Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 06, 1944, Image 3

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Page Three
January 6, 1944,
A————— weekend with his mother, Mrs, Ell
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Wheelock and home the past week were: Mr. and! Ishler. : Mr i
nd Mi ar
daughter Betty Ann, enjoyed Christ
Methodist Church: Prayer service] Mish Leta Blsselt spent some Ume mas dinner at the home of her par- (Continued from Page one)
pv U br a
U le, spent several days ut her home Woodsman, 73, Is |S
MN ] 0 RX) Y / L L i ! Te a ) Lo Miwa ¥ Fatally Shicken
Rey. and Mrs, O, K. Wheelock of Mrs. Crawford Graham and child-| pape Harriet: Whitehead returned this Thursday evening at the home over the Christus holidas with ents. Mr. ang Mrs. J Y Bott
. \ wv ana mi . £0 D0
ht 1 Conley iffered
said believed
amsj rt, were Ne ar e ANE ’ + RC Phyllis v " of Mrs Willi HICH k n y rr en i ( iv ¢ N( ( t ( or an Wr
Willia SPO. re WwW Yea dinner ren 1 nard Richard i to her home in Harr shurg, Sun am Luca Junicte I a HLS Mi 1 Vrs ! : h gO ; nil I
attack of some kind while
guests at the home of Rev, and|/Ard of Baltimore, Md.; Mr, and day, after visiting her son and school Sunday morning at 9:30; and, Hall. She returned to her duties 5 sons who have not bald thelr tax ir
y a f | ve 5 p g
’ a footiog over a stream and f
Mrs. R. A, Babcock, Mrs. Robert Miller and family offqaionter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L, W.{ Youth Fellowship in the evening al a nurse in Vineland, N. Y. last full to think it over and arrange to
y y the water. He struggled Ww
Mrs. Willlam Tarbert was a Sat-| Union county, and James Hoy of the! whitehead and family. 6:30, immediately followed by the Thursday evening pay it off as the usual 5 per cent
urday night and Sunday visitor! U. 8. Navy
with her ill mother, Mrs, C al-| Mrs. Eva Diehl of Pittsburgh, vise Charles; Segner and Mrs, Ella
her ill mother, Mrs, C. O. Mal Diehl © 8 S| Gingrich and. daughter Katheyn,
lory at the home y r's son-| ited her son, Lawrence and family Aim
rod fondle iW , OF 3h latter 8 son lover the holiday: * |were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, |5€rV lee
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs | ¥s, A church. Sunday school on Sunday Du sband, Mr. and Mr C. R. Btey
Ira Harer in Willlamsport. 8 {ny | Joel Rover of Zion calle { at the John Balley nt Pine Grove Mills, y ( ' ; 18 Hi -
. amsport, sunasy,| ’ ¢ Wednesday evening. morning at 9:30, followed by
Mrs. Nell B. Fisher visited her sis- [Preaching service at 10:45, with ser-
Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Mallory, Mrs.|H H. Royer home, Sunday.
{preaching service at 7:30, Mrs, John €. Btere visited for a penalty will be added to all taxe
and continued for a wort
Free Methodist Chureh Prayer couple days the fore part of this on February ist. Don't let yours run before sitting
Friday evening in the week with her ister-ln<law and over that period
Children on
the enson of Altoona
Mr. and Mrs. C. w. sauder and| lliness Fatal To
R. A. Babcock and L. A. Kidder mo-| Mr. and Mrs, Curls Greninger mon by the pastor, Re ; On Forrest, and daug! oY
11, bo G ain ‘ f¢ pastor, Rev, D. E. Jo m Forrest, and daughter and hu ‘
ter, Mrs, J. O. Norris at Altogha, pasto y Auth Rev. C. c, Shuey 1
tored to Willlamsport to visit Mrs.|and daughter Nancy, of Davidsville, , Eh
Mallory. Word reached here Mon-|Visited in our vicinity last week, [fen Saturday until Monday. |
day that Mrs. Mallory passed away| John Wert lost a valuable cow | Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hubler of]
3 . . {Centre Furnace, were recent callers
early on Monday morning. Funeral last week, ;
Gay mering: Funeral with Mrs, Mary 8. Goheen, Sensor on Bunday, were the
Mr. and Mrs, William Tarbert to- | With his son, George at Tylersville Cap and Mp. Him Lie of La ng Yiiliam og To
day. (Thursday) morning at 10:30] Susan Hough, 86-year-old daugh-|=™ "B™ nL emers al e + J dary gi
J Fa morning. at If ) : 4 v- George Fortney home | Westbrook and Pred Sensor of
| Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuart Taylor |rone, Mr, und Mrs. Harvey Pri
land son of Harrisburg, and Mr. find and daughter Anna of Harrisburg. U7 ©
the Mrs. J. C. Welthaus of Pittsburgh, jand Mrs. Laura Patterson of Cone! tsiib
spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs, [necticut
services were held at the home of| Charles Shultz spent the weekend
o'clock, in charge of Mrs. Mallory's! ter of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Hough, fell
pastor, Rev. R. A. Bubeock {from her father's moving car last
Pvt. Harold Confer. who is a pa- | Thursday and is a patient at the
tient at the Army Hospital at But-| Centre County Hospital since
ler, returned there Monday afte | accident y
14-day furlough with his parents, | Kermit Boob of Mifflinburg, anc
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Confer: { Miss Euetta Merriman of Aarons-
Torrence Miller of Tylersville, | PUTS: called at the Gale Weaver ing a
called at the home of his sister«in- | home on Saturday evening. Mr. and Latick and daughter, Peggy, at El-|
law, Mrs. Edith Miller Saturday. | Mrs. Myles Boob and son Jimmy, of verson. Ne oe ri ale
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gramley of | AdTONSbUrg, Mrs. Ira Shultz “and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lockhart and |
Flemington, called in Rebersburg on daughter Arline, of Spring Bank, |, ° Fah Ww 5. ny Lot at ay
Saturday. & "visited the Weaver's on Sunday. I Ap a. Lo hart 3 Si ‘bil |
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McMullin of | The infant son of Mr, and Mrs. | en £ Plotsnt Gop, Wert Cinrier]
Millheim, vis ited the latter's parents {Charles Kreamer was brought from or A 0 4. os ih -. a y ron
Mr. and Mrs. H K Smull, Sunday | he Centre County Hospital to thet a and son Randay og
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hackman Mr | home Of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blerly, |’ Plc. Fred ‘Lonberger and Mr
and Mrs. Merrill Geohart and dau- last Friday, greatly benefitted bY ls onber re: went to Green burg Pri- |
ghter Donna, were Sunday visitors | Medical treatment received there. | day ig visit Mr. and Mrs. Paul]
in Mifflinbur?. : Cpl. Earl Brungart of North Car- | noxey 8 tay ple Lonberger went)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings and Olina, and friend, Miss Martha Lin- eo Chie: ng “: d M PS Lonbirger re-}
son Dean of Willlamsport, were Sat- gle, of Millheim, spent the weekend turne x het ONT ci
urday supper guests “with the for- [With his parents, Mr. and Ms. Rob. | Mr, ar d Mrs. John E. Hc rner |
r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.|®T Brungart DRTL Bay Wit rdutives is M
or. $1 a eda | Charles Hackenberg of Runville, Spe. Buiiay with relatives in Mc-
A daughter was born to Mr and | Spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. | Miss Sheil Ann Segner of State |
Mrs. Clarence Weber last Tuesday jand Mrs. Shem Hackenberg. | Colle e, 8 rs dy at the home
She has been named Patricia Elaine Mr. and Mrs. Jacoh Styles were { ) Se i df ther ct aries Segner
Mrs. Alice Crouse returned home weekend visitors wh their son, © Mr AT Gorge : Ponies
last Monday after a six weeks’ visit (Paul and family at Waterville. is sent Sun lay event x the Grant
with Mr. and MY. Houser. 4b Lee Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schriver of "r img O x Hal hs
mont. { Buffalo, N. Y.. were recent guests WH 10 ne st On : Houta and
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Meek and chil- with his father, L. A. Schriver. d ‘ wh and ' Le Hout : bod i. at
dren, Dick and Lucille, of Williams- | Mrs. M. M. Garrett and Miss Cie » ol ry Harold Y vr
port, spent Saturday evening at the Alma Corman were Thursday busi- ont Ne TVR ong
Roy Brungart home : [ness visitors in Lewistown, Harold Paul . Eugene David
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grubb and | Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kreamner were { Wir te Ay rrr Hines
daughter Linda, returned to their recent Visitors in Mt. Carmel and s0n ol Fo 13. om il rg
home in West Orange, N. J. Sun- Frackville. BO aught "To-
N  elmtarls |" Sunday guests at the C. M. Bierly Jared Grove and daughter of Le-
day. Mrs. Grubb and daughter Vise}, me were Donald Blerly, Mr. and mont, Roy Markle of State College,
} and Mrs. John Kerstetter of Boals-
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. .
A. Page oo days, and Mr, Grubb Mrs. 8. J. Gray and daughter Susan, b were recent callers at the
Was a business visitor ‘in Akron, [204 Mis. Edna Gray of State Col- pir e Markle ri :
Ohio, between the holidays, having | 1¢8¢. Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Bing Mr +1 Mrs. Robert Hess and
visited at the Page home over|8nd son Curtis of Millieim, and aa Po ge d Mr. and Mrs
Christmas and New Year's [Charles Kreamer of Harrisburg. Sag Ay One ui 3 et the
Mrs. Myles Greninger and son| MT. and Mrs, Preston Ziegler and H TOY omy rool pwd oe
Donald of Elburn, Ill , are guests at | daughter Rae Anna, of Mcallister. a H oh or "Clarion. was a
the Lloyd Tate home. f ville, Mr and Mrs. Raymond Ziegler ~ a . t hale y rents Mr
Miss Doris Mever and a girl friend | of Flemington, Mr. and Mrs. William AM in rol . Huater & ad
from Pittsburgh, are visiting the | Haines of Aaronsburg, visited at the Ae ay ay Late. abd MF
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H W. H. Ziegler home on Sunday. Mr. 1 ” od rig Pm Hess
A. Meyer {and Mrs. Haines called at the J. E, LOD ger v " eq at tue ku gar Ress
Mr ‘and Mrs. M. W. Breon were | Ziegler and E. R. Wolfe homes also. home, Thursday
Sunday dinner and supper visitors| Miss Sara Jane) tim of Penh .
1 ick h n + | State, spent her holiday Vacation
i ih 8. O. Yearick home at Mill| State, SDUUUt per A Mr. and JACKSONYILLE
Mrs. H. N. Fiedler of Aardnsburg, | Mrs. John Reish | SBouny Pelzer of Milesburg. spent
fs assisting in caring for Mrs. J. E.| - - ih: :2zE [several days with his sunt and
unele, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Elsen-|
Ziegler, who has been ill the past
months | PLEASANT VALLEY hauer
Miss Eva Boyer of Laurelton, (Boggs Twp.) | Mrs. Chester Neff and daughter
spent the weekend with her par-| Harvey Eminhizer, who is on the | Lillian, Mrs, Ri hard Compton and |
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Boyer. | sick list, is some better at this writ- 50h spent New Year's day with Miles)
The local director of the State ing. We wish him a speedy recov- Bartley and family ; A
College District Tuberculosis Society | ery { Callers at the Robert Conaway)
wishes to thank the citizens of Miles; The Clair Richner family were all {home during the week were Mrs.
township for their Hberal purchase jon the sick list but are improved, Roy Kerng of Milroy, Mis te
of 1043 Christmas Seals. Sales thus except Mrs. Richner., who isn’t 50 Aley of Bellefonte, Mrs. Ed Bartley, |
far are more than 30 per cent high- good at this writing. We wish her a Helen Jane, Teddy and Kay Hironi- |
er than last year, which was the speedy recovery. mus, Mrs. Fred Kesaling ( Yarnell, |
banner year for Miles township, Re- Sunday visitors at the Clair Rich- Mr. and Mr Jahn Dunkle and gon
turns are coming in almost daily. ner home were Mr. snd Mrs. Roy Paul of Mingovilie, Mrs. Elsie Noll}
Each local director has (since 1939) Watkins and family of Monument, &bd daughter. Belty Swan of State)
kept a permanent record of sales. [Ben Chapman of Summit Hill, and College. Mrs. Sumner. Noll and chil-}
You are invited to examine records Billy Etters of Fairview ape. Mr. and Mrs. John Deitz ne
contained in the cedar chest card | Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cha man | Chikidren. |
index file. land family were Sunday ap at! Mr, and Mrs. C. E Alley pid their |
Pfc. Charles Mallory is at present ‘the home of their parents | daughter te aZconiparnied Mes. |
in an Army Base Hospital at Salt | Theodore Eminhizér Is working at {Jack Mabus, to Centre “Hall _ and)
Lake City " He has been suffering |Orviston {spent Sunday -at the John Schaef]
with an ear infection since Decem- | Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hockenberry of | fer home , |
ber 13. but is improving at this | Bellefonte, spent the weekend at the! Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts and,
time. He is the youngest son of the lhome of Theodore Eminhizer {children of ‘Milesburg, called at tlie
late Charles Mallory | Milford Cox visited hig sister on Eisenhauer home Sunday afternoon
Visitors at the Charles Miller | Monday, Mrs. Ira Gilbert | Callers at the James Shafler home|
mee | Sunday visitors at the Harvey oD Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Mil- |
| Eminhizers were Mr. and Mrs, Lee ford Etters and children, Mrs. Fred}
| Hockenberry of Bellefonte, Mr. and Kessling of Yarnell, Mr, and Mrs. |
WANTED Mrs. Robert Rudy and daughter | ROY Shaffer and daughter Mae, of |
Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Em- Lyonstown.
{inhizer of Pleasant Valley. | Mrs. Elsie Noll and daughter,
100 AUTOMOBILES | Mrs. Anna Eminhizer is spending Betty Swan, of State College, spent |
a few nights at the home of her Bunday with Mr and Mrs. Sumner |
| friend. Mrs. Margaret Davis at State Noll and family Dickie Noll return-|
i College, as Mrs. Eminhizer is work. ed after spending Christinas vaca-
{tion at his home i
IMMEDIATE CASH Fa os Ske College. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corman and]
son, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Decker
NO WAITING Sunbury Honors Dr. Buss {of Bellefonte, Cuyer Ertley and |
| Dr. Claude A. Buss, native of Bun- | qo onter Iva Jo, were Saturday]
WE PREFER BUICKS ‘bury and former executive assistant|cuasts at the D. P. Ertley home. |
AND CHEVROLETS {to the American High Commission- | ae and Mrs. Paul Hironimus and |
‘ fer of the Philippines, who returned | eo mily moved to Jacksonville, Fri-!
BIERLY’S GARAGE | She Gripsholm from internment | day of last week from Oak Hall
RA iin Tokyo, was honored at a testi f
pREBERS BURG, 2 . mondial dinner under sponsorship of | Staton i ———
five service clubs, and attended by |
|350 fellow citizens, FAIRVIEW
pha un Mrs. Eggie Pash and two children
| |R J. Kennard !
In Good Condition
n EE. (of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Rcy McKean of
Moshannon, Mrs. George Etters and
w M B R A MN K |two children of State College, and
- B- BANKSIN A SENCY | rds nes
COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE tas. visited with their sister, Mrs
Crider's Exchange Building BELLEFONTE, PA. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Lucas and
son. Jack of Beileforife, spent a
couple days at the Amelia Chap-
man home.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lucas and
daughter Evelyn, visiled at the Mc-
Dowell Walker home at Orviston on
Mrs. Willlam Roland visited a
couple days with her son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Ny-
Constructed of erosion-resisting metal.
flange for pouring without funnel.
anchor. Pitted with double handle. Vent tube ribbed fi
strength. Olive green enameled finish. 7'% gallon capacity
[s band, Mr, and Mm. Clark William
Callers at the hone of Mrs. Allke
Hall and her sister, Miss Minile
along with Mr George Bauder of
Altoona wnt New Year da with Continued from page one)
their daughter and family, Mr. andl
Mr Clayton Updegrafl and
dren of Williamsport, Mr, and Mi
I's Clarence Bauder and
Williamsport, als
ily reunion They
1 time with th
Miss Margaret Parsons, who
Mr. and Mrs. John Horner return- |peen visiting for the past week ol
to their home Thursday after spend- more with her parents, Mr. and Mn
week with Mr, and Mrs, Earl/g LL. Parsons, returned to he
ties In Utica and Rome, N.Y
Monday of this week
The annual meeting of
tre County Agricultural
Service will be held In th
house at Bellefonte, Frida
7 from 10 until 3:30 p.m
persons of the cominunity are
terested in this work and would
— Ws —
greatly benefitted by attending this 4 ten-day furlough with his parents, man \  Sondnitig S——
meeting. A representative will dis- Mr and Mr arry Harper of Un or t High street Paralysis Group
cuss food preservation, emphasizing jon townshi yther guests at the in ti 01 nt RY v store To
freezing and drying, and also talk arp me were Chester Mitchell until hi Urarrmtst ant By oa Prepares Appeal
on commercial canning crop '
hoped there will be a good I
sentation from this community Der
Harry E. McElwain spent several W
days in the Centre County Hospital
under observation and treatment
His many friends will Ix ad t
learn he is somewhat improved and !
all hope for him a most speedy
The Bridge club of the conu
held a couple special gathering
honor of one of thei:
Forrest Homa, who is moving some
tine this week with her family 0 joye
Lock Haven, where Mr. Homan
Mr. and Mrs. George Shipley and n
daughter Mary and son Jack, have t
moved to State College where they Hist
will reside, they being all anployed wh foes evangelist \ . ve Btenger J all of Bell [ Qram. Januar
at the College with the exception x cde ress I Yory i 1 Kate ppt 3 ’ HesDUIR. adn r. Here ‘
of their son Jack, who is still in the the certified publi
community, being employed a
tower man for the P. R. R
nlinued from page one)
1007 raised, $8
$3,126.03; Clear -
n $078.22: Clinton county,
hese totals contain a defs
onal challenne 0 each res-
nly a challenge
ecord, The ape
reach into every
paper. Los
be pube
Bellefonte Native
Doing Fine Work
Continued from page ong)
His lavorite
Old Village
wd Town
O Irish
guring ine
dent of Jun-
ngressman D
eader: and
A far
Mr. Drehs compar-
of today with
autiful and
and beau-
with the
of 1923
Treated For
Ipayke, 49 of Tyrone, a
Middle division,
Altoona dispen-
that required
ei to the
"Ships are essential to Victory, and we shall continue our job of building them,
Lat record pace in 1944.” — E. G. GRACE, president, Bethlehem Steel Company’
; 8 wy
cargo ships.
history. It marked the fulfillment of a promise made by Bethlehem a year ago to build in 1943 an
laverage of “a ship a day”, of major fighting and cargo craft.
craft, as well as a large number of Liberty ships and other cargo vessels. In addition, Bethlehem ship
‘repair yards converted, repaired, and serviced over 7,000 vessels, a vital contribution toward keeping
che Allied fleets in fighting trim.
Measuring the program by Liberty ships, a battleship is equal to forty Liberty ‘ships; and
the value of the _in_Bethlehem's shipbuilding division was the equivalent of over
Part of National Progrom — Bethlehem is permitted to publish these facts as part of our country’s
m. Led by the U. S. Navy and the U. §. Maritime Commission, America’s shipbuildiog in
i distinguished I.
rs “whose efforts have been essential £0 our contribution.
b: in us Lo
} done by 300,000 men and women. More will be needed. Already
been assigned to us for 1944. We knowledge
a EE a a
Bethlehem’ pbuilding
; Yalue of the year's program equivalent to por Teodor approximately 1,000 ghting
d hips, 709; of th being i
1,000 Liberty ships. ghting craft, and 30% in cargo. These are of
he $e He 38 different types including the following:
jThe list of ships includes aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, virtually every type of fighting 2
Bethlehem in "43 built 380 fighting and » 38 TYPES OF SHIPS
Program 70% Fighting Craft;
30°/. Cargo’
s total wartime shipbui
: “a SHIP A DAY,” with a pumber to spare, was the record production delivered by Bethlehem 1% 000-Ton Battleshi 2,100-Ton Destroyers
in 1943 to the United States Navy, the British Navy and the U. S. Maritime Commission. This program Dg Ton up De
Cruisers Destroyer Escorts
‘was the greatest in magnitude and diversity ever accomplished by a private builder in the world’s Wy Ser TI Crit,
. Carriers’
000-Ton Aircraft Carriers