Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 06, 1944, Image 5

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April 6, 1944
Mrs, Harry Ulrich, of South
Spring street, last Thursday fell and
—William J. Dorworth, of Phila-!
delphia, spent the weekend in Belle-
fonte at the family home on East suffered torn ligaments {n the left
Linn street. knee. The injury makes {t necessary
—Mr, and Mrs. J. Arthur Dubbs | for her to use crutches to get about
in her home
A business
and young son, Bobby, of East Lo-
gan street, spent the weekend with
meeting of the Belle-
Mrs. Dubbs’ parents in Cumberland, fonte Banjo Band will be held at
Md the band hall, West Bishop street,
—Pvt. Ralph Genua of Ft. Meade, Thursday night, April 6, at 7:30
Md. spent the weekend in Belle- Parents and members are urged to
Miss Matilda Chick, daughter of
fonte with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Angelo Genua and family East
Bishop street. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Chick of North
—Mrs. D. W. Keller, who recent- Penn street, recently resigned her
ly underwent an operation for the Position at the Turner store to ac-
removal of a cataract, Sunday, re- cept a clerical post in the White
turned to her home on Pine street Drug store
from the Centre County Hospital. | Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stewart, of
~John D. Cain, reaman second East Linn street, are in Huntingdon,
class, of Boston, Mass, is spending W. Va. making plans to move to
that city. During their absence thei:
a ten-day leave with his wife and
family, and with his parents, Mr. two children are with Mr, and Mrs
and Mrs. Peter Cain, all of Pleasant Leonard Witmer, of East Bishop
View. street
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haze] and Pfc. Henry Casper, of Bar Har-
family last Thursday moved from bor, Maine, and his sister, Mis
their home on Blanchard street to Pauline Casper, of Germantown, ar-
the former Walkey house on Fast rived here during the weekend to
Bishop street which they purchased spend a week or more with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Cas-
per, of North Thomas street,
—-Leo Toner, of Riverside,
returned his home there
day after having been a guest since
Stnday of his mother, Mrs Clara
Toner and family at their home
East Howard street,
some time ago.
Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Yearick and
the latter's mother, Mrs. Annie Hev-
erly, last week moved from the
apartment in the Fortney residence
on East Bishop street to their home
at Beéch Creek.
After spending several days here
to yester-
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph —Mr. and Mrs, Edward L. Miller
Dale and family, of East Bishop of East High street, and Mr. and
street. Mrs. George Trevorrow and M's. Fred Dyke and Mr. and Mi
Mrs. Helen Bezwick on Friday re- Paul Weaver and daughter, Helen,
turned to their nomes in Pittsburgh a of Mileshurg Rioudny attended
th 4 aga he Iuneral of Mrs. T . McNichol
—Charles Dath, well known resi- in Altoona. Mrs. McNichol was for-
dent of Hatfmoon Terrace, who has
been confined to his home there for
the past seven months because of
illness, made his first trip down-
town, Tuesday, since the outset of
his {liness
merly Helen Gray of Milesburg
Sandra Lose year-cld Pleasant
Gip child, underwent treatment at
the Centre County Hospital Sunday
for a laceration of the palm of the
, 1eft hand suffered when she fell on
— ald ) - yy f . in
Ronald Coder, sont of Mr. and , ioe of glass.
Mrs. George Coder, of East High . ard : : ’
ast Wednesd ; Mr. and Mrs. John Hastin
street, la ednesday passed €X- piohards of East Stroudsburg
aminations in Altoona for entrance
nounce the birth «¢ a daug
into the Navy and is scheduled 0 chloe ey nl ‘born af
Ivpat Wo Altoona tomorrow for as- 4. General Hospital at East
 Secett Stroudsburg on March 24. Mrs. Rich-
~ Curtis Wagner, {{-year-old son ards, the former Janet Woomer of
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner, of Bellefonte, is a niece of Miss Ida
East Curtin street, Tuesday mom-
ing underwent an appendectomy at
Showers, of North Spring
" Arp Rev. A. G. Herr, superintendent
the Centre County Hospital and yes- .. in. centre County Home. whe
texxiay his condition was reported suffered a severe heart attack sev-
to be satisfactory. eral weeks ago, is reported to be
Pfc. Janes A. Fetzer, of Shreve-
port, La. réeently spent a ld4-day
furlough with his father, Aaron J
Fetzer, of Miesburg. Pvl. Fetzer en-
teréd the service in March 1943 and
since that timd® has been stationed
showing slow but steady improve-
ment at his apartment at the home
His physicians have advised a com-
plete rest and as a result he is not
permitted to see visitors at this time
Charles Saxioh, of Pike street
in Louisiana and ur Boob, of East Howard
Pfc. Bruce Garner, of Ft. Mon- street riday ht went to Sn
miotth, N. J. Is spending a ten-day Shoe where they acted 4s instructor
furlough with his wife, the former g¢ the fire school recently opened
Charlotte Watson, at the home of for volunteer firemen in that area
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. 4 total of forty-twa men are en-
and Mrs. Robert McClellan on North
Thomas street,
—~Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davies and
family during the weekend moved
from Blanchard street to the Jo-
seph Hazel house on the same street,
Yesterday Mr. Davies, who is a dep-
uty sheriff on Sheriff John Galalda’
strf?, left to enter military service.
~Mrs. Nancy Kerk and dayghter,
Nancy Jane, Priday returned to the
home of the former's mother, Mrs
M L Curtin, Sr, at Curtin, after
spending two weeks with her bro-
ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs
Gar Young and family, of Elkins
rolled nn the course, which will con-
sist of classes every. Friday night
for a period of 18 weeks.
~The anntidl banquet of the Aux-
fiinry to Post No. 1600, VFW, f
Bellefonte, wag held Thursday
night at the Brockerhoff Hotel with
57 present
that instaliation ceremonies sched-
uled to have begn held after the
banquet were postponed until April
10. Flowers and table decoration
at the bhangueét were sent to two
member { the Auxillary who are
Bgqt Laws nee O'Leary.
8. Air Corps at Boston,
with the U
~The Bellefonte Garden Club will Mass, Monday arrived in Bellefonte
hold its first meeting of the fiscal so spend a ten-day farlough with
year on Tuesday afterncom, April hig mother, Mrs. Alice O'Leary and
11 at 2:30 o'clock at the home Of family of Penn street. While he was
Mrs. Harvey P. Schaeffer, on East gn, route to Bellefonte, Sgt. O'Leary
High street. A history of the club pet his brother, Pfe. Joseph O'-
will be given by the program COM=~ fear in the Harrisburg station
~Mrs. Philip Bickett, of East
Bishop street, on Friday was dis-
charged from the Centre County
Hospital after having undergone
treatment for two weeks, and is now
convalescing at the home of her par-
while Joseph was en route to his du-
ties at Ft. Belvoir, Va. after spend-
ing a furlough in Bellefonte The
brothers spent about one hour to-
gether in Harrisburg
Among those from
who were here last week for the
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gunsallus, neral of Mrs. William Ott, of West
on Phoenix avenue High street, were: Mr. and Mrs, J
— Bellefonte Borough Auditor John W. Ott and Mrs. Elizabeth Ripka of
8. Walker has been confined to his
home on Bast Curtin street for the
past ten days because of a severe
cold. Latest reports from the home
willlamsport: Mrs, Sarah Strausser
of DuBois: Palil and Earl Keller, of
Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Eph-
riam Keller, of Pottstown; Mr. and
are that he #8 recovering slowly and Mrs. Luther Dale, of Boalsburg
expects to be able to be outdoors by Mrs. Morton Stout, of Altoona; Mrs
the end of this week. Nellle Wilt, of Woolrich; and Mn
Kathryn Phillips and Mrs. Della
~Mrs. Alexan@er Morris, of East
Curtin street, has resigned her pos-
ition in the offices of the Titan
of State College
WwW. Harter Vonada, of East
Metal Company and about April 15 Curtin street, has resigned her pos-
expects to go to Cleveland, Ohlo, for ition as secretary to Bupervising
“gm : ¢ Principal of Schools Earl K. Stock
an indefinite stay With her husband,
who is on duty at the Navy bureau
of supplies in that city, .
—Stafl Sergeant Prank H. Hull, of
Roanoke, Va., and his wife, the for-
mer Marjorie Houser, employed In
Lewistown, are spending ten days
here with their parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Bdward Hull, of East High
street, aNd Mr. and Mrs, Pred Hous-
er, of North ANeglieny street.
~Mrs. James Caldwell last week
returned to the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy,
north of Bellefonte, after a month's
visit with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs
Alexander Galbraith and family, of
New Britain, Conn, and with friends
in New York Oity and New Jersey.
~The Misses Carolyn‘ Kachik,
Molly Cherrity and Rosalie Miller,
all students at Marywood College,
and also as secretary of the local
school board to accent a secretarial
position at Willlam and Mary Col-
lege, Williamsburg, va. about April
10. Mrs. Vonada accepted the post
there in order to be near her hus-
pand who Is with the Sea-Bees at
Camp Peary, near Williamsburg
Before her marriage Mrs. Vonada
was Elizabeth Smith, of Milesburgm
~Priends of Mr. and Mrs, Clyde
M. Stewart, of Bellefonte, were en-
tertained at a farewell dinner Satur-
day evening at the Penn Belle Hotel
The Stewart family expects to leave
Bellefonte soon, After the dinner
the group went to the home of Mr
and Mrs. Lawrence MeoClure, of East
Bishop street, where games were
played and refreshments served, Mr.
and Mrs, Stewart were presented
with a gift. The following were pres-
ent: Mr. and Mrs, Robert Scog, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Wilmer, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence McClure, and Mr,
and Mrs. Benjamin Sheets,
Among those from a distance
Who were in Belleforfte last Thurs.
day for the funeral of Mrs. Cath-
erine Oarbrick, of the Crider Ex-
rity, of North Allegheny street,
Mr. and Mrs, Martin Miller, of Fast
Linn street,
Announcement was made .
Joseph C. Hamilton, of East
Howard street, spent the forepart of
last week In Willlamsport where he
attended an antique sale
Mr, and Mrs, Blair Smith, of the
Orvis apartments, last Thursday
moved Into an apartment in the W
Emerick home on North Spring
Mrs, Cathérine DeBarber Kelley
daughter, Angela, of Altoona,
uests last Wednesday of Mr
Carpeneto and family, of
Allegheny street
were gu
home in Altoona
wending a week with his
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr
Ham Dugan in Bellefonte
Ple, Joseph O'Leary
returned to his duties
va pending a
lough hh his mother,
O'Leary family of
two «
street ast
of Mrs. Williams
Mrs. D. C. Bradford, at Centre Hall
where the family will reside while
Mr. williams is in the armed forces
Gray Larimer, son Mr. and
Herbert Larimer of East How-
ard t, last Wednesday went to
Altoona where he passed physical
examinations for Navy service. gray,
a senior the Bellefonte High
School, will go to Altoona tomorrow
to re an assignment
Mh. John Love and Mrs. Charles
F. Mensch, both of Bellefonte, last
week attended a  luncheon-meeting
returned to
Dugan hi
on Sunday
t Ft. Eustis,
23-day fur-
Mrs. Alice
North Penn
James Williams
of East Lamb
moved to the home
parents, Mr. and
an Mr
and hildren,
of the Central Southwest Regents
Club of the D. A. R. held in the
Capito] Hotel at Johnstown, Both
Mrs. Love and Mrs. Mensch are state
officers in the D. A. R. organization
Mr. and Mr Glenn Blakesles
5 chiidy of North Alle-
ny street, Priday moved to Ride-
way where the famih will reside
vhile Mr. Blakesless, former man-
ager of the A. C. Turner store here
is in military service. The Blakeslee
fami] resided in Bellefonte for
about ree eh
Pfc. David Love, of Bellefonte
rrived in North Africa, ac-
word received by his wile
Florence Volynch, of
{i Pvl loves brother, Jer-
me Love with the armed f{orce
in Newfoundland. The two soldier
are sons of Mr. ang Mrs. Winifred
Love of Bellefonte
Donald FE. Miller last Thursday
returned to his duties at the Naval
Training Station at Bainbridge, Md
after nding a two weeks’ leave
with his parents, Mr. end Mrs. Don-
8. Miller and family at Prosser
t and with his grandmother
M1: Harry Miller, of South Spring
Swengel Smith, who makes hi
home with Mr. ang M: Philip H
Johnston, on Bast Curtin street, and
who emploved by. the McPecly
3rick ( : t P Mati]
early eturned home from
a week's b s trip to the Tenn-
casee Authority Project in
Tennessee. Mr. Smith made the trip
as the guest of officials of the Mo-
Feely Company from {he main of-
fice at Latrobe He formerly was
Centre County Probation and Pa-
role officer
Mis. JO Weixel and son
Johnny, ast Wednesday returned
he home of Mrs. Weixel's father
John Curtin, on West Linn street
from Pittsburgh, Mrs. Weixel re-
cently returned east from San Diego.
Cal where she had been visiting
h Lt. (jg) Weixel, wh
several weeks after
duty with the Navy
hnny, spent the time
le and aunt, Mr and
O'Connor of Pitts-
studies will be concluded with paper
by Miss Jane Lockington, Miss Mary
Forbes, Miss Katharyn Burkett
records illustrating the y
will be furnished by Mrs
Schad and Mrs. Ernest Martin
Hostesses with Miss Smith will be
Mrs. Barbara nisely Miss
Katharyn Burkett
Mr. and Mrs
and daughter, Janet,
Conn. arrived
y and remained
guests of Mrs
Mrs. Prank T. Kem
Nolan home on South Thomas
street. Mr. Frabutt I» engaged in
aerial navigation work for the 1. 7
& T at Stamford, and in the
few vears has been sent to
in union with the excep-
of Oregon and Washington
Additional Locals Page 3
Card of Thanks
PERTOL-- We wish to hank
all friends and neighbors for, the
kindness extended during our recent
bereavement; also for the beautiful
Joseph Frabutt
in Bellefonte Thurs-
until Sunday a
Frabutt’'s mother
at the Craft
state the
fioral tributes and the use of their
cars and service. (Signed) Wma D
Beightol and family
OARBRICK «We wish to gincerely
thank all friends and neighbors for
indness extended during the recen
bereavement of our sister, the late
Cathreine Oertrude COarbfick of
Bellefonte, algo fr the beautiful
floral tributes and tse of cars. (Sign-
ed) Ovcorge MeMahon and Mrs, John
Lost and Found
LOST dation stat
James T, Doolen,
fonte, BR. D. 2)
LOST Three ration books No, 3
and 4, fstied In the names ©
Norman BE. Stover, June and Dorris
Jean Stover, of MN. DD, 2. Moward,
Pa. Pinder please notify the shots
for kerosene
on, Pa. (Belle.
"Help Wanted
dn “
onus, Ui very little. Phone Yan
cut white pine
ATED sve
WANTED fox, cosy lo out Jour
RS ie 55
| WANTED--(Hrl for general house.
work in Bellefonte. Family of three
adults. Dial 2070 Bellefonte x14
WANTED Boy and girl about 132
years old to work on farm. John
H. Tressler, BR. D. 1. Bellefonte, Pa
_- alos s—— i" wit -
WANTED Woman to care for
valld woman and light housework
Phone State College 2140 afte 3
pm 14
WANTED Single or boy to
work on farm round job
Frank Dersk Centre Hall gd.
near Tusseyville. Phone 184111. X14
WANTED-Men to cut white pine
paper wood. Easy cutting, no peel
Ing, god pay cabins furnished -
W. Houts Lumber Co Phone 7038
tate College 01
WANTED--Men to cut paper wood,
mine props, logs, mill work, Cone
tract or by th® hour. Houses and
cabins suitable for family use for
rent at job Inquire of GO. W. Holt
& Son, Fleming, Pa ite
WANTED-80 men needed for
cutting in Centre
Apnly In perso
n Kenneth Cowal
aid LL. Lumber Co, Penn Belle
Bellefonte Phone T21 id
rh RO
ad wage
telephone or
of L
Reliable dealer to swe
Alfred E. Doran
eld and west Di
tits to handle Heberlin
sold direct 0 farmers .
le: tunity for the right ma
Many ke M0 to 850 weekly
fu quickly for free cata.
logue C. Heberlin Company
Dept. 2846, Bloomington, IN xl4
| Sa les Mart
PARMERS Penns Valley Sales Barn,
Centre Hall, Pa. holds sale every
Tuesday. Bring your live stock and
poultry, you can except good prices
8 T. Relgel, owner, manager 1-11
FARMERS - The Clnwn Aunetion,
Mill Hall, Pa. offers yOu an op-
portunity to dispose of your live.
stock and poultry by competitive
bidding, every Monday Get your
check as soon as sale 3 made No
sale, no commission
Joe Bechdel,
Articles for Sale
SALE-~Just received snipment
of corrugated roofing Claster
FOR SALE tani n goo
L itio A. ‘Wi Ming i!
FOR SALE-—All kinds of co
load. Write OG. P. MeCalod
ton, Pa
POR. SAl 20. 30 abd 4
Cale y. 3%. 3 ¢ VW
MUTR x15%
FOR BALE--All kinds &f coal by 1
oad Please write GP 3
ton, P RD
POR SALE--Good rountry ard. 1
quire of P RR Corma Belle
’ $0 Rn y Phone 083%)
FCR SALE 1840 B k « i
oan ex e..r §4
Bie Onrage. Reberdbury. Pa
FOR SALE--Jiarg toal, sizes. A
ww cannel and soft coal. Phone
C FP. Ripka, 50. W Belle
Pp 4
iy ne Will aell reasonabl
Biair Young. Bast Beaver Bt. Belk
fonte xis
a did — ———. sri
SALE Marietta concrels Bn
ao used stiod. Inquire
wosd sions. A
of BE Meeker, Mililisim, Pa. Phone
POR SAME -Cemifiad White Tu
send POLALOR p— Pritts
county Phoge 17904 Centre Ha
John Himmey x1!
POR SALE Seed poOlalons ‘ CA
M gan Tassetts, Sebwmgd or Ki
a $1.50 bushel NH A Ori
te College. P
POR SALE One Hoosie
4 soncd wring "vy
Berkshire and Poland sugkling pig
J.C. Kimell Pars, Howard RD. 2
. Nittany  Ourdéns b
POR SALE--Kastahdin seed potatoes
from osrtified sees last year. Price
1.95 per bushel AMO cating pola.
toes, at $1.50 per bushel Bar! K. De.
aney, Omitre Hall, Pa. Phone 17TTRA
| £8
FOR BALE- 100 Va Ford truck,
«yard dump body 193% Po
kK, 2.yard dump Doody p BL at
xe Bot treks have new motors
I nd Da vino Osceola M
Pa Phone 3834 +1
FCR SALE 4«tan n Deluxe
electric milk coolet Bh Circus
tor. Same may Be seen at Hier!
Radio & KEaoftric Shop Millhelm
Pp wre 11 Bas Just been complete
recofiitionted. Reston for sells
refused a Soon size Pran
MacIntire, Brockney, ™ x15
Dunlap reinforced concrete burial
vault when you must choome one
Made by Dunlap Brothers for the
twenty years and sold direct u
you. Delivered anywhere In Centre
sounty Telephitne Bellefonte H08
2423 or ‘MES 1
own Permanent with Charm-Kur
Kit. Complete equipment, including
40 curlers and shampoo, Easy 10 do
pheolutely harmless. Praised Ly thou.
sands inclu McKenzie, glam.
orous movie A ons refun 114
not satisfied, Parrish Drug Store, x14
FOR SALE ~~ Twe bedroom suites,
one oak, one Walnut, variety of
chairs: Ball mek: clothes tree: hook
cone, drop leaf kitchen table, small
square oherry table Biclen oni
net, odd Jota of dishes, crotks and
lara; low cupboard: pair hip fishing
prewar rabber, size 6, worn
nee, price reasonable. Call at 365
East Bishop atreet Bellefonte, o
dial 2006 xis
EE ——.
POR BALE--7000000 board feet of
saw Umber, and smaller timber
that will a $.000000 feet of mine
Drogm or 2 wood.
Consist) 21 ) Veer”
Will ship cash or $1.00 per 10v de-
posit on COD, orders,
1.800. -
of mix.
Over Thirty Thousand Persons
Read These Columns
every week, That's why The Centre 1
partment has become s0 amazingly popular
the benefits derived from its use, it is
munity Bargain Counter,
RATES Advertisements of twen
first fssue, and 15 cents for each add
ments contain more than twenty-five
ndvertising —sale or rent,
to this office, must be complied with
advertisements, as the publisher:
of the advertiser,
yemocrat's classified advertising de-
Comsidering its low cost and
undisputably Centre County's Come
ty-five words or less, 20 cents for
Where advertise.
an word is charged
tional insertion
words, one cent
A straight one cent a word is charged for real estate
All advertisements that request replies to be mafied
by those answering the advertise
Please do not eall at the office for information eonecerning such
not permitted to divulge the name
SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every subscriber to The Centre Demme
ocrat whose subscription is paid up to date, is
vertisement in these columns one ti
subscriber will be eharged the regular
can be used six times a year at differe
25-word nde.
Otherwise the
This privilege
entitled wo 8
free of charge.
advertising rate.
nt intervals,
POR SALE--Clove eed, P e 4
State Coliege George W K
Bellefonte, R. D .
ox y
Bowe Pe ‘ 4 )
FOR SALE--Ohe ye J eriifie
eed DOLALOE HH E N¢ elle
te, R. PD Phone 6464 ‘
FOR BALE 15) )
Fu fas ’ Cat excel
¢ ™ ¢ Bellet ‘ }
POR ALE -8tove Wool t miles
est of Julian m M “ H
Route 220. G. W. Holt & 5
POR BALE 198 Pontise conc
oriced two sell quickly. Phone 261
6 Miliheim. Bile Ss e. Rebx
Pr x14
Chit « §- «
. trade. Bie G
bu Pa :
wh ] t Ove FRYE 2s)
ul pie i. {
ered 1% Pa 14
POR BALE Boy 1 18 Hoycle
‘ ellen ditio Ing ¢
i P ne Belle n
> wel) ne
FOR SALE--Extra ¢ ‘
Dx W 3
¥ £4
very good «
4 s ued mw ¢
Heherdbhurg, P
POR BALFE--14 Dushe ¢ ~
ot { YE eed 4
a »
NB ‘
y e MH
7-100 cul, nn Rood ndition. In.
Fa of Harry Spearyy. Belisionie
1. Pa ane a x
a . ——
FOR SALE-fr, Pasmier ana others
We bave on Band a Food <k of
fegar shing.es Qo WR LA
her C8, Slate College. a xi
FOR SALE--Niagar fous.
Suste : Ad git od
a ira type
Amtandug Kans Be
POR SALES shiels ho
clover sted " £ POD cle ’
L whe A y pote W «
ww 1 Decke Cx
i x1¢
POR BALE NEE Crabam oon
note over) ed ia t or of ©
hal tire Ty : Palmer C Bie
Heber bp Pr of ‘ Wu MM
heim xis
the 7 M WwW
poated at Onk H far K
Ps now operate t BR J Rie
of Blanchard, Pa
POR BALE Electr hick broodern
just received. Trumbull brooders
complete, and broodrator kits. First
ooene, first perved Hoe etna &
holds lot baled mixed
ass i ever aes
eription. Barmess, wagons, elec, Oa
Haupt’s Place, Beliafonte NT
FOR SALE-—Rlectile, gasoline and
milk coolers stock. Compl
equipped pervice department. Stanley
C. Bisrfly Radio & BEeetric Shop
Phone SRE, Millheim, Pa x):
FOR SALE--8ead potalom. one ved
$1.50 bYubhel. Sebago Katahd!
Cobblers, Russetta, some No, 2 Oot
hiers at $1.25 dbughel. CC. KH. Camp.
bell, Penna Purnade, Pa. Phone Sta’
College 3700 x!
FOR SALE Sead potatos
dins, White Ruralis, SBabagos, {ron
certifNed sted of one year. also eal.
ng potatos. alse to or Lhree Lone
of mixed baled hay, OG, BH Moy: -
mick, Centre Hall, Pa. Phone TORS
POR SALE Gasoline engine, eight.
horsepower, In rood condition
Price 815. Also sulky plow, 810. Ol
level Plow with steel beam.
Reason for seiling, have bought trac.
itor Wills W. Hall, Julian, R
(Dix Nan). Phone Bellsfonte
CHICK PUYERS - Don't be mis
od bY atiractive prices, when so
few pennies oan make the difference
of 80 many dollars. “You don't only
wait day old chirka you want chick.
ens” Buy big uel chicks from
I tod a pba bed
” ampwmiiire
Doseders 100, $13 00; 50 #8 50: 38
$250, ¢. 0. 4 vest wisely. It takes
* feed 184b0r aieap.
WANTED. 23. calibre ». Give con. |
Hon ' vin Yeager, |
Co pif
sb a.
Grown From Certified
At Our Storage | Mile West
of Penng. Furnace, Route 45
E. E. Ellenberger
Phone w
AY wy * ‘
ITED ., y
H ‘
H ( Poo Cie ‘ ]
I ‘ ( ]
WANTED H ”~ ~ 4
y » 4 rete Po
I » I I e Ww
/ ’
WANTED Duck 1} oy '
Fred » [¥ wa ” fo
e¢ We ¢ ¢
A ‘ B ifs
¥it J Al ( ALLA
‘ M ‘ 4
¢ ¥ ‘ ¥
| Ww Hr n D ‘
and old W Day ’ of
M ¢ some at e. Also .
