Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 23, 1943, Image 7
—_— Jesse ADLER Looks at the NEWS | BEFORE Hitler announced that Mussolini was a house guest some | folks thought Muss was hiding In the Italian boot. They forgot how impossible it would be to get such a big heel into only one boot! | I DON'T know what use the dead | Duce could be to Hitler—unless his | big jaw is helping Hitler to hold his chin up! ADD Definitions way people talk to the Alps INCIDENTALLY can you imagine the Puechrer bellyachin' that the Nalians gave him a double-cross? That's like a baseball umpire call- ing a fan “blind.” THE Fire Dept. of Madison (Ind. has a knutly problem. An old gaso- line barge on the Ohio River needs welding but it can't be repaired "til | its ang i 1 Owner can’ p the it away and cs to gas ration ru trade for a five pound TWO-YEAR of Boston ! throat removing piece. Musta been worths ADD Definitions Is a great singer who Liv land TALKING about lands (Cal.) man bought ak and when he returned home £5,000 in cash In package-—but no | steak. He got so furious at the butch. er for switching packages he threat- ened to bring the incident before the Better Business Bureau A yoke] Is the each other in Ras fun 50 gallons, can't g according 1IVOOdy wanna steak? es old Jean Coppinger Wad an operation a h N Robins a on LM an steaks, a Red- a for the USED to be a time teacher’ cuss you for being late brought her an apple. Nowadays y can be excused from schoo! altogeth- er— just for picking apples A TENNESSEE woman sued her husband for a divorce. His assets in cluded a goat and a rifle. Her law- yer got the latter but she didn't get the former—for the court refused to let his Mrs. get her hubby's goat ~which then did. (This ain't bad if you read it slowly) THE Chilmark (Mass) board gave a loca] lady one gall of gas {or six months to permit to operate a gasoline flat-iron on her hubby's trousers. It'll probably run "til her breath comes in t SWEDEN is wondering + with a lot of granite su which was ordered by the Nazis time ago with the idea of using it for Victory monuments. Why not make it into thousands of gravestones with Hitler, Tojo and Muss's namsas in-: scribed so thai this time people won't forget. : } A SEATTLE womsi, “living In a downlown restaurant, saw 3 glow in the direction of her residence. Che 1nehed ta a ‘phone to call her home, thinking maybe she could help out a neighbor. A man's voice answered, saying he was too busy at the mo- ment ana soul’ kK He was a fireman 'r it out a Are rigit i iu ration n short t to do away some ha yred ed SO Ll ase SEIN ' J ai] Ying in her own ! TOMMY DORSEY'S idea [on ing autographs might weil be isd by other cciebs. He signs “Buy another War Bond Sincerely TD" Standing for both Tommy Dorsey and Treasury Dept Elghn- Cop- em UNUSUAL DAHLIA Mrs, G. E. Bolen of Powys, has 2 dahlia plant 8 ft. 8 in. tall which blooms six inches in diameter, Just now, the plant has six large pink blossoms. - Luckily the nation held together during the Congressional recess, de- spite the usual crop of statements given out by recessing solons The Most Widely Read Newspaper In Centre County ~ A Visitor In Seven Thousand Homes Each Week SECOND SECTION Cenire Democrad NEWS, FEATURES VOLUME 62. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSI JAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1943, . . NUMBER 38. Random Items Congressman Resigning Seat to Take Commission In the Navy Will be Assigned to VanZandt of Shifts | Change Sr SA A IP FT Zz Zz Zz ZZ Southwest Pacific With| ~ Rank of Lieutenant Commander; Possible Successor Being Discussed James E. VanZandt s E. VanZandt, Jrd Congressman Jame fe Resigns After 30 Years’ Service Canon E. M. Frear Terminates Work at State College Episcopal Church SiEna- ain to 2 in the re ional church as well as in the diocese of Harris burg. He is not only gdeavy has served for many years as chalr- man the board chaplains, e member of of religious education, member of the court ns of p of of a the board t a place £ Lime, Fou th 3M Ww $iselonst st iclent at work” in » town and Mr ‘zhaplain « seemed unusual fe 1 "Tear ) Epis However, a ident by a group of undergraduates under faculty was nf enough on Page Siz) et copal ent leadership, (Continged Horse Pulling Contests at Fair Two horse and mule pulling con- tests will be among the gtiractions! at the Bloomsburg Fair, opening on $10. County entries close on Batur- part of his 13-mont Monday, September 27, and to con-| tinue day and night throughout that week. There will be a Columbia county | event on Tuesday morning, Septem- ber 27, and an open event on Fri- day morning, October 1. An open event was staged last year and proved such a feauture that two pre- sentations were arranged for this ar, The fair is doing this in recogni- tion of the part which the animals are playing on the “food for free- dom” front and in accord with the policy of featuring agriculture above all other presentations in an exhibi- tion solidly aligned behind the war effort. There will be two classes each day, | one for pairs, under 3,000 pounds ang another for pairs over that weight. Awards in each county event fon ay. dat) § are $40. $30 open class event $50 nd $10, and in each $40, 825 and 25. and open entries September 20. They ith Harry B. Correll, day. September Wednesday, can be placed w fair secretary Another feature of 1042 fair which is to be enlarged this year is the free entertainment at the judg- ing arena in afternoon and early evening. Acts of the same cal- ibre those presented before the grandstand will be given. The arena seals 1.000 and the fair officials de- cided that while the patrons rested from their trips around the State's biggest fair grounds, they should be entertained. The gala night show starts Mon- day, September 27. The four-day horse race meeting opens Tuesday, September 28. A grand climax Sat- urday afternoon, October 2, will be provided by Col. Jim Eskew's rodeo, a Madison Square Garden hit the late as Nescopeck, R. D., Is shown abo in the 1942 horse and ve driving his team ng contest at Bloomsbury year's exhibit en Tuesday 1 of + a canon of the! | Catheviral church at Harrisburg, but | examining | a- | Hos | the any | work carried on| | from Cong Clive uly Manchukuo f Or- and tour the a a Va . ' 2 yTlieAr Coa | I Mm | | 10 wh : Hold Youths Who Had Gas Stamps to Three Clinten County Young Men Awaiting Private Hearing ret Three Clinton County D 1 whose possession a large nu Blai ration coupons were found ninent business | released last week in the custody of their parents, and awaiting private hearing as juveniles ‘ i federal judge for that district AI) r men : iber were Emmert county fly ir ast | Brum Red Cr 3 } DARURN 5 of or I been tioned Are n who the Democratic before ' The trio-two of them being Lock and the third from were caught in inia August 26, with gas s worth 120.000 gallons apprehension after automobile belonging to one of th Lock Haven boys figured in a car accident near New Cumberls West Virginia Early ought dt is the first man to seat in Congress in this | Haven boys Two CGreenburr 1 » gn {war to enter the armed sery | i re nis re olla NOW occurred Worker Falls 30 Feet Down Quarry nd ryri no the week to Lewisburg by West Virginia : federal district. After being questioned they were released to their parents The stamps fhe were taken by one of them, he has jconfessed. from the cellar of the ; h " “ The © ition. of Be. Salih, hy an Co. of which his 18. Hughesville R. D. 1, whose truck sa plunged over the edge of a Muncy | quarry and landed on the flooring | Fix Ceilin 30 feet below Priday afternoon, re- mains serious in the Williamsport in in ¢ br st of over TALK Hughesville Man and Truck | ° Plunge Over Edge of Stone Quarry f reat n N found or bea MI AM g Prices For Many Foods hich etal] county may charge September 18, 1943 the food items that wusewife's market basket wer last night by Ra District Director recently