Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 23, 1943, Image 1
A Where the Fuel Goes cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h. may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, HEAVY BOMBER Rwy ” mocvaf WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans- port burns 233.000 gallons of fuel vil a day. VOLUME 62. NUMBER 51. - — Fhe Centre De BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. 63 County Men in ecember Quota State Colle Draft Service, Fathers; . » - " Them L 0 onte Quota is 27 Men. Board Calls 41 Into Pre-Pearl Harbor men from Local ralt State College--27 of them Pre-Pear! Harbor fathers—and 27 men Draft Board No. 2 Bellefonte, have been ll the service within tl weeks as Centre quota Of the 41 n State College for the Army Forty-one Beard No. 1 frcm ted to enter coming December I few thi Jated wn arawl by Board 17 for the © Dies In Blast SCOURGE pan Pie. Nevin D. Rhine Pvt. Rhine, Mr. and M Orvis 8. Rhine Mackeyville, whe was killed December 6 in an sion ¢f a Flying Fortres bourne Alr Base, I! Funeral services 3 Bethel Friday. the church cemetery son of Of Community Sing Thursday Nigh A community Christ sing will be held on the Diamond in ‘ fonte loc I was man. re Chamber at ng and fds the Titan Male Chorus in a group of Christmas carols. A brass quar- tette composed of Frank Hartranft, Ronald Hill. Samuel Rhinesmith Jr. and Malcolm Wetzler, Jr., will play. Members of the all Bellefonte chi townspeople Irs sing. Holter's publ will be install the of occasion First National Bank Declares Dividend of the Fir held annual able Decombe; ar al board of di- Nitional Bank December 21, the dividend 30 that to increase At a meeting rectors Bellefonte regular declared, pe It was the directors voted the surplus of the bank by $25,000 by the transfer of a similar ‘amount from undivided profits, After this trans- fer, the capital stands at $200.000; surplus at $225,000, undivided profits and reserves at about $87 - 000 of the et wa 1943 n nounced ais0 had and > Cross, at . | commander the Marine Corps, for the Air Ce and rps Of the 27 Bellefonte Navy, 1 to the Alr Corps The State College board selectee accepted for service at Al- toona, December 16. Those taken b the Army will depart for New Cum- berland on January 6. The ones ac- cepted for the Navy left Wednesda) of this week Bellefonte selectees were accepted in Altoona December 15. The Army contingent will leave January 5 and the Navy group left Tuesday of this week Board No. | Accepted tor men from Board No. 2, 13 go to the Army, 11 to Marines, and the - to the were the Army were Nevin E. Houtz, State College Charles A. Addleman, Centre Hall Harold J. Reisinger, State College Ear] H. Gardner, Bellefonte George O. Delbler, Pleasant Gap. John C. Lockhart, Bellefonte, Lee Allen Homan, Boalsburg Leroy K. Klinger, Boalsburg George N. Lloyd, Huntingdon Albert L. Foster, State College tian R. Smith, Jr., Bellefonte Carl R. Waltz, State College John W. Callagan, State College Henry H. Kennedy, State College Alfred Manwiller, State College John Clark Friese State College Melvin C. Snyder, Spring Mills William ©. Gladfelter, State Col- lege willl H. Poorman, State College Philip Mitzkezich (transfer) Those accepted for the Navy were John 8S. Smith, Bellefonte George D. Dyke, Milesburg John D. Cain, Bellefonte Edward L. Wilkins, Bellefonte, Carl M. Myers, Williamsport Everett C. Cox, State College Stanley J. Myers, State College Albert 8. Brungart, Pleasant Gap. John H. Ackerman Pittsburgh. John K. Miller, State College Grant Dunkleberger, Pleasant Gap Robert A. Slegal, State College Lewis A. Garbrick, Centre Hall David L. Gatrall (transfer), State {Continged on Page Four) ct ——— Red Derr Speaker | At OOF Meeting Subordinate Lodge 153, TOOF, of Bellefonte, heard a most interesting address by Ralston “Red” Derr, fleld representative of the American Red a meeting in the rooms last Thursday night Mr. Derr, Army state College ho has been the the Aleutians and who witnessed much of the action in those islands, eld question period after his address and answer- ed a number of questions asked by members of the audience Harry Raymond, noble grand of he lodge, presided. He was assisted Lawrence McClure, genior vice After a business session a Christmas party was held and members exchanged gifts aims nM d———— (COURT HOUSE RUMOR 4 According to rumors yesterday, Harry Burd, of Aaronsburg, a Re- publican candidate for Register at {the primary election, will become chief clerk to the incoming board of County Commissioners. The assist- ant clerk is rumored to be Walter Armstrong, of Bellefonte. Ruth Par- sons, of Unionville, clerk in the Dis- trict Attorney's office, is reported to siated for Miss Helen Schaeffer's job as registration clerk, and Charles Musser, of Bellefonte, Republican candidate for Register, is reported to be in line for D. A. McDowell's job as Sealer of Weights and Meas- These rumored appointments iwere without official confirmation. wilh U. 8 LE a t OY ’ a ures * people have much to be mas Day. of Men us truth, This Christmas Day let THE With Hearts That Are Free, We Reaffirm Our Faith This Christmas o More than any other people on earth the American For on this beloved anniversary we cele- brate the birth of the greatest and most honored who long ago taught righteousness and We are thankful that His standards have come down through the years—to give us faith to- day in the justness of our purpose . ards of liberty, equality and unselfishness by which we can forever live in happiness. Behind our gay holiday laughter this year, there'll be a common feeling in the hearts of us all. be a hope, a conviction, a promise and a prayer all in one—embedded in steel-like determination. Belief in our ability to make right triumph over the dark menace of evil and unholy forces. It is our faith in true concepts and in HIM who in- vested them in us, that will lead us to triumph. With this thought uppermost in our minds we ex- tend heartiest, most sincere Holiday Greetings! thankful for this Christ- . . the stand- It will us reaffirm our faith. CENTRE DEMOCRAT. ‘arated from the rest of lodge | $10,000 FIRE Flames Mushroom From Grill Through Stone Building NIGHT WATCHMAN DISCOVERS BLAZE Work Begins on Recon- struction; Records Saved, Officials Report Damage estimated at mately $15000 resulted early Thursday morning from a fire wh originated on the first floor Bellefonte Moose home Spring treet mu through walls and partitions entire building last Of North Lhiroomesd f of and 3 the tie Bellefonte firemen credited with having much more disastrous Moose home, g stone structure lo- cated in a row of frame buildings, for time threatened entire block flames from windows and flaming ember ettled on nearby properties. Firemen battled the main blaze and kept close watch on near- by buildings with the result that the flames were confined to the ong structure are generally prevented a biaze The a the as Near-zero temperatures prevailed and water from the fire hoses ran down Spring street, covering the road with a sheet of ice The fire was Giscovered about 6:10 m by Herbert Haupt, night watchman. Haupt had been in the cellar fixing the furnace and when he returned to the first floor he found the entire grill ablaze Heat was s0 Intense he was un- able to reach the telephone to turn in an alarm, and Roland “Polie” Bryan, who lives in an adjoining house, sent In the alarm When firemen arrived on scene, flames had mushroomed through partitions a the up ture was involved. Fire ate several (holes through the double roof and ibarned with great intensity under the draft so provided. The only pert of the and the only damage resulting was from water on the tile floor, The grill room was cooler was bee register, The cash lieved to hundred dollars, liamsport to be opened, Keys were refrigerator and register which SLAVE i WPProxi- chi i dructare | IE SL the howe of Res. Poster Pipes : Lin Mesbury, 1 aud parked the fwhich escaped serious dmmaege was! Band a : the large new meeting and social’ virtually an; Aristocrats of Bird-dom Brought Here From | state Near Aikens MOOSE HOME Swans Wintering DAMAGED IN Above Falls Here MURDER NOT INPRESSED _ i Boalshurg; Town ADMITS TAYLOR May Become Permanent Winter Sanc-|Aaronsburg Native Says tuary for Birds. nt hn Bu the falls on South ‘arrived!” : The town's foremost beauty spot haunt of nationally famou equally Mallard duck now the aristocracy form of SWan on wildlife preserve Water street Hefonte famou graced by bird-dom in the a pan HT white gorge ul But wiore wi [4] with tm 1 be Known now just "winter-t Vart iL may a that th Wins here wan LS roval birds brought fr Thame river about present from high! to officials of the Mill, were “lent of nen Box! - § the paper mill! irect descendants of on § i" of and'’s FOAIs ARO as a British official Lock Haven Paper to Claude G. Alketu burg, last summer by officials It seem top notch are ght mon fowl. They to trusted person owner never birds Anvhow, officials of the paper mill last summer granted a pair of the; birds to Mr. Alkens, to grace thw ponds and streams of his conntrs of hou EWans the bird social and sold like are distributed only and the original interest In fiw being girats, COM. the not lose {froze trout itate to solid masse Titay the icy | dnder neme near Boalsburg The swans were perfect): home until last week when sub-zero temperature: the the Alken of ioe fanciers report at walter on C8 Svan bird sleep yf g p " RYE * ol fondly on the walter and come a cold Police of | night they are liable to be frozen the stream. Gene MacGregor, Metal Company employe for the swans to be taken and who loan of fast in who arranged to the Alkens est negotiated for the HEE] pail Ale “ of swans {i iRoy 5 pool Wis a paper frequently dil reports that while mill employe, {it necessary to chop the more swans out of on cold mornings, It didn't hurt the bird but was intone vernent war dozen or garacterisii thing they ¢ water The in the moming with dew, but else they eal swallowing it Last week when the Alkens pools ind streams frome up. there was no apen water on which they could rest while sleeping, and there was little fitimed Another the bird must be will eat i it they AMT is that every il “dunked” in early Il covered put everything water before v r on pape Four) MINISTERS, CARS 3 Parked Machines Struck|Warns Farmers, By Passing Car in Milesburg (PA PROBES SALE BADLY DAMAGED OF MEATS LOCALLY Others 4 LL to Collect Points; Agents Here {death He Slew Co-ed at Shiloh Church ADMITS FIRING TWO BARNS RECENTLY “Scapegoat” in 4-Year- Old Slaying Did Daniel Ray mond Bnavely, 38 t entenced 10 to to serve from burning down a barn in Nittany Valley, bludgeon Ra- Taylor, Penn Btate co-ed, to death on morning of March 28 16407 1 20 years fog i Little hael the € mystery of t i irrounding the uve college fresh af aria N alter nearly four investigation by He att; 10 be unceasing ‘authorities? These two questions others have iin cfMicial week on | poried slaying But oi man solved Years of and been going the rounds circles during the past heels of Bnavely's re- confession” to the Taylor [84] ores of the O the t only drawback ha {praclcally none of the police or county officials interested in the case believe Snavely had anything to do {with the slaying, despite his | fession ” i It's a queer state of affalrs, all told. Ever since the battered body of the co-ed was found on the drive- way in front of the Lemont school- house that raw. rainy, foggy morn- ing of March 28, police have cher- ished the fond Lope that sooner of {later someone would confess to crime Now along “Con - ae omes a oan who ad- mits the slaying tells police how it done ang says he's willing to for the crime—but police TRS answer Three Centre County Methodist i “Three special agents of the Office (alter investigating the story from of thelr ministerial duties. The three gentlemen were attend. Bollefonte ing a Methodist ministeriten meet cars In front of the house, chine blew out, an McMahon said His car plunged into a car owned by Rev. W forward indo & car ovned by Rev A and nearly every ministers ran into tough luck Mon- lof Price Administration are con. every angle, are prone room in the main part of the struc- qv witerncon, while in the course ducting an investigation of the sale jdulgently including pork, In the Biate College, Centre of mest, io smile in. and comment “He's Thaimy!” ! Police got that way when they {County area, where complaints to learned that Snavely really doesn’t | 3 | local War Price and Rationing rie seporilig Ge sale of Ruch mea The OPA announcement warns all into a machine! farmers and sellers of meats that about taking entire loss, including a large cash... by Rev. C. M. Hammond, of | they must collect ration points for all and they drove to Shiloh Spring Mills, glanced off and hurtied | meats which they . E. | neighbors, or anyone else contained several woipine of State College. The im-| Wag sent to Wil- | act caused the Watkins car to lurch | amount of pork which the farmer Police claim the man, however, is {could sell did not suspend the re- vague on the details. He melted off the drawers and it Was goo © Stenger, Jr. of Belicionte. | quirement that the farmer must col- [to know any more abou sell to friends, “Lifting of the restrictions on the 1 tx, without collecting the requir- | Along came a car driven by Jo- | od points from the consumers, indi- | walked toward Atherton Hall from jroom at the rear. This room is sepP- | on McMahon, of Media, who wat! cates serious general violation of the (the bus stop ai Co-Op Corner, and the bulld- | on route to Bellefonte. As he neared | OPA rationing regulations, the Wil- [invited her into his car ing by a three-foot masonry Wall the pastors’ cars a tire on his me-| lamsport District OPA Office an- | d he Jost oGntrol, | nounced this week {have a clear picture of the shying. He secites, well enough, how he stole & car, Taylor as she She got in (even though it wa {1:30 a. m. and even though she'd always been warned to be careful up with strangers), church where the slaying took place icording to Snavedy's alleged “con- { fession wl doesn’t seem it the thing feared that the bills inside may have! "one wae injured but the dam- | lect points for the meat,” OPA point- than anyohe else. Everything he toid been charred by the contemplates no loss from this source since the charred bills can be counted by experts who will be in charge of opening the damaged machine The game room and ail its equip- ment on the second floor was Jost {Continged on page Four) CRUSHED BY CAR MAN FATALLY HURT Max Bechdel, 28, Beech Creek, Dies in Lock Haven Hospital Max Bechdel, 28, Beech Creek farmer and retail milkman, died at 11 o'colck Tuesday morning at the noon at his home. Bechdel, who was a brother of Mrs. Harry PF. Jones, of North Thomas street, Bellefonte, and his wife had been out in the woods to get a Christmas tree. Returning from the trip Bechdel was standing on the running board of the truck while his wife drove. As they turned to circle the barn, hde) was wedged between the truck acs the barn, ‘the hospital where an operation was performed in the hope of re- pairing internal injuries, but he i failed to rally. a Deceased was & son of the late {Edgar Bechdel and Mrs. Maude | Bechdel. Surviving are his mother, {who resides in Blanchard; his wife, ithe former Anna Mae Stiver; two | children, Charles, 8, and Catherine, | 16, both at home; and these {and sisters: Claude, Willlam B. and {Donald ©. Bechdel, all of Beech | Creek: Joseph W., Thompson 8., and { Glenn, all of Blanchard; Robert O., tof Hershey; Mrs. Merril] Smith, of | Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. T, Max Hall, jof , and Mrs, Harry F. i Jones, of Bellefonte, * | Mr. Bechdel, who conducted a re- {tail milk business in Beech Creek, Blanchard, Monument, and [pea class of 1933. Funeral ts | eons compieton men thie [to press The injured man was rushed to, Hammond car. $100 to ear, and $50 to Stengers an———— —— ‘Brother of County Car. Woman Is Missing 14. John Marshall Arbuckle. US brother of Mrs, William Jeffrey of Boalsburg and son of Dr. and Mrs John R. Arbuckle of Charlestown, W. Va. and Pine Hall was reported missing in action on Novemie=: = while serving as a Navy patrol bomb- er pilot somewhere in the South Pa- cific, according to a Navy Depari- iment cfsualty list the weekend Lt. Arbuckle whose parents recent Virginia where Dr, Arbuckle has re- sumed his practice, was gradusted from Louisiana State University in 1039 Immediately | graduation he entered the Navy and | after taking pre-flight training at the Anacostia, D. C., Naval Air Sta. tion. He spent a year on Atlantic patrol work in Bermuda and Brazil a visit to State College last June. Centre Hall Man Has 100 Per Cent Season Guyer W. Grove Centre Hall painter, had what can be called a 1100 per cent batting average during ithe 1943 hunting season. | He started in by bringing home a 113% -pound wild turkey. When bear season opened he went out and shot ia 210-pound bear. Then came deer iseason, and he added to his laurels ‘by shooting an 8-point buck which weighed 170 pounds. The turkey, the on ibear, and the deer all were shot | Nittany Mountain. i iacin i ‘Scarletina Causes Closing of Schools The Milesburg school board closed the borough schools there Monday —-—— released during | wid, | * was re-elec ; Cet ly returned from Pine Hall to West 1 ¥a8 elected president of the Cen following his | and was sent to Australia following | | {and in addition, is grossly unfair to crime of that kind i rationing program in Centre County honest retailers who sell only In ex- change for the correct number of | points {and to bring criminal action in the | { i 3 | Lock Haven Hospital as the result was graduated from the Pensacola, | {of injuries suffered Sunday after-| Fla, Naval Air Station in June, 1940, | } ! i ! “The assignment of agents.” it was stated, the special “is an indi- N | cation of OPA’s determination to stamp out the illegal practice at once federal courts against all willful vio- lators of this regulation.” ww Re-Elected Head of Democratic Women Mrs. Clyde Watson, of Milesburg, tre County Women's Democratic Club at a meeting of the group at the home of Miss Helen Schaeffer, East Curtin street, Bellefonte, this Other officers chosen are gnes Shields, Bellefonte, second vice president; Mrs. Fred Mensch, Millheim, fourth vice presiGgent: Mrs. W. C. Witmer, Bellefonte; fifth vice president; and Miss Helen Schaeffer, corresponding secretary Other re-elections at the meeting included Mrs. N. C. Neidigh, State College, vice president; Mrs, Charles { Hipple, Bellefonte, third vice presi- dent; Miss Martha McKnight, Belle- fonte, recording nace, tregsurer. After the regular business meet. ing and elections, a Christmas party | was held with exchange of gifts and carol singing -. John Popson to Leave Bellefonte, January 1 John Popson, of East Bishop secretary. and Miss, Maud E. Miller, Pennsylvania Fur- | intense heat... wo. impressive. Estimates were: | ed out, adding. “This sale of rationed police about the crime, it is said. he Despite charring, however, the lodge enn on McMahon's car; $400 to the | meat in this area without collecting (could have learned Watkins’ | points has become a menace (0 the the newspapers from reading of be capable a police admit (Continued on Foose Siz) 10 DEMONSTRATE WOOD ESTIMATIN Enavely might Methods of Rating Valuc of Standing Timber to be Shown, Dec. 29 A demonstration on how to esti- mate the value of standing timber lin farm woodlots will be given at 1town, i According to County Agent R. C i Blaney, there 8 a big demand for jumber of all {ypes Many farm { people in Centre county have wood-| 25, Acacia fraternity, jots that have reached their growth and Foster avenue, State land should be utilized during this caused damage estimated at about i {war period. The shortage of labor is {an important factor in lumber oper- about 4 p. m. Friday {ations, and many farm people could Fire Company answered an alarm make a contribution this winter hy cutting some eXtra trees and deliv lering them to jocal mills. estry Extension Specialist of State | MOTHER GIVES FOUR SONS TO ARMY SERVICE : i This demonstration will be con! ducted by Mr, ¥. T. Murphy, For-! {lo eudminate r the Titan Metal Com- Aaronsburg native who recently was equate dust he | itl January if the agencies falter in thelr duty | i | ‘the farm of A. C. Rockey, Snyder cated at the West High street ade : next Wednesday afternoon! gress for a number of years Miss | December 20 At 1:30 o'clock. i : i flreet, Issues Ultimatum POLICE on Lime Dust Evil Councilman Eberhart Threatens Injunction Against Company, or Organization of Citizens’ Committee; Gives Six Months’ Grace. Berating the not only creating lime but for “whitewashing Borough Councilman Eberhart chairman of committee of Council Warne: Turn Down Willing been working with t VY any for many mont t the might in a report iiaty Lildmas a powerful Eberhart warne; geciared Company dos ollector in process of tallation w months, he will recommend 1 cli that an injunction against the If Council] recommendation he will resign special committ a citizen Speaking to DOT Councilman ¢ compan figs Telus t £58 “Th mean The JOT, al every statement mitted written WAS read at Mr by Council secrets introduced by Eberhas i th } ) comment that despite his effor ts warner Company wi 8 effect an elimination ined On Po ASSURES BETTER COUNTY FIELD GARBAGE SERVICE ARMY HONORED ¥ J Boro to Go Into Business After Jan. 1 Unless Ser- vice Improves Certificate Given For 100 Percent Enrollment in Cancer Control Wearying - garbage and Bellefonte Council at meeting Monday night help the two collection agencies w 1 In getting “caught up” » removals, and warted that ¢ ol certificate f werit § I 1943 was to Centre County for the 100 cent enlistment citizens In Woman's Pield Army, the Ameri f Can- A awarded moved to PH the can Society for the Control of cer at the annual district command. ors sad capiains meeting in Harri urg last week. Mrs. D. EB L. Roby ison. captain for Centre County, ré- ceived Lhe aware ah removal a H ef on ash after that date, the borough will “80 into the garbage business” To overcome that they haven't the the men 10 remove agocun ashes in cellars out town, the borough offer borough trucks, with an hour. Furthermore will provide addi needed, with the understand the agencies respons their wages. The agencies will chy customers service, as After January 1, it is the borough will withdraw the us of its men and equipment and it will be up to the agencies keep col jections up to date This action was taken when num- frou: compiainis were receiv ‘ the effect that accumulations of & es are not being removed Oou hopes that the agencies will enough trucks and men on {Continued on pape Four) - the poy TY. National ang Yarg Smith fi 4 rid ary r af Ne national regional oo GF NEY Hampshire: Dr. § Led peer Qn the Johnstor borough nal men Medical Ketterer are Society gale com € tow 107 stinulated upulaied to Robisot Centre County was state 10 reach IU figured on a ba The Con mended on surgical (Continued on Pope Five) its yeaah part the | i Bellefonte Firemen Answer Two Alarms Newspaper Agency In New Location i —_— Bellefonte firemen answered (wo alarms Saturday with damage at one amounting to $500. Members of the Undine Company were called i the Frank Bartley cabin along Spring Creek at 4:45 p. m.. when fire believed to have started from elec tric wiring damaged the kitchen and living room of the home Firemen fought the blaze fo about hour, during which time a large hole was burned through the living room floor and the ceiling of the kitchen was practically de- stroyed. The fire was discovered by Fire in the kitchen of Barracks No. | Mr. Bartley, who was sleeping in the Locust Lane home at the time Chemicals from College, | booster tanks were used {oo exiing- ‘uish the fire $100 to floors and walls of the room Both Bellefonie fire companies The Alpha were called to Plant No. 1 of the Ti- tan Metal Company at 7.45 9. Wm. when a cover over a pit in the forge caught fire. A small amount of [damage resulted NERS from a The ‘Homer Barnes agency moved Monday in the Tate building, West to a room in the Heverl building, North Allegheny street, which until some months aga was occupied by the Paul Spigelmyer jewelry store The Barnes agency Paper room High had been lo- , ha) — Fire In Fraternity. and extinguished the blaze, which is believed to have started when the cook stove caught fire PHILADELPHIA DAILY INQUIRER RAPS PEACE NOW MOVEMENT Growing sentiment against the effect a peace dictated by Berlin and Peace Now Movement, of which Tokio, a pesce that would be only a George W. Hartmann, formerly of breathing spell before another cata the Penn State faculty, is chairman, clysmic war. is evidenced in an editorial entitled! That's why it is shocking to learn * ‘Peace Now’ Move Helps Axis.” pub- that an apparently organized cam- fished Monday in The Philadelphia paign for a peace deal that would operate to save Germany and Japan from defeat has been started in let newspaper several weeks ago and we ! reprint the Inquirer's editorial be. the low to show how “Peace Now" is be- | Mr. ing received elsewhere in the state. “Peace Now Move Helps Axis Proposals in Allied countries for a a negotiated