ao Narch 30 104-3 = Lb THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three re RE rE Philipsburg Gunner Missing | —EETC ET) ) re Poo Jie a- Centre County Soldier Gets In Actionon German Mission SE ETSEE CR NEEE SW LL SST TS Presidential Citation (From Philipsburg Daily Journal pienty of action and having lots Word has just been received that!adventure.” another Philipsburg boy 1s missing! qn February 3, he wrote, “I have | in action as the result of the aerial! just returned from a bus y day’ pounding of Germany by the Ameri- | work. 1 feel [okay except for a hend can Air Force based in England cold which I just can't get rid of Il Staff Sergeant David B. Zifl, son feel blue tonight. I get that way of Victor Ziff, Seventh street, is the once in a while newest local name to be added to, “you could never see such fellows the list of those missing in acon. gs these who are in combat. After Notification was received by a tele- they come back, they sit around and gram from the War Department re- reaq the Bible and alk of life and ceived by the father. "The Secre-igeath, It's & tough life with life tary of War desires me to express meaning nothing. We all live from his deep regret that your son, Stall! quay to day enjoying each extra min- Sergeant David B. ZI has been re re at its best advantage, I guess I ported missing in action since Feb- ohoyuldn’'t talk this way, but that's ruary 25 over Germany. Letter fol feel tonight lows,” read the m ent by u tter written February 10 read: Adjutant Gene een awful busy with my job Sat. Zi wie A RIT nm i ack late from my operation bamber “Heavel I nd went rig to bed without even tough day’ and i 0 come my game ud wouldn't o go through it all again,” he Lhe wrote that the boy are to make peace and finish that mail from men strength he took hi ized the dan lowing xtry to his father on ruary 3 and Februal In December he wrot think it was his first *aid. T hope he : ; a; wonder gbout the people back home. “" Ki As Nis us 3 ab yt » Melvin McMonigal, EM 2/¢ i ” snd Lt. William J. Fleck It seems that each time we pick up Urns up okay. I read about it In the lo. of Np Mary MceMonigal ; r from-l horn are alwave Dally Journal. It's good to read rt a paper from home there are aiwa heest he news of Philipsburg I | ; strikes for more money and less #00Ut ue news ol ad Jk Be ivice In July, 1943. He received hi above bre tsa I consider myself lucky to have t Cathe Pears r= nb Tp | shamed of done so well in dmbat I have ana: \ : fe ved tr Camp Endi- Thon Mig, rd re ov r here fight- plenty 40 show for it. I have exper Re Da o pa a ing with our lves for them and ailllence—I have learned about other we ask for is more planes, etc. and countries and people. I've met some all we et Is more strike I'd. Mike} RIDOUS Jeope anc I ye Faron ga Melvin McMonigal to trade any of them jobs and let AF Medal and two Oak Leaf clus- class electrician in : them see what it's like on the front ets. > #4 ” ad somewhere n the Sou t C ¢ lank Destroy line of combat t's no joke. Our job “1 hope you get 1g. ¢'hping about " a radi ba Ft A tilda ‘Rusker. Alubamn i v ¢ afraid the “Heavenly Daze I hope you > @& grad ual of ta Port Matilda Rucker, Alabam B TOF RODE a hr CA can understand it—it was our High School, class of ‘31, and prio: Ee Ce a "0 Bid we gon t ask for more pay and one” (When their plane came in © his induction worked on his farm Missing Soldier Had Baled Out Strike if we dont g l . It had A large number of flak holes His wife, formerly Miss Jean Mill Parents Hear From Son i ' y ‘ A "th 2TR AD : p NURSE LOSES FAT ve N f ve Slow wh EL I | a Arg wns i 4 3 . oy h n i" . Aili hei Ths ah " . . i ; oo” \ \ % : Wim _ Se ‘over here fighting in it but they made it to England ©f Tyrone, Is residing at her h F TH ahaa) Can har Eo Sts art "Sn Nor FE . fl M ; : “t furl i SAFELY AYDS WAY Ss ng 1S OV¢ uel HEL : } Wmnci t mag HAPPY J sO Of r. and al JOIll , ‘ ! : i rit pe ¥ ¢ ‘ “ during her husband's absence ‘ : : afely) ring her hushan h Get slimmer without exercise and I hope he the way it goe fo never knows when his number is in the hat. 1 Matilda, R, D., entered the I Pvt. Lester E. Witherite . Guy Witherite and then to Guliport Mis From there California and then Home on Furlough for their country. If ¢ny of my bro- 2 i 3 Zia nximisk Yak thdav Febru. thers sisters or friends went out on Zit observed ha bis re Lot Febru 4 ie. | Ary 22, just three days before he strike, I'd