Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 06, 1944, Image 1
Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h. may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Transe 3 port burns 232,000 ’ BR / gallons of fuel oll NS \ h : R Ra au day. 50 PER J SUBSCRIPTION #1 YEAR, Ilness Fatal io BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911. UNTY NOW ‘Centre County Youth Aboard | Navy's “‘Fightingest’’ Destroyer VOLUME Hospital Patient | 63. NUMBER 1. Cdl . “ - Rs Sheridan Roland, 6a foot Plunge from I > Coroner Pronounces Centre Counts kler listed idan Roland Clearfield Monday ATE TROOPER She SECONBS HAE Pfe. John J. Dies After Long Illness: Here Five Years Pie. John J. Mignogna Pele ohn Josenh AMisnnons, mem ber of the Pleasant Gap 3 m year's iline Pvt. Migncena pendectom; marriage to vember 14. 1042 covered from the tracted blood stres which t in 1843 guties with the State but his { office work tion belame underwent ment at Haht We adel phis t i wre he onl Worse obser (Continged on Page Six) ali —— B— Ward, She Named Paralysis Chairmen preparation for In campaign nationwide paralysis, Howard, nOUNees and Malcolm local chairmen ; Mrs. Ward have The March of Dime ! while Mr. Wetzler will be in charge of activities celebration of the President’ drive M COUNLY Mrs Wetzler nthe yes Webe chairman, an- Wallace Ward will serve as $i that for UU birt 16 hea Mignogna |. i Ezra Clayton “it ing in i The the Lo De ath \S us Shortly After thurg dies 25 oath a Suicide morning walked from ward IH ne i ital hat concrete pproximatel the man !} it the inst had recover early discharged to come [or appear New for the v didn't : were made him Saturday Appointed mor onion, m to call for and again was dis Monday nurse while the 3 in caring for Roland, around ni wi » contemplated takin nducting Coronet In mnmQuest wi The body wa i terinent nece Punx WOODSMAN 73, 13 FATALLY STRICKEN Found Helpless After Plunge Into Stream; Fu- neral Friday is believed to heart at- alone home ¢ tricken with what have stroke or a tack was walking through the woods near his Confer, aged 73. of Mills, died at 12:13 p January 3. 1944, alot i Bas OuNG : state in man is believed nearby stream discovered and his It it had be Den while he near Spring Monday, FAILS a hel stricken ¢ fallen into ortly before he + his clothing was Ww box appeared as though ibmerged in ! Mr ; r., employe at the Myer wmill 1 3 3 et out from home clock Monday ir work. Arriving ned that be - tk for the day the ARR 8 | the snow to pless inch een aries County Coroner Ch y investigated the death i whi eckler, {Continged on Page Three) Wc Fire Near State College hole was burned in the roof of Philip Armstrong Hall Road State a fire viich broke out m. Saturday. The from sparks from a chim- extinguished by members of the Alpha Fire Company of State Co ege who responded to an alarm tal damage was COM = any officials to be Woman's Club to Meet Milesburg Woman's Club will Monday, January 10, at 7:30 at the Milesburg school house ing class SpONsor- scheduled has been A hotlse on College, R about which wi 1 ite by 3:30 p started ney, was fire anid hw Bre SRiU Dy re small The meet p.m, The surgical dress the club which was last nizht, postponed until Wednesday night January 12, because of the preva- fence of illness in the community Eh eed by to have begun NEW OFFICIALS = ticipatiy ments; battieshi Receive Oath of Office at Brief Ceremony Here Monday destroyer wi SALARY BOARD IS er COMPLETING DUTIES ni Many Appointments Made —Nome to be Announced Within Week unty's newly wlucted in Nay bhe The been elected of - office at a orief ceremony 1, with Judge Ivan Judge Walker ad- of office to Pro- wi who In ven nite officials Qu into en the rey N AV) » oath to othes Three Rescue i eg to { cong iment Helens Jattie of K 180 the United 14 month n the Cora Ol pars Ln CNAs In pa ness fF ree cruiser and ner crew Con Hockman » Hockman meme 0 Oouth i wi 17 1 the Walk- nt Hub. He received 1 Whe Isl 41] Leaning in wigned O'Bannot rt recent. week ental home » O'Bannon d the “Little Halens baths to her a 14 133 he O'Bam Tasks 1 At La Gunners Mate Dick 5. Hockman Aly J APRNese- GH Skee Costinged on Pape Six; holida- Past Bit or n offices remain closing. "Thi much inconvenience expense lo persons t) » other aused needless He hedule 1 pti be normed ved on holidays on ceremonie rv Board--a the Sixth Cla v which falls the first time has been engaged in fixing for the various: county #m- ternoon According to statement by the 4 yesterday, some Pet been fixed dy settled E The officers! 