Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 30, 1944, Image 12
The Centre Democrat, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. WALKER BROTHERS A. C. DERR PAUL M. DUBBS..... CECIL A. WALKER. ....coxvv. >> ISSUED WEEKLY EVERY THURSDAY MORNINO tered in the Postoffice at Bellefonte, Pa., ss Becond-clas TERMS OF 8UBSCRIPTION $1.50 per year if paid in advance $2.00 per year ..if not paid in advance the label t of label th ecial request The date your subseription expires is plainly printed on your name. All eredita are given by a change on fssue of each moni} We send no receipt date én your label after you remit Matters for publication, whether Centre Democrat office not later than 7T week. Advertising copy received after Th All reading ed (%) Legal notic Subscribe same be unle must reac ro publicatio t run its oh g notices mark are es and all tate ad » per line each lu: and not notifying us, are for 1 otherwise directed. CIRCULATION OVER 7,000 COPIES EACH WEEK Member American Press Assoclation National Editorial Association Proprietors Editor Matter BLANCHARD Mrs. Harter Vonada spent Sunday with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Vonada. Pvt. James Gardner, stationed at| [Camp Lee, Va., is home on furlough during this week Another local boy is enjoying a {furlough with relatives here and at Beech Creek, He Is Pvt, Willlam { Miller, stationed at Staunton, Va and is in the medical corps | Mrs, Warren Girton of North { Bend, Is visiting at the home of Mr fand Mrs, Howard Girton Mr. and Myd, Allen Pletcher and {family of Lock Haven were Sunday afternoon visitors in town, Irvin ¥Fravel of Pottstown, spent ithe weekend with the Mr, and Mrs, [John Williams family. Mr. Fravel is {a son of the late John Fravel who [usted away recently, | Miss Lois Seymour of Lock Haven, [spent Sunday with relatives here I Mrs Bess Johnsonbaugh and {daughter Lou of State College, spent {Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr; [ Harry Kunes. Other gue the Kunes home were Mr Mr: Lorenzo Kimmerer Mr M. C. Bowman {ing a series of x-ray picture: Lock Haven hospital, He is with Mr. and Mrs, William ton of Lock Haven, who were of the Bowman's on Sunday, | It is rumored that Mr. and Mrs willlam Wanamaker of Sunbury, are moving into the property re- cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Rus- ell Bittner BUSH HOLLOW Sunday school an at 9:30 m meeting. Preachl evening ! | i is t and at experience at the Hamil- [8 caring ¢ first Watch tayin h The gue n that ances, Labie on Sune by cla in the as usymi followed service 7 o'clock ( Be. a ing at ginn Ing thi Sunday School Lesson |. iii ils. among the first appear on earth after his res struck blind and had hand into Damascus three days he fasted and p til Ananis, a disciple of c conmunanded in came to Saul an confirming the ¢ the experie he route SAUL BECOMES A NEW MAN International Sunday School Lesson for Aprol 2 , 1944 TEXT: Was GOLDEN in Christ ture."—II Corinthi and aio itt ig yo : on Saul had rre nee Lesson Text: Acts 9; 1] h § i © er been He } harisee f never The Christian f{: quickly in Jerusalem Resurrection, Forty the Ascension of Chri Fi after his resurrection, Peter ing sermon at Pentecost wa ed by the faith of 3.000 peop from then on the number o ents to the new faith multiplied PTeached Fist in rapidly, stimulated by wii testimony of NEw Cf hodon 5 ws This growth tor apostles were attend to ie pro of charity ereupon weTe appoint: vd branch of ti the outstand being full activity and by ligent presentation confounding the Jewish leaders who sought to argue with him. As a re- Sih of the enmity thus created en Was stoned to death and be- came the first Christian martyr While the martyrdom of Stephen was the Sragic end of a brilllan CRreer, had far greater cance in that it turned out t« initial Step in the co of Tarsu a man gence, ceascles energy ing wisdom. At time one of the ring leac ing the new religion of the BSanl was influent new converts, zeal In dragging men and prison. Saul was a wit death of Stephen and was disturbed inwardly man’s prayer for the his enemies and hi However, Baul's the campaign of greater activity Probably seeking to still the questions which had been ralsed in his own soul, Saul request. #4 authority of the high priest that he might go to Damascus and bring back all members of the new faith found there as prisoners. Damascu wis a magnificent city at that time about 136 miles from Jerusalem, a six-day Journey. It dated back ! antiquity for Joss phu founded by Uz, the Shem Before a th follc uowing Days ligt y Mal 1d . 7¢ the 8 and had been $ * , 44° " § #47) ruth him Now 1 instantly » and the 3 wa wa e nves need greater n, Saul left around three 4 rapid th too Du v preac] er aly years happened in th A call ver e pos sible ing leads yf this grou of all wi i lv come int { energ: Charle ’ r 11 2 La 1 . reason « of the new cau ible for the a man to be so wrought uj action of the corrupt nature is cleansed, nature is made strong, disposition transformed Po WK is HIEN love " It ys bout faich al t el matiers if wou how go Will may seek for th the regenerat we Bacraments will be becatise Sacrament tho it fon of Saul vou ve of great Intelli- rough and far-see- " Sika ie of t! Saul wa suppre a member 2 Is Saul on ere U1 thin seek for eo If because ! operating feelings. You may make an about face, row that wi ] making Christ di choice in room. If because Ch movements If any bench will be wa confessi is i 1 women ” . a . " io seriou the dyin [ those YO! y : AEAY | an reaction persecution wa rist pres ent oO! | Ir inner man Will seek the doors it will open gospel as it stands pages of the Old " of the Lord shal] . and other man.' Here grandson pel tands pages of the any man jis I creature’. 0 avs It - recorded New Christ ww he Saul arrived ] however, his life was different channels. On the was visited by Christ he cited, and appearing so near Saul himself in later in Damascus turned into he per fe that it Why work yourself nature take its courmwe at the proper time, road the anc years listed die ——— ances of Jesus an unl con with much +i snag 5 AMaz Probably Damascu in you inner Spirit of God that the | Roy Leathers home the tf you prof n con find your renewal at the hands of God he wil find. If he will knock at any one of | Here is the recorded on Testament—"The | come thou shalt be turned the 3 Testament to death: let anyway, week we will have pray- meet onn Wednesday nights in be ginning 7:30 {er 1 3 °4 | the church at Hollow mixed up in last week’; paper Sunday brother, Mi tl Mary her sister, William Reside 8 hear Gerald Mile tema Al bx Mr: ome Reside spent Rachel wit anc tion. Sau to be There ryed un- hrist, had ist response of n of fiiness of and Mr: and Ar- Mr Soom vy thre ITY tO Le Mr also Florein led for ana Yar will i restored | livine na~| had u | sper t Willi immoral been rais- ralous for imited o Yeried esporn int 2 Le “sno ing real-| and and | Arabia.) study HOLTS HOLLOW ¢ (From last week) n visiting rel aay tr in 0 CO Revi A or Mr called at the nday. Laverne induction cen- . 4 the | xn by 8 the weak | Runkio jeaves for an selfish [ter soon. into be- | Mr Johnson of Mrs, Ada Mahlon visi Mrs and ted i RO hildren home, 1 sin ss at renew. CRU ing influ- find | ore i Chr You Watson Fred R ind the pint} Afloat through Miles! the rg ‘IF THROAT IS SORE I¥ A COLD has given you a miserable sore throat, here's how to relieve the suffering. DO THIS NOW Melt a of YapoRub on your tongue and feel the comforting medication dowly trickle down your throat bathing the irritated membranes bringing blessed relief where you want it, when you want it. DO THIS TONIGHT Rub throat, chest with VapoRub, Its long con- tinued poultice-and-vapor action loosens phlegm, relieves KS cases cough- VICKS turming vil an uprer vour own “ for ora) | i the small lump pon nto gOS - the | Tr new AIne on sa 1 will | ing, invites restful sleep you Its Spring tune-up time al Studebaker dealers UR country needs the transportation vour car provides. Don’t risk your car through neglect. To be on the safe side, have your car checked over regularly by skilled ochantos. Studebaker dealers’ mechanics know their way around expertly —not only on Studebakers but on