Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 23, 1944, Image 3

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    March 23, 1944. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. LL Page Three
REBERSBURG | Greenburr Reformed church Thurs. ' Aaronsh Irg
day afternoon. B rial at Cireenburr, Tyson home Saturd
Orien Relsh and ron mald and | Mr ang Mrs, Carl Beahm and Rov Gentzel wet
Gene of Bt roilds burg, spent evVeral children, Phyllis and Larry, of Har jand on Satird
days last week at the home Of MIS pig,0p Mrs: Nora Weber of Rebers- dqueted into the arm
brother-in-law and ter, M and pre and But. Melvin Bright of Wy i : ur
Mrs, Paul Hackman Ardmore, Okla... were Sunday dinner } iy ’ 2 4
Mr, and Mrs. Clare Brungart and guests at the John Bright home, the oF Rol oe hia
family of Lebanon were Baturday dinner being in honor of Sgt. Bright birthday pe
tevening callers at the Roy Brungart who returns from his furlough thi ‘ y ph
home, week
| Lt, and Mrs. Mark Limbeit, who| Mrs Harry Boone \
recently motored to Louisiana from Lewistown Hospital Inst week
the state of Oregon, where the for- the is now under treatment "
mer has been stationed, and are now Mr. and Mrs, C. 8. Hosterman and V
uests at the home of his parents, children of Centre Hall, called at the
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Limbert at Cen- M. W. Breon home on Tuesdns
tre Hall, called in Rebershurg on ning
Sunday Mr Richard Mann of Merrill
) nd Mi id Mrs, Lim- took Cpl
envice MARKETS
Join The RED CROSS War Fund!
7#e 17/(/X) A It (J) 1(1//] I State Colege, Caled at the Bhoi- mey of Gr E AA nr Cul ® ‘POINT FREE’ FEATURES ®
of’ The J Evista see [vy nN
NYY; | P D year! ITI Public Sales Marmalade = = 2 -23
stock consists of —— fo STE 0 [CRACKERS +21
KYANIZE PAINTS — ENAMELS — VARNISH — PASTE d two deughiers of New PUreer om tn he ogi, appearing SOLLEN
TURPENTINE - WILTON AND VELVET THROW RUGS MR Moser ier Ni Come compine: | SYRUP Quaker Maid 2 1b. jars 2
9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS — INLAID LINOLEUM —- AND bridge, Md., Is enjoying his fit fur. f. hay losder; Rdg, deliv CORN
THE LARGEST STOCK OF ARMSTRONG'S FLOOR and with his parents, Mr. and Mii. pigoy March 31 FL AKES bik asi
COVERING IN CENTRE COUNTY, 6-ft., 9-ft. and 12-ft. I Ea Kelloges or Be 11-00 phe
Widths. All Priced Low to Huryy This Stock Out ! 1 John of LYK “home of Mr lite residence. 17 West Howard f MIRACLE
: Ay wier n p—
| 5 ii ’ & »
ee] " . ert Meokes IOUSEROLL OCH As ‘
m——— A 11 g
» p
F 1 Ld HT ’
y 34 wah wer A
Here's the Reason for This Great Sale | Wo ron oe sr Sun oie Siiea Dis, | SEEDLESS
| am a United States Draftee. |'ve passed my Physical. Drs. Rose rami and Mr A ng room chairs x8 RAISINS
Expect to be Inducted Into the Service Soon. AE Cal oon
“Floor Covering Specialist” "
y J "oO : Tit Je : LP . hot ¢ ; vi eve : No Ration "
» West High Street Bellefonte, Penna. wm ttamed tic stro) lh, irc — BEANS Foluts Reouived 3 No. 2 cams 2 $<
CHEF BOY-AR-DEE Use Blue Stamps AS BS C8 D8 E8
Solid Pack ¥ Va
ce octet UH VICTORY DINNER [Tomato 2 eran 19
# booth were heid 1 © Tuesday, April 4 Butter Kernel Corm #7790 13¢ 8
: Cortaty 2 pk 2 Farmer Girl or Big Top
Centre HN .e 1 ’ ¢ Early June Peos lle 3
ob. She OUNET 3 Sid Kidney Beans ®2can 10¢
’ “ nd M “ 's CLOROX BLEACH superfine Fancy
y / » er. | wv. Alb Mixed Vegetables #1 12¢
If ou Can ee . ; rr on : " , | ' i ho! 29c¢ Garden Whois Fig ik be
efor ers; Empire 8. *2can 11¢
Golden Bantam Corn
CAMAY A Juice - 8c
the Tread—SEE US!] —-. [#6 >. 2-0
~ A ~ y f Belief ‘ :
ities en sone et §| OXKYAOL te ie BF [coos toa
: : ; Estate heatools; 3 n ho Oleomargarine 26¢
When your tire has the first sign of a smooth appearance, when the tread has worn er tank. sideboard: large Choice
off —that is the time to see us for recapping service. Every mile you drive beyond that othe rack: beds and eprings. IVORY Alaska Salmon : 2c
point endangers the life of that tire. As the casing rubber wears off you get near the ope Whig he ASM Oval Sardines steam |e
A 1 i . . " .. ® ri? orp Wl i Hats of In Tomato Sauce
cord fabric, which means that continued driving could very likely ruin it altogether so a" rinse Jot Of hat-gaton and SNOW ee. phe 23c Spam 12-02 can 36
it could not he recapped. Further, it heightens the possibility of a blow-out. , mower in good condition A Hormel Product
| mail, coking utensils, oiler IVORY ute eanser gis =e
Just a Little Care Will Save Your Tire rr FLAKES «i 23¢ Long's Dill Pickles 8, 1-7 21
Gold Medal Wheaties 10C
’ norma | care. Ig thir av's peed Limit Don't make jump starts ap . "
n't bump os ur heck wheel alignment, Have tires inspected Thursday, April 6 Hershey's Toilet Soap ake 6p
er air inflation casionally change wheels from front te rear. The rem il ol AML, (FOX) ROBINAON. DUZ Ige. pkg 23c Cloverdale Gingerale 6 bots 25¢
5 FEY ' » » b Rie ©
tre wea onl : el ! "he La H! Wh ion for tire guidance We'll keep miles north of Jae Plus ttle Deposit
rolling ! te M4 0 \dadburg, the lo :
rollin - vest Mg and imp Rin * 4 J “Does Everything” Me Cormick’s
LIV YesTOOK Black horse, 8 ye Black Pepper / \ ' 4¢
Every Turn of the Wheel Means That Much Added Wear 13 tend of milk cow: 1 Cuern- Penn Rad Motor Oil « 75¢
y wit f by gid 1 Hostel
Cs 2 22% | IVORY SOAP Sh
eins) will Creston by fall. 8 three. Minute Man Soup Mixes 3 7& 23¢
ear.old heifers i Guernsey hell.
Re air and Reca No W 1 Fost . y ih [4 “ra y "you * ¥ Premium Crackers x 18C
Holstein heifer 1 three<year.old . pkgs
P P Holstein stock bull. This herd | i wed cake Ge 3 lg cks 29c Popular Brand Cigarettes 2 LF 30¢
PB and Bangs tested th healt? . o
hare 3 Berkshire Brood sows with Junket Rennet Tablets pkg 11¢
all stone bruise or cut may not seem very important to you. But every time your wheel turns pigs: 14 shoals, weighing from 7 for making Rennet custards and lee Cream
ou aggravate it that much more Tires flex when vour car runs, That is a constant expanding + Mg pounds 1 Berkshire seed
ind contracting. A minor repair may save your tire, and pos ibly vour lif lot us attend to it FARM IMM EVENTS Two Joh!
. ” : . ' . Deere riding oultivaton 1 Joh ISLE QUE FANOY
promptly when it is time to recap. Don't wait—do it then Deere Tfoot cut ptr Minder: :
Oepeane potato sprayer. 1 Interaa- Potatoes " pk 47¢c
{onal onehorse cultivator, 1 Nam.
burg walking plow, and some othe
Don’t Gamble on New Tires - They Will Be Very Scarce | “aie ‘warts at 1330 oetock noon | |} Frorerioy
|sharp. Terma cab. i. Turnips Ib 5¢ COLD CUTS
The more people who become eligible for new tires the less chance you have, New tire production leanne ST be Served Ay Some or.
Will Be far less than the original 30,000,000 estimate, and that was only slightly more than one | wii hither, Mit. Arthur A FANCY SLICING Ib. 35¢
tire for every passenger car. Actually, LESS than one tire per ear will be made this year. That [oh a. : "i Tomatoes pka 4 32¢
leaves at least three tires to depend on the best of service promptly efficiently carefully. Heed our : Saturde A pril 15 PRY
good and sincere advice and you'll drive through the emergency. Truck tires will be scarcer yet, dod He
Admiinistratar of Ni . FAMIIA 1 50 We H A M S
Do Your Part — And We'll Do Ours ! : he on #4 i Grapefruit . 7ce0 Whole or half *
: hss CALIF 2300's Ib. 3 5
Lemons . doz 38¢ ¢
A) Ming. include Endive . 2 hds 25¢ OYSTERS |
So. Potter Street Home Owned and Operated Bellefonte CALIY,
pe Carrots . . bch 10¢
Member—<National Association of Independent Tire Dealers, Inc.