Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 30, 1944, Image 14
fish THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BECLEFONTE, PA. Maveh 30, 1944, Ra LL i re ——— ! home of Mrs. McCloskey's parents, | OBIT Mr. and Mrs. Philips of Howard, R. D. 1 | Miss Eiflene Merryman is on the sick list Mrs. Delmas McCloskey attended services In the Baptist church SBun- _-_-’ dM GROVER C. Death came suddenly Cleveland McAulay well known Howard resident and Piper Aircraft Corp, employe, who wa early Tuesday morning of la with a cerebral hemorrhage dled six hours later, at 11 a. m,, his home. Mr. McAulay was born at Hublersburg, had resided for a num- ber of years at Monument, and since 1836 had lived in Howard. He is sur- vived by his wife, the former Helen M. Glossner, two daughters and a| on, Mrs. Carl Leone, of Albany, N ¥.: My Donald Gardner, Jr, and Charles Eugene, of Howard; and g jones, two grandchildren, Services were q.1v Wednesday held Saturday afternoon at the Mc- 99 of a Aulay residence, with the Rev. R. L. uivine. alons Freas officiating Interment Was other are the made in the Hublersburg cemetery daughters Altoona McAULAY surviving are his parent Mr of Kyvlertown ber of the Jack tricken church, Marion t x Howard Fire vice werd at the home the Jacksonville ¢ John R. CG L. Frea made in Jacksonville Cirover 1 to na on, held hel aulfek HICK, & Eva the Mrs, Roxanna J with Thomas HARRY THOMAS BEIGHTOL Thomas Beightol, of How- rage clerk and timekeeper at Highway garage in Belle- the past five years, died at Friday, March 24, 15044, at of complications Mr attack of RO, Wi Pvt Mr Illinoi voir, Va. dale Hel Jones, Ca Jone Bo uffered an Oneida: 1910 at Howard Mrs Jacksonville Bellefont« Beightol, of and Louise Eat What You Want Nature Knows Best il sisters Camp ind Earl e family when over-inc condition ives me feeling.” cieansing, ing. That's T'onic, does Name.) Not but as a spl i Jsed daily outstandix spiel + SOCLIO Get World’ rug Stores . ted (J20) and Mr Deceased was a mem- Grange, company Monday followed officiating MRS. JOHN 8S. of Sandy cerenral n Great Lakes Naval Reese MONUMENT maternal grand- Harry Harter, day evening Visitors at Mackey's on BSunday were Allan Embick and Walter Cone do, also Mrs. Francis McCloskey and N8 Mrs. Helen Pletcher, on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mackey made a shopping trip to Lock Haven on Saturday, then called on Mrs. Mack- ev's father, Charles Dolan at Little Nittany WOODWARD Mrs, John merly of Lewistown, residence they from Mrs. Harry Bundny sd Reformed and the Funeral ser- afternoon by Services at hurch, with Rev, sisted by Rev, R Interment wa neelical cemetery onville St. Rev Palm Sunday vice with Before U for- the Mr, and Turner, occupied recently purchased Kessinger on Mon Wednesday sional servi Hol, 9, Maundy Communion JONES mes, wife of John Ridge, died sud- day of last week, morning, March we're glad to report that Arthur merrhage, Bur ob, Jr, 18 improving in his y, | her hi and AUS] ¢ af Mr. and Mr John Brindle ciation * eelved a telegr im stating ! Lien t the home of Col 1 . ir] Brindle, leas H=ponunt« 14 ounce bhaby bov on 22. Lo nd infant are fine Grandpa and grandma are all elated arrival, Cpl, Brindle | it Ellington Field, Texa miles from Houston, How ima is suffer } } ie 81) pre harles Resides, H. Jones, 8 2/« Training Station Fort Bel stork Isited ¢ Mrs. F Jone d Monat Plan two week . Mgr nh are jetting along Sat John exas; Re 'r the ney 15 gran ing with lum 1 ent Refiner 16-day ! | o¢ him Earl (Florence) home from the wspital on Frida int Donald Friday or wd wo Abe Pool McLar- rrvices ITIVE Jacob ught Deing of - hrough April Rev, Wilfred .,. northward Mr. and Middleburg Holy M1 Harold wor and Mrs, Harold Ard took a bus load ur locality Evangel We Hips § Of the 1 on Sunday h a } ippreciable act John Eisen Sunday 10 be He is employ Pittshurgh " Nea th est of hi Lydia Mingle, and aunt, Mr. and Mr last Saturday Mrs, Gurney Musser ai were Sunday dinner gu parents