Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 09, 1944, Image 1
Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 mph. may use 200 gal. lons of gasoline an hour, he Cenfre Democrat WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans. port burns 33,000 gallons of foel ofl a day. VOLUME 63. NUMBER 10, - BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1911, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. County to Send 78 [JN Men for Induction [Sf bh : i _ N, % " Y y 57 to Leave Bellefoi. % “or Navy, Monday; 8 YNATVE Native of Julian ND DEA TE Head of Air Unit TOMAN§9 A poe. Col. John E. Bodle Commands Group at Bir- rh | Go to Army, Tuesda, “tate College Board : Lists Thirteen for Ses ® in Navy 3 a Servis Navy Centre county two draft ard this week announced that 78 men will enter the within next (roups to be under the new tom in which duction from nave reads 1sseod physieal ination a Fifty-seven from Board No Bellefonte report to Altoona Monday, March 13, for Navy The same beard will send ei to New Cumberland for Army © Tuesday, March 14 Gs 0 passed physical examin- ations oh February 12 and the Army men are from the group which y derwent physicals January 25 Thirteen men from State Colles Board No. 1, will leave for Navy ser- vice on Saturday, March 11 The State College hoard has ne call Army this time The Bellefonte board these men to the Army Fred M. Blair, Bellefonte al sp armed | ter I the un th ¢ Sem called to ce 4 in- HUBLEI who men are called for pools” of those a exame- 18 t for mes Mir men » will wil | a on vice men 04 ——— — — Sn——— YY val Reserves in Na } William M. Smith, Bellefonte Malcolm W. Wagner, Howard Frank M. Stere, Fleming Frank T. Wallace, Howard Robert 8. Barger, Howard William J. Miller, Bellefonts "his group fron led | Li » RD 3 hon re fonte Belle has hed r the " Earl Fenton, Philipsburg Howard W. Miller Howard RD 1! Harry P. Hackett, Bellefonte Thomas C. Wallace, Bellefonte Elmer J. Fultz, Beech Creek RD Richard M. Coldron, Bellefonts Joseph A. Kozar, Bellefonty Chester B. Workman, Mingoville Gerald Ray Lindsay, Philipsburg Charles Lawrence Peters, Fleming Thomas ¥. Shannon, Philipsburg Malcolm E. Stover, Bellefonte Earl M. Tate, Bellefonte Andrew J. Supina, Osceola Mill Robert L. Cain, Belle! Harry W. Shaffer, Snow Shoe James C. Crago, Philipsburg L. Blackford, Bellefonte Hoover, Pine Glen Melvin C. Waite, Jersey Shore Roger P. Poorman. Eellefont (Continged gn Pgoe Four) COUNTY IS SHORT IN BOND QUOTA $3,000 More Would Have Put Area on Top in 1th War Lean the tanea L Hav | vy ¢ Mi sided Haven Bel He about wrris Pease 111 that 1 lefonte went 1:30 i fat M onte sod ¢ buliet en hest ang houlder ay NY Yh an oO ' Miss Albena Bugosh Miss Bugosh, Bugosh, Sr. of Clarence, was into the Women's U Navi wrves at the Naval Officer Pro ment in Pittsburgh, on January Miss Bugosh left Wednesday « last week for Hunter College, New York, where she will recieve weeks of boot training. She is a graduate of Snow Shoe High School, class of 1943, and was last employed as an assistant man- | ager for ‘Thompson's in New York! City. before entering the service | essa A ————— M burg ar Haven wile died daughter Lock Hi Deceased was worm Re- ure- 8 al Evangelical L4 Haven Surviving Mrs. Peasley, 9 wk Bellefonte; berry, |Blsper and J Williamsport; are 22 J. A. Yocum, 79, me Gunshot Wound: Daugh- "WAS BORN IN received Clinton Coroner Says Fa- tal Wound Was Self- | Samuel J. Ray, Bellefonte en, nat ot Hubler burg, w nis fterwards told Ea e upst shot blade 1 Wa ] ch of Jersey 8hore;, Mm Mrs of Hartleton: Mr» Haven, and Roy. at home, Al OK HAVE Dies mingham Army Air Base; Has Had Long Experience in Combat and Patrol Duty es ficer of Training issiped war ‘ v . Badl ISBURG AREA ols hia — upon the 4 ; Arthu 26 COUNTY HOM of Aged Guest is Instantly Killed in 20-foot Drop From Window FUNERAL SERVICE HELD YESTERDAY Vietim Former Resident of Orviston; Brick Plant Worker 20 f Nan Gin Reconn Key I an o; Paci dership » “inds Body Wing eld na ith med Hix ath of Br MeDani f CHT ASN el nflicted 79, of Lox about from a floor window C Home, East Hows Tits about the athroom of his v rd 10:30 o'cloci; § Watkins, aged slant] one] Bod " morning, Harv of Orvis) et of Blu part outhry Ueipnl pare « lt Retin March, 1 Third Al sumed Re#conna £ 7 Awd Ormimandg ir a pumi h end lnoking Wilson st q ite opened Watkins went window and wh happened Mr. Herr ou The n the room were unable to gi dd account because of their ait Pape western the reet when the 1 Ir ter mand Force tine } ' 4 band Birmingham Army Aly Bas * uh to lake command of ; . - functioning Mr tl ith became Warm and one indow witli eadqu newly Fir Thu mand’ rents inder wrt aver of r MINA oper J nee 1€ evel on ' 5 | after history. Colone] alter Julian native and Bellefonte High Bch THO BROTHERS ARE OPA OPENS OR LED IN ACCIDENT FOR PRCE CONTROL Meet Death in Fall of Survey of Local Prices to Rock at Morrisdale Be Held March 13-18: Coal Mine To Curb Violations airs Lo get Prasley J Investigating dead in not rar id re mer hel ion, the official decls men. however, sald him siting on the window i when 1 next looks having | ontan of the ¢ ’ Alwar. A n He was gone D very of } bediast patient FAW the window and tendant the trageds y dd on Ome i €\ whe in floor room some object {; summoned Investigation ied ged man's body. Mr. Herr and other aides at the hae rished outside and the county physician, Dr. J. R Bartlett of Pleasant Gap was sum- mone examination showed that the man died instantly and had not moved after striking the ground Centre County Sheckler, of Milesburg, I iy PR Brrr . 8 1 8 heen Se oq v @ 3t " } eves ! th —- Ne Pa five ae member of § ’ Reformed about but $i 4} Mrs. Ernest 7. R Hermm Hocken- Howard Yocum, both of Hurry D., of Lok BUT. id y 1a - Are 3a rothers . wy Peter and Alber Simm killed about 10:30 o'- for clock Monday forenoon in a fall of efs rogk in the ntimbey one shaft of the Morrisdale Coal company, nesy Phils *, ipfburg, and a third brother, Wil. bur. who was working with them, A ve ow mei line among retailer By ug - in Bellefonte will be launched roll 13 under the direction of the War Pries sng. Rationing Bard. J) 85 Sommerville, board rhmirman, annoumond todas The Ie contre were { oon Warren conducted inquest would not be necessary, The body wie found three feet from the wall of the building. which oon- 4) grandchildren Coroner Charles | an Investigation and ruled that an | ‘Production’ Is Keyword at Titan Tour of Plant Reveals Growth of Industry; Skilled Workers Aid in Furnishing Parts for Implements and Tools of War selleionts rather rare LHEWSPDAPpermen enjoye wartime priv afternoon when representa- of the local press were conduct - ed on a complete tour of plants of the Titan Metal Compan The news writer William W. Bieg and Philip B. Ray {Or a liege last Priday tive the threes were escorted be general Ir i manager age Four) mine! diz i‘ ined he © » Rs hu Amazing thi and are being everywhere employes, men en, seemed to be intent There of We been done . . . Serving in Marines done at the plants, and | *~— NSTI ana wome- on their job Was Note ar GREY somwhat leisurely pace that was » former vw oi taer s which great Cpl Louise Kouzar ae Kozar, 28, daught hn Koza r Bellefont an {ron 8 ie) ma For " oJ , ho believed tu this LS & Sel Woman al gs ares Reser sted in the organd H + 18043 and was Marine Base nt New River where, after receiving basic trad: she was ass to Sec school in cooking and baking, has compieted her training there : £ Now sig ) regular duties New River Kemmerer, Cpl. Kozar was born in Bellefonte attended the loca! schools, and wa y > : Succumbs to I neumon:a | graduated {from the Bellefonte High at New Jersey Home { School. Since then she had beet —— | employed in Bellefonte apd later a { Jobn L. Kemmeter, 74, chairman 1r¥in, where she was looted ai the jof the board of director: of the Ti- { uf Fam 5 IRC a CHAIRMAN DIES John .L. Kem 7, ra 1 10 time of her enlistment. Cpl. Koza tan Meta] Manufacturing Company | * expected home this week on fur- 0 eld ving narrowly missed the same fate program calls for more than 380 of firmed the belief that the man had | | ough Cousin of Local Resident is Cited Capt. Willian R. Cooke, Jr Lianerch, has been awarded the Sil- ver Star for “conspicuous i and intrepidity action ‘ mander of a destrover squadron and of escorted convoys during tions against Japanese-held Lavella Islands from August September 1, 1943 Captain Cooke | Mrs. Frank Daly treet, Bellefonte Captain Cooke brother il opera- Vella i4 to st cousin of Bishop father and father having been ¥ Despite repeated and determined b attacks by Jap dive bombers and tor- pedo planes, Cooke provided efle tive protection for the transports and cargo vessels, enabling “our forces to seize and maintain this vital Jap base without loss of hip through enemy , fiction re —— Cars Collide on Mountain Cars operated by Claude Stitzer of Spring Mills, and Mrs, John B. Wert, Jr. of Centre Hall, collided in Cen- tre Hall at the foot of the mountain at 7:30 p. m. last Wednesday No one was Injured in the crash that caused $250 damage to the Wert sedan and 850 to the other car ——— LOCAL MEN IN INVASION DRILL 31 From Bellefonte En- gage in Artillery Prac- tice in England Thirty-one Bellefonte men are with crews of the 105 and 156 mm howitzers of United States artillery in England who are dally blasting targets on England's moors the gunners complete the final stages of thelr pre-invasion training, it is re- ported by the Headquarters of the European theatre of operations The big guns, lke those that blasted Axis troops from El Alamein | to Algiers, and from Bicily to Italy, will play an important part in the plow from the West. Barrages laid down by these highly-trained gun- ners will smash Nazi fortifications, | clearing the way for Infantrymen and tanks, Close cooperation between the ar tillery and the infantry is one of the many tactics being stressed in the inventyfie drills the men go through dally. Toughening-up exer- cises, night combat tactics, defen sive drills, and hand-to-hand com- bat are only a few of the points be- ing stressed in the pre-invasion 3; Pv. Tour) Centre county quota In bY a paltry yesterday the Fourth. War Loan drive $3.000, it was revealed when fink] figures on itbmitt by the Pederal in Philadeiphi: ales were odd He. 1 nty, thgre.ge g cre met 99 per when or mite cont IS Sak nowing, but than the > Ana which till ¢ less jot igned In E” bond ha a clean slate of $887.000 in thi ceeded the or 103 per « The final tabul ver, at in l to individual per of quota in t and sales were The final counties Is ) eries ales, the coun- for the quota v n y division was ex- being: $016,000 * quota how WH met only 92 issignment. The how « securities * +} ver iH cent $1.373.000 report met the percentages in Clearfield, 107; 83; Mifllin Of the 67 54 topped while 13 ing t by 116 Huntingdon Snyder, 117 Pennsylvania cent mark their quotas Ihe Stale with having met quota by 109 per cent. Sales of series E bonds in the State were 103 per cent of the quota J TWOINUREDIN MOTOR ACCIDENTS Damage Totals $400; Phil- ipshurg Driver to Be Arrested Two persons were slightly. injured in two motor accidents during the weekend in which total damage to the cars involved was about $400, according to State Motor Police at Pleasant Cap sub-station. One of the drivers invojved is to be charg- ed with operating his car too fast for the condition of the snow-cov- ered highway, | €. G. StClalr, of Millheim, was driving his Chevrolet sedan south on Penn street, Millheim, and Vincent Dwyer, 39, of New Brighton, Beaver leounty, was driving a Ford tractor semi-trafler west, on Main street ‘when the two vehicles collided at (the traffic light in the center of | town. Police sald It was not es- tablished which machine had fall. ed to observe the traffic signal. Mr. 8t.Clair suffered bruises of the left shoulder and underwent treat) ment at the office of Dr. K. A. Law | in Millheim. Damage to the truck. trafler was placed at $200 and to| the sedan, $100, dicated Clinton 127 countis the 100 per fell on W Hart KNOT as a whole is credited ’ it ‘ontinned on page LL Route 220 and the Hunter Run road, (Continued on Page Fowr) missed its $1,843,000 HON Lock 5 Rangers at Cam eS alf sister, Mrs. Robert Stewart Haven Funeral clock ery ie “Is ‘Chute Veteran Sergeant John HW. Estricht Sgt. Estright, of Milesburg, a phy- ical instructor at the WU. 8. Army Parachute School at Fort Benning, Ga, now has 23 jum to his credit and has completed some the Army's most severe parachute test. On his tenth and fleventh ums his main parachute failed to open and he had to use his reserve chute to save himself Last week he made a Jump under actual fire from a height of only 500 feet, which Is considered an »x- tremely low altitude, Of that leap he wrote to his friends that as soon as the parachute opened there were violent “explosions about him and when he landed machine guns weve fired across the area ably a few feet above ground so that If was necer- sary for him to keep low ty %eep from being hit by the bullets Sgt. Estright has been In the Paratroops for ten months and prior fo that time was with the U, 8, Forrest, Tenn, as an Instructor In «to-hand com- (Continued on Page Four) — MW Son State Police Transfer of Rockview nounced by Cpl, ls In charge of the ‘Millard State Mine Inspector David B ho investigated the doub 4 the iacioned n tHe mine rood “™ them A hedr out 25 feet The men had the working dropped for more car curred. There danger where nag a ore pushed a mine car into ! loaded nil were the ny and yd when md ! walling accident and or Was ° hey Al rushed GET workis suffered a were wrt est. | skiil snapped between Peter fractured right thigh side of hi wa y en ne ractured | H i ve fr both legs were ankle and uffered a fractured skull and the right cr The at the oder Each was struck by which crushed and | Number and a half miles east between Hawk Run - Bellefonte Man Is Awarded Air Medal By tion of the President, the Alr Medal has been awarded to Saft Sergeant Malvin J. Houtz, Belle R. D.. for meritorious rk aet photographer gunner from December 13 to December 25, 1043 in the South Pacific area The award was made February by LL. General Millard F. Harmon, commanding United States Army Forces In the South Pacific i OUR TOWN 10 BE STAGED HERE 110 chest ithed were aus {f ton falling ro tw large rock led them is Joo alrd ; of Morrisdale’ nd Mur f one shaft dire fonte wi (1 ‘1 “i 1 4 Unique Drama is First to| be Given in New BHS Auditorium Next Monday night the first drama to be produced in the audi- torium of the Bellefonte High School will be staged by the Drama Section of the Bellefonte Woman's Club for the benefit of the Salvation Army. Under the direction of Miss Arlyne Demmy, members of the cast have worked hard on their parts and al- ready they have polished the lines of the play that js exacting in its demands on the players. . The play, “Our Town," by Thormn- ton Wilder, is In itself interesting {enough to provide an evening's com- [plete entertainment. The fact that local men and women are assuming the en," which has enjoyed nins many cities and from a successful motion pleture of Bellefonte for the past 20 years, died at his home Fhort Hills, N J. Priday, March 3, 1944. Death was caused by pneumonia } oped aller 1 lines: wee) Mr. Kemmerer, for 40 years paged in business in New York City : | EXCESS GARBAGE fallen from the window. Had he uanped or hid he been pushed out the Coroner said, hit body would have arched outward in itz fall and have fallen at some (Contingeg 0% page Four) Price Panel representatives 1 » aid IT will a store ey of i he which Oh di=tanoe nn better regula - ) uhder- ments : 1) to ona com - or pliance with ’ price control 1 tion helping retailer 1 son of Mahlon 8. Kemmerer, chairman of the board of director rd John 1. Kemmerers chairmanship Qepyjee {0 Begin Monday ; ” RULE ON WRITS 5 sil Fee 50c Month, Paid national State College Woman in Advance Fractures Leg In Fall Mrs. Elsie H. Noll, of 352 East College avenue, State College, last Thursday was admitted to the Cen- tre County Hospital for treatment of { right y fracture of al] at home Noll was going down the cel- “J #47, NeCeRsal Mr. Sommerville the drive will and curtomer Biack Market competition OPA Washington providing ’ vy Jul { CM PHASER i i SMTVe 10 INO 1 i int nf his Ls lew beer tare ‘ by g Ya bh rurss . res tata | | wy — make nirol effective proposed garbars ordinan ch in effect elevated reeking foo fuse into something resembling delicatessen tem, was unanimous tabled <er rst reading Council. Mond nd Counc men voiad in having bor- ough trucks and Nn employe “help out” with the collection of garbage. only, for the time being The new service will begin Monday March 13 There are several iN imust be kept in n zens In contemplating garbage service, Cow Chief among them are: 1. Service month, pay in vice price : Attorneys Refuse to Pay Advance Fees; To Ac- cept Portraits 1 Bellefonte without « He that f community carried on by local retailer the only way from the invasion of r help pared said a stron re or mpliance rogram int effort ’ protec } the its - s i suffered { of bo a1 ihy g the Bar Association of y held ts regular La wg and dinner at the Brocker.| Mrs. N House, Friday evening, with [lar steps when she made a misstep seventeen members present. Theo. (and fell. Her condition the hos- dore C. Jackson, the newly elected pital yesterday was described as be- praident, presided g satisfactory. Mrs. Nol the Lewis Orvis Harvey, resigned his|Motber of Sumner Noll office as treasurer owing to hi call | the Jacksonville schools for military service, and William W - Litke was tlected In his stead New Manager For Considerable discussion was held Dean Phipps Store over demand of the Sheriff, acting for the Commissioners, for advance: Bernard Sweeney, { has been named manager costs from any litigant at the time of bringing suit, as well as Dean Phipps Auto Store on South in| Allegheny street suoceed Edgar about the bill presented to each at. torney for back costs in suits which they might have been inter-{ Weaver, who expects soon to be ested ducted Into the Navy Hence, on motion, duly seconded, Mr. Sweeney has been manager of the following resolution was adopted|the Somerset Phipps store and is unanimously by those voting: Thatinow on duty at the Bellefonte store (Continued on page two (Contingad on Page Four) J Philipsburg Man _ Jail Inmates Eat Well at eC nul! Cost of 39 Cents a Day A ———— Hillary J. Vieard, 56, Bouth Phii- Hipsburg, Is In the county jail here » {{ollowing Arrest over the weekend If you happen to run afoul of the) In times gone by when the Sher. jon a charge of burglary. He was law and get sent to the Centre coun- | ifl's office Was operated under a fee charged with stealing $135 in cash ty jail, you needn't worry about the systems, the Commissioners allowed and other articles from the home of | 00d you get, (a fixed fee to the Sheriff to provide {James Dayon of Philipsburg. Sheriff John “Jerry” Galaida has meals, This rate usually was about i Mrs. Ruth Oasper, of Bellefonte, as 50 cents a day, and ran as high as cook, and Mrs, Galaida often helps 65 cents a day, If the Sherif cut out with the preparation of meals, |30Wn on the cost of meals, he was | State Police from the Rockview LY [sub-station Said Vierad pleaded meals served the prisoners are the Wr 57 eg BV The Count meetis _— ny Cet quarterly . 4 ire fs if iy N aer ¢ at Missing in Action ing i points jocal oi the borough cilmer tenrhs . eachrer nd i» od will cost paid in advance advance will me will be given, will Iw Fail on ¢ Somerset, of the 2. Garbage containers must individual. 3. The borougl temporary sffalr not “looking one who is at present receiving reg only niy LE to n- SeTVIcH and the bor is for customers Dig! [guilty at a Philiosbare "Squire J. ~ Mac Pearce of , Informa. ton was placed Stns nm hi sid most of th FFE i 4 ] ifs, 21d ji 33 : i: | i : (Continued on Page Four) : © 4