Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 16, 1943, Image 2
Pros Bg = TT © BOALSBURG i Pfc. Paul Swank, Who'd stationed in St. Louis, Mo., spent Friday with his grandmother Mrs, Emma Swank. Pfc. Swank is attending school at the Washington University In St Louis. Mr, and Mrs. Lee Smeltzer of Pleasant Gap, entertained at dinner Thursday ~vening in honor of Cpl and Mrs, Harry Gingrich, The guests were: Mrs. Ella Gingrich, Mr, and Mrs. Maynard Willlams and son Gordon, Cpl. and Mrs. Harry Ging- rich, Miss Kathryn Gingrich, Buddy Smeltzer and Mrs, Paul Corl and son Jimmie. The Live Wire class of the Luth- eran Sunday school held their class meeting Friday evening at the home! of John Bleich, with these members present: C. A. Bonine, George Mus- ser, John Williams, Robert Horner, Fred Mackreth and Bruce Sharer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohn and fam- ily of Pompton Plains, N. J., spent Monday evening at the John Wil- liams home Dr. P. L. Swank spent Sunday at his The Missionary of the Reformed church meeting Thursday evening home of Miss Beulah Fortne present were: Mrs. T. G Anna Ream, Mrs. Carrie Hazel H. M. Hosterman, Mrs. Mary 8 heen, Mrs. Nell B. Fisher, and Virginia M. Myers Mrs. Harold Naucy, spent nelius Houtg No. § of the L school met in the evening Mrs Alpha Sheasley M: Hooth, Mrs. Guy Clark, Mrs Hunter, Mrs. William Garman, Mr Leah Wright, Mrs. 8. A. Reitz, Mrs Margaret Kuhn, Mrs, Opal Neff and W. E. Homan Mrs. Iva Beemer of Stat the Charles evening Maynard Williams and Gordon, and Mrs. John Williams and d thter Joan, were guests at a Ldirthday dinner at the Ray Willis Furnace S wits in h the day of Gordon Williams Miss Do ‘ Bellé Rissinger daughter of and Mrs. Ceylon Rissinger of Millerstown Har M. Gi ch were united in marriage evening, Sept in the Lutheran church at Newport ring ceremony was performed by the bride's pas Rev, Stoy Spangler The couple were attended bridegroom's brother-in-law ter, Mr. and Mi College. The Lride gray packet dress colored hat L Mr Pennsyl and teaches history } town High School. She wis a former teacher of history in the Harris Township Vocational Sehool. Cpl Gingrich is stationed in the Tank Destroyer 8chogl Camp Hood Texas Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bloom and family of Potters Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kaepp and family of Le- mont, were recent at the Wilbur Houtz home Miss Ruth Ross, a student nurse &l Gelsinger Hospital at Danville, spent Wednesday with his parents Mr. and Mrs Charles Ross Staff-Sgt. Henry Dunkje of Camp Hunter, Ala. wes a recent visitor the Charles Ross home Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Snyder of Ty- rone, spent Sunday at the A J Ad- dieman home Mr. and Mrs Earl Grove of Mona Vonada recent callers at ersbaugh home Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Madara of Riverdale, Md. are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Clapper Mrs. Foster Charles and daughter Pauline, returned to their home on Wednesday. after spending with the former's sister, Mrs Stofflett at Ocean City Mrs. Foster Charles was a supper guest of Mrs. Sara Erb at State Col- lege, Bunday evening Pic. Robert Callahan of Camp Dix, N. J spent weekend with his parents, Mr Mrs. James Calla han, Sr Rev. Groninger of Mills, and Mr. and Mrs sox of State College, callers Mr of Spring Milk home Circle of the Guild held their at the Those Mrs Mrs Go- Mrs JONes daughte the Cor- Lemont Young and Sunday with amily at ran Sun Sunday school mem- Thom - Mas Riley Class Cay room Thursday bers present were as, M The D.B Mi College, Was a4 guest at Segner home Saturday Mr. and Mrs son ner 5th birth- and Cpl or, by the ang Paul Cari of was 518 attired In a and ware a fusghia Her corsage was of or- G Ih is a gradu ollege Lewis 3 a visitors at WwW. L Lemont Bellefonte, the Danie} and Miss were Magh- of Of HM the and Pine Grove A. FE Bower- were recent at the George Fortney home and Mrs. Paul Durner and - NEW SHOW TIME Shows Now 7:30 and 9:20 P. M. Admission 10¢ & 300 SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (Sept. 18) the Laugh-time of the Lifetime! “MARGIN FOR ERROR” Joan Benneft Milton Berle Two Reel Comedy Cartoon LATEST NEWS EVENTS Ive WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (Sept, 22) Roy Roger's "Sons of Pioneers” and Gabby Hayes “IDAHO” AMY “Desert Victory” Watch Our Ad for Return Showing of i “MY FRIEND FLICKA" Stale ler late S a week [family of Huntingdon, spent Friday {at the John Durner home. Friday {evening Mrs. John Durner enter- [tained with a supper in honor of the | birthdays of John Durner and Mrs {Paul Durner. | Miss Blanche Rowe of Philadel- { phia, Misses Delsy Rowe nnd Grace | Bither and Mrs. Martha Barto of | State College, were callers with Mrs | Margaret Kuhn Saturday svening Mrs. Sadie Schaeffer of Bellefonte, and daughter, Mrs. Albert Gilmer and daughter Busan of Mt, Alry, Philadelphia, visited Mrs, Jennle Fortney and daughter, Miss Beulah | Fortney, Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. William Lockhart of Vandergrift, spent several days re- cently with Mr. and Mrs, Paul Kel- lerman Mr. and Mrs. C supper guests of Mr Williams, Thursday Mt: Mir daughter, who weeks with Mrs } i were John A. Bonine and Mrs Norman Coble spending several Coble’'s mother, Bellefonte, were callers at the G. E. Meyer home Sunday evening They were aceom- Helen St and and are Mi Ethel Stover al panied by over of Bellefonte Brouse is Pull Brouse sport Mrs ome Emma me with her § and ramiiy Crit nd aunt Mrs. Mat ersbaugh urn Manor, Saturda; panied by Mr Cearaart Davidson, V 1 Bugene Davidson d and Mrs, Ler of Bhingletown Ee Mork Slelin wank Orri Bharer iward 4ong ans dau * ol of Bellet Ma jor Gilmer and daughter Mt. Airy Philadelphia, and Mr and Mrs. Rovert Hess and daugh- ter Joan of Boalsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. John Meeker aid daughter of Potters Mils + Mr and Mrs Ford Sweitaey two nd Mrs. Howa and Altoona the Charles Stitt home, Saturday Mrs. EE W. Hess ang Mrs. T. J Whiteman were dinner guests of Mrs. Fred Lonborger, Sunday Mr. ¢ Raymond Spicer and daugh sllefonte, R D recent caller of Mrs Margaret Kuhn Mr. and Bellefonte with Mr and Fred lshler weekend with his Ishier Mr. an Mr son of Clarion Mr. Hunter's pa Riley Hunter. Other visitors at the Hunter home were Mr. and Mrs Tom Taylor and three daughters of Altoona, and Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter of McVeytown scant: A———————— HOLTS HOLLOW Walter Sweitzer of New Cumber- land, attended church and visited relatives at this place on Sunday Barbara Confer of Runville, called on friends in our vicinity on Sun- bert and sah rd daughter of visited at were Mrs pent M: Howard Stover Friday Harry Indiana mother evening MeGirk spent the Mrs Ralph spent rents Hunter and last week with . Mr. and Mrs day Mrs days at the Gum Stump The farmers geting thei: week Mrs. Olive Rhoads and children spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs, Magargel and daughter at Pleasant Gap Mrs. Orvis Watson and children and Mrs. Emma Watson drove to Howard on a business trip on Satur- ‘day. Orvis Scholl of Central City, ealled at the Hayes Johnson home, and ai%0 visited at the Fitagerald home on Sunday. Mrs. Edith Burd spent a few days with ber son, Milford and family at Pleasant Gap. Mr. and Mra. Clayton Elacker of Central City, were dinner guests at the Mrs. Ida Johnson home on Sun- day. Mrs. Orvis Watson and children, Jimmie. Elva and Emory, also 8aul Lohr of Btate College, were dinner guests at the Mrs. Mary Kolley home in Bellefonte. Thursday Miss Becky Miller, R. WW, over Labor Day with Mrs. Eleanor Franco at the Lee Johnson home. Miss Miller was enroute to Bradford where she is employed as a school nurse, Mrs, William Howell and Mrs. | Mack Reese were callers in our com- imunity on Thursday. | Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Watson and ifancily visited at the Donald Poor- {man home on Sunday evening Emma Watson spent M. C. Reese a few home at this section are thyeshing done this m visited Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart re. turned to their home in Clearfield fon Bunday after spending several {days at the Charles Poorman home. Word was received last week in jour commumity of the birts of a son to Mr and Mrs. James Wesley of Clearfield. Mrs. Wesley is the former Bue Johnson of this place. i pending at Can. JACKSONVILLE Sunday schogl, 0:30 a m. Mr. and M#s, John Beck and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs, Horace Ober. heim and daughter of Lock Haven, called Sunday, Sept, 5, at the CC. E Aley home Sunday visitors at the home were Mr. and Bhope and mother, Mrs and children of Howard Dick Noll Is spending the winter with his grandma, Mrs. Elsie Noll at State College Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fetzer and chil dren Tom, Marjorie amd Bonnie, galled at the Eisenhauer home on Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dixson and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon at the Thomas Delaney home Mrs. Dean Rogers and daughter Joyce Marie, returned from the Cen. tre County Hospital end spent a few davs at the Leon Aley home Mrs. Elsie Noll, daughter Betty Swan and grandson Dick Noll, of State College, of her san, Sumner Noll and fame fly. Mrs. Alice Betz also was a din- ner guest, and Bette Aley of Belle- fonts WHA a caller at same Alice Mrs uth Betz Osenr Betz were the place Mi was ents, Mi family al Mr Robert a caller at the home of and Mrs. Willard Howard on and Conaway her pars Beightol and Monday aflernoor Mi and Mrs bent pent Howard of Thursday OMe Pf ragwy fonte evening the uk Elsenhasues Mrs Dalley of Detmer Ertley and Altoona daug'iter Peggy Pal Ww could be rother am Dixson | Dalley « I HL werk El nome Mr. anc Mr the Oyler Mr. ang niaren STIVERS 44 grpestc MONUMENT Kephart 2 13d Jimmy Ken of Mill Hall, were visit- ing with Mrs. Ralph Pletcher on Priday and Saturda! William Siover who haz secured at Bufialo, N. Y a Wednea- OT Mir Jame amily there on Moore any betler Visitors Sunday er and daug McClosk~y and ine and son Dale Cpl. Vaughan Johnson of the arm- forces, is home én leave Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mackey to Lock Haven on Saturday evening Edward Dwurkin’s were: Mra, Ral iter Marjone 1 n gaught. an Pletch- Mrs. Rus. Claud- on sel] ed see the latter who is in and who Is g A major ope: €y's on Sunday Walter Mrs and and daughter Verna grandson Walter Hellman of Mack- eyville, Mr. and Mrs. Merril] Young and daughter Sara, Mrs. Ebope, and Agnes Hanley. all of Moniznent We had some {rost here the two nights, but not eaough change the color of the leaves Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mackey made a business trip to Red Roost Wednesday. and from theie went on into Bellefonte and Pleasant Gap to pay a social call on Mr. and Mra Frank Mackey and Mr. and Mrs Harry Stover. From there they went on down to Clintondale ‘oo visit Mr ang Mrs John Dorman and Jean, and granddaughter, Mabel Dorman, Miller last Le] on snips WE CENTRE HALL CHURCH SERVICES Evangelical: Rev. W. I Hoster- man, pastor. Lemont iHarvedt Home service. 11 a.m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Spring Mills—Harvest Home service, 2 p. m, Tusseyville «Harvest Home service, 7:46 p. Mm. Lutheran: Rev. C €. Otto, pastor Centre Hall—Jle dedication service, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Harvey ID Hoover, {PhD 8TD., DD, LD. will te- liver the sermon. Sunday school, 9:30 & mm Spring Mills-Marvest Home (service, § a.m. Sunday cehool 10 a mm. Tweseyville—~Harveet Home service, 10:30 a m.; Sanday school, 9:30 a. m. Methodist: Rev. 'C. M. Pammond, pastor. Centre Hall-Church service, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a m. Sprucetown-—+Church service, 7:45 pm. with Rev. Bdgar R. Heckmnn, {DD superintendent of the Meth. ‘odist Home for the Aged. Tyrone, (delivering the sermon. Bunday school, 9:30 a. m. i Reformed: Bev. D. R. Keener, pas. tor. Centre Hall-Harvest Home ser. vice, 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:30 ‘a. m. Soring Mills~Harvest Home service, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 19:30 a. m. Farmers Milla—Church Sorviee, 9:30 a m.. Sunday school, a m. MARKET QUOTATIONS Corrected Weekly by OC. Y. Wagner & Co, Inc, Flour Mill, Bellefonte | Wheat $1.88 Com 1.20 Oats - 0 Barley we 130 Rye -..... . 1.10 Buckwheat Lie Sunday guests __September- 16, 1943, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. REBERSBURG Mrs, Luther Werg and daughter “Patsy,” of Baltimore, Md, were weekend visitors with the former's sister, Miss Alma Corman M:s. Blanche Smull of Harrisburg spent several days al her home in Rebersburg Clayton Musser of Pranklin Marshall College, visited his Miss Celia Brungert this week ton recuperating after a monia attack Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Baker the weekend in Huntingdon Mrs. C. A. Page went to East Or- ange, N. J. on Tuesday, where she Is visiting her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grubb and Infant daughter Linda Prof, and Mrs. Palmer Weaver and family of State College, were visit ors with the former's parents M1 and Mrs. C. J Weaver, Sr last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. A § called on Mrs Bunday Mr nesday and punt Clay. In pneu- spent Mrs. Edwin Maize and Shifler of New Berlin W. J. Hackenbeirg on noon A. C., Cummings w« A Isitor at the A F. 1 home in Centre Hall Sunday dinne; W. Bred hon and C. 8. Ho don, Lorna Ruth, Hallie g1! Phi if Centre Hall; Mr. and Mi H. OO Yearick and somes Karl David and Ne M H O Yearick, 2 IN tepliel of Mill Hall, R Herman Cont were Boturdas alter Wed. mbert M Mrs Jo! the terman an ildren, ( Jackie Nancy rman Ziegler on gir: was bom y Mr. and Eimer Hubler at the Lagx Man - inst Tuesday he has Elen M. Biel Monday st the Charles Harrisburg Edward Millet of H. Ha even 1 named Peggy wi Mrs C Sunday and Kreamer Sheriff and Belielont« enberg home Mrs. Willi weckend with Mrs. Cecil Boity were 5 HONE Mrs chiled at ast Mondays Kelly Pe a eH friends in Hao Hironimus and Jean the B Hm ters anc tore wit he Roy Arbooas! Malvin Btove ungday vis f M ald ens Mr were SOL ver and son are making in Millheim Mr. 4 and family Mrs. John Brungart were Bunday guests at Mr. and Mr: Roy Brungart Members of the 4-H Ciub and their families enjoyed a weines at Brown summe: last Friday evening Mr. and Ms. MM. Garrett guests pt a birthday dinner at the Edward Ty Millheim on Sunday. The dinner was in celebwra- tion of Mrs Mr 7 and the tiers daughire Ruth's birthdays Mr. and Mes Arthar $a. and davghter Dorothy of Williamsport were Sunday siesta at the Rav 8to. ver home Mrs. Alma Bowersox of Sunbury, iz ill ot the home of her Mroand Mra HK. Smull —— RUNVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and baby of Middleburg Rev. ang Mrs. Courtney day Rev. Courtney preached his last sermon for this year on Sunday eve ning to a Jarge congregation Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Milton and three daughters visited at Warriors Mark last Sunday with Mrs Milton's sister and family Emest Pye visited with his par. ents at Petzertown last Sunday Mrs. Gordon and two daughters and two grandchildren of Bellefonte, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Emest Fye on Sunday and attended chureh services here in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Purl and Doyle Pye were Bunday dinner guests at the John Purl home j Rev. and Mrs. Courtney and Mrs, Mabel Brown of Yarnell, «will leave on Wednesday noon to sttend the Allegheny Conference which is held | at Johnstown. We hope Rev, Coufte ney will be returned to us for anh other year { Mr. E. 8. Beanett has been on the sick list for a couple weeks with a bad cold. : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackenburg | and two children motored to El.) mire, N. Y.. last Priday evening, re turning Sunday evening. : Bunday school next Bundry morn. ing at 9:30; Christian Endeavor at 7:30, There will be no worship ser. | vice until the first Sunday in oc. | whey, : a 0d and the home of oast the John home were won home in Crarrett’s yaOn's Laura parents, Courtney visited with jazi Bune —— HOWARD Hurry Ekdalil, son of Mr. and Mrs CG. A. Ekdahl, is spending a month's vacation with his parents after at- tending Westminster College, West- minster, Md Rev, Wallace Cummings former pastor of the Methodist church, now Of Littlestown nent Gettysburg spent ga week's vacation at the home G. A Ekdahl Mr. and M: Bower of Reading Are ud of Mi Baral McEntire a Mr. and Mi Willlam Russel) Spring Mills Sunday with former's sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Willard McDowell Mrs, William Glenn of Blanchard spent Sunday Mi: E and Mi Dorothy Charle I’. Belghto) Monday evening this weekend for Bellefonte where swe and her nlece, | Buzanne Hoffman, have taken an aparunent for the winter, Buzanne entering the Bellefonte High School Fi as a sophomore Mrs Pic. Merrill Beightol Ler Johnson Pleld, spent ¢ i-dauy r- and lough with hi Betghtol Pvt. Cla k Haver Mr Harry ; A | Hi will tationed at F1 furiough wi Lieut, Jos Deitrick after a who is leaving Wwlioned al Lon Ellery Tice Thex Mr. and family Hebe Mr mother f of wm short of 2nd the epnine Frederick short furk her parents Mr. and Mi Masden, Howard, R. D. Mi a gradunte of Bellef pent Camb turned wit ' wit hie Pletcher Yearick Mr and enjoys camp very Pvt, "Eddie ’ tad ' - B-day furiough enter tained friend The (rigger employed »t spent a few days OnN-in-igw wha a Sr i -~ honor guest was Mrs, Martha Evey,| Mr and Mrs. Arthur Strunk, recup- erating from an operation Field recently Charles Tay Eddie is Washing - Nisgara with ag. and Mrs. Ray Bullock and stationed at Ft Mr. and Mrs children, Tom Bhirley. Jack fonte, M Mill Hall Mi won John, Leonard Wood, Mo., Merrel Gardner and Joe, Martha Joan, and Denny Belle Mrs. Orin Weaver Butler and Queenie Walter ir Plet- yn and Balts- Mr caugh- KEY Ann recs of 8475] of Mrs. Danijel) Gaugnter: yr orie and Butler and VEnovaG ived wied for Varletly all member rationed, you'll of ration Department of for all the ALY fom” in baked Kolls today . . Those so many foods are on the unusually wide selection treasures al the Baked Goods Super Market Come In today desire They're bakery fresh and our Marvel “Enriched” Breads, dave, when to rely bakery ALY you I'ry These wnt free your treats value They’re Back Again . Angel Food Caramel Nut Ring PARKER mre each is made with mand JANES DATED SUGARED DONUTS JANE PARKER DATED PLAIN DONUTS HARVEST MOON COFFEE CAKE MARVEL BOSTON BROWN BREAD A ) Marvel \ “sEavics Breads gunranteed and es with whl Cakes . LEARN TO RELY ON A&P BAKED GCODS our d¢ freeh the shall Light, Delicious Jane Parker 35¢c + 31c gt. 0 ov De MARYEL ENR! FRESH ROLLS DINNER SANDWICH FRANKFURTER Enriched BREAD Helous Duteg F resid ry bakery p d f + nis five Sandwich "2 11e Regular Jane Parker pL witli U0. DATED 8c 9¢ 10¢ L Bl 10¢ i CHURNGOLD VEGETABLE Owned and Operaled By Tie } Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Cc so A TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN WOMEN the releasing effort. As ARF em today they ' almost 160; Try this ruality Margarine rier in vitamins § red points VEGETABLE SHORTENING dexo --22¢ § Bed Poinds We salute them for Job they are doing In manpower for the war of December Tih, 184) ployed 12,561 women todal over 22000; Fresh Fruits JERSEY SWEET Potatoes . . 2 = 19¢ NEW CROP YELLOW Onions . . 5 + 29% CALIF. BARTLETT Pears . . . 2 = 33¢c ROCKY FORD Lopes == .. = 29¢ 27's LARGE ENGLISH Walnuts . . . grand 185% Pure Hydrogenated and Vegetables! The following are ’ FARMER- NEIGHBOR 13 OFFERINGS Cletely cooperating wilh tormer-neghbern, we feature garden. froth produce from this Sree, whenever posible. { yrs in RED RIPE TOMATOES... .5 ™ 25¢ Solid Danish CABBAGE. ....... Large Gowen PEPPERS. .... 2 Fasteras Cooking APPLES. ...... 14 Je I9¢ 2 LE Remembe 2 . . Blue Stamps y R, S, T Expire Sept. 20th Asparagus ALP » Pee FARSEN'S BI TER CUT POLK'S wi GERBER'S GERBYR'S Ranger Joe Honey Soears 4 Blue an C Po "we Vid Mi GREEN BEANS GRAPE] ILOIS GRAYS BARBY GCERBRERS CHOPPED INSTANT SUNNYFIFELD SUNNYFIELD ALS | eo 1% ORN “ a be (18) Neo 2 RUIT 8) 16-02 INCE Pint FOODS i Can FOODS 1 ( OATMEAL Pkg FLAKES 18ar PUFFS $02 red Wheat 2 pkes RNEL « an (OREN WHEAT Flave 25 Tomato Soup BOSCTUY EDU« (OILAONIAL N. B « WHITE HOLMAN ANN PAGE ANN PAGY BORAX.O COFFEE SUNNYFIELD CARS ATOR OYSTER PREMITM HOUSE PEANUT CRUNCH HAND SWEETHEART 3 Blue Points Ih Ths 14h 1d bs, 0 tall ; 1-1b. 36c 146, Sic FIlLOUR 23 CRAX (CRACKERS CRACKERS, 2? EVAP, MILK FEANTET BITTER CIDER VINEGAR Qt 13 SOAP Sou 2 for Be SOAP 2 cakes 13 Tomato Juice 330 NOW YOU CAN DRINK ALL THE COFFEE YOU WANT! FINER, FRESHER AsP COFFEE! TOMET TISSUE NORTHERN . . . 6 ~~ 28¢ PALMOLIVE . . 3 --20c KIND TO EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES IVORY FLAKES . . * 23¢ THE COOL WATER SOAP IVORY SNOW . . . = 23¢ THE WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP P&G SOAP . .. 3 4c * ok ok kk kk k hk hk Kk Back the Attack---BUY WAR BONDS NOW! Is A Proktable Loan . : : Not A Gift! You Get $4 Back for Every $3 You Invest! Trot ae waa