December 30, 1943 Fifty Years Ago The home of Enos Bartholomew (tomy was at Mill Hall, was destroyed by fire number o about 5 o'clock last Thursday morn- | wounds ing, Only a portion of the house- On Monday hold goods was saved. the members of the Logan Steam Fire Engine Company will hold a grand dress ball in the Bush Arcade Elegant music will be provided for the occasion Proceeds will Le the fund ™ 13 carried a painful but and injured deep he H very January 1, evening We are informed on good author- ity that the Valentine Furnace Co will start their furnace in full oper- ation some time during the month of January, 18%. Repairs all necessary preparations are being ar- ranged for that will be good news to many unem- ployed workmen Last Friday agent for the Insurance Company delivered a k for executors i tl Orvis f Bellefont full amount company I'hat thus far by invested a come in this dom in thi tically demon [8] } steamer rl ial 0 and f 1h 1 { 3 0 ) recover of eve- Cx. Mot Was con- The than in favor opinions verdict £20,000 damages for the lo Lyman Korman vs, A rator, purpose This ¥ of oll ignt ri tone hu fter being Of dny out evening for more ned a verdict Korman Variou: in regara iu Mi I't £10,000 to we lleense were issued t wing couples: Allen WW. Wet- rg, and Beulah V. Mus- ler; Harry J. Beck and Dora both Philipsburg Rev IHingsworth, State College MamMor 3 ; Pine Grove M. Hall Rey- Spott E Maime £ 3) O00 M1 paid Orvi makes $45 companies est sums ia home Hall dent choppi old p der was interest A gang of highway « ing near White Hall 1 ervision of forem covered a den hibernating copperheads siX inch i snakes; ong blacksnake snakes also » At it was reported t ers Assoc! appeal in town i had at least JAONUMENT ETam in 34 it even Tose a meet ta T 8hoj bealed ea * Fillian wpart : Cam p Bos ae Brn Men anne yman OTs at Ee and Mrs ters Elsie Confer Mertis whilé with 1} Schenck of Howard brother Henry from the Navy Christmas Durkin home ters, Bue kin. who ar Mrs. Alma Ruth Ann at the Dur) LITTLE NITTANY ir. and Mrs. Boyd Butler suid two children and Mrs. Roland Butler and sont Charles of Mill Hall, RD, Gloria Dullen of Williamsport, Mary Dullen and Melvin Mann of Lock Haven. visited on Christmas at the Margar et Drullen home Jennie Moore and Jesse Probst of Lock Haven spefit Christmas at the Orvis Clark home Mrs. Annie Dullen grippe for the past at this writing x > 4 While th came Home 1 eRe the William three daugh- Jule Dur- i } : Ard HAR ¢ AE 3 who werk had the is better nome A Few Timely Drops Help Prevent from Developing!.. Works Right Where Most Colds Start! Beware of colds! At the first warning sign of a cold —first sniffle or sneeze—put a few drops of Va-tro-nol up each nostril. This spesialized medication is designed to aid natural VICKS VA-TRO-NOL enses against colds and so help prevent many colds from developing if used in time. Try it! Follow directions in package. 0 fh RUNVILLE { Santa Claus was very good to all lol us for which we are thankiul, The Christmas program at the church was a success, the inclement weather keeping some gwiay, We re- ceived an offering for Quincy Or phanage of $31.30, which much better than former vears Rev. HB will be at our church on Monda night, Jan. 3rd, for one night only it 7:30. Come, you will want to heut him Is the we hem the Rittenhouse of York, ns he ane over mdio Sunday school Sunday morning nt 0:30; preaching Sunday evening at 7:30 by Rev. R. H. Courtney, pas- tor, Prayer meeting cach evening during the week except Monday; different leader each night On evenin Jan. our evan- meeting will st We m onununity pect to be Mi 1} " Sunday relistic th n Art everybody | effort Pre IMAaKL mnt Mr. and of Rebersbu } ‘hh i Hockenberry with Shem pent Christma les M. Hockenberry ang amis M family Hockenberry John Hampton Mi Char ee Wingate visited Christma { of the home dan Milton ~ § wife lay furl M: of Bellefont HOLTS HOLLOW M Mrs. Mahlon Johnson Le 5 nrisia a% $e wo hol home § Ch enter. on Christ- : and Stella Leathers of Bellefonte, were home for the holli- days Mr. and Mrs Orvis family entertained Mrs and two children d Bellefonte, and Mr. and Watson and family. I —— JULIAN tsi We this ail the peonle the Third Way top, The district E. B. Williams and Mrs names ontributor !' lows Mrs Helder ax 81. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shuey, $1: Dick Hensey. 40c: John Turner, 50¢ William Richards, 50¢: Hubert Alex. winder, 81; Mrs. Ella Alexander, 85; Joe Weller, $1. Mrs £ B. Williams, $5. Mrs Maud Alexander. $2: R. M Alexander, $1. Marie Alexander $1: Media Alexander, 81: C. C. Sprow, £150; Mrs. Leo Spotfs. 81: Mr. and Mrs. OG: Maurer, $1; Miley Green, 25¢. Urian Dillen, Plelsher, 25¢: Mr. and Mrs Adams, 81. Bue Adams. 25¢: Miller, 81. Also Esther Chandier, $1: Mrs C Flack. $1: Mre. Beals 81: Mrs. Nora Breon., $1: Mr. E. B. Williams, $2; MTF. and Mrs. W. A S-otts. 81: Bruce Holt, 500: Rose Myers, 250: Mrs. {Elta Holt, 25¢c; Mrs. Blair Richards, 1502; Melvin Williams. 81; Bd. Craig, $1: Mr. and Mrs. W. Dando, $1; Mr. and Mrs. P, QOreen, £2; Mrs. Var- (ner, §1. Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Fleisher $3. Mrs. Rosella Flack. 50c: Mrs {Carrie Crispen, 50c¢; Miss | Watson, $1; Mr som. 85; Alfred Roman, $1; George IRoman, T5¢: Mra. Martha Meigh, ($1: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Straw, 81; and J H Tumer and son, $10 lorie Walaon and Mary Kells friend Mrs po 0. Fred an toke ¢ oi means thanking who helped to put Fux] drive over the solicitors were Mrs 8prow. The are fol- of al Irne Dando. 5k Mr KR Lillie ] Mrs. Fy eg Andrew 8, 10c: Mrs. Melda | Eugene! Louise ' ang Mrs. BR. Han! THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Su JESUS BEGINS HIS MINISTRY [the One John spake Doe i cu that thought of form ignincant Cie comin lo pel stem 8 5T vho 1 Wit not Je 1 for School Lesson , 14d International Sunday for January ? ect himsel! ile ye know Hittle which intervened to Jerusalem { and his coming tized In the Jordan ume, from what ministry, that Ha were Mm Fi 04 hi olf vice? Whil GOLDEN TEXT Deileve 15 Rey and 3} Live very Mark 1 in 1.22) (Lewson Text: Mark 1; 10 tud lead Jesu cnn earth rn anda to the The aim of Crone] HIS gun Mark, it fat that the Ol Lo appreciate during his bi em i those Lae icf ' oy PT Ie pen Yer ti quote in | few Hil knew could " to hel L in point when Know spent vy : We mong Me Ros 4 Is display belie C1 Dicky Irv spent a few fava t his family Donald Barto is this week the The young man, i Mrs. Gilbert Bart Alr Corps in Fol Mrs. Myrtle Powiey ant visitor in Altoona gues and family. Mrs Elwood Harpster Parmer Harold Glenn, wife sos 3. 8m laid by rm chore; attack 0° day to spend a» da : 3 INAS some of our on th ied 5 Week Al atin and CGhooud- prey - ing yer { the weekend Farmer Leona Rud of Halt. Lown Centre over Frida: $4 “ % st Of her daughter | Huntingdon je time with relutMes ] dite lo roTiiy i ano i 1% spend One of our aged friends Harpster suffering an preumonia the home of his son ootinty wit} Oscar in Altoona. His condition is fOIKS improving at this writing Merle Rossman is Scrvitd a with the U. 8 Army forees in Cal The Jacob Reish frm ifornia, with his wife of Plint, Mich. eased by Mr. J C Duck arrived Baturday at his home. Mr coming season The Ducks a and Mrs. J. Fred Rossman, for a present farmers on the John G 10-day furlough ler farm near town Instance agent and Miss Ada Copley is spending some er J. Milo Campbell of State time with her sister Copley, at the Copley home. Ada, in our burg Friday p. m spent the past summer with Altoona Miss Vernie Harpster is emploved frichds at the State College Hotel igh Mrs is a patient the school vacation at the Centre County Hospitz! Her Kenneth Davis is now many friends hope a speedy recov- man on the John Kocher farm ery for he: | Farmer Ralph Grazier was under Hon. and Mrs. J. Will Kepler have the care of Dr. H. C. Wilson the closed their home on W. Main street Past week with a severe atiack of and are spending next two Erippe months with their daughter. Mrs | Samuel Hess Tate Milton Block and husband in Wash- ©d In Baltimore, spending the ington. I. C. at the Donny Kepler holidays with his wife and mother home in Durkam, N. © | Mis A J Jats, ho just Retummed : taille : st rom a month's visit with her son Pa Walter Johusto; 3 Fred B. and family in Virginia ill at her farm home, suffering A Brooks Corl of Bristol. spent an attack of pneumonia. Her many ars ss friends trust she improves rapidly. 2 few days last week with his fam- " + fly on Wall street One of our former farmers. Roy! mee Prank Homan and daugh- Clouser has quit the farm and is ger Mra Helen nston, were call ‘now enaployed in the Sears-Roebuck o Th en un > 5 . on store at Blate College. Melvin Fry was a pre-Christmas The Carl States family of Tyrone, yisitor at his parental home were guests Christmas day at the phyrsday last. Mr. and Mrs {Dodd home to help devour a des pong Pry liclous turkey dinner — aia i Last Friday Paul Cogan and his fiancee, Miss Frances Pressler quiets SNYDERTOWN ily slioped away from thelr friends; Cpl. Cyrus Haagen, wile and son and were married in Virginia, The of Virginia. are spending the holi- their fa few Mir: ys in 1 Cidenn’s at wih been « the at Mil- has fou © are ¥ Col- Pe wWirot Philip Grenoble the “ is f fe Ho is emplov- reputed : | i F ibride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [days with the former's parents, Mr. | {Elmer Pressler of Penna. Purnace and Mrs. William Haagen and fam- and has been employed in State Ogi {ly of town and friends and rela lege the past four years. The groom! tives at Lock Haven. iis employed by the Krumrine Truck, Mrs. Clifford Corman is confined ing Co. of Pleasant Gap, where they | to her bed with the grippe. We hope will reside ¢ for ber a speedy recovery. i Cpl. Hugh ©. Fry and wife of! Mrs, W. W. Haagen, wh » has been | Smethport, enjoyed a visit last Sat {ll for some time, is somewhat im urday and Sundey with his Ceniré | proved at this writing i county friends Mrs. Pry sccompen- | Mr. and Mis. Elery Krape. son: jied the Corporal to New Cumbe: nd | William and granddaughter Betty. i ¢ i ¥F - Lown, mas Cingery retired lamms- | Mise Corene lege, was a pleasant business caller right-han on | - Mrs, Marry Jean and Elery otucipineed by Mis Ferree of Lock Haven were t f Mr Mi 0: family and Mr. and and children ana gues and Walzer Linde vin Blover and Mrs. Anne Lutz and Mrs. Katie nd Mrs, Harry Dorman Were Christma dinner Frid: at Ed Dorman home Milford Dorman Mr son Doni Wallzer evening all of ries the N " ho | na ft ai w omew! 1 1 ~ BROWN STAMPS L-M-N-P-i EXPIRE JANUARY 1st- SPEND THEM NOW! A&P Meat Markets are featuring . . . Stamp No. n £ " Don't forget — Spare Ra- fiald Prem 4 Arm um r SMOKED SKINNED AMS ::: - 33° COOKED HAMS “%c. .... 36¢ SMOKED PICNICS 276 SMOKED SQUARES =. . . - 19¢ ¢ ma # Bane vo ’ ¢ si18 . 0» Fresh, Fully Dressed and Drawn Chicke - 990 On BAKED ' ENRICHED | ¢ DATED DAILY | | job ie YUKON CLUB Beverages TASTY. ANN PAGE eis FRESH PORK LOINS :: ... 27¢ FRESH PORK SHOULDER ":~27¢c FRESH PORK SPARE RIBS -- 21¢ BLAND LARD svenes | More O EE CT MARVEL BOSTON enFresh Baked Goods! | 16-01. Brown Bread . .... 0 15¢ DATED Sugared Donuts . . . > | Laer Cakes . . . . 396 VANILLA CRUNCH, VE Breakfast Rolls - RIC HE oh 20 250 Sandwich Rolls . . ... 7 | | | Ch Cis wr L] A) L Peanut Butler .. > 47¢ N 8. C. Skyflake Wafers TOOTSIE $A YM sail fants Makes like Tootsie Rolls ue ale White House Ev sporated MILK 10 ';! 85¢ TREET LUNCH MEAT —- 39€ Can SOAP FLAKES LUX 2 TOILET SOAP | GR r Pig OCTAGON . . . 2 9c LAUNDRY SOAP P&G. . . SWEET PICKLES PILLSBURY FLOUR . CAKE FLOUR swnrsticia 30'° ELBOW MACARONI NORTHERN bd L Pi 240 13¢ 20¢ 19¢ 1.41 a 8e 3. 25¢ tun Fage LAD DRESSING Snr Fis Bond 3 r ANAM CRACKERS... . ." Sack Floating Ivery SOAP...’ Economy Size Ivory SOAP 3 =~ 29¢ — 23c Ann Page Viedium Cakes be TOILET TISSUE 6 Rolls 24¢ 23¢ Gentle Ivory FLAKES Soap Powder ...3* 14¢ |puz... Large Package -19¢ Lge. Pkg. x Large Pig. 23c s— Now Is the Time to Buy and Store . U. S. NO. 1 MAINE - * Jumbo 35 CELE 2 Silks 2 PASCAL POTATOES 1.69 SWEET, JUICY FLORIDA wee = 310 TL. -42 §0- Lb. BAG RY ic Solid Heads DANISH CABBAGE 2+-11c ORANGES =. ~ 250 FULL OF JUICEFLORIDA 70.80 TURNIPS ® =» 3 3 20¢ CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE - THE ATLANTIC 8 PACIFIC TEA CO. GRAPEFRUIT 5 223 PURPLE TOP Se
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers