Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 23, 1943, Image 3
Fats N .~ UNIONVILLE Methodist Church: Praver servicel The members of the Women's hursday evening at 7 o'clock. Sun-| Bible class of the Methodist church day school Sunday morning at 9:30, | were entertained for their regular immediately followed by the regular monthly business meeting on Tues preaching service at 10:45, with ser- day evening at the home of Mrs. mon hy the pastor, Rev. W. A. 8ny- | Margaret Keatley der. Youth Fellowship in the evening] Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fisher have al 6:30. This Sunday will be Promo- | purchased the J. R. Willams prop- tion Day in the Sunday 100l and erty, formerly the Hogan property, the annual Ra v will bo the fol and which has been occupied re- lowing Sund }elober J cently by Prank Stere and family, | Prest rian Church: Bible study who purchased the M~Clellan prop- in the church, erty, and expect to move In the near the pastor, futi ire - MI and Mrs. Pisher and two | Preaching ser- are staying with her par-| . | nts, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Lucas until | Praver the house Is vacated for them to | September 23, 1943. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, Sunday move into it 9:30, Lieut. (jg) P. Richard Fisher and | and the wife, of Norfolk Navy Yard, Va. vin the spent several days with her parents, | symon by the | Mr. and s. H. 1. Kerchner, and] nt uple days with his | parents in ‘Northumberland county, They visited with her aunt and un- | cle, Mr. and Mrs. Toner Calhoun of "| Altoona on Sunday, and returned to | Norfolk on Monday afternoon, The | renaders gave them the usual wel- come on Saturday evening. Lt. Fish. 2 five-day furlough and | he best use of the time and | relatives before re- duties Toner Calhoun of guests of his sister | husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. 1 I Kerchner, on Sunday. They were ac- | ll companied home by their niece and | husband, Lt. (jg) P. Richard Fisher | and wife of Norfolk, Va., who spent | } ht with them and then re-| i to her parental home here | | very de- before returning to their home in| members | Norfolk on Monday 1st Wed- | Mrs. Clair Flick of Waterloo, N. Y., | nere her siste Miss Roselyn Gillespie { to her !and girl friend, Mis ss Helen Czebin- | t week {ak of Sy 150, N stopped Mon- | jay ni Mrs Flick's aunt, | They were driv-| Ga where Mrs | her husband who is in| y Stewart, Ga. She | ain there while the Il return home by bus} Holt Mr. and Mrs, B. E.| all citizens and | Holt and daughter Georgeanna, and | mmunitv-—don't | Mrs. Holt's mother, Mrs. Ida M.| of October is not far| Hoff of Tyrone, recently returned | usual 5 per cent! from a week's vacation at Golden] ided to oll school! Lake, Ontario, Canada. Their time] » know the school! Was spent mostly in fishing. The| this vear o! largest fish gotten weighted 18 3-4] be added to Pounds and was caught by GC. W John Whipple of visited a couple! with relatives here. | turned home on Fri- Whipple remained on he serious illness and cousin, Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Lucas received ord from their son Walter, who 15; stationed at Florence, 8 C., that he has been promoted to the rank of | nda \y evening. | corporal hn Whipple of Miss Georgeanna Holt was guest weveral days of honor at a birthday dinner at her 4 « and home on Sunday. Those present) (Continged on Page Four) SAVE ON THESE | ee BN TR ITEMS | A ie DOUBLE BIT | CLOTHES LINE AXE id Lo | Theirs is the Greater Each ea SUFCRIFICE . .. Sturdy You and your family have given up many things fo bring the Uo them it's all in the line of duty—the only way to win. And day of a victorious peace nearer. Driving your car w henever and that must he our attitude: that must determine us to really mak- wherever you like; meat a half dozen times a week; all the butter, ing some sacrifice that counts—in dollars that will make the war Heavy PUMICE SOAP | It hasn't seemed easy to adjust yourself to these sacrifices, hay enough! This month every retail store in town has enlisted $1 89 Ie me 1 that what makes it seem difficult to give up peacetime conven- call for sacrifice? Well, why not? That sacrifice won't cost you Russia and China. A malevolent Gestapo doesn’t spy on us and GLOVES giving up sacrifice? How about our boys at Pearl Harbor, Manila, and sweat, the less blood and tears! And the sooner the war is Go Only sacrifice of death! BACK the ATTACK with WAR BONDS sugar and coffee you want; shopping just because you've the a month, week, or even one day shorter! Dollars that will buy War ® Granite Priced Extremely But as each new need to do without has arisen, it's just heen a to sell every one in this city another War Bond—of $100 or more. iences is the fact that we at home have been so unscathed so far. vour life as the sacrifice of war cost fighting men’s lives. But that ———— HOUSE our children. some boy you love—and millions more like him, loved by millions To Go At Guadalcanal, North Africa—your own son, perhaps, or cousin or won, the sooner our heroes will be able to enjoy with us, the bene- Ti a itan Metal Manufacturing Company COFFEE MAKER Genuine Klex | money to buy something new. Bonds. OF course you've bought several already: but you can’t Delp Type oro “igh matter of minutes until your mind snapped to the realization Does that sound like a lot? Will the $75 or more it will cost you Our streets haven't been turned into battlefields like the cities of in sacrifice may make the war enough shorter to send home alive CANVAS WORK : : : mare parents, relatives, friends. Let's not forget—the more bonds BROOMS ' Sacrifice? Have we any right to consider the little we are Out They 13 45¢ nephew. They've experienced true sacrifice: many the supreme fits of hard-won freedom which they now fight to secure. BELLEFONTE, PENNA. DART BOARDS Dean Phipps Auto Stores 28 South Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa.