Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 17, 1944, Image 1
A Where the Fuel Goes cruising at a speed of 250 mph. may use 2 lous of gasoline an hour, HEAVY BOMBER gal- adhe Ce mire Democrat WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans- ; port burns 33,000 gallons of fuel oll a day. VOLUME 63. NUMBER 7 BELLEFONTE, | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1 944, SUBSCRIPTION-$1.50 PER YEAK. Runville Roi ior ? COUNTY MEN Killed In &ors Pfc. Charles B. Mitchell, By, a . . Lh : 28, Dies .n Action; Is Believed to Have Been Driving Truck; Parents, Pfc. Charles tive of Union was killed in Blair M townshi Pie. Chorles Blair Mitchell December 31, 1943 war department teleg Friday by the soldiex and Mrs. Edward Mit side two miles west of Runvil details were given in the messa Pvt. Mitchell had been in « ucus service in the North theater of war United States on He was in th Air been assigned to driver. The Inst Je his parent wri 2. 1943 i received numerou him prior to that prevented him. ram location. It Is believed aceqrding am rece nell, wi wi hes ) othwry tice time ensorship revealing wever Local Man Escort For Mrs. Roosevelt A —— Stay Sgt. Lawson J Henry, former suard al Roowview Ponlienidasy and on-in~law sof Mrs. Frank Wilson, of West Bishop “teoel, Bellefonte recently led a motoryvol ort for Mrs. Fra: og chosen | comin Dous i Pick! 8 Gi “Hem rt oul JURY RETURNS ithe "hy 12 Brothers and Sisters Survive North African et nd in action elsewhere rea before participatin essful Imvasi Cot west of Italy Mitchell tion in the Che near Runville afterwards wa father's farm to the manufacture wal several years ago he tion in a war plant at N.Y Was called into He entered 2. 1942 ter ; Atlal n ol received hi stnut Grove ang for emploved on When 'ndusts ine turned 0. weapor obtained a pos- Niagara Fall and employed there when service the October Army on City for as igned to remaining there unt North Africa vit. Mitchell was His last trip home wi 1042, when he came day leave. He was well and ably known in the Bald Eagle Val- ley sector where ad an enviable reputation as a steady, dependable worker Of a serious nature he shunned tobacco and stimulant maintained himself in an physical condition as ——————— * CAR STRUCK ON marriec in December a one- | 4 iavor- never L] here on he bh ae no ana GRADE CROSSING :- Pleasant Gap Ww oman capes Serious Injury Car is Hit by Train Mrs. Chester N Crap escaped ser 1 o'clock M 1 fternoon Cal he ding wa Whiterock Qua IY mine cars ing pushed over a rade crossing Pleasant Gap. Four emply cars of the train, which was proceeding from the Whiteroeks plant to ‘he quarries, were gievalied by the im- pact The 1 Hg naa at asl happened on the between Lhe Horntown Cross. oi a road main highway and the Plea re i oad Lap Rote FIVE TRUE BILLS "- One Bill Ignored as Jury Completes Work in Day; Inspect Property Jury for comple in one day, the Court bills of Indictment presented District Attorney Musser W. Gettl four were true bills and one was ig- nored. Walter T. McCormick, of State College, was foreman of the jury True bills were Josephine G. Armstrong, Zion voluntary mansisughter in connec- tion with the death December 24, of Ray Deitrich, of Hublersburg. Deit- rich was struck by Miss Armstrong's car at Hublersburg James Heath, Mt. Eagle, | Alvin Baine, Philipsburg, and battery. Ira Hall and battery One charge of assault and battery against Alvin Balne, brought by wife, was Ignored. The une brought by his father-in-law was the in wifich a true bill wis found Today Judge Ivan Walker, pre- siding at a session of domestic re- lations court, is scheduled to hear a charge of non-support In which Baine is the defendant Of Its inspection. of the county property, the grand jury reported that the county Jail was found to be In a clean condiyap, mended that the roof be repaired, that loose r be [Swiivd, that the jail be painted that new lights be installed in the Sherifl's office The jury recommended that all the offices in the Court House be re- | decorated and! that the Judge's chambers be refinished, particular. ly the ceiling. Receives Promotion The Grand the reg February court erations reported ted its de Monday that of fis to returned in- and b assault 8r.. Snow 8hoe, assault pdt Coulter, of Monument, ‘dog license tags are now available at nue, Damage (0 the to the grade of Piva ik cha accord to word reckived by Ple, Coulter, « of the Bellefon id of Dimes his | one hut recom- | Additional Funds for “March of Dimes” Mi Wallice J Ward. « Borough commitice for Paral reported addit $31.25 amount | $100.77 previously r a grand total of $231.01 said Contribut first report were; Newell B. Long, Centre Coun- ty Board of Assistance, Highway em- ployes, State Motor Police at Pleas- ant Gay Fish . Hatchery employes Centre Oil and Gas Company, Sut- ton Engineering Company, and Cen- tre County Men's Republican Club Mrs. Ward takes this opportunity to thank all persons who contributed fund and those who in other alded with the program Alan Kotz Now In Charge of Local Store —— Just 18 years to the day nairman March the na- Fund onal receipt velopes. This to receipts of ported, making Mrs. Ward tr ’ tional Infantile Ves. terda coin en of from in addition ince the to the Ry Tuesday after Nelle Flack and Blanche Poor- | man became managers of the Katz store In Bellefonte, the establish ment again came under the personal control of a member of the Katz family Alan Katz, new proovrietor, is now in full charge of the business Re- modeling and redecorating is to be tompleted us soon as possible During the sale, Mr. Katz said, all [old stock was cleared out, and new merchandise Is being received dally | DOG LICENSES FOR 1944 NOW AVAILABLE County Treasurer Edward R. Mil- {ler yesterday announced that 1044 | his office in the Cou it Bouse. Fees are $1.10 for ; dogs, and $2.10 1 | cents excellent Ti in | ‘a GAPE DE IN ACCIDENT Car Skids Onto Railroad Track, Wheel Hooks Over Rail MACHINE STRUCK BY SLOW FREIGHT TRAIN Driver Remains in Car as Companion Leaps to Safety in Tyrone Matild Petty Officer 1/¢ Russell 85. Rider 8S. Navy men near- near Iv op Potty Belle- 0 for y of anda early Tuesday morning Milford Walker, 33. the who escaped death approximately 2 m and Thomas Cowher vice ariver ol Tuesd aid 30. both Henry Rider, ears had been Bellefonte post. Rider Beliefon an empl te car, at he that ey Local Postal io Writes of His Experiences In North Africa iuoe ( Hsted In to the Fl underwen Pr H overscan ol 1942 and ha since rave Biclly nd his work In World months h now with her Jodon Washington, D. C. He ha A brown William Rider, residing in Beaver Falls, Rides married to the former Knther Kane of Belle fente, there ave two daughters, Mavinn ang ay, in th family, The family lives on East Lo- gan st July 13, 1942 when he ens Navy, He was assigned Postoffice service and ainlng in the New York Liu uv tt Loflic February 21 it duly ever Aly riorma ol been 10 th ung =o en rin [3 : : mothe; Mrs. Van 8 ne and oung v LA housin 0 12 vea orphnng from 3 in ail and ti All are unde; Cla ns of 5M year taelr The ; windows which he of aul hift Ant broken, do and rig up o they could then made a lows on the clothing which page four) id been 11 Kind Love heat, Wi from the of all kinds ol (c repair work SOE INRKes have some collectic TRE fe niinued from employ { the We and wert Paper Mill t Virginia Pul traveling along parallel to the when the skid- wheel went { hooked over car up the SNOW SHOE MAN GERMAN PRISONER Enemy Broudcast Heard by Mileshburg Woman is Officially Confirmed vher jumped [rom the auto and side and back of th saw the freight train } around the as he ach I don't time « Pi wil Iw or n Ki jump irying next thing Ick my wieckin L. Clink of oun a Fivhie January 20 was re- 1 bombing mis. is believed to war Victory steniing to n woadoast, herd name read as a prison ar, and Mrs, Bell immediate - dy telephoned the missing man's Inife the former Marie Viehdorfor of Enow Shoe. The serial niamber given by the German broadonste: tallied with Sgt. Clink's serial num- Mi Ch valed. The alr 1 ¢ I afe and Sue 1364 Hine] ix FP % Bell, ; chow t know f Mik AL the Altoona hospit Futures were close and replace the Up of his Dose lacerated in the accident Athy Sir Jamo o Cite KB skidded, the front wheel going over the rail einploye of ave (German four tel to eer Dk mm ried 1 took the met wed broadeast Foreign > service of ations Come read “The Clink pemy broads erman hands Adenals eben wy contain, But g the accumao’ vill ia ’ fil He enlisted in the Alr Corps Ox tober | 1947 i" training at Miami Beach lorida Ama Fexas, and Washington, be- fore Ying Clink, aged i Clink, deceased N. J. He and rere martied on there is a daugh- whom the father n. Before entering the ervice 8gt. Clink was employed by Snow Knitting Compnii) STATE COLLEG lo Seattle sent overs i on of Earl rmerly of Newark Marie Viehdor April 19. 194] and ter, Judith Ann has never el Cas fer the shoe Mary Kathryn Walizer rtraying the leading feminine Miss Mary Kathryn Walizer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H Walizer, of 403 Bishop street, Belle- fonte, enacted the character of an active, vigorous, shrewd lady of sixty odd years who has a quick and sharp wit and the habit of saying what! she thinks, In the annual Vitamard play, “Every Family Has One,” giv- en at Millersville Etate Teachers College on February 5 A graduate of Bellefonte High | School, Miss Wallzer Is now a senior at Millerswilie, and Is majoring in Library Science and English. Miss Walizer has become a well known {figure on. the campus through her sage received Tuesday by his moth. many activities which Include her |er able work in the dramatic club, her! The latest reported casualty is work as historian of Speech Choir, | pirst Lieutenant William H. Relish, her activity In the Library Science son of Mrs. R. A. Lepley, of 228 East Club, her leadership as vice-presi- Hamilton avenue, State College, He dent of the Young Women's Christ- lis believed to have been carrying Ian Association, her activities In the [supplies in the dangerous India- Normal Literary Boclety, and ber | China-Burma area at the time of participation In Intremural sports. | his death Se ———— Lt. Relish, one of the first State Collision at College College men to enlist in the armed! Damage estimated at $250 resuit- forces, left for training camp in led late Saturday morning when cars | April, 1941. In January, 1042, he was driven by Miss Frances Neldigh and | transferred to the Alr Corps and re- Charles Taylor, both of State Col- ceived basic pilot training instrue- {lege, collided at the West College tion at Don Field. He was commis. |avenue-North Gill street intersec- | sioned a second leutenant at George tion. State College polive sald the | Fleld In December 19042. He arrived accident occurred when the Taylor | overseas on March 25, 1043 and re- ear pulled on to avenue ceived a promotion to first Houten from North Gill street as Miss Nei- ant in August last year digh was proceeding the ave Car was Kuto. [ AIRMAN KILLED Pr role in Asiatic Area; Was Transport Pilot A lormer State ~ College High | School athlete, serving as a Wrans- port pilot in the Asiatic theater, was killed In action on Pebruary 9, ac- cording to a War Department mess ey Lt. Wi iam H. . Reish Dies MILESBURG CLUB HOLDS MEETING: Miss Brockerholl and Mrs. Fred Warner Speak on Red Cross Work Mis Margaret Brockerhof! of Stats College and Mrs, Fred War- ner. of Pelicionte, were guest speak - rs at the monthly mecting of thu Milosowr Wie Club a1 tlw Milesbury choul house Monda) evening. February Miss Brockerbofnt report of Lx | county Mod Cro tating that all of He work = done on & voluntar imtis with po remuneration, the only wgtiow being thie cose of Uw Red Toes nurs, Mie TOORNCY. BOY tol pllinented the workers on their var was find Cross setivities and urged them Ww contin we the good work The speaker then irtroductd Mre rer, wi old in n interesting aim nd du- Gopartiment wnen von { Ww DARI LO Lies « tlw 8 § ison | metl home service ted that the dut: of this tiv- to check all requests made ervice men or their families and military hearquarters, Mr informed the group tn M L. RW had charge © that sort Milesburg area one wishing information of tance in that line should get In with cither Mrs. Woodring or w arner by telephone pict ITO oo or ti rating the Importance vaccination ntinsed on page St2) ——— py —————" MINISTERS" PLAN GETS APPROVAL School Board Favors Re- ligious Education; To Be- gin With Fall Term The Bellefonte school board, after consideration of a preliminary plan presented by the local Ministerial Association for establishment of re- ligious education classes In the lo- cal schools, Monday night instructed | the assogiation to proceed with plans [ioe beginning such classes when! schools open next fall According to the plan outlined at) | the session, student participation in {the classes will be entirely volun. tary. There will be separate groups | (for Protestants and Catholics, and | {classes will be held one hour each week during a school activities per- | ‘lod. At the beginning, classes will be made available to pupils of the 11th and 12th grades, but later will be extended to include all grades In the high school. No textbooks will ‘be necessary, since material required will be supplied on mimeographed sheets, The classes will be the joint responsibility of the Ministerial As- | [sociation and the School Board, and | {the plan has the endorsement of all local Protestant ministers as well os of Monsignor William E. Downes, of (Continged oh Puoe Pour) Re srt Ww Warner wld ing i the wn shown and AN th ie Paper Collection'Here Pe Eills Railroad Car ix A railroad boxcar loaded full of | serap paper is on its vay to war in| result of a! y HOON [ware stores In Renovo, Jersey {and Bellefonte were closed this week SEEK $550,000 Believe Coun Ly OREOPENORE Near Bond Quota INEATSCOTIA RFC Expected to Approve £450.000 Loan; Local Capital MAY BUILD NEW $100,000 PROC ESSING PLANT Power Lines, BC RR Spur Planned if Project Materializes Scola ore bank: the Revolutionary W ig fron fo: Pittsburgh go Into production agal: impetus of the wartime need teed Congr baugh 1s The , openeg ar and once . ’ DUC L¥ | tee the sman D. Emmert quoted as aying ance Corporation ub Andrew C ] mills, nu 1 under after the AT - iy for LOI Brumn- in Wash- ington that the Reconstruction Fine | expected to ap- | prove a loan of $450.00 Ww re-open the 275 acre ore banks in rens, several miles west College. Local additional $100.000 to finding of a processing power lines and a four mile join the Bellefonte Central road. The spur would cross 322 by means of Jrumbaugh said and the War recommended banks under a un the War ment ave the Cex will rn sufficient ore the undertaking worth while The Scotia mine property o enter of of 300. was Revolutionary in Paton Mile A fumsce How 1836 producing the alee Juniata ron. Carnegie ook property In 1881 and operated it tl 1911 ss a source of ore for Pittsburgh steel mill but rived 0 the Laks for ore. Local interests Kept mine going until 1920 A svar ago the Cutnpany took over with, HH. M. Walisce, of Sunbatry, ret ww Lhe opened in War and Gen munity {for two Col. Jol over Ra an overhead bri Depart- Production Board e-opening new water pro- which experiments have shown make of ne fourishing com-| Classes H eld Regularly 1791! heroe Samuel shed u famou nui the Un- his then Superior depos- | | FFT Sootia Mining the property a president, and Lov Moerschbacher, ‘of Port Matilde, as manager Brumbaugh ssid a bureau of mines representative Is now inspecting workings and will report his ngs Ww Washington thi coommends that the opened the RFC be approved The government years’ research work by David BR. Mitchell, the mining department School of Mitleral Industries State, and J. CG. Germain, of 8. Bureau of Mine: Thelr survey is turned up pockets age ore. If is believed that between B80 and men will be employed on the ject when compieted INFLATION MAY mine be action head of reporied Ww the the plan materializes the find- week. IT he expected to | ¢ 'Thursda) follows two and experimental! of | the at Penn} {is u have of high percent. it 100 pro- HALT FARM LOANS: Centre County FSA Su- Fire Caused $100 pervisor Warns of Hard- ship to Tenants Inflation of land value county ity Administration lo Parm Ownership loans here M. Alexander, FSA County visor, warned yesterda) Alexander shld tenants difficult to buy famnily in Centre! purl Musser home may cause the Parm Secur- Cease making : KK: lg Super- financed by FSA are finding it increasingly | (ome damage between walls type farms | at normal earning capacity prices. inflationary Alexander “If the here continues,” movement said, | “we will have to stop helping ten-|of the attic floor to reach the blaze | ants 0 farm ownership. We aren't! going to finance anybody in thei, nehting the fire purchase of a gold brick. Unless a farm has a dollar of earning capac- ity for every dollar of price we won't make a loan. Neither will we con- tribute to Inflation Ly bidding up! farm values.” Alexander shld thet In county, seven Of tenant (Continued on Pege Three) Claster's Discontinue | rdwa laf congressmen who Wag suc Ha " ware Business . ‘x: by James E. VonZandt Centre! families | The M. L. Claster and Son hard- {and the fe Fi Shore fs sf EB ia total « | Bince fwithin striking distance « { the Bar-| of State capital will provide complete | campaign the plant, | announced that all bend spur 0] dividu pil | Route ige {Earage ‘our farmers | Public { pany of Beliefonte who answered an | alarm found it necessary to remove 12-00 a ‘Circulate Gingery [Survey Reveals Sales Near $1,943,000 Allo- ~ation; Sales to End of Month Assure Suc- cess; Five Districts Top Quotas Centre county | met its thumping $1,943,000 in the Fourth War Loan Campaign according to a survey ted ves- terda: Even though a final the county is not is almost certainty F. and G bond remainder of Februar be applied to the 4th tals, will more than off: writage which may Lime Fit were Deueye to have February quota {drive comple up wu Ww exceeded Milihelm district —— COUNTY FOOTBALL ures on a not Ua bie Claude G. Alike Counts War ¥ ‘ ald that Philadelphia had of $1,500,000 of bond county up nil Baturday then Mr knows of additional ‘several hundred Consequently the Commitee recorced todd Centre Philipsburg Member of Bomber Crew Fails to Return From Raid thousand dollar county is well the quola if It hasnt actually met the allo- cation, Mr. Ailkens Before the start Treasurs RRL #1 : Mir ¥ of the # wan burg. ha Departmen Dea Le geant throughout! 1 mony p Ia Ha Philips been notified | thie / riment that her fn, § Braydon Ha nger. | d missing in ¢ on, since Febru Hassinger 8 bomb China, * failed to return bombing trip on the 23-year-old gunner has been | oe One Year and cight mont ; been overseas Aug He wa s based in India for two week then has been based re "t. al _. nner on pd REPAIR SCHOOLS = AID TO FARMERS by n ance and sae gragua te m 3 1941 and team that he whurg bal t Altoona bw» Army marry for Repair of Farm Alves Machines are finding of Vocal help 0 Farmen: Departments ture great county schools night classes {keep thelr equipment antl 10 be ready for pring work folks in one da Farmers are wiped 0 take sdvan- received wa tage of the opportunities now avail. | thae transport plane: able. The schedule af classe: It as ®l and caught fir ollows: | He eled that they were still knocking down the Japs and that the Chitose are nice and co- operative. He said that thelr food Is good SCHOO! mal Agri Three Centre noting Ellen a \a ona farmer OO Teall to htip ou : ’ 14 boxes from home Some of the mall charred one of i been down. had received { Le as Walker Twp, Mondey and Thurs day, 7¥ Wo 10 p. m., at Btitoer's gar age Bellefonte Thursday, 7 t Tuesday arn Jodon Monday ip m., at A c— [0CAL DARYMEN 10 MEET HER Centre County Producers Will Hear Important Problems Discussed Thi county Court East Penn's | garage A certified practical experience is availat leach place mentioned. Ans who can reach any of these welcome wi urged equipment repaired School authorities in cach arc will welcome the opportunity to hel; get more Information when it desired All realize the value of food In winning the war The Penns Department Instroctio; providing teachers, teach good are: centers a to pet h He of the Pace anc oquipment through National Defen Funds al- jotted to Pennsylvania in t war effort. There is no cost 10 Uw er for this help. He supplies he actual repair parts he needs for own machine which may be un- repair yivania Cent the annual Dairy Dey for re gajrymen will be held House at Bellefonte Thursday, February 24. according County Agent R. C. Blanes Thi program will have additional signif- cance this year due io the impor tance of milk production in helping to provide food in our war cfiort Speakers for the occasion will be 1Joe Nageotte, dairy extension spec- lalist, and Fred V. Grau, agronomy extension specialist, both of State College. The complete program fol- lows : 10 next Ie farme- only is der Damage Near Town Damage estimated at! more than $10 resulted from a fire at the Mrs 4 miles east of Bellefonte along the Jacksonville road about 1:30 p. m. last Thursday The blaze, which originated from a flue fire, caused damage to weath- erboarding along the flue from the cellar to the attic and also caused of 2. m~Treatment and permanent bluegrass pastures for maximum production 10:30 a. mA practical progr raising dalry calves 11:00 a. m~Triple purpose pasture (method of starting and value as a hay Crop and summer pasture) 11:30 a. m~-Artificial insemination (Hlustrated with pictures and Gis- cussion of application in Centre wp Care m for Members of the Undine Fire Com- m.~-Noon recess some weatherboarding and a portion 1-30 p. m—-Mastitis and its preven- tion (lllustrated with pictures) Water from a booster tank was used) (2:30 p. me~Making high quality ha (fertilization, time of cutting, and method of handling to get the highest feed value) 3:15 p. m~~Oeneral discussion per- fod, (Discussion of questions re- lating to any phase of dalry or crop production’ Petition for Congress Petitions are being dirculated In ” Blair and Clearfield counties in be. | Adjournment. half of Don Gingery for the Demo-| The program as planned by the | cratic nomination for ke Hue Don | The ies Extension Service is to in the 28rd District, of which Cen- | provide Centre county dairymen | tre county is a part. Mr. Gingery wht 4 the fey information on ime milk production problems Fog is hoped that all dairymen or Mr. Gingery has made no an- other people Interested in these sub- | nouncement of his candidacy. Ask- jects will Pia to attend and partici-