5 oust under h either a influence after a st Hab n for State ¢ Commiss salaries remain woner the nave hile other: to be id Va of the new county the appointments made up to wv. this time are reviewed belbw inw- far as information avallahle yesterday. Eis 14s ASS pe Bellefonte: ©. P (Canlinged on page Four PARALYSIS GROUP PREPARES wi Annual Drive For Funds Jan. 14-31; Mrs. Balser Names and House Fre x Lo art ) Fi Awe np eo Thile Lol lice { bec ame door and Car { licemen { business w at in search of the soldier, Chief companions (Continued on page Siz) and hie Q3 +33 Coliege Keith tof the Bt ate idier appeared on Wednesday having arrived oni the morning bu McCord, Philine-{hecame alarmed Jmol ier kept ntelligible ees abotits of employes were about alarmed POLICE SUBDUE VIOLENT State C Damaged in Battle With Man From Ft. Dix | ollege lege Lockup Is oldier ental ¢ OF un drug Jast John { was Wednesda R. Juba police, assisted Pane and J. E. Tierne Police, ater 18, of st the CGrevhot Nort Atherton morning. apparentd uggle Chief identified Brooklyn, N ind Post dax tae nn, Pret Thus when up a Stream of aimost questions about aman.’ calling the 6:15 a. m. the soldier) and ran out thw the atreet Chief “the » down Juba answered the call in the patrol scoompanied by the stale DoO-! ho were at the office the time. Driving around i found him « ea lk- Weber, Chairman Announcement of the 1044 fund-raising appeal for the war infantile paralysis, January 14 0 31 inclusive, was made this week by Mrs. Balser Weber, of Howard chain man of the County Infantile Par sis committee he campaign as al will be highlighted with the celebration of the President's Birth day Ever since day to annu al SIRRNEENG on Williams College, Patrolman the dedication of that in 1934 by President Roosevelt fight infantile paralysis, the Am- erican people have taken this cause to their hearts Although facing the multiple de. Ng s service mands of war, the question may be | Haven asked: “How is it possible for the... American people to devote time, en-| ergy and money to fight infantile paralysis?” The answer is that to do! otherwise would be to lose, in a very real sense one of the four freedoms | Long's to his arrest. oner by James Long. 31, the Harrisburg State Hospital apprehended at House, North Atherton street, at State College police force on charg of disorderly conduct. arrest followed compiaints made to police Sunday the demented man using the name Willioms was loudly demanding taxi and Other suspicious actions resulted in Demented Man Is Arrested at College alias Ken neth Charles an escaped inmate of was the Greyhound Post State m. Monday of he of 2:30 r A A. Johnson night at and Lock telephone Williamenort use of a Questioning of the pris Police Chief John R. Juba led to a telephone call to Dr. H.K. {Continued on pape Sin) i street of 1! the gnknosn «om {Claster’'s MRS. FLUKE WEDS T SOLDIER H. A. BROCKERHOFF Ceremony Last Thursday in St. Patrick's Cath- edral, Harrisburg suited io the mull. Her « oy daughter, v wht Los ke the Broker Seb § brens E19, ert s SHERT C per of the { iret Juba | day at home at 4 gt the EER ow ah now ence Qnring i. Wn i Youth Seni to Boys’ Town William Cummings, 14, wihu found guilty of the voluntary ter of Fr x Bucking Clin nity « slaugh oer ki] by a October Neb weekend sened ie this pas ry Hipple Dee. 31 institution lor jury had request ont his behalf cting io training el ———————— Promotion Announced War Department has an- promotion from second Hieutenant the Wayne Harve The nounced lieutenant Infantrs Milesburg pe —— ———— simple 40 buy house how on Bellefonte Pa fo fird fRonald in Of of and build display a at brooder : 1 slricia Fluke. ! for, | licenses, TAINS ALL 1943 OFFICERS Sieg, Re-elected President, Names New Com- Rev. (. (. Shuey Retired Grocer Who Became Minister, Dies at Age of 87; Was Ordained 2 Years Ago; Funeral Services This Afternoon at Home mittees RADIO PROBE TO BEGIN THIS WEEK Borough Authorizes Roy ('lements to Aid in Gar- hage, Ash Removal annual orgs COUNTY NATIVES “= WEDDED 50 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Jukeman of Clearfield, Observe Anniversary n New od 30 Bd days tinue ] Mrz. Dukeman was the Jorme: that the | Miss Delingda Leiteell of Spring Mil Ane it was repaofted foi fad VWhen PLES TAL iA Centre oo iB A born at He § 350- First Baby of 1944 Hany Born In Bellefonte - MER BEER as VOTES VODED 1 Judge W alker C ites High! Couri Rulings in Setting | Aside Referendum vii IB uiation: homes Lyi [y niinusd on pape Sig) IRInens urn ic he ———— so 3 Among ho Du keman hom cluded Mr M1 Leot n Clears Bilis Me ver i Mrs. J. C, Osman, Mr: Howard Ma¥Min, o My Laura Barnhart ) prepared weddl Mrs. Duken Clearfield 5. B. Conier a and was in daughter, Mrs severe cold was Mrs. Osman alse Dukeman filed yesterd in the the day, Judge Ivan Walk- | er declared the beer referendum in| Milesburg Borough at the primaries | last fall to be null and void, and directed the State Liquor Control Board to reconsider the application of Russell Stover, Milesburg busi} nessman, for the renewal of his bey erage license, in Opinion eRing matter |: earlier in 10 a present Mr jof ged > i Bellefont ————— Mo ——— AR FUND DRIVE TOTALS §22.826 ‘ounty Chairman Reports Pledges Near Quota For 17 A seneles rs Bellefonte Couple Wedded 35 Years! Stover appealed the case to court | - | when the Liquor Control Board re-| Mr. and Mrs fused him a renewal of his license | West Lamb street because Milesburg citizens voted | IV celebrated their 35 “dry” last fall by a vote of 100]niversary, Saturda) to 151 against, the granting of {bration was planned. Stover, however, contend. | Many messages of ed that the referendum was illegal] Edward A. Kline, the late since notice of the time and place. | William Kline of Bellefonte, and | (Continued on Pape Four) Mrs. Emma Commer Kline, of Oak- land, Cal, and Miss Pearl Duke- Edward They Hor which we are fighting—{reedom from fear Infantile paralysis gs all parents man, daughter of Miles and Mars Ann Shultz Dukeman, of Curtin, were married at Loc x Haven De. TITAN DECLARES STUCK DIVIDEND Local Industry Also Ap- proves Reclassification of Stock Issues Al a meeting Ins 5k week, Metal Manufacturing Company of Bellefonte, in recent vears one of Bellefonte's fast-giowing industries. declared its first stock dividend : A dividend of 10 cents a share | was paid on cosnmon stock, some of the Titan | CORONER AWATS AUTOPSY REPORT Analyze Vital Organs in! Pine Grove ‘Food Poison- ing’ Death Definite decision as to the car 150 | of the death of a 20-vear-old Pine CGirove Mills {morning awaits the results of a lab- {oratory analysis of vital organs now | nn ‘made, Centre County Coroner | Charles Sheckler of Ailesburg. yesterday. youth early Friday] nid | Bellefonte Native Doing Fine Work A Bellefonte native who has just completed twenty vears as principal of Northeast Junior High School at Reading, was given a fine tribute from faculty, pupils, former teachers and alumni of that school at Pounders Day Assembly recently, and George Furey Sells | Pounders’ Day issue of “The Northeaster,” Dairy Business Here school publication, is devoted almost entirely to | the principal and his achievements during the past George Furey, for nearly thirty | two decades, years owner and operator of a re-! The principal is James Ambrose Shook, son of {tail milk business in Bellefonte, this| the late James M. and Sarah J. Shook, who was' {week sold the business to the Tay-! born in Bellefonte and who was educated in the lor Dairy, of Willowbank street | public schools here. He was graduated with high- Mr. Furey first efigaged in the| est honors in his class at Bellefonte High School dairy business when he resided at) in 1900. the Haupt place, north of Bellefonte, | After graduation he was employed for some years iand continued in that work 25 years| in Joseph Brothers’ store, Bellefonte, as a clerk. In ‘ago when he moved to his present! 