Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 30, 1944, Image 6
Page Six » THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ORVISTO HOLTS HOLLOW FARM CALENDAR vania State College say that cows - — EF \ y | : a ! a F | FARM UESTIC N BOX The were 104 pregent at Sunday r Casualties rom Mi OrviE “Wateon” : dreatly:: sur Timely Reminders From The Penn- cepecially like to drink after the || Vi sch , i - | by March 30, 1944, sylvania State College School feeding in the evening. Drinking of Agriculture i 1oply his need prised her hs and om Baturday retuned. 1 County Are Mounting i: vw =" fue adutie NO! ‘amp Polk, La friends and neighbors come to help ONIONS TO GROW It | xpect MARRIAGE LICENSES, ed that home gardeners \ 4 | n Wednesday night after spending " Orvis celebrate hi 21st birthdm Ew MITCHELL a ten days with his parents My nd CA seh ‘ A in fun and ( oh J NA LS Clair Conf 4 FC Wil in irl : alo while on hunting furiough In frolic, music and singin Mr. Wat ieorge Piehler. Upper Darby nd four imsnth dt of wound inflicted by water buf- The evening was spent Rave TOBE. holst navy much Ho i ME 1} Rare Adviser " Rosa A Richard Packer of Bainbridge y W i dia. Died February 9, 1044 8 received many useful gifts and oo uneiog wots ctyewodta Yad y Ane aver Howard a i { : i a 100 ” : le sativ lavels a vie . : a0 y i : : . % , : NY Qeneral Electric Statioa WGY LL | So 1 Md. ! wnding a seven-da 1EAVE prawn number woul A or {sed } From “Unknown” Causes ! cil Hndiy ove is ni wh Ch the Pennsylvania Sta ollege. but d “Of ie k 1 Trammel Bellefonte with his parents, Mf. and Mrs, Wil- , ) ; a he deaths of three mel ay. DE Appreciated very much. At a Ale preneser sets or Bottle var : Zabel Craig tate College — - liam Packed Dick ad hai dsp iy Wir Department me 101 a lou i | are good. while plants of Utah 3 Deames / Bitmer Bellefonte Q~What amounts of good con ' Most vege les are rather in. from here in the Navy Wil All of the reported : ns Inv cake was bake hod i Madi win either purchased ¢ I yA arnhart Howard silage can be fed to horses and pigs rent whether Hime is pri pl ter Barnhar wif R8 Sauasi a at Ang i Javid M. Mut : 9 Bn of he A mie ‘ PAW doors at home 1 ction A. By starting with small amoun db But do not ame J aby, Of ot . vii, visited his {ve T n son { M. Mus ilesbu killed pu rt nt wet A ib COWE LIKF and taking extra care no moldy | \ V ‘ y ith M ( ¢ wit age gets to them, you can build up to one-half bushel per feeding for a ou (4 I wif i py § i 1 he | and Jon \ A . nl : horse or pig or even a little more come (rom the hreshi nachine eek, visited his | I laf « 1 moet . ¢ 4 NOL t know [ | al nd a nd ct oe mt in th ¢ Dar George ©. Emil Moshannon 4 ) 3 1 4 " " TT H i ¥ ave | | H ni oh i ha nuaoren ' A AYE ~ ours . than that for a horse you wil ! d glory #1 A. Conway Maoshannon Q~~What time of year should ip : \ ni seeds be planted to raise tomatoe Tn hin ‘ u : and pepper plants that will be se husks and ren ave me of the out odes Ble a ‘ ) rectly with « Mat i the ‘ in, Sta ege, . ‘ mb in nd hil ’ teler A—Pligure on six week from and more npact and weighs more 4 2 y : Rake : ih ? ‘ 1 ) nese pr ‘ : a 3 i Sv i i ’ . Political advt planting to setting out in the gar- per bu vA £ dos ey shi ! rn { ! rr Tid » ! ) of ’ ’ ¢ ! ) aen Q.—Can sprouted potatoes be ke) hat spray will kill 1» Ti . Srnint hair COUNT No details given ir. and M Willam Rac for seed? in onions? wy 4 f " " ™ ‘1 : : v { son Larry | } of M ’ : ' : . vd veh " : 4 v { 1 ’ + A.