Mrs. R. } and family of hi 18 Musser, Miss Erma Guisewite, who is tak- ing a nursing Willlan port. and Harry Cra Mr ind eT ant CO a McCloskey inh Pletcher a at the th Pleasant View Union Chapel all Rev. L inn Endeavor at 6 at 7:30 p. m Thursday John's Lutheran, Clarence E Sunday Noo sermon, ' the firmation, 7 sermon, "Christ Live mmunion : 1:30 Thurs al in 12:00 m band and sight nunity thre following son Mrs, C Werk Services Advent Church L. ¥. Bheetz, pastor chool at 10 a 11 a. m. Holy C observed on Easte members w in other loc m in Iyer morning formel 0 Nave F. 8heetz alte Aare especiall roo! a LO b vited to attend at 2:30 p.m dbs 30 Bible chr United Brethren, Bellefonte Cv. EE. Householder yulon Unified sery mm Wi "S18 Bellefonte (4. m.. Wilson R harge Bermon at 9:50 a, mm Arnold : ' ermon 1:50 0 Hi Y Carl H Wel April 2: 0:30 a. Mm. jesson study at 10:20 10:45 a. m., the o'clock Youne I'he Race 6:30 p. m. Revival ser solemn rite of ; Crmon Vesper " Min Me! inh, the C Mralory to Lh beginning at § po Bum 1068 Shop pastor Sunday closing at BET = meeting Bet y Con- and Holy mies People vies It 30 p.m YA April e, pre — Geo opel Tabernacle, Rev. John W, Net spring Mills dav. AD - -Vias nt 7:30 p to 3:00 hou ¢ ¢ special Notice DEINE Aevelon Union § n First Evangelical Bellefonte 1. Hall ust in Methodist Church John's Hoe ¥'r ) nes : | ~t Epos opal Bellefonte Nnvitexl to sttenn Vids preach - mmunion will and moved a by school , McKelYey a - - ! St Johut's Evangelical and Reformed SPECIAL BERVICES IN Rev. C. Nevin Stamm HALFMOON CHURCHES Church school, §:30 a, m., Ralph , . . Owens, Cilenn Aumilier, supts., Wor- Bpecial i ship service and sermon, 10:45 a, m, Will be he very nigh i oly at th sinning of the Reception of member Vesper ser Week In the four chur ) ! : sori] 4 \ short program vice, 7:30 p. mn. A service will Helfmoon weleome each night Holy Weel chine B to 8:30 ch wet e%: Bunday school at irged to be present new i 1 are (UAre- Teta auring rom Hen ms night, and Hol administered IT Cire Hol Ww Rev Special Presbyterian Charge Howard E. Oakwood, minister Bnow Shoe—Palm Funday, Apri 2: Bible 10 a. m.;: morning worship and Sacrament of the Lord Bupper, 11 a. m., preceded by ordin ation and installation of Carl 1 Milesburg chool, 9:3 i. IY J § chool at Re ins Bible oe mnior vor 9 frit fhe t Vor intermedadiats deavor 6 Blanchard-Dix Bun A Bapti«t yy i n ou FALSE TEETH Methodist, Halfmoon | Irritating? “Hpping rrMatin " 0 H y or Charge . ¥ war %s f P—————— Milk Coolers | | AVAILABLE AT ONCE! In Electric; Gasoline Driven, or Tee Cooled Cabinets, I HUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STORE Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE, PA. Howard Methodist Charge ! | Grange Aid to Meret J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY One of the Oldest Agencies in Centre County FDW. IL. KEICHLINE Temple Court Phone 2521 Children’s Hats Q8¢c to $7.98 Fen eis Straw Tuscan Ta 3 EASTER EGG COLORS! for the EASTER EGG GANG BOYS’ and GIRLS’ COATS—Sizes 1 to 16 SUITS—Sizes 3 to 16, to BOYS" ETON SUITS to disks . to CRIDER'S EXCHANGE BLD(. BELLEFONTE, PA. MAKE TURNER'S YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR EASTER CANDIES lor S Olorious Yast EASTER EGG COLORS CARDS BASKETS STUFFED TOYS NUTS Fresh Cooked Here 1" Nice Fitting SKIRTS $2.98 $3.98 Acetates and Jerseys, Figures and solid colors . . . Mix or match them. This if a great iport season, Sizes 24 to 36 Headlines to Put You in the HOLIDAY MOOD ' STRAWS and FELTS The Color to Suit Your New Outfit 4 | 49 to $3.49 PURSES and GLOVES A Full Variety to Complete Your Suit or Coat. SUITS - - SUITS AND MORE SUITS ... to put you out in front in the Easter parade! Whether you want crisp gabardine or soft, flannel whether you want Shetlands, clear. checks or gay monotone: in Easter egg colors |. GIRLS’ BLOUSES—$1.98 TURNER'S have your suit! LADIES’ BLOUSES the target of many admiring eyes! , $1.69 to $2.98 . Sizes 32 to 40, All newest shades, 51 4.90 to $24.90 Suits to make you