January 1944. Fifty Years Ago ‘Ole Wed Oleson iy 4} le rendition the opera house nesdi A considel | season Mr Anna ed Harper di iden home ice on Y K|he I'wo Ning er husband mnion were decon Edward McEntire Jaw, and wile the west resigenct more, Mi recent studi The teleph Ricl Ri anc ship membe: purpose Getty clerk uf Harri raise no anoti townsl posed wr hh 2 wy After g home from 8S Christmas returned to th Searle, at nounced hi mews and the kitchen pleasure. It had been kidnapped and transported a great dist gi Keller, both F. Frankenber- both of Mill- Earl Wade, Oscecla Mill wid Annie A. Henry, Philips burg: John M. Barger and Helen M Cirimms, both of State College: John M Miller and Erie 8. Wise, both of ind Pearl N Hall: Bl i Edna F eim. Clarence centre atid Bower Grandma Was Right Time Has Proved It the first choice and family iy for relieving miseries of colds in mil millions of Homes is the same home- used . . . Vicks Vapor! Wat What better recommenda- tion could a product have! When you rub time-tested VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bed- time ft starts to work 2 ways at once and keeps on working for hours to relieve coughing spasms and coriges tion in the cold-clogged upper breath NE Passages, [0 case muscular sorengss or tightness, It invites restful sleep, And often by morning most of the misery of the cokd is gone! TH 3 Tn VICKS | 322 -_e Time-Tested Advice About Chest Colds! Sunday. worked at Scotia a number of years, will tn itn lores both of ¢ (RF Wintkins, Clarksburg Mit Peters, Flem Phitlipsbu Millhelm Mildred 1 LL [] | REAL ESTATE | ' TRANSFERS ScoTIA (By NL. M. Williams there PY Year Well 1 apperyed of week A Kreat me jor folk iflereg wit touch the "fu We have heard be some MOVIng here in t ne ig Hig cases some have and others are their Ihe attended wOrK Watch Nig at (ra onall Rote fust a contin- in both direc- ps been heavy the Some days it is stream of cars exce pt over holidave over uous tions We were sorry death of one of our thur Thomas, who December cam of the o'd citizens, Ar- passed away on 268. Arthur had $ LO first a8 a car repairman and in ater vears as a blacksmith, The Thomas family had lived at Ecotla a short while Seven Pass Driver's Test Ten applicants for drivers’ lecense took the test last Wednesday, given by the Pleasant Gap detail of State Police at Lock Haven. Seven successfully passed ‘the test. They are: Hilda L. Shultz Rebersburg: Betty Hatter, Tylers- ville; Doris Dotterer, Mill Hall; Dor- othy Braim, Jersey Bhore; Jeane Pleiffer, Jacqueline Weaver and Shirley Rockey, Lock Hsven for Victory: Buy Bods, ‘and Mrs autombotle | LIGHTNING REPAIRS OF raft bomb an airfield steel enemy damage The wtest possible hattered rd n this theater itize: Mr f Lock and Me. Rik Haven Ped Williay William McDonald weekend Ra FA with MADISONBURG nd Mi vitor P Felteroif ts to a large after Christ. Paul Petterolf Jimmy, Jerry Mr. and tained these gue dinner Surndia Mr ali Mrs iidren, (sabelle and Mrs. Jay Felteroll "Roland Greninges all of and cl Mr Mrs ler Loretia, Kathieent, Bd? Spring dren. Nelson, Leotta, ward and Elaine, of Mr. and Mrs. Dervin Millheim. Mr ang Mrs teyoll and children, Donald and Junior, of Centre Hall, Marvin Bair of Harrisburg, and Jady friend,’ L landing time, The of operat and daugh- | Madisonburg: Mr. visiting with his wife Wilbur Yearick and chil-ithe William Gates home Mills; | Fetterolf, of Mrs. Jadoh Confer Mark Fet- farm on New Year's evening Dean port having had a fine time BOMB DAMAGE mtil U. 8. Arn mat is reg This Seabed BLANCHARD KENNEDY Hottie ba Clyde bee week In writing Mr Mii were Belle night Mr. and Mrs. Phil McCartney and family and Mr. and Mrs J. F. Me- Cartney spent Sunday afternoon at the Harry Lucas home at Dry Top Jack Kellerman of Georgia and baby Hl at The Ladies’ Ald held their month fv meeting at the home of Mr. and at the Hillcrest All re- William Gates at the J F Mr. and Mrs Sunday evening Mc. Miss Dolores, Fetterolf of Madisori- Cartney home burg. Mr and Mrs. William H. Breon. of Penns Cave, and Mr and; Mrs. Walter P. Fetterolf of Madi} sonburg. Everyone enjoyed the din-} ‘of fascinating subjects will be found! ner, hoping to return again next Christmas, Waiter P. Fetterolf is a} lumberman and has been at that business for the past 23 years. He now has his sawmill runnibg in the Millhelm Narrows, EE A A allan Silver If a little milk is added to the water in which sliver ix washed if will help to keep the silver bright. i 3 * RRL I ATTA—— CVU. More Features in New Sized American Weekly More features in a greater variety in The American Weekly, the mag-| azine printed in new streamilned gize for wartime reading. Make sure you get your copy of The American Weekly, the magazine distributed with the Baltimore Sunday Ameri- can. Order from your newsdealer. A weather forecast ehould not be calted | HISTORY OF SCOTIA (Continued i HSS They but this had happened in Scotia. One Spring walked bY i reservoir and sav hat he the ice. He three ol that never history of OMEOn and stopped thought were investigated them, He he had found is believed they hogs unde: and found notified the owners the missing hogs, It : had ventured oo ‘far out on the ice when it was thin (and had broken through, It was customary for all the hogs around the place to go there for walter To be continued) a Wagner to Be Candidate State Treasurer CG. Harold Wag- ner, of Luperne county, hag ane nounced his candidacy for the Dem | jox ratic nomination for auditor gen- ieral of Pennsylvania, starting the {parade of candidates for next year's {election a eel reae—,-rpHh | Cranberries ! To lessen the quantity of sugar required to sweeten them, add a halt ia teaspoonful of bmking soda to stewed cranberries or any other tart (Or gour fruits, when they are almost Bn with a weather report. une imate TEST AT WORK school 1944 International Sunday for January 9 watlil} Fext: Mark World War { Beveridoe post-war social planning, to office of the Roman satholic church in Great Britain Ar Westminster He is the Bernard W. Grillin Birmingham. and he succeeds the late Cardinal Hinsley. The new pri. received his theological in highest hbishop of Mi Rey of | train. arm: by his his service tle attracted atiention leadership youth moveme: England and for his administration of Pather Hudsons homes, hosoi-| tals and orphanages in Coleshill. | Dr. Ralph E. Diffendorfer, foreign missionary secretary of the Metho-| dist church, gives this picture of} [conditions among the Christian] churches of that land in these years) of war “The former Methodist) churches carry on preity much as {they did except for a change of {name and of coordination with the pentral authorities of the new Unit. ed church. Sentiment throughout {the churches undoubiedly supports {the war and the Japanese Christ- tjans may be expected to do their [share to help win it. Not a great number among the Christians were extreme nationalists. AL first prayer for victory was cautious and re- strained. Bui, as the war-years went on, the churches moved mere com-« pletely in step with government pol- icles and the statement of thelr ing alter and first in is in 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS JH IL MELROY'S Pleasant Gap, Pa. Electric Appliances Gifts - Toys Patents Fountain Service Phone Bellefonte 6951 WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH & Windstorm Polley Protects From Financial Less. See John F. Gray & Son Fhone @97-J Bellefonte, Pe