—Yes. They should be handled ¢ Use a 3 per i i ) yaryfs wml E: swaps : Mp iim burs rs. Mary Kelle ¢ y . ud carefully to avoid bruising, stored a : ( eve 1 V about 40 degrees Fahrenheit in a can control onion maggots. I Flo " a wee believed to De relatively moist place, and nd you a p in anion : sb i I for quality in the first place. § should be kept broken off they use up stored food hard Walle Belleionte ne Hackett Altoona Reynolds Huntingdon Rae Jones Blate College 4 Political advt) 16 Killed in Action NOMINA | E Q—What is liquid fertilizer’ , Mg : - rk} : yl vy Ford Brot ra § Ht ng . hers. Sw ts A. ~The term covers every \ . f “ . writ v, . from manure soaked in wat complex chemical] for growing plants in : rowing buckwhea Pe » it is a good plan to ix some dry ‘ f te Prem YBaS { Ar } 3 ar 7 104 in Air Raid , fertilizer with the soil before plant. Cr +2 : Mrs. John Rhona vife as > : now : : ; e W ing. Use about one ( ! v y "1 { rallon of ordinary 1} fort ns 4 a at ‘ I ) ( ; : lizer like 3-8-7, and one pint per == Cat Rotts a any —artat ] thy ot t the N i Marth A y july ot Lime {11 : r cel rminate . { { ' Succumbs to THness ew " ry de ‘ ) Fe A al Fs low that with either the sa: ! y Ww ; Arak ny ; ev b i . tion or a little dry fertilizer as ¢ . Vhe ild hei ‘ \ nd M { Packs op ho a 14 ’ J a Olt gtd TORT. . Honest be u Wei AB 5 W orthy ide dressing when plant re wel nated against Bar A t M AM L ‘ i tis f J : : 4 : k de 8 tarted or food het weet ¢ \ 4 $ : 4 " ‘ ‘ a p tu Re X # i Q~—~What is the remedy f the mon { will « ip A A i i Gi : , d \ J ch » : u™ TR 1 Mrs Ruth Joh . ( apable y Fearless weating of water pipes? iw a ne ve Ie BD ! ' ' p i rk SE i A Insulation warm alr in t tact with the ome of its moist the round i pipes of various Q—How can wheat flies in the house sitive Ie v tabs ’ . . A—Pull the shad town Satur night in honor ¢ ‘ : . then spray along the window sill ———————— Se Nort To Demonstrate wid 3 Local Airmen Home-Baked Bread *» Missing in Action ont (Continued from page one) J. H. WALLIN we JOR ‘ontinged from page one) would be the on ho rt rt Me, On rr, SE, Ek Ctr rn RE MTS Co 0% ST Mt or ve a Petts A SECOND TERM AE Et Sit 3 LP a Tm, St of 2 Se J TAC Sa ert Wha 1 a ae Th J, 13, Mes chu AS MEMBER OF THE will get you 1 ject ee oe we ro 5 ETERS EO TE wa on SVN oo SERS EE EE i IE TE House of Representatives friendship and leagues in the GIVE BABY FOR EASTER A carry out the tradition to the House of Represen- Centre County the benefits rislator during these trying Thayer Baby Buggy Now on Special Sale Por Victory: ™ Strollers, Push and Pull Carts | “ie ruse wa sins cm ice So ts i Rocker Horses, Swings, Bathettes, Crib Robe Sets, Child's Chairs and Rockers With a Smart Lots of Easter Bunny Babies A very special *] 00 value Nts. A. 3.-Confer and Dns. 'W ars, 1) A Ia dA del ed se of 50m A m / : : / } A ‘ A go a " : v . the hard ont. - 4 - LM _—_ . ¥ Te Rk : " —- : ’ : : rf removed! ot ro ww " \ " ‘ ot _— Mgr te " , retained. Other i ’ ’ Very rigid Play Pens and Mats % (Prom Last Week hl thon aaa Ar trouals PrObsses use the e grain, in. Baby Cribs and Mats os i Sunday bridge anc : raliros orefer— wheat, com, rye, oat | J ”. Wome clnmk Tet ol y wer 4 Re ” a Hl byl en ! wi get more vitae 4 the home of Mi It Confer’ on same scetdent. » ; mins, mines and protein from the ToL A Picture for Baby's Room ¥ me v g meet n ; i for a + » Ju! iw Breakfa t cereals and even breads Mrs. Blanche Dal id Paul Texas lost at sea while serving with and flours—all rich In protein—are few ALSO-—Let's brighten