Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 30, 1944, Image 4
Pape Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. a March 80, 1944, at a 116 Men In April Call to Services (Continned rom page one) John J. Seprish, Clearfield, (Clar- ence). Kyle B. Nearhoof, Chester, lan). Donald 8. Dickson, Bellefonte Harry Vaux, Philipsburg Walter W, Fravel, Lamar | Harold C. Summers, Bellefonte | Maurice A. Lewis, Snow Shoe William ©. Wilkinson Philipsburg RD 1 larence Kirby (Philipsburg) William D. Weller, Jullan Daniel H. Couturiaux, South Phil- ipsburg Stewart H. Pletcher Heverly Coutur Kenneth w Kenneth C RD 3 George F. Rhoads, Bellefonte Paul W. Walk, Julian Albert M. Hall, Julian RD 1 Gearge T. Bechdel, Blanchard William J. Musser, Bellefonte to be held on Ha Tom; Bellefonte Bryan is the Martin J. Pleskonko, Philipsburg the 1X Fdse Hurwitz, Philipsburg K. Dunsmore, Philipsburg H. Osterhout, Th RD NEFF IS ELECTED VF W COMMANDED New Officers of Local Post to be Installed Here on April 14 (Jue 1 Neff of Howard was elect der of Jackson-Criss- Pa 1600, Veterans of ( Bellefonte, at the an- held at the post home on Sout! Friday night Other officers elected were: LR Glenn, senior vice commander; J W Garis, junior vice commander; J. W Lee C Mong, chaplain: Harri G. Kline Frank quartermaster; Willlam Garis, Roy Jones and George Sunday, trustee Luther Mong, post advocate Weir urgeon: Robert Barner geant-at-arms; William Garis jutant; william W, Hampton, service officer, and Robert Keith, guard The newly elected officers Willa od commal man-Sa Foreign wars nun! 10} Salamanca, N. Y 3 meetin Spring street Howard RD 2 Howard RD 1 aux, Philipsburg RD Robinson, Fleming, Clouser on will be installed at ceremonies sel OC on Friday, April 14, John retiring commander of —————nt Ml —— a — Announce Engagement rone Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behringer of Titusville, have announced the gagement of their daughter, Miss M. Gaver: Bellatonte Adele Behringer, to Cpl. J. Gordon CIR: Fay, son Mrs, John M 4, : tullan Fay, Titusvill Miss Behringer a » ; Catt rian is a graduat { Colestock High atherman, School in Titus le, and of Clarion State Teacher roll , Clarion. Si is now teacl entary d at Plumer ner member of the staff of the ntre Dally Times, State College Corporal] Fay was graduated from Penn State in 194) and | a member of the public) relations office staff at Camp Shelby, Miss. Date of the wedding tentatively et Cassidy, Powelton Smith III, Blanchard 1) - en nee of hot “ Theodore Moshan- non Gasper M Robert C RD 2 (Th Panik, Clarence Hockenberry ansfer Howard Those irom ta nN t ROW College rmold Foster, Roy D Beck Harr lin Ripka Fred Riche rene Hartman RD LD. Joh tate early aam usin rl Frank WARNS AGAINST DOGS ard N RUNNING AT LARGE a 2 {rey IY imme Harold aman, Claud of | ctonban Lee Edward Doyle Eugene Packer ward Gehret, John C Merrill John Ream, Elv« Williams, Robert John Bruce We \i% Gear! Mothersba O'Connor, constable reporis tnat complaints large in the dogs, he l= JAE Spring townshij mber of dogs mn ing at hip Man I the without he has oh : 2 George Ed- received a about ., Are reported y De » complaints he me! found run- large in the future will disposed of. Owner will announces that all dogs y ' picked up and of dogs without licenses be pros- ecuted. he declared A —————— Frosted Fruits taken frost can be Ihe rit iits and egetable them in cold water them to Ralph (Continned from page one) married I. Hart- m about fiv rothers and sisters R. 1. Hartsock, of Jul- re: Budd and Mrs. Lin YTONe A ©. Hart burg. D. C. Hart. a Mr Katherine of Huntingdon, and Mrs LA} ieee) = ’ Tom and Dick are overseas This clothing is for Harry TOPCOATS SUITS SPORT COATS HATS DRESS SHIRTS NECKWEAR TROUSERS BOYS SUITS SWEATERS RAIN COATS $25 to S45 $25 to SAS $1435 $185 $1.95 £1.00 $31.95 $12.95 5.00 $12.95 M M M obert Morey, of 199 Aspen Road, 8 Ma Mis Nussey State in | pre lege. Er Last Minute Shoppers, Visit Lambda us for Complete Stocks Now graduate Mr of Penn ation. Al l the Col- gn Morey, a member of the Chi Alpha fraternity, is a of the University of Maine the School of Mechanical Engin- rerit He graduated from the Mid- ; BOB DAVIS hipman's School at Prairie State, MK. xX the vanced Diese N and took BELLEFONTY LEWISTOWN ont 4 engineering course at the He Is now Fia College Ke West ORDER Casler Cordaged EARLY ALL SEASONABLE FLOWERS HOY’S GREENHOUSES 222 BLANCHARD ST. DIAL 51 BELLEFONTE, PA. ~ Now Accepting Orders for Victory Garden Plants Bellefonte Dies at Hospital Little News, Plenty of ' Views In Old Paper Continued from page ome) 1ifY's sales listed by Sheriff George I. | Leidy, and a notice by John McCal- {mont, Jr, secretary, that the Nit- tany Valley Young Peoples’ Total | Abstinence Soclety would hold its first annual meeting in the Lick Run chool room at “early candlelight” on Saturday, November 5 The ancient paper indicates that {107 years ago local news was a posi- tive drug on the market, The only way any local person is mentioned in the entire paper is In the adver- | tisement The only story which { might have been classed as a local ‘news story one listing letters re- { maining unclaimed at the Bellefonte] toflice Back In those postal delivery person postoffice IX there was and unless calls at there was mall for him, he didn’t his mail S50 It became the custom for new to publish regular list unciaimed letters. The publicatio uch lists in newspapers hence a worthwhile servi day system regulay see 1 made to any fet papers er canned the i whether there {them In a small Montgomery tne citizens vizinity as a cing and Surgery Allegheny rison's Hotel the fesidence « David Meis and white spotted cos Pott ivertisement offers his servi Bellefonte practitioney of His office wa near Samuel of treet premises in AD nd pencil eay knobs, carpenters’ patent lock flush bolt steel ons gridirons, spring rat traps locks wt n iw patent augur squares adi trun ougnt hairmaks bit br frvation ’ legible the House erYes a i the sale is cover pert whoever filled the 1840, marked the De newspaper record, and October 21 filing on t Most of the ver) de no kn early files of 1 od In a wn duplicate ni Newspa were tron fire and there are Nn existence ———— -. Only One Democrat On County Ticket Vigoron vrite<in campaigns for most upon Which Centre unty Democrats will vote at the primaries April 28 is envisioned since only one Democratic candidate for an; office to be voted upon in the county has filed petitions for posi tion on the Eallot The lone candidate whose name will appear on the county Demo cratic ballot is Miss Maude Miller, of Ferguson township, who seeks re- election as Demoeratie vice-chair man Republican candidates who filed {petitions for ballot positions are: General Assembly; offices of fonte, and John H. Wallin, Philips burg | County Chairman: Thomas B. | Beaver, Bellefonte, and William H. | Brown, Bellefonte | County Vice-Chairman: {Nancy Fryberger, Philipsburg, IMrs. Edna Storch, State College, | State Committeeman: MM. Ward [Fleming, Bellefonte, | Delegates to Republican National Convention: A. Roy Chase, Clear field; Claude G. Alkens, Btate Col- lege: Walter 1. Dodson, Hollidays- burg. | Congress: D. E. Brumbaugh, Blair county. | Democratic candidates for dele- Mrs, and the w sparables, Mar ash P. A Frost, | State College: Harry ¥. Jones, Belle | Poultry News [Police Still Hope for KIWANIS CLUB 1S ‘Break’ in Murder| (Continued from Pape one) of the mvestigation Hartman, familiarly, known “Sparky,” declares It is a unique crime There are several anele which seem to defy all logical solu- tion and the answers probably never will be known until we find the per- son who is responsible.” One ray of positive hope was re- flected by both Hariman and Mol-| f lenkof. however Both declared brated by the Bellefonte Kiwani “When we have the right man, we'll [Club at its weekly luncheon meet- know it While