Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 06, 1944, Image 12
Page Ste THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 6, 1944 “PINE GROVE MILLS | Mrs. Kate Woods has been’ under | Curt is her physician's care the past two weeks, but is improved at this writ ing. Mrs. Woods is one of our aged eftizens Miss Edna Schilling was pleasant ly entertained over the past weekend by her close friend, Evelyn Fry william Heichel, who spent the past year in Clearfield county, | spending some time at his parental home, Mr. and Mrs David Heichel in the Glades Our men's chorus, under the di- rection of E. C. Marta, were guest singers Wednesday evening at the special Lenten service. U. 8. mail man Ira Harpster and his better-half, were Saturday shop- pers in Altoona. Mrs. Violet DeArmit is a surgical patient at the Philipsburg State Hospital. She submitted to an op- eration last Wednesday and is cuperating very nicely and expects to be home real soon Mr. and Mrs. John Gates of Al- toona, enjoved a visit at their par- ental homes in town, Mr. J. C. Gates and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Barto. John is employed by the PRR Co Ex-County Commissioner Bowersox of State College, short caller in town last morning W. Carey Shoemaker and George R. Dunlap assisted last Saturday the Game Commission in the placement of many fine trout in stream for the coming season April 15 Miss Madaline Davis returned her home last week spending the winter in Grand Rapids, Mich, with Mrs. Albert Groendyke and children. Rev. Groendyke a chap lain in the U. 8. Navy in the Sout Pacific area William Parsons i man on the EW at Marengo. Get 11so ilar Eastern tat gent ection Farmer Curt purchased A. L Was Aa Friday Our on to af rr alter now right-hand Ellenber;s the pop oul bine off the + BOB DAVIS MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING SUITS - TOPCOATS 25-00 to 4500 CLOTHING 12:95 to 19.95 Boys’ Young Men's and Men's HEADWEAR 2:59 to 10-90 NEW BOYS SPRING CAPS-S1.56 BOB DAVIS LEWISTOWN BELLEFONTE | Marengo re- | C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY * * WAGNER'S QUALITY FLOUR A Hard Wheat Pat. Flour WAGNER'S OUR BEST FLOUR 50-50 Blend WAGNER'S VERY BEST FLOUR Winter Wheat * \4 Wagner's 16°. Dairy Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner's Egg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter and grower, Feed Wagner's Scratch Feed Wagner's Chick Feed Rydes Cream Calf Meal Eshelman’s Dog Feed \d Dealers in All Kinds of Grains * , alll BELLEFONTE, PA. " NEW THRESHING METHODS EASE SEED SHORTAGE Methods of threshing small lots College township's of red clover and Ladino clover seed the zoil and expert developed last summer by worker at the Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station promise to help relieve the current shortage seed, according to F. V Grau, H. W. Higbee, and J. K Thornton, agronomists thé Col- lege Since combines, clover hullers, or other standard means of threshing the small legume seeds are ynavail- able in many communities, the " . ow 1 . farmer who harvests n small lot will Despite many snow flurries and |, oo 1, resort to the se ham- cold weather on Friday, the annual mer feed grinder and ordinary Community Sale was a ringer of all ning mill or leaner Agrono- | 114 Lad n" . } years. Many truck loads of furni- mists have that a speed of | oe ¢ ind: , un oss oh {ture and all kinds of farm imple 180 revolutions per minute with «a ments from one-horse cultivators to | : oy 1 , quarter-inch creen satisfactoril ia big tractor. Cows sold over $100 hamid nt | heifers at $70 horses, hogs and threshes red clover and Ladino clo- 100 al ‘i 1 SOS, eS HIM y 1 tor the R y ri ia sheep brought fair prices, Sale to- Apiiy a 4 taled $5000 Miss Esther Corl is enjoying a week's visit in Juniata, a guest of her sister and family, Mrs. Florence | Wogan { That genial fruit Myers of Ohio, |i for two weeks catching | early Season oraer Ivan Kunes stationed one of largest tiller dairyman Mrs. Cyru ed seriously Hall. She | family phy f of M. Johnston | ill at her home at Pine under the care of her iclan and registered nurse, Mrs, Grace Harper. The last public sale scheduled in Ferguson township is the Carl Gates sale Friday, April 7. An extra good lot of young milk cows. Sale on hi arm report- 01 at 01 nn- (run found ver a it can be fed in While completely mn ino <i man, Alva in Centre county up on hi wee tural commaodit ultry eed pring the usual price and variety