r “y 5 ™ : " aia yr ‘ OA4/ Page Two ~ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. January 13, 1944. | Township chalrmen of agricultur-] We hope that some of you readers through the wi ! tl and 21 Meeting at Pleas ant G an : County Prepares al committees are as follows lean find In vour pistol collection & for rearrangh For 4th War Loan | Benner, A. ©. Hartle; Boggs, Lott Weapon of the kind Lt. Fopson hospita) Neff: Burnside, Mrs Clyde Hoover: need It's vig g t he'll { i to hazar Teotng, frame tpagy Ja) IM Lig oN haa ne in, one! you - help Po paon out of } \ Gurdne Howard: Pronk v. God: |OTegE, M. T. Zubler: Huines, Pui (dificult. please get i ouch at one hart, Centre Hall, H. PF. Erdey, ing I her, J Jy \ mother. wh se telephone 1 mber Spring Mills, and 8. Ward Gramley | Bechdel; Marion, Nevin ear « | Bellefonte 2745 Millheim. A new district has been | Miles, Elmer Hubler; Pa ton, ( hy crealerg at “Rebersbure with CM T. Seller Sprit 1 E. Biddle . y i . : i ; . Ri... Bie as chairman Paylor M dith Lane Union : Port Matilda " A AT : \ he —ge William ket Llovd ‘ 3 _r ! Cia (FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES " C oy airmen for wom a. oh whi Penn, Tom Rote; Potter, P Resident Dies pe . ky ; Ad 7 i, nh : the drive are Mi nshall: Rush, Bd Hess; Snow wenh Preslovich: Halimoon Confinund from page ome) Charle wided for the community. Hq ieading actor iy btainh 14 ervice to Port Matilda 18 vea; Wn in char FRUITS VEGETABLE ou Eagle. ound SOURCE of those health giving VITA. ; d tables are 3 NATURAL SOURCE of 1 iv ing d m "ig n Ne terres ti a i sn e all your family Watch AGP ads! For your convenience we Schools May Ad . I town be nd n i is 4 3 Lok fat dé is mi watt dsr fhe vitamins contaimng a4 in cath frurt and vegetable, Classes In Religion ; Plan more healthful meals from AGP L Frun and egctable Departme nt and cnjoy ir, Waodr > ang By : wide varithy of (uy ripe fruits and tre h, crisp Conit rd from page one) r of the resbvts i hurch: and - ’ ‘ . 4 LA ’ A i LL JUICY FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS 70-80 GRAPEFRUIT +10 - 49° Eneet, Juicy Fi i CRISP ICEBERG @K-£S0 =. ORANGES ‘ioe 2 ou 30c B &( LETTU Ee CBU So] CARROTS or 2 19 4 Ji ik : 4 i por Nia he HOUISHNG COSTS ||| #76 iuutry and Memully bo mil 504 urs, Chester 3, Byingle, 8 ; Vitamie 2 as, 2 ga ore Yo yo | Bd: Hg POTATOES Vitaming | FOR YOUR aia” Sale A : wi : Sweet Floridae-176--210 1 convention eT oe ls EGGS SILTANA ! SN PRESERVES Combination Fruits Buy it, ..4 | ERE R-canie: Ree, Wiliam G, Wait A Most Flavors) ee t/ . f Elizabeth. Fav. David KE. Sow ’ or (Mos avors) Build it a He Needs a Pistol Miles) oy. A BHA en All the neeessiry lmber, win. H ‘Continued Irom page one) : 4 & thee en oy i” ’ “ " { RT a "49 i dows, doors, hardware and || (# wai iy . g ’ reciing to build one of these new, modern labor-saving, heat iH saving farm building RILCO ARCH ||”, oor’ woodman 1x. wup.| ‘Contimued from Pae o ANN PAGE WHITE HOUSE BROODER HOUSES| =.” © his pare ved by er husband. two du EVAPORATED . juietness and for is accuracy. He ET, x ' ; nN y : wd i ibert Are oeomeal PO] Smeinanc 6. 2 i Sonc alee oan Mis” srs BEA N S MILK down ir me South Pacific island | FHA EEEE oki demas y or ta uy an ui unzie he'll . unethine to fight Panning. of Belieion four. be ¥ », Tender Cooked fiver" couveniont, MM acamiviicatt| Me. and Mrs. Popson have made| George Sweitzer. Georgia, former SA Beston Styl (0 TALL CANS most handy © Nn, Xnown for Ms SR [rsh ol [5h rs CLASTER'S |i. io = > wiligiie hae | oS 19° is bad If rare | for the pistol.” Lt. Popson's mother Funeral Home. Corning, Mon J I SC ¥ Jane PARKER EVERYBODY'g declare rw 4 : ated Bu ia) x made in 5934 bras Cam _ om FvoRTe 22¢ Charter No. 12192 Reserve District No. 3 DI m1 NAL Df y a H PACE pr a 05 Tk Zl mae REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Bis TOR Meat Market of Values! pe NO RATION POINTS FOR IONA CUT GREEN FIRST NATIONAL BANK To Replenish Plasma y ‘o. 2 10 OF CENTRE HALI 4 Bank at Hospital FRESH PORK i BEANS . BAB ® B A jo C In the State of Penna, at the close of Business on December 31, 1943 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under (Continued from page ome 2 INT VALUE REDUCED A Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. In the reg. of 1 LrPasres 3: PO ASSET povsatniBocysiners MR Abie M0 E No. 2 ¢ 2111.8 Oy MTITRSSIOT i In h Loan nd disc t it ROTTS ‘nat £525 from the Titan Chor % ® ® = ¥ Ne United States Government obligations, direct and aranteed 2 400.00 ! 0 ‘ A aalit Obligations of St: politi thadivision SDD vA ne Band : 8 pont Ei WN IONA Other bonds, notes, and debentures 500 00 wOenditng neinded the b STUFFED H LOISE ¢ & POINT YALUE REDUCED ON 10 Corporate stock wihudi 1.300 tock of Pederal Reserve AE oad 3 . ra . : ini 1.80000 “oo on. dh ; : POUND 21 i 1 1 C SERVICE { Nn, balan wi her banks, including reserve balance £ % - i Whole or C3 Slab Bacon Piece wu 29¢ I DELICIOUS NECTAR « field ¥,] BEL AL Sliced Bacon tn =» 37c | TEA EKOE and - NEW SHOW TIME Demand posits of individuals, partnershij nd corporations $316,790.18 ORANGE PEKOE Smoked Squares = 19} Owned and Operated By The Time deposits of | viduals, partnerships, and corporations 252,123.83 Show Time—7:10 and 9:00 P. M. Whole or Lh 32 5 ANN PAGE ALL.FURPOSE Groat Atlantis & Pacifie Tea Oa Deposits of United States Government (including postal saving 18 986 40 Admission 11c and 30¢ Smoked Hams Shank end C & Deposits of States and political subdivisions 25.000 .00 . ——.— i eee Whole or 1A 36¢ os . Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc 1,722.25 C k d H m Shank end : SUGAR STAMP NO 29 Good otal Deposit $614 631.75 FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY 00 e a 2 gh LL : Other Habilitie 174.0 (January 14t) : 4 Ab. ¢ ¥ : ¥ nu 4 : Chickens a a Bm BR EN ! 55¢ # ANN PAGE SPAGHETTI OR JANUARY 16th Total Limbilitie $614,806.75 George Sanders : : CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Marguerite Chapman. in : Frouh, tully dressed and drawn, head and fect off ii MA CA RONI 3 * Sa pt pms. siatas APPOINTMENT FRESH PORK | OREEN STAMPS dass A prefer: total p $11.600.1 tirabl thin i | : J, T¢ "11.0000 | IN BERLIN 50,000.00 N. B. C, GRAHAM : pa Rate of dividend on retirable value is 3 Ome of the Greatest v » x ire anua ot Common stock, total par 38 400.00 | Conspiracies in History 3 p P n 2 Surplu 10,000.00 X Yo Undivided profits 4.700 29 a a 8 LL Ph. Reserves (and retirement unt fer preferred stock) 2761.07 SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY SPEND "EM mow! { | COLONIAL BAKER MAID Fotal. Capital. Account 07.470.46 January 15th RIB ¢ Ls Cc : : Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts $682 276.21 One picture you do not ENDS A DAR | MEMORANDA I Lt FOUND POUND or “en COP Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value) c Lk A U D | A (a) United States Government obligations, direct and guar- TAGON GRANULATED "Te, anteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities $100,000.00 | Dorothy McGuire Robt. Young oC CAKE FLOUR EEL ET 26s nos Ina Claire Headquarters for Seafood! | ¥ ase 2 2 pm Pa. (e) Total COLOR CARTOON Pu ton Secured liabilities LATEST NEWS ISSUE FRESH SPANISH | & 2 a. n a Peieg Cc BAKING POWDER... n.™ I&e (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to require- b i GEREERS ETRAINED an ments of law AD | JR ——— Mac ere Lb. A % PALMOLIVE BABY FOODS........ Te «) Total WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY % STRAY PRAR.COOKES A iiire Ciunty Hin FRESH BONELESS BLUEFIN § Cates OATMEAL. ........ 3 I%e State of Penna, County of Centre, ss The Blonde Bom i As the . n- - - - SAVORED WRB I, DANIEL 8, DAUP, cashier of the above-named bank. do solemnly Queen of the Assembly Line! Lb. 3 . HY ly 2 Pigs nwear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and | errin Fo | = OCTAGON NGER JOE. .... %e belief. ANN SOTHERN 3 DANIEL 8. DAUP. Cashier JAMES CRAIG HIRES ROOT WEFR (SEAL) CLEANSER 2 Con O¢ EXTRACT ......... b= 2% Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of January, 1944. SWING SHIFT FRESH SHAD : y bd . PEA SOUP ATARACER Ne. Ne. 1 W. HARRISON WALKER, Notary Public. MAISIE ULTRA REFINED Soup. .....,. He “Vole That Thrilled the World” or SE ag, | | 20c .30c CLOROX . ...= 19¢ i ar and cas i$ py mn f of net §e3e » ge a4 a Dh Se nor many 0 SNE premise whed $15.71 urmiture and fixtures 84 80¢ ) y IF M UN | c | p L fai estale owne 8:1, thah bar premise o | A FOL Alsat - 276.2 MILLHEIM ed p————,—,,—,,
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