Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 06, 1944, Image 4
Page Four BT —— I Council Studies Zoning Ordinance —— (Continued rom page one) one covering a sheaf of typed pages, wag explained in outline by Borough Engineer Arthur C. Hewitt, who with a committee named by Couneil in 1939 aided in drawing up the orig- inal measure. Mr. Hewitt said that the original bill has been revised somewhat to conform to modern practices in borough zoning. Mr, Hewitt suggested that if ordinance is passed by Council a goning commission, consisting of possibly five members of Council the | lcould be named to administer the law, Appeals from decisions by ‘the commission could be taken to Coun~ ell, necessary, to the county courts, he explained Mr. Hewitt sald that it is the purpose of soning ordi- nances to give Council the right to control building and business actly- ities to some extent, and that In op- eration every effort should be mate to administer the law without work- ing hardships on anyone, He added that businesses now operating and which would be in violation of the zoning law if and when It Is passed, would not be affected in any Way such businesses should However, if discontinue operations for at least a or. if in practice Under New Management HTS LHI He THT ES A Peters Greenhouse, ated by B. F. Peters, is now being oper- ated by his son, Elwood G. Peters. We will continue to serve you with quality vegetable and flower plants. HII SL JE REN RL PETERS GREENHOUSES R. D. 3~BELLEFONTE One Mile West of Milesburg) formerly oper- TELEPHONE 6516 a y 0 L a iad — CHILDREN'S WEAR Two-Piece Suits Bizes 3 to 14 Cap and Bag Sets Cotton Dresses Sizes 1 to 14 Pinafores izes 3 to 14 Jumpers Sizes 7 to 14 100° Wool Sweaters Sizes 3 to 14 You won't gb Shop find our “napping” en it comes to “suit- girls for We love to put bunnies in beau. we rable, 11 wi ing” Easter. your your tifuille ically Cias- eye-catching apparel for Easter, THE KATZ STORE ALLEGHENY STREET BELLEFONTE, PA. (Political advt.) PRESTON A. FROST (JACK FROST) FOR NOMINATE Political advt) REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED Bubject to Approval of . April 26th, 1944 n Voters at mary. Ee i ia THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 6, 1944 year, the poning ordinance oould prohibit them from resuming bls | Ness Council will not dinance until the has studieg its submitted a report Upon the advice of the Solicitor Counell acted to ask the County Court for a declaratory judgment in the matter of Mrs. Bessie Kofman, some weeks ago wis directed hy Council to remove a storage shed built on her property on Wilson street. The shed has not been re- moved and the declaratory judge ment is sought to clear Councll’: position in the matter Councilman Walter Eberhart was authorized by Council to attend a Borough Post War Planning meeting held in Harrisburg Tuesday and Wednesday of this A number of matters were to be discussed at the session The police report Chief Harry Dukeman showed 85 cars togged for parking violations, 1 larceny investigation, 1 accident in- vestigation, an arrest for drunk and disorderly conduct, 1 arrest for non- a transients lodged in the lock-up, and 4 confidential reports Meter collections were $182.08 and market fees totaled $1.60 Mr. Colyer, a curb market dealer appeared in Council to report that the space to which he has béen as- signed for a year, has been taken bj another dealer, who refuses to sur- render the space, The matter wos referred to the Market Committee. Plans for au addition to the Jo- seph Fleak house on Burnside street were approved, The report of Health Officer Karl E. Kusse showed that all drug stores had been inspected 20 health certificates issued, and that two homes in the borough are quarantined for scariet fever It was reported that 60 persons are on the barough-gperated gar- bage route, and borough officers were instructed Coun to. de- termine whether the service is pay- ing for itself Councilinan Eberhart of the Spec- al Committee reported that some rts for the new lime dust col- at the Warner plant hipped and tnat to be shipped act on the ore Borough Soliettor legal aspects and week subinitted by support, {1 by 13 other parts next week in th in We 43 Men to Go to Army, April 13 5 (Continued from page one) RD 2 Bloom, Miles Grover lege RD 1 Deveny, Kenneth lege Lindeman, Wagner, Dean College Glasgow, Woodrow Snook, Leonard Alvin Gap Houtz, lege Rider, Loye Calvin, Bellefont Reider, Earl Leroy, Cobum Eisegghuth, Darl Millheim Stover Wilbur Owen, Centre Hall Beyer, Donald Lee, TRevets burg. Taylor, William C., Bellefonte RD Harpster, Charles B., Penna. Fur. nace RD 1. Brown, Paul E., Centre Sampsell, Ward Melvin Gap Fragie RD 3 Bubb, Geo: RD 1 MceMurtrie, Ray fonte RD 1 Brown. Ralph Melvin Palmer. Paul Edwin, St Hartley, Theodore L.. Grove Ralph Nevin Bel RD 2 Wells Mil Perryman, Hall RD Shaffer, Roy RD 3 Stat John, Boalsburg Hate Richard W., Kenneth, » M Coburn Pleasant Charles fliis, State Col- a, Hall RD 1 Pleazant Bellefonte Ernest LeRm ge Edward Miliheim tate College Centre Hall lefonte Edward George Boring David Edward, Centre Samuel, Bellefonte William H., Bellefonte RD Bickle, Russell M. Centre Hall RD Horner, Bloom RD 1 Clouser. Stanley L.. Lemonl Ross, Ronald P. Jr., State College State College Spring Mills Pred Ward, Robert H., Local Anglers Hold Fish Fry Continued from page one) on the following persons for brief remarks and tales of their exper- jehces while fishing: Rev. Thomp- son, Edward Osmer, Fish Warden David Dahlgren of Philipsburg, Ja- cob Hoy, David Washburn, Robert Valentine, former Judge James C Furst, Thomas B. Beaver, Judge ivan Walker, William T. O'Brien, William Smith, and Dr. E. H. Ad- ams, Toastmaster Mosler declared that the principal speaker of the evening was to have been John Bugosh, well known resident of Clarence, but that because of Tuesday evening's snow storm Mr. Bugosh was unable to be present Mahlon Hagerty of [Was awarded a fishing rod given {away by the Sportsmen's Club | The evening's activities concluded with the showing of several reels of [wildlife films by ©. Ross Buller of | Bellefonte, state fish culturist and well known amateur photographer, The keynote of the evening and of most of the “fish stories” told by the various speakers is aptly sum- med wp in the following verse; BEHOLD THE FISHERMAN He riseth up early In the morning And disturbeth the whole household. And when the day is far spent, He returneth Smelling of strong drink And the Truth, ws not almost | Armstrong, have ° Philipsbu "1 Three Sentenced At Special Court (Continued from page one) to a hall on the road apparensly stop, veered to the ahead and the Deitrick boy Edward Ellsworth Davi home js In Indlana county but who has been Hving with relatives at Howard, R. D. 2, entered a plea to a charge of stealing money from the cash drawer in the J. O. Brewe: Coal Yard office Dunlap strest Bellefonte Pvt, Eugene Barnle, of the view sub-station Police ecutor In the case Davis Tilted cash out of Lhe on variou occasions while he emploved the Brewer yard, taking of Mr. Brewer absence from the office rob the till, After he wa dischi by Mr. Brewer ficer sald, Davis visite severnd occasion at mit the thefts Pvt. Barnle eight separate taking total Mr Brewer amount Under questioning hy Davis admitted the came to Centre counly was enuse the Judge Indiana had ordered him to job outsi that county he order was mad after Davis had stolen a watch In dlann When asked why wasn't in armed servic told thw he een Navy but discharged “got Into The defendant pay the and 0 serve determinate term in the dustrial School at Camp Hil Donald Budd Horiwer, 21 tre Hall, a plea of gulits a charge resulting from the theft valued at £2 from a car in the William Taylor garage, Bush Addition Bellefont« Pvt. Barmnie. who was the utor in the ma I that January Ho local wi posed went w the two Miss unable to right of the car machine struck the . 18, whase On Rock lui pia | raw wa advantage to wrged dad the night dat in Davis $150 Wii Lid even thefts about admitted ol claimed wis about $200 Walks Feason hikige or he be - of counts get ounty Lhe court wns tron ro ad in win 1h a sentenced to an State In coals entered { of burglary of gasoline Prose « ald and two oth case dis- court tu Lh of Wer juvenile Taylor garage entered thi and YOUnNnger bullding and sipl 9 gallon gasoline out of the car's fuel The group at another lime stool gasoline from at least one other ca the prosecutor reporied Since this was Horner's 1 with the law, he was given a SuUs- pended sentence and Was placed on probation for a year on the condi- tion that he pay the costs of prose- cution and make restitution for t fuel taken boy ning tank rst i. Recruiting Office Open Here for WACs fConfinged rom page One) merous Army positions avallable women who emgist immediately, too far disiavtf irom home, and rangements habe béen made to give WAC enlisteesi thelr initial assign- ment iol one othhe various Anmy an- stallations nearby. Positions are now open at Fort Story, Va, Camp Lee va. Camp Pickett, Va. Deshon Oen- eral Hospital, Butler, Pa Md. Cay LL. Mueid : tate College have many women in civilian empl who omorrow should be servis the WAC." Every woman ba wy tha Ar Can our ‘ not By ~ Indiantown $a banat SAG w to 8B si my classifica ww h " tion expert position in «¢ the cause of fre oO Jr, officiating Aberceen, © | Announces Three . Farm Meetings (Conlinged from page one) ing along the study the proper methods ing drainage system: drained All people having the effect of using urged attend thi meeting of Install- and observe “reas wel land are tile on poorly to demonstration Ditch Dynamiting A ditch dynamiting demonstration has been arranged ny County Agent R. C. Blaney for next Thursday April 13. The meeting will be held on the farm of Fred Davidson, of Stormstown. Mr. J. R. Haswell rieultural en from mdauct the ineer State Col lege, will o« demonstra. tien ‘ ditching dyna ditches w ith mits in ners they In ed have fil The put ( demons All farm peopl to ciens ed sediment up f thi oi i thi M PO 17 meeting practice mere Ie main cha off at 1:30 p. m ted to attend put Sheep Shearing ents Co {11 ints Bhicep AsO hearing be held College fe ty Wer wmtiom y demon tration heep barn 44 rauy Davis will College rticipant paracipan ix the heat rity { proper best way fleece crested in learn: lon Office Recent Weddings Alkes aly ers M1 Cin Bel Fri churen were married the Bellefor Rev, Harr The gout Sowing Lief mts 1 « in with ny mony was used Cag jes recent home after t Ho of Belicfonte he bridegroom, was her wodant gd Kenneth Ch best man. George Sheckler pv te 18. it presented 15-min Li Oe HE ore INon) M1 te: indier was of Mik burg. a ¢ before the i wedding cere mar entered otal ding par y COA : ™ v rage by hey ored spring MOTE and a5 ON Houser wore a suit with brown sage of bine sweet peas attended Osceola Mil and 5 been empioed by Compan) of AOCENNOT 0s anG Mrs. Alkey High Schux “" Le Match dellefonts Bald Eagle Valley to late Uni- JUNE BAYOC THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY TALL TIMBER THRILLS , JAM-PACKED WITH ACTION AS AN ARMY HERO TURNS A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT CLUB BLONDE INTO A BATTLING LUMBER JACK! SHELDON LEONARD Also—“RAIDERS OF SUNSET PASS” we Good OM Western Action-Comedy- Romance EDDIE DEW . SMILEY BURNETTE . DICK PURCELL JENNIFER HOLT — MONDAY and TU ES DAY — SPENCER TRACY IRENE DUNNE Also—~TOM NEAL and JEANNE BATES—in “THE RACKET MAN” Nation's Newest Racket Cracked Wide Open! Ra WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — | You'll All Your t With All Your Might, And Delight With It's a Double Thrill And Chill Show With Unmatched Mystery Terrors! JANIS CARTER THE GHOST THAT WALKS ALONE With Frank Scully Lynne ARTHUR LAKE BASIL RATHBONE (As Sherlock Holmes) SPIDER WOMAN With Nigel Bruce (As Dr. Watson) Legal Notices ely ADMINISTRATRIN 85 NOTICY Estate of OSCAR JEROME WOLI f Spring Mill Centre County enaed ris of administiet estate having to the undersigned detvied 0 the mid oplals ed 10 make payinent Mig 10 present Lhe ut delay, to VIDA R Admissions , Spring Mill 30 FLPMING hier a 4 2 Balle JOU) We H i perso all person nr CHARTER BLANCHARD BAPTIEBT ( ASSOCIATION NOTICH EME Court Jen wd H BEGINNING Mi Sarah | THEATRE ADMISSION PRICE SCALE Now In Effect REFLECTING FEDERAL EXCISE TAX INCREASY PLAZA THEATRE MATIN Te 6c Plus 6c Tax-—-35 ADULTS EVENINC Te Plus “Tax- a CHILI MATINE} 12¢ Plus 2¢ Tax—1d& CHILDREN EVENING Plus 3¢ Tax-18¢ ATE THEATRE LTS MATINE] 29¢ Plus be Tan—35¢ ADULTS EVENING Plus Tax—t4e MATINEE & EVENING Plus 2¢ Tax—l4c of HEN 15¢ ls Te CHILD 12¢ CRRA RRAARRARARR ERA When war is uve’. . WILL YOU REMEMBER ME 7 w— WE ARE EMPTY, BROKEN THE PITIFUL REMAINS 3 4 ~WATCH FOR IT! — th corded at Be atu aenined oe along direction 0 wine Dest! Book th tor Bel a Jag 200 foet 1 rt} I NON Room POSE ors pw J OIOra ay 144 eats NOTIC) rev mend » COMING SOON ! —o EAHA SARA SAAS A SAAS SSAA RESALE EEE i YAN JAMES GLEASON - LIONEL BARRYMORE BARRY NELSON - ESTHER WILLIAMS 1 AA SE HOWRL qc, FRIDAY and SATURDAY THEY KNEW HOW TO LAUGH AND LOVE . AND FACE HIGH ADVENTURE WS An exhiloroting, heart. satisfying ~ = = emotional experience you will long remember! : SES TRACY IRENE DUNNE “ACY NAMED oe WHAT A with JOHNSON © WARD 20ND (Al WHAT A GLY WHAT A STORY WHAT A CANT Ae W-G-M Dicrant ie MIDNITE FUN SHOW! COMMUNITY SING SPECIAL EASTER DOORS OPEN SUNDAY NITE AT in khaki sx " CLAIRE CARLETON +oTED HECHT EXTRA ADDED ENTERTAINMENT! CARTOON-COMEDY -NOVELTY and TUESDAY MONDAY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Romance in the star! © Love and © on wey he Willy FARARARAARRRARRAE RARE FARA RAAB AARAAAAERAAAAAAAAR AR ARRRAA BRA AAERAARARAREARANY 1 ad UN | a I mm mm mmm MMM MMM TTT TMT TT IT MMMM MT TTT MT TT rrr ee EE EE EE EEE EE