declined to [Ing held Tuesday al Penn Belle] amplify that thes Hotel, The principal speaker at { clared police have anniversary meeting wa will definitely prove rison Walker, of Bellefont Lhe “right the founders and rie ing his part in the of the ol Detective Hartman Among tiagtions In l= | WHO YOKE George H Ray C, Nol Emerick ble the progres the breathing organ W. Harrison Walker, a '» Charter Member, Speaks at Anniversary Event broode: fn ¢ HOC Twenty vears of activit the Chicks Become tw Infection How thes the statement de. evidence wnich whether one or not ¢ are quite di of the transient natu the populetion J to that he honora warmed tendance ib pon became 4 meme Extra Care For Early Chicks Early broods of chicks need extra care in order to avoid the mop common types of troubles affecting Susceptible I'he Brooding Rules (2 Observe A Pt Oubls new wing 1 \ entry ounty possibl yw observir t! rule Hospital nortis M1 eer the rv Ro Sloop William rege H Major Hoffman Receives Honor (Counting J ed from pape one) Ast Coliege n Hall where of i WE AC~ were jaads complishments, Major Hoffman was , transferred and appointed the flight rgeon of the Twelfth Alr Sum 1944 -. al evidence y mber al evidence of rm ' velln WT SONS ibag ang ofthe ———————— The Floors Appiing a floor, it with a clot} Every Before Counts U peck with vami nagnified ~— —* Swans Continue To FASTER SERVICES TN THE LOCAL EVANGELICAL CHURCH 6:00 undietieht Idle; Ignore Spring (Continged rom page One) nen recount Lord upon the he Resurrets 1 Hollo- " Bo . Truck Damaged at APRN 1944 CAN ADMISSION PRICES EFFECTIVE Ist Reflecting Pederal Excise 1 ADULTS MATINEE 0 Plus CHILDREN Tax It ADULTS EVENING Pl 7% Ta the —12¢ plus 2 14« v ah - 6c Tax A Lr Matinee & Evening tax ———————— | THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY HIS ORIENTAL BRAIN PROTECTS I A MILLION SOLDIERS’ LIVES! | «THE FIRST IN A BRAND NEW "CHAN SERN Rett i [| iat | ve heer nth the slay Mat ceed hong concluded we'll Mu Banker Victim of Heart Attack Continued from page one) 25, 1887, IT'S A SECRET TO EVERY at Port Matilda on January hence was aged 57 years and 2 months. His father died several months ago. Surviving are his wile the former Amy Rhule; three chil- dren, Marjorie. at home; Lt. Charles E. Woodring, In the U. 8. Alr PForc- es, and Harry ©. Woodring, 2nd, in the Army: and five sisters, namely Mrs. James Reese, of Tyrone, R. D.; Mrs. Elizabeth G. Weston, Elizabeth, Pa. Mrs. John M. Robinson, Flem. ing: Mrs. Thurman C. Weiser, Port | Matilda, and Mrs. Nell Benn, of | Btate College During World War I, Mr. Wood. ring served eight and a half months in Prance with the A. E. F. He had | been an official of the Commumity | Bank for the past 14 years. Before locating in Port Makilda, Mr. Woodring was employed for a time at the First National Bank at Gwen Kenyon Mantan Moreland ——— ALSO HE-MAN ACTION UP IN THE SKY! A STORY OF THE CIVIL AIR PATROL! “COWBOY IN THE CLOUDS" CHARLES JULIE pun STARRETY DUNCAN TAYLOR —~MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY — SHE'S QUEEN OF THE YUKON! until accepting the banking position {in Port Matilda. Puneral services were held Tues. {day afternoon at the Methodist church in Port Matilda, with Rev. \ Milesburg Crossing nuerd rom page one) ADMISSION PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 1st, 194 ¥ ¢ # ADULTS EVENING j Tax—bbe CHILDREN EVENING ' 3 Toax—18e ADULTS MATINED CHILDREN MATINE} P : 14¢ 3c T PLacy / ~ THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY rol a, UNDER THE 4s DESERT SKIES... there's romance, adventure and intrigue .. .! - AT TYNE TIRE © AT RL A saan 1 ea Sa THE SONGS YOU LOVE... “The ; Riff Song" "One Alone” ond oll the othery! MONDAY and TUESDAY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY a RANDOLPH SCOTTY ELLA RAINES BARRY FITZGERALD wm —————— p—— " MAKE A DATE NOW! GET THE GANG TOGETHER! SPECIAL EASTER MIDNITE FUN SHOW | BROWN “"CARNEY =~ 12:0 AM Fa A Lm B okies —— ET