all cars. Don’t wait till everyone else wants a Spring moe-up. Be an early bird. Bring in your car ford complete check: “up now, EEF YOUR CAR UF TO PAR WITH STUDESAKER S8RVICH S. H. POORMAN GARAGE S. Water St, Bellefonte AT, BEL wie Ls Orrick CA 7 o'clock; preaching Everybody welcome. “A Little Nonsense Now and Then, Is Relished by the Wisest Men" THE UENTRE DEM PL | RUNVILLE school next Bunday morn. 130; Christian Endeavor at service at 7:45 Mrs. Blalr Carver, who hag been | jon the sick list and under the doc- | {tor' care, is some better at this] lwriting. | Hurry Brooks js home on furlough ! = from an army camp. i Douglas Brooks, who was in the Indian Lament | Philipsburg hospital and underwent Wife he die An operation, came home last Satur. I so sad day and Is getting along very well My o' hois Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kepler Done gone bad ‘moved to Bellefonte last week, and Lloyd Smoyer and family moved into | No good too- [ke Be plex property which they OOK I cod Rigo and push | PRE Aha Bara Reo No can do, was a weekend folks Mr. and Mra Martin Brower and {Edward Hummel of Philipsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan hope of Traf. ford, called at the John Furl home Sunday Mr. and Mri Furl som Doyle, were dinner guest John Fur! home on Bunday Mrs, Austin Walker is visiting o her son wile and Mi » Hn Buy ol' Ford have NY home ¢ 0f Elmira visitor with White man banker No can trust Take it onles Bank go bust hs Republican, Stock-market Run it country To the dogs. on hogs, Richard Democrat He big money Big money man Republican. and Mi Walker Mr, and Mu two children Baltimore, are vis iting with Mr. and Mts. Ernest Fye and family, They came on Bunday land expect to return Monday. Mrs. Gordon and daughter Ruth, and granddaughter, Miss Jane Sun- day of Bellefonte, also visited at the Fye home Bunday evening Mrs. Ernest Fye attended the neral of Herbert Cartwright of shannon, last Fi day. Mr Mrs, Richard Gunsall and two children Mr Virginia Kerstetler and motored Port Treverton last return ing the same da) Mrs. Hazel Yorks visited sister, Mrs. Lewls Wat ily over the weekend, Mrs. Courtney, wife of Res and Mrs. John Furl a quilting bes Mrs AT nier last Friday afternoon and Mr: man Lawrence Vargo and ’ of » No more money man By daram 1 done vote For Uncle *.« » Why Editors Get Gray Every editor, at some time or another, has ground his teeth (at least those he has left) in rege and chagrin at ridiculous typographical errors that crop up In his paper. { Sam ’ iu Mo- | ang For instance, a friend of cure recently wrote a headline, “Mr. So- and and-80 Buried Tuesday.” When he looked at the paper after it had been printed he read: “Mr, Bo-and-80 Burped Tuesday.” Then there's the one about marriage announcement that ap- peared in the Nashville Tennesean. The editor had written: “Mr, and Mrs A. Blank, of the Blg Bottom community, announce the marriage of thelr daughter, ete.” In the next morning's edition the story was found ke this: “Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blink announce the marriage of thelr Big Bottom daughter baby Friday, t 3 the wit on and fan (tr ig Co ttended a C ney at Certain words oliision between a train and a remark that the engineer “putt the cow and literally cut it into calves, I'l word window has often given Imagine the confusion the editor of the House and Garden Column to find In his article one day Nothing gives a greater variety to the appearance of a house than a few undraped widows An error that caused a Jot of embarrassment 10 an editor of a country weekly occurred several years ago. The damaging word ccowTed in he last He of a story concerning the death of a prominent woman Thu aords were: “Interment in Union cemetery.” In the paper, the typesetier ad broken the word over fro: ine another and it “In torment in Union cemetery.” Some Years ago a reporter on 4 small town dally had occasion Ww write ip the death of a dog that had been killed on a railroad crossing, In his story he remarked humorously that the “dog Nad his tall cut off up around his ears.” The composi intentionally