Pa ES Sh OBITUARY ni — RE ———— MRS. ARABELLA STULLER | rites at the Clayton Watson home Mrs. Arabella Stulller, 85, died at 10 a. m, followed by services In early Sunday morning at her home the Snow Shoe Methodist chureh in Philipsburg, of complications due 8t 2 p. m. The Rev. Wilford Booth to advanced age. A native of Sandy of Monument will officiate and inter- Ridge, she was born August 6, 1868, ment will be made In Askey ceme- a daughter of the late George and tery, Snow Shoe Mary Vaughn, Her husband, Wil-| — liam Stuller, preceded her in death HARRY M. STITT 15 years ago, She is survived by one; Harry M. Stitt died Friday morn- daughter, Mrs. Nedie Potts, of Phil-|ihg at his home In Altoona of a ipsburg, and a sister, Mrs, Bally heart attack. Among the six surviv- Stonebraker, of South Philipsburg. ing brothers and sisters is Charles Mrs. Stuller was a member of the ng gtitt, of State College, Deceased United Brethren church. Funeral was a native of Claysburg and was services were held Tuesday after-|narried to Miss Sarah Rudy. She noon in charge of her pastor, Rev. preceded him in death in August, Budd Smith. Burial was made injjgag Philipsburg cemetery. ow ! SIMON A. HARDY : ] GEORGE EBBS Simon A. Hardy, of Port Matilda, yo Et Oe ve. | died at the State Hospital, Philips- y's oldest natives, Ay eve- phurg, Saturday morning at 7:15 o'- ning at the home of his daughter, | lock. following an iness with Mrs. Laura Marien, of Brisbin. Had pneumonia. Mr. Hardy was a son of Mr. Ebbs lived until June 7, this| panel and Myrtle (Welsh) Hardy ig he would pe Tounged Outland was born in Centre county on years. r. Ss Was TN Aligeptember 1, 18002. He wag twice hy SHS, a CE on married His second wife was Mar- 4 na oung neji, price, He is survived by his wife moved th Js purest 30 Fray. on and these children to the first mar- 0 3 § y Mo , ’ p . . ‘ triage Pfc. Hubert Hardy, Italy; Plasterer for a ‘number of Years And | pic. John Hardy, Tennessee; James was well known by TARY of 1€) Hardy wilmington, Del.; Louise and Sanly TeSldtte 3 Pailipshurs fv | Donald Hardy, at home: and these is survive ; two children, Mrs.| 1 dre A . v . children to the second wife: Bendy orien, of Brisas. and Ed laid, Pamela, Loretta, Jesse and Jean ward Ebbs, o 4 . : eral wel a Domi . . wityvi services were him Monday a=} Sry 5 ome. He 1 Bish Survie . ternoon in the Baptist church at mont Del He was a member of the Bvisuin, Iofowed bY interment Miyannaty Methodist church, He had the Brisbin cemetery. beens employed at the Port Matilda brick works HARRIS LYNN WATSON Harris Lynn Watson, 88, retired] coal miner, died early Tuesday] morning at the home of his son}. 0 of pneumonia proved fatal to Clayton Watson, in Orviston. Bom C. Arthur Ti ; : v 1C. 4 omas, well known Belle- Sept. 2, 1855 in Milesburg, he had| fonte business man. who died at the resided most of his life at Snow! pp. novell Sanitarium. Chattanco- Shoe. Five years ago he went to Or- oo ‘mein at 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan- viston to make his home with his uary 15. 1944. Mr. Thomas. who for son. His wife died 22 years ago. Mr. co. veare had suffered from asth- Watson was the last surviving mem- ... nq Mrs. Thomas, left Belle- ber of a large family. He was a CHESTER ARTHUR THOMAS. A heart condition following an at- Ron- | | Hone, North Allegheny street, Belle | fonte, Tuesday afternoon with Rev, G. E. Householder, pastor of the United Brethren church, officiating. | Interment was made in the Union | temelet?. Bellefonte. Mr. Thomas | was A lineal descendant of Richard Ap Thomas, who in 1681 bought a grant or tract of 5,000 acres in Ches- ter county and eame to this county with William Penn's first migration, The deceased's grandfather, Will- lam A. Thomas, was one of the cap- tains of industry in the early part {of the 19th century. Willlam's elder | brother, Jacob, in 1816 came to Belle. {fonte with the Valentitie brothers land together they rented the Dun- lop estate works and iron interests, Jacob returned to Chester county and died in 1817, whereupon his | brother William A. came to Belle- fonte t¢ take his brother's place In the local iron industry, In 1817 Wil- Ham A. Thomas married Elizabeth Miller, daughter of Reuben Miller and Tamazine Valentine of Chester | county, Three sons born to the un- tion were William A. Jr. who was killed in a fall in an iron mine in 1865. Jacob, a forebear of J. Thomas who was the father of C. Arthur Thomas, J. D. Thomas and Mrs, Lulu Howard, of Bellefonte. The grandfather, Willlam A. Thomas, re- sided at Willowbank, South Potter street, which umil a few years ago was used as the Bellefonte Borough Home. The property now ls owned by J. C. Hamilton, of Bellefonte, and has been converted into partments JOHN COC. HOMAN John C. Homan, of Aaronsburg, died at the home of his nephew, Roy Homan, in Aaronsburg, at 6 o'clock Sunday morning, January 16, 1044, after an illness with a complication of diseases r. Homan was born at Farmers Mills on January 24, 1863, imaking his age at time of death 180 years, 11 months and 22 days, He was a son of Willam and Susan Hoover Homan, was never married, and is the last of his family, He was a member of the Union church of Farmers Mills, Funeral services were held at the Nef! Funeral Home in Millheim on Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. J. 8. Ghannon officiating. Interment was made in the Farmers Mills cemetery. Coffman, of groom Is stationed College, has announced the maisiage of her daughter, Ruth Margaret, Lt. Clifford Ray Gruber, Okla. They were attended by Lt. and Mrs Bradley and Lt Mitchell, of Bellefonte, and Isaac, Appropriate organ music was played Lieutenant graduate: Mrs jer stteet school, State Collége, has returned to her position is attached to the vated Rainbow Division, ' daughter Harold Raymond Oberhelm, son of jmembe; Mrs fpsburg, were guletly married in the parsonage ring cetemony of the United bavhi- ren church in the gervice of his country, serv- tug in the 780th Tank Battalion now on maneuvers somewhere thirteen months in the service THE CENTRE DEMOGRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 20, 1944. January Dorey~Bechdel In a beautiful candlelight cere {mony In the Church of Christ on | Wednesday, January 12, Miss Miriam {Jane Bechdel, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Claude H. Bechdel, Beech creek, became the bride of Cpl. Har- old Martin Dorey, Jr, son of Mr land Mrs. Harold M. Dorey, of Lock Haven, The largely attended cere- RECENT WEDDINGS Coffman~Mitchell Ruth A, Mitchell, daughte Miss of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Mitchell, of mony was solemnized at 6:30 by the Bellefonte, R. D. 3, and Lynn Paul bride's pastor, the Rev, M. 8. Rogers Coffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A, J.| Following the ceremony the bride 1 Paso, Texas, were and bridegroom received friends at united In marriage on January 11 a reception in the church parlor at Dodge City, Kansad, where the and later at open howse al the home with the Army of the bride. They left for a short Alr Force | wedding trip to Niagara Falls Lauder=Harter ~ |Farmers, Wives Pauline ©. Harter, of State Mrs. . Guests at Meeting w Lauder, of Belle- vernon, Pa. The ceremony was per- formed at a candlelight service in) the regimetital chapel at Camp | on Christmas Eve. (Continued from wypage one) and with chart sistant progr i shnce it was first organized pointed out that in ten eration, had Hgible and that a built up to $30800 members’ investment As nn special ver Cake Wa among the followin bers present: Epley White and Al- fred C both of Bellefonte Samue] Everhart of State C and Guy N. Neff of Alexandria, Mi White was fortunate in drawing the uch number, He then gave an in- talk on experience Richards, obtaining a loan 1834 whicl Mrs. Isaac compared with the efficient s Julian, and which the association givin snowed of Ux wssociation He Op been almost neg- reserve YEArs of 10850 and Mrs. Merrick had been protect the the ceremony. Bouhj and Mrs, Lauder are of Penn State College Lauder, a teacher in the Fraz- throughout feature al Anni- ry ChRnced ten-year meme- Lt. Lauder fecently reacti-| now Bhue)y Hew Eide tioned’ at Camp Gruber, Oberheim—=Richardy Betty Roberta of Mr. and Richards, of terest in bet eresiing Hh Miss Newton today Robert LL. Aker ‘ urer of the National Parm Loan A sociation spoke briefl work of his office in meting the needs of farmer for a long-term interest He ext gratulations wo the Production Cred. The groom is It Association and ressed hi preciation of ing between two as W. Dorcey Hines the Production Cre Baltimore retary-Lreas- Nora Oberheim, of South Phil-| of the First United thie Brethren church at Philipsburg by Rev. Budd R. Smith on Saturday night at §:15 o'clock The single on today ow- credit naed nis con - was read Xj the cooperation exist- the ociations in Call- spent The young couple were atlended by Mr and Mrs. Herman Shaw, brother- in-law and sister of the groom, Mrs. Oberheim will make her home in representative dit C extended hi of tion of fornla. The bridegroom has rpora- mended the directors for thei: work W. J. Tw ROOCG Ker | Clearfield and Centre the cone | “IP G ap- of greetings Ww the members and com. * tr hl "w counties and explained to farmers the facilities up 10 re palr farm machinery Millheim Hublersburg and Jodon's Garage Bellefonte. He also wold them his office was cooperating with the War Board iu keeping farnn help on the farm George Mothersbaugh of Boals- burg, and Milton Btover of Coburn representative in Cene- « Elizabeth Metze: Hollidayrburg office, mind Ziegler and Jean Fanning Bellefonte office sted meeting Refreshment ladies of thu reels of Have a short talk the net al association tre count were served Grange while interesting moving | Wer shown PTA to Hear Talk By Movie Censor QUEEN commitieg it | ielphia | wd From Movie + member of th | Art Alliance, United Veterans of Forelgn and the Foreign Policy niThere will be an open forun ing the M RQOIres Edward Miller McoGroarts iwill lend the devotion Alberta Krader 3 the music tl These m public { the much Interest — —b MARRIAGE LICENSES rd Kurtz New H that", a tong Voters’ Registration Lists Being Revised Registration House ha notices wot vyoled ir wurt ed out Commi prepared all 1x en - — taken and the ot be it ol : itt Reylster: ne fon Gas or change gistrict primaries opty from p.m. Ww (CE fX04 pt ele .....—e—O§_liil Lo il varieties is Phone 2020 member of the Red Men's Lodge and the Methodist church. Surviving are three sons and three daughters: Edwin, Altoona; Benjamin, Balti- more; Clayton, Orviston: Mrs. An- pile Oswalt, Juniata; Mrs. Kathryn Beightol, Erie, and Mrs. Thomas McCloskey, Snow Shoe. Funera] ser- vices will be on Friday with brief 3 Milk Coolers AVAILABLE AT ONCE! In Electric; Gasoline Driven, or Ice Cooled Cabinets, HUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STORE Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE, PA. O° a — a — A co. ‘yard to L fonte on December 15 with plans for going to Arizona and California in the hope the change of climate Henry Sents, 83, of State Cole, would be beneficial to Mr. Thomas’ R. D.. died at the home of health. He became ill December 19 daughter, Mrs, R. J. Lowder, of 600, at Ft. Payne, Alabama, and he and West College avenue, State College, | Mrs. Thomas remained at the Rain- at 10:30 p. m. Saturday, January 15, ey Hotel there for two weeks when 1944, of complications following an physicians advised an x-ray exam- (lines of one week. Born in Lycom- ination. Mr. Thomas was then taken ing county on March 5, 1860, he was to the Newell Sanitarium in Chat- a son of Casper and Mary Blaus tanooga, and was under treatment Sents. In 1882 he married the former there about two weeks before his Lydia Earon, who died on Decorm-| death. Chester Arthur Thomas was ber 14, 1839. The following children a son of Isaac and Martha Reed survive: Mrs. lola Glenn and Mrs. Thomas and was born in Bellefonte R. J. Lowder, both of State College: on May 17, 1885, making his age at Mrs. William = A, Stephens, Pine time of death 58 years, 7 months Grove Mills; Henry EB. Semts, How- and 28 days. Surviving are a broth- ard. R. D.; and James E. Bens, of er and sister, Joseph D. Thomas Milesburg. Ten grandchildren and and Mrs. Lulu Howard, both of seven great-grandchiidren also sure Bellefonte. For many years Mr. vive. Funeral sefvices were held at Thomas operated a coal yard and the Koch Puneral Home, State Col- gasoline station on West Lamb lege, Tuesday afternoon, with Rev street, Bellefonte, until about three WE Watkins in charge. Interment months ago when he closed the ser- wag made at Pine Hall i vice station and leased the coal L. Auman, of Bellefonte Deceased was a member of the Moose Lodge, the Logan Pire Com- pany, the VFW social club, and the Mrs. Dennison Confer, of Wilming- Undine Club. Puneral services were O00. Del. died Saturday afternoon held at the Widdowson Funeral in the Doris Memorial Hospital , Wilmington, after a 22-hour lliness — [Wh ronichial poeumotia. She was | HENRY SENTS DIANA JO GLOSSNER : Diana Jo Glossner, 9, daughter of (AT LeZi AX BACK father belog Le late Dean Gloss- ner of Blanchard, Surviving are a! sister and brother, Dorothy Jane Glossner, at home, and Clair Gloss ner, U. 8. Navy; also her stepfather ru Oct. 16. At Howard, her and a half-sister, Judy Confer, at Electric Cabinet Radios End Tables. VISIT OUR STORE NOW! - Eledric Supply Company Bellefonte SHOP AT THE Electric Supply Co. We have many items you need: , General Electric Cof- fee Makers, Remington- Beanery, Pants Pressers. Floor Lamps-Table Lamps Better light and beauty for ti ¢ home. Light- ing fixtures for dining room, living room, bath and kitchen. Porch ceiling and wall fixtures, HOME FURNISHINGS Living Room Suites, Better Mattresses and Springs, Comforts, Blan- kets, Bedspreads, Pillow Student Desk and Chair Sets only $15.95 home. Surviving grandparents are Harry Glossner, of Blanchard, and Mr. and Mrs, Clair Galbraith, of Monument. Mrs, Confer was the for- mer Nancy Galbraith. Funeral ser- vices were held Wednesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock at Howard, {with the Rev. M. 5. Rogers officiat- ling. Interment was made in the) i Baptist cemetery at Blanchard GEORGE E. HARPER } Funeral services for Oeorge E Harper, one of State College's old- est citizenis, who died Friday eve- ning, January 14, 1044, at his home of complications after an illness of two weeks, will be held at the Koch Puneral Home, State College, at 2 p m. Thursday with Rev. J. FP. Harkins officiating. Interment will be made at Pine Hall. Mr. Harper, who went | to State College in 1911, was active up until the time of his death. Had he lived until February 5, he and Mrs. Harper would have celebrated | their 61st wedding anniversary. At the present time Mrs. Harper is ill! at her home. Mr. Harper, 85, was born at Bloomsburg on July 26, 1857, | a son of sade and Mary Jane Poust | Harper. He was married on Peb- | ruary 5, 1883, to the former Maty | Ellen Blair, In addition to Mrs, Har. per, the following children survive: | Mrs. Myrtle Morrison, Hershey; Mrs. | Jane Felker, Daytona Beach, Fla: ! George C. Harper and Mrs, Maude | Harmon, both of Btate College; Les- | ter B. Harper, Harrisburg; , Hollywood, include a (General Rand Shavers, Electric Bed Room Suites, Rest 8, Cushions, Coffee and is {ip £ H 2 : § State College fe rvisor cational Agriculture Educat) hilipsburg for the duration Victory Garden Seeds Burpees—Seeds that Grow ALSO Walter S. Schells Black Knight Beet: Yellow Bountiful Bean, and many of their pop- ular varieties With a probable shortage of some to announce that our stock of seeds now on display is as complete as ever doubtful Howe ver seeds, we are glad replacement of mans Buy early while our stock is complete ! Schaeffer Hardware Store N. Allegheny St. - * eddrast im tha space js met switeble. Es ——— & bathers in the panel below, end your refer Vo. Wieig Yin pencil Write plaiaty. Very small writing dark | inh, or BP am From T HE TT (Sender's nome) the complete address es Use typewriter, Teo ALL QUR BOYS ALL OVER THE WORLD [Sender s addeen) A FOLKS [| BACK HOME (CENSOR'S STAMP) DEAR BOYS! THE FOLKS BACK HERE | TOWN ARE BACKING YOU uP PULPWOOD = THEY TOLD US MORE PULPWOOD WAS URGENTLY NEEDED TO MAKE oe THINGS YOU NEED AND TO GET THE T0 YOU sO EVERYONE WHO POSSIBLY COULD HAS GOTTEN OUT HIS AXE AND A AND IT WOULD po You GOOD TO S THE WAY THE TRUCKLOADS OF PULPW ARE ROLLING INTO TOWN. YOU CAN COUNT ON US! THE HOME FOLKS BY CUTTING oR? SPFICE DUPARTIEN ema we WEST VIRGINIA PULP & PAPER CO. (Contact our mills at Tyrone or Williamsburg, Pa.) E. S. BENNETT A. C. CONFER Spring Mills, Pa.