1908 he was graduated from Juniata College, Hunt- {location on East Linn street. ingdon, with a degree of Bachelor of Arts. He holds Reason for the sale, Mr. Furey! a Master of Arts Degree from the University of realize, is a fearful disease, It strikes without warning, rich and poor ‘alike. And because it threatens each | (Continged on Page Three) cember 31, 1908. Rev, Milford T | Shriner, former pastor of the Belle- fonte Methodist church, performed the ceremony at his home The first nine years of their mar ried life was spent at the Dukeman home in Curtin, and since then they thave lived in Bellefonte, | Kline is employed as a carpenter Mr. Kline has two sisters and a bro- ther. They are Mrs. George Fergu- son, Mrs. William Crowel and Theo~ | dore Kline, all of Oakland, Cal The and sisters Chief of Police Harry Dukeman, Mrs, Howard Martin and Mrs Clark N. Aikey, all of Beliefonte; Mrs John Osman, of Lewisburg: rison Dukeman of Clearfield, snd William Dukeman, of Altoona where Mr. following are Mrs. Kline's brothers | which is held by local individuals, and a quarterly dividend of $195 a share was paid on preferred stock, officials said, At the session certain re-group- fous classes of stock were approved. Authorized capital stock was rear- ranged to consist of 319500 shares | divided into 3.000 Preferred shares, par $50, and 211.500 Common shares, par $1. The 4.000 shares oi 7 per | cent Cumulative Preferred stock, Par $100, was reclassified to 8.000 Preferred Shares, par $50. In addi- tion, 11500 shares 6f Common stock without par value was ¢hanged into 111,500 shares of the 311500 Com- mon shares of the bar value of $1. In each instance ‘whete the par value of stock was reduced, a soef- ficient number of additional shares is to be issued stockholders to offset the reduction. * The youth, Robert Johneon, son of Mrs. Edna Johnson, of Pine Grove Mills, died at the Centre (County Hospital here at 8 8 a. Pri- ing and reclassification of the var-| ; 3 day morning a short time after he had been admitied for treatment of | what was believed to be food poison ing. An autopsy was performed at the Koch Puneral Home, State College, Monday afternoon after funeral ser- | vices had been conducted at the youth's parentals home, Interment was made Tuesday morning in the Pine Grove Mills cemetery. During the autopsy, which was conducted Dr. H. Richard Ishler, of State Col , in the presence of Corcner Sheckler, the stomach and some othéf organs were removed for laboratory analysis to determine the exact cause of death. Coroner (Continued om Page Siz) said, is that his phycician hag ad- vised him to take 4 complete rest for three months becatise of a con- dition from which he has been suf fering for some tims, As a result, (Bis plans for the future are indef- inite. i > ‘Altoona Man To Be Store Manager John Koehile, of Altoona, has been named manager of the Claster Hardware store on West street, Bellefonte, succeeding Mark W, wil. Hams, of Belleforite, who recently resigned. Pennsylvania, and also studied at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Virginia, spec- Annual Welfare Fund The annual meeting of the Belle- te held in the court room here at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening, Jane | wary 10, at which time officers for | the coming year will be elected. session and participate in the elec. suggestions regarding the operating of the fund will be received The public is urged to attend the tion of officers. At the meeting any | Pen. $2282 Robins fhe National E. Clark. chairman this werk of tw ieted with area to x " ot. 71 " re giready com Ba Philipsburg are the very Inve for the LAOCES of a county rabily grive,’ of the total i CIPATY with the spt Mr. Clark said. “The campaign fs a result combination of a worthy cause with {the effort ts of good workers” Agencies benefit from the drive Included 17 war aid orgenisn- Har- tions, heated by vice Organisation of the beneficiaries the United Sere (UBO:, largest Other included {the many relie{ grouns for people In ithe ocoupled countries those aiding refugees in Meeting, January 10 ease in staging the drive Included [in some cnses only fonte Community Welfare Pund will | neitips, in oth ships and smaller boroughs as well as thiz Oban. try The county districts set up for boroughs and In other several towne were {grouped together, Revoris filed from {the following districts are included in the total, Mr. Clark said; Enow Shoe Mountain area, $1008. £0; Ferguson ‘township, $830.32; Centre Hall Ry SRIRYS. Upper Bald Eagle Valley area, $7534 Harrig township, $101.29: State Col- iege borough. $8376.20; student cam- Paign at College, $1,335.95; Pleasant Sap borough, $196; Bellefonte, $8.