discharged suffered a depressed in the skull in addition to R aires PICS WN any he army fracture of for « ’ » were said to be no eve wit- | Th to the but families stores company officials residing in te of the Kiigus stone quar’y heard the crash as at the bottom of rall, OPA accident Aust § their 4 vicinity The OPA fer setion Cameron, McKean gnd Poller coun- a major step in the drive t reported truck pit ney landed euoaly on, Eik ties, as Saires was thrown out of the truck hold the line of the cost and he lay a short distance from the will not alter the general | overturned machine when workmen present ceilings but will enable went to his rescue housewife to know in the simplest Centre, " i the of iv level] ti Mm —— | Former Boalsburg under any circumstances for a “i oo. . pound, a package or a dozen of any Minister Captain of the hundred food items listed As a result, housewives will find reductions In those prices which have exceeded the ceilings ———— BURNED BY CAUSTIC 58 Shamokin, re- (1st Lieutenant) Lester |J. Kaufman, assistant camp chap- {lain at Camp Rucker, Ala. since 1042, last week received pro- | motion to the rank of captain | While for the past several months vor Dressler Chaplain Kaufman has served pats ceived extensive burns of the arm. { ients and personnel at the Station hands, face abdomen and left leg at | Hospital at Camp Rucker, the large the Heyden Chemical Company i tour of duty at plant, Riverside, when a solution of training center caustic soda suddenly exploded while Chaplain | Alabama's largest | the Stockade { By denomination { Chaplain Kaufman's a last mokin ressler his glasses | Centre cou said FIND MISSING BOYS Jack Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wagner, and Dean Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. H W. Wagner, A 23-year-old youth of Aliquippa, both of Lewisburg. were located in who had been bediast for eight { Philadelphia last Monday night af years, won the Republican nomina- ter they had gone to that city on tion for justice of the peace, returns {Sunday night without notifying their from Tuesday's primary disclosed iparents. Elmer L. Wagner, Lewis- The youth. Angel Conti, who {burg chief burgess, and grandfather fered paralysis of the hips after an of Jack Wagner, with the boys moth- injury in a football game. conduct- er, went to the city and brought ed his campaign by telephone from them home after police had located the bedroom of his home--and poil- them through a teletype message. [ed more than 1.100 votes. “I'm site - ting on top of the world,” he said, Clerk Injured in Fall i beaming | Dick Klapp, of Watsontown, drug {clerk, is confined to his home by in-| FINE RUN OF EELS {juries of the head, ankle, knee and’ Near freezing temperatures of re- | back suffered when he fell from a|cent nights have resulted in the an- {ladder at the cabin of the Watson. nual run of eels getting well unger- {town Legion Post Sunday. His con- way at Berwick. Large quantities are dition is not believed to he serious. being taken by wall fishermen, and | Klapp fell from the top of the lad- the meat shortage is aiding in (der to a concrete surface, but felt bringing about an excellent sale ino ill effects until several hours lat- jer, when he collapsed suddenly and {was treated Ly a physician. i nty sc A — sion ———— Bedfast Youth Wins S154 gif - ss ai RELIEF REPORT Stete Treasurer G6. Harold Wag- ner reported that direct relief pay. UU. S. CASUALTIES 105.205 iments made to needy residents of The Office of War Information| Centre county during the week end- {has announced casualties of the U, led Friday totalled 8543.10. Last week {8. armed forces from the outbreak payments totalled $558.70 lof the war to date total 105.205. The | nn {figure does not include casualties Impression For Dad | where the next of kin have not been! When Mrs. Blake O. Cruckshank's | notified. Based on War and Navy | son of Milton, Mass, cut his first {department reports, the total includ- | tooth, she made an impression of it jed 20,104 dead, 28.226 wounded, 32.- In chewing gum and mailed it to her {905 missing and 23.070 prisoners of | sergeant | wer borne, La a ¥ terms possible the maximum amount | which a food store may charge her) | was spent serving the prisoners in he wag mixing it. The explosion lit-! erally burned the clothing from the! Lutheran, body of the victim, who was treated |, civillan by plant doctors and nurses and late | | pastorate was with Boalsburg parish, er was removed to his home in 8ha- | ishielded his eyes and saved his vi-1| husband at Camp Clai- 4 Fishermen Pay Violation Fines State W ardens Apprehend Quartet in Muncy Val- lev Region State fish $80 and the Peace Valley re- Jickie C two fines totaling $30 ar ( were | possession Siate Hes paid The gr WMYiIinR TE 0 wd also havi er-sized bas Robert Albertson 3 the limit $10 and cost Two bass caught | Warner of Danville be expensive fish a 320 and cost Arrests were Bidelspache fish wardens fame. protector, o I fined made by A. Paul Wileox, State Prank Crosby, Carl BIG ne | Vi . LEADS ATTACK 0 Lieut, Gen, Mark Ww. kk com. mander of the Aggrice Army y gaptain ry in {ha World in the daar of niant Ger. | in the, 1th Ww wounded toward Earig in June, | Fas deputy ¢ nder- | of the ing ing in Africa gnd was the hero of a sub- marine fadvepture in_establishing | contact with the Free French in Algiers mepata to the landing | of Allied troops in November, 1042, MISTAKEN FOR DEER Tioga ¥ hs were shot early Wednesday evening and were taken to the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital in Wellsboro, where they are said to be improving. The youths are: Mason Bergh, who was shot through a heel, and Richard Doud. shot through the hip. Both boys, 16 years old, alse suffered from shook. It is believed that the boys were ace | cidentally shot by a resident. who! had oblained a verbal permit to CAITY a Run on his premises becouse of crop damage done by deer, and who mistook the boys for animals Teo THIEVES STEAL GAS COUPONS Burglare who cracked a safe in the office of the Scranton War Price and Rationing Board in a central city building got away with coupons good for more than 3.000.000 gallons of gasoline. The thieves apparently were after gasoline rationing books aiohie, as they tossed food rationing books aside, : a a PROMOTED TO COLONEL | Donald Ross Dunkle, cavalry of- ficer, of Lewisburg, has been pro mated from Ueutenant snlanel to thei rank of full colonel] in the U 8 (Army, the War Department ane inotnced today {men were burned, not seriously. The {loss is estimated at $5,000, United States Now Has ‘Mightiest Navy’ In The History of The World Giant Fleet Now Carries the United States Flag on All Oceans and Seas; Also Most Powerful Air Force fries rit 1 been Jost «| obsolete JNO Bilat action or wr 2100 ding 613|ferred to other n 18000] Despite tL sur-{July 31, 1943. h | planes I t need in Led oh and have agencies thes hese he th Although vessels (1076) plus t numbey exis numobe: tenes three , 2 he ; YEArs Ago 7 built since «| Of the numt in servi the lo 51 of | landing boat and the cons , | other us¢ A total of 187 Navy a over 0 other Navi COnBIGeTrably (14.072) accounted to All of 1 of fer wed N large 1X y an official that this wa and that the ibstantial additions lar { plan an interin ; the ext 18 months of both 58 fc warships ink ir ips and a. Carli 15.376 New Ships 32 destroyers ar 129 {erre: addition addition been trans three year 15.378 new + Lhe past vy has compieted i types, costing more than lion dollars, and represe al of 2200000 tons: added s 10 14 arm, and built shore costing $6.500,000.000 +) | 8 to other (Continued on Pope —- Arrested For Stealing Car Hitless assent fleet of more 14.- Wo nearly 5.000000 ton luding 2.21V.882 tons of warships L We beginning of the emergency mid-1940, the American Fleet sted of only 1076 ing 383 warships: and 1744 planes, of ers and bomber 11 the Navy wn doning Automobile Near Port Matilda on vinse ls ciud the Ni nag ons whic) 5 were figl A Jersey § » Springfiel Ma placed in Lycomi: day of last of transporting Toledo, Ohio Centre counts budit 7800 planes ICE nas soguired { BRO hie is pianes and from Arms i has wWeeg on A total Fire Renders Seven Homeless Paul Hudson Home Destroved at Center, Clearfield N Rescinito bons County $1.000 bond. Hic companion is still Persons Were made home |, Sounty jall at Willlamsport {loss last Wednesday sitermoon when |, The loderal charge al : ’ oog the vehicle of Leo R. Reihl jfire compietely destroyed the four-|s. . Tolsde 10 Port Matilda, know {roomed single-story home of Mr! thm g y : ’ ing it was stolen and Mrs. Paul Hudson at Centre, Clearfield county Mrs. Hudson had a kitchen stove and was baking bread. | M She had stepped out to well ! gel water when she noticed that the house was on fire. She dashed into pun the then famine structure to get her|2°°0r 3-year-old baby, Mary Catherine—|on the only one of her six children|Mrs the Five others were | Uck and husband, who now empioyed railroad. he in Bey Lis + srs WP ————— —— ERIOUSLY HURT 8. Splain North ‘ON FS hot Are in bet WOMAN of the ng from a a Pos sible pr examis Hosj when ng h and fractured vis liminary Packer ired o Si ng } Mary M Spiain r e a. W Was home at ? which a 15-foot * West Side highway Beach. The truck - continued on its remen { hilipahire s . Firemen rom Philipsburg canal bed. Pour other Chester Hill responded. but the fire Sg had gained 00 much headway when the truck they arrived. Nothing was saved from the home. All household goods and furnishings including new cloth- ing. hew blankets, and a new gaso- | washing machine, went up in Nes in schoo her is on the is me only on weekan i oid of alonz the occupants including two babies, were Mrs. 8plein was thrown to the ground when the door of the cab swung open sss ois A TURKEY PRICES FIXED and ¢ il fr il the house or contents Cause of the fire healed stovepipe passing through wits. There was no insurance on! Cost any more this year than last | Announcing that prices will not ex- ceed the previous ceiling, an OPA spokesman said turkeys would go on sale to civilians next month. after an August and September prohibi- tion of sales. to permit the Army to purchase 10 million pounds for ship- ment overseas Was the over. Two Youths Accused of Aban- : —— SOUR COUNT: Nothing in recent political history caused more talk and more spec. tation locally than the North Ward board's tally 462 voles for Henszey for Commissioner when recount showed tl 42 votes were polled er ror, seri becouse if undetected it would have given Henseey the nom- 0. P. McCord, is ey i has election of the wt only him, The for ow ination instead of nexpiained by the ¢ time on board at thi Jl COLORFUL: Penns) while conv yellefonte rd to say, “Ye ofl.” “Adding sudraction PUBLICITY GAG: " advertise my foyer To a i the “Red ar ident 4 Eh BS paper last Bob H rule in judg next bloke who Dies peaches 8. *s the 1 vi knows if you won else will bb PRICE CONTROL: The State Milk be ready Ww the of milk quart. Looks to trol—in revers CXira PARK : whil Ww cost a Lhe three oents PY Bell efonte » Jand Jaa id wn af tr considerable lake backed McoOoy dam is not being utilized fos (boating and canoeing purposes. And alleges they!it's a shame the land in and around ithe dam is not planted in ‘rees and grass 10 make a large and attractive park. Buch a program there prob. ably would elininste the mosquito nuisence in Bellefonte, as well -{ WHO WILL WIN? frac-| On , 4 ia ' January 15, 1942 8 peeling, a poll was taken among a umber of Titan Metal employes as date World I n to their guess on the War IT would enc went along Nov 1845 s time ran the following class: V W. Shook, Aug. 1. 1942: G. W ler, Sept. 5, 1042 James Y Sieg, Dec. 28, 1042; BR. E. Byrne, Dec. 30 1842; W. P. Sieg, Feb. 22 1943: H Y Hooper, April 30, 1943: M. A. Purvin June 10, 1843; and Marvin J. Roth- rock, August 23. 1043 Those still in the running are L. Newman Oct ust 10, 1944: C. E. Garbrick, August 15, 1944; Philip B. Ray, September 1, 1044; H T. Haberman September 15, 1944; M. J. Mianulli. October 1 1944; W. W. Sieg, November 10. 1944, and Mr. Simpson, November 11. 1845 The man whose guess is nearest Continued om pape Sig) £m a0 by FARM QUESTION BOX ED W. MITCHFLL —— LL —— i —— i the kitchen wall Mrs. Hudson stat] ed that they knew the arrangement was not good, and that they had been zaving money to build a flue T. R. ASSASSIN DIES John Flamgnang Schrank. 67. who atiempled to kill Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. last week died in a hospital the insane at Waupun, Wis Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest in front of a Milwaukee hotel a short time before he was to ad- dress a rally in his Bull Moose cam- | paign for president. A spectacle case deflected the bLullet but {4 entered his body. He insisted on making his address and did so, highlighted with ! a dramatic gesture as he pulled open | his coat to display his blood-stained | Q Is it all right to put soy beans shirt and pad that covered the In the silo with corn? wound {| A~Yes mix soy beans with corn on if you can. The beans improve the Coeds Outnumber Men feeding value of the silage. and the ie corn improves the Keeping quality outnumber men by nearly 5 t 1. in 30d Palstability of the siage. A 50- the new freshman class at the Penn- 30 mixture: 1s Rue sylvania State College, registrar | Q~—What is the best way to raise William 8. Hoffman announces. | ‘Omatoes—poled, rarked, or lying on First-year students number 705, of |he ground? | which 541 are women and 164 men. A~Do not bother with stakes, In July, after the opening of col- rarks, pruning or suckers, Set your lege had been postponed to integrate | tomatoes carefully and tend them! it with the military program, 444 | well unti] they are a foot high. Then men and Women entered. New stu- Mulch with papar or lawn clippings! dents will report Oct. 27, for tradi- 8nd forget them till picking time, | tional freshman week, and classes; Q--Could 1 successfully trans will start Nov. | plant a two-year-old lilac bush? | -- A Yes. Do it early next spring.| LARGE BARN BURNS 'Dig a trench around and under it Fire of unknown origin discovered now, about 18 inches from the crown | while men were working on a silo, and pack this with lawn clippings. | destroyed the large barn on the This helps form a compact ball of property of Dayton Rote of Mount roots that will move well nook. The Tan tad ma of ey| 70ua henley a bed Gg? | lhe ~Oecastonally one finds a fresh-| ome hi one call, one Pig abd 1 jai egg that is decidedly bad in| equipment was destroyed. and two DAYOT As A result of feed or indiges. | tion. This is apparently due to some [diseased condition of the ovaduct or - ian. ‘bacterial infection of the ova. If pos. CALLS DR. BALLET! alii, he Yen shoug be Wasted Pirst Lieut. George Newton Bale ™ : lentine, physician of Union county, Q@~—Do blossoms drop off summer) has been called to active duty in the Squash and cucumbers? Army. He will serve in the Medionl| A--8quash and cucumber plants Corps. . {have the bad habit of dropping their po Ee —— blossoms, and there seems to be nothing one can do to prevent this. It may be caused by a lack of good pollination. or to plants growing too fast or not fast enough Q~~When is the proper time io set out cultivated blueberry bushes? A Early in the spring Q Can asparagus roots be trans. planted in autumn? A They may be transplanted in autumn, but spring is generally con. sidered a better time Cut off tops after the second hard frost, trans plant promptly and at least a foot deep, pack the earth well and cover with mulch. Do not cut unt] the seoond or third year alter trans. planting. Q-~How long does grow? A-~8tringless green Pods make a Crop of beans varieties, and three months to get hard, ripe beans of any sort for winter storage. Q—~What causes jeaves of pear trees to turn brown and die? it lake beans to “