Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 16, 1943, Image 4
Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, RELLEFONTE, PA. September 16, 1943. — UNOFFI IAL A L R I Fnominatee in mit with al C TABLE OF REPUBLICAN VOTES CAST AT TUESDAY'S PRIMARY ELECTION f Novic Sinton. a) UNIONVILLE write«<in vole of 34 In the West Ward, Robert Mont- {gomery and John Gordon each re-| ————— |eelved two Democratic write-in votes| Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifton McElwain’ week and over Labor Day at the (for Council, and probably will have and thelr son-in-law and daughter, home of her sister, Mrs. Plerce Pet [to toss a coin to determine which Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gent of Hart. ers, and also with other relatives is the nominee for November. Re- ford, county, Md. were visitors over and her mother, Mrs. Belle Bruss Ipublicans of the ward nominated'the weckend with the McEIwWaIn! aejville Peters came home for a [Wilbur Saxion, with a write-in vote families. Other guests on Bunday week's vacation and returned home of 13. Leslie Thomas, present incum- Were Mr. and Mrs. Penn Griest of gunday, taking with him his wife bent, got a write-in vote of 12 for Barnesboro and baby. Darlene, who had been that office | Latest word received from Donald here for three weeks at the home of For Borough Auditor Paul M.'B McElwain to his parents here, Is his parent Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Bellef ’ Duby resent incumbent, received that he has completed hb basic Peter Bellefonte Boro N w ! d . q a a a a : 1 a 25H 537 - in the North Ward, 313 in Waning Gulfport i M Darlene Pets daughter of Mr ee Dore. pA X 1 3 { : 22 2 2 ¥ 2 “od 1 8 lr ’ ag, yf . 4 : a “ » , the SBouth Ward and 104 in Lhe West We he has been Sin v iu and and Mrs. Melville Peters, and Kath- Centre Hall Boro Ward for the Republican nomina- 16 NOW lof ay -m die FAR Jee Bln 1 TH Peter daughter of Mr. and Howard Boro ! . IY y 5 146 29 " 104 tion, and received 12 write<in Dem- tending radio school Mr Pierce Peters, celebrated thelr Milesburg Boro 26 iH 4 ix J 3 3 119 ocratic votes to get the nomination If any of the housewive birthdays both on the same date, Millheim Boro qr - 2 k 29 8 4 i 41 26 on that ticket, There were no other (oo. wish to contribute Sept. 5 Darlene being 2 years of Port Matilda Boro a x 37 66) 22 XA 7 Hn 2 83 candidates for that office home-canned goods to age and Kathleen, 4 year: Philipsburg-—-1st Ward ‘ { ; ER . The assessor vote, an unusually! county Hospital, it can aft 2 Mrs. Effie Foust of Johnstown, has Philipsburg —and Ward i } ) ‘ 28 2 ‘ 3 ‘ heated one this fall resuited the Cloves Farm store ' ! been visiting a the home of her Philipsburg—3rd Ward ( 7 8 5% : f KL, 3 48 101 qo : ’ a 130) 2 29 ‘ 2 2% : 4 29 ; b Po Jesse Klinger, Republican, and Helen be taken to the hospital friend, Mrs. Pierce Peters and fam- South Philipsburg § : : 3 17 22 {is | 4 J i. : : . ' MY \ . » |M. Schaeffer, Democrat, being the : fly, the past three week Bhe ex- Snow Shoe Borough 51 2 9 “3 2 : ) mM 2 ‘ i ! ’ " 14 \ 2 ay North Ward nominees. Klinger re Wow ahd Mrs. Oscar Price and two pects to leave for home this week State College—East Div ceived 227 voles. Herbert Auman got Ga ighters, Marian and Chrelle, of ney inday at the home State College West Div 299 votes and Elwood L. Johnson re- Upper Darby pent their vacation o State College—North Div ceived 149 vou On the Democratl Unionville Boro ticket Miss Schaefler had 145 voles Benner Twp.—N. P She was unopposed sroduction Sin ) ; ”: = ieltatigs wens ed 4nd aimon® Benner Twp—8.F In the South Ward Jacob Knisely ganized, and we have held our first a number i gift { Bowery was a Boggs Twp--N. P 3 21 p | 13 4 | ' 18 received the nomination | sesor meeting. all of us 1 that w ave larae 1 tr: fro h oan a Boggs Twp. —E. P g 1 ; 3 { ' " 8% ' 4 1 B13 ] 1 3! 3 0 1 y" . on both tickets, receiving 29 . ved tremendous benefits from !whs : yh Oy oF mam Boggs Twp —W. P 4 86 , 3 27 8 2 ; L 2 } i 2 B88 31 186 43 4 ] 4 » : y a ' 4 48 86 RG 7 publican 1 nd 2 wi tn + h Burnside Twp : . " “ , : . g ‘ i . 3 pp College Twp Curtin Twp Curtin Twp. —8 Ferguson Twp 3 7 1 # 8 1 | 20, 5 23 AN! 8 30 1 2 1 20 11 12 9 N 1 3511 23 13 17 20 or with 43 ve as Ul esest——— Ferguson Twp i , 7 : 34 yi 20 3 1 y' Yi 7 2 9 : 2 12 y y Ti p " u , Za ToL 38 23 nw by el Waa th Hetqusn Twp. ’ : d 3 2 17 3 ! i 11 3 7 29 23 1 2 10 l 1 13 ‘13 1 3 1 * ’ 2 30 13 ulsliont omination through 13 Observes 50th Iregg y ! i | : i ] ] | 3 4 ; ! i ] / : wT «in vole : : Gregg Twp.—E 1 3 11 ) ] 5 9 ] 0100 | ! 2 i ] g ] i 3} 3 "13 . 11 3 " suite : Wedding Anniversary Gregg Twp—W 4 4 3 4 XK 16 ; J 25i 15 bi 131 21 100 15 ! 12 1 14 1 i ‘ " ; » . 12 m9 a Th wre 107 the weekend were Haines Twp A ¢ 4 ’ 1 : [ 3 ! H 3 2 ] { 2 | y ! { / 1 1% 14 1 . ’ 20 ‘i a i Health for Victory (Continusd Hom Dag ORE) ; and i uristian -D. Zow of Haines Twp —W ) 21 98 1 8 13 1 ii 2: TH 2 8 80 A HN 4 1 71 y mo 19 3 7 T3 Liv neaged in various bursuits | OF Ang “ ir. and Ms Halfmoon Twp of 9 3 5 20 T 3 9 20 120 1M 28 1 i 35 1 23 2 $ 3 15 18 28 14 25 14 41 20 Club Organized ig Tomy Minden. ivivind . Hoy and daughter Madge. Harris Twp.—FE : i 1 i 3 2 HN 5 1 7 TEE Ho 3 2 3 10 1 10 & SER tw ams: ax eonnte andipesi0l: PHISH Mr. and Mrs. Mile Harris Twp —W 13 TT 51 3 22 { 0 6 7 } 'H | 2% 13 1 ; ] 9 _- 79 » ad y p ' i Urges Harri ave an in- oie ts 4G © ad or Wwe i Oy at ughter. Adelaide of Howard Twp 7 8" 3 1 46] B 16 25 8 4 i ! 32: 71 14 9 1 Bg % 13 Mm 21 2 5 9 wo 57° 54 18 (1 ting talk in welcoming the PAr- i urchin auditor cod toe allem. CHiCag and Mr: Robert M Huston Twp 9 1 8g 3 3 A 13] 16) 15 1 4 2a 3 9 5 13 4 i 13 34 35 2 1} 6 38 24 20 2 6 icipation of local industries 10 Delp ror sunreximately 0 corre In sare BOY 8 jaugh i Mae, of Liberty Twp. —E 3 p ] 1 3 Th 3 py 1 i 3 7 7 ¢ if : 1 i } # 16 12 20 p 20 It 2 1 1 1 p- . make the local Health for Victory ‘ cl Ahm h on : hw " ON ) POON) N 3 a1 Mr and Mi Liberty Twp.