Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 30, 1944, Image 5
Maveh 30 44; -* LOCALS ~-Mrs. Paul Owens recelved word| — Mrs. Stewart Hampton, Jr, of this week of the safe arrival over-| Chester, on Friday arrived in Belle- stas of her husband, Pvl, Paulfonte for a visit with her parent wens, | Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Rachau a —~Mrs. Olive Schenck, of Howard, | family, of North Penn street. was a guest Saturday of her son-in- | Plc. Edward Kern, of Camp Lee, law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- | Va., last Thursday arrived here for eph B. Wagner, of South Allegheny [a visit with his wife, the former street. | Erma Rhoads, at the Craft-Nolan T Sgt. and Mrs. Ralph Baker, of thome on South Thomas street, Camp Ritehie, Md., spent the week-| Mrs, William P. Sieg and son, end in Bellefonte as guests of Sgt. |! Philip, last week returned to their Baker's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. home at Burnham Place, south. of Baker, of North Spring street { Bellefonte, after spending nearly — Mrs. Emma King, of Philadel- | {WO months In Clearwater, Florida. phia, is expected in Bellefonte Sat- ~Sandra Jean Dottorf, aged 4 urday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. | years, daughtetr of Mr. and Mrs, Milon P. Walker, of East Linn street, | John Bottorf, of South Allegheny Mrs. King is a sister of Mrs. Walker. street, Is quarantined to her paren- Mrs. John Knaplk and Mrs. Jos tal home because of an attack of eph Knapik, both of Halfmoon Ter- scarlet fever. She is reported to be race. last week were in Philadelphia | recovering steadily, where the former underwent a Mrs. Otiavio Berardis suffered a check-up with her physician at the fracture of the left arm at the el- University Hospital. bow and bruises of the face and Miss Mary loviné, manager of head, Tuesday, in a fall down a the Hugh M. Quigley insurance of- stairway at her home on East Bish- fices in Temple Court building, ex- Op street. After recelying treatment pects to attend a regional meeting at the office of a physician, Mrs, of the U. 8. Fidelity and Guaranty Berardls returned home Company in Harrisburg, next month. | —A quarantine was placed on the Miss Mary Catherine Walker, a! Cecil A. Walker family home on senjor at West Chester Teachers East Linn street last week when College, is expected home Saturday | Mrs. Walker was found to be suffer- to spend her Easter vacation with ing from scarlet fever, According to her parents, Judge and Mrs. Ivan reports, Mrs, Walker is recovering Walker, of East Linn street, rapidly, but members of the family Mrs. D. W. Keller, of Pine street, | 8¢ unable to leave the premises, is reported to be recovering nicely Lt. and Mrs, Francis Marshall, at the Centre County Hospital from of Knoxville, Ky.. were guests last an operation for the removal of a week of the latter's parents, Mr. cataract from one of her eyes. The and Mrs. Herbert Auman, Sr. of operation was performed on Fri- | North Spring street. Sunday, Lt day. id Mrs. Magia went to Mt, Cpl. Earl W. Lose, of Camp Car- | Pleasant and the following day de- son, Colo. Friday arrived here for a 'Parted for Tennessee, where Lt visit with his wife, the former Edith ‘Marshall has received a new assign. Robison, and their daughter, Pattie, Ment. and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. - Miss Virginia Soit, a student at Charles lose, all of Fast Howard Harrisburg General Hospital, and street. her cousin, Miss Bethel Strau of - 3 : West High Harrisburg, spent the weekend In auratrs. Joins Eveline. of word eh Bellefonte. Miss Bolt was a guest of her husband, Pfc. John D. Ebeling, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Solt, who is stationed with the U. 8. fore- of South Spring street, and Miss es in Italy, has been promoted to Straub was with her grandmother, the rank of corporal. Cpl. Ebeling is Mrs. Cyrus Solt, also of South a son of Mrs. Nora Ebeling, also of Spring street West High street. Mr. and Mrs. John Gunsallus, —Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Byrd, of Beth- Of Baltimore, Md., spent the week- lehem. formerly of Coleville, anno- end here with the former's parents, unce the birth of a daughter, Don- Mr. and Mrs. James Gunsallus, of na Rae. March 25 at St. Luke's Hos- Phoenix Avenue. The reason for pital. Bethlehem. The little girl is thelr visit was to see Mr, Gunsallus’ the first child in the family. The sister, Mrs. Philip Bickett, who is Rev. Mr. Byrd formerly was pastor recuperating at the Centre County of the Coleville Pligrim Holiness Hospital from an operation perform. church ed on March 18 - . Saxion, Joseph Bauer, -Miss Nancy Wagner and Miss a de Richard Aliatio, Chief Beverly Brice, both students at the thur Boob and Fire Marshal Philip Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School Saylor, all of Bellefonte, Saturday in New York City, returned to their night attended a banquet at the studies there, Monday, after having Elks Country Club in Renovo in Spent a ten-day vacation in Belle connection . with graduating exer- fonte as guests of Mis Wagner's cises of a fire schoo] conducted at parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles H Renovo for the past 18 weeks. |Wagher and family on East Curtin = Mr. and Mrs. J. Glibert Shope Street. Miss Brice's home is in Nas. on Tuesduy returned to their home "0'W the Bahama lsiande. in Arlington. Va, after having been | <<Pfe. Ralph Krefovicl arrived in here to attend the funetal, Saturday Bellefonte last Wednesday to spend afternoon, of Mr. Shope's sister, 8 21-day furlough with his parents, Mrs. Thomas Haigh, of Ringwood, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kresovich, of N. J. who died ina hospital in that Coleville. . Pvi. Krésovich has just city last Wednesday, Mr. Shope | been discharged from Fletcher Gen- a son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton L. eral Hospital st Cambridge, Ohio, Shope, of ‘East Curtin street where he wis 8 patient for seven “Me. and Mrs. Milen’ Steele, Jr, [TIORtHS, ancl ad the expiration of of Axemann, spent the gay nt 4 hi rough i, ia mst week in Niagara Falls, N 8 d o MC, 25 reastign- with Mr.. Steele's parents, Mr. and "ment Mrs. Miles Steele, and with friends ~William C. Curtin. of Bellefonte, in that city. Mies, Jr. left Belle- was entertained by friends & a sup- fonte last Thursday as one of .the per Saturday, evening at the Nif- group from Local Draft Board No. tany Country Club because he ex- 2 of Bellefonte, to be sent to Fort pects to leave: Priday tp enter the George Meade, Md, for Induction Navy. Twenty-seven were present at into the Army. the supper at which time Mr. Cur- —A'c Gerald A. Robison, a recent tin® was presented with a gift. On graduate of the Army Air Forces Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Philip Flexible Gunnery School at Laredo B. Ray entertained at a buffet sup- Texas, arrived in Bellefonte Satur- per at their home on East Curtin day to spend a two-week furlough street in hohor of Mr. Curtin. Thir- with his mother, Mrs. G. A. Robison teen were present and family, of East Curtin street Mrs. Robert Woodring of Belle- i ER Tos: fonte, and Mrs. Chester Rupp of hi dg Stats College, were the guests of as to undergo advanced traihing a% pang: gt a covered dish supper held a bombardier Saturday evening by Mr. Roy Pour new recrults from Belie- Adams, at her home in Pleasant forte have arrived at the U, 8. Naval Gap. The supper was held In cele. Training Station, Creat Lakes, I bration of Mrs. Woodring's birth. They are: Lee L. Lucas, husband of day, March 20, and Mrs Rupp's Eleanor Clair Lucas, R. D. 2; Ter- birthday, April 4. Among the 36 who rill M. Lucas, husband of Dorothy were present included Mrs. Margaret R. Lucas, 3 West Linn street; Philip P. Stewart of Donors and Mrs, Betty L. Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Gibbons of Monongahela seph Lattimer Bryan, 17 North . Spring street; James G. Taylor, hus- Sgt. William Markley, stationed band of Bagbara E. Taylor, 21 North 3 Lote Field. Dallas, Texas, Aft eho : yesterday tn rpm. tg his «dupes Penn Here after spending a 15-day fur- “Herert Bryan, of Milesurg, has! with his parents, Mr. and Mm, volunteered for service in the Navy Edward Markley, of East Howard and on Saturday at Altoona passed streef, and with his wife, the former his physical examination. He is now Lillian Cox, formerly of Bellefonte. awaiting a call for induction. Mr. Mrs. Markiey, who has been employ. nd -~W. B. Miles, of Mileshurg, cently accepted a position with the {Thompson Alreraft Company in Cleveland, Ohio. —~Cadet Thomas O'Brien, of Car- 'lisle, spent |wite and his parents, Mr. and Mrs, William T. O'Brien, all of East Linn street, --Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Erickson, of 5 'Prackville, were weekend guests of in Bellefonte. Mr. and of East | Mrs, Erickson’s parents, Mrs, W. Harrison Walker, Linn street, | —Mr. and Mrs, Donald McIlvaine, of near Philadelphia, arrived here Friday to spend several days with Mrs. Mcllvaine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joceph Baker, of West Curtin Street, —Paul R. Emerick, of the Bea- Pees, stationed at Camp Peary, Va, spent the weekend with his wife at the Penn Belle Hotel, and with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Emer. jek, of North Spring street ~Pvt, Clande M. Confer of Belle- fonte, who is with the Signal Corps, has arrived in England, according to word received by his wife, the former Jean Homan of Linden Hall He had recently been stationed at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Walker and five children moved Tuesday from the Witmer estate farm in Buffalo Run Valley to one of the Shoemaker Brothers farms near State College. The Walkers had oc- cupied the Witmer farm for the past nine years. E. M. Gandy, Jr., seaman second dass, who recently completed boot training at Great Lakes, Ill is spending a nine-day furlough with his wife and voung daughter at their home on North Spring street, He will report to Great Lakes, April 3, to re- celve assignment Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Johnson, who occupy a farm west of Fillmore, have purchased the William C. Witmer farm east of Fillmore and expect to move onto the property the latter part of this week Mr. and Mrs Johnson are the parents of Mrs Royden A. Gheen, of Bush Addition. Pvt. Henry Bullock, of Ft. Me- Clellan, Alabama, and his wife, of Philadelphia, were weekend guests of the former's mother, Mrs, John M. Bullock, of West Linn strect. Pvt Bullock recently completed radio training at Camp MeClellan, and will go to Pt. Meade, Md., in the near future for re-assignment —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witter and son Michael of Bristol, last Tuesday arrived in Bellefonte at the home of Mrs. Witter's parents, Dr. and Mr J. C. Rogers, on North Allegheny street Mr. Witter departed last Thursday to enter military service and Mra. Witter and son will reside during his absence at the Roger home After spending several days with his father, Emerson Lenker and family ah North Spring street, Rus- sell Lenker, of the Navy, last Wed. nesday returned to a government hospital at Boston, Mass, where he recently underwent an operation for the removal of a tumor on his leg, and where he will be under treat- tuent for several week: before re- wrning to active service, ~Ma). Frederick Shope, of Camp Butter, N. C. is spending a ten-day furlough with his wife at the home of her parents, Rev. ghd Mrs, G, F Householder, of West High street Maj and Mrs. Shooe and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Helm of Willowbank treet, motored to Rochester, N.Y, to shend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Heim's soh-in-law and daugh- tar, Mr. and Mr. Giles Bariner and family More than 50 persons attended an Officers’ Chapter Night meeting of Bellefonte Chanter No, 151, Wom- en of the Moose, held last Wednes- day night at the V. F, W. home New candifiates received into the Chapter were Mrs. Dalsy Shuey and Mrs. Elsie Bufday, both of Belle forte, and Martha Shope of State College. At an auction sale the amount of $25 cleared was Lurned over 106 the Bellefonte Chapter Red Cross, and 51 packages of cigarettes donated by members will be sent to soldiers overseas. Refreshments were served A report on a personality survey among nurses, by Harold Reppert, of Penn State College. highlighted a meeting of the Beliefonte Victory Jub, organization of nurses and em- ployes of the Cenire County Hose pital, in the board room of the hos. pital Monday night of last week Following the business session a social hour was enjoyed and refresh ments served, Those present were: Sarah Adams, Mrs. Florence Coup, Grace Kunes: Ethel Beaver, Gladys Gahagan, Mary Labenskl, Betty Hal. obatigh, Tress Fye. Martha JoAn- son, Mra Nellie Geary, Mrs, Mattie Watts, Kathryn Coble, Janette Our. brick, Sarah Markle, Pearl Houtz, Mary Catherine Mansfield and Mrs. Carl Difbbe ~Among those who attended a were committee members J. Maurics Miller, of Spring Millis, R. D. 2; Earl re- | the weekend with his THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ——— - — Miss Cecelia Moerschbacher, of | 2 Pittsburgh, spent last week in Belle | fonte with her mother, Mrs, Mary, {Moerschbacher, at her home on! South Thomas street, | Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Cliffe, | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | of Hershey, spent Monday in Belle | fonte on a business mission and | while here called on a number of their friends. They formerly resided | —Elmer Decker, 8K 2/c¢, of Camp | Peary, Va. has returned to his duties | there after spending a ten-day fur- lough in Bellefonte. It was his first leave since he entered the service | last November. munity Bargain Counter, Over Thirty Thousand Persons | Read These Columns every week, That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- partment has become so amazingly popular. the benefits derived from its use, it is undisputably Centre County's Com- Considering its low cost and RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for { first issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where advertise ~Malcolm L. Wetzler, Jr., student | ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged. al Mercersburg Academy, returned | to hig duties there early this after spending a week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mn Maleolm 1 wetzler, of Milesburg $ Mrs. H. 8. Hubler, of Lock Hav- | en, arrived in Bellsforte early last week for a several days’ visit with her father, Willlam Gehret, at the home of hi son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Willar, of Fast High street advertising-—sale or rent. week ments, of the advertiser, ocrat whose subscription is paid up vertisement in these columns one subscriber will be charged the time, regular can be used six times a year at different intervals. REAL ESTATE-—A straight one cent a word is charged for real estate KEYED ADS--All advertisements that request replies to be mafled to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise. Please do not call at the office for information concerning such advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted to divulge the name SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every subscriber to The Centre Deme to date, 1s entitled to 0» 26-word ad. free of charge. Otherwise the advertising rate. This privilege Mr. and Mrs, George Armstrong 8r., of Willowbank street, Bellefonte, are the proud parents of a son born - last Thursday in the Centre County rr. nas Hospital, The child has been named David Eugene, and is the second =on in the WANTED dog for the Bootd A defer Pen WAN TED--Men 10 family or oN Nod. Tus) James We Camp W *Ho Va. Is spending a 21-day Bate furiough with his parents, Mr, and Mra. Joseph Weaver, of West Logan street Pvt. Weaver revernl months had been a patient at Dr on General Hospital, Butler Thomas Knapik, 13, son of M: and Mrs. Andrew Knapik, of Half- moon Terrace, fell last week while playing near his home and fractured the small finger of his right hand A physleian put a cast an the finoer and Thomas is now earrying arm in a sling. Mr. and Mrs Lohr a family last Monday moved from the Thomas Jodon farm between Axe- mann and Pleasant Gap, to the for- mer Christ D. Beeser farm located near Ropshurg. The Beezer farm | DAY: ir Pvt Am ter Belvoir, ver, of WANTED--Men 10 cut