Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 09, 1943, Image 1
Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h, may use 269 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, . ghe Centre Democraf FE WHERE THE An Army Trans port burns 33,000 gallons of fuel oil a day. FUEL GOES VOLUME 62. NUMBER 49. BELLEFONTE, PA , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1943. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. Gels 10-20 On A Aaronsburg Native Years Behind Bars, to Two Barns: spent about prison ba tern ol Western ni Tuesday m before Jn al CR510T a charge Blanchar Jackson 1940 The man V, DALY ol ai50 a They" re In the WAC A (81 wr W As nald the Navy civilian, J ; ears SON Charge ho Spent 18 of 38 2 mits Setting Fire Inv esti igation Continues, 1 Haine on t of the I ICA 1 1940, but lodged against bd Darn he Wi ignin will When the man answered in the af- firmative, the Court threatened asked No one the indictment fleated ¢ KNIGELY NAMED POLICE OFFICER Council Hears Report Lime Dust is “Worse Than Ever KE Sr Wa police Lnisel nie eed Sherif a mesting igh I-elect John Galaida of Borough Council on Monday night. The appointment be- at she was radio inspector for the Pil | cape effective the following day. f OUTS, | A ARE IN Natrona N Heart NTING TOLL AD URED Hunter ar Snow Shoe After Attack Dies GAME WARDEN IS SERIOUS Officer, Believed to SLY HURT Have Fallen on Gun, Shot Through Face attaches believe that he nm so— Conlinged on Page Eeven) SURVIVES JAP TORPEDOING | 1] BLANEY HEADS SCHOOL BOARD New Member Stop Rumors Board Seeks About Activities Ralph pregident | Board, wi To WAR FUND DRIVE AGEEDS QUOTA Bellefonte Passes Alloca- tion by More Than $500: 2.000 For Welfare Comn its War goal of $20,000 seg Ma quota eg i EX Ped - ARMYG ~ WIRE TELLING OF SON'S DEATH Axemann Couples’ Mourn- ing Is Turned Into Re- joicing For Son SGT. JACK SAMPSELL WOUNDED, NOT DEAD Wound Slight, Message to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sampsell, Reveals ged once before his outfit hence he was Saompsell was and had returned Italy about October 1 AOL 10 in action about a month sand a half | before receiving the second wound RECT in Fl eming oun IY y Rev. A. GG. Herr to Bec Home; Other Court Are Rumored. Appointn Wit erie wiltme! ce KIWANIS LEADERS VISIT BELLEFONTE District Governor Princi- pal Speaker; Training School for Officers Ki wakan Divicion District | Among ficials, prese Named Solicitor ome Head County House Appointments W DIRECTORIES IN WAIL TODAY Jook Sent to Telephone Users This Area 7400 Copies of New Me was born at Axe Mann on No. ! vember 14, 1918. shortly after the Armistice of World War Signed adelvhia Signal Depot, Philad lelphia fain. Pitts the Pennsyl Fry Blate Kn lsely wl #4 { that group. Manday nig in the: e than §5 ove ‘About $450 in Cash was chosen tae lidates for F'Bosrd L £20857 52, + 3 £2 got from a feild of he offt ind Olhce two erm of Col eile ’ Pfc. Gayle L. Palme Blain Palmer Private { and Mrs Mills, bar for Women tioned Center where the Officers is Plc. Gay WAC, Det Training Florida Mess ie 1 D Ce Dayton Edna M. Viehdorfer Joins SPARS Miss Edna Marion Viehdorfer daughter of Mrs. Bernice Elizabeth Viehdorfer, of Pine Glen, last Thurs- day was sworn to the Woman's Re- serve, U st Guard Reserve as an apprent eaman in the enlist- ed quota the SPARS. She will start her training on Friday of next week at the U Coast Guard Training Station Palm Beach, Flori- da. Miss Viehdorfer was a member of the Cooper Township High School class of 194] before enlisting was employed as an operator at the Slyvania plant in Mill Hall. She has two brothers in the service: Sgt Merril Viehdorfer of the Army Alr Corps stationed in Wisconsin, and Corp. Max B. Viehdorier U A new serving overseas ice of q rl Ana 8 Two Injured When Car And Truck Meet Two persons were injured and damage totalling $150 resulted from! a car-truck collision on Route 322] about five miles east of Martha Pur-! nace at 10:45 a. m. Saturday The accident involved a truck operated by Raymond W. Winter of Osceola Mills, R. D, and a sedan driven by Samuel Burns, of Sykes- ville, koske, 37, passengers in Burns’ car suffered a bruised chest and a bruis- | ithe same direction and scraped to-| gether when one attempted to pass’ ed right ankle respectively, in the wreck which resulted when Burns attempted to pass another car, The accident was investigated by Pvt Bartholomew Kilraine of the Pleas-| ant Gap State Police sub-station. Lar. John Kokoske, 50, and Mike Ko-! | Boalsburg Mr. Eber- Summit “he ard di the been on Page Seven) - - ollector Coniinsed Former Local Man Dies In Germany Joh Jack win of the Iate Mi: ap M. Montgomery. of Belle- for nte, and first cousin of W. Hassell Mo ntgomery, of East Linn street, re- | missing in action on a4 bomb- misrion over German territory. reported to have died, November according to a messaze received the German government the International Red Cross his death came in a War Department teicgram to his brother Gordon Montgomery, Chief Machin- ist's Mate in the Navy, who is sta- tiot Nre Yarv City. The tele- to Bellefonte dur- Monigom- wand Mrs f Sgt port i 3. from tiarough Word of wd in as relayed He weekend gt. Montgomery is have been a tall gunner t the time he was lost November 3 During paign B8gt wounded treatment in England reported to in a bomber a n action frican cam- was badly the North Montgomery and underwent hospital for some time afterwards He is belleved to have returned to active duty only a short) time before the mission on which he was lost Car Awd Track Meet; Damage Ab About $150 Damage estimated at about $150 resulied about 3:30 o'clock Monday atfernon when a car driven by W H. Stewart. of Boalsburg, and a; truck driven by Lawrence Womer, of State College, sideswiped on the road between Old Fort and Both machines were traveling in| the other. No one was injured. The road was wet at the time of the mis- | hap. Motor Police at Pleasant Gap! | investigated the accident. Stolen at VFW Home = DS i) BLAS OF GIANT Pfe. Nevin D. County Native, INE “Commands S Sub Rhine, } Others " Killed at Columbus, O. Nevin D. Rhin and Mrs. Orvis Rhin Pl Mr 12 " e, Oi son of Mack~ eyville and native of Centre county, was killed about 8:30 o'clock Mon- day morning wnen a mysterious ex- plosion shat tered a Flying Fortress which was being warmed for a take- off at the Lockbourne Ais umbus, Ohio Three officers and Pvt the blast big ship Into shreds of the wings and remained intact as the sembly relations the army ‘very unusual” but would not Pvt Army was origin of elaborate Air Force for Rhine had served more Ba Col- ow Rhine died 1ipped the [{uselage of Only mo por - tor aa- The public office at the base said that investigating the the biast, with than a year and was in training as a mem- ber overseas of the Fortress crew for duty Deceased was born in Nittany on 1921, the February 25. uated from 9, and after undergoing (Continged on page and was Walker Township | High School in 1930. On September 1042, he enlisted in the Alr Corps, training Siz) ‘Unionville Youth Is Missing In Action Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall of near | grad- at the LT. RICHARD E. ROBB Lt. Robb. son of Mrs. C. Edward Robb, of South Allegheny street Bellefonte, this week vas named commander of a U, 8 submarine, cording to word received here Lt. Robb. graduate of the Academy at Annapolis, Md. in 19839, served aboard a submarine in the Pacific area {cr ' before being assigned to the New| London submarine base for special | instruction has been undergoing additiona: training in Philadelphia, where he iis now stationed He is expecied to be assigned to Alfa | Unionville, have been notified by **% duty in the near future. the War Departinetit that their son! Ellis, has been missing since November 10. The in action Ee. ——— a Gels Big Buck i One of the largest bucks reported | Missing sarviceman was ir shot by a Centre county hunter this) the Marine Corps and is understood season Is a 10-point, 190-poting Creet to have been stationed on an afr-| | bagged by E. J. Loesch of Circleville, ieraft carrier in the South Pacific] at the head of Clenndenning, Clin- {he home found that although no area. | years He was 22 years old and had | ton county, {been in the service for almost two | Wednesday. Mr. Loesch was en route | suffered about 12:30 p. m. last {to a camp in that area in company . Naval a number of months | For several months he! Yes Belle. hye ufinged on Pape Siz) R. H. Lightner Joins Titan Sales Force mounting ¥ post-was NE 1x to meet the competitis t ws which will fo development of many add ional brass facilities in the in- the broadening use of alum- num and magnesium alloys, plastics wood products of many Kinds and glass Mr tan a rich £,) arise glue prea Lightner will bring to the Ti- Meta] Manufacturing Company experience made up of 25 Years of contact with industry in Wesiern Pennsylvania, West Vir. ginia, and Marviand, as a represen- tative of the West Penn Prywer Com- pany and their subsidiaries As divigion sales manager of the [ Keystone Division of the West Penn | Power Company for the past fifteen years, Mr. Lightner has sponsible for the sale of electric pawer to many varied industries of McKean. Potter, Cameron, Elk and Centre counties There is a possibility the Lightner family may move {0 Bellefonte from | Ridgway ——————— 1101-Year-Old Man ‘William Tressler, who will be 102 vears old next June suffered painful lacerations and bruises of the head, | stairway at his home on West How- ard Street. In falling Mr. Tressler struck a radiator, which caused most of the injuries. A physician summoned to | bones were broken, the aged man from shock and lose of blood. While he was still Mr. and Mrs. Hall have five other of Landis Lightner, also of Circle- confined to bed, yesterday, his con jon in tic service. |e, when he shot the deer, | dition was reported as being good. beers re-| Injured In Accident, i was i was graduated n the Sprin High 8« "Or {Wo years § SGT. JOHN 8S. SAMPSELL Sampsell received his preliminary training at FL. George Meade, Md, (Continged on Pops Three) ———— s——— Two Injured In Crash On Jacksonville Road | Two persons were slightly injured and two cars involved were damaged | to the extent of about $150 about 5 y'clock Saturday afternoon im a col-(° lision on the Jacksonville east of Jacksonville Earl Yearick, road of Penn street Bellefonte, was traveling « «t on the road and Irvin Blerly, ¢ Lyons town, was proceeding west when the machines met on a curve. Mrs. Year- ick suffered a painful bruise of the! head when she was thrown against) the windshield, Mrs. Bierly also was bruised | Damage to the Yearick machine | {was placed at about 850 and 0 the | | Bierly car, about $100 Postoffice To Be Open In Evenings, Beginning next Wednesday, De- {comber 15, and continuing through ' December 23, the Bellefonte postof- fice will remain open until 7:30 each j evening, except Bunday. Postmaster {George R. Meek said yesterday. | ‘The office will remain closed on Sundays—that is, there will be no window service. Packages aml other ems which jaren’t mailed before December 19 ‘have a film chance of reaching their {destination before Christinas Be- cause of shortage of bags and train facilities, and because of the heavy soldier traffic expected during the holidays, Mr. Meek urges promptnoss in mailing this year as never before. Mc ver Meen n A Raipt h terial > Res (Continued on B Page Three) SIBBATH SCHOO WORKERS M | Discus Immediate Future Activities at iness Session stn: A nd Bus- SS A reviewing of recent events | forward look into a program { mediate and 1 activities { pled leaders of the Sabbath School Association of Centre County as they met in their final regular monthly meeting of the current year on Sun- {day afternoon December 5. The Methodist Church of Bellefonte was the scene of the sessions presided { over by Mr. Roy Decker first vice- { president. The chief topic for con- sideration was the formulation of a set of plans for making the county kno.n of uture oCcu- | organization's program betler {and more effective in each of iis twelve districts. The final results | of all deliberations on the topic were that (1) the county work can best be promoted by working through the districts and (2) a series of month- | ly meetings with district officers on ! methods and objectives would be ar. ranged culminating in the Spring i with a rally or convention for each | in a central place in that Conlinued on Pape Seven) - $800 Damage As Truck Hits Tree Charles K. Crowell, 43. of Pontiac, | Mich. escaped serious injury, but the truck he was driving was damaged to the extent of about $800 at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon when the machine ran into a tree at the side of the road In Howard Borough. The accident happened | district jeep at the wheel The truck hit the tree a shattering blow the Centre County Hospital where he remained overnight. He bruises of the body. but no bones were broken. Crowell said he was driving west through Howard when he doped at the wheel accord. | ing to police, when Crowell feil as- Theodore Leathers, of Howard. R. D. brought the injured driver to had | sass scans A" an— Fire Companies Send Gifts To Servicemen ph Voerschiecher The Logan Fire Comp packed 0 Eh wo Frod- Hayes he Hyon an committee lof ihe viond Amm and Herbert Aum The Logan Fire Compan; hold the usual Christmas and proceeds will {pay for sending the members, it wax said Michael Baker, Jr. Gets Big Contract Michael Baker, Jr. {ormes Colicge borough engineer and a graduate of the College, has been awarded the engineering contract for the 20-millim-doliar Pitt Park- way. a super-highway to Pittsburgh's “Golden Triangle,” announcement from the office of State Highway Secrelary John U. Schroyer, Harris. (burg, revealed this week Award of these contracts will make possible preliminary work with act ual construction awaiting the wars end After jeaving State College, Baker went to Rochester, Pa. He supervised housing developments in Beaver couniy. work on a Curtiss. Wright propeller plant there, and a i highway project in Paducah, Ky. He then worked on the Alcan Highway in Alaska and is al present engaged {in highway enginsering in Bolivia, man Jt will not arty this used year to presents 0 State Federal