Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 09, 1943, Image 5

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    September 9, 1943. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA Fags F178
——— - - A or
«Miss Velda Shutt, of East Lamb Mrs. John Bweltzer, of North 7 — — ——— op . i
street, spent the weekend with [Spring street, during the weekend n -— - - ~ Be . —
friends in Baltimore, Md. weht to Pt. Custer, Battle Creek, -— _— J |B) - 3 ] i i Ad  B "ay
| —Mrs, Harry CGentzel of Altoona, |Mich, for a visit with her husband, .~ ; - — ~ . — -
a —
SL a——————
‘spent Wednesday in Bellefonte as a | Pvt. John Sweitzer mm
guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs Miss Alice Confer. of East How- = SEER — P—————————— :
., | Ray Clevenstine of East Bishop urd street, went to Lewistown Mon- Li St k for Sale POL LEN \
mo : .| M “lad vis, of North penn TOR : day to spend the week visiting her ive oc of Dwtment
—Mra. C. E. Gates of North Spring) rs. Clair Davis, of. Nor ition |. ——Because of a nervous breakdown, | brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and VOR BALE Ja
street, will leave Friday of this week | street, Inst week accepted a pos On pichard Valentine, a naval medical | Mrs. Harry Confer and family Read These Columns i BALS
for a week's visit with friends in Al-|at the Titan Metal Company plant, | student at Swarthmore College, Is The Men's Bible class of the | i . apartment,
toona | After spending several months now a patient in the Naval Hospital Bellefonte Methodist ie held yi every week. ‘That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- Sr Soa ep dT Tooma And apd Helen J
~Dr. and Mrs. John Covey, of the 'at Axemann, Mrs, Edith Burd re- in Philadelphia corn boll Turcsday evenina of last partment has become 50 amazingly popular, Considering it low cost and : wor adr Io Sultans, 1 21% : A541
Brockerhoff Hotel, had as their turned to her home in Dellefonte,| _ Rev and Mrs. Frances P. Davis | week at the home of H Ww Rabert the begefits derived from its use, It Is undisputably Centre County's Com- rR Seeit - we
guests Sunday, Mrs. Covey's parents, | R. D. 3 {and son, Neal, last week returned 10 on East Lamb street, with 22 meth. munity Bargain Counter : oS EAA Fa rms For Rent.
Mr. and Mrs, Willlam T. Hunt, 8r..| Eris Winters, of Bellefonte, spent the Episcopal rectory on West Lamb | pers present ’ ak | RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 26 cents for Sop IF Ts i
of Lock Haven {several days the past week with her street after spending three weeks| : { first Issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where advertise- A "1 x’ WR RENT..A 105.atte farm. Jocks
Tedd Colgrove, manager of the! grandmother, Mrs. Charles Houser, with relatives in Coatesville | ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word Is charged L Hoodwatd, Pa. Cad Hild
Keystone Tire Engineering service at Lemont. | ~Victor Witson, E. M. l/c of | REAL ESTATE A straight one cent a word is charged for real estate pected for milk
on South Potter street, underwent A. G. McCullough, of Karthaus, camp Peary, Va., spent a 72-hour ("TY REYED Ratt On Fon dvertisements that request replies to be mailed ny
treatment at the Centre County secretary of the Burnside township leave in Bellefonte last week with | to thi ' office n it be n m ied whh by A ime Anawe a ‘ wdverts -
Hospital early last week {school board, was a business visitor his wife and mother who live in the oily Please in not call 4 the office tor 12 fe m tion ne thing uch
8. T. Young, who for some time in Bellefonte Saturday. Hart apartment on North Spring advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted to divulge the name
