Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 30, 1944, Image 9
SeSSmm=={| The Most Widely Read Newspaper In Centre County A Visitor In Seven Thousand Homes Each Week If Jesse ADLER SECOND NEWS, Random wen Sn Che Cenfre Democraf 5 So NEWS [tems RUMOR has it that Marshali VOLUME 68. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1944. NUMBER 15. Rommell is suffering from heart | disease. Undoubtedly Incurred from Soa | . . SNO FUN res 0 con news Hjstorian Recalls Old SUG 227% Three Little Girls Are a PANCHEU rst Vichyite to be cece or wien vin ve Landmarks of Nittany- jo OF h =a Injured When Tree Is ©." Nazis, was given the onrivilege of rib saying ‘ready, aim, fire” to the . 4 y y Sy W be v “ge | Tee en tak soi Dil, Gopies af i Brush Valley Turnpike Oe Felled At Philipsburg same script have been sent to Hitles A : ; | bom Tojo, Goebbels, Goerring, Mussolini - I " \ pe , : : ——— j ing! et al Former Centre County Resident Tells of the \ WR A BE EE Children Sitting on Front Porch Swing of Home me 0.8 Arms win ee casino on Toll Gate Keepers of Long Ago; An In- 3 I Mee RC | 0 nA When Tree Crashed House Next Door; ibrar teresting Bit of Local History | oN adi che SOREN One Girl Knocked Unconscious ato Cassino, aged 26, to report [or ———————— , . ’ | p—————— induction on that date INCIDENTALLY, Mussolini mu he dead. There been no report his death for almost six weeks ' «By Henry W, Shoemaker) th ne 511 harmin THE GESTAPO recently raided H. Gobble, the all the Danish tovshops looking for ty historical authority toy airplanes with English or Amer- | si t Mt. Clemens, Michigan jcan markings. We didn’t ink aking up the thread of this little Luftwaffe was THAT rd pressed known pl { Pennsylvania 1 for planes! tory and folk lore he say y idea wiat vear the DO Valley Turnpike along the side of the road L War Depar H tne SIGN in a Miami Hotel Wanted an ambitious chambermaid can ny Relations rt as Vice-President company was organized nor who the| “A reliable man, appointed by the FLIRTING WITH BOUNCING BETTY-—-U. 8. Paratroopers on 7 Of Mr. und y ficials were, w the=exception of company, col { the toll from the ¢ knocked wu necious b ny vi ————— ; , talian hillside engage in the dangerous task of removin ide IN BATH (Maine) the heirs of Mr. Conrad Long, who seemed to people using the A nominal, an Italia ngage Iang e : ng hiddes i not h tly to be hos. i ) ut y t " A member f 3 st ania tf " * sailor Samuel Francis inlerited $6.- — Charge was made depending on the mines planted by retrealing Lerman A member of a detonate italized. Both she and Donna Rad Board Penalizes teh alt grew out of a $130 t) has were taken to the hospital follows 245-—which all out of a number of horses driven. the 20 squad (second from left) located a mine which another soldier deposit the sailor made in a local Heavy Damages of the ¥ | the distar trav. digs up and makes inoperative while their comrades” lie flat on the acciael Donn ta i Two Physicians bank back in 1857. Now do you see Hed remember the rate ground in order to be “under” an explosion in case the trap be ac necessit 1 her staying ther * ha ou 3 what a wonderful investment W In Car Accidents Soha gis Saat Mme Vir ed Es rE cidentally detonated. The type S mine is known as “Bouncing Betty” 3onds can be time In h . ~ i en : However, T do know that toll paid| because of its ability to “jump” some distance above the ground before wing of the home occupied by Du-| po or C8 PEEL TIS SPEAKING of investments, a tax- Three Persons Receive Cuts at two and three gates durin bus- exploding. The mine detector is a wooden disc fitted to a long handle Bre Workmen f fe th enalties For Making Trip payer was called to the mat for } ayer : ale to the : i" . - nes rin wi Wore thay iouble the . $ . 1 sdk wid V : or oh » - rp g claiming a deduction of $2 for a bad and Bruises in Crash of nas. t¥ I ey, angymga rheostat connected with head phones worn by the man ir . to Florida vi : investment. It was allowed when he Cars at Mill Hall KINA bad a. Eh ras ra the detonator squad. When the sweeper passes over a mine it disturbs A d M C fi d NEWSWRITERS ARMY: explained he was divorced after six sida oid ss naan re A ash” oh mbmn the magnetic fleld surrounding it, with the resultant change of tone ge an, onrine Ration Board 1 of Lock Haven All in all, county newsps mnths and that the “bad invest. SE a Adib a ! . : “ " \ wp! " “ing ia fine nalti a Bret ts \ Shanty ois Buin gh nl a et Three persons were slightly in- eavy pole, long enough to in the “hum” of the operator's phones to Bed, Is 90 Years tent” represented his license fee y " tid ured and damages totaling almost roa Wa - CA SUGGESTION for those DON'T $500 resulted in two accident TALK posters: One reason a dog is Thursday afternoon in Mill Hall posit 3 ide of the road ; y 8 “ Pay Heavily For Runaway Train full of the SAenh fo fei 1 ie at hic tail h tones fasts { to it such a good friend is that hi i The first crash occurred shortly rh tastened to | he Gazetis not his tongue—wag iter noon on Route 220, about one- Purpose of holding i erect when) (3jying Boys Beer Crashes House Wenedsy. He received many pres-| headed by D. M. Packer, of Beech taking aa in use the gate-keeper wi ents and hel hearing and mj Qi Ulerict ol Bats ; Lock Haven Board Imposes LOCAL postage rate have gone fourth of a mile west of Mill Hall, * cards and relatives made Creek Eom y 1 " involvine 1 a iriven ht Te -_— " - t ree and presented itt him up to three cents, Just to make sure involving a coupe driven by Lester | * p Fey wg Io N ‘ ‘i . ’ 5 / : he's on the safe side the army's Heffler, of Loganton, R. D, and a was attached to the oppo ite end (Clinton ( ounty Judge Sen Five Persons Injured When was a birthday cake at sup- card f famous Sad Sac is Writing “free” sedan operated by J. H. Deckerhoff, and connected to the office within ' but no other celebratior vontls. abd the = xls iti tences Two Men to Terms Coal Train Splits Dwell- Aer gr a WILD GEESE 3 1 f il 11 Feacil, ald ie POE PLE outside of 1 vo and a twice in the corner of his envelopes. of Mill Hall } { Baas. M Hef 14 the road and thu in Jail ing in Two friends, for Mr. Askey has been con- . raat ) fam Seve 1 flock ! ) r was proceeding ) p . : v J hs HEL TL h a a 1) Was p hed I oo al was unable to drive throw fined to his bed since Ci x on West Water street, Mill Hall, and t toh vive a : paying lovd by and i 18-year. Cd rROT wot {1 ured ast time. Mra. Askey, Who was The project began at what Was 00min —_ " . Thursday when a loaded train old last September, pets alled the ‘Junction H 3 ¢ has been confined to ie main control and oc: into hotitse at AlMOst a Year They will Nittany po fice 11% occupied oo ir wi : i r three yout " Johns! : snlitting ried 70 years in August ssaman, near wi ope did i . ¥ a absent for a short time a long 1 alls of relatd I MET the happiest guy in the world last week. He explained he had a wife and a cigarette lighter and both were working had stopped at the top sign pre- ory to entering Route 220, Mr ff, driving west on Route TWO SOLDIERS from Texas 2; attempted to negotiate a left ; were decorated with the S.C. Ior turn onto Water street while the J A . : tur } ater I will that " + Solomon Peck d y * Aw ah . hon toahle + killing, wounding or 4 Hefller car was stopped there, strik- 4 oA Brrr not , {OF IINOr age he dwelling in 19 getiing : ) Jpg : op . Yo 1a ‘ is family, minent mortician . make their home Nazis They were sergeants, aptly ine the latter automobile 1 . " a stern . nassd tant “i 2 it erator a make their hom ; y : aiid latter iutomob in he N th peace and farmer re mj i ks ¥ A dnudhter aud has) named “Slaughter anc Jur front Damages were $200 to the * . nesday morning ney beauty in the house the res jaughter al si¥fler cobpe and $150 to the Deck-. Mrs. Herbert Wilson : 3 1 MIT COU aq | Be ne . - ru 11 ADD Descriptions: G-1 Girdle E , Valley entered The aged couple ha One which will take the Waves out = 77% - , mi none aa O8p leading last from the Junction HR A ud hed He a k x NE mk a hy ny ren, Edgar Askey and Mrs, Nanni New Rector For : ; ) of the Wacs! Fl \l Grenninger, *. through what is called d a ae. aa LYM nubian. ansible ERT Ti Moore. There® are five grandsons Ch h Cc I" ntr : the St. Sepiou a. and five great-grandsons in the urc at ° ege but gees ; . . a Dassenger in the row up a over Brush . ntain The told going n THE JAP propaganda broad asta Deckerhof? . laceration of the left , Madison arg. a small vi Cloud Hotel at Lock Haven where A patron in the shod, Mrs. Charles armed foros — ANNOUNCEMENT Staim Americas Bre Bary ng-sand eye, Mary Ceise, 28, lacerations of tending to the center of the valley. Bilby purchased two glasses of beer, Myers, was taken to Windber hos- is > Rev. John Newton Peabody, of the crt 3 ei " to prove it say we're always SIng- the right knee and both hands, and The main highway through this val- one for himself and one for Carson, pital with Internal injuries stafl of 8t. Paul's Episcopal church . hog y Wein “ne ing Mares eat oa's and does eat Jane Hefller, 26, lacerations of the (Continued on Pope Five) x minor, being served by the bar-! They were Yhrown into the base- Se G te 1944 {Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, hes ac- Wei pr ts gs ori oats and little lambs eat ivy and nose, both of Loganton R. D., pas-' HC tender, Willian Mancino, Carson rent when the floor of the house es reg r Torpted a call to the rectorship of Bt Curtin of Curtin) recently kids eat ivy too!’ isengers in the HefTler car. All were told the court he would be 19 ‘ . of . 4 . unique npostcard-size annow seng Nieaved In from the impact. Rescuer: ; 4 Pro du cti {Andrew's Episcopal church, State, DONT FPOROET to make your treated by a Mill Hall physician Holdup Pair Are ‘August lworked fcr mote than an hour io F on Otflege and assumed his new duties of the bth of «their contribution to the Red Cross! The second crash at 3:50 p. m. on Then Carson purchased two quarts extricate them from the debris - there on Sunday | Maren 11 at Miami Peach ¥ - “ 3 : Wherever. whenever they're needed ROute 64, at the Axe Factory dam, Se d p if beer which were served at the he locomoth ; > \ . . Q E v. Peabody was born at art ‘ “ST Ee Cre Tad Dron involved a sedan operated by Mary. S€MtENced to Pen of be which wen he locomotive as entre County FSA Super. Rev. Peabody was born . where Sgt. Weinstein ne of the boys! The engineer. Emory Murnhs visor Has Optimistic Out. Tr Heckman a wEDADET . [ 4 » 1 y 4 Ww » . | » Pet > policemen of their bistols a month ni | | , ——— V ilways hree boy 16 ford. Conn on aber 27, 1813, with the nin and was grad mobile was proceeding north or Policemen Receive Long ait ma other onnasient vithn he! TH, OF 011 iffered bruis- . ney Ivan tra, Ext: past two record-breaking Seminary. graduating in | Mr yonds of the World L. Heckman, of Bellefonte, B. D i wird Bodihgni o derailed bu PE - and Daniel Sullenber 0 fill ' y Soni gh gn - Mu wr neement Hal A A The Fccmin MUL Men Who Robbed Two State furnishing the money. Young Car- Eioon, and the fireman, Ralph Ro look in Area town Academy and T a , while the other vehlcl Pri T : penchar onli gu mnt "es when they leaped Irom ihe rina. | od production in Centre county After spending a year In business stork RECEN was going uth lowing a ! rison Terms . an. er oil Ton mn | AN. Sf] Ry aay will be greater during 1944 than in! utered the Virginia gical pa pas or § or ™ Sulle nberger | as u 1 'wo men pleaded guilty Monday n nlencing BULY an Carson was hi . son saves Kyle M. Alexander wi rdained t h iy Orders by Their rt WEDDINGS le to H Attempting to avoid #t Huntingdon to robbing two state each to e sx monihs in Hi pervisor for Centre count) i Ley St. George Tucker, Num LT - - - — he rear o } 15. he } a CR , b ana 5a : H ‘ RS b nk vung to the left t go around it B80 and wer given long prison Jud ippie declared that it was Army Student Hit Ot Mo (vy Rend : stringfellow—VanGorden and in doing so ideswiped he erm losing what State Police a moder; len ons By Car at College far ilies ah have o« me hi f i . NB Miss Sarah L. VanGorden. daugh- Heckman vehicle m a wer Commi ner C. MM. Wilhelm termed that naximun ¢ nr A LL ce for assistance in increasing re Jin Ker maughter H ey and MN: REVENUE: ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Van- 8100 to the Heckman car and $5 lime novel” case - . bak: Ww Pitznatiick duction of warsneeded food al r _ rec : if Y : We 8t311. wom Gorden of Mill Hall became the the Sullenberger automobile Merl ! el k who was wound. TAINS SLIGHT INJURY @ 20d Training Program Stu- y He sald he has already re-|manuvel chu J nia, Conn. In|, rer Bellefonte © bride of Pvt. Donald A. Stringfel —————— i It infight with officers whet Alighitiy * ovrty y fvant of nt at Penn State fered head ceived 20 applications for new Tal - > \ m 4 sca 4 thing last week low, son of Calvin Stringfellow of WRONG ADDRESS he Lock Havet 3k Mill Priday And rib injuries Friday when he was since last July; and that to date 13 7° CC eked haa |1he tax Tate at the Mill Hall. R. D. on Monday evening,! The War Department urg ) soloing you ; valid Pt att uok by CRY OI \ HY these farm familie ave Been ap We s R x Peabody ha 13 mille All March 20, at the Church of Christ public to use care in iressing mail tenced to years in the . ” " , of State Coll nD. in pre y the Centre County Com- n Cina it Si an yr ow" salaries, and parsonage, Mill Hall. The Rev. Wil- 10 oldier rseas ; ‘ Ao w : : ; block Of Ih Atherton mittee and the func made avail yestrit Hill aden a Earlie: ond hell lam F. Tucker officiated. and the one out of every seve i s of mail Charl v 8 riven five at ; Am A h de bh : able for 1944 farm cperation R " wes £4 but wedding was a quiet one due to the are incorrectis 1 ntle | ! wi wbra n recent death of the bridegroom's dressed Sheriff Blair M. Snyder and state mother. Pvt. Stringfellow, a forme: — oo policemen left with the men for the football star at the Lock Haven | Western Penitentiary at Pittsburgh SEs : R-# ambi increase 7 rick atiempied to ms th Alexander sald that 52 other fam- . p ' rating chureh (20d In fact the a treet toward the west as the car jlies, already receiving FSA's super-, | tm id i estate has been pe. wpproached from the south, The 5ol- vised joan service which made 5 420 Fo ural ; diet tent to the College In- per cent increase in milk produc High School, was home on furlough immediately after the sentences) WAR COSTS $300900000 A DAY firmary in the 8 College police tion among Centre county PSA bor-' Resume Bus Service from Ft. Knox, Ky. Before enteri REAL ESTATE were imposed by Judge Chester D Here's where your money goes: ar after he = examined by a rowers possible, were granted addi- . the army last November 10 he wa Petterhoof _ ito March 1. the war had cost $168, - wysicial is injuries were not of tional joan funds during the past on Greyhound Lines employed by Perey FF. Emert of The case developed on Pebruary 24 000 000.000. or about 300 million dol- ious ne re reported ix months 10 further expand thed Lox Kpgrt His bride will remain a TRANSFERS when Troopers Ray Biyer and Roy lars a da Total war outlays ¢ : A — farnring operations Greyl ’ med opera- ODD A ND ley v : : vile \ Hound bus home Bailey, stopped an automobile ©on- ....oned from the start of the . Unfortunately, an early sp ! h Pring us! alexander sald the 13 new loans tion through State dining the men, for a routine check fense pros m on July 1. 180 wally collides with a late winter uy : doultr: i... of the operator's driving license brought to 200 the number of fam- GU ie x my A rp Arnold—Shanaberger Hecla Poultry Farms, Inc. to John They said they had left the license ilies now cooperating with FSA following settlement of the te of The Rev. and Mrs. Clarence E. Ar-|M- Zellers, et ux Mingeville, tract oo yntingdon rooming house and He said 6 additional families pre. 600 drivers and maintenant nold of East Linn street. Bellefonte, '? Walker Twp. 81 viously listed as PBA borrowers have ployes of the Pennsviva i the officers ordered them back for ; rey. \ rriny 1 Loy af 1% ’ . 3 + til y : wenn "we asmounce the marriage of their son, D. Marvin Lihler, et ux, to Mabel aching t oomi ouse, in- CEN1 RE COUNI1 ) 4 HOSPIT AL fepaid thelr $4014 in stil] contin (oud LR mergend David, to Miss Virginia L. Shana- © Garbrick, Centre Hall, traet in’ Reaching the roofing house, | production al mie made possible Identical agreements were signed f 5 ¥y Call T stead of producing the license, the . FF ingy we berger on Thursday evening, March Potter Twp. $1 men BM and bound the po by earlier loans. He explained that in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia o Excerpt from a jetter to the ra 23 at 6 o'clock. The wedding took J8cob R. Hoy, et ux, to Doyle L.' 0 hogy oc IN THE WEEK'S NEWS each of the present FSA borrowers, Thursday night by company and A Yor ing board at Portland Ure. piace in Baltimore, Md, with the Shook od us Boalsburg, tract in © en did Sed allitia of the state and most of the old borrowers vho F. L. union Gfficiats, hat tl Nig re a EO ceremony being performed by the abet TWP. bo A. as ’ police were immediately mobilized have not completed thelr payments,| Union officials stated that the ac. once 1 have lood re an father of the bridegroom. Mrs. Ar- Rae I Magstiart a Ty Doyle for the man hunt, which reached a Monday of Last Week | Discharged: Mrs. Ned Kelley and Dave beet working ot farm And tion Regul. an Suspension OF op-en : nold is a native of Somerset county, L Shook, « ux. Boalsburg, tract in climax three days later when 60 Admitted Mrs. David Keller. of infant son, State College; Mrs, Bd- home plans for the 1044 production St ns am | en uh etter and Yaa Rewe to Tim and has been employed as a drafts. pe ” dt i Tay Rob. Troopers surrounded the gunmen in pejlefonte ward Cain, Bellefonte; Mrs. Walter Seaton - " Saat . i ig Stig ave ro. bold tala t : man with the Westihghouse Electric ah n i Ah ete e ue wh ‘y the Fulton county mountains, A Discharged Andrew Lentvorsky, Jacobs, Julian, R. D. | p- These Mans, he said, how that - nd er t NeTIna Sa te apy man told > FBI " & Manufacturing Company in Baiti. tract i Patton Twp or gunfight followed in which Mercer port Matilda, R. D. 1; Miss Jean' Births: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs Fa ogi deri yo pe Rony n Ya gains ive hw Tart Be oe more. The groom is a graduate of Williae A ROR DE to Robert H.'¥08 shot in the thigh and Pelker Smith, Spring Mills, R. D. 1; Donald Charles C. Decker, Spring Mills; a Lo ' » ws rk Production i” 10, The company agreed to change didn't know the Fir: . World War A Leone Ih Ete. cians of Barto, State College, R. D, tract ip jJater surrendered. |Benner, State College; Lilah Tice, son to Mr. and Mrs. George 1. Arm- i Pi STUER Lents 16 per cent. | aiselplinary action against two driv- had ended. His home is atop Berlin 1941. For the past three years he has Patton Twp, $40 | Bellefonte R.D 2: Wayne Webb, strong; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs “The really remarkable thing.” |ers—the point of controversy--from mountain in a rugeed section of oy , Westinghouse as J W. Rearick, to Mahlon ananer,' Salona Soldier Dived {State College. Mrs, William L. Barr Kenneth L. Burris, Bellefonte | according to the supervisor, “is the [dismissal to 5 20-day suspension Rensselaer 6ounty ae Or BY ey - pram Patton Twp, tract in Patton Twp. and infant daughter, State College; | Friday |way in which these small farmers) —— will be at home after March 29 In go i Gi o 6 0 fa ‘Under Dynamite Truc (Ma. Robert hy State College Discharged: Miss Hazel Tressler, have not only been increasing het CHILD DRINKS DISINFECTANT d Md Easter ‘Ola thie Oakiee Village Apartments, Bal- dolph H a a Port da Rave Cpl. Melvin Deitrich, 30 8. {Mahlon Letterman, Milesblirg; a son Howard, R. D. 2 Ryan: Brooks, Jove nn repaying hel Joana to] Glenn Neff, 4, son of Mr. and Mrs Wh Oty Arse fe the one’s Hnore R. D. tract in Patton Twp. $150 { Ts Clirtoq county os tightened to Mr. and Mrs, John M. McMullin, Pleasant Gap rg rete with interest |Oienn Neff, Sr. of Mill Run road punishment and returned to the Cora C. Stover. admx.. to H. E. "ht 4 "Bellefonte; a daughter to Mr. and| Admitted Friday end discharged) only products Blair county, was badly burned t room with the verdict but all right, when he dived under a Hall: a Sunday Sherid " These men Are hot only | Wiabout the mouth last Thursday SOU Hennigh—Bitner Miller, Miles Twp. tract in Miles truck as Jap planes attacked his M™ Walter Auman, Centre Hall; a Sunday: Mrs. Sheridan Gummo, ... noc vital war commodity —food | oC drank 1ysol. The child had Mesiected 0 specify where sentence Mr. and Mrs, Samuel H. Bitner of Twp., $550 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Howard, R. D. 2. | Vilege of he sam pi ¥ parge landing at Arawe, but he still | but are paying for the pri climbed to the medicine cabinet and Centre Hall, announce the marriage Elva Y. Stamey, et bar, to Harry wonders how he would have felt if Jacobs, Bellefonte, R. D. 3. | Birth: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs doing thelr share Aaronsbury. of their daughter, Lefa Lavon, to C. Stamey, Lewistown, tract in State he had known at the time that the Tuesday of Last Week [Ray 8. Boob, Mached ue ete SODA Spurgeon W. Hennigh, son of Mr. College, $1 truck was loaded with two tons of | Discharged: Barbara Justice, of Expired: Ralph Hartsock. Juan.) mgyr py CAR, CHILD UNHURT |[.04 ran JRithas heard where she| Penitentiary” and that is the reason and Mrs. H. E. Hennigh of Spring’ Charles E. Noss, et ux, to Philip dynamite Pleasant Gap: James Bailey, Belle- RD. } we Jeft It off” The ceremony J. Gross, et us, Bellefonte, R. D. 2,| Deitrich, the son of Mr, and Mrs. | fonte 4 {ters aug the little fulton aifany. The the Evangelieal parsonage at Ma- tract in Milesburg, $1. Earl Deitrich, safely and| Birth: a son to Mr. and Mrs i : | ters, bX . pve rushed Solin he at 7p. m. Saturday, March! Louise Tanner O'Donnell, to Jo- helped to unload before his Michael R. Tannon, State College hg Sto 1 rkingrne on pnere o 3 ts 18, with Rev. W. E. Smith officiat- seph H. Weaver, et al, Port Matilda, ordnance unit began Wednesday of Last Week pump . d ing. Mrs. Bitner and Mrs, Hennigh tract in Ferguson Twp. $1. | repairing equipment, He spent much 4 attended the wedding, The bride] Frank C. Croyle, et al, to Ophelia of his time in foxholes as Jap planes Admitted: Mrs. Roy B. Johnson, wore a light blue sult with brown Albert, et al, Philipsburg, tract in|repeatedly bombed the area. He State College; Richard E. Luse, Cen- accessories and a corsage of pink Philipsburg, $3,150, |spent Christmas Eve in a hole, anal Hall. R. D. roses. She Is a graduate of the Cen-| Foster B. Ripka, et ux, to Morris part of Christmas Day eating stewed |, Discharged: Marie Dorman, Miles- tre Hall-Potter High School and M. Stauffer, et ux, Potter Twp, tract turkey. burg; John 8. Rice, State College; wis employed at the Bylvahia Elee- in Potter Twp, $50. Donald M. Hutchison, State Cols » Products Corporation at Mill] Morris N. Stauffer, to Mary E. lege; Mrs. John Taylor and infant 1. The bridegroom was graduated Prost, State College, tract in Potter daughter, Bellefonte; Mrs, Charles Vocation. | Twp., $56. Chamberlain and infant daughter, Bellefonte, Admitted Wednesday charged Friday: Wayne Centre Hall R. D. Birth: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs, Guy W. Baney, Bellefonte, R. D. 3 Thursday of Last Week Admitted: Mrs, Boyd Williams, Lemont; E. P. Lucas, Julian. >. i kot] FEekd i § | gd if H | : i} oF i Hi ® iy f a