paper wood, mine props, logs, mill k. Con. ¢ or by th and ns sultlabl ior we Ho family of CG. for es 4 use 1 WwW. Holt " 118 § es Mart PARMERAS Penna Valley Sales Barn, Centre Hall, Pa. lolds sale every Tuesday Bring your live poOwilry. You can ex RT. Reizel, owner, 1 ant or | Ww PARMERS « The Clinwun Auction, 1 Hall, Pa. offers AD ( ortunity to dispose of your ! sock and poultry bY competitd bidding, every fonday Get check aa s00n ag sale 3 made sale, no commission, Joe Bochdel 1" George you now owned hy Dr. Joseph A Parrish of Bellefonte James Wilson, of Pleasant View : has resigned his pos n as fireman gon at the Centre Counts . accept a similar post National Bank, sw Bamhart, of West Lamb fz scheduled to enter the the near future Mr and daug? jorie Ann of Fast this week moved where they will reside Williams' parents, Mr FE. Bradford, while Mr. Williams in military service. After her hus. band reports for service, March 31. Mrs Willlams will became 5 meme ber of the Centre County Hospital nursing staff. The Willams home has been leased to Mr. and Mrs. Les. ter Musser, former resident ol Bellefonte, who have been living io Buffalo, N. Y about SOArs Mrs. Musser and four of their chil. deen will move to Bellaionie aboud TApriL 1. while Mr. Musser continues hiz mofk in Niagara Palle for the time being —————— Receives Promotion Serpeant William J. Pressovieh, sot: af Mrs. Ann Preshwich, of Clar- ence. has been promoted to staf! sergeant. He It serving with the 45th Thunderbird” Division of it {ith Army in Iigls Card of Thanks ; Articles for Sale SAL at ceeding treet, service william Mar- early Centre Hall with Mr and Mrs. ( i Mrs. James ters, Helen Jane and Lamb street 0 alu POR SALE Balled some bajed sires ae, P Ma f AST two X E1941 Bu ) 16 8060 Srp sw MRI4 MIIThen PCR SALE truck. Maal Net er ie Pa BALR-AL d. Pleas Pa dansits rm n : a Losantng POR BALE--Goog " } OFT 1 take this Mana peteon ho contributed or form of thank ing al any manner fess apd death of 1 William Ot aur the | (Big neg wife wy poh MeAULAY The family ot Orover Cleveland McAulay to hank all friends and for kRindnsss exténded 4d recent bHereavement beatiful forall trHULe cars. Signed) Mrs. Hele Howard, Pa Mr. and Mr in Borger of shannon, Mi. wish to tha many friends and neighbors wisdly contributed to them hour of need, both money and mix needed clothing When our and personal belongs were frayed by fire our fr gave, and again we Wish our heart-felt thanks. (Sigped) and Mr, Irvin Borger Help Wanted the late wisher neighbor Phoue 768 . Bellefonte yar po cannel and soft coal C F. Ripka, 80. Water 88 Pa POR BALE-~Martetta wood allos. Also used nila of RW Meeker, Milhaim, Pa 65-R-A. FOR SALE Boy's or n excellent condition Tony Posner, Beliefonte R moncrete noe McAuiay ¥ burg 1] Be go Katahdin certified » Deianey, © 1820-11 | gt SALE 1941 Chevrolet Deluxe 4-4oor sedan Sperial Deluxe Chevrolet 4 accent trade. Blerly Peberstyurge. Pa end FCR SALE LW EXDIeAs i Mr El r Phone Garage WANTED - Reparienced ae chanic, permanent powity : 8. P. in care of hia office auto ~ me. write xi) 1096 Craham ooacd — motor overhauled fo WANTED Two waltresses. Apply 'n i th has three the frst person at Big Trout Inn, Walter excellent condition. P Fires x13 Bierly, Rebersburg, Py x15 WANTED about i POR BALE «Heed DORIOMm : $1.50 bushel. Sebago, years old John |. sa » 1H Treaster Pa. | Cobblers Russetia, some x14 Diery at $1.25 bushel, ( bell, Penna Purmnmace, Pa {Callege 3770 BALE of Boy ana to work RD J one year Katahdin Ro. 2 Cob. H. Camp. Phone Stat» x15 girl on farm Bellefonte | WANTED--Man to work on farm by the month. Chood Mark, In» POR BALE --T7000000 board feet of ano 3 aw timber, and smaller timber } nee | that will cut 6.000000 feet of mine | WANTED-Man 10 cut white pine [Drops or 10000 cords paper wood Paper wood. Fasy cutting, no peel. | Consisti of 2.100000 feet white iow 70 0. W. House Laymber | Bon: 2 000 feel hemlock; 1.800. Ca, ¥ , Bats College. our | feet oak and 900.000 feet of mix. {ol hardwoods, On Big POT Ty FOR BALE Ero : 4 received irator & Hore gasoline and ire 1 slack. Compiets - service dedartment Pe Biegy Radio & Ee ne 53. Miliheim. Pa P— L m FOR SALE Trust « 20 |BURIAL VAULTS Be sure It Dunlap reinforoed ‘vault when you must ch ‘Made by Dunlap Brothers past twenty years and sold direct you Delivered anywhere Cmiu Telephone Belietonte 2765 nerete NENT WAVE. 68c! Do your vn Permanent with Charm-Kuri Kit. Complete equipment, including curiera and shampoo. Easy 10 do, absolutely harmiess aised by thou nds including Pay McKenzie, glam. us movie star. Money refunded If 1 satisfied. Parrish Drug Store PERMA xi4 Wanted to Buy WANTED To buy a baby str 5 Iapaitvie one preferred | Bellefonte 2940 | WANTED -22.calibre rifle. Gite con. ation and price Calvin (Howard. Ma. RD 1 { WANTED ~~ To buy poultry of all Highest prices paid, at farm C Pooler Clearfield, Pa | Phone 1088 xis WANTED To buy chickens, young To ft PEN H Dial 6192 | WANTED buy | N tify ¥ ects, Mile Garden Plots for Rent FOR TENT —Onroe WANTED | Li Kind Far burne tr m Pry sr ‘V4 WANTED Wr As breeq y AUK 50c per oh hatcohini J. Zetu WANTED Por Ter INARAZ] ferro 44 eek. | Live Stock for Sole ALF Pasture Wanted NTED # A Fre Ir Money to Loan ie Repairing Maviay parts and ser- al. makes of wasl- EERVICING —— Keep your working. CGenu We services £ werner ne re - Removed Milihein STOCK Cellier — Removed ne &t promptly expense. Phone Tn Men A FEAT take this th Fe that we Carry in sock svery- . | Wuing pertaining to the feel, such as arch supports, both ong {(ongitudi- ' hort tats real ) tges THREAT Two Holkiein bulls resigtered other he OR SAL gover 2 Years Oe : ~ ai n ey istered La = oO gv) registered AL 4 . A " Sri Pe op Poultry e for Sal ¥ Lan ’ te ¥ A ¥ Cenihbda isa Poa Dogs, Pets, Etc. ALE PARMACY, 1 ve Drug LIP Announcements SUPPER Ihe | wr Wome Sotcet Real Estate for Sale POR SALE Cate : Houses for Rent FCR RENT ty Wr D Seve wom - e east of ( NOTICE Dum MM the Hublersb Hall 63 i ‘ One 1 BEdwa Phone Clee tru naale Ha H ALNUAL Meet] M Rooms for Rent FOR RENT Dished, eal ng. Bdw. Spicer fonte, Pa TWO rusiees are to be nd others Hublersburg Oem. meetin zie One large room : (ff Meh for light Logan fare housek eed. n 81 Belle. aid : dhe shou attena LET IR this (pavents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Au-|s" nope), Nathan Mull, Jr. Ane! «Mr. and Mrs, Walter Rankin, of man, 8r., of North street, Camp Hill, were here during the and on Monday left for Lieut. Mar. grou ROCKER WL Of Behelante, and (Food _Putking in Oenire county. |amaller lot If desired. wobk tend public ‘shall's new; assignmen Cynp ’ ’ + | New awmtomatio wipment, » on, write nd da at the alt A ’ Ax Ward C. Krape, of Bellefonte, preg. | work, ood agen, ADOlY in paron, Pa. of the late n | Campbell, Tenn, They - i i te h by Mrs Marshalls sister t of the group. George I Ket. | om or En Penn Dells | Hotel, Bellefonte, Phone T21 xis | | WANTED — Meliable dealer to wo any art B. Domu in East want day old chicks, you want chick. Heber! duc and old. Will pay highest prices Must have some at once. Also lve stock. Albert N. MoCaleb, Loganton x13 | Pa. Phone Loganton 2622, x30 CHICK BUYERS — Dr , | WANTED--To buy highback sinks; led by attractive prices, when #0 | , Comer : _ huteh tables: ’ | Sogthtraga ofl lamps; men's riding na : Randy Dutch china; t- terware, Clarence Hamilton, ¥ Howarg St, Bellefonte x13 | WANTED--00 men needed for pulp. |Clearfinid County, Pa. . Vi PHEN-O-SAL mn Dowble-Dety Drinking Water Medicine 1 CHECKS GERM GROWTH * in drinking water ? MEDICATES CHICK'S “digestive tract i £ i i f i : i 3E 5 i hi : ¥ iE i i AMred and Ce one” rob f % A ng et ntre Buy big, ust chicks from lent rl ed Do a8ed BABY CHICKS! AF dd Hh A a i eA Ed 8 18 48 PINE YOUine Breed cnichs TT i 1 Hit Fi E 5 § g i : : | 2 5 i 2 £ i : : PHEN.OSALS on Joni beouae hey hee ondizing. Dr. Salsbury’s PHENO SAL chicks double benefits be te Sone lose enh 8 ote ond go oe Hk Don't take chances on water medicines. Start your chicks right with this product used by successful poultry raisers the country over. GET PHEN-O-SAL HERE! HOCKMAN'S FEED STORE PHONE 2229 BELLEFONTE, PA. | SEED POTATOES a —— Grown From Certified : ; § i POTATO CHIPS HYDE'S POTATO CHIPS ! i 5 g 3 HG i 3 : H Add i