Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 30, 1944, Image 10
PIgE Hs. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. March 50, 1944. | Bide for the paving of Allen street! PORT MATILDA — on Y ; WA p 4 risburg, but for some unannounced Ie Garden Club will hold a bake s & oe’ om a8 as i reason the State Highway Depart. ‘sale in Pringle's store room Satur. § . ow “- y ment rejected all bids day. April 1 at 2 pm ; y Willian H. Brown, who retired! A card party was held at the hoine \ as Centre County Recorder on Jan- of Mr. and Mrs, George Hoover on . V L 8 “\ Fifty Years Ago unary 5, had accepted a position as Baturday evening, March 26. Those : ’ salesman for the G, F. Musser Com- present were Mr. and Mrs. Ira / ! ¢ Lock Haven people have| A large conl shed is being bwlt by nono wholesale grocers in Belle- Lane, Mr. and Mrs. William Shultz, IT “i 7. ~ ised. $10,000 al the gon truction ind bo R R of Pa. In Beftefonte fonte Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Bennett, Mr, and " : s, to the Peo le ho Produce electric railway through that citylon Gen. Beaver James 8 Relish, of near Potters Mrs. William R. Ross Mr. and Mrs hi : ie P W 0 extend to Mill Hall Oporg- le Philip burg MH Voundd Mills, was reported to be recovering J. H Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Har- \ : are to begin at an early date mtly voted the hief burgess a from a severe injury of the left Vey Hoover, Miss Martha A, Jeffers, g by \d > f hull =r 4 » Thomas Harter expects to salary of $100 for faithfully attend. "o goreq while he was working and Patricia Hoover. The evening J . : g—— | your Electric py] | t m Middleburg to Bellefonte ing to the duties of the position in the woods. A branch of a falling was spent in playing cards. All pres. he 1st of April, He will mo to Mr. Alber own of College town tree struck him in the eve. He re. ent enjoyed a very pleasant evening y property ounoaite the hi thi count received | Come Nip thi oun ! | } ceived treatment at he Bellefont« The hostess served delicion: re 4 id and Power occupied the pa few | mission last week as . ice of the Hospital freshments ; ; § : J ' ’ E Bt ; TMS ap) nt was to fill 0 Lo gittle furniture store Rudolph Williams is moving from death of Allegheny street, Bellefonte, was the E. M. Woodring property to the sold to F. W. West, of Main Center, Bennett property now owned by : y. 4 / J / The ( harles A Coffin [oundation diana county, and EE. Widdow Marion Bennett GRE A cod spell set in. ‘und the musical entertainment will be given on, of New Yorfk City. The New| Mrs C. M. Pringle. spent a few Fa | confers a special citation for LOTT ROMCIes wel CI0W HTC i f ent church at entael LIP or were ft ome ellefonte dave In town and will soon be stay "3 2 . Te Sorgen The afr Br Url dam Sgn Fhe the Pal immediately to operate the Iurnl- ing here all the time as they are Yoh distinguished wartime achievement sel ed a . td 1 gl 0 \ e O01 : gh ch Vik weld store and conduct an underta {1 0 quit farming \ 1 £ A line he Parent-Teacher meeting will on the W wh he Mis Anne and Emily rk- held Thursday evenh €, March in ; | b . Pe r retuned to Bellefonte after the school house. The program wi A, ELECTRIC LIGHT axo POWER INDUSTRY EE. LaBarr dwelling president, Adah Marshall, presided : treet was purchased The opening was J-ringing Wel- M “Faced with unprecedented demands, the Electric Light ond illiam Dorworth come” pre ented y an krish wash. y A Power Industry has met every war-production requirement ipied hy thelr = Wh nan a Seo or ¥ Nn Sra ane 59 / J § without delay and without impairment of its peacetime services 1ollowed by & pity. “The Ladies Dis. : y to the public. This achievement merits the appreciation mot cover AREHion™ = By eifht ‘mammisers / only of American industry but of the entire nation,"’ which was very song “Civic . / / FROM THE CITATION Responsibility wa ng by the - ys ’ ' ‘ . « each // 4 [Hus CITATION is richly merited—for here is a n out. branch of industry that has done a remarkable too! . " ' . 3 Foi : i ——————— . war Job that has not been generally recognized. ort olny I electric power should fail, or if it be too little or s of the What Is the Charles A. Coffin Foundation? } 4 Awd too late, the disastrous effects would startle all America. CY g 4L PURPO ; A . | Vital machines would be motionless. Millions of homes song Formica : . rou would be cold--and an eerie blackout would descend failed. Rather, in 1947 twice ed as in the year before the f new facilities~and despite lied emplovees to the Armed Services. 1 the words of J. A. Krug, Director, Office of War tilities of W.P.B., “Power men public and private — should be proud of the job that has been done in provid- [l power supply. Power has never been too little or too ate Chester A. Poorma Shor tH Te GR se SOI n ; dorm ot A a We of General Electric, who have built a large part rR Beans Osoeol He a Cm i abt a the electric equipment ch generates, distributes, d uses the electric power of America, take pride in Way this equipmer IS standmg up under the strain : 2 . “lorced draft wartime operation. Amnesia lietunte: 3 nel the past ee ¢ attach IN : . wiv ow Many of the men and women responsible for this a : 4 oi remarkable record are your neighbors—-the manager r meter reader who hives across the street, the girl mn the accounting department who is in your bridge club, o ‘ Mr. and Mrs. C0 Those Dresent were: Mh ave been, the Board of Dir Aan the lineman with whom you bowled last night. A word a R ¢ and Mr nald Snyder, Mr and ; ; . of appreciation from vou to them will lend added sig- mhcance to this well deserved citation. General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York, Invest in Your Country's Future BUY WAR BONDS . N ee mn | ‘ ' ent hd ry rx and r wie Mice ! rie Alexande Cart Alex- Nomen —r Heer he Ganernl Blacwic adie programs “The Gd All.gid Owhesten™ Suadey 9 Weise IRALDANOP | Cha . ar. £305 trip pro t Kinley ander and Bdna Jean Alexander vig om BWT, NIC The Werkd Today sews, every weshdey 4:45 pan. EWI, COS, I'e valuables were LHX FURS By Lope LI he al _— — ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | which Was S007 } " n oun . Nt] n the Awarded Good Conduct Ribbon K M Alexander in State Coliege on " . i Re I ————— pen by some talnous a Corporal Robert A. Wilkinson, son Saturday of last wee) STAY Ua ning 2 ner es thal Raiph sens r rs in pearahoe in ommunity over the Meekiey, Don Myers, Albert Hart. Mr. and M Roy cinson fy ottie Fleshe: areical Naval Training Cer : ownship unty govern- ) Walter looking fine and sock, Stanley Dillon, Morris Steele, = Spring street. Bellefonte, 5 member nati 1 eto tosoital | Mrs. Nora Bre : ed her ment monia as retained autiful tan ac- Earl Sones, and Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey home and has gone to 3 : ‘ ‘ qui n maneuvers in rt train. Chronister Force Redistribution Station wis} pred c v and hope an indefinit » er wishes | I Wil report dex! week as | Jovd Wagner very quietly and Ming Beact la that Pa eT a ™ Mr. and MM: RB ’ ¥ i bot Py 5 behavior lurin his § MIRY ai {1+ elebrated 5 birthday last awarded the Coo! Conduct of 31 Grove i h \ ] WMeKames as t retire We wish you many many more " % rporal wi kinson ry $ aot fhe » g 5 n : . 3 3 1 it i 9 ’ 1 “er rv 3 0» rx to Mi training bt at th : haz H Sgfeloi Gy Boyd rt HA Naval Center Mrs \ Don My is now engaged in the ster honor John with - 1 ing business, His headquarters MARTHA : J f ! : ow . . 1 it 1 parts in is fur : wated in Port Matilda snd be A determined minorit { persuade legislators th ure of who attended 1 oars m h # hed any time when sent the ill of the peopl he man Blre is War : Betty Weston ng- ———————— nuch easier on the constitu. y be tired of war news than it tired of warfare, i - iidren n South America there sir ‘Ny . : jo at nerous {riend A Change from MONTHLY Reading C. Y. WAGNER | orien haa vroken”erouns i by the Belle. & COMPANY [io ro te of Your Electric Meter * » ig 0 feet w with galvan- : Je Rallroad oar WAGNER'S joading platforms and truck loading West Penn 0 Te Drawtlets Shortage of manpower compels ALITY FLOUR DE ie, ease, we - Ry ar. died. at nis home on North Al Serves Uncle Sam West Penn to read electric meters A Hard Wheat Pat. Flour the result of A gen. WAGNER'S ” | Hieskdowss in Denil, Hs gle To date, more than 600 West only once in every three months. District Attorney > nd Miss Ethel Dale Penn men and women are in OUR BEST FLOUR pe? yp ide when the end the Armed Forces, serving our country in every 20.50 Blend 8 ue 13 Yea 0 age corner of the globe ECAUSE an increasing number of our employes are in the armed services, it is ff fifteen children of Christian and % Their fellow employes on the homelront are necessary fo begin quarterly reading of the electric meters of all residential cus WAGNER'S Fiza Neft Dale, of Oa Onis wholeheartedly committed to the task of providing tomers and some commercial customers in the Bellefonte district. VERY BEST FLOURI © State College, and A W. Dale, of dependable, low-cost electric service for every For more than a year, this method has been working successfully with our rural ski WIT vt civilian and war production use. customers, whose meters have been read only once in three months in order to save Winter Wheat Coorg a man, oh, Sree * More than 70% of the electricity generated for travel and vital supplies of gasoline and tires. : when 2200 volts of electricity West Penn's regular customers goes to the vital i through his body while he : a In the performance of his dutie Wer dies of this ares. | YOU WILL GET A MONTHLY BILL RY a or : ' t the American Lime and Stone * ut ; ’ ; 4 nes Dairy Fee Plant, Mr. Kellerman's helity ky Se Off oe dru} Sidi company fo bs In the months that your meter is not read, you will receive a bill based on an estimate wagns Ke i and was severely b dad. two ¥ . i" Meal eft hand was severely burned. tw National Security Award for superior pexdormance of your use of electricity as determined by a review of your account. : : Wagner's Egg Mash while one foot ako wis burned in organizing protective and restorative measures . In the third month, your meter will be read. Your third month's bill will be figured Wagner's Chick Starter there's Wek proved (Ougiy the against sabotage and aMack on our generating on the difference between the amount of electricity you have actually used in the three- and grower sin. Kellerman was engaged in re. plants, substations and mines. month period, and the estimated amount for which you have already been charged. pairing a transformer near em Wagner's Scratch Feed when workmen heard his scream * West Penn is cooperating fully in the War Pro. If you wish to send in your own meter readings monthly, in order receive bills y i a h and found his body rome distance duction Board's Voluntary Program to conserve based on your actual use in the two "“non-read’’ ths, we will st pply ~ards for that Wagner's Chick Feed from the transformer where it had Manpower, Fuel, Transportation and Materials, and ‘ Rvdes Cream Calf Meal been hurled by the current He was urges every customer to fight waste by eliminating purpose upon request, GL, Rpakens 0, & Physiciatly icy 1 all unnecessary uses of electricity. PLAN STARTS GRADUALLY ar tathl. Wham ame Necricity is u weopon " It will be several months before all customers are charged to the quarterly reading " Wanted! Men and Jit 3 esunoi sl war. Dossy " basis. Our meter reader will leave you a notice before the change affects you. Women Who Are : > Should you have questions or suggestions regarding this quarterly meter reading Dealers in All Kinds | Hard of Hearing method, please call our office. Phone, Bellefonte 751. ¢ ci TWA . | To make this simple, no risk teat, of Grains 1 doatoned, | by ringing bussing . © |EECRE | WEST PENN COMPANY making (ie simple , n- ‘ : A yal | Ak Lo Yew A Lo L hn PY wy . Lh " a pid : BELLEFONTE, PA. p) p. Eshelman’s Dog Feed