Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 16, 1944, Image 1
Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 mph. may use 200 gal. fons of gasoline an hour, Ihe Cenfre Democr: WHERE THE An Army Trans | port burns 32,000 gallons of fuel oll | & day FUFL GOES VOLUME 63, NUMBER 11. BELLEFONTE, PA, TI IURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1914, SUBSCRIPTION—£$1.50 PER YEAR. Ast 75 Countians | For Induction 36 of Group to Go % 't. Meade, Md., from local Board 2, Bel. , nate, on March 23; State College Board 1 % nd 19. m © tata i com: « nai | Neidrick, Phil] Bellefonte McCloskey, B Zell He for Md ] OTOL aon, | Hpsou uy Beech Cree Smeal, Philinsbu Witter, prictol, Pa lam L. Grubb, Milesbury ird Gi. Miller, Bellefont Id 8. Maurer, Philipsbur large examin No » B Fleming Soldier Keeps Fox Hole Under Bed ] Woods, Phill m P. Mencer 1} Baldwin, How nk P are Harold C Robert ¥ The Georgh Ri J Ha Geor eh Irvi Donald Lawren nas E F K S Ph ’ old M Ww Ww Chat wiay M T2813 Coml Jaohinsts McKinley W. Live: 1 ¥ if h v { A f Leighton G. Sweenn! Harold E. Ritenour Mahlon A. Quick Hugh J. Runkle RD 3. James A. Saxion, Bellefonte Alvin F. Shamp, Lamar Charles R. Dickson, Flemin samuel C. Croyle, Phil ick L. McCamlc ist McMonigal RD 1 Carl R. Casher, Claren Ear! Weaver, Howard RD | John H. Watkins, Bellefonte RD 2 D. Kelley Port Matilda Lock Haven Jr Bellefonte i urg RD Philipsburg Port Pic. Oscar D. Rhodes Cape Gloucester, New Britain iDelayed)--The technique of q arrival in foxhole iz demonstrat by Marine Private First Class Oscar D. Rhodes, 19-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. David M. Rhodes, of Flem- ing. Centre county, He has his fox- Bas directly under is jungle ham wu i It's like thi i climbing int pet “ Arthur RD 1 Harry C. Menold Norman G. Parko imued FORMERLOCAL MAN Jr.. Bellefonte Philipsburs CK ea 8 page Three ~ ¥ th Le vIYW 5 i d fait Ite 1) His Ashes Be Spread on Mother's Grave ea A — Local Man Named Hotel Representative Harry and Mr street Hotel in Su moted to road Milner Hotel his new dut His will incl hotels located from York state to Florida cast to Clevel will pany ation E. V Boyd man ay Unn » pan and jet he deceased w ) 4 " pilin health for if weex ition iflered a he attack abo art and wee that time n Mr. Otto wa 1 baseball territory de Mih northe and fre Oi veeks ago had been in serio " m wide being Oast andl had | L$ noted for | nd ayer visit hotel ’ wil rej owl an and ot headquarter Varion ndepender I'rib Rallroad Ald but he and be most of th n Mr. Vonada entered the empl the company three year night clerk in & hotel In Harrishw Two years ago he Was mads ager of the Sunbury hotel Milner Company, which geveral hundred hotel from to coast Mrs. Vonada is the Swineford, daughter of Mr Charles Swineford of Sunbury were marired on July 31. 1942 - in othey Fhe ¢ Lane : y "a oy of team rey ZO league y Lrens nd one ’ ed SNOW SHOE HOME 5 RAZED BY FIRE Hoos low Water Pressure €ard, Hampers Firemen at Or- | : . . . ] At a mpecial session of court here! vig (Gillette Residence Monday morning Hillary Vieard, 56- | a —r— year-old Philipsburg man, entered a| Tye nine.room, three-story brick | plea of guilty to a burglary charge p,use owned and occupied by the! and was sentenced to serve from oi, Gillette family at Snow Shoe one to two years in the Western guy burned to the ground Saturday Btate Penitentiary afternoon, entallin ’ g a loss estimated Vieard was charged with stealing oy upwards of $5,000. All the house- $135 in cash and other articles from poly furnishings were saved, the home of James Dayon in Phil- Starting In the area between the! ipsburg. coiling of the third floor and the! Judge Ivan Walker, who presided. roof of the building, the blaze is be- also heard arguments in a number joved to have been caused by a of civil actions, among them being ark from the chimney the plea of Josephine Armstrong, of | “when discovered about 2 p, m. the Zion, for arrest of judgment and names were just breaking through motion for a new trial on an Invol- [ihe roof. The Bnow Bhoe volunteer untary manslaughter charge, and fire company answered an alarm, an argument in the case of Burr & {but because the house Is located Co, vs. the Bellefonte School district, atop a hill and because the fire de in which Ward Tate, formerly of ..riment has no pumper, there was Burr & Co. is seeking payment [or jn.umeient water pressure for fire services he claims he rendered the 0 14 be of Any use. Shoot rics aid Jor hich he has 1, o short time the entire building rece unera ‘ ‘was a mass of flames and the build No decisions have been filed In jn’ collapsed, Na brick either of the cases. (Continued on Page Four) NEN - + hy ' 1 ol operate const former Gladys and M: hes Man Sentenced, Two Civil Cases » Matilda n = DEIN IHNSTON ”~ ‘8 ’ 1 1 4 ol n Harry D. Otto Requests the : = SEROLSLY HAT s | YORI windpipe, LOCA ASM HOUSE BURNS Irvin Borger, Alone House, Aroused From Sleep By Smoke in Bellefonte Native to Football Mentor: { nanimous. BUILDING. CONTENTS & TOTALLY DESTROYED Bellefonte and Snow Shoe Firemen Arrive too Late to Save Structure all » sent to t} Bellefonte Snow from as Shoe ¢ departments Bellefonte the Logan pumper and ambulance were dis- patched to the scene. When firemen reached the end of their 35-mile the home 2 complete los nothir be done to rt of if ont ent A and fire nse ( ( "et mn Wits na hy could sve ny Borger, who about three had roof put a ago. F widences obtained at he scene it | believed an overheated furnace, or a park in the caused the fire Mr. Borger mines at Pine Glen operated by his father, Clyde Borger. The total loss from the fire was placed al $4000 or more, part vhicl covered by insurance Brockerhoff Member pi Mr home ita ureh 4 purchased VOArS ARC Fai um basement employed the ol i i J fe Belle ~oerati nite fn named chair need Col mer state WPA head Bresils Pre in i or. irer GG. Ha es part ' WHILE COASTING of Campaign Group School ESDEATH Gray FureyNamed § SHANNON B. HL. S. Grid Coach | Return Next Fall as Board Vole Is Seaman Home From Pacific gy Donald W. Smith PUPILS BATT ['se Frozen Snow to Save Henderson Building From Destruction 13-Year-Old Boy Suffers Neck Wound When Sled Hits Wire Fence ran nt moonlit while } : sled in irc field near € Was coasts group of ther youngst 8:30 o'clock last Wednesday ald Elwood Dreibeibd of Mr. and M of Pennsyiva ( Lt. Get Id TUgEn Dreibelbi 1 reel ck The the Fur: evere nceration itn who an patient Centre County Hospital here alone on the sled at the time in the group of coasters were his brothers, William, aged 16, and Robert, aged 14 Snow In the field was covered with a layer of crust which made coasting excellent, although sieds were dif- ficult to control Dreibelbls remained conscious af- ter the accident, and was assisted by friends to the home of Charles My - ers, who brought him at once to the hospital. The wire caused a deep laceration about the front of the neck, penetrating almost to the The jugular veins were not involved, | Reports from the hospital yester- | day were to the effect that the youth's condition is satisfactory Legion Auxiliary War Bond Awarded Mrs. Harrison OO, Kline, finance chairman of the triscounty council of the American Legion Auxiliary, yesterday reported that a $25 war bond given away by the Auxiliary last week in a campaign for funds to be used in the rehabilitation of service men, was awarded to Bill Odell, 16-year-old son of Mrs. Grace E. Odell, of Hugheaville, In a letter to Mrs, Kline, Mrs, Odell reports that her husband and oldest son are both In the service, and wishes the Auxiliary every suc cess in their effort to earry an the rehabilitation program. ’ a oO ie wa and a barbed v | Maude Mill of Fergusor achey ] the scl nm fn a in 00 1) iced wiisy seen down throug! the in the " chool room ¢ Way thre La 1 stove w mm and n to the floor and charred ; { ath Ah ter began School was immediztely dismissed and after all were outside the older upils took matters into their hands. While tl smaller ones car- ried out books, tablets and smaller pieces of furniture, larger once using a long bench a ladder crawled up Into the area between the ceiling of the school and the roof of the structure, and hurled large chunks of frozen snow on the blazing rafters Others stood under the tossed pieces of snow up into ihe flames, while a few buckets of water obtained from a nearby well aided in quenching the fire (Continued on Page Four) County Home Head Is Seriously 1 Rev. A. H. Herr, superintendent of the Centre County Home, who suf- fered a severe heart attack Wednes- i w the as day of last week, is reported to be township vocational own |g Litt Ys Roar Bee Nav mig the 3 Boul) xt Ln thie re PT, % Solomon Islan tion of constrict ui "OTHE ands for | “Which of the best?” a redortes youth, who is streaml to Steyn by physical equatorial climate { “Nome! came fponciusive answer short uke wd ne ined from * oy Ut La if arsed definite 1h clarified hiv state. ing hat iL aways hot and ‘damp, the files and mosquitos are a constant nuisanoe and the mes itos 10n are Vers of in KGa resent threat Rn ver fh cording to Final Check by County Chairman firvn { } Aa 5 1 Reserve week wad fallen Loan quota ihsequer we GG {ures margin : leted by Cia College ct War Finan that cot $1.943.000 quota by Total Ny 3 wIman Committee ints OvVer- 845.700 the ubserit ales OR8 Tho figure Reserve having met ignment but not include sale Federal Reserve ed, Mr. Alken In announcing the cessiul completion of its part in fine ancing the Fourth War Loan Drive, Mr. Alkens released the following } appreciation workers Alken Vere | he releasy by th ted the per SOUr i“ mM these a cent a figure renorted after ota wore exvlained county letter of 7 (Continued on page Four) RECORD CONTEST ‘Spring Mills Youth Hon! ored For Achievement _ : in 6-County Area | Melvin Miller, a student in Vo- cational Agriculture al the Gregg school, was i ANS TEARN TAWARDS Presentation Made Friday by Judge Walker FSA SUPERVISOR LAUDS FARM EFFORT Cites Figures Showing Large Increase in Production n U fo be (Continged on | ape Four) —— Houserville Soldier ls Nazi Prisoner Vine 5m 4 Nort} African theatre of operations since September 15, is a prisoner of war in a German military prison camp, soeording 16 a pail peceived from the Internationa] Red Oross by 0 friend, Miss Dorlg Yarnell of Spring Mills, No detalls were elven in the PRI W. Baylets of Houserville bef ear n ’ ve -— 1641 tf Oamp ne or Wheeler ¥ Bet paty - Ralph Hartsock, 74, Victim of Stroke Harisock ' from that Mr or no mw ondition ¢ the licated Hin Lif od WIS WARBONDIN | Harrison F. Housley Three Bell Telephone Company employes, who have driven company motor vehicles a total of 400,000 miles without causing an accident, were honored last night at a special safety dinner in the Penn Belle Ho- tel One of them, Harrison ¥. Housley, 1201 Pine street, Philipsburg, was showing some improvement but his awarded a $25 War Bond offered as made a member of the company’s condition is still regarded as being first prize in a Parm Record Contest Hundred Thousand Mile Club, or- serious, He Is under medical care at sponsored by the Centre County, ganization of men who have driven his quarters in the County Home, National Farm Loan Association, the safely for ten years or more. He was and is not permitted to see callers. Hollidaysburg Production Credit As- presented with a certificate and In- | omnes also will Because of his illness all the Herr children were called here sociation, and the Parm Oredit Ad- scribed wallet by William T. Woot- be sossibly other activities to increase an driving, bringing 150,000 miles, 200 Fish Killed. Poison In Stream State Ofhicials Launch Investigation Into Death of Trout, Suckers, in Thompson's Run at State College. Reported Missing - Sutton Re-Elected Head of Company ng us week Laon wi were re-elected to the board of-di- rector were Hardm P Haris H yoprip Re Fie ¥ i ye » Legion Seeks Support For Veterans’ Bill » i) Wears Dolphin Insignia © » - Named Comrt Hoase Janitor SPORTSMEN 5 GLUB OPA PRICE LIS HERE 15 REVIVED AVAILABLE HERE y | H. Poorman Named Citizens May Call For President; Plan Fish Copies Showing Ceiling Fry in April Prices in Stores > The. Bellefonte Sportames sociation, dormant for two years came to life at a meeting held the YMCA here Priday night when officers were elected and plans made for a membership mpaign fish fry next month Newly«elected officer H Poorman, president Wilh Badger, vice president; Rev, William C. Thompson, secretary. and Fred © Witmer treasurer A sommitiee was named to meet Friday night of this week to ar- range for a fish fry in April. The discuss plans [for a membership campaign and A Community Celis have been received a Price and Rationing and will be given sway to house wives and citisens who oall for a copy, John 8 Sommerville, chair man of the jocal board announced today These price lists Mr. Sommer ville sald, “show the ceiling prices fi all classes of stores for most of {the processed food temas sold In Centre county stores “This Is the first time that the community ceiling price lists have been published In convenient small sie forms” The chairman pointed out that “only a small supply had been printed and received this time [because of the national paper short- ‘age and until the number of cone [rumers who desire the price lists - ™ Lists be Jocal War Board office ( atl ara are Samus] {interest in the association To Purchase Horses day to purchase a carload of horses which will be disposed of at public sale at Pleasant Gap on Monday I be given to everyone ducal board office f community ceiling who calls or a copy price list, | | .