baby’s room with Sherwin-Williams Washable Kem-Tone You can paint it and use it the same day. Visit our store—We have many items you will want for your home. Electric Supply Co. Bellefonte State College Lomison held rprise part Kelsey Lomison on h 10th birth ay at the Lomisonn home Friday nis from 7 to o'clock Keleey received many nice pif Gan were played after which ref ments were served Me [ollowing ere present: Jim Watson, Bill Eme- enthizer, Bill Winslow, Bill Cunsal- jus, Gerald, Calvin and Melvin Ny- man. Fred and Paul Heaton, Glenn Singer, Lester Packer, Reuben Rick. ert, Joe. Dom and Ken Confer Philip and Tom Gillespie, Jim Walk. er, Paul and Glenn Barmmhart, Cer ald Packer, Dick Smead, Bill Peim- jee, Junior and Cuy Purl, Jack and Bob Lucas, Paul Hanley, Darrell Confer all of Orviston Elwood Confer of Beech Creek Dick Delong of Mill Hall, Mrs, David Confer and daughter Carol, Ilda Confer, Mrs Blanche Daley, Paul Lomison and children, Paul Jr. Blanche, Kelsey and Ann Pvt. LeRoy Packer returned to his duties with the U. 8. Army in Cali- fornia on Wednesday Merchant Marine excellent to help housewives cope Pyt. Harry Arnold Conger, 22, State College killed In auto accident in North Africa May 28, 1983 Star Sgl Jack H. Wallace, grand. som of MF. and Mra. Thomas H. Tay lor, State College, Jost Nie June 20 1043 In tank accident at Bellbuckie era Beaman Thomas Wayne Miller, IR sony of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Z, Mil- ler. Peliefonte, died July 30, 1943 of injuries suffered In Auto accident near Laguna Peach, California Pvt. Donald R. Johnsmbaugh, 18, soft of Mrs. Bess Johnsonbaugh, State College, Killed August 5, 1943 in motor actident at Camp LeJeune, New River N. © Pfe Nevin DD. Rhine, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Rhine, Mackey - ville, native of Nittany, killed Dee 6. 1942. In mysterious explosion of Flying Portress ot Lockbourns Afr Base, Columbus, Ohlo LA John W. Orago, 26, son of Mr and Mrs. Walter BB. Crago, Philips burg, pilot of Lightning fighter in with meat shortages. The March and April Mea] Planning Ouides list many recipes using cereals to “exe tenidd” meat. Por example, there are recipes for making a delicious oat. meal meat loaf and appetizing chow mein on erisp cereal Packed with suggestions for bake ing bread, using cereals In new Ways and making various foods take the place of scarce {tems, the Meal Planning Oulde even list suggestions for keeping freshiy-baked bread fresh, “If your family Is small” the guide points out, “divide the recipe in two, of swap with your neigh bors. Or wrap your bread In wared paper and store some of your loaves in the refrigerator. It keeps several days this way. Its easy to freshen bread, oo. Sprinkle a little water over the loaf, place ¥t In 4 Paper park and heat it In the oven for about five minutes” This paragraph winds up by say- ing the chances are your will bread Pvt. Kenneth Walker, with the England, killed December 31, 1043, make army at FL SIL, Okla, is spending a seven-day furlough with his par- when plane crashed in takeoff, Ondet Guy M. Heckman, 20, ents, Mr. and Mrs, Oeorge Walker of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam B. Heck. and his wife, after which he will re- man, Hublersburg, killed In plane port to Ft. Meade, Md and . COAT from the COHEN DRESS SHOP. Vivid new Spring colors that will steal the fashion spotlight thru Spring . . . superbly tailored and magically flattering. Make your selection now ! OHEN’S Correct Apparel For Women