edward Miller, Jellefonte; Mr Prank Halderman and James Grw, of Renovo: Mrs, George Waite, of —— Williamsport; Miss Elizabeth Gray, Fred and Joseph Gray, all of Pitts. burgh, and Mrs, Gene Bumpter, of Elderton RR — — LUCAS INFANT erican Legion Auxiliary. A son, Pvt. Funeral services were held Tues- Howard W. Bitner, was killed in the day afternon for a 15-day-old son last war, and in his honor the Bit- of’ y g arry Lucas. of Mo. her-Bechde]l Legion Post of Beech { 3 Mr. ai My How : ye narental Creek-Blanchard was named, Only! Harry Taylor, of Buffalo Run Val- home of an infants’ ailment, Inter. last year Mrs. Bitner received a Sil- : y, died at 2:30 a. m. Friday, March ment was made in the Aske 3t belatedly, for his 31. 1944, at the Centre County Home, | ery. Snow Shoe iving in ad- Bellefonte, where he had been a fh dition to Mi Mader are another #uest for more than a month, He {daughter and a son, Mrs. Henry Was a son of Daniel and Sarah Anne Clark, Beech Creek: and Clair Bit | Taylor and was born at Fillmore on | + ner, Cleveland two sister Mre, | March 20, 1882, making his age at Poter township farmer, died at 11:30 go... work. Akron, O and Mrs (time of death 62 years and 11 day: 1. m. Monday, April 3, 1944, at his np 014 R. Wilson, Pittsburgh: also 15 The sole survivor in the linmediate | home near Centre Hall from com- grande hildren and 28 ar a family is a brother, G. W, Taylor, ol slications following a stroke suffered children State College. He was never married last Thursday. Born in Potter town-| —— Funeral services were held on Bun- ship November 22, 1867, he wis al LEE RALPH SMITH day afternoon at the Wetzler Mem- on of John J. and Sarah Jane a : orinl Chapel in Milesburg, with Rey Sweetwood Arney. His wife, the Lee Ralph Smith dict at his home H. E. Oakwood officiating. Interment mer ENa Lingle, preceded him Altoona at 11 o'clock Sunday was made In the Mever emeter feath. One son, J. Bruce Arney, extended illness Buffalo Run Valles ome, is his only survivor —— The de- He was born in Milesburg, Centre eased was a member of Old Fort county, July 31, 1885, the son of Al . Masonic Lodge of Jurors Drawn For May Court Centre Hal} and fred and (Ginger) Smith, He the Williamsport Consistory. Fu- Was a P 3 e officer on the neral services were held Wednesday Middle afternoon at the Goodhart funeral ie — home in Centre Hall, with Rev. W K. Hosterman officiating. Interment Rom Centre Hall cemetery MRS. LLOYD L Mrs. Helen R L. Smith, of near ) suddenly at her m. Sunday, April 2 Mrs. Smith had not been in | i some time HARRY TAYLOR ceme- awarded llantry in action. Sur have everything // 1 Ns Jy. MERVIN ARNEY Isane Mervin Arney, 76, prominent ISAAC fora PERFECT FA STIR | for-| in In at morning after an poll living are hi ice) Smith, one Smith it Cecil, Franklin Mrs ) Mahlon, fonte Claude Millard Quick Ohio and Thomas Horn, W William 8. Mitchell, RD Harvey (Continued from page one) Bethsheba Hartsock was made in . Moshannon Philipsburg SMITH Hall Centre : Decker, Pleasant Gap " oe ican border during the last wai Arma Slee, Philipsburg 1044. | hough - - Fliz Onk Hall liza Gilliland of health for EDWIN G. LEYDEN CRIMINAL COURT JURORS was entirely un 5 As Le gy % eG 8 i (Meet Monday, Mav 15) was a daughter of John and Abbie ming Tk oT oonn hburn lHefonte RD 1 Bilger Rockey and was t n men ie proadwa ( ‘ Pre die on December 31, 1882 R B te of death 61 ayon onnels E. ir Hats months and 1 day. Surviving in ad- Louise Alexande: By (le Jamn-l Wii >, Springer ilipsbu “astcel arts dition to her husband are a foster- [ly MOH Rd ide helbag {elen Confer, Milesburg BEAUTIFUL FRAMES nN 