or otherwise, dropped an ec” of the words are a standing peril to the typesetter, For instance, a cow reported in a Cg ended with Madeline Confer ¢ same g on full steam, dashed up Against place on Thursday 4 Mr Mrs, Roy Tale tL the J visited u vy t ii “ie ang called a Friday evening we troubie, of - 4-H Clad Meeting. T™h mes Agricuitur he Grange Hall or 1 8 OCOCK Are Stormstown first + 4-H o own We he evening, April 4 years men Bor ir eld In All ins $ bring member in to Increase ¢ enrollment club. Assistant Counts WwW. Ely will show sl various phases ¢ also movies of general in ents are cordially Im this meeting Legal Notices cm —— sn A —————— ADMINISTRATRIN'S NOTICE Bate of HENRY HOY HOUSER w Perguson Townalilp, Centre Pa. deceased of sdministestion having bee wed Ww the signed, all naebHiled sald estate are requested 0 mediate payment, and those bh ing claims or demands sgalist saic jontate Jo present the sue without | delny settlement t ANNA HN | DRIEpELBYS, Administretrix, ct Penne Furnace, Pa. R. PAUL CAMP- BELA attorney for the estate xis EXP TIX S NOTCH Estate of WIHIARD C HARTE ite of Maron Township Centre County, Pa. deosasnd Lotiers testamentary tate having been granied 0 undersigned, all persotis InOebted ® sald state are requesiag on ned Ok * "On wo ead one new * th from one The dramatic reporter on the Dr we, Nev, Times, had to stand for “N Hawes {5 easily the most accomplished actress we have fn town for several seasons, When she steps on wo the stage it 1s emay that she has her heart and nts.” Of course ft shou have read “parts.” The omission of a line in the Normandie, la, Journal, osused Wis arunotion . “On the pleasant asions of the season was the coming of Miss Mary Withers of Th rd Ave, 8 E. The beautify] ded attired imported creation « ie Breen crepe With ecry JACK md the | "ey J d riumt na 1d jan one orn Ar! " tet LO sd SOUL IN a es of ¥ " . ¥ wt parts of Letters - WAS J lace Cx AO 1 bowl p_~— A PETRONS al t Funny advertisements are always good for a laugl Asten Liiese “WANTED have child “FOR SALE health, except for Yuis le woman for Call Deilafield 0077 Washing machine in good cond slight warp In the bottom.” & & B® Proof of the Ailment telephoning ientis OOK and wallres ariers in garage Ve Can ition woman in poor for was to make pullec what UUme H« {rey 2 £ gt al * Jad me? fo ¢ dentist Ling ¢ : 1 fixee Lx ixee t on Sh d abr “ asked U all rig § 1 it what you fixes ale Not That Od vo samme wit to GERTRUDF ix Belisfon te CAMPBELL ary for setUlement HARTER, Elect RD BR MUL for the eslate ADMINISTRATORS 5 NOTICE of HARRY & MILLER Townshie, deceased of tr atthe Hy! mn of the Republic ate she walks U Letters - 1 BATIDE Deen hal gd 3 undemdgne all parsons indebled the sald eniale are reglesind Lake Gamediate paytoent. and Unowe having omfg or dEnands wading mid stn ie to present the wit wii delay for soitiement 0 RALYS BR MILLER Administrator, Madison (arg, Pa. JOMNSTON & JOINETON aor neare xis COURT FROC LAM ATION WHEREAS Honorable Ivan The Nttie n took hi i his car, Jo ths t (Walker, President Judge of the Court 1a Sal he would move in of Common Pleas the 40th Judi. clal District the County rms and ends of Centre, having lssued his precept SCAT." bearing date of the 23rd day of IMarch, to me directed, for holding -— (4 Court of Common Fog Court of {Quarter Sessions of » Peace, Oyer land Terminer and Aoi Jail De- {livery in Bellefonte, for the County ‘of Centre The Orand Jury will convene on Monday, the 1st day of May at 10 $2134 08 Olock A. M., and the Traverse Jur) 77.21 called for the regular meeting of 224.84 Quarter Sessions Court will convene —. jon the 3rd Monday of May at 10 $2396 13 ‘o'clock A. M., being May 15th, and {the Traverse Jury for the second week of Court will appear on the y ad ET above tate vie His Personal Opinion Bll-"Why don't you like girls? Tom~"Theyre too dammed blased S— Bill understanding: —"How's that? Tom-"0h, I's always bins this and bias 9 (not that I'm broke.” the woron of consisting of | That's all, folks. Love starts when [with her arms in the sink inks into your AUDITORS’ REPORT i HARRIS TOWNSHIP, CENTRE COUNTY | From First Monday In January 103, to the First Monday in January, 1044, | casn BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR Cash In Bank, Securities and Reserves Water Fund . Light Fund | RECEIPTS Taxes collected In cash during the year Taxes collected on Old Duplicates during yer, Amount received from County on unpaid taxes or lens filed. Amount received from other sources (a) to (I) Form 906 22253 M., being May 22ud, 1984. 48653 Notice is hereby given to the Cor 1400.62 ‘omer, Justice of the Peace, Alder- ween (men) and such Cotistables that may $3458 42 have business in their respective dis- fricts requiring to report to the Honorable Court, that they may be then and there in their proper per- ison at the time specified above, with thelr records, inquisitions, examin- TOTAL EXPENDITURES General Government Highways Miscellaneous Water Fund Light Fund $ A310 . 185398 248 “4.60 CASH BALANCE AT END OF YEAR RESOURCES Cash, Securities and Reserves Due from County orf Taxes Returned ahd Liens Plled. . Values of Township Machinery dnd Township Bulldings TOTAL LIABILITIES Overpayment by Tax Collector Posted and Advertised in Accordance with Act Approved May 21, P. L. 432. jof $1248.74 4th Monday of May at 10 o'clock A ations and their own remembrance | March 30, JU Immediate payment, and Lhose hav- ing claims orf demands against said yal lo present the samé withou de or settlement BAMANTTHIA CROFT, Executrix, Bellefonte, Pa. x14 to EXECUTOR'S NOTKK . } / of CPCELIA MILLFR Bellefonte Borough, deceased letters testamentary on the BAO Ve slate having been granted to undersigned, all persons indebted ’ the sald estate are requested 10 oak immediate payment, and those hav- ing claim or demands against estate 0 praesent the same without delay for settlement to BELLEFORTY TRUST COMPANY, Executor, Bell Pa. W. HARRIBON WALKY) atlorney for estate x1 Lille £ lat fone ADMINISTRATRINS NOTICY Estate of ALFRED PETER KRAPF te of Centre Hall Borou ds eased Lettery of axove estate ithe indersigr ed to the mn those aan Naving nd “ Ke Lav AEainst sal without ADMINISTHRATRINS PAUL Township Qos NOTRCS VOSNADA (1 ‘ fx Me of » Wal Pa Ler sdh(l tm without LIA E He TITIG, y IX VONADA t4 BR 1 1 D atiorn Lo ADMINISTRATOR'S of TDA NOTICO Late MAY GROS AUDITOR'S ‘ Oro: Ph Per NOTICE ( FUEGO OIE DERE (ETT UE RN JUNIE RNIRT DTH A DURES CRT OUI CR DN TD ee i WM. B. RANKIN AGENCY MARY M. RANKIN, Agent COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Crider's Exchange BulMding IRON ET Ls Ee i e. A 8 - USE 666 666 TABLETS, SALVE. NOSE DROPS ”~ a i; WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A Windstorm Folley Protects Ton From Financial Less. See John F. Gray & Son General Insurances Phone 497.) Bellefonte, Pa. If — teats RECAPPING AND YULCANIZING NEW TIRES, TUBES WHEELS AND RIMS KEYSTONE TIRE SERVICE Potter Street Bellefonte, Pa. Home Owned and Operated » & smu L200 UL J HI LR TE ty MELROY'S Pleasant Gap, Pa. Electric Appliances Gifts Toys ‘atents LPR Ran CHEN Fountain Service Phone Bellefonte 6951 wi oO Fo Hey mend \ Let Us Have Your Tires Recapped We have a large stock of Grade 1 Passenger, Truck and Implement Tires HUBERT ROSSMAN HHOME & ALTO SUPPLY STORY Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE PA WE MAKE KEYS A ———— we BELLEFONTE, PA. Ld WI Ing Janne Buying a Hearing Aid? COMPARE RECEIVERS! Before ok about the rece Important to you! West Hewring Ards have Magnet crivers pring Perma p affected b eid, Brassica y Other exe ve features—ploe PERSONALIZED Hearing Add Serv ke. We test your hearing help you select the srt thet a best for hearing wd t wm vitally ern Fleet oie Re ROT heat en - - a yor are always at your dispose! for hein ill advice - greet Western Electrln Ashe ¢ bisone feces. The rt, high «®csncy TELE I or ruperaenstive delure ELECTRONIC Type Try fart hy pare results! FREE tests and demonstrations. Call or write today Hear "new Be | Ld PHONE Tor ——————————— AUDIPHONE (CO 151 Altoona Treast Bikig ALTOONA, PA Phone 9810 Ben’ FREE honk. Repiels FREN » It took a lot of telephone calls to get them overseas WAR NEEDS THE WIRES! Until Victory is won,