—W ol oN NM 6 3 8 ®t 8 2 1 1 i % ff 3 7 = 3 8 3 1 [Club a succes his’ 6H. an en. John W. Hoy and children, Pat Masten Twp 12 13 13 1 8 12 1 131 32 6 9 30 23 3 1 y $l 12 | 8 16 13 22 18 26 17 27 nN Bayard Magee of National OyD-|acootnts of the Register Prothon i Bot of Stal ol i“ Th Mlies Twp.—E : 1 i os 100 2 Ee yo , ; ‘ y 4 11 m Ce hin Curtin, Jr. of War- |, sit ¥3 . A———— dren who weren't here wers Miles Twp —1 18 1 ! 2 i 11 32 1 11 33 i 2 11 14 19 1 ! i 10 8 I um Ce. re vedo of Whit. [IA 30d Recorder. In his younger | SRACCITIT wot WE eit Uf Miles Twp 14 7 ) ) 10 ” " . : go Ee Sn : . i Was quite active as an aue- , : Ala Patton Twp Penn Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Rush Twp 1 10 5 y i 0) 8 21 ) 13 21 2 y 4 + ed SEPT Ey 2 24 h : t o ! cha ¢ ! | ily Rove : Rush Twp 5 11 7 2 ¢ 1 3 2 12 . y . 1 2 91 " ; a J : ipod 4 . 18 p g d sald Mr. MacDonald, in pr ting 4 Il preserved {or a woman who had P {fer { Wilk ry M1 Ww J Kecorder | Auditor | | A RPS 'H SY ]R "1 VOTING Sherify 'reasurer [ret Prothonotar | Commissioner | Hegister | | | Fgod A 4 | } } ] w | | PRECINCTS PIA, iow] x04 ") qooef IK 4 P3 Jans Loy 13M°H VQ SK KH sqanq nagpuy po d O umosg ‘HO WM ping H AUTH ¥osuU*H HM IN A AuvH snoig H epie(er) uyof urwmssoy Vv 'H gsae) ‘a ITH swe HT Sean WMA Jagd ‘3 ft uesIEM ‘H SYYD UOSUIAINS L2aMIV 'N WTO ssa 9 SYYO Sunipoo py saqing ‘¥ Ser 3 20 i= CaD Rush Twp. —S } 1 13 3 8 Th i 18! 4 2s! a3 a ry 3 41 1 " Eh Ee "m 21 2% 22 a; | atifactive red. white and Die. romily of six sons and who thes Wagner, of State College and Mrs Rush Twp » 3 9 « 21 ' 17 " 2 1 21 20 . y ; 13 ' 13 id " oe by . - 4 4 \ wo ertificats that al 1% hie for — hor i” v Snow Shoe Tw 1 ; i 16 3 5 bt 1 3 13 3 1 4 ’ 9 y 2 2% p owl Wei ml. 4 “B: BRI AREY * homemakers are enlisted in this ns wny of ihe hot dd task wat . st a it. Hoy. do Snow Shoe Twi J 2 12] 1 F 13 i 5i 100 3 33 6 16 3 13 3 38 11 3 2 12] o> A Bb MW I IW A © = tonal patriotic crusade 1 : dir ei Rta nd { the anni A Y wring Twp.—N. P 4 T 17 28 6 2 2 nn 2 fT 20 3 { 3 50 3 91 30 28 5 14 nl aol mat 40 118! 43 " * the war through serving ih Twp —8. P : | 16 5 03 17 2 20 28 192 ¢ 55 143 ' 8 18 10 A 2%: 2% RY . 5 rio BR Be a, AR wt ' mm ilies more healthful meals Spring Twp Ww P 11 § 10 11 0 y 17 1 y a 2 . Be mi cal 1 a a y . Ee ns i i Taylor Twp : 20 i 15 7 4 ] 2 1 10 3 : 20 g 3 $ ; y . yy Union Twp bi 1 3 43 4 17 56! 11) 23! 54 1 35 24 8 18 28 2 28 12 6 8 15 4 an a6 36 14 #0 35 |1eTS were mounted in a red we Walker Twp.—E 8 T 9 4 1 F 13 1 H 2 MM 2 12 12 4 M3 AF M1 13 1] 1d 9 22 7 19 14 20 13 Iram OEpiing thes ou Walker Twp.—N ‘ | 6 1 19 1 3 B 1 4 12 2 14 i { i ; 8 . o 3 y » 9 1 2 18 i IE hs Simp! the local chapter, P. H | Titan ©4 the dinner at the Pes Walker Twp.—W g 5 9 8 0 20 3 6 2 8 10 13 MI 1 10 3 EN aH SH vam a iMetarManufaeturing © ht : Worth Twp i} 8 6 3 1 2 1 2 71 : 2% 6 10 al ‘ai & 13 ‘8 ‘6 ‘2 18 1 re proud to receive this recogn uring the open hous yy, €Ver deserted one firm 1 work great source grandci ecelebratio have advanced none of them Buy Defense Bonas now! Democrats Nominote Hipple, Mensch aes. Fegisiered for THe HEE ic. [RODSIE 2. Yoodiing sid § Bouart3 write-in votes. ana the Repuiiean SU —Henszey, Keeler GOP Nominees Balser. Weaver: Howaton 1315; Wi(hur. wis the fourth candidese, Tomlin candidates Tor. Cowell in the — lam Hrouse, Bellefonte, 1109. votes wer Gis North War ved from T to 8 > . : Ff BUY MORE (Continued from page ome) Adams, of Philipsburg. with 1108 William Brown fonte, 953: CW A aA nb vObaR aeRO. ides Tashan i ATTACK W'Th \ ow a WAR BOK : an mall : 8ti ston 1 ip ot FIGHTING oy } MP: burg, for Coroner and J. Thompe : o sland be na Woods's u 4 2 minated Henry. of Houston township fam Df Hy 4 pi : toy - ) nion township. 272 Betray ¥ 23 > " " 42 ‘ouncil with a write-in 4 3 : . 2 . . 3 Aah Jie the Democratic semuation lo tor N 0 142 land W. C. Coxey for the other Coun- £8 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Of 8895, only about 3100, or about 35 . i. will he the nrewnt Sher Art minated J. Victor! A iy i aap tasis of LE Ward A Dix cent, voied ob Tuesda he Re ve a A ; Dr eh § or Ga A Y i pad , {not 05 ¢ ’ re-election a Har DD. Cowher. present in WH cess publican record was wmewhat bet . x : re " 9 ‘ { a . n 4b 245 . net Bt "hod tat. Ny ¢ Lem nomination with mbent. a vol of 275 an also ter. for of a registration of 11.982 a "E_ parirants toe the oie. mn, of Milesbus who | 18 FOR BOB AND DO tal yit 6400, or more than 5 Milles ih fn. . ke. hte 2000 | VOU! rt <td re MD “rn sips sii iE L » ) i total of abot went to the polls Local Option Votes Samuel Goldwyn laughingly presents Nilesh ‘. Williams. 1693: W. Leslie Thomas. er i \ wolities. paced the Re. | Ri RTO Miiesburg Ugh voleqd 0 CON-(. nafonte 1138 Fred V. Pletcher d an BalR er Aras : TWO iy TWO tinue to prohibit the sale of QUOT, Ct "wan and former Rebublican od 3483 votes. Hin running Darties BIG HITS: S75 = JW 46 DAYS! BOB DOROTHY in that comn y the vo t fin ” bh i RET Repu eq 3 \ H rind parton Lopes saice oI o> thee Folooy Cuaimen, Hawa D. Cov: (iy Novenber wise Sowurs M |S — FRIDAY and SATURDAY — addition, the sale of beer, now per- - : mitted there was voted out, the tally Vote for Register ; eo y a a : han OA Continuous Shows Saturday From 2 PF. MM.) being 141 against beer to 107 for p A. Corman. of Soring Miils a ! gr Rep oi An i : Port Matilda, which now permits ..aonosed Democrati ndtidate 3) And fa Together in lau hter A ain! the sale of both liquor and beer, who weking election as Register! .. . e A veh " nap /4 /4 . = TE ALL voted on the liquor sales and the peceived a complimentary vot A na, TC gh ' o ITs AL tally was 114 to 104 in favor of €ON- 2800 and in November will be ¢ Harisnek 0 m township, poil- : Nth hole troop of radio top- notchers / AL tinuing such sales in the borough posed for election by the Republican 1977 vou 4 ) 0 make s even funnier than oy ir first! . ¢ A Boggs township, whose “Capitol” nominee. Mrs Lucilie § V ard of. 1° Vind Up the county ofl th i | 1 WASHIN ON j= Central City. conducted a referen- Bellefonte : who recet te vosiored. as TY 4 it n mn Als d \r1thor y j 3 : i a cs dum on both beer and Hquor and centre rit 3 - SHA 10 "8 8 LBL. Of ARF P E - AND STRIP - the count showed that both varieties an . th epublt 3 gave of beverage will contintie 10 be 16831, Mp Ward polled 1650 VOLes to de-| or cin’ aru ter of Milechre in that district. The vote follows feat Charle y AT if iweckler, of Milesburg with 1572; Harr of Huston tos in their most hilarious the Republica Liquor Yes . aq (burg. with 1023 Boggs. N. P “ et ” tate Colle Re he ’ ud] CHE, 5 829 Boggs. W. Bellefonte Results Recorder Contest Total ‘ ) ' y | interesting part) ontest Total N P.B Ben” Meek, of State College i} AT y con wy i ‘ decided in the Bellefonte bor. Beer ( N was unopposed for the Democratic oo. toens Boggs. N. P g % nomination for Recorder. and re-:. = 3 12 Pp *% ceived a vote of 2650. In November FOr School Director the present Boggs, E he will face Leamer R. Woodring board president, Horace J. Hart-| Boggs, W. P ii samer R oodring : adit : of Milesburg, present incumbent ranft and Charles A. Schaefler were -p : the office. who defeated two other nominated by the Democratic party G. O. P. candiates for the nomina- {or six-year terms Since there was Howard township, in which beer tion Woodring polled 2434 votes ag! "9 candidate for a four-year nom- sales are now legal, approved the compared with 2248 reived by ‘DAtion and since the unofficial tally continuation of beer sales and 3180 James MH. Schreck. of Lemont. and sheet failed to show whether six voted in favor of permitiing liquor 1393 registered for Jacob C. Fox of write-in candidates were running for sales. The vote on beer was 110 for Unionville four-year or six-year terms, it is BUSTER CRABBE AS BILLY THE KID to 68 against. The vole on liquor was anyotie’s guess who the nominee will 7 " 107 for and 72 against Mensch, Hipple Win be. The six write-in names were FUGITIVES OF THE PLAINS : : : Pred C. Mensch, of Millheim. and Charles A. Keller. D Wagner Grelss, A Lawless Gal Puis a Noose Around Buster's Neck! Sheriff Contest Charles F. Hipple, of Bellefonte, Helen Schaeffler, Henry A. Brocker- ! As things stack up for the Novem- present members of the Board of hoff. Lawrence McClure, Jr and ber election, Rudolph Wettstein, Commissioners won the Democratic SBamue] D. Rhinesmith r 4 3 Th 4 3 Pa 2 8 4 Democrat, will be paired off against nomination for re-election, defeal-| The votes polled by Hartranft and MONDAY ONLY (TUES. & WEDNESDAY Jerry Galalda, Republican for 8her- ing She only other candidate, Alfred Schaeffer follow 5 =DOOR PRIZE NITE A Merry Musical Bombshell » Bowersox. State College. Mensch { 9% 8 Rea . + + Loaded With Life, Love Wettstein polled 1803 votes to de- polled 2123 votes and Hipple had Hartranft Schaeffer { Why ome Lik . I! and Laughter! feat his only Democratic opponent, 2024. Bowersox's total was 1207 North W 104 122 |S " . oR : oon : IN Jesse “Jay” Robinson, of Port Ma-/ The Republicans Ath 3 3 South WwW 58 10 = _ Spine - Tingling Thrills DENNIS SIMONE DANNY : publicans, with a fleld of} "wp x 7 |& | as the Faloon Rese O'KEEFE SIMON SEYMOUR tilda, who had 1114 voles nine candidates to choose from. West W 50 hd a Lovely Lady ; But =a i Et Galaida became the G. O. P. nom- nominated John H Henszey of State Ig 8 1 . : N inee by leading a field of five candi- College. with rote Totals 212 48 (8 It's a Trap! E TA HITI HON EY Be Sa ote of 2036. and TOM HARRIET Also—Dennis 0'Keefe—in dates. Galaida had 2398 votes. The Harry V. Keeler. present incument| Republicans nominated Samuel D.|8 © AY next highest candidate, Harry A.' of Bellefonte, with a vote of 2741 i Rhinesmith for a four-year term and |& * CONWAY HILLIARD | - The LEOPARD MAN Rossman of Milesburg, polled 1888. E i \' 2 Others in the contest were Deputy THE FALCON Jean Brooks — Marge Sheriff Lee Davis, Bellefonte, 982; {8 STRIKES BACK Don't Be Surprised Sidney G. Willar, Bellefonte, 740, : : With Edgar Kennedy 4 : ut Anything Xm. See 5. Roy Held, Mile ship, : 8 : ji G. Boy He s township The W. B. Rankin Insurance Agency 1B Lmmmmmomm— We Yaar oe WILL BE CONTINUED AT THE SAME 8 I NEXT THURSDAY NITE ONI present chief clerk to the County LOCATION I ] LEON ERROL and LUPE VELEZ SEAR PEE AAERBRAER SAAR ER BERRRA SERRE RAE RR E AREER EERE ARERR EER REE REESE SPECIAL MIDNIITE SHOW SUNDAY, THE 19th 8 TORRID TUNES—A LAUGH FOR EVERY NOTE... 10 TOP FUN AND MUSIC-MAKERS ! Total Bill Thompson - Gale Gordon - Isabel R ‘Mortimer Snerd’ - oY NORE at ae we. OUTDOOR ACTION SECOND HIT FR OSE TCH FERRET EE RR HER HH atts 2 E22 SUNDAY NIGHT EERE EEE ERE R ARE EEE ERE PT lll EE Ee SR EER EE LE Rt hh fll hhh hh bh hh HR 0 FARRAR EAEREARRREE RRA ERRRRERRR RST MONDAY & TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ONLY More Howls Than a Maternily Ward «But They're Howls of Fun! LUPE VELEZ and LEON ERROL THE MEXICAN SPITFIRE'S BLESSED EVENT Also—“MY LUCKY STAR" JOEL JEAN McCREA ARTHUR COBURN The MORE THE MERRIER It's IM3s New Kind of BARA RRERRRRAARAASRAR] LARA AR ERA AR ENN EEE R EER EERE ERE, ret ARR ESR EER RRR RR EE AARAEAARRRASRAERRE ES Commissioners, polled a complimen- RE TE . + « y tary vote of 2666 to win the uncon- MEXICAN SPITF IRE'S BLESSED EVENT Mavi o tend Even the Stork ‘ ovie . . . Guaran Sonja Richard Cesar Joan Prothanstaty in Noverber be wil same service to our clients as in the past. ven the Stork Has a Right te Squawk To Give You a Dingle! Hente Greene Romere Davis a e pre n- | 8 : i . E SONJA RICHARD CESAR JOAN :s mann, who polled 3696 Republican Mary M. Rankin. _— GREENE y - 8 ] ENTING LIL Hain yi. policy - 3004. Republican ry § NIE a STERNE ROMERO ’ DAVIS _ IB NEXT WEEK-END STARTING THURSDAY-—“PRES NG Y MARS" tested Democratic nomination for Representing the same companies and rendering the Also—-MY LUCKY STAR irq off AGAIN {on Cresent In” : hth ETT TT a ee EE Howard, with 1418, and James L. =