white clo- ver much in demand by most ible to these seeds has other CACe ARK ROO |» for and make feed Red « plant lover ing 1s doubie Ladino, a of our armed force x new ol Colorado | y i pending a two-weeks' furlough with his wile the former Gladys Su in Blanchard nstella Ise AALryms obtain, Sci been dla ind hi UN POS increa parents po ‘ . nberg of State Col may continue ir Sever her frien dir be saved | ’ " The fir:t Clarence Corl should be pa funeral tured or |} for hay and u al for seed red clover community sale M1 Roy Zimmerman fl FATS Mir rmer Mi Alka Witmer he late Mr. and Mr known citizer Zimmer tes thu round £ farmer Homan Kean is en- with husband stationed In Arizona nship quota for Red Cro been overpaid by about I'he committee extend Il contributor isit hel neral re. a— Ee — BELIEVE (LOVER SEED CAN B} conducted by H Thornton Anderson, special PJ licate that lover well worked by honey seed pientil Dove lossom time ot Agricultural April 11 at Pine Grove Mill boys and giris be. 10 and 20 are in- organization Club g I of hese | be held uesday } ides ATDeAr to ™» ! in error. The hone tar and pollen for blossom ‘ lock 1" the old Ci m n All ages of wttend least partly bee gathers ne from DOL Bouse twéen the vitedd 0 food while red clover 347% b (od wollen aha foiling adowl the ARR ' to dis. Clover blossom tubes, t} ood PORT MATILDA RED and nectar it hee ver Atralr prefs : i Bee FARM CALENDAR Timely Reminders from The Penn sylvania State College School of Agriculture GOOD PLANTS tld be hold have a Arges vegetable wial State Co In (row of room ana vr a i Pvt. Lee Fink their Good stocky gh = USE Fink table plants topher Rich- na hardy if Vall, visited jon =m nt Mr. and he and tem AY Pennsylvania Such plants oar giving them pient watering ventilating temperature proper! HONEY Boys and clubs have produced help relieve the sity by Sugar rat Average yield per #0 pound Extension apiculturists of the Penn. vivania State College say that the ost of starting bee club work is $12 with hi ister Mrs to $15 for bees and equipment id Leightly FEED BABY CHICKS Filled Pvt. Paul Urban has returned to feeders and fountains should be In California. after a 28-day leave with position when baby chicks are plac- is mother, Mrs. Verna Urban ed In the brooding quarters, remind Mr and Mrs. M. A Kerin were extension poulutry specialists of the visitors at the home of Mr. and Pennsylvania State College. Some Mrs. H C. Hall at Osceola Mills poultrymen lke to limit the first few Mrs. Arma Duey spent a few days feedings to chick sized grain and in- with her mother at Atlantic wluble grit Miss Nettle Bhultzaberger visited TO TRAIN TESTERS --A short with her aunt, Miss Hannah CGra« course for the training of dairy herd ser of Tyrone, over the weekend (mprovement association testers will Mr. and Mrs. Therman Wiser were pe given by the Pennsylvania State Tyrone shoppers on Saturday College May 3 to 17. About 50 new Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller have (asters will pe needed this year. returned after a week's visit In Al women as well as men are invited toons at the home of their sons. |, Jitend the short course Margaret Weaver, little daughter of Warner Weaver, who Is suffering HORSES NEED FEED: —As & Jule from scarlet fever, is reported 10 be work horses in the spring should [getting better (fed liberally, say extension livestock Mrs. Lennie ‘Burke of specialists of the Pennsylvania Btate spent Sunday with Mrs College. The strength of the ani- | Nearhoof {mals must be maintained by proper mari — [feeding or they will tire quickly | Bootleg gasoline coupons are al PLANT TESTED VARIETIES national disgrace and those guilty of Demonstrations have determined buying and selling them should be which of the avallable potato vari. punished severely | eties are best in Pennsylvania —— {Penn State is urge grow. Every human being is religious by ers to use adapted varieties for best nature, which is the best recommen. results dation of human beings. the Paul Lego Mr wnt and fam- Toby Moore ; unday with M. A. Ker Other William Mr Ana mM Je ' and Mi Fra is Hage of one mucl Mr Marguerite Williams and son ation Harold, v Mr Mrs Normally WwW. I ony Mis sunday by and by rant 4 PRODUCE 1 4-H bee honey Wwhoek AM ming i= created ‘ the ited wit) and hot Willian bout of noney Willls Dorothy Beckwith visiting in Tyrone Brightbill spent Sunday spent John in Har. Altoona Tyrone, Sherman a —— National unity Is essential to vie but we cane