Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 06, 1944, Image 3
_April 6, 1944 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three : : 302 me PIS st fall stances where s e y! H s l ’ C ed Bellefonte, known resident of Valentine str {1 MARRIAGE LICENSES Voting Lists In 302 membx last tances where such men have no Social Security Mrs. A Jodan, all of Bellefo ) iden I ’ The entire Joss in qualified voters|voted for two years, the names of nD who has been a surgical patient tas AG Spride Mill Sharp Decrease since last fall is 3,347 many of them were removed because Official Coming Miss Miriam Tomco of Storms- the Centre County Hospital since pie, howd Borin — Possibly the largest reason for the the Commissioners were not notified h town, spent a few days recently with February 26, 1s ex ted hy iy (Continued from page ome) decrease “was the “purge” of all vot- that they had entered military sere (Continued from Pipe ont) her sister, Miss Marjorie Tomco, of chnrg ed from the innit lon somes Ey the Republican registration was 12,-|ers who have not voted for the past Vice. , If he needs additional work in cov. Philadelphia im ui ews. Mr. Rr lgmrm 893 and the Democratic list totaled [two years. Another major factor is EE ered employment to qualify, he will Mrs. Luella Dale Cheesman, of Ported 10 be FEEETEHE 10,066, or a G. O. P. lead of 2.827.!the induction of men into the armed Taxes are high but most people 'be told just how much more, Mr. East Curtin street, js planning to go = Since then the Republicans havelforces. Names of men in military lhave the money to pay them which Teasdale sald. to Fort Knox, Ky., to spend the Eas- Jost 1,444 voters and the Democrats |cervice are not supposed to be re-|is much better than low taxes and no| Similarly when a worker dies, if ter season with her son, Lt. Robert 1,823. Minor parties bad a total of [moved from the rolls, but in In-|money. social security taxes have been taken Cheesman, who is stationed there db ’ « [from his pay, the widow or other Mrs. Anna Caugh, a native of y . close relative should contact the gpngland, died Sunday, March 26 ork Board's office immediately, Mr. Teas- at the residence of her son at 225 dale sald, Full assistance in com= | poosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, at the . SERVICE pleting claims will be furnished by [ace of 91 years. For the past 18 i f ; [the field office Contacts may be vears Mrs. CGaugh had spent the a i - - —— It’ Time F r Your in by visit, by letter or by tele- gummer sessions at the Bilger cab - ; : phone : TOT nia " wa . - = y - | » 0 ins ohh Nittany Mountain, and Ww . ;™ - S I Several retired workers who have known to a number of re of he a mo y "1 : delayed in fling claims have Inform- hic area gh ’ . N Bo, } ) A ed the Board that friends had told . ’ RT a gE. A) gt. and N Jwrence Pavol f ' ENT A - ® them they were not eligible, Mr.| Et nd ye. 1 Wi ah vy AR » by gt Bg ‘A I a——— | 1 i Teasdale said. “The best thing to y ie To ig eo oh Ng % “ their first child, a son, born Friday to he added, “is to come to our, ital. * office and ask about such matters, We * e Ventre County HOBp 4) ph ! : pd ¥ TRIN A KINGAN'S RELIABLE it weighed seven have the exact Information ¢ | y " ounce § Pavol i Liat » To A and While provision is made for some REM 4 ht " lh wa / % forme; raldin \ ! aught N i ¢ he hl % Ba back payments on delayed claims, 7°70 avd wat Of ; : . . ) sdf : Mr. Teasdale sald, delay may reduce [0 “V Ae A "Pay t \n d - A ~ Whole Ib C 5 points "i r+ y VOI | - . % ® J p A ’ the amount of benefits, or wipe them HYVES . ot " - 4 45 ‘ y y tone { amp BOW i “ ; 0 i cHurey i Ne CASeS ul h 8 ) 3 \ Ne Flo . Man rs of retirement n ir mailing ust wi ha . ty . F tell us that they did not realize that over the weekend and in d : . ail town nefits ’ *¥ . f } ti 1 to earn credits & ¢ number olf SCT BLT alter reaching age 1 is pow, that soe SLL So OUR STORES ARE HEAD- HALF 1b 3c y i5, or that they may work in covered : YS rn. d Wool suits and topcoats of the finest quality, | |iposins edn Sor Mes, (oo cong the month of Maren | QUARTERS FOR LOCAL SLICED ideal for Spring days and many seasons ahead. tirement insurance rights,” Mr. Teas. check the expiration date on tl COUNTRY EGG J y : . . ‘ " gy 2 : Y EGGS BA N Coverts, all wool gabardines, twists and fine Ir ucts. are UBL 4 WOPKEE {Ph not | > co 2 worsteds. Styled to suit you. may qualify for retirement benefits you We alo wish Lo Serie o : er I ie above 65, anc at he se : our RB ust a AE ' QL NE ANC . up his bene fit tor tha o rected only at hoi na of | ¥* BUY THESE NO POINT FOODS * in which he makes as much month 4 R 'N ~ i ; $1 in covered employment. He trouble of writin : week afte TR i : : . ryt ' ' { § Hl) hy 50 n mt work one month and give up vour payment na hom y : A HANOVER WEE to his benefit, and not work the next find out why to ¢piration i PEAS month and receive his benefit’ yon en changed VE 68 Public Sales EARLY JUNI Additional Sales Page 52nd Sec. Lhd =r : or BIG TOP 4 c Friday, April 14 CHARLES E. DINON Michaels-Stern - College Park Additional Locals Wh bs friends at Curt 3 ‘ yy PER moved to Bellefonte and are occupy Be i 2 of Oraxieivi QUAKLE Y [ad ARNE 4 ing the Tressel house on Fast Bisli- 4nd 17; miles northwest of ars | MAID 12-b. jars Cc J (AAR op street. Mr. Kahle and his son sre the following Ona] PrOpeTty 2 ah or AMAIZO Lingenf{elt employed at Expertly tailored for growing boys. Suits in a variety of colors and styles. Sizes 8 to 20. Q - " 3 fn ) or. va oud Ma Sel 35 x . . ” : ngs ” and F an arp oid Des RITZ CRACKEZS 1.1 2 1 c ° | tg F Hating 6-to0t cut : S—— NABISCO STRING ; Lt 8 flesburg vicinity. ex, Apex pure spreads GREEN eo Lo ¥ . K ¢ ’ TOR ‘ No & Cans emery RT Mr aul mn, oi We" @1 LE , bu pret hoist BEANS WAX 3 - 29. Levine's Are Headquarters For: ‘ 45 night at the home of her parents! HACE TL Too contain \. & B. PURE JARMAN SHOES or Comin §6 85 w We : ewan bresented with Taany we go" ; COFFEE fal eivees OWT ALE ¢ y Mildred SPRING HATS Nev sors Shades §2 25 _ §7,50 1 010 cam pO] ty, en Bae of Ancmani: Friday, April 21 RAISINS 13: Mrs. Clyde Jodon, M Aither Kane, MRS. WW. 5. MEES) OAKITE FOSTER’ JACKET ~~ Curie $8.95 w of Deleionie: Meh Mark lt, Mr. 31 Soh pune ge 7 br PLA BONDS AND Be a Jado aid children hut Dulieionte, the _ fo) Cleans. A Million Things SUNSWEET LARG] NECKWEAR © mod Pater $1.00 STAMPS! Pay nd wan, tid J 08 Cn do ia e PRUNES we] fe FALSE TEETH —— kL E V I ™ E’ S vary ming droppin or | SE, SOT I TE RED STAMPS AS to J8 ;BUY THESE “LOW-POINT” FOODS i ot ; ful by the i § Euests i. L. Harpstier, agg W i WwW Poa Mary Sleeie, N Simon Rote, ¢ SEEDLESS SPORT TROUSERS *'“*' $7.95.$12.50 an. Bh = faites. MSY Steslc, lira. Simohs Ro 0. 1 1b. jar 33¢ Are Valid Indecfinitely USE BLUE STAMPS AS to K8 Inc. » CRISCO 68: © "o'o'y SPRY + - 68: v.13 Saturday, April 29 NING : MRS oy. POCHIPK A SHORTEN! | DEL MAIZ .e y Calif ' jocated at German Settiement. fol OVAL SARDINES 14¢ 8} NIBLETS 4 n . of a Prope ty: Luncheon Meal ' LIVESTOCK pour milch con PARTY LOAF 3c 3] ‘ } wr, 2 yea eif Chicken Of The Sea v CORN thomas oud { WON : ‘ . / 30¢ : FEETH on " " non. acd) Valid Indefinitely A Safe Place to Shop Bellefonte, Penna. EL MAIZ TUNA FISH IMPLEMENTS three! ! Farmall tractor. good con- PALMOLIVE SOAP 12-01 can 1 3: 6 points Re) Rai pn i arahick Shee - Octagon ® ’ em ur i POW xo WT Aun LAUNDRY SOAP no t Campbells . n : ; 8c ition; Bradiey grain pla Octagon ‘Tomato Juice vii BI TOILET SOAP : Geneva rake, pood condi WOT binder good condi tion 4 Octagon , ‘Garden Whole Beets | lc NAsORE: WR A I SH oh CLEANSER 290% 9c i Solid Pack ei. totus sabre. |B] Ocaeer . ge 1oMatvn Ee 1% dio “dry cell battery COOK stove SOAP POWDER 2 vas 9¢ : Butter Kernel Corn = 13¢ {heating stove, 3 beds: 2 kitchen cab e 5K inet SUPER SUDS ge PRE 23¢ | Bluebell condition MoCor kitchen table, and many oth. icles 100 DumMerols 0 men. Octagon i Shoe Peg Corn £2 can 13¢ ple 4% 18 delods wows GRANULATED SOAP U5 23¢) Hanover Kidney Beans “7” 10¢ P S C No A 61902 | SUBIC SAL DF Jy CASHMERE BOUQUET : Mixed Vegetables 16-0: ju 14¢ 8 re HORSES : ™ : : pkg. 10¢ BUTRL SALES WARN Chick-Chick Egg Dyes 3 vke 25¢} Gold Medal Wheaties bos " CENTRE MALL, PA. Bon Ton : { Rosedale Peas < i i Vanilla Substitute Boor bo! 24¢ 1 Quaker Maid | I have purchased the Taxi service formerly operated by Monday Eve., April 10 an . a M ise Pin 25 | Pancake Syrup plbot Qe Robert Roan. I want to continue to give the same high class Beginning at 7 o'clock. Weis Quality jiayonname | Tenderleat Tea Bells pkgof 8 9g service which you have received in the past. When you need These horses were all bought direct. B | Delta Sweet Pickles 22-02 Jar 26c } Majestic Taxi service will you help us by calling at least 30 minutes in oe To Popular Brand Cigarettes 2 7% 30c} Sweet Mixed Pickles piss 17 advance whenever possible. gyholk Sorrel geidings, 4 yrs. old, wt. : ———— HE geidings, 4 yrs, 4 Fresh Fruits ond Vegetables wig soa mare 5 ana 5 §| | CRISP TENDER CARROTS ‘bunch Te FOR T AXI SERVICE “sil pur duns wees. | | FANCY SLICING TOMATOES. box of four 3le od, wt. 330 CHOICE SWEET POTATOES =... 2 Ibs 29 : 8 yrs. 1 : FLA. ORANGES. . 200 size 35¢ doz. 176 size 39¢ doz. DIAL BELLEFONTE 2000 “inert HH cuoice mixep nus b #4 CALIFORNIA PASCAL CELERY large stalk 17¢