has been employed in Daytona Mrs. Merrill Waite and children, street Mr. Edit of the advertiser,
Beach, Florida, arrived in Bellefonte of Phoenix avenue, spent the week- Local friends have received word PT SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every subscriber to The Centre Dem-
during the weekend for a visit with end in Harrisburg with Mrs. Walte's|of the birth of the fifth child and | I noticed an article in your last’ gerat whose subscription is pald up to date, is entitled to a 25 word ad-
his wife and daughter at their home prother-in-law and sister, Mr. and [fifth son to Mr. and Mrs. William  '3sue of the Democrat which said yertisement in these columns one time, free of charge. Otherwise the
on East Bishop street Mrs. Thomas Bedea Potter, of Pittsburgh Mr. Potter Whoever heard of raising tobacco | gubseriber will be charged the regular advertising rate This privilege
Thomas B. Beaver, of East Bish. | Miss Peggy Flynn, daughter of formerly was a resident of Belle. found Bellefonte. Well, I would lke ' can be used six times a year at different intervals
op street, has announced the en-|Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Flynn, of East |fonte lo take you back a few y¢ his and tcll W Jor sale irom *
gagement of his daughter, Margaret, Bishop street, is spending two weeks| —~Mrs. Edward Miller, president YOU Where and when tobacco was RAL ; : PO ON at i 0 i ¢ We Hall Fu
to Capt. Roy Wilkinson, Jr. son of (with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and|of the Bellefonte Mothers’ Club, an- "5d around Belicfonte la, Coleville, Ps Phone 2310 . od
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson, 8r., of Mrs. Joseph Flynn, in Oll City [nounces the first meeting of the gea-| Well here we go. Let us go back WANTED--Men to cut logs in Litt PO \LE-— Dar Money to Loan
North Spring street Mrs. Clarence Young and daugh- [on at a 6 o'clock supper to be held '© the days when men were men and cud hur, Valley, Jhise aston to IR BALE-- inds of by th ea elit 0 pounds. ..
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harter Vonada [ter Shirley, during the weekend | the home of Mrs. Arthur Dale, WOmIn Were women, and you could 4. road or wl : : / : 1 i J x
on Friday moved from an apartment moved from South Allegheny street | EASt Linn street tell a woman from A man because paper mill, which
on East Linn street to an apartment to the Crider Exchange building. —Miss Audrey Roan, who had "'¢ Was dressed like a woman. And (0
in the Frederick F. Hallowell home, | Mr. Young is in the armed forces. |been with her uncle and aunt, It Rays Skins go aiked rom thelr
North Allegheny street, vacated by mye i ) . re. |and Mrs. Nevin Jodon and family, W5Yhe up to get a sun lan; anc ot .
family Tacoma, Washington, after spending | N85 returned to Bellefonte to re- fain oy Roa EE ane WANTED Lady to assist in Kitch Hall, Pa. Phone 17 31 | So———————————— , -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller-' 3 15-day furlough with his parents, |SUme her studies at the Bellefonte dn Fh ai wen ai, a acd i aperisho ‘ n pes Dogs, Pets, Ete.
man and two sons, Willlam and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Sholl, of East High School ban Bin . rw nn Tt ny oo stron. Belletant it BALE. .
Thomas. spent last weekend with High street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McBride neck dows tors Well don wed WANTED Exper § ir wal et, | el Bat Fe ALE B
their daughter, Agnes, a student _ ng ong Mrs John 8 Shaffer ®nd family have made arrangements what for. O, yes, and the girls didn't Apply in writ
rov -e ospit N : g Cot Al.oons, Pa ating past oir Flat wr AE s wa ; 2 ; .
nurse at Providence Hospital Inigng jittle daughter, of Coburn, were '0 Move from the Hill house on East smoke cigarettes because they fig- Derience and. reference fat Shor tre H Pa. | X34 Cider Press
Washington, D. C. They etuned Bellefonte shoppers last Friday Bishop street to the Btock house ured it would be a disgrace for girls
home late Sunday night, while wi "They moved this week to Loganton, further west on the same street re- 1 smoke in those days. But I think WANTED Experienced farmer ma . B Poultry for Sale ; White
liam returned to Lock Haven State R. D.. where Mr. Shaffer will engage cently vacated by the Arthur Bar- they were mistaken. becaise 1 don't led, with y "wD wi Bwigry ’
s' Colle onday morning. |, : . : ing. Year round job of
Teachers’ College M ym 8 in farming jraclough family think it would of been any more of pv lng R ATE on
Approximately $15 damage was Mrs. Lulu Rider. of the Academy ' Mrs. Martin Brokora, of Ha'l- a disgrace in those days for a gil Je, rt re _Call
caused to cars operated sy Paul N apartments, spent the latter part of Hho Terrace, and Mrs. Louise Apt to smoke than it is in these days. W ARTED = Have a R004 home lo xnnel L anf Com I ; 4
Schefter, Bellefonte Ri nr he the week in Chicago, Ill. with her Hin, of West High street, spent The only diffeience 1 see Is there pelietonte I - : ;
William E. Justice, Bellefonte, R. D. lgon, gqwarqa Thompson, who is in re rene] pul of last week In was such a thing as disgrace in those N care o
oo they crashed Ls Stig 3d the Navy and is stationed in the Mo BUNTY ab baa, ithe a, days and now there is ne such a : - th BY #1 hi
Spring streets in e ante ASL Chicago area : s W 8 stationed thing. Well, what am [ talking _, .. sn. or. RI Bellefon 0 6554
Wednesday night. Jerry Galaida, Sse Robert: EB. Savio Mi at nearby Maxwell Field about? 1 am talking about when w ANTED ian of woman of X34 Sales Mart
; 8 J) I by ayior uo 4 ‘ ’ table Rawleig ut Must
Bellefonte police officer who investl- Irene Saylor of Canton ohia ins Kenneth Fromm and his son, they used to rafse tobacco around wfied with good living at start Write po : FARMES Penns We
gated the accident, said no one was vacationing ok Be a fo 3h Philip, returned to thelr home in Bellefonte. It was the time when the Rawle gh's. Dept 101 | LE ‘ ‘ \FLM . us
s . 4 last { TT at uf i twa TH a ‘ H Wi ‘ i D ¥ H i i ¥ Br Fd Ou t i BI (re . ! hd 4 .
Hijured, = Ming Saylor of Prossertown, and also are yagasy Pa * Jere Vi edifa- President was satisfied with two " y & | Dou YOU CAD SXOe wl DIC v . ; on of wash-
—Mrs. 8. Claude Herr, of Mingo- spending some time with a friend, Ay. Aller a vit n days with terms in office, and meat wasn't ra- waNTED perienced farmer f 3 T Reigel . . ¢ wevers Sweeper brishs
ville, Sunday was admitted to the ,.... Ward of the same place (Mr. Fromm's parents, Mr. and Mrs. tioned, and we didn't need gas to modern farm. Must § IArTie OR SALE Grapes B y ed RK. Electric
Centre County Hospital for obser- Mr and M is Beaty a Charles Fromm of North B8pring run around and talk about our wood salary, and farm supplies. House  contair Mra Prank Nelson 22: is 2008
vation and treatment. Mrs. Herr be- little ay Ben i Jlaxeia sid oti street, ahd other relatives in Belle- neighbors. And the farmers woud gD 1 New Jers lb u di ia
came {ll at the family summer home by Mr "ih ta arg 4 Hane fonte get their work done in the fall; and
at Hecla Park early last week and v ° . an A , " A regular meeting of the Miles. the preacher would drive ito the WANTED
when her condition did not improve Miss Ma:garet Beaty of Blanchard,
burg Women's Club will be held at community and stay for a week to pick
. visited Mrs u § ts , 4 g . } rotator
was brought to the hospital Yester- d Mrs. Bealy's parents, Mr 7:30 o'clock Monday evening at the among his members and eat gil the rh N
day little change was reported in
ei oie Earl Neese of Baltimore, L. G. Peters home in Milesburg. extra chicken in the communit; and ter
her condition 3 Members are asked to bring a jar start an old fashioned revival which R
Among our callers on Tuesday Mrs. Clayton Reish and daugh- of cooked vegetables and their owe would last for six or elght weeks. WANTED
was Guy L. McIntyre, of Pittsburgh, '¢7- Mrs. Howard Newcomer and table service. Miss Mary Adams and people took time to go to church mothe
a former Bellefonte resident. Guy daughter, all of Allentown, were will have charge of the program and the preacher would take time to
and his wife and Dr. and Mrs. John guests last week of Mrs. Reish's sis- Miss Ada Stenger, nurse in piepare a sermon for a funeral
Numan spent the weekend in Belle- ters, Mrs. Edward Mulfinger, of training at Willlamsport Hospital, stead of ieading it from a clipylog
fonte and State College, while on a Pleasant Gap, and Mrs. Boyd Sholl anq hor ‘grandfather, Il. BE. Mason, [rom a newspaper And thes
motor trip. Guy is engaged in the
w Ke
31 ! i
exted } — n—————— ———————
vo P
of East High street, Bellefonte of Harrisburg, spent. the weekend many oth r toings 1
manufacture “of “cakes an)! cookies Mrs. Charles Stearns last Thurs- and Labor Day in Bellefonte with those days, but vv will
which are sold by many stores day returned to her home in Joliet, Miss §'sngzer’s peronts, and Mr. Ma- out to the {arm that was
throughout the city of Pittsburgh IIL, after a week's visit in Bellefonte son's son-in-law and daughter Rev. the Black Barn farm
with her father, Samuel Clevenstine, land M:s. Harry C. Stenger, Jr. of o%ned by T. E Jodm
Carolyn A. Gunsallus, daughters of and her brother and sister-in-law, West Howard street by George Lohr
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gunsallus, of Mr and Mrs. Ray Clevenstine and he Misses Sally Shoemaker The iime Is 1890. ) fF. » re ’ : FOI
North Thomas street, ariived in family, all of East Bishop street Elizabeth Ann Walker, Melissa Ward Uriah Stover, lived on t farm and rite § 8. re of this paper 6. Millhotm. = ; a J oo . Anno m t
Bellefonte Saturday morning after Pvt. Charles Ray, stationed at and Mary Edith Daly, all of Beile. raised tobacos in nrg —— A dA rn a Ei ta a uncements
spending four weeks in Morganfield, Camp Campbell, Ky. last Tuesday fonte, were hostesses At a CAvanger amount There were two larg tah Lost and Found POR BALE --8- or 40a ciecaric, ose cath, Mia Po" SORES io De Brine mie yo ren
Ky. Mrs, Marcelonis’ husband, 8/8gt. arrived here to spend a ten-day fur- hunt held last Wednerday night at ©» sheds which stood a res ihe rond Lat aA Sith milk eoolers tn stock | ted. PP interesled, write O. TB. care By
J.P. Marcelonis, who had been sta- ough with his parents, Mr. and the Daly home on West Bishop from the barn and 1 remember Woch gram Fither on tartan Bia :
tioned at nearby Camp Breckin- Mrs. Samuel Ray, at Axemann. Be- strect Approximately 40 persons the tobacco was hung in Lure to be streets, a Chat
ridge. is at present on maneuvers in fore entering the service Pvt Ray were present Refreshments were Cured and gotten ready for the mar. Caoacity. Reward if
Tennessee was governor of the Bellefonte served and prizes awarded ket. Well, 1 am not writing this to office
The Joseph Baker family, of Moose jodge Mrs. Hugh M. Quigley and chil. SPhcourage the mising of tobaccy LOST Fraternity
Downingtown and Wingate, are re- The Pacific Press Publishers of dren, Ellen, Henry ahd Mike, this "T0Und Boliefonte, for 1 have no use Baltele nte. Sunday
ported to have leased the Thomas Los Angeles, California, announces week closed the family home on East for it only to put in chicken nesés em. ‘
B. Beaver residence at the corner of the coming edition of “Pageant of Curtin street and on Werdaesday de- to kill lice. As has been sald, tobacco Pal gr - = POR SALE
Allegheny and Curtin street and are Poetry” will contain two poems writ- parted for Indianapolis, Ind. where ia an evil weed and from the devil oan ration bo y small plows
expected to move into the property tem by Miss Virginia C. Irvine of they will make their hotpv as long
—Mrs. Mary Marcelonis and Miss
Cenide Democrat
did proceed. It buns your Angers. (icy D
this weekend from their summer Bellefonte. The titles of the author's as Captain Quigley Is stationed in solls your clothes and makes a stove Bax 65A
home “Porgy” at Wingate. The Bak- contributions are “Time, Stand that eity Capt. Quigiey is an of- pipe of your nose: Bo Hy mt do we
ers will remain here during the SUIL"” and “Exchange.” ficer in the Selective Service organ- Metd that stuff for? Let's raise po-
Made in Bellefonte
Get Them at Your Grocers
POUL © seria WA 41-1
» Baa and renee Oiraeeng
RE i Ee
winter instead of going to Downing- Richard Hollobaugh last Thurs- ization in Indianapolis tatoes and help win the war
town, as has been their custom day returned to his home in Frank-. Sgt Marion Volynch Pettingill BERNARD M. STOVER,
~Ensign Calvin C. Purnell, of lin, N. J. affer a month's visit in daughter of Mrs. Mabel Volynch, of Bellefonte, R. D. 3 ;
Bellefonte, was guest of honor at a Bellefonte with his uncle and aunt, West Bishop street. who bad been Su————" fo fo WANTED --Men 10 cut paper wood
party given last Wednesday at the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coble, of stationed with the WAC at Miami Bomehow or other we seem to be mine props. logs. mill work. Cone
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Keith An- North Penn street, and with his Beach, Florida, since last January, unable to make definite contact with aes on 2 She JOULE.  Hounts and
derson of Bellefonte. Mr. and Mrs. Riandparents. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. hag been honorably discharged from this surplis money we read so much rent at job Inauire of GW Hols . be Betiatos “i
Robert Morris end Mr. and Mrs. An- Johnson, of North Spring street ithe service and is now living at about & Bon, Fleming. Pa . Business For Sale ; alerts os 42 AEE ae a eer
derson were hosts. The party was Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shuey on Oreat Falls, Mont. Dear Der Biss | ce ee cess . . E ; F h
held because Ensign Purnell, who Tuesday quietly celebrated their 57th band, Lt. J. W. Pettingill. who is Articles for Sa FOR SALE-—General store a: -njoy Frres
was recently sworn into service, ex- wedding anniversary at their home stationed at Gore Pield. Mont Card of Thanks cles tor le , ment. Excellent pOTtn and BR acres if tivation. Large !
pects to leave September 15 for on East Bishop street. The Shueys Mrs. Nora Ebeling. of West High . POR SALE--A 1036 Int dump truck, ¢ bok nN i is R Ally bh HDT ir If i. 8 POT €Y £ DC
Princeton. N. J.. © begin training at were married in the Methodist street. last week received f:om H . y Waals With as timenty of U-license. H. A. Stover, Lemont, Pa ii - he lairy cows. Nine-ro ouse. § C TAT hs C {Ff ed
$ ot Iniversity ita 4 oo adh ud . jeer gratitude we endeavor to ex- x34
Princeten University. Those present church, Bellefonte, on September 7, Arnold, commanding general of the pres our heartfelt thanks snd sin- — Wanted to Buy
in addition to the guest of honor and 1886 by Dr. D. 8. Monroe, who Was U. 8. Army Air Forces, a Certificate C°re appreciation to our friends, rel- PCR SALE-Boy's blue suit, size 18
the hosts were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack pastor of the church at that time lot Honor, Issued in memory of her atives, neighbors and to all sho so Boy's navy blue rain coat, size 16
Wilkinson, Miss Margaret Beaver M: and Mrs. Charles Walters son Cpl. Ernest P. Ebel ne who thoughtfully remembered us in their Cail 2176 x38 | WANTED 450.000 feet of jumber
a Yani a hi 0 8. © 3 Son, Ph. BB ing. many kind deeds, expressions of sym. - an mize ths to He 1 Yi WAY
and Mrs Calvin Pusneli al of Belles and Donald Maitin of Bellefonte, R. gave his life for his country on July Pethy and beautiful floral tributes, in PCR SALE-Potatoes Joseph BH Ow- fort beac t vs faire {
fonte; Lt. Elwocd Furst, of Camp, 2 ang Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Wit- (9; 1943. Opl. Ebeling died in a Jap. L0¢, 108s of our beioved husband and eas, Bellefonte, RD. 2. (near Zion) Ororee Narehood Pine Glen, Pa x39
v : . 3 - 8 p= r . y 1 26-1.29 Pe
Atterbury, Ind.; Cpl. Ambrose Wat- me, and two daughters spent several anese prisoner of war camp in the reali red era iam ary Pin x29 . wd WANTED." iv sinning wheels
son. of Ft. Benning, Ga. end Hugh gave in