Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 09, 1943, Image 6
—— Pape Oe rr, ___ Beptember 9, 1943 UNIONVILLE Methodist Church Services--Pray- ar service Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Please note the change in teh hour. This meeting will be fol. lowed by an educational meeting in charge of the pastor. Sunday school Sunday morning immediately fol lowed by the preaching service at 10:30 a. m.. with sermon by the pas- tor, Rev. W. A. Snyder. Youth Fel Jowship in the evening at 6:30 p. m Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keatly and her mother, are visiting Ay COULNe weeks with his mother, Mrs, Ma’ garet Keatly, They expect to return to their duties In Washington, D C.. about the 14th of this month Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robisor Lock Haven va visiting with parents, Mr Mrs. John M of thi We have all been of our town bovs who has got and made further news received “Mr. and Mrs. Clay house of Buffalo, N nounced the marr daughter, Florence IL. Moran Jt son of Mr an of that piace in the Miller logical Ser J.. where dent for Mrs. Moran ar Rapids for turned the next mony, with the East again in t! for spent thelr his Robison interested In nd this is a from A. Ke hav? ROO ton vy on NINATY Creors the 3 the p Qy AT FIRST SIGN OF A LD USE 666 666 TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE DROPS THIS IS NO WAY TO SHARE THE RIDE! Party-line telephone service is like sharing the ride. To work well, there must be some real sharing. Most people find that the golden rule works wonders on a party line. Keep your calls brief and don’t tie up the line with too many Give the others on vour line a chance to talk, too. calls at one time. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA h [c. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY WAGNER'S Quality Flour # Hard Wheat Pat Flare WAGNERR Our Best Flour 8-50 Blend WAGNER'S Vv i ory Best Flow Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed Wagner's Horse Feed Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner's Egg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter and Grower, Wagner's Turkey Starter and Grower. Wagner's Beralch Fesa Feed Wagner's Chick Feed Wagner's Medium Scratch Rydea Cream Calf Meal Eshelman's Dog Feed All kinds of high protein feeds for mixing with yow own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA mn, VefTitory, Write us for appointments, ’ on their old time friends here Mrs. J. C davs the forepart of thi ing with her sister<in band, Mr. and Mrs, C of Altoona Anvone in need of der will profit by getting with Harry Jones, He will Berkshire and Chesterwhite ale, also Mr. TB kitchen range » of Mt spent a counls week visit ana nu Stere Inw R Stevenson corn fad in touch soon have le good iol McClellan hs Glenwood Harry P Grace remov Wednesday ting along fine ’ ) 1 0 school or Mr term Paul! Mu aul Mu tioned wit hem p hi Bethle writ “ey v H La \ inter ddie Holt | large garage on the | Mr. J. N. Hol wondering what ait it erecling a emises of hi father Some have heen Mr. Harold B home Saturday from the Centre County Hospital where he had been for the the NL large past severnl est [ a broken leg ing along Western Electric HEARING AIDS ARE DESIGNED BY BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES > AND ARE MADE BY THE SAME PEOPLE WHO MAKE YOUR BELL TELEPHONES ern Electric HEARING AIDS Lg UIA TANER AR 4 1] 1 LABORATORIES RESEARCH | ——————_ — —-——-. —-— THE AUDIPHONE CO, 509 Diamond Blvd, JOHNSTOWN, PA. C. C. McKelvey, Manager, Bend FREE hook. Replein FRER test. Be cm em cm a i i mon} | We make weekly trips through your thy coming here is a young man the name of Josephs who comes from near Pittsburgh, with his wife and two small children. We regret that Rev. Jacobs is leaving our com munity as he had gained a host of friends here, but hope they will have much sucee in their new field of labor. We also welcome Rev, Josephs into our midst pastor Tax Reminde: Tax pavers of the community, don't | the us ual 5 per cent penalty will be added to all chool 1fter October 1 Don't let vour Hp by without being paid but of the pri added orupet tax take advantage ' ¢ vilege of paying befor thereto Iulinn Advanced in Rank wu Nominale Edward Miller For Treasurer ntimate understanding hie foreed to f those whom ontact by nature and oath of hig office ; problems made more difficult as a result of the ser- ioug crime wave experienced in Centre County during the first two years of his term. economical administra. ices of that of- for itself, as exam 1 of the annual Co. audit If the Treasurer, the func to elected of tions of which are the collect- ing, safeguarding and distrib- uting of the county's funds, the painstaking and careful procedure, so charac- same teristic of his past, will pre- vail. Wartime travelling restrie- tiong prevent him from per- sonally contacting each voter and he asks for the vote and support of all regardless of whether he is fortunate to speak with them or not. 2nd Place on the Ballot. (Pol. Adv.) 130 the writer THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Centre County Hospital Notes Monday of Last Week Admitted ard. RD. 2 yianchard Onk Hall Disc} t doughter John 8. Bpangler, How 1 W. Eaton, Mi Whitehill (Orgs Charle aiged: Mrs, Warren Beck and State College; How Colles M1 daughter infax nard Coleman Biante Je Malloy, 8 College Ripka and ont R. D..3 {| Monday Lochlann Infant and discharged land, Btate ] Tuesday of Last Week M William Jot Wednesday of Last mitted: Mi Cora Bt AY and di pr Red Bellefonte, R Bellefonte, R Bellefonte, R viimitied ! riay Mark Ki Donald Hackett Faye Wit ar 1% I D i wrile i y daughter to Mr. and Mr tr HH Camptel Rinte College Friday nitte Rex Searson M Margaret A RD harged Mrs t isughter ALT Howard sm EH Sunday jeanor Pleas Relle. Belle Keller 8 Cland Her Brean ” State vy Mira Charlies and daughter Mire E Tiere wor Bellefonte: Nu RD rettney infant iege Joseph and Witeraf{t, Bellefonte Birth: a daughter to Mr, and Mrs Foust RD 3 There were 40 patients in the hos at the beginning of this week be Bellefonte pital BUSH HOLLOW There 45 out to Sunday school on Sunday. Hops this enad attendance keeps up. Preaching ser- 1 next Bunday morning © imme- oly after Sunday school. You are to both services were leome The Inoking orward to schodl starting on Tues« morning and Mr= the school children are My are iis Hall of Dix Run, proud parents ¥f another’ son born last week at the Centre County Hospital. The infant, who has been named Charles Benner, and his mother returned to their home last Saturday Visitors at the home of Rachael and William Resides last week were their sister, Naomi of Altoona, and their brother, Norman, wife and daughters of Pottsville: also another sister, Mary. and the lady she works for from Bellefonte Earl 8potts and family of New York state, visited one evening last week with his brother, Carl and family : Ralph Moran and son Clifton of Altoona, were visitors In our com- munity Saturday evening Visitors at the Martin Spotts home on Sunday were Mrs. Myrtle King, (Mrs. Edgar King, Virginia and Bev. erly Oray. and Mr. and Mrs. Wood- | row Stover and daughter Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. William Lucas and family visited Monday evening at the Harry Lucas home. ! Anyone who can will send items with the school chil- deen. They will be much appreciated.’ A ‘ L. C. Heineman (Continued from page one) with Rey Interment cemetery For sev Bellefonte man YMCA Bellefonte he wi tified munity YMCA th bowling CL mmis Comittee wed WH with After Dies Suddenly precintior wishes th birthday In Wn n A. H Elliott in charge made in Homewood Pittsburgh en years a before neo coming to Mr. Heine of the Hilltop hi dence In prominently den Civic ang com roject ecretdry of the nterest In in vin Cire county Benn Con 17 veurs eereiary During Tes vent mans Lo» ial the Hd pol We wimming he had 4 Is In this ¢ a during in Bellefonte he Mrs. Heineman ann 1000) wil instructor ren, nl With! uy taught well perso ral weed Heineman Wedd Wedd ity | ir i re Woman Observes rienas 84th Birthday from page ORs) Durkin served hy having recovered from her graciously expressed the gifts and good wind Centre f ney pie of ce and Mra y for nt rey } "SCOTIA (By HW. M. Williams) I now WwW ! were bere whine the had + happy one membered Mrs. Btah! has of a delicious refreshments snyder, one brother, J Axemann sister «in-law visited for several weeks Lr , Lf 10 week 1 : dur Les we erry MONUMENT ir Bug N re jook so well and happy Among the sick a. — wil Md Newark, Baltimore were Del Mrs. Btahl surprise, deep ap- visited friends at Del. and York, Pa My Alice if Ler Matilda visiting at home of M1 M Woodring and Mr K. Woodring, and ! on, Md A} ] Charles Yeariok nt Mr Willis and her cousin Mi who live iKton. Bhe 1 Mauri verett of Mon PORT MATILDA Mrs, EE M Woodring of Wil Hamoport, formerly of Centre cous ha visiting for mington and her of Harshberger Port Ly returned to her home the her Bd4th to be made long Wo wn ek Mr. and oa wit) ter and bh Thompsen Leed hand Cal Centre Mrs she this n with Ham whom in July Hall (Political ad Republicans ! and scrape NOMINATE FRANK K. STEVENSON OF STATE COLLEGE Formerly of Patton Twp.) being idle to new iter FOR - REGISTER OF WILLS THIRD FLAC THE BALLOT ON There are A DOZEN EXALE KVBRID Corn Varieties for this Section Growing in My PROVING GROUND SEE THEM FOR YOURSELF With hybrid com, the important thing is NOT where the seed was crown, but how it performs where you plant if, The best way to compare varisties and decide which ones suit you the best is to see them growing side by side in & soil and climate similar to yours. That's why DeKalb has more than 3300 proving grounds or demon- stration fields, throughout the corn-growing areas, day on Burdens ser ging Mr in we William rae at Are CALAON Walter Johnson State College, Pa.,R. D. | - Buy MNetense FBonags pow! Ever think about Running a Factory ? Lay Away THIS 24 VALLE LA Cut it out-K eep (f / TELLS ‘WHERE YOU CAN GET \ ELECTRIC CLEANER REPAIRS Within a very few minutes your electric cleaner removes the dirt from the rugs, floors and furniture in any room - easier, faster and more thoroughly than you could do it by hand. Electric cleaners will not be available st the stores for : some time. Knowing thi, you are being very careful with your present cleaner—you empty the dust bag sfter each cleaning, you keep the brushes free from hair and threads, | you avoid running the cleaner over nails and pins Hf you should need electric cleaner repairs, the Service Deslers listed below are svaileble 10 help vou. Wartime Limitations, however, prevent their normal, * prompt service., AR F you've ever run a farm or dairy or store, there are a lot of things about running a factory that you'd find pretty familiar. Things like working any and all hours, training green help, planning for months ahead without letting the planning interfere with the job of the moment. These are the responsibilities of management. And the peculiar American ability to meet and Jick these problems means a lot today, both on the food-producing snd weapon. producing fronts, Address IR N. Allegheny SL W. High St E. Bishop St 8. Allegheny SL W. Bishop St 8. Allegheny St Bellefonte DeHaas Electric Ce. Electric Supply Ce. I. A. Hill Garage RK. Owens H. M. Rossman Ser. Station Wolf's Furniture Store. Ability to manage isn't picked up overnight. For good management is a skill just as much as good workmanship—= learned the hard way. It won't be forgotten overnight, either. For it is these men who, on farm and in factory, have actually produced the things from which our high living standard ix derived, whe can and will, by working together, give every American a more abundant life in the peacetime years to come. Generel Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Hear the General Elvervic vadio prapeme. “The How of Cham” Sendey The World Teday'* mews, roy wekdey 10 pm. EWT, NBC" . ll €45 pom, EWT, CBS. - BLY WAR BONDS GENERAL @ ELE Nearby Towns James Camer Comily & Hall Garage Chas. Heltman Theos, F. Kessinger Melroy's i | R. Mosser..... 8. A Rishel...... H. W. Salisbury EW. Sommers Earl W. Thompson J. K. Yearick Hublershurg Unionville R. DD. Min Hall . Beech Creek ..... Pleasant Gap LR, DP. Mill Hall RD ME Hall CTRIC Lh ot