Maveh 30 44; -* LOCALS ~-Mrs. Paul Owens recelved word| — Mrs. Stewart Hampton, Jr, of this week of the safe arrival over-| Chester, on Friday arrived in Belle- stas of her husband, Pvl, Paulfonte for a visit with her parent wens, | Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Rachau a —~Mrs. Olive Schenck, of Howard, | family, of North Penn street. was a guest Saturday of her son-in- | Plc. Edward Kern, of Camp Lee, law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- | Va., last Thursday arrived here for eph B. Wagner, of South Allegheny [a visit with his wife, the former street. | Erma Rhoads, at the Craft-Nolan T Sgt. and Mrs. Ralph Baker, of thome on South Thomas street, Camp Ritehie, Md., spent the week-| Mrs, William P. Sieg and son, end in Bellefonte as guests of Sgt. |! Philip, last week returned to their Baker's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. home at Burnham Place, south. of Baker, of North Spring street { Bellefonte, after spending nearly — Mrs. Emma King, of Philadel- | {WO months In Clearwater, Florida. phia, is expected in Bellefonte Sat- ~Sandra Jean Dottorf, aged 4 urday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. | years, daughtetr of Mr. and Mrs, Milon P. Walker, of East Linn street, | John Bottorf, of South Allegheny Mrs. King is a sister of Mrs. Walker. street, Is quarantined to her paren- Mrs. John Knaplk and Mrs. Jos tal home because of an attack of eph Knapik, both of Halfmoon Ter- scarlet fever. She is reported to be race. last week were in Philadelphia | recovering steadily, where the former underwent a Mrs. Otiavio Berardis suffered a check-up with her physician at the fracture of the left arm at the el- University Hospital. bow and bruises of the face and Miss Mary loviné, manager of head, Tuesday, in a fall down a the Hugh M. Quigley insurance of- stairway at her home on East Bish- fices in Temple Court building, ex- Op street. After recelying treatment pects to attend a regional meeting at the office of a physician, Mrs, of the U. 8. Fidelity and Guaranty Berardls returned home Company in Harrisburg, next month. | —A quarantine was placed on the Miss Mary Catherine Walker, a! Cecil A. Walker family home on senjor at West Chester Teachers East Linn street last week when College, is expected home Saturday | Mrs. Walker was found to be suffer- to spend her Easter vacation with ing from scarlet fever, According to her parents, Judge and Mrs. Ivan reports, Mrs, Walker is recovering Walker, of East Linn street, rapidly, but members of the family Mrs. D. W. Keller, of Pine street, | 8¢ unable to leave the premises, is reported to be recovering nicely Lt. and Mrs, Francis Marshall, at the Centre County Hospital from of Knoxville, Ky.. were guests last an operation for the removal of a week of the latter's parents, Mr. cataract from one of her eyes. The and Mrs. Herbert Auman, Sr. of operation was performed on Fri- | North Spring street. Sunday, Lt day. id Mrs. Magia went to Mt, Cpl. Earl W. Lose, of Camp Car- | Pleasant and the following day de- son, Colo. Friday arrived here for a 'Parted for Tennessee, where Lt visit with his wife, the former Edith ‘Marshall has received a new assign. Robison, and their daughter, Pattie, Ment. and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. - Miss Virginia Soit, a student at Charles lose, all of Fast Howard Harrisburg General Hospital, and street. her cousin, Miss Bethel Strau of - 3 : West High Harrisburg, spent the weekend In auratrs. Joins Eveline. of word eh Bellefonte. Miss Bolt was a guest of her husband, Pfc. John D. Ebeling, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Solt, who is stationed with the U. 8. fore- of South Spring street, and Miss es in Italy, has been promoted to Straub was with her grandmother, the rank of corporal. Cpl. Ebeling is Mrs. Cyrus Solt, also of South a son of Mrs. Nora Ebeling, also of Spring street West High street. Mr. and Mrs. John Gunsallus, —Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Byrd, of Beth- Of Baltimore, Md., spent the week- lehem. formerly of Coleville, anno- end here with the former's parents, unce the birth of a daughter, Don- Mr. and Mrs. James Gunsallus, of na Rae. March 25 at St. Luke's Hos- Phoenix Avenue. The reason for pital. Bethlehem. The little girl is thelr visit was to see Mr, Gunsallus’ the first child in the family. The sister, Mrs. Philip Bickett, who is Rev. Mr. Byrd formerly was pastor recuperating at the Centre County of the Coleville Pligrim Holiness Hospital from an operation perform. church ed on March 18 - . Saxion, Joseph Bauer, -Miss Nancy Wagner and Miss a de Richard Aliatio, Chief Beverly Brice, both students at the thur Boob and Fire Marshal Philip Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School Saylor, all of Bellefonte, Saturday in New York City, returned to their night attended a banquet at the studies there, Monday, after having Elks Country Club in Renovo in Spent a ten-day vacation in Belle connection . with graduating exer- fonte as guests of Mis Wagner's cises of a fire schoo] conducted at parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles H Renovo for the past 18 weeks. |Wagher and family on East Curtin = Mr. and Mrs. J. Glibert Shope Street. Miss Brice's home is in Nas. on Tuesduy returned to their home "0'W the Bahama lsiande. in Arlington. Va, after having been | <