Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 20, 1944, Image 4

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    Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. January 20, 1944,
{mittee named by Council to Inspect in the roon now oce
Milesburg Youth Gets | Excess Charges |Bellefonte Couple | County Launches 4th |Parolee Is Senten- |Council to Join mittee name o Inspect in the room
: » » reiterated bx barber shop
To Be Refunded Married 45 Years! War Loan Drive ced mn Theft of Car Boro Association that the bullding not a Nit strue- Bome year yr vi he wad into
ture for the surrounding p fi pi
it for the rrovundin { i #an he room n the econd floor of
Tech. Sgt. Lyle R. Hastings, of (Continged from page one) | Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Billett, of (Continued from pace one) ‘Continued from page ome) (Continued Om page one) iheid to uy Or ion ths Crider’: cehan the same rooms
Milesburg, former star pitcher of that the rates to them were unjust, Reynolds avenue, were guests of lou local women's organizations will Tyror The car they were driving engl: a {031 th ¢ Btate Highway D building is a detrim . area. ras 0p BOW OCCaPM From there
the Milesburg baseball team, recent- unreasonable and discriminatory, honor at a dinner Thursday night be in charge of the theatre booth. [was a 1040 Oldsmobile sedan owned CAFU nt. appeared 2s Cael pod No action was taken h . he moved across Allegheny street to
ly was awarded the Distinguished On April 1, 1836, the borough ac- at Fleisher's Tea Room, Jullan, in] The county banks, who in pas y » Auman, of East Lamb street plain he % rat 1 an for ¥ rooms in the Heverly building, and
Flying Cross for his service in the quired the property of State College celebration of thelr 46th wedding drive have Issued approximately 1 \ POGL- Wal hah it Oth (rr ’ a wher arey Menold wi y Inter oved back into Crider's Ex-
South Pacific areca Water Company, supplying water anniversary which occurred Christ- 85 per cent of all bonds sold, have v " ! i that Ala homy. io bee Bishe Eran ns ior ) Chul Jairg casing the rooms
Nothing is known here of the cir to customers within and without the mas Eve. The celebration had been completed arrangements to handle on ig gl hen > Dale n Neto are uded on }
cimstances resulting in the award- POFOugh at a uniform minimum postponed so that their son-in-law, that branch of the work with a min- pl . “hd Jaw, post-war Federal highway system and the Commission
i { tl} 1 1 t } Milest charge. Later he bo OuUgh ncrea ed Pvt Eimer Garbrick of ( np A num of delay AS ssuin aken th 4 y | / I 4 uu BOY ad
Yyt ] } k M | { i | Lie : { Li COs oyYyermunen
soldier exce pt informatic n contain-
the charge to consumers outside the Cain, Miss, could be present banks perform a notable service in parole « 1 r. After leaving tha \ ih 3 og ernment | : ar Were Feull. 151 AB | i tn ob an. ampany 12
ed in the following news items from borough without any increase to The dinner was given by Mr, and War Loan campaign and while ce 3 h ‘ ; Owl til ' I Anta ng we : Jona, 1 a igh
Allied Headquarters in the South Consumers within Mrs, Bijlett's two daughter Mrs. banks are not permitted in this | for
Pacific: | In September 1041, State College Elmer Garbrick and Mrs. Earl Tea-) campaign urchase any bonds, |... io, hs. to. 8) Way: | nt ALL 3 PIR about town wit) detecting years a {fore poling to the Hey.
{Borough Authority acquired the man, both of Bellefonte they are urging depositors to convert ) fof hai Dn “db ri Biri y @ utfit to spot sour of nol y build
mander of the Allied Air Forces in water properties from the borough I'he honored couple, Robert K urplus deposi into War Bond ph a Ri A i fren. 15 a realy Read . minis
the Southwest Pacific, has awarded and increased rate to consumers Billet Jon of Mr and M1 wil Industry, as hs been the enc : d ‘ ‘ ' : eliminated
the Distinguished Flying Cross to outside the borough with no change Ham Billets, of Niuany, and Mi all previous campalgns, have ¥p ould 3 re before under~ PAliation of
Tech. Sgt. Lyle R. Hastings, Miles. ib rales 10 consumer within the Mary Ann Blerly “ nel 0 Mi major part in aiding t) an ! UL ‘ \ WIDE sania anv MROIOVEmants. Tih Ralph My
burg, Pa. for heroism in 200 hours POrough. In June 1842, a number of and Mi BE \ linton= reach its goal. Many plants and bus- || ri ed as Pi alg 0 nigh rong on Koved. som
of long range bombing missions consumers outside th borough filed cal, : ei 5 warried : ¢ 2, . AT have devised their wn ; 1 {iy ¢ te 4 oS — : : By
against the Japanese.” iz corn aint with the Commission, 1838 - vy ig a . : Pa = | Syst : 6 1 selling bonds, The Titan "i Be ‘ AULOMODLM Li ti nond nmovid [G { in
One of the first Centre county | SHe8Ing Yhar {ie les 10 thee ore sail Gy TeV. Jus. Np miedo ob \l Company has set up special [*/ "HC WEL ¥hich v Ee tog De dom ng
servicemen to have received the Dis- Lous WRreasonaible and CisCrim- | HOR 0 Melnt " te fosame Bi ordi a i department and babs . he sb Tir
tinguished Flying Cross, Sgt. Hast-| ory. ; "The newlywed 1 : Jie baht 308i. 3 Lhe spe of an & sbi ng lo A H pari rking on other
Mags enlisted in the Air Forces as! Op July 20. 1042, the Commission tafonte wi Mr. Billett becas ra $100 in bond very emplo :
an alrplane mechanic in January, upheld the complaints and ordered Aves oh I ! resident o
1042, at the age of 19. He took his '1'® Authority to revert to the rate lo
initial training at Sheppard Field, Previously chi y the borough
Texas, where he received his di- 3nd ordered a refund of all Chalg
ploma August 20, 1942 |coliected In exce:
He was next sent to aerial gun-| The Authority appealed the Oi
ners’ school at Las Vegas, Ney der to the Superior Court That
where he was promoted to staff ser- Court returned the case “lor a con : cepting
geant, He was graduated from this Pi¢l€ reconsideration,” bec USE BI€ 0 position as guard Rockview
school on October 19, 1942, After evidence submitted by complain
three months’ flying training at ants and the Authority wa 0
Davis Monthan Pield, Tucson, Ariz. |cOmplete as to preclude a proper
he was made a technical sergeant determination of the merits
Over the weekend of March 30, 1843] Complaintants and Authority, rec.
he spent a six-day furlough at his Ognizing thal correction of the d«
home in Milesburg. {ficlencies in the record would re-
Immediately following his fur-/quire protracted hearings and ill- bdo ‘
lough he reported to Lowry Field, afforded expense, have agreed 10 Nelgon Billett, Mr. and M I tne stir tam Char eam ; Rb SA odd ol0 1 S40 to the disposal of garbage gh Insurance ot mi —
NO. 1, Denver, Colo., and from there payment by the Authority of refunds illett. Mr. and ar) ce N i. a 0 Tel 8 ' . ) . . re { collectio: I'h y '
wis sent overseas to somewhere in to out-of-borough consumers in and Mrs bent N ind Mrs, * ¢ veted 100 per cel y 4 " y ‘ wheat , Holly Loon 13 . | ww ’ Censor to Speak at
Australia, where he served as an cordance With a hedule, whic! to Corman, Mrs. Sarah Resides,'  abamaramiar thy aes : " Ys hom . C4 .
engineer aboard a B-24 Liberator w wepared by the Authority and and Fal cama y nye 1 ! go” r ¢l ! ' ">nul " oa ‘ 2¢ 3 Sage! - Cpen Meeting Here
heavy bomber, approved by the designated ey Of Tt
- — — sentatives of compiainant
radio noise in ¥# the north wi now occupied by
Power Company offices
West Penn company €x-
1 | 4 ‘311 1
in Bellefont« Ire included on thu
COR Me } BO : } iM ren 1 Tos many
“Lt. Gen. George C. Kenney, com-
{ net
A ———
— me — McCain, Miss
. if Coleville
Boys Injured In arty went lo the Billet home| R. Pou miston 10. en ad Tomes. hagel, oeorge Joon, Collins Sho Aine a
Captain John F. Musser, 29, “skip- | : : wher is were pla CR rman of t! nty 1 I Wd woh w nl Andrew § J ; . :
per” of a merchant vessel now en- Coasting Mishap e——————— ulursi mimi rd ‘} ai gg Wall \ rida ooh r try No 4 Tailor Shop Here a
gaged in transporting war materials ¥ that }§ arat : { B Auman. J f
on the Atlantic, is home for his first (Continzed [tom Sage one) 3281 Tons Scrap pictied for an ) ‘ “ Ve hf : ' willl x i Ww May Be Closed !
yacation in a year and is spending than on the other rice I hn "43 Srnvas of Lh : kin. poj Fa md Ambrose Siu : I 3
the time with his wife and with his Ihe lone youth w I pe Co ected 3 intial i ! { eariie v en Ls (Contt med from poge one)
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mus- ed down he mile-l 0 i NE fro Sand SmI» i ’ { of ; ; .
ser, Sr, in State Coliege n the pie oofing, o1 as To
Captain Musser entered the mer- the rty having
chant marine ten years ago and has t hn McCoy
risen steadily in the ranks since fo he mountai;
then. At the expiration of his pres- E iddowson ambulance When
ent vacation he expects t receive the yout rrvi the injured ix
assignment to a new field of duty reached
the ambulance wal
! »
Let Us Have
" op—
Your Tires [|i tn Munn mt rhe bn bot, luis ments; mini as rer tbe bcs ‘iow =
Recapped 51 corto: pater | -
lida. Church: Chiseh, BSalxage of useq household to's mittee, sid yesterday, “30 wont be Ly oop mifited ang 4 as nr © BACK THE ATTACK—BUY 4th WAR LOAN BONDS!
We have a large stock of 7:30 p ‘m. Prayer
Grade I Passenger, Truck Thursday, 7:30 p. m
and Implement Tires Martha Church Church School total ming 1 ' ty ho- y N _- ’ kia " v ‘ ¢ Ae oun cil } N ¢ ding
10:00 a. m. Worship Service 11:00 iris, restauran and institutions, $ which have not 4 ; ! k= shoul ve goors 1 hildren
Methods used y fat collection Wu lier drives." i g tu rouble in t MOLE + : ny a ’ jects to U
Ac r
HUBERT ROSSMAN "mn : cluded activity by the Girl Boo it dealin: d # ging solicitors ‘apd HO h brewing for some practioe of parkin cla macinery 1 EFONTE'S S Howp,
i Julian Church Chureh School CE 5 ation
HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STORE t 10-00 m Methodist Youth 8nd Junior Red Ci olicitation
Phone 2615 Tlowship. 5:30 p. m and much publicity
BELLEFONTE, PA. Hannah Churc] Churcl  PuO.MA
m. Youths Service 6:30 p
id-fanhioned revival services To Dy AF, HEMSgey LMEIDE ar 3 ’
WE MAKE KEYS [| iia Serr night. except Saturday, [0 September 30 amounted ‘0 129-) Bogrds to Speed
360 pairs collected through, depa
__ J |at 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited. peng ang ladies’ clothing sta Reclassification
IR RE ECE Rena heat me DY Yeager bel nt I Continned from page one)
re % K it A ‘
por YAR I" : } y at the + f th
WE NEED CARS! |F-milasmfirnrmnammei] | THURSDAY & FRIDAY
7 a0 own eee a Sr oe rari rime | [| IT'S A-RIOT---
WwW. B. COOK vihool
320 N. Jay Street Phone 2412 LOCK HAVEN, PA.
] 3 [xn OF YaIM Da y pla n 1 Able — OUTDOOR ACTION SECOND HIT! we
D 0 Ne v y Wn ! i ho r his th i l ' qi wheg tie ‘ Charles Leola Arthur
. A hy Jide ‘4 po oki ) : 0k 50 exact Te ’ Starrett Atcher Hunnicutl
£ OBL NO aged In IMaging | _ vod vs #31 : H th jefers :
VARE Year a Ssucomss and i I recietran 3 about to expire
OPA Rel w  L Pri Sh county housewives, Property Owners, s.. «o n accommodation J HAIL TO THE RANGERS
eliease ~~ omen A ow rice oes and others who donated salyage na. "04 h vice can no longer bx
terial In the various drives " pi th cmplover Fie
* » ] met
No Ration Stamp Required § Awan McClellan ~~ 1200
| Dies In Hospital occ ve
. . a —— Lhe regs
Over 300 pairs of Women’s Shoes Taken § | (Contiasst. prim. 244 anes n call or write &
treet, Bellefonte, being a member for information if \ COUPLE OF RUG-CUTTING CUT-UPS IN A
from our Regulac Stock 19, Sell af... § |ot te sume ill ih be on 0071 es aos ay act [| [| PPPOON OF emRIRNT, & CYCLONE oF LAFF
- ue Polmar died 2botst WO Years ago noon of each week. Local Boas $ 3 — 3 GRAND SONGS! —
On August 18, last year, Mr. M of Bellelpnte meets cach Wednes iit
Clellan was united in marriage wit] m. at the Court Hous
Verna Hunt, of South Dakota, who - " - y i ive wr a .
irvives with two sisters, Mrs, Irvin » bu y
Shuey. of State College, R. D. and | FOrmer Residents — ;
Mrs. Harold Bears, residing in the Wedded 50 Years] © : - MONDAY & TUESDAY| || WED. & THURSDAY
i > south: three nieces and one nephew og A  # \ | ™ Ph
land his foster mother, Mrs. Folmar . Mr. and MS L . ' v: ] . ; ON THE
know when his or
wns Continuous Shows From 2 FP. M, we
A veteran of World War I, Mr, | Tuesday Janay 14
McClellan served during that cone Walter FP. Rice, 8r., celebrated thelr Nr § 4 > y
: om): martur aff | 50t ng anniverss at thelr
flict in the medical corps of the U. [50th wedding anniversary p
8 Navy. Me was a medical aide home, 179 East First street, Mans. with VIVIAN BLAINE Fo)
aboard a ship for two years, and field. Ohio, where they have resided w— Rix) Outdoo Action CoH! wwe d a SREATHEAKING
All during the war made eleven round 107 the Past seven years. yi aon pit! tl ADVINTURL.
Come early for the best selection. trips between the United States and (2 J, Munilully hadv a IN BUSTER CRABBE AS KING OF THE WILD WEST
es, an hee hei | Prance. In high school he took an
SIZ ’ y | ight, many styles | active interest inn ll sports, and it the former Mary A. Petter andl “THE DEVIL RIDERS”
out on racks in the front of the store § was for his prowess in sports thas daughter of the venerable Samuel
0 he earned his nickname “Bully” (Fetters, were both born and raised
for an easy selection. | The body ia scheduled to arrive in Bellefonte
by rall in Lewistown at 12:08 noon! Mr. and Mrs. Rice bave six chile . pt
' ¢ dren, who include: Mrs. Gertrude p : .
tolay, and will be brought to he ip pe. Amos 8. and W, Edgar, Mrs MONDAY & TUES. WED. & THURSDAY
NOTE: No Men's or Children’s released § Mr Hay Folmar hame on Bast 0 sionday, Walter ¥. Jr. and
Howard street
$0, . SAVE YOUR RATION STAMPS there from 7 to 9 pW. tonight A a) thie there are five
) W ¥ Paral services will be held Pri. generations of the Fetler family live
day afternoon st the home at 2 p. ANS. They are: Samuel Petter, Belle- |
'm. with the Rev. Willlam ©. Thomp- fonte; Mrs. Mary Fetter Rice, Mr -
lyon of the Bellefonte Presbyterian fOertrude Rippe, Lee B. Wilson and SWING ouT
Nancy Lee Wilson THE BLUES
(church, officiating, Interment will bel tas.
0 imade In the Union cemetery,
r WIS Boot Sho | Mr McClellan was a member of MARKET QUOTATIONS
hE a (the American Legion snd the Pres. Wheat
. R 'byterian church. Yesterday tenta« RELY BURT Te Ea
Bellefonte’s Complete Family Shoe Store § [0 ii Sn i 0 finerat marker
tomorrow. sithough these plans had Rye EC — ity
not been completed. Buckwheat 18)