2 98 tauneghter sien. at hom ! these 3 he 8 BRAS het reste v N / f viator typ hat § isda daughter, He ef. Mt ; Ie . vi hm d helo 2.4 l } : H 1 ® MN ] FOR PRICK ns FACES colors: Bowers wd brothers f Sister na rd 2 and Kryder Rockey, and Mrs. Arthur and taught for a short time in th ved 1. Hall, Snow Shoe veiling or wilored Norden, all of Port Chester, N. Y. Bcd g' Fo a iE wiruty rs. Che Mrs. Maude Co: if Clemtheld, Sp NE tO taiiroad Con ry R Harry Rocke f Zio and J. Ar- 9 Bee ¢k Ral THe thur Rocke) home ther expe “ted 2 15 - $1.79 FOR "LITTLE MEN" Making Walt; tie man of your house udly. Made of Navy, wine Adorable cap and poke bone ter Gearhart bh P Garbrick 4% an tyler, sach carefully made sgn and two such trims as shirring, ruffling, + mas Jame the band Oyler Hever: y b) eter, Betiefonte 2YS SUPPLY services will be hel t th home 1 roa n ! welg' ‘arth near Milesbu { 0 o'clock this ' : ee \ * v } aid lair E Thursday af won and interment ! ! J hid ed i vid W will be made the Zion etery. in 1810 transi * nd resi , Mrs. Smith Reformed church HARRY THOMAS BEIGHTOI ry aia & ha r ATOM Harry Thomas Beightol, 3 { “pp tavette Ch DApY ova = a vadk (a. John E. Horner, Boalsburg Howard, gara : ; Bellefonte RD 1 er at the State A. Moore, Philipsburg RD Bellefonte ink, Julian » M. Armstrong, THE DEMAND Easter Handbags $1.98 "52 98 Just the thing to point And a mighty cute trick it is : \ CAART "BASIC ' TRIMS up that Easter outfit. The flash of colored i James Beals, Moshannon 5 i¢ per des of narrow Charles Ross, Show Shoe, Button Bows colored stripes! Styles with a touch of Spring in mult 7.95 Rose Hall, Snow Shot colored pastels and prints! All vour Upusual bows with be Faster Mrs. Lenore Burd, Millheim the newest, prettiest fabrics and xpensive-looking lace 10¢ or embrosdery trio 7-t0- 14-year State Col- iastic nj closings! Envelopes with par mult favornte stvies in Mrs. Agnes Ross, Bellefonte RD simulated leathers NOWAY irk AE 0 A. Johnson State Collegs DUNKIC. Tuesday at A a on nterment | Newton Aikey, Milesburs Beigh= in tha $ e t tn tive Bellefonts How: wd E. Hopkins, State College do Bella B Orove Bellefonte Bellefont tol, wi th ™m Pvt. Milton Beightol Faster wouldn't sy the overs reaanbs Mr ‘amp For RD rest, Tenn Louise and Earl t ; . Foster Breon, Spring Mills BE ” Belobo] was a Hemi MRS. HELEN M. McNICHOI rab Bg Ron in » . “a « a . x : Alt nln . RA a a of Jacksonville Re formed church Mi Helen M. M<2Nichol, 50, wile Donald Rogers, Howard RD ne Mi Gr ' of Theodore J. McNichol, Altoona,! Mrs Tacy White, Centre Hall the Marion Grange, and the Howard \ Mi: acy hite, © : I Mn “Puneral services were Gled suddenly Thursday moming.! George W. Rothrock, Philipsburg held Monday Rites at t* home March 30. She suffered a heart at. Mrs. Catherine Wehr, Bellefonte were followed by service at the '#CK al at 5 lock and wa Herbert Haupt, Bellefonte ) ¢ : | ! - Jacks nville . ' admitied » o'clock to Mercy Clarence Zeigler. Port Mat RD ; 8 3 h uf made in Evangelica metery at ¢ pit AL } n McNichol was born in ! : : 4 = id sturdy, Tor od 1894, a daugh- Jo rksonville N Mc-Kin for proud little olds without a new coat for the Grand Parade! This lovely model is a “grown ) g New Burton EARRINGS I Choose from Merphy's as 10c¢ pair oriment of wood, plettic eathery and other novelty Plus tax Chesterfield style, of Lal V4 clip-on earbuttoms 4c plete long-wearing fabrics Tan or red, with velvet col- MRS. SARAH FRANCES BITNER Mr Sar ral ts 6 Ww arid WwW $ lied Saturda home of her wil Mader, Ls lar and careful tailoring. MURPHY S Philipabury Bellefonte ry M. preon, Beliefont« Chapman, Howard RD | lla Williams, Howard Mary O=ceol Violet Rosenhoover (inck had resided for u Mrs. Bitnher, widow ner of Blanchard I'heod J { ) I air force vir Bixler. Philipsburg . Creek, a gnier of Mr na MM Memph ent at old R Maves W. Harpster, State College ; v wai Ss than Johnsor nd Head in Rian. Ff +3 . " ire : . rh 4 Nath Mh a 5 DRY a y Daniel Stine, Philipsburg i : i ! ching | Stuffed Easter $1.98-$3.98 rowers ot cuddly * make your Kid sparkle on Face Powders Covs an if her If Kenneth Bunn, State College RD , Lock Haven Het s due t CIVIL COURT JURORS mpucati 4 . 3 y wa a mem of hue fb 1 : i vive (Meet Monday, May 22, J i : d ay b> a bwst ist of Blanchard and of the Am- Ms: ease 'W Fexsnind Ar : Alice Geler. Monume 8 4, A i . nk H. Glenn, Lemont A 1 ; ba F > a \ a John Dunn, Bellefonte F ; y s ! 8 on X Victor Eve Warr Mark J Mrs. LaRue Porter, Hublerst Harry Wingard, Coburn Harry R. Hoy, State College H Pp. Carson, Port Matilda RD 1] J. H. Musser, State College John Belko, Philipsburg Agnes Culver, Bellefonte RD Ralph Zeigler, Spring Mill Loretta Borger, Moshannon Herman Kessling, Bellefonte RD A. C. Derr, Bellefonte William M. Shoop, Centre Ira Moore, Sandy Ridge Gordon Lewis, Pleasant Gap Clara E. McElwain, Fleming Henry Linn, Bellefonte George Bohn, Lemont John F. Wilson, Julian John Lux, Philipsburg Mrs. Lois Highbee, State College R. C. Bair, Smullton Mrs. Marcella Woodring Babs docks mies oF soft Assert and color Gav Cardboard 29<- 59¢ Carts RD 2 \ ON \ wh \\ Sm mm Na 1" Hal LY \ Curtains Are you tired living with the same old scenery? Give your place a fresh start with new curtains from Murphy's. Styles to pep up every Iablecloths 1.19 e WN NR "al Miles Brighten your table with these tensively and proven in Allegheny Street Real value! Thick depth soft as down! Ten pounds heavier than the average *The Steri-Septic fabric which covers this big mattress has been tested ez: government laboratories as actually molstury ond bacteria repellent! A genuine safeguard to your health! DeHaas Electric Co. | Bellefonte, Penna. burg Cieorge F RD 1 John Zimmerman, Clarence Millard Clark, Boalsburg Merrill J. Decker, Spring Mills uth Hayes, Philipsburg Mrs. Thelma Kline, Bellefonte Sara Hoffer, Bellefonte Michael Koshko, Clarence Reese Williams, Philipsburg Louise B. Healy, Philipsburg RD Harry L. Burris, Centre Hall RD 1 Lewis Hoover, Philipsburg willlam C. Pritchard, Jr. burg Mrs, Margaret Widdowson, Beer fonte. | Cldrenbe C. Grove, Bellefonte RD Heckman, Centre Hall Philips- | Ont Stahl, Tyrone RD. Jacob F. Hoy, Bellefonte, Matthew Dawson, Philipsburg. Mrs, ¥. V. Goodhart, Centre Hall Madeline Foust, Centre Hall RD 1} William Hoy Neff, Boalsburg. Mrs, Margaret Baney, Bellefonte. B. W. Ingsam, State College. Floyd Woomer, Howard RD 1, Mrs. Ruth Betz, Howard, Grover C. Musser, Millheim, John R. Tate, Bellefonte RD 2. Malcolm Wetzler, Milesburg Charles Petnick, State College. itr MP ———— Receiving Boot Training | Calvin C. Rupert, 17, son of Mr. Jue Jars} Mrs. Flem Rupert, of Howard, I v. : Train. Lakes, room in the house, Ruffle, Panel and Cottage Sets, in a variety of sizes, colors and materials, cheerful print cloths. Long wearing natural color material with a variety of pretty pat terns you'll like CRYSTAL CLEAR Venetian Mirrors LB) Gorgeous gilt for homemal en, FULL FASHIONED RayoN Hos For hose thet can take a hard day's work or look sheerly flattering for evening . S00 these ot Murphy's. High twist for dullness, cotton re.inforced for wear, the season's best shades. Sizes 9 to 10%. MURPHY COMPANY Centre County's Most Complete Department Store ‘Allegheny and High Streets Bellefonte, Penna.