Hitler, you: may remember, once | tory, in war or sald no farce would ever drive the | not have it if Germans out of Stalingrad. winch | BUSH HOLLOW I Bunday school morning at 5:30, followed by preaching service Come out Bunday school and church rvice Bunday morning and observe Easter Bunday in nn good way. Don't forget re vival starting and running Sunday to on COng Sunday, Apri] 16 LWO weeks Mr. and Mrs, Plerce Rumberger and Harry, visitegq the forepart of last week at the home of her par ents, Mr, and Mrs, Harr Mr. and Mir Clair J virginia, were visitor with his mother, Mi and family of Unionville sisted hi ister, Mi ind fami) with thely I'hursday for on Lucas Flick last Ol week Mary Flick They also Lloyd Luca maovi ng ast PRODUCED Ihe infant born Ma named Donna Ras Mr. and Mr ; daughter sited Mon the ne Clark a Spotts. Clark wWedne Ay vi | Af Ker lay Emenhizer a Helen, Glady Billy 5 Mr wan Emer i Mr John Rhoad and Mi: ter Rhoad an Mr Robert Shearer thier Evely: Beever] i Mrs. Dale Combs and two chil Bobby and Linda John W avin M1 vel | and friend and rans Dick Packer at the Naval Trainin Bainbridge, Md. on ta- Mon th Walker with the field artillery. returned to Ft. Meade Md. Tuesday. and Pvt Dean Confer returned to Camp lee, Va, on Pri Pvt. Ke py Lb day Blanche Lomison ¢ Sunday school class on night. The following were Mary Winslow Ida Confer Gillespie, Allison Barnhart Confer Marjorie Lucas, Priscilla Confer. Blanche Lomison Yvonne Quick and Mrs. Earl Lomison, the teacher. After the business meeting games were played and refresh. ments were served Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Heaton and family of Flemington, visited the Fred Heaton home on Sunday Bobble Ben Conler spent the week end with his aunt and uncle, Mr RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE HM. SHEVNAN, widely known expert of Chicago, will personally be at Coleman Hotel, Lewistown, Wed. nesday only, April 12, from 2 A. M. elif Mm Mr. Bhevnan says: The Zoetle Bhield Is a tremendous improvement over all former methods, effecting immediate results, It will not only hold the rupture perfectly but in. crease the circulation, strengthens the weakened parts, thereby closing the opening in ten days on the av. erage conse, regardless of heavy Jift- her Thursday present Patty Rebecen teriained Add, 6500 N. Artesian Ave, Chicago Large Incisional Hernia or rupiure land Mrs. Ken Shady at Lock Haven, | Mi Mr William Barnhart and fami isited on nday after. with Mr, and Mi Hey erly at Romola Mr, and Mr n farewell supper nw Bechdgel on nigh Cieorge leaves fOr Into the April following sent M1 William Crispen of wd Mrs, Charles Aber and two chil of Lock Haven, Mr, and Mr Bechdel and daughter of nd Mi M1 Cla wd so Legal Notices ADMINIS Fatale ‘ Ce and noon Joh! AGONY OF Clayton Watson had far then WON=1ne- Cieorge Sunday induction th The Mr. and Jullan, Mi army were on pre ! wh er } Other A dre (Orgs chard Bla and Jimn FRATRIN'S NOTCH ALFRED PETER KRAFP! P { oy ULCERS RELIEVED ¢ Wl On } et ACID STOMACH AND A] Sas] pa Acher and I Bs MAKE THIS FREE TRIAL OF GARWOOD'S TABLETS ’ Now - DJ. GARWOOD'S TABLETS ARE OFFERED ON A MONEY- BACK GUARANTEE!! na Begin Fighting It At Once! HELP YOURSELF! - WIDMANN & TEAH DRUG STORE Allegheny & High Sts ADMINISTRATRINS NOI) ADMINISTRATOR'S . 3 NOTCH ADMINISTRATRIN'S NOTICY i ‘ HENRY HON 10 EXPAT TRINS NOTIO) Ww y A ADMINISTRATRIN'S NOTICY f 11 NELSON HAL COURT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS Liu H Vy yi Pre f | ‘ { { VULCANIZING NEW TIRES WHEELS TUBES AND RIMS KEYSTONE TIRE SERVICE 8S. Poller Street Home Owned and Operated RECAPPING AND Bellefonte, Pa. TURNER’ CRIDER'S EXCHANGE BLDA,, I i i i i BELLEFONTE, PA. Your New Spring Coat at Worthwhile Savings Blouses Gloves Hosiery Easter Accessories to Complete Your Outfit $1.59 - $3.98 Handbags $1.98-$3.98 98¢c - $1.98 : 79¢ - $1.23 Sweaters $2.98 - $3.98 Hundreds of New Gorgeous Hats at $1.98 to $3.98 Be Suited This Easter at TURNERS! SPRING SUITS 14.90 16 19 24 nid - Bring Your Girls and Boys To TURNER'S For Their Complete Easter Outfits Boys’ Eton Suits $5.95 Boys’ Long Pants Suits $6.98 to $9.90 Boys’ Dress Shirts 98¢ Soldier and Sailor Suits $3.98 to $6.98 ——— Boys’ Zelan Jackets $2.98 to $3.98 NEW SHIPMENT GAY PRINT To Brighten Your Easter Tables... TABLE CLOTHS Boys’ Felt Hats $1.19 Boys’ Pants $1.98 to $3.98 Girls’ Easter Suits $7.90 to $12.90 Girls’ Easter Coats SIZES 1 wo 6 $4.98 to $6.90 SIZES To 10 $7.95 to $10%° $1.00 * $2.98