Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 18, 1943, Image 1
Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 mph. may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, @He Cenfre Democrat WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans. port Burns gallons of fuel oil a day. wy wa VOLUME 62. NUMBER 16 BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. F.C. Mensch Wins In Vourg Recount Has Majority of 37 Vous, Over Charles F. Hipple for Minority Seat on County Com- missioners’ Board; Count Completed Yes- terday. C. Mensch, of terday afternoon became minority member of the of Centre Ca Commissioner Mens ple, of Bellefont for the po marein of 37 © the . f Millheum, ve t wa official k Fred tld hav of 4 coin pen 1 the ent n bv i ys LO Deel n to « h nosed t Charl made the recount were Runkle, Mrs. Han Nelle, Decker, Mrs. A. C H. Hoy and Russell P of ¥ O. H of Lemont Rand Millheim ended Joseph Mrs Sinie jellefonte ate and J Miller, of The count day and the Mensch 5461 end of the the tw 3 ial i and Hipple 5424 ficial count wed been nM Oil vote Hen recour 60 vote » Mensch TI howed election p were mind nstat no 65 here wes Lo two flere: the cost nf clerk hire of approxi- was reported yesterda house © whatevory will be mately $80 it Most he opinior count court BOTVers we stl t he of i ‘ne frmned on page Str WAR FUND DRIVE THE WINNAHR! TAX COLLECTOR SUES BOROUGH Fee of One Per Cent is “Noncompensatory” State College Official Claims More Than $4000 Needed ; Officials List Standings of Divisions Claliivine tie ene pew cont foes. Beillefonte's Community War Fund Jowed for collection of Stat: College has UW Semel by approximately 31.- porough taxes is non-compentatory, 800 In the List week according to Fred Bender, State College compilation figures mage yestes lector, has filed a suit in day. The total is now $15.861.37, C1 the offices of Proihonotars more than $4.000 under the goal © White. asking the enurl te $20000 for the National War Fu tha fie t5 its former level of two and The Bellefonte Community \ per cent Fund Bwnder years prior per eent, and of 1941 when he for the office of rate ¢f compensation 1942 had not been fixed On August 5, 194% the alleges, after the date for the with- diawal of candidates’ names from the ballot h assed, State Colles Council solution fixing the ! col- lector for 1842 at one per nt. and providing that for 3 collector be pr building January 1942 Councij resolution fixing the iCrm tinned on Page Sir tax oni oi A sqguity In Bond C rest gh » fare alleg® 1942 ta that to ame fax cole for lewed are office in the YMCA bul A breakdown of amot the various divisions tatement GINg 8 recess of the # by came- DRIgn iS AS Initia] gift Commerce Under ind Company plant al from the Titan office, not initial is 8514.48 (Continued [from meas four e 1" [OLOWS . $0564.50 wid nau siry the passe compensatior tax try, $5473.32 Titan Metal $3019.44, offi * SNace : " f gave the ovided in Lhe Dorougn in- n cluding gilts The assed one pe 15 {oe | Announce Methodist Pastorate Changes - Garage Sale Here To Begin Monday Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, of Wash- ton, vesteiday announced a series of changes in pastorates in the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the Methodist church, the changes be- November Cokun County Chevrolet Company, corner ing mi Ade ne oe ar Lethioh or ey | of Alloa rheny and Bishop streets, will rement of r ots Al i be disposed of by william H. Brouse of Grace church, Harrisburg and} ¥ i - nt. 3 n " : 4 the death of Rev. John H. Green-| pasignee of Frank M. Fritchman, in- am . A ; ralt, of Newberry 1 changes were dividually and trading as the County WAlt. of Newberry. T} ang Chevrolet Company. an insolvent made prior to Dr. Mallalieu’s death f Aes Aaiy. ’ » a Everything in the establishment is in Maidson, N. J. Tuesday morning The appointments are as follows to go on the nuction block includ- Dr. W. E. Hartman, Grace ehurth, two sedans shares of stock ing ig tga: 8, jo3 and Pittsburzh Harrisburg; Rev. Harry F. Babcock, n - - rd ; =i Altoona District Superintendent; Dr Coal Company, the accounts receiv- , 3 : f ington, First church, York; gible. a wide variety of garage equip- J. E Bi! ing iy fi ehure! : nent and office furnishings, hun- Rey. Samuel ¥ Roy a oy Tarn : dreds of néw Chevrolet parts, and Huntingdor Rev, C. F. Cetherman, sundry items. A mare complete list. ny hE yp, Tug TY sndry Altoona Rev. Glibert L i will i foun § 4 an advertise Bennett, he » . thie issue 4 Hanover Rev Harry F. Ward, Cat- Ly awissa: Rev. Elbert ment elsewhere in Wilson, New E. M. Smith, of Siate College, will _ . TR as pe the auctioneer. John G. Love, of Jey, Rev. Cali NosHis, Lewia- Bellefonte, is attorney in the mat. burg. Rev . Frank ; onigomery ter. The sale will bagin at 9:30 a. m, 'LAyswen; Rev. Oliver Krapit, Selins- each day grove; Rev. Robert E. Gibson, Ber- wh wick: Rev. C. K. Gibson, Getiys- burg, and Rev. M. 8 Q. Mellott, | Enola public sale sched- Monday moming entire stock of The In a two-day nled to begin 22, the C i iin Jack’ Montgomery ma Missing In Action $1044 Taken in At Jack” Benefit Movie Here Sgt. John L. “Jack” Montgomery, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a I. Montgomery, of Bellefonte, and' A total of $1044 for the Army Em-, first cousin of W. Hassell Montgom- ergsncy Relief Fund was taken in at the Plaza theatre, Bellefonte, dur- | ery, of East Linn §treet, is missing in action over Germany, according ing the weekend of November 6 when the movie, to word received in Bellefonte, Mon- day was shown here, according to Fred The original word was received Fisher, manager of the theatre, from the War Department by the. The money wag tumed over to missing man’s brother, Gordon Burgess Hardman P. Harris, who Montgomery, Chief Machinist's yas chairman of the local committee Mate in the Navy, who is stationed for the benefit movie here, He has in New York City. submitted the money to Warner Sgt. Montgomery was reporied to Brothers who in turn will see that have been a tall gunner in a bomber the proportion due the Army Relief at the time he was lost in action, | Pund reaches its destination. November 3, During the North African came paign Sgt. Montgomery was badly Judge Ivan Walker this week ap- wounded and underwent hospital pointed Charles Fromm, of Belle treatment for some time afterwards. fonte, as tipstaff, to succeed Joseph He ls belleved to have returned to Weist, of Philipsburg, who resigned service only recently. because of ill health. » APPOINTED TIPSTAFF effort fo mittee jority i nished by the 3k BUCK IN BITTER FIGH Wilk Prison Chaplain Watches Big Deer Charge On- com ng Locomotive UNEOUAL BATTLE RESULTS IN DRAW Edraced Animal Races Train—Ends Up Sore, But Undefeated ORT OF CAL locomotive anger its whist racing once more Finally enraged ance the buck plunged into one of the baggage car. as thouth in an derail Th wa: futile, But the buck wasn't sat- isfied He continued to race beside the train, Ha from time 0 Ny beyond endur- side King ww peer Sir) w treme SECOND COMPLANT COUNCIL SCANS ~~ N WATER RATES POST WAR WORK = Out-of-Town Users at Col- lege Claim Rates Vary From Boro Schedule complaint by ot consumers against of the State College Authority was filled with the Pens sylvania Public Utilities Commission early this month. it became known econd of t- it water Borough A town the ples Saturday The complaint was filed by a com- representing the nterests of the out-of-town consumers The complaint set forth that the | Authority has violated an Act of As- sembly in that the Authority has failed to follow the mandate which requires that all rates for public utility service rendered by an Auth- must be uniform within the area served by the Authority The complaint claims that within the area served by the State College Authority various rates are charged persons within the same area, Spe- cifically. the eomplaint charges that the Authority charges a minimum rate of 84 for ten thousand gallons from most persons residing outside (Contranrd on Page Siz) dim Square Dance Here Next Thursday Night A square dance, open to the pub- lic and sponsored by the Bellefonte P. T A was announced today by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pifer. who head the dance committee for November Tickets will be thirty-five cents with refreshments available dur- ing the evening, Music will be fur. Tate Brothers or- chestra, with Walter Corman call- {ing the numbers, Dancing will begin at 8 p m Novgmber 25. at the Spring street sch gymnasium A, NOTICE TO PATRONS Because next Thursday is Thanks- giving Day, The Centre Democrat “This 1s The Army” will go to press at noon, Tuesday, | $500 DAMAGE AS CARS {instead of at our regular hour Wed- | neaday evening. In ‘order to avoid disappointment, correspondents, advertisers and others are asked to get their copy. in at least one full day earlier than usual. MIDNIGHT SHOW AT PLAZA A special midnight show will be held at the Plaga theatre, Belle- fonte, beginning at 11:15 p. m, Wed- nesday, November 24, it was an- nounced yesterday. The feature film will be Dull Moment,” featuring Brothers, “Never a the Ritz cir The attack’ Bombed Ploesti TOWN 70 BE BARE OF YULE DECORATIONS No Community Tree, Curb Trees or Outdoor Lights This Christmas IS MORE TO SAVE ELECTRIC eo stores to Remain Open at Night Beginning December 1 treet Lely Ros Jack vill trimmin wide T/Sgt basis Com tree * WATES OF EARLY DAY AT SCOT HONE CALGHT Harry M. Williams Begins Mental : thie ve Christmas winding the Hght-trim- ered ght wown Diam trimmed with store and busines dis trict In Penn Powe 4 Sponsored an aecoration oon- were awarded displays tion busines West yundly tmas prizes ad HET sadition, the Comy outdo WAY ant Chn LE mo whic ftr the best None of these Christmas features will be seen this Even tral tree on the Diamond on Augu discontinued because of England ke i J visability of using electric current transferred to the | h / Mn fp light the tree, it was explained area. Shoppers sre warned that i they | The Cambets DOUBLY weeny who dant 0 be wire of getting the gia participated in the raid were: Stall they have in mind for Christmas! Sergeant W. Miller, of Lilly.lthey must act now and shop early and Tee Het Richard J i ———— A — McKee, of St. Benedict Soloist To Appear At Concert Tonight R yor, will be h outdoor Myers Grenier year the cen- will be the nad- ent After be OVeruea 1642 Service In James Eeant Thomas McP ard guest and ttsburgh sodoist atl a con. be given by the Titan Male in the Bellefonte High i auditorium tonight (Thurs. the benefit of the Contre Hospitsl The program will 8 o'clixk Mr. McPariand, Belicfonte two Westinghouse known { area, will sing moers at tonight's The Titan Chorus was organized : a variety 14 months ago and has appeared in known Monday various is of the county in recent approved » montis. The chorus consists of 20 r completion in the post- men, all employes of the Titan Metal Company. with Mrs. J. Emest Mar- tin as director Tickets al 55 conte are on sale locally or may be purchased at the auditorium tonight days for Approve Suggested List of (5, Projects For Comple- tion After War who appeared years ago with the Band, and who hroughout the Pitts wo in groups of concert ready became Council projects war ora Council] studie at well for each par A ¢ 2 projects separate projects of the town's three wards The 1. Oil and town ssim————— Bellefonte Native Is construct | GIVEN High Army Post According to announcement by the Ninth Service Command at Fort Douglas, Utah, Colonel Alfred P Kitson, native of Bellefente has been appointed Deputy Chief of | Staff of the Ninth Service Com-! mand Colonel Kitson was born in Belle« | fonte in 1889, the family having re- sided here for a number of years! {while the father was superintendent | of the electric plant on West Lamb’ street Colonie] Kitsen received part his education in England smmissioned first lieutenant in 1917 and served with the 1ith Dive} ision until 1919. He was commission | ed a first lieutenant in the Regular Army in 1920. He served in Alaska from 1921-1923, and in the Philip pines from 1937-1840. He holds the! unusual distinction of having served an aggregate of 18 years with one division—the Third, He was ap- pointed a colonel in the Army of the United States last January general rest IIGCE treets In 2. Enlarge paved runways 3. Remove that obstruc ; 4. Centralize borough offices at water works on South Water street by remodeling present building and removing lock-up 5 Extend sanitary sewer {Continubd on page Siz) ————— Seeks Identity of Man Who Shot Dog Luiher Smith, Bellefonte black- smith who resides on a farm west of Bellefonte, is offering a reward for information leading to the ar- erst and conviction of a hunter who is a disgrace to that sport, Monday the hunter trespassed on ithe Smith lands, tore down the tres pass notices, and then shot the Smith dog, a valuable white Collie Some of the shot penetrated the dog's head above one eye, and some struck the animal in one hind leg.| It is believed the dog will live Mr. Smith declared the <o¢ Local Cousins Meet couldn't have been mistaken for, . 'game and believes the animal was, Recently i m Australia wounded intentionally. ————————— Bellefonte relatives received word "Tuesday that two cousing from this CRASH NEAR HUBLERSBURG vicinity have met somewhere in Ans [tralia Damage estimated at more than! They are Sgt. Robert P. Miller, of 8500 was caused when cars oper< the Marines, son of Mrs, Alfred Lets ated by George Lohr of Bellefonte, terman, of Milesburg, and Ple. Ger- 'R. D. 3 and Herebrt O, Baum of | [ald N. Miller, of the Army Engine {Lock Haven, collided on the high- | eers, who makes his home with Mrs, way west of Hublersburg, Saturday Lynn Love, of Logan street, Belle at 11:45 p. m. No one was injured! fonte. in the accident | The cousins met entirely unex- Baum told investigating police | pected and were able to find time that he was blinded by lights from | for a visit and to have several meals the other car. After the two cars together, collided Lohr's car continued on — and knocked over 20 feet of fence! Poot balls to please the boys, irgort and part of Gamble Mil ts road where "this istill living and are well ! Allegheny and a tree on the property of A. while they last, $1.40. Claster’s Hard. A. Pletcher. jy. Council Moves to Double Size of Bellefonte Airport 90 Additional Acres Will Provide Mile- way POWER © lo 1} “ur the pr and owned Hairy Tre of tim tw OF th Lt of ne ns rick and Ares it #0 a ale al res appre * to be Added to Field; Long East-West Run- Large Enough for Biggest Planes expected : I nord i Ome communit OVER 1200 SEE P.1.A. SHOW HERE New Auditorium Jammed. Scores Turned Away: To Redeem Tickets +3 of urd Orca Aero 4s ¢ Pa ie would INOAT * CAA 1 ele and iaaiion ana {tt ter the Informal History of Abandoned Town Harry M. Willian Scotia respondent {or this newspaper long engaged compiling a his of now deserted Community week submited st insta ment of what he terms an |i history of that village and its dents Mr i in at that the fir res: Williams, much of his young manhood ing community. Hence have the ouch of only a first-hand part. Following is the first of Mr. Williams’ interesting bh (By Harry M, Williams) Scotia, Pa. Some weeks ago we told the read «rs give them something the jong wintry months, It will general history of Scotia, the work- ing of the mines, the how they lived and many othe things that happened at this mine while it was in its glory of the writer by nis writ authenticity knowledge can ng tha in story Murl the older residents have passed away but others a We are indebted to all of them Jo their help To start this history well begin with a sketch Andrew Carnegie got his start in th iron and steel business, ve may In 1858 Andrew Kloman wna | hie brother, Anton, first operated forge at Qirty’s Run in county. This forge, con sisting of a small engine and ) en trip hammer in a bul (Continued on Pope Four) ‘Sandy Ridge Hunter Gets Bear on Monday! Earl Kennedy, baggsd a Mr. Bruin, Monday, the opening day of bear season. H of made his kill between Hi-Vue and | He was! parnett’s residence near the Sandy Ridge summit. Atl Journal reports an unknown DUnier gone «et out on the curbs in front Passmore Hotel for | {stopped at the ia few minutes and on his car was | bear shot near Clearfield. still known Four more bears are to be at large in the Sandy area. They were seen by Springs. Horse ‘Attacks’ Car Occupied by Hunters! i Text Rush, Charles Moerschbacher, | Wade McKee, and Carl Moersch- bacher, all of Bellefonte, ory y formal Wednesday who until] returning | to Scotia to live several years =» iad been a long-time resident of ‘Bellefonte, spent his boyhood and in Scotia when that town was a thrive yard Thomas Kellerman, nstallment of this newspaper that we would to read during had ¢ be a his absence from the Home, in the people and ore | during a Jsrmatl on war wid to the These include things that happened before D the wirter was known around these parts, or in other words before he Originally was born. Some of the informants institution on October re | FECAptured November 3 ot up in years causes him to roam asi of how | Miliva aa of Sandy Ridge, oni least one more bear was shot in that area. The Philipsburg Daily Ridge | ragz and rubber will be collected, starting ¢ FUGITIVE FROM PETRONE WK ¢ Patient Spent Time in Barn; Youths Make Capture Friday evening, of a ment who escaped {rom the Cer ty Home on East Howard » al tre Cx treet onlinged on Pope Biz) . AAA Committeemen To Be Elected Nov. 23 ilmer superinten- + The youth is Ri rd W ison of William Witmes ident of the home Young Witmer ii and friend were on the way home Friday when Witmer nos ticed a familiar looking figure in ani Commun] ty elections (0 select AAA alley at the resr of the Louis Hill commilieemen will be held Tuesday garage on Eas “Bishop street Brrr. | November 23 throughout! every 5 samtes foe Ph - ! ,imising it was William Stanick, 72 | couniy it Pennsylvania. Famers ay from Count e are vho walked ¢ the “Home two days called w older { The man looked up as ithe alley, h the boy's | They caughi up to gtruggle suceeded tunder control Stanick later told spent most of tl der wartime condi W. F. Rishel, chairmes tre Cou inty Committee of $1 Agence: of Agricul officiale that he the time during bam the erty on ‘Bast that he'd Yeilam Witmer pre p- Bishop street. He ac spent moss the previous escape in y | EUper intendent’s bam Tuesday Stanick was taken to! State Hospital in Danville where e¢ had been a patient bhelore being brought the County Home He | escaped from the local} 18 and was on {ded of frre Tr (Continued ou Pape Five) FARMERS BUY REGISTERED HOLSTEIN-FRESIAN COWS The Holstein-Fresian Association Osceola | of America, Brattieboro, Vi, has an- Mills when cousins telephoned auth- | nounced the following sales of reg- r|Orities here. Stanick is described as | istered Holstein-Fresian cattle from being a victim of a complex wi aj | the herd of Frank W. Ingram, Sa- aimlessly about. | lona {| Harry M cow, Femti King SCRAP COLLECTION - heifer . HERE NOVEMBER 26. "Tow nwide Collection of Metals, Rags, Paper and Magazines he to ——— Smith, Bellefonte, Lilith 2132000 Laird Schenck, Howard, one heif- Femii Snow Boy Squire, 2315508 H. Runkle, Centre Hall one Femtii Squire Picbe 24088890 Henchell, Centre Hall, one Femti Segiz Pontiac 2173555 ———" iM si————" Sn — Begins Officers’ Training Miss Mildred Loulse Chambers, { Yeoman second class of Snow Shoe, | today begins her training at the Of- | ficers’ Training School at Smith | College, Northampton, Mass. Yoe- | man Chambers enlisted in the Wom- scrap ma- lens Reserve of the U. 8. Naval Re- terials of all Kinds will be held In {serve on September 21, 1942, and re- o | Bellefonte on Friday, November 26, {ported to Oklahoma A. & M. Col- it was announced yesterday by Karl {jege, Stillwater, Okla. where she |B. Kusse, 16cal Salvage and Waste [attended Yoeman School snd grad- Committee chairman inated with the rating of Yoeman The street-by-street collection will | Third Class. Miss Chambers was as- ‘begin at § a. m. and all residents | signed to duty at the office of Naval Yiare asked to have their contribu- | Office Procurement in Pittsburgh on January 21, 1943. She was advanced in rating to Yoeman Second Class on August 1. 1943. Since reporting to the Pittaburgh office, Yoeman Chambers has participated in WAVE recruiting. She spent some time in this connection in the Bellefonte area. Yoeman Chambers is a grad. uate of Bnow Shoe High School. Be- fore her enlistment in the Women's Reserve she was employed as a sec retary by the J. H. France Refrac. tories Co. Snow Shoe ome © a | A town-wide drive for of their homes not later than that hour. Processed tin cans, (of all kinds, waste paper, a sO ap metals nagazines, | Mr. Kusse declared. ! Paper should be either tied in ‘bundles or placed in strong cartons {0 that it can be handled readily iand so scraps won't blow off the trucks. Rags should be tied securely in bundles or in bags. Kusse urges every householder to begin at once to collect materials {for the collection. Titan Employe Suffers Foot Injury at Work Thomas Hinds. 19, of Walker township, an employe of the Titan Metal Company here, was admitted to the Centre County Hospital about . 11:15 o'clock yesterday morning to] held in the borough lockup untll undergo treatment of injuries suf] Philadelphia Naval officials came fered while at work. him. Hinds received a severe laceration and fracture of the right foot when ia bundle of metal rods fell, it was reported. Held as Deserter A youth identified by police Seaman 2¢ George Jackson 18, of Northumberland, was ip last Wednesday as sg Navy - ~~Batteries are scarce. Be sure to pee our Norma lanterns, only Se. Clusters Hardware.