Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 23, 1944, Image 2
THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. March 23, 1944. — - Da | : i Oxford, William Coxey and daugh- mellefonte, who has attended nearly semblyman Jack Wallin, of Philips 'R, Hugh Sherif John aladds hief of the Pleasant Gap Fire Com- of Commerce, and Dewspapermen BOALSBURG ters; Mrs. L. A. Olson and Mrs. Dor- avery St. Patrick Day banguet in burg: Judge Ivan Walker ‘ouncil Philip Baylor, fire marshal Aaron pany James Bent chief of tw At the conclusion of the program othy Humstalde, and Mrs, Willlam ghe past 32 yews Charley SBaxion, president William WW. Siles and D. Leltzell; SBunuel D. Rhinesanith, IMilesburg Fire Company: Albert at the K. of C. hall the group ad - athens Ar Shuey of Bellefonte, Mr. and Mr president of the Undine Company; Counclimen Leslie Thoma Walter past commander of the Joeal Ameri- | K ter, chief of the Alpha Com- jJourned to the Undine Home on Mrs. Paul Gilligan entertained Gordon williams, accompanied Mrs, C, G. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. John pac Doll Undin hief Senator R. Eberhart, Nevin Smith, Russell can Legion: Arthur Doeob, chief of pany. Sta lege; Karl E. Kusse, East Bishop street with a party Wednesday evening in (Paul Corl and son of State College, Strunk and Mr. Ammon Kerstetter 5 | petzler, of Houlz J. Lambert and D. W. Keller; James the Logan Company; William Shue; retary of the Bellefonte Chamber hour wag enjoyed honor of the 10th birthday of her [to Pleasant Gap on Wednesday, of Pleasant Gap, Mr. and Mrs. Clif | nd daughter, Anna Marie, The guests | where they spent the day with Mrs. ford Reed, Mrs. Emery Rager, My were: Joan Hess, Faye Spotts, Bar- | Lee Smeltzer R. R. Ricker and Mrs. Pearl Patter barn Mothersbaugh, Connie Lou! Mrs. Paul Kellerman i pending son of State College Musser, Patricia Cain, Susie Nevil, | covers! weeks at the home of Mi Mr. and Mis. John Hes Eva Mae C allahan, Harry Crummey, | and Mrs. Walter Dantzscher dn Long were dinner guests at Dor Billy Patterson Island Meeker home at Pottes Bobby Rishel Billy Miller, Don Gra- Nit and Milam Jones and dA ite 0d. Paul Gilligan, Jr ate | SON WII Mr : Mrs. Sheldon Clapper and son M1 John Russell and son Freddie ndell and Mi ker of il aillv. returned to their home Thi Mn Lester Witherite and son and | oo. eocent visitors with Rev. 1 day after spending two weeks with Bobby ‘Addleman of Boal: bur the former's parent Mr, and Mrs ME ean, Gan Gilgen ran Sun- William Madera at Riverdale, Md Ronald Gilligan and Guy . n Pennsylvania Furna meetin Walter Caln and ter Patrician Carper of Spruce Cred home of spent the weekend with thelr grand shi sion F , ETO I re Aer Petar O ERE are three wholesome foods you can serve to len Cline ™ 11 ¢ rove Mills. vil POSED i it K HIGIHDETS parents, J and Mi re J LE ; . . . By ae Syne hoy Colle resent we Homan, Bellefonte, R. D your heart's content with never a worry about Mrs. Al Pyle and son, Mr. and Mrs.| M? ret Kuhn, Mi R Sura Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dale an rationing . . . Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles. They're Howard Gilligan ! he oh Ch Irs Lge C] Belelonte, wn Mi delicious . . . and so nutritious. . . and low in cost! And Mrs Woon nd Miss Mary Ellen| Wright, Mrs. Riley Hunter, Mi eh RY HA K. Cr and daugh especially if you choose our ANN PAGE brand. The Gilligan of State College William Garman and Mi MET ter, Sunday Spaghetti and Macaroni are made of finest Semolina— The Crusad ss of the I ; ps ' Ali rant Kline of Oak! Miss Shelia Ann Begner of bial : best for making saperior Macaroni products. The kaj Suncay Choo held (we? Fs ma ent Friday evening at the gov evening in honor of the birth ‘ noodles are real egg noodles! Put these on your sho neeting . ping list today! It will pay... in savings of ration points home of L] re Hall, R. D. 1 emix re ot Gan aA LR Dole-of Buns: Ro Ne a es . .. and in moncy Here a social U. 5. GOVERNMENT SAYS: Lb. | “Serve More Unrationed Foods. SAL ETT Pkg $s | TT TTB To help the banlefront to bring victory sooner | | FIGHTS | the folks on the home front are asked wv eat ' te hr bom’ A more of the nopownt and low-point foods, Plan SEER wes FANN PAGE EGG NOODLES :: 6¢ | = ===res= a Gentael Leroy fh Bh 7 —— utrlein BEE Aa, re A I x Than | gm rn | AKN PAGE, BOSTON STYLE 25 ascii 1 A&P BAKED 6oODS! | BEANS How: of Sale Cae, were moper gests) J | Dated Daily For Freshness «suntv Cox JO 0 , ! es were played day evenin — ent werd r. and Mm Norman OIC MiG ; : will be beld daughter spent Sunday with Mr | . i i 3 rasan at Bellefonte QUAKER MAID PANCAKE SYRUP . . = 22¢ ARN PAGE Middle River, Md. sper 9 \ Look At The Size! PEANUT BUTTER rs" 26¢ erase $i os sud YO li Safe Shu 4 Look As The Price! 35% | VEG ALL » CHOOSE MUNICIPA oe: Me. 10d Mis 8 Mri. Wiliam Morrow. From Tyron . — pm - | piassrry. FANCAKS p | AMERICA'S BEST LIKED MILLHEIM Lou Fuuer ang Margaret To. YE her brother-in-lay ORANGE. SHERBET | JANE PARKER | ORANGE PINEAFILY FLO! IR . | ( OF F EE — NEW SHOW TIME — rooks, of Huntingdon . LAYER HOT CROSS | COFFEE | KIDNEY BEANS | | Show Time—7:10 and 9:00 P. M. Mrs. Margaret Kulu | ni | i — 11 ' i — ie ar a Mr Mea at sat (the Re. {i 11 Te | CAKE 39c | BUNS s 19¢ | GARE 25¢ Cl | EIGHT CLOCK CIGARETTES at {1 Lb. FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY ured Sunday scuntl ee a CoRlinREG Tr Sleds | | 3 59¢ FILLD ASSORTED Bag namie HL rae. Clarence Con, aad Misses) KB op nn Vig Bredls ye ois 2: 17¢ usin © a 2... 47¢ Clayton E. Lucas, Milesburg BLONDES” igh Patterson ang Virginia a : Yarndly iHiagA “eh , ORAL. AREER MAL ANDY CLYDE COMEDY & The G (um class of 1 Ba Banets, Taran 10 Jane Parker Donuts is th dy 14¢ | SALTINES 2 nn. 33¢ | BOKAR COLOR CARTOON Luthet Sune ool held thei a ln ~ | ~ SATURDAY MIGHT OvEy [| rng at the home of Mis argare| OE 3. Shing Biarchurd __ ALL SUGAR or SUMBINATION én. 15% | SHREDDED WHEAT 12¢ 2 ..51¢ March 25 — — a Abe || Mer, M 5 ar He pay epi i Slunita, Nags Sd WHITEHOUSE EVAPORATED - “WHAT A Will Mrs. Fro 1 : ret Will 2 Riis ; n ii than ILK 1 0 Ta 85 3 2. i " rm ! Ako the Finest Selected | Bart Plans were on vr ay at 1 Raymond F. ers : ard RD TEA PEKDE ant y 3d Skinned Hams . ENDL. 32¢ WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY |i Pon 0 a titex Tram o dif Powelt ORANGE PEKOE 4 4 FRESH March 29 Dale-M irew A Granite ail Ha : || Gin ome ahd ten rd the funera ; R. SIRE, Slowarg 'W SUNNYFIELD CNIC Te i i | 0 EE, Wey S| Jk. Wie, meine Bi RICE GEMS _ Pork Shoulders 5 27¢ In Technicolor) | Baw ” Me Finley M “THE GANG'S | ci mr ane am, Chatics Meir James 1. Williams ele le a C | GRADE “A" SLICED | {-2-4 1b. CARTONS Point Free ALL HERE" | ona to Sime Mein) JO iy Wis A T 0 FFS 8 Bacon - 39¢| Lard 2+ 35¢ ll rR rR ed ster on Smoked Skinned Hams I —————— Death of Miner SWA N TUNA FISH : : un 34 m SHANK 33¢ uniisasd faim Toi" ‘oes SOAP ALP COUNTRY GENTLEMAN ® END-Lb. BIERLY OFFERS A FINE SELECTION OF § three users, Mrs john Living. CORN gon. of Lack Haven Mi: , - A Large 29 : . Alkey. Milesbtues and Mi rv > CIA Gr 29¢ fm Fresh Pork Loin U S F D ( A R S | ae, ao smrvive. SPINACH e r i Osceola Methodist ehurdh. He was \ BETTY MEAND 30 , a veteran of ti first World Wm ’ a CENTER 36 : RIE tor ments oes. | OCTAGON ||| WHOLE BEETS cou SUC 3 os. £6 was a member of the Osceola Mills DEL MONTL. NO 2 CAN re hold a Til. chen CLEANSER ASPARAGUS SPEARS 34c A&P FISH SPECIALS! with the pastor. the Rev. EF. L- 18-0 TONA : Freaks mo i SALMON ac it, iv Sou re O¢ TOMATOES ‘w 18€ Gad '» 38¢:'> 25¢ | Steaks Mills CAMPRELL'S About 300 Attend RIN SO Sour J KINDS . wil i go SSED 33¢ NO ~ Undine Banquet SOAP POWDER CORN : 2 413C | Lake NERRING FRESH STEWING 1941— Buick Special sedanette, low mileage 1940—Buick Special 4-door sedan 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe {-door sedan, 1941 Chevrolet Special DeLuxe Coach (Continued from wage owe) BAILY, KIBBRLED - ! Fill ot Lh 25¢ 0 t singers, Bellefonte quartet, appeared y Ai Phas. 19¢ DOG BISCUITS tm 16¢ Hies ysters 1910-—Chevrolet Master coach, volor grey § In the former uniforms of the Un- dine Company which mow are used 1940—Ford DeLuxe coach I hy UNRATIONED FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! ( . a J 99 hae Rikees wal Lindquist, Jack Yeager, and George 1941-—Ford coach, 23,000 miles, like new Newman, with-Mm E. K. Block as : : vt pou JUMBO STALKS, SWEET PASCAL 1938—~Pontiac 6 coach WAAL ny Doves wi ae bon i In Bellefonte 27 w ! i” 4 . 1936—Chevrolet ton truck beer PERE ai toe BAS U ' Hb 20¢ CELERY "on 2 Sul 37¢ 1932—Ford coach... CHOCK FULL OF JUICE, FLORIDA PEAK OF FLAVOR AND QUALITY, FLORIDA 1936—Graham coach progress ant success of , pany. 3 The above cars are in very good condition, the Mr. Stauffer, Lebanon county fire ORANGES Dor. 29¢ G RA APEF RU IT: 'S Bos 29¢ best selection we have had in six months, These cars marshal declared that the wartime - "Nn motto of volunteer fire departments must be seen to be appreciated. |should be “Inspect, Detect, and Cor- 150-176 Sizes... .. Doz, Wm 4 For 27¢c rect.” pointing out that extra care {in preventing the outbreak of fires {pays big dividends in keeping fire PENNA, BLUE LABEL CRISP, SOLID HEADS, NEW FLORIDA Bierly’s Garage | = =-:== |POTATOES . .:47¢ CABBAGE. .4 - 15; Rebernbury. Pa. Phone 26R6, Millheim OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA §0. 1940—Chevrolet Master coach, color black a a i UE Sy BR a — —— a EE a A Ll