THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. BOALSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lamharn of December 2, 1943. made for a Christmas party which will be held the home of Miss Marie Hem Miss Pauline Charles, who has ac cepted a position In the Mary Baks Eversly Haines was receiving con- gratulations on the birth of a daugh- {ter at his home in Snow Shoe, Mr {Haines was employed at the Blair | jewelry store here and both he and _— Sunday School Lesson nt , Echoes From the Past. Mrs. Ella Gingerich and daughter Fifty Years Ago Mr. M. I. Gardner recently pur- chased the property of the late Ellen Harris on Spring Street, this place, The property will be remodeled be-| fore the new owner takes possession, B. A.' Achenbach, the Bishop Street baker and caterer, will give! one hundred and fifty loaves of bread to the poor of Bellefonte this morning, Thanksgiving Day. This is a very commendable form of charity and will be appreciated. Thomas Collins of Bellefonte, re. cently was awarded the contract for building a large reservoir in the Al- legheny Mountains for the city of Al- toona. His bid of $158,000 was the lowest. The reservoir will be in the ravine of the horse shoe bend along the Pennsylvania Rallroad Last Saturday J. A. Woodcock agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, check of $35.083 to Mr being the amount of ins the late John H company. Mr. Orvis’ surance amounts but delivered a Ellis Orvis by narried d Lauth, Howard ge number of tin nt from ¢ make theif: t Pittsbur Thomas is engaged in Lee Woodcock 1s offici f th couple dence a £ class rooms « ¢ Bellefonte emy the absen of Princ hes, wh | I Mr. Calvin Weaver re he riff Cond Deputy. Mr. Weaver will move 1 his family to Bellef gmnnin of his ont for o Aaronsi Laurie ready for busines this week, The which opening of the ( made arrangems Mr. Philip Wad connected with th and ¥ in ia Rallr ent, has been t for office, for the located Bush Part of the room American wil ’ recent recenti aa the new eo pled that as i this offi would be L0G of Aree Ql Sunday morning George Westlake, above Tyrone, was take: for a while his | He had been on long time and had always complain- ed of something moving in his stomach, causing him burning sen- sations and great weal A phy- sician was for i arrival Mr. We spell d sont Sen least seve 3 lieved at once, and after a few hours said he was | I much better, ai- though he was still very k. H the snake got into his stomach is a mystery | Turkeys are quite plentiful this | season, The prevailing price is | seven cents a pound. At that price the supply is larger than the de- mand, (Ed. Note: Maybe they were “the good old days,” after all) The new water works at Howard Is about completed, The contractor { expect to finish thelr work this week, | Fifteen thousand feet of pipe were laid from the new source to the borough The guaranteed capacity is 4000 gallons per hour with a fall Of 150 feet Early Saturday morning Mrs. John Morgan died at her home on How- ard Street after an extended illness from dropsy he deceased was 85 vears of Two daughters survive her: Mrs. R L. Erhard, of St. Mary s, Mrs. B. H. Schaeffer, of this The interment occurred on age Wheelmen's Club banquet at Ceader restau- Friday evening. The club membership and nearly Mr. John Powers killed two porkers this tipped the scales, when nd 525 pounds res- iellefonte A large il were present of Bellefor largest ar were issued (o F. H. Bart: both of Haine Campbell, of Green Brotherton, Pitts. McWaite and Adda e. both of Rebersburg; Thom- Amide O Harry C and Ollie Rodgers, Cam- ver and Stover, yronsburg Stee and 1 R i h ident of Miles townsh Monday night at Rebersburg. About tired and on the follow- yer wed HEN med re suddenly Mis LAS t 4 o'clock ust- rising, hi his body Peter Kessler, who re- ame house. Death was stroke of pal- shock to his many 83 old and lifeless the caused by a a great He wns married Wa Vears Jacob Ripka, Hall, was en in shingling a shed roof for 1 the farm a short dis. Hall, when by he fell from ground. He lamvied head on the {rosen ground, ing a ragge ugly wound, scalp from the skull bone of four or five stitches, Centre to the ng the then Kellar, of county Burn- shot a while on a hunting expe- Everybody admires B. A ienbach’s handsome bakery wag- Mr. Albert Owens is the new applicant for the Bellefonte post- office Centre Hall Borough is without a pauper, hence there is no poor tax there On Tuesday morn- there were two wagons at the curbstone market The Salem Lutheran church at il be rededicated next Ellsworth Ardery, of has been commissioned substitute mall carrier for the Belle- fonte postoffice deer 44 ii A on Coleville Twenty Years Ago Mrs hi. thday a the apart Hardware Street. Eight Eskmio dogs. the property of Toner Hugg, of Milesburg, were at- tracting much atention ] play window of the Bellefonte Hard- ware Company. Mr. Hugg made a specialty of ralsing animals of this type Wendell 8S, Wilson, aged 12, 50 J. L. Wilson, of State College fered a laceration above one sv» contusion of the shoulder and biririseg of the face when he was struck by a car driven by Kelly Henry, of Pine Grove Mills. r Cox niversary over North ohserved her at her home in aefler Allegheny Sci In the ; | Centre Hall i i whether preaching services will be; Rev. and Mrs. T. OG. Jones and ELECTRIC FENCER What better present could you give Pad than one that will save him hours of hard labor, time and money through the years to come? Parmak is a quality fencer. This year give iy. B-Jear service guarantee Wor ‘s largest selling brand. Im- mediate delivery. « SCHAEFFER'S .» HARDWARE = 7 BELLXFONTE, PA. One hundred eighteen people from ellefonte and vicinity boarded an sion here Saturday night to Washington, D. C. They re urned home Monday morning. A Ford coupe owned and driven by Fred “Gander” Myers, of Bellefoato was slightly damaged in a collision ith a large State Highway Depart- ment truck. The mishap oecur.ed on the Centre Hull mountain A supper was held in the social rooms of the State College Presby- erian church in honor of Mr. and George E. McMillan, of State College, who were preparing to go to Puerto Rico where they were to engage in mission work with the Polytechnic Institute at San Ger. man. Burgess ulfering the left when and W. Harrison Walker was from painful bruises of arm and shoulder suffered his car skidded off the road overtumed near Stoyestown while he and E. B. Bower, of Belle- fonte were returning from a trip to ittsburgh. Mr. Bower was slightly injured. The car was not badly damaged Adam P. Heckman had returned to iis home in Centre Hall from the Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, where he had cataracts removed from both eyes. When he went to the hospital he was almost blind, and upon his return his vision had been almost completely restored. Mr. Heckman made his home with a daughter, Mrs. Archy Moyer, in | The pine woods north of Potters Mills, was being cut into lumber by Stiger and Wingart Brothers, of Co- burn. This was one of the finest tracts of origitial pine in this see- (tion and had been carefully guarded | (for many years against the wood- | ‘man’s axe, by two generations of the | | Allison family at Spring Mills. The trees were large, long. | Fire of unknown origin ecausd {damage estimated at $500 to the tween the dining room and room, but spread upwards to tie. Edward Decker, who lv his wife, the former Miss Agnes Alkey, of Bellefonte, were well known in the county seat, Marriage lioenses lsenind to the following couples: Bud T. O'Neil, State College, and Bertha A. Parker, Lemont: Guy O. Musser and Lydia M. Breon, both of Millheim: James McKivison, Gatesburg, and Olive D. were | Ellenberger, Marengo; Arthur Snook and Laura A. Hoover, both of Pleas ant Gap, While Dr. John Sebring was at- tending a patient in Buffalo Run Valley his car caught fire and burn- ed nto a charred mass of one was aware of the fire until the physician wax leaving the house, It believed casoline leating from a pipe dropped onto the hot exhaust pipe, enusing the fire The Klu Klux Klan burned a or on what was known a “Wetzel Field” In the mountains north Milhelm, presumably sidents that area of the Klan bad in that communit, attracted the explosion the cross steel] No was of nform that branch been organized Attention w by heavy which were set off Otto “Jit ' Smith Mr. and William Smith Curtin Bellefonte wi a member of the Penn State Freshman track won collegiate Cross Con Van Cows Park City nrintes to re. of to two si fire nea son of Mi Street, team which +1 Bellefonte Lt hefore entering been purchased of Boalsbure of Curtin interesting do #in beehive Ghaner a trapper Ramley ehureh in investigate a knew Chaner pound | remiired weighs 350 R105 enled a at about Or re a | yielded 3! {eet hich Fre comb a strip of honey 4 feet In mn wide and wele : this hive m were I cOmbe were a - — RUNVILLE Doyle Walker Fort Moniroe, Va... came home last Tues. day and returned again last Wed. nesday Mr. and Mm Philipsburg, and Ada Canova of V ors at the Joho F day afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shiner.and baby of Hazleton, are visiting with Mrs. Shiner's parents, Mr. and Mrs Philip Confer and family Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vargo snd two sons of Baltimore, are visiting with Mrs. Vargo's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Pye and family Rev. and Mrs thelr son and family Inst Thursday Mr. and Mrs. John Arthur, and Mrs. Audrey eliander atlended the butchering « i i. sie Bhiope at Snow Bhoe ast Thu. se day Wedding bells till our Community Last Wednesda Miss Thelma Lucas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laas, and Har- old Davidson, Jr., motored to Punx. sutawney, and were married hy Rey E. R. Miller. On Friday svening the ealithumpian band came out and gave them a serenading Mr. ang Mrs Richard Purl and son Dovie, were dinner guests at the John Purl home on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pye of Madisonburg, visited wits the for- mers parents at Felzertowsn and at the Richard Furl home on Sunday The deer season began this Mon- day morning and a number of our men went out to get their buck. Our Bunday school is planning for a Christmas entertainment. The date will be announced lar Our revival services will begin on Sunday, Jan. 2. and on Monday night, Jan. 3 Rev, H house of York, will be here in our church. Everybody in our come muty and surrounding territory will want to meet him and hear him. Sunday schoo] next Sunday morn- ing at 9:30, We are not certain who i xt E. BR. Hancock daughter irginin, were irl home last of Mrs visit. Fri- Courtney visiteg LEAN Afiddieburg Furi and son are ringing in in the marning or evening I aa lL nr Mistry: Buy Banas B. Ritten- | West Chester, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Bonine Miss Pearl Houtz of Bellefonte, wis a supper guest at the Wilbur Houtz heme Thursday evening Mrs, Anna Gettig, the Misses Nelle and Kathryn Gettig and Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Gettig and daughter Joan of Altoona, Mr. and Mrs, N,. C Neidigh of State College and Mr, and | Mrs. Nevin Meyer and Mrs. John | Smith and three children of Bagls. | burg were dinner guests of Mr, and { Mrs. George Meyer Thanksgiving. | Mr, and Mrs. Sheldon D, Clapper and son Billy spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Altoona Mrs. DB wiler of State College recently with Mrs Mr Mrs. Robert son of Lock Haven, spent with Mrs. O. F. Smith Mrs. Harry Balley visited brother Charles Segner Tue ternoon Mrs. E ed Little Lonberger were dinner guests Fred Lonberger Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barger and family accompanied Mr Annie Witherite and daughter Julizn and rank Fisher of Milesburg to Pitts. burgh : Saturday whe until Wedne Thomus and Mrs, Det. R. D. visited Foster Charles Glenn and Thursday and her winy af- Jar. BP of Mrs . and Mia Ww and Hess, Mr daughter ana re thes i Lened f in n Hubler and Montgomery Hubler sas Thursday with Misses and Mrs. 5. A. Reitz and Mrs Hartman Mrs Margaret Kuhn were dinner guests iat the home of Mrs, Mary Bohn at 1 Onk Hall Thursday 1 Bumuel J Wagner and son Cnl Harold Wagner were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Cyrus Wagner at State Callege Wednesda Mr. and Mrs daughters of Pleasant Mount visited father B. P. Lonberger and son and evening nar Jared Zettle and four the former recently William Waener of Juniata and Henry Dale and son Pranklin and daughter Mary Jane of Mifflinbure were recent callers with Mrs, John P Kimport Mrs. Leah Wright it visiting son-in-lay ad Mra Middle River Mr. and daughter, Mr Snyder Md Mrs Norman Col daughter visited Mrs. Coble’s moth Mra. Ethel Sto 1 Beliefonte Wedineasday until irada Pvt. Harry of Fort Cal. i= spending 8 furlough mother, Mra. Mae Bavietis grandparents, Mr and Mrs Markie Pvt. Bayietls service October 28 1941 Miss Ruth Ross. a student nurse Celssinger hospital in Danville was a recent vikitor with her parent Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Orieb and son, of Anderson, Indiana, were sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A Bonine Tuesday Floyd Palmer, of Hazelton, and (Paul Davidson and Eugene David- son, of Wingate, were recent visi. tors at the George Markle home Mrs. Edith Lucas and son, Robert were dinner guests of the T. £ Sau. ers family at State College Thanks igiving Mrs, Ellen 8titt. George Stitt. and William Reese, of Altoona. spent Thursday at the Charles Stitt home ; John W. Hess of Altoona, was a recent visitor at the Portney home Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Pishsr and | daughter and Prank Pisher. of State i College: John Pisher of Bellefonte: Miss Anna Sweeney of Boalsburg, iand Mrs. Samuel Elman of Syracuse, N. ¥.. were guests at the Fisher home for Thanksgiving dinner, PRT, | faensit and family ela vy Bavietly (ieoree entered the at | daughter, Nancy, and David Jones, ' spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Hazelton SS BRA Kathryn, spent Sunday at the Lee Smeltzer home at Pleasant Gap Mr. and Mrs. Jared Grove and daughter, of Lemont, Samuel Walker of Millbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Houser and son Dean, of State Col- lege, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davidson and Mrs. Stella Davidson of Wine. gate, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Klinger and daughter, and Claude Miller of Shingletown, and Mrs. Helen Ker- stetter of Boalsburg Pvt. Harry Bayletts spent Friday their and Saturday evenings with his sis- winter ters Mrs, Jared Grove at Lemont Mrs Mrs, Harry Shilling at Linden Hall, guns and Mrs. Leroy Klinger at Shingle- Oreut town Mrs. H. 1 ink and, Mrs. H M. Hosterman guests of Mrs. Mary 8 Thanksgiving d ers Beauty the weekend Foster M1 daughter the Cirove and R411 Mill and Mrs, F Pompton visiting Mrs Mrs. Ray Wi wi nom Mt and two were Croheen the at Cioheen A mans vil Mur afternoon Mary and of Rock Spring Mr Mrs were Nora and of bauhg Mrs. W and Earl Grov Fhursday baugh nt Nomi Robert Bag with hursday were home Thursd Mr. and Mi Salon in with Charles Mrs gent Ray Williams and red Plains Bohn Hams companied the whet Richard Harrisburg, her mother, Mr spent THI Ww vy H. Neff Friday ba and two fnternational Sunday evening at for December 5 Pine Mr ol were nome at with family who 8 parents, Mr David Bohn ac- Fred Bohn family will visited Bohn and MN. J ana (Lesson Text: Eoxdus 10 ¢ he $ srserid the pena i Kenng i Sehool BIN OF COVETOUSNESS Lewson 194% KEEPING APPOINTMENTS WITH CONVOYS In a day’s combat, an infantry division fires sbout 300 tons of ammunition . . . 100 37 mm. anti-aircraft guns, 1274 rons. and the thousands of army vehicles “passing the ammunition” and other supplies each bum up an average of 10 gallons of gasoline... All of these materials — the guns, the “gas”, the ammunition, the vehicles plus 700,000 ster different military items — must come by sea. BUY U5. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS hiked " oat in fhe Armed fi A gigantic supply task without arallel in the history of the nation, this job calls for the finest coordination of Amenican rad. roads with ships The railroads must bring everything to ship sidings exactly as necded—and when needed. Any ship, any delay, may hold up a convoy sailing So keeping appesntments with convoys is Serving the Natios a one of the most itnportant jobs railroads have these days IH pushung a "convoy train” through ahead of your passenger tram caused you to be a little late for an early-morning business arponrment, the Pennsylvania Raleoad feels core you will gladly ovetlook it. The demands of war must have not only ral- road equipment— but the right-of-way ! One of America’s Roilroods.., All United for Victoryl