Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 30, 1944, Image 13
—MaTeh 30, 1944, Centre County’ § Leading Public Sale Register - Friday, March 31 SAMUEL and THOMAS Executors of the Wm. Tressler tate, will offer at public sale at late residence, 17 West Bellefonte, Pa., the following sonal property: HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- stuffed davenport; antique secretary, unustial design; antique hair-cloth chal! rockers, two of which are leather upholstered; marble top ta- bles of unusual pattern; small stands: dining room tables; one buf. fet; dining room chairs and other straight ohairs; morris ohalr; 2 an. tique bedroom suites with original finish, one having hand-painted Sfowers; one antique white bed. All these beds complete with mattress es: one white dresser; one antique white stand; one rollévway bed with inherspring mattress, very fine used only a short time; one 11x12 rug in fine condition; 2 rugs 9x12 and one made rug 7x9 with extra pleces match: porch rugs: porch swing and porch ohalrs; plotures and picture frames; many dishes, some antiques among them: kitchen cabine com. bination gas and coal kitchen range with waterfront; electric lamps; electric ron; electric sweej er: elec tric toasters and electric vibrator cooking utensils; garden ts lawn mower; parden tools, and many oth- er articles to0 numerous WwW men- tion. Sale at Mayes & ea the per. An over. 12:80 noon. Terms cash. Stover, aucts x13 Friday, March 31 COMMUNITY SALE One and a half miles west Grove Mills, Pa, on Route 45 LIVESTOCK ~~ 12 head of and mules; 18 milch cows. 25 ers, from 1 30 2 years old; 3 tered bull calves; Guernsey year old: stock bulls; 60 sheep: 50 Dorsets ewes \ iambs by time of sale; 10 Ha ewes and lambs; registere shire buck, 1 year old: lot rood sows: boars. 6,000 bl baby chicks: 2 electric br good condition ww of coal stoves, FARM MACHINERY Deering binder, T.foot « condition; 4 Superior il-hoe drill, good as cuse 2-way sulky plow tng plows, manure spreaders Cormick.Deering oream separa mbber.tire wagon 2 ron Wagons, wagon with or ladders; “4 cultivators; Deering hay loader with 2-unit milkin ry rows, lawn and harness, snut-resiitant seed seed potatoes: seed corn: sted; timothy seed; and a household woods, consist] of gle beds, double bed, dressers of drawers, rocking chairs, tables, dishes, electric many othef items not ’ of of¥sh od t oder bro MoCe new 0t o ne Lunch will dekah Lodge H. L. Harpater manager Friday, March 31 MRS. DELLA RFIBER will offer at public sale at fidence in Centre Hall the item, of personal property HE OUSRIOLD GOODS ro altchan Etim springs Ww other articles 90 numerons 10 men . ton Sale at 1230 noon. Terma oaeh EM Smith, suct TRESSLER | Howard St, | Fridoy, March 31 NEWTON KE ublic will 2% miles following offer THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ap onst LIVESTOCK mic sale old stein wel FOW | £ Jer In FARM tractor, maii Deere plow drill, 11 SORs0n ted ubl dine time hing wrrowing Cult tri nh OWS Cu sey he il, 80 pers of y fresh ernsey h fer purebred; 11 pou 40 modded al plow MOTO hoe International Deering for track e di sks Ww, 1 mode! harrow cuit 4] hammermill 1LAND TI'a Ke silag grad H500.chick ox hick nd REAL sale lable aved n county iS per ¢ ince of ames ele Os ESTAT ant pure} deed nd Green ric E sal "nnd April IMPLEMEN iter Mix maciine Information with Mr Edward Pa.) Ferma aucts Walker, attorney x13 Edwin SNOOK sale at hi Loganton property head of in fall elfer ocnah red; 11 Saturday, April 1 ETHEL WETZEL McCON ale at the res Emma V. Wetzel treet, Bellefonte, watity of household goods, buperion operty of the late Mr: packer ad one Wetge d the remainder the prop- corn ! R ribed as fol. bindmr nd en TS good fouble row Joht t 148 Wille 52: Sy Farma rubbe yublie We VBanK McCoy, de HOW SEHOLD MoCorm 4 je % ( ble with 0.1001 room side delivery py ta ) GOODE chairs fuite] of them bedroom mont rings and compiete;, 8 machine; Story Piano in tional nn to mat buffet; with ¢ suites them mattress. assorted ato ler; reader ¢ Cutter er; LeRoy ‘MeCorn amor of excellent bookcase; table in and records; ward- wet, hall rack: lars itigue picture frames y brooder broodes Ly the PDOLALO « 100 vear wud new maowern on lawn tables cabinet; utensiles; all types musio MOR ADE ¢ Of Crocka, Saturday, April 1 MA MACHINERY raclor, 190 MI HOR! + VAarous 0 stew wiiee rows persona! men lion IK nae 20-4 wok ether JOHINSON BIERLNY 4411 Tuesday, April 4 LANSON J. BURRIS Re wie] res 36 Droge Ly Help your appliances "DO" for the duration Your precious appliances have a big job on their hands these days. They must serve for the duration to protect your health, guard your food, save vital time. Help keep them on the jobe—without needless ‘repairs and expense—by taking better care of them now, moe! seam nea Wednesday, April 5 WILLIAM JODON GOODS-1arge size “Raion hot wal. iatge wardrobe ot ven tree nes tale Lane of =A Use them properly and guard them well. Don’t overload or abuse them, They'll keep running longer, doing more, If you have any questions re garding their eare and use, do not hesitate to call, Dealers will be glad to help you. Remember-bafter care means less repair, DEALERS WAVE ENLISTED TO KEEP YOUR APPLIANCES RUNNING LONGER | LESS REPAIR a i » WHENEVER YOU NERD APPLIANCE SERVICE , .. CALL ON THESE SKILLED REUADE DEALIRS ADVERTISEMENT OF WEST PENN POWER COMPANY d . ] —— bn and | and Abbott, | ter; 15 head of {with [8 ! A | Thursday, April 6 EARL (FOX) Fo lnm offer at publsc sale on his north of Jersey Shore, Route 84 to Salladasahurg, the lowing livestock and Implement LIVESTOCK Blick horse, 8B year; old, weight 1200 pounds, good work. milk cows; 1 Guern. by ide, 1 Holstein calf by side; the rest (Hol teins) will freshen by fall; § three. year-old heMers, 1 CGuerngey helf er will be fresh time of rest will be in y Hols heifer; 1 Holst stock bull B Bangs tes } 1 Berkshire 14 sh 140 pour will HO miles ey with calf gale; fall 1 ye three-year I'his herd ted with brood a ein em and t w y it ir Howe FARM Deere Deere pran IMPLEMENTS riding ait 7-$o01 O DOtats mn Hub clerk Thursday, Apri 6 MES, HARVEY FREDRICK ¥ oop ole PE NO ' proper: 1 LIVES TOK K Ohi i=foot Wagons, loader, gang plow; Idea mmpure spr Friday, April 7 CARL GATES ‘Ma x Part Mat! items of perso: LIVESTOCK Saturday, April 8 MES. MAGGIE SsPIGELMYER fe st pull a ‘ ab us HOU SEHOLD , Pa OCRer wild § a fe Lew Pumed ‘i faa Thursday, April 13 GG. SHIRK 2 brood sows Ju “Bar MEMENTS ww 20. ooth apr new: 1l.hoe n Whe ries MoCormiok grain his 1thon; Milwaukee vo rlient oandition Oo with fertiliser aftlachume cond | Bag like ~w; vader; wn rake road «tire ng smower ¥ ARM Ww word ator ride delivery good set of wagon, potato harpoon, pale picks tL rean ean { hang PUBLIC SALE a {| Lo IOWA HORSES MON. EVE., APRIL 3 wn R00 O'clock JODON SALE BARN Between Axemann and Pleasant Gap These Horses are fresh from Iowa {farms and ready to do n hard day's work. There are twenty horses rang- | ing from three to seven year-olds | and welging from 1500 to 1800 Ibs. There #re ten sorrels, two have and eight blacks, a condition,’ Hels buy a fine af in the pink of is your chancé to T. E. Jodon. E. M. SMITH, Auel:' Aa W. C. SMELTZER, Clerk, motor: ro np Ax numer s “horsepower eectric I on 10 « soeder; and many athe: a Mig 0 menti nt 1s n a mn sold OV eer ticle 100 30 Anup Terms cash male as the [i oon Lunch will be served zation L. Harpster tht, clerk rida: April 14 MES, JOSEPH BERTEAM 1 off¢ ublic sale a! {les south of Spring PEISONRL Propet FARM IMPLI DY some ore 10t Harold A her farm Bellefor reek the fol FARNTS yy vy exce n 81 } bo om Saturday, April 15 HALFH KR. MILLER ' of Ha E te ¥ Waa ie ¢ George Wise Saturday, April 22 . BR. and ETHEL ¥V. RICHARDS Wer ox optionally ow H FURDAY nren "Ha Smit wt SATURDAY MoCoy the Wolpe bank » wi Mares & Du erk THU RSDAY APRIL 6 Robinson will ne his farm, Jersey Bhowe, on Route 8M lndavsbung, §vestook and mn japiasnt nls. Bale at LJ of noon sharp. E KE Hubler, auct THURSDAY, APRIL 18-M. O 8 will offer at public sale or m af Lemont, 3 miles east tate College, a full Moe of stock and farm implements a clean-up sale ne a sold, Sie Deginas at H. L Harpster, aut KENNEDY and Mrs Joseph Butler w Run, and Mrs. R Leatl a at pul five miies ofler not wi the 12.30 Mr Mox alled Tuesday eve Mrs. Leo Bomboy Niagara Palls at her parental Mrs. Ear] Runkle Mrs. Milford Lucas also Evelyn MoCartney attended th supper at Howard on Sat ning held by the Orange Mr. and Mm LX Me( and children calied at the Sam Mul. berger home, Baturday Clair McCartney spent end with home folks Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lucas sons were in our Village recently are time home and fami] IrAY eves aritney week. the and General Auctioneer CALL STATE COLLEGE, 3842 Real Estate Sales STO VED AGONY OF AC ULCERS REL D E MA | AT | MAKE THIS FREE TRIAL OF uf." Strzoets, kis formu i sniuos, io, aan GARWOOD'S TABLETS EE AE pote] Lge “x hear £3 » Now -D ARE J. GARWOOD'S TABLETS OFFERED ON A MONEY.- BACK GUARANTEE!! Begin Fighting It At Once! et € ¥ HELP ARI WIDMANN & TEAH DRUG STORE YO! RSELI Allegheny & High Sts. Historian Recalls Old Landmarks ‘ontinged from page one) H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 357 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA Where the PULPWOOD SHORTAGE hits the farmer Over 1/3 of all pulpwood is used in packaging farm products Paper Containers Needed to Package Many Farm Products, Such as ~— HE FARMERS of this country responded patrioti- cally to the appeal for more pulpwood. They cut wood because their country needed it. Few of them stopped to think that their own business of food pro- duction was threatened by the pulpwood shortage. = Paclaging Epps y 158.808 tome Already there have been cases where packing plants were unable to accept perishables because they could not get packing materials; and the distri- bution of food may be seriously upset this year un- less the pulpwood shortage can be overcome, | So the farmer who cuts pulpwood is not only helping his country meet a serious wartime short« age; he is also adding to his income, improving his draft deferment status, and helping to provide for the packaging and distribution of his own farm products. Cut your pulpwood now! Packaging Milk 159.951 ome Packaging Vegetable. 161,178 some PEELING SEASON JUST AHEAD The season for peeling pulpwood demands. Your County Agent or will soon be here. Many mills must mill buyer can tell you the best ways have peeled wood te meet wartime of handling your weed for peeling. VICTORY PULPWOOD COMMITTEE H. A. BROCKERHOFF J. M. CURTIN THOMAS BEAVER KARL E. KUSSE