Low Alle N. Md &h, Llosa "
Phan > Or Ls po
WANTED -3 y effort. 1 3
’ Ps "
. ‘ nels Hoberma (
J ¥ | x of V enw
‘ lexk Have V ¢e DD
: “4
’ 4 Lax : Li
: a 4 r
ere h
£y and i & €
the = Oo ’
x fot Q 0 He
. ye Co, Btate College, Mi :
Live Stock for Sale
oT ALY A " on
‘ ¢ ‘ I's
1 AlPR-X ¥ r
i : 1 ‘
1 ! Ce P ¥ A. PB
PCR BALE Te of « 12 yes
welgnt slpw 2800 miet Al
good workers. CUlarenees Milier. Ma
onburng: Pa xis
FCR Bal Bay a mare af
ge 2 ge a n eis
% Wi LS I»
Ye t ef ¢ %
ALT . " “%
¥ A | 58
} { ’ aM i
AW x14
F v :
- bon f ’
{ p, w i
. 5 x h) D
POS ALF A ta { ’ ‘
; ‘ 280K x
; Jack o pp tie
FX ALY A nek Orne p
600 pound RT
: n rr
ba 4 Pete Pe 2 ¥
4 D Phot 0 State
| oe 3 re x14
PY ALE Reg ks § i
¥ * a 4 i .
cok Le OO «£ '} Nee Creek
Pa. JP w M Na 6513 xl4
FOR SAlLE~Regiatered Ahgus «
tie reg lof orod Holstein attle
Belgian pees. saddle horses. Ix
‘ WwW. C. Moore, Tyrone Pa y
Photie Alexandria 2481 xis
FOR SALE Two heifers coming
res wit their first calves. One
H blooded Guernsey the ollie
is Shorthorn nd Cuernsey R's
Harper, Fleming Pa. (One hal! mile
rithwest of Unionville x14
PCR BALE-Black tean na
I and 8 Tear wel, or { gtay
res. 9 YRATE j
¢ y TI All these
ea Are sound H E Nell Belle.
e. R. D 3 Phone 64684 xi4
POR BALE-TWo Holstein bulls ne
ove 2 years, registered. other 1a
ost. 1 year, can be registered. Also
3.v0ar registered Aberdeen Angus
U bought from Pan State Oaoliege
and wo of his sons, 8 and 11 months
eligible to registry Herd T. B. and
hilood tesied RB. 4 Dotterer Mi
Hall. Ma. RD (Lamar xis
a 4
Enjoy Fresh
Made In Bellefonte
Ee ———————————————————— —
alt. Wm, ‘Oromamyer, Ourtin, P Money to Loan
POR BALE-—-Fresh cow ant fand |€ ABH Por taxes, conl and other
WO XD ers. Prank Dashem, ne needs. Any amount up to $1000
Tass e, Centre Hall #. D ¢ |OWr carrying charges are low. Com.
hy sumer Discount Co. Earl M. Biiner
POR AE—One Yo I fa dager, ( in nT ist Bldg Lash
cow, Que to freshen so ( 8 hae 4 alot .
LL. Heve Howard | 3 x14 i ¢ a
Whe you need cored
Pp | 3 S | farm purpose, investigate
ou try or a e er oOooperative credit Asso
inquire of Geo Mothers.
WO SALE Iwelve two-year Bown Miwon E Stover
‘ [> § p # \ Pr ction Creqft
Bellet e P 4 n, 13 E High By. Bellefonte
4 4° 4
FOR BALE Musaove Yin
of RAY, Ie i .
: p Art FE Kiso 3 R
aid goats. Art epairing
FOR Edare y BERVICING «~~ Koop Maytag
elie { ¥ | ‘ Workin k Genuine and ser
duck ¢ eae. KE . hing We servi om of wash.
i ers and sweep r brushs
‘ Home eat ed s Plectric
( NX Lt 1” 8. Allegh Dial 2038
Dogs, Pets, Etc. MACHINE WORK -— Cattle clippers
: pened. General machine work
FOR SALE—Three collie ar 0 kinds. We also have in stock
r ‘ ‘ ( 11 ster], cap screws, sel Crews
‘ . } A 3 Pleas Waoodrufl keys, key #tock, ee, Swarts
( I i MM w Bhop, Bellefonte, Pa. Phone
208) 1-11
F 1 ALE »
« ree wy / : .
, A J
blacks. and brown. A. R. Row Miscellaneous
Removed nromptly
Mille Pa. Phone
: Reverse
’ demoved prompid
J Vogt Centre Hall 65-
nar OF Ati Sia. Of Saris R44 or Millhatm S0-F-5, al our ex-
3 it
pe . B p : DEAD STOCK Removed prompti
’ Call anviime at expense. Phone
‘ 043 Bellet ud <oyd Ll. Bmith
a. SALE ; " i M ¢ re. Pa : 1-4
11% L Cail ely
p y
te Cie > tt] 4
: f e, Pa. Inquire x
K R vi { rence § \
’ Al ry
oe te # ¥
§ ‘ 0 3
¢ I “ his Py od f
« y tu
Coy J v8 4 ‘ for
e. : D. Kis ‘
Ase D State College 2604. x14
Houses for Rent
POE TENT. $ ed Py
La In a
* ‘ 3 ‘ | Edw s
3 Helle ‘ ’ { nily nd
- progres by Registered
FOR A eopie. A the latest and
ele H es 3 nes obtain.
‘ i Pe " either carry it
i i A, We ’ 4 Pore ! nor it Aan
. 2 Gad wn which
draw and gE brand splinter
; HENT-In Beli ot tw and a Trusses fited
ty ’ a gi 5 woth &in and double. THE TIB-
eo A ¥ ences Garde 1d BIN PHARMACY Beach Oreek’s
fring! Cito iit il Bale Exclusive Drug Sore int
¢ exe 1 « 42 ” aibis——— fdiioiait—————
pom RENT Announcements
h a NTR
a ¢ HB Oarredd PE
Axe $ 3 3 ¥ " ‘ .
{ ba ¥
FOR BENT Thtwe-room: furnished of Walker Township
apartment: light heat and hot ¥ill presenti a thiee.art comedy
: On Bast Blahon street, Beile- Adventygre” in the Hubjers-
forte. Phobe 2002 xi4 bu Community Hall a2 730  m
. — — ADril 1418
Rooms for Rent PER The W + Soicety of
’ $e 5 oetowh
RENT «One boge roomy N M I y SEITE y Pohl
" 08: LO & Kee ¢ UD y urrh Base.
¥ Splont Log Belle * Satur yy eve g April 8B
! b x14
Lg ENT Three f ¢ BAKE SALE-A group of the Will-
al re WV kery Class fo ¢ Lutheran
: ¢ i Chi . id 4 } AT Cl Be haw Bellefonte i hold
ial 23 xis Le ee Saturday. A 8 be-
———— p— : ’ " : the Repobl.
Farms For Rent ean lye ry Tous on Allegien
FOR REMY a A S5 Sor Share of : neeting of
Fs OF na
as ¥  Assocife
pi i , Hon of ruse
‘ for the transaction of any
a miness of he Ag0ciation
“ old at 8:00 p. m., April 10
1 ’ the Oomenunity Hall in
ine n 1 oh ot
’ od’ Bevets.ronm 1  g ute. Two trustees ae to be
AEA { College camps. P 1 the Hublemsbhwe Oe
Gardner PO. Box 235 State Col. THeries should aitend this meeting
ere ™ y Lad Ris
For Sale or Rent f 1
. a hs —~ the THE OPENING OF
» L _ a a *
f C. M. Mye y f RD
Phone 6610 14
James Foust Garage
A 204.a¢re ree
farm, t™ mits east of Salona Church St '
Fa All conveniences House news . .
decorated inside and sut. Donmid R CENTRE HALL, PA.
Shearer. Salona. Pa xis N
oa Repairs made from
farm. 70 acres tllabie: pood w G30 P.M to 10:30 P. M.
et excellent house and barn -
electricity. Plenty of fruit, : PHONE 17R4
ght Inguire of Casper F. Peelers —
Peech Creek, Pa 9 xid & =
Victory Sale!
beginning at 10 o'clock.
Household goods will be sold in the forenoon
and horses and farm machinery in afternoon,
If you have a horse or piece of machinery you
do not need, bring it to this sale and give your
neighbor a chance to buy it. There wiil be horses
acclimated, young and ready to work. There
will be more than a full line of farm machinery;
several grain binders: mowers, one and twos
horse, and tractor-drawn cultivators of
kinds; corn planters; plows of ail kinds; and
numerous other items.
Lunch will be served in regular dining room.