never forgive them. I fig- 8 g Tgud Tap hi Centre Hall Man ‘A thee chanld | WAS reported missing 1 was hi ure that as treason, and they should { birthd + vor Rs em R H Ai MA d | be treated a . secona oh hday obser ved hs am m= eceives ir C Q y Ao tut reer “Vit abs « tn ber of Uncle Sam's Air Force . t iatt / bis " ; Nurse was one of 100 per. When a fellow IV : | y § f . Bo - his % th rst id rom Uni Stat Alr For | ; iH s { ! sons losing I4 to IS Ibe day never knowing if he'll see th Stafl Sgt. Kenneth I. Runkle, 2 i1 one written Jat is pares decorated fi ? y bombing » " srerage in 8 few wecks sunset—well, that's bad. So if 1 Given Good Conduct Ribbon : 0 Mr. and Mi r low a to tay in America, he! Sergeant Nicholas J. Nikita { Runkle Centre Hall should feel lucky, not cheated He'll Bellefonte, was » of a group awarded ti Air Medal do his part over there just as well as twelve member { the medical de- here by training men for combat.’ partment detacl hment of a United He can't understand that but I'm States Army general hospital telling him the truth no bed of Engalnd to be awarded Good C roses juct ribbons for exemplary conduct gunn ! : vs : ; } : ie a i. | wi y, #8 : a he ii res Rai p trace : : i A ! 4 . : FARRISH DRUG STORE I'm Keepin awiul bu § 2 and efliciency. re al hd ding 0 an yuo ) " striopiy ' iY Bellefonte, Pa amoun mn id “ quarter; sMged Li i I SU a a Ll a i eC ty or a “=| ABOVE ALL ELSE WOLF'S PRIZE 4 IROL war ime ID nn wrt YOUR GOOD WILL HELP US TO REEP IT! CHUA HII HIN m ‘New Guinea Veteran Writes from Australia ig weg In to hi Featuring NU-ENAMEL or 8.) pH He The Modern Finish for Everything =o co i returned home _ } foiks soon “we have barracks to sleep In an You'll x waionsionsd (pretty coon we'll have things look- ing beautiful. T just took some time out to.get some ice cream. 1 ate . cians | ‘1s : job with NU-ENAMEL. 0...°. quatt of Jt. Tt Sates good In every business during sti You know we didn't Lave anything Easy te apply . o ¢ B® like that up there sometimes occur that are, annoying , come what may, I can go into town this afternoon 5 y iit N : ’ a v Point @ deasser for... brush marks, I was in for a couple hours last customer must be a satished c nel + have Kept night but it was BSuncay night so z \ .— : Now you con paint your kitchen there was nothing to do. I saw a through 42 years, and we mean to he to it always. That's 4 . or bathroom, brighten furni.' stage show though. There were a . Ss re, | a {few American USO nen in it. They) asking vou to he frank with us re-new linoleum, litle (were good.” ’ work and little cost] Nu-Enomed | | John had his second anniversary | wi ordi overseas on February 17. He has 9 ce a8 far - nary {been in New Guinea nearly the paints, dries quickly to a smooth. | |whole time and was recently pro- While we os-glow surface , . . is washable | moted to private first class | and amazingly durable. Mode’ | SNYDERTOWN front—Wolf’s also believe in keeping faith with the boys and girls in the ina alate Sewer Ralf of the complete selection of colors | . service, by supporting the Red Cross, giving to the War Fund, buying War overope buthresm Moro. 78 ond in clear varnith, Come in for Mrs. Annle Lutz, Mrs, Katie Dor- | na I iman and Mrs. Elmer Stover were! : : : : opert advice abovt painting. Friday guests at the Glenn Rogers Bonds regularly, and helping with the war effort in every possible way. {home at Nittany. | Mra. Elery Krape accompanied Mr. | and Mrs. Ollin Winkleman of Lock! |Haven, to Bellefonte, Sunday p. m., where they visited Mrs, Hattle Em- {erick at the County Home. | g | Mr, and Mrs, Harry Wallzer were ® ) Friday evening callers at the HM. M | Walizer home at Clintondale, iy | Mrs. Ed Dorman and son Mai fond, | were business visitors In Aaronsburg Point the wosdwork bn the lon Thursday, wernge bithen ooaccon I | Mrs, Viola Hinds and son Thomas, Jr, and Mr. and Mrs, Clair Hinds land Nc weit hale Sal For the Best Buys of All Come to Wolf's - - Bellefonte Kessinger’s Aulo Su pplies I Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dunkle and amily of near Hecla, called at the : Ed Dorman home Bunday afternoon, EE i $i EEE SHETTY CNN et stress the point of always keeping you happy on the home La ate 4 ba 5 W. BISHOP ST. DIAL 2713 BELLEFONTE, PA. After the war we suspect that the ie eld islands ought to be a fer- —————————— Iq for missionary enterprise.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers