Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 02, 1944, Image 1

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    Where the Fuel Goes WHERE THE FUEL GOES
A HEAVY BOMBER An Army Trans- g x
cruising at a speed of 250 port burns 33, 4
m.p.h. may use 200 gal- M gallons of fuel oll
fons of gasoline an hour, i wn day.
78 Men Slated ARREST PAIR Former Resident | | [AMBERT Couple Observe
For Exartination [N4THEFIS Killed in Aetion (FMIESBURG 50th Annive rsary
247 of Group Are Fathers; AN e Who Pass IN OA EA Lt. Howard W. O'Donnell Believed Casuai- WAR CASUALTY Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dukeman, of hl
Will Receive Notices to Ret For In- ! ty of Anzi w ads Rorw With tat 94; ‘Dukie’
Si of Anzio Beachhead; Served fonte, Married in February 1894
ld » D 9 - p d ; y Ysa 5a *. : of oh “ . BRE ps 44 j
duction in From 21 to 15 Das. Youths Arrested in Balti- State Police Before Becoming Offices Young Seaman Reported Has Been Police Chief Here for 34 Years.
ff group of HB eh ay | Ne "OL jncuction B} a0Y Wi y more Implicated in In Bellefonte. Killed in Action: Was v day |
father from th ] ved y el thn n the new group will . . Fu 8 Wa
Lecal Draft Board No. 2, of Bell receive notices to report for ins Series of Crimes been taken prison J ds Le de in Yacifice nk n
ionte, are
STOLEN TIRES [FT a NE] ins at Ano took piace only four pq AGY POR VICTIM
2 on February 12, the group , consist- Burglary of Sears Store, his residence in Bellefonte for some NO Details of Death Given : | ’
iq of 19). men, 53g ot Dem fathe: 8 Quarry and Gas Sta- yen: i Jung he lect the United in Message; In Ser- “Squire Barnhart, who performe (Continued on Pace Pour)
Names and addresse of ) y Mare
Gets Jap Plane 4 group, with the initial NE" afte tions Soived : ne in Casablanca before he wi vice a Year tor
——— . the names designating Hon-fathe: ais ic sent to Ita n recent letter t late Ji me: K Ba ih rt, i 0) 10 FIEURE
appear below All the her wre a tame - " Akita : 11 ob a y ay ad that - known Bellefonte banke:
" ___"|i, - _. wife “ o, X bul - ries, owl i: them in the AN plieionie nena } indi a ia Announcement {hat Andrew J At the time of the ceremon
y ' bi hy he A Op re believed 3 3 ti Wa Holy. lrgs AUgLA Ye 1a rt, known locally as “Nevin keman, who is better know
Ty . leared up early this week with the ER k captain ambert, of Milesburg, ha beer Pa ot % f we i : Chie! Harry i ke -
: arrest in Baltimore, Md.. of Phill : : ole pol cer Wa il In action, ws ontained in a! me t lefonte poll
Barn Roof Carried ronfer, 18, ¢ ‘ Lak Nha Md CORTE 5 ment Ae ADE desiroyc Si g NA Departmen ‘egrain 1 ’ ved form h sents : Anty her! [RAFT DEFERMENT
Away By High Wind b of oalsburg, and Frank Rosen A and recived hi ssion as Nl t 4 DN y tay : ployed: a Cur in ron Wol
Jo do a ahi i empl
rger, 21, of Baltimore described a 1 nt ju : : } ] mother M1 ri ": i1 a sky youth ai
t Wednesday |, U5. Navy straggles, wcconing  Bartl fare his Geoarture, | Punbert. of Mies hen there came occasion for him to Full-Time Farm Workers
; ge of the Rockview sub-station St te : n d been In i ) 4 data v4 td a be Suse am Rg vw ‘what ¥. eo Must Be Responsible
HAMOre. | police 3 ro ximate rye end hag di ae 4 ; ut } date of their gol weddi - . . .
. " int The pair was.picked up by Balti- > vious mili y ‘ TT y Ivey 0) Ce niverys g ’ H pruary 2 For 16 W at Units
ing rps i i Fa : al #l : git . gl
roof of the barn
more police last Thursday with sev- a :  1C .
eral new Sears-Roebuck brand tires - member of the Slat « ad go BR A ar sem snd pA nu rt of the bride and Ih Mowing lable is Praia
3 arried it i t 1 feet her ‘ A ¢ ¢ FR ead nts 1 4 ¢ simian {1 . $s 1111 bio a nH JA " f + ¢ ia
ana carried i Wout 100 fee ner ir their possession When alti 3 a member of 3 tie 1 ! ation { gnaiman in nn amphibiou p \¥.opnit v as for the information of those farms
re Sears-Robuck official
tified they informed police that thel ’
Hugh dn fad] HL nev pod £ ‘ Lt. Howard W. O'Donnell
: State College store had been robbed
HUREETE | of several tires and the investigation
I niorec UW mpioy ‘$1 y vi all Was wd . . : : mi thelr arn B whether ecac?
RE 2h 3 ¢ nall foarte . > PH silen jidn break ths : . \
Howard W n Wane: th rudential fe Jnsuran Hn - alning in Februa: J Pe=1. " weary rolled aro + man working full time on the Lary
ded rapidly from that point ran nS a imu : ang al YI phby in Helon i ra um ved hb it training at n= 4 - ctually responsible for 16 wax
' ! Belective Servi
wilh ay 4 vt. Elsenhooth said the total !“'VT © FUE } * ry for e~enleding nh n bridge, N after wi 1 hb was prescribed by | Sery
that 3 8 “HL amount of loot obtained by the pair Bt Roptviey ll Ham, wi Ro ployed h WUlL, hale fy advanced work ut the Univer- roe MN agricultural dels
wt a small in the six robberies was about $1o0p © action in Tialy, presumably on th A moell, form ushand i { Chicaro lowing that he i t The figures are the standar
caved bn of which a considerable amount has ANZ Refi : . " ton on Loud ANNE 1 — of lhe - ceived further training for two evel ped by the U. 8 Department f
th ¢ y x i } ¢ In Ox ral idl ©
wind to get unde: War De« fonts
allowing ih Het been recovered humo. Bg sch ! " Urvi [SARL rigdl nonths 3 ss il
nain portion wl h Wa $541 1 | 9] ar nent tel ran ved In elie. TT n —_ 3 p te BIN . »
Wy 4 "it ens A, All Robberies which police claim wer a y ) in Belie- sudit) yi Belief and Seaman Lambert believed
BE a Ho NE 4 oot committed by the pair are as follov ton ! ’ i + brother ng rister RPL, i#ft this niry for sea dul)
rafter rosspieces and the eet p “tt Rena " . a " tat fore ‘ .
v ErOnSpieces a ; : State College Sears Roebuck stor SunGay a. messag receive ia nines WHOA 1 EN about six eeks ago. and no word
Mal 1! itseil *T 11
arried |, ret re reno hua t : Ne 1a rie KK 5 1 :
‘ ast Wedmesday morning, entran i rtd hy ; id i. Mis at 1 nnell. of pag been sived from him from Livestock or Livestock Produels
being gained by breaking a window | tior ( - ) ti res it e number of 2
ill Bi Brida » > OK m- igures indicate number of a
OVREIE re ROW 1 in the men's room in the basement Representatives of Wo ’ ne war Lnit
workmen are Ix Mi 4 ad al
i Lok tonlstm Brailes 3 ftniiet) ; Si 4 Boag imi ue ath 3. ‘gms . |
repairing the damage to Loot consisted of 10 grade 3 synthetic he telegram announcing his ceat an’s Field Army Speaks Dairy
: rithher f renilv ¢ ng Tern 18 : "aI 3 L f «hi iM whch
14. J.-Ned Corman, youngest n of the building It is believed that rubber four-ply tires valued at $164 i nam 1 trpe of ship on wii Milk Com
J ad y tied ty . » \ ’ . Yrs 3 ’ . — A
Mr. and Mis. Johm N. Corman Of some rain which entered the haymow J. D. Neidigh quarry at Oak Hall e wi rViig are nol Known Here at Session Here Other dairy catt
Zion ho in April 1043 © i through the unroofed section will sometime between December 30 and 8a turday, Mrs, Lambert received deel Cattle
ated from the U. § val Aviation! result in no damage to the hay. The January 28. Eight equipment trailer yr letter from her son, wrilien The Titan Male Chorus * Farm Herd
Cadel School at Dal ( is in y # ny rv ires, 1 i @ I t abo fae r his ship left t Maz
fle a the rection of Mrs. E iar Feediot
barn measured about 50 by 90 feet in |! » tube nd rims, valued at about ne a hi hip lel
size and is quite an old structure $600 were taken t const port {with Mrs. Willian Matthias as ac + Range
although it has been maintained I The James O'Bryan service station Beam an Lambert 8 born in companist, presented rogTem Oi Hog
a good condition in College township between Febru Bellefonte on March 12 ip a ON music at the Beliciont Woman Sows
! f1 1 Lambert d Agnes [Club meeting Monday nig! in the Sows to
The following story about his mos a ims—— ary 16 and 17. About 50 pounds of of the late Tracy Lambert ( ; .
butter, 12 smoking pipes, and 30 ca: Kane Lambert His father de od | Prests terian chapel Feeder pigs (Ix ught "and sold
vy a Ra or RE aa, m X tons of cigarettes were taken. The C. of £. Secretary Super- Heavy Season Foreseen about sevey Years ago nbevin® at Nuabers a Nites Song.” bs during year ..... a
Georgia, a Marine Corps combat thieves broke into a juke box, taking ! ! tended the Bellefonte dcho and | Bullard: “By Light of the Bil- | Poultry:
Georgla. a. thieves biue into & Juke box. | vises Aid to Man, Wife With 50 Farm Sales jwagsmiusiad from Baficiotte Bigh = Moon.” by Edwards: 'GOSel| Hens, laying pulets, ind ducks
H “ . . n ; 4 oh Hi gt wa '
Belleforite, Pa. Marine fighter pliot oil, 2 cartons of cigarettes, cakes and Chamber of Commerce secretary Judging from the number of farm Sgr: - . Vil ~ bg BM $010 :
: ; , i y y ‘ , aye
sighted a Jap Zero over Rabaul to- other articles valued at a total of sometimes gets some odd assign. sales scheduled for March--ihe tra . B. St k | d Big a. A lame T os Al Broilers and duck
day. he f \ only o ’ about $15 were taken ments in the course of his official ditional month for i run njure by Jumes Y. Sieg: “Come Thou Al- Sheep and Goats
Jig ff Ht mdi rh : Hanh : Bet r and wa ' mighty King,” “Softly Now Uw Farm flocks
. that s} : vi nim . * In addition the t i . $ oa Ute } # 3 M pe 3 a M d . Seren
But tha - Cardiac Attack Fatal to Mdition the DAIF 1s sald to have [FUL 5 ready of ition had Nttie effect on thi In otor Accident | { Day” “Abide With 2 Lambs in feedlot
credit 1« } ‘ t Jup ‘ taken two tires valued at $100 from a Take Karl E Kusse. sect + { tions have had § : on : M 'B . ’ : ath .. RAT
» : . . winslow " Samutan 1 4 local C for e j nnual tin th ounty - My Buddy Nis Is an Tigh Milk goats ..
Lieutenant Cor: member of Prominent Local Woman; Lewistown service station and a large | the local ©. of ©. for example. = pra igh J. B. Strunk, 71, of Mill Hall R. D.| ine por.” ;
. uate  &i} bones . > tire from a New Ch and st Ar wirsday night he was, all of farm oa r | A ng y
it “Black Si "squadron Funeral Y esterday ire from a! Cumberland station A ay ni he ule 0 : suffered severe injuries last Thurs-|jove a» Parade
troved the plane while part of A v John R. Juba, State College chief vig ob taki N= ta m #4 al Wi The Centre Democrat Public Sale | day morning in an automobile acci- | ganner . :
flight escorting Army bomix ol of police, and Pvt. Blsenhooth went 4 " ih CATE OF # TAN aha FEC Register, long known as the leading | dent while he was enroute to Centre| ays. Martin, progrun ual unt
’ : 3 : Anne Mari IX, pron to Baltimore to check on 4 oe. And six young children who became oo ® 00 oon \ tre cOtuti=! Stall § rtaiurdtnetts { bs ‘ ! Irish potatoes .........ccoveee
rakd again B i katiafeutn + : } ip ats mite } oy " wr pri tranded in Bellefonte when the big dex Wo pu ni whe noon in Hall 0 make sothe arrangements or introduced Mr Ronald Robi ro in at slams. Toms amid
Iie bombers had d ed thed - ite resident and ¢ Lo. a |ODers’ activities. The men have an- | [o3e pockard sedan in which tiey ty, curries about 50 farm sales for the big two-day public sale of his State College. captain of on ol ys HE ists
: i ueion gd Jan v chars N tr . . + . . hh "413 i " . a - M . 3 " > ni ov K Lt o0n ior p LS 41 .
joads. 1 had turns toward hom Ho : braars tied sh rges lodged against them were traveling from New York State March. While this number is some: livestock, farming machinery and ,n's Field Army for trol of Can- Ii RE De Es tan
when 1 ¢ ’ Bal re Eisenhooth and Juba Piorida had motor troubl what in exe of last year's total ‘household goods on March 16 and 17. rm nts wed M § \ : fa h ¥. ol er a ha !
why t : in the investigation by Pirst bbs s oh -_ the difference has ifficient to The elderly man. who was alone In Kirn . . IUGIDE Me fo "Hes OAL ana rye
uv MH intimation H : “ weet AY ww fy ¥ -_ rT.
Barnie and C. N. Sch- ,__.., . . . - id indicate any great trend onhe way of ar at the time. is believed to Sweet corn for fresh consumption
rou am » ed ane : . . Wheat
of Rockview sub-station hair e A ted Chari. | ADOth pproximale 3H 8 ha fallen asleep while driving ————— Whea .
x in : OCIALe0 nari " o ¥ g Pym v
of the pair came when a ; Beppe ‘ west ont the Brush Valley road near Bear grchard
v ~ » . »
(Continued on page S12) ACagtaneg on Sade Su i — Penne Cave. The car left the high- Mrs. William Kline ared for)
wa bearing orchard
way and shed into a t Ni
Potters Mills School Plane Crash Victim ay and crashed into a tree, Red Cross Treasurer | vegetabies for fresh consumptio
-_— -
. i
Witmer Buys Dewart Is D d By Fi against the steering wheel, suffering M— Logs delivered to local mill 10.00
Livestock Market 5 amage y ire Taken to Youngstown severe bruises about the chest. His Tie National Red ) ros ; drive board feet - ¥
pet dog. a large German police, was [Opened yesterday, with a quota « Hewn railroad ties «ro 200 thes
———— oo Un nt ail ih rest Beckett, co-pllot who was hurled against the windshield and $12 800 for the Bellefonte Chapter Pulpwood (4 foot Jengt! 15 cord
Witmer, of East Bishop nphlly Went ALAN no action’ painfully, injured in the plane crash was stunned for a time Contributors and others are asked | Honey bees ...... 25 colonies:
Deceased wa we of ver 1d. Su until recently superintendent about 73 c) Mot porning | in which Jack Elmer Terry Was Mr Strunk crawled from the badly to make checks payable to, and to
{ Josevh and Mi *O0t 0 JL ; re County Home, has When ’ el fire to the 1 { killed here Sunday night of last damaged machine and worked his urn contributions over to Mrs. Wii- 152 Men to ng ve
wie ) i {Isfont Air | burchased the Dewart Livestock ¢ Pot Mill 1 hou Al week. was taken to his home in way along & fence when he was dis- | liam Kline, of Bellefonte, who suc- Qo
rr Watsontow: from hole w owned in the Nn nd Youngstown, Ohio, Frida) covered bY passersby and taken to ceeds the late Miss Anne M Fox a Physicals March 11
hn, of Dewart. and slight d le the ut The injured pilot made the trip his home in Mill Hall, where his local treasurer of the Red Cros:
! that ter i } the Widdowson ambulance. Beck- condition is considered serious. His Miss Fox resigned her post seve ral
ed in April, 1942 vd m hi {ns ! al " v ; . ; Bow : t had been a patient at the Centre son. Willard Strunk. of Beech Creek weeks ago and Mrs Kline was ap- will send 152 men to
t Corpus Christ i ri 1 lum ith of B fonte TL I ia n invoh ome of | a y {mate $100, ane rkmen County Hou pital since the crash in’ an emplove of the Titan Metal Com- Pointed it her and Lewis UIA or physical examinations or
1040 ! which he suffered 8 head laceration pany here, is looking after arrange. Harvey local vd sad. of the Red day. March 11. board officia
und a tractured leg ments for the sale for the time being . }008 War Fund said noed this week
poa— ec
+77 "Slated in March i
Vella" Lavella-- (delayed When | Rishel's service station at Boals- and Six Children Mare PCT -
First Lieutenant J. Ned Corman, 22.) DIES SUDDENLY burg. February 24. Three cases of | —— ———— i (Continued on Pope Bin) by Poster. “Three for Jack” by
Number of acres ual fo one a
College Ds aft Board Ni ] of Stat
. . nn Ty ut | D. n. 1 " {1 - ntl though Selective Service Mue
continu nt I ' Nave been eased to permit publica
in nti 1 or 2 a ore ¥ ’ WCE
278 Called For Examination 5 is bum. Beech C reek Couple And 21 Children Fight A xis have ech éaied to permit Suiiien
ves from 200 to 300 calve examination Bo LV i of als have
i gle lon oma Shay. Howard 200 to 1000 hos nn Sdditi . A __ (adopted a local policy of not relea
b at 3 Hag I NF § ARIS . a k den H horse nd dairy po Mother of 8 Wed Father| ji Y aghia 18 years old—-not Wins, (4.0 such names until the men
Robert O. Bechdel. NF, Buti Anthony 8. Delallo, White Hill y put ub at auction .: 08 . to the father and one to the mother | lid for induction. it was report
Vesley C. Peters, Howard Carl E. Markle, Bellefonte ah Maia Mi ites of 7; Then 6 More pk by their first marriages. Mrs. Con- | 4
Lloyd fertz. Birminghan Robert J. Smith, Bellefonte i. aha wir Wm mtinue to ’ i ey Wi fer can boast four sons and three! |
p 4 : 1 : Je at th ir y of - ol & by - E " “ of : Fou
Melvin Williams; Betlefont Harold A. Gordon, Bellefonte eps 2x "unr Liigs oh. 3st 4 Were Born i i sii stepsons In the service, while her iy. board will report to Altoons of
Arma mminen, NF Ba: eri Clark C. Custer, Wingate Op street, but may move to Dewart —— ; of rs aig husband. who is 52 years of age and Thi “ Rl \ art to Altoons on
Ohio J. Summers Noll, Howard in the future he following story and lustre g , . he : BE | works the day shift at the Piper a RAI A Top ; - wg oh
’ 8 ’ nto © : 3 iw a arren
Joseph Smead. Oryistor Ralph O. Leathers, Howard ns WE ——— ia publi shed by special permis. | i ide FF | ""
Joseph E. Sime ) ) pi L n of The Lock Haven Express in ’ 3 / } | Alreraft Corp. plant, chalks up three | gq roncast. of Woodward: James
Pui Ro. Wert, NF anh L Wey A. Broadhead, McKees- b * oolumna J abpeared Wednes- . ' } . EEN sons and four stepsons in the armed ‘gi. viv of State Colege: Howard
nul ert, N woward po ay ebruary 4 t wri Bas + : j%# in. 8 Tees ' 4
Tor tenn Bjalme, NF. Philadelphia P ’ er J. Nikitas, Newport News o member of the RewsPADETs FepOT. 4 . - JA LT ERR. Th
) . ! ver J. Jd rial staff) i : yt. i ST The service roll of the family is Houts, of Lemont
| iy g “i gi | >
Shiite A. Burrell, fre Jia va | given below, in order of ages
William H. Bechdel, Blanchard Sheldon C. Schenck, Howard By ELIZABETH CC. MOYER * : " | *Pyt. Taylor L. Confer, 31, was
Clarence L. Confer, NF. Bellefont« John W Stull, Bangharé : FOUND GUILTY That old saw, “His kids and my EE ig i sndtcted Dieotuttes % i042 or |
Elwood G. Spicer, Milesburg Grover E. Corman, Bellefonte kids are fighting our kids" has an | il ; Eh |W : \
James B. Dann, Bellefonte Witmer J. Symmonds, Bellefonte ) i ging 10 Ttaly, where he is located
interesting counterpart in the fam! AA kh w going to Italy, where he is located
erald fiiliam ort Matiid Arthur H. Meckley F. Howard —— a] ] a §
Nickoiy sg. Mois Belgonts | Lowi 0. ar Beitonie | Jogephine Armstrong Is| mn conior oh Busch Gece a | TR ai J wn oto Sa
Jesse W. Caum, NF, Elkins Park Theodore D. Rhodes, Fleming p strong § are writing a hew modernized ver- | 8 By ud 4 a
Fred N. peters, Howard Willlam CG. Stover, Monument Convicted by Jury; Asks | sion which gos something like this: | : ' v
Robert A. Myers, Lock Haven Clair J. Gardner, Blanchard . ' | “Mis kids and my kids and our Pl Aa
Willard E. Williams, Julian Richard C. Taylor, ellefonte for New Trial kids are fighMag the Axis in Ttaly,| OE a , 4 Sl a ni
William F. Sholl, Pleasant Oap John 1. Sutton, Howard | leeland. South Caroline. Texas. | I Wy ; ‘ C. Nevin Stamm, Ruth Gill
John A. Summers, Bellefonte Herman F. Koenig, Bellefonte Pound guilty by a jury of a charge | T' - , Virginia, ie ; 4 ' ‘ "
William E. Pisher, Milesburg Gienn O. Aumlilier, Bellelonte of Involuntary AAA on itp ir er Chop dy Fu ¢ and George Stenger
McDowell P. Walker, Orviston Burwell ¥ Hungnid, Beliionte Monday, Josephine Armstrong, of we don't win the war it won't be our | =
Donald K. Hassinger, Bellefonte Paul M. Shawley, Bellefonte | Zion through her attorney John G. fault.” ey .
Garl 1. Spotts, Julian, Donald C. Peters, Philadelphia. | Love, asked for an arrest of judg- | They luy Sur Bann, Soo tas Sukd Sle / hy Fir. bid Mes. J
Paul H. Jones, Port Matilda Oscar H. Fisher, Wingate | ment and a new trial, Backing the Attack the hn of PIRAING Confers. WE
Russell Copenhaver, Bellefonte Kenneth L. Olingher, Lock Haven | A decision on the request is ex- With which statement there can
Joseph A. Gingery, Bellefonte Boyd A. Gensamer, NF. Port Ma-| pected after the petition has been be no quarrel. When Mr, and| of whom were married before, have
Clark C. Shultz, Bellefonte tilda. | heard before Judge Ivan Walker. | Mrs, Confer married some years ag0| home front, both parents and five of
George R: Irwin, Bellefonte. John E. Cleveland, Jr, Stanford,| The criminal prosecution resulted she was a widow with eight child. plants. There wre ten regular war
Carl R. Jones, Beech Creek Conn | from the death of Ray Deltrich, aged | ren while he was a widower with
Robert M. Hood, Bellefonte Russell J. Neon, State College | 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Delt. | seven young kiddies. Since their
Leroy J. Brooks, Bellefonte Joseph W. Tressler, Baltimore, Md. | rich, of Hub , who was fatally | marriage they
Elton 5. Tait, State College Gray M. Houser, Bellefonte | Injured the day
Fred R. Pishef, Bellefonte Wilson D, Heaton, Milesburg | When he was struck by Miss Arm-
John 8. Spangler, Howard. Henry O. Packer, Canton, Ohlo, |
Orrin M. Bedell, DuBois. ' Jolin BR. Gingher, Bellefonte,
James E. r, Jr. Bellefonte Howard A. Rupert, Blanchard
Jlkiues ¢ C. Dillon, Julian.
r men from the area served
14 Ho
William 1 I. Martin, Bellefonte
, Bellefonte,