Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 30, 1943, Image 1
Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h. may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, BOMBER @he Cenfre De mocvaf An Army Trans port burns 33,000 gallons of fuel oil a day. | WHERE THE FUEL GOES VOLUME 62, NUMBER 52 BI BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, SUBSCRIPTION-—$1.50 PER YEAR. Hublersburg Boy Is Killed By Car 2 %% ds Driver and Car Coroner's Jury Recom Owner Be Held for G %, 1 Jury; Vietim Was On Way Home fro * School Christ- mas Play. BULLETIN Pyvi. William K. E. M the State Motor Pleasant Gap, yesterday filed a charge of involuntary man- siaughter against Josephine Armstrong, of Zion, in the death of Ray Deitrick, of Hublersburg. A hearing on the charge was scheduled to have been held late yesterday afternoon before Justice of the Peace Harold D Cowher, of Bellefonte. Kauffman, Police at C.W. BOOZER DIES AT CENTRE HAL Postmaster Since Funeral Services Held Sunday Charl 1935 at tl (op at 1.30 p 2. 1043 with a Boozer hospital A D2rstine Centre H making hi years, 1 wife, the these chile As William Boozer, Jr. of Mi Florida, and Miss Dorothy Miss Eleanor Boozer, | He was the last n mediate Mr. Boozer ity Reformed chur and was a member sonic Lodge, Centr liamsport Consistor? Shrine at Altoona Funeral service Goodhart Funeral Hall, on Sunday {Continuged on pape Four) postmast emoer N 1 {AINE LX | i the sf Booze: i on Mae | Dorn at 3, 1878 son 5 His $1 SMe family was Tin- 14 fall, Ma- member of A of Centre } Old Fort Jig th $1) 4 wri Veii~ t Jaffa » 4 { at the | afternoon, with » ! Training for Nurse Miss Louelia R. Safko. Miss Safko, daughter of Mrs. Jos- | eph Smitchka, of Clarence, sxpects to enter the Army Nurses Corps as soon as she has completed training at St. Agnes Hospital, Philadelphia. Miss Safko was graduated from the Snow Shoe High School in the class of 1942, and in September of that year entered the Hospital training school, where she is now Jocated. New Year's Schedule At Local Postoffice Only one mail delivery will be made in Bellefonte on New Year's Day, it was announced yesterday by Postmaster George R. Meek. Postoffice windows will be open only until 12 o'clock noon. 1935; Centre | (race commended wner of $111 4 G 1 wing Ji n ma G. Armstrong, been charged by rating cal Heense, Th Earl Swartz olf bot 0 with ope a an operator ner of the machine of Millheim permitting an unlicensed driver 1S ( police sald The Diguest was under direction of Coroner Charles Sheck- ler of Milesburg, at the Neff Funeral Home in Howard Accord to testimony the the school entertainmet ncluded and children were walking along the highway when two cars approached them from The first machine was driven Blair Ingram, who lives just Hublersburg Ingram said nas a viclation in allow- to oerate ell been with Ag i [| held aid al ing I~ MAE in quest had st the west west he sg children in the road and slowed down almost to a complete stop with his right being within about six inches {Continued on Page Four) Be tae wheels Unionville Man Is Injured in Accident near Union- the Morris Mayhew. of ille, was srought Centre Hospital in the Widdowson ambulance early Monday night, af- ter a car in which he was a pas- senger skidded from the road two { Unionville on the Bald highway. The accident vil County miles west ¢ Eagle Valley happened Mayhew and bruise from the Lane he was removed from the overiur ed cor after the arrival of the am- bulance The machine was driven by Paul Benpiett Unionville, who was driving when the car skidded off the side the road and overturned a ditch. Bennett and a third occupant of the machine, Jame of Unionville, escaped car was esti- y men in the Holt about 6 p. mn suffered head juries and wa unconscious of the accident until 1 i in in | oo ™ east eft of ft In in tH are employed the SAW Unionville mats MR s———— “i nal Hear Digmond Restaurant In Bellefonte Closed Fhe Diamond Restaurant for | many years a prominent eating place House in Belle Monday morning the Alex Stergiakis Sterpiakis said the restaurant is od “temporarily.” From other there are reports that and reopened under osite the Court He, w closed as proprietor sOUTCes 801 new SO new anagement SEDAN CRASHES 0 HONUMENT W. Ray Patton, Tyrone, Injured at Milesburg on Christmas W. Ray Patton, of Tyrone, suffer- ed a fracture of the jaw, lacerations of the face and lost several teeth about 1:30 o'clock Christmas morn- | ing when his sedan crashed into the | monument at Milesburg. He is a | patient at the Centre County Hos- | | pital here i The car was traveling west through Milesburg and the driver {apparently falled to ree the monu- iment in time to avert an accident. {He is believed to have swung to the] right just before the crash and the | IBft side of the car struck the monu-| iment and the machine overturned. | Frank Pinge, son of Mr. and Mrs. | James Pinge, of West Curtin Street, | Bellefonte, who bad been at a friend's home near the scene of the! accident, ran to the overturned car crawled up on the upper side and) pulled two passengers out through a| door : ‘the door on the under side. Patton was brought to the Hos- pital in the Widdowson ambulance. ( The passengers are reported to have lescaped with minor injuries. The | fear was badly damaged. - Grandson of Local Man Is Missing : : : i One of two men reported missing from their homes in Williamsport {over the Christmas holiday is Jack {Baney, 20, gunner’s mate second iclass in the U, 8. Navy, and grand- ison of Charles Baney, Bellefonte borough employe, who left his home ‘about 8 o'clock Christmas eve with {an explanation that he was going ito pick up presents which he had {purchased and would return “siwort- the | Furst EBON BOWER 5 NAMED AS = — VOLUME, 1943 POSTMASTER ¢ Will Succeed George R. Meek, Resigned, in Local Post HAS BEEN ACTIVE PARTY WORKEK Appointee Formerly Head of Potato Growers’ Offices charged ty Of at Mee K appointment resumably effective 1 | on January Mir pointment irmation mended Joseph of Feder He urer Bowel official 1" On i the a 311 { - of Lh te, w recom- Senator control for office F. Guffey, who il patronage formerly 183 Les retarys-ires Ivania Co-Oper- A of the i Potato win its office Bellefonte, and at ployed by Whiterock Mr. Bower ha county Democlati late wife at Democratic vice-chairman a native of Aarom ciation been ‘ i" one ume w er | Becomes Major B cn—————— ——— Austin ©, Furst The promotion of Captain Austin O. Furst to the rank of major was announced this week by Headquar- Caribbean Defense Command Major Furst ann Air Base Ad- ministrative Inspector to which position he came alter with the Sixth Air Porce An attorney in civil itfe, he prac- ticed father, James C Bellefonte, He is a grad- Gilman Country Schonl, Princeton University, and School of Law at ters is SETYViCe with his in te of Baltimore the Dickinson Carlisle Commissioned a second lieutenant, Field Artillery Reserve, in June, 18938 he was called to active duty with the Air Corps in August, 1941. He was promoted to first lieutenant in June. 1041, and to captain in July, 1042. Major Furst arrived in the Caribbean area as Intelligence Of- (Continued on page Three) -. Baby Movie To Be Shown At Plaza | A short subject thet Is said to hold the interest of audiences every- where is “Bables by Bannister” to be shown at the Plaza theatre on Saturday attraction, “I Dood It.” : Nothing more than a trip through | Constance | the portrait studio of Bannister, famous child photograph- er, it nevertheless packs all the hu- man interest that cute babies and] little children can muster, It has been a long time nister's fame in the baby photo field Residents of the area soon | is the fact that hardly a Week ROS | narred the 80th wedding anniver- jarrived and when they lifted the by without a Bannister Baby Pic-|garv on Monday, December 27. 1043, { overturned car, Patton fell out of} azine cover, ture appesring on a notional mag- Restrict Visiting at County Hospital The management and the staff of the Centre County Hospital this week made a plea to the public to aid in keeping the grippe epidemic from being carried to patients in the institution. Toward this end, if is requested that only members of the immed- iate families of patients visit at the hospital until illness in this area las subsided. Persons with colds or grippe are asked not to visit there. These requests are made in the in- terest of the welfare of patients, and will be in force only during the current epidemic of colds, grippe, and “flu.” hospital suthorities said. i (Continued on Page Siz) Monday and Tuesday in| connection with the regular screen! since there has been a film subject about babies, Substantiation of Miss Ban-| SPECIAL SERVICE AT GRAYS CHURCH To Light Candles in Hon- or of 56 Persons Serv- ing in Armed Forces owship church Ligh New Year entire The Youth { Grace Methodist or a special in Grays church December 31. for moon charge The Youth Fellowships of Storms. town. Himore. and churches will participate in this special] com- memeorntion, Beginning st 9:30 m there will be observed a special candie light program with the main theme, “Loyalties.’ Brief discus- sions will be given by the {allowing speakers: Rev. Henry H. Shissler, pastor: Miss Phyllis Lutz, of Grays Mls Mary Stine Grays: Mis Lols Peters, and Ruth Ellen. berger of Ross The devotion: 3) ae Of will + BjM01 - Servic Eve, Half. ~ 3 Ross Mis will be conducted by Youth Fellowship of the Gost group in charge of Miss Mary Stine president. Following the consecrat- ing the Joyalties, candles will be Hghted for each of the 88 men ad ; af the ong by #n the armed sat a friend family wii} light the candle of the honor roll The music featured at this first service will be selections by an ine {Continged on Pope Thee) Od pe 3 ies forces. It i or a member! br present to ach person on i in 3 H serving hoped t the 2 Af al , : H {iar to make a final butts, FIRE CHIEF HURT ATP Injured in Fall on Stairs While on Duty at Cafe Fire the ure Fiuberg night £1 ai = GRY chief of the Ph ire Department, is dent in the Philipsburg State pital, suffering from several tursd ribs and a possible kidney Jury Chic! Gionniek was injured at the ciondng stages of the fire fighting when he was returning to the cel- inspection to be al] fire wa+« extinguished i irs Thomas CGinnick . te PEDUTR 4 Pa~- Hos- rac- ii sige Lhat He slipped on the wet steps and fell hall way down, landing on his right side. He was carried from the ofl. lar and taken 10 the hospital in tie Hope Fire Company ambulance Howard Vall, Fire Company. siiyoke which flied While there was not wRE overcome Hy ithe building much fre the reritire building, known as the Fine block, so Hi of Fromt and woke a LE Bg water Alter wvenliating the firemen ith masks went through the bulldl to determine the source Corner Bi ¥ a It was found that four or five boxes | dusidown, the ¥ of sweepings, tic. were in that the fire stared cigaretic collar Jere Bellefonte Restaurant Owner's Daughter Killed A 18-year-old American-born girl: Greek parentage. daughter of John Stathos proprietor of the New York Lunch West High street Bellefonte, lies in grave No. 802 in Synikismos Zographou cemetery, Athens Greece, presumably the vic tim of a German bullet This word was contained in — ter to the father here, Tuesday, from the State Department at Washing. ton, D. C.. and is base on a sum- mary of report of her death re- ceived by the Department through official channels Although no details of how the girl, Beatrice Btathos, suffered the gunshot wounds was contained in the message, the heari-broken fath- er here Is cotivinced that she died resisting the advances of a Nazi “A! 18-year-old girl iz not a soldier. She wouldn't be engaged ir political in-; trigue. She would not be a menace to the invaders” Stathos reasons. “I believe she resisted a German] and was hot for that act.” he de-! iclared. “I'm proud of her!” i | The text of the message received | of a 0CAL COUPLES WEDDED 60 YEARS ‘Retired Contractor And Wife Reach Important Status in Life i The regrettable illness of the wife {was the only unpleasantness that i of Mr. and Mrs, Theodore B. Haupt, of Bush Addition, Bellefonte, Be- cause of Mrs. Haupt's condition no celebration was held, although their numerous friends remembered them with well wishes and felicitations, Mr. and Mrs. Haupt began their imarried iife in Bellefonte and have resided here ever since, Mr. Haupt. known to his friends as “Dode,” was 20 years of age when he and his bride-to-be, Mise Isabelle Confer, on the evening of December 27, i583, seated themselves in a buggy behind Old Dobbin and drove to the resi- dence of Reuben Miller in Bush Ad- dition where they were married by Rev. John A. Mattern, a Methodist minister. Mrs. Haupt is the da ter of John Confer, a soldior of Civil War who was killed during the last year of the memorable struggle. in Athens, Greece by the restaurant owner follows “Miss Panagiota (Beatrice) Stathos, who was born in Winston Salem, N C.. on March 10. 1927, died at 11:30 a July 22, 103. at First Gen- eral Military Hospital, Athen Greece. The cause was gun wounds, and the remains were buried in the cemetery of Bynkismos Zograpbou Athens, grave No, 802. Mrs. Mary Stathos and Alice and bes, mother and sisters of the de- ceased. reside at Valtinou Athens, Greece.” Fe ii HLIPSBIRG: chief! of the Hope | building and | Bessie Stat- | FATALLY RNED WHEN N J Stephen Lee Voris, 2, Dies Christmas Eve at Hos- pital Here LITTLE BROTHER OBTAINED MATCHES Tragedy Strikes Shortly After Father Arrives Home for Holidays afternoon, a few hour captain home in stat Pickett Va a rioug Biephen Les burned from : Ld Vori when tT 17e malic tally rib caught fire ie three -vear-o The chi Leroy Street Centre 5 © Wo hour brother id, son of Ca in Vo Bou State College, died County Hospital here Friday afternoon ter he had been rust State Colle ambulance : ris, of abou lock apo Qe af ai E i (Continued on Pope Siz) —— Bellefonte Man to Manufacture Pipes EE . % : By H disposed of all diex and machinery turing “Kroskut" {Prank W. West, of East Linn street proprietor of the Ideal Manufac- turing Company of Bellefonte preparing to begin manufacture of a (new Lype pipe which is said to have several unique feature: The steak machine right equipment were sold to the Cube. Bleak Machine Company of Bostor | Mass machine patents, for manufac- steak machine ing ang for the past ten years {The sale includes all forms, dies. | (patents ang PRGLS, Mr. West's new pipe. of which awails only the arrival of several machine vart features a semi-hard mouthpiecrs place of the ushal hard one. and a new sys- tem of draft which, it is reported, enables the smoker smoke the pipe down 10 the “heel” The design of the pipe keeps tobacco in pow! fresh and dry unt] the last ! particle smoked 1.0. THOWS DES Ewe $3 Tr SUDDENLY AT HOME Prominent BHKuffalo Run Valley Citizen Succumbs to Heart Attack street, | The State Department letter ac! companying the summary notes | that the Department can't furnish) a verbatim copy of the report or ob-| tain fg death The father came wriificate to the United private use a copy of the! States at the close of World War 1! and after working in this country for some years returned to Greece | where he married the daughter of! a fumiture factory owner, bringing her to this country in 1824 settled in Continued on page Pour) —— Tr Local Native Dies In Naval Hospital Apprentice Seaman Calvin Lee Lutz, native of Bellefonte and neph- ew of Harry Lutz of Bellefonte and Mrs. Harry A. Cormian of Bellefonte, R. D. died at the Nava] Hospital at Newport, R. 1, the Navy Depart- ment has informed relatives He was inducted into the Navy {last month and left for training i November 25. He was ill one week. | Arthur Cameron Thomas, retired guard at Rockview penitentiary, died! Seaman Lutz was born in Belle { fonte February 11, 1814, g son of the late Ray Lutz and Mrs. Nancy R. Bathurst Lutz, who lves.in lLewis- town, His wife, Mrs. Mae Baxter Lutz, lives at Lewistown where the deceased had resided for a number of years A brother, Paul of Lewis town, survives, the Lewistown High School in the class of 1932 and was employed by the American Viscose Corporation before being called into service, He was a member of the First Meth- odist church of Lewistown ans was a member of the City Hook and Ladder Company ang the Junction (Continued on Pape Pour) Seaman Lulz was a graduate of} Winston Salem, N. C. | | Arthur ©. Thomas suddenly and unexpectedly at his home near Waddle, in Builaio Run Valley, about $:30 o'clock Sunday morning. December 26, 1043, death being attributed to a heart attack, Although he had been in failing ihealth for many months, Mr. {Thomas was in his usual health Christmas Day and had been in Bellefonte greeting his many Iriends the day before Christmas. He was stricken ill early Sunday moming and died before medical aid reached his side. ) § widely known through the central part of the county, was born in Worth fown- ship on August 19, 1866, maki his age at time of death 77 years 4 months and 7 days. He was a son of John and Christine Frantz Thomas and when he was about one year old the family moved to Half- moon township. From that time on he continusd his residence in Buf fulo Run , ving in Halfmoon, townships at RB INTES which has manufmctured the | production the | County’s Oldest Resident Dies William Tressler, 101, Fall, December 6, Believed to Have Hast- Succumbs at Home. ened End: Was Older than the Late T. B. Hamilton. Cen county William Tressler H Abraham Lin ns Home Bellefonte Thursday 1943. Had 20 he would ha Lie died at on street alte HvVea untiu ne fe ve observed hi JArihday Mr exhau uiting from his home on Decem suffered Up } Tressler tion re cident he ¥ £4 face and and Was sight and and his mind the time of his de Surviving are his Mary Meyers united MArrs 1878: Nive chi J al Thoms M. Tressler, both of Belle- fonte: Mrs. Harry Burke! Na riors Mark Newton burgh, and Rev. Robert Ruther Glen, Va. Also surviy children: 3 great 3 nd one great-great se SICARLY activ of phy Nearing ren all ir Samuel CG na of of Pitts . Tressle N seven gran children child. All were here for tl services alternoon h Bellefont« with Rev, Hamm pastor of the C. Bhues Interment was made in Meyers « etery, Buffalo Run Valley named in ceased’s wife's Thomas Meyer person buried on the site ANNUAL NEETING MARKETING C0 Report Shows Volume of Business Increased Three-Fold meetin ar Methodist arch Jellefonte, of the EX arn cog bBlenger ch anc of etery honor mother whi The snbual of County Agricultural | Marketing Cooperative held at Hall ant Gap m Approximately their families assen pate in the elect Lear the tary-treasurer | busines: In the election of directors G« IM. Hosterman of Spring Mills, wa jeieciag director for a term of three | years, to succeed John H tof Pine Grove Mills, vho { retiring director. Euge (Continued on pape Four i iy hasing and | Ine an Dey i Ples:s fs ye the Grange Monday a 20 Dove memes oe Le) Marsh wa % ne Irvin Two Men Injured In Car-Truck Crash Two persons at 6:15 p. m. when iby Robert Lyons jcar operated by Bellefonte RD 3, 220. three miles west of Howard | Korman received lacerations of th forehead and Charles McCawley, 18.! i Howard, a passenger in the truck received similar injuries Me Caviey was treated by ward physician Police said damage to the was approximately $200 and loss the car was about $50. One of the vehicles was attempting to pass while the other was making a left turn. police reported Cars operated by I. L. Miller of Bellefonte RD 2 and Ralph Ream of i Bellefonte RD 2 collided on Route 550, one-fourth mile east of Belle. fonte, Friday at 7:15 p. m were injured Howard C. Korman of L crashed on H a iy a . 10 Damage to the Miller car waz about $5 and to Ream's sedan was about $50. No one was injured Mingoville Home Is The residence of Mrs. Frank Hock | man, at Mingoville, was somewhat damaged by fire which broke out Fri- | day afternoon while occupants of the | house were absent The blaze. believed to have started from a short circuit, was discovered by residents of the area who forced | their way inside and used a fire ex- | tinguisher taken from an automobile to fight the flames. A call was sent to the Bellefonte Fire Department | and members of the Undine Fire Company went to the scene and used | water from a booster tank to extin- guish the blaze. i Damage was confined 0 a window frame. davenport, radio and other furniture. Smoke and water also caused other damage to the interior of the building. nbs. Car and Tractor Collide. A car operated by Harry Dorman of Port Matilda R. D. and a tractor] operated by Joseph G. Ebbs of near! Stormstown were involved in an! accident near Stormstown on Route 550 at 6:45 last Tuesday Damage to the car was approximately $60 and there was no damage to the! i i Damaged by Fire ; | Claster Hardware High Street resigned that post this { week, and William Osmon is acting William Tromier OPA Penalizes Local Curb Market Dealer Bi 11 Price 3 . cal Wa hem t ¢ . ey Route {AR LE —— iin MA. SCOUT COMMITTEE LEADERS NAMED Juniata Council to Hold Annual Meeting Here January 12 mmitiee members of ¢ Px § been gs 1 Cx Distr Dave year, By - ts CH 4 Wi Ca ing day fonte Comn Wis MM orn oi al chair itteemen Earl Cartwright per, have ais are bein 1 meeting of cil »e held Bellefonte Righ School 0. F. Sollenberger wright are ments meeting will also time and organization tees will be completed Appointments Mr. Stewart are Organisation and oxtension (Continued on pape Siz) - in charge for the meeting ie commite bw BE need Rob- Williams Resigns As Hardware Head Mark W. Williams, for the past numbe: of months manager of the Store on West as manager pending the appoint- ment of Mr. Williams’ successor, Woman Falls From Car Mrs. Samuel Irvin, 48. of Belle- fonte, was admitted 10 the Centre County Hospital Sunday night for treatment of lacerations of the head . Police and one fool. suffered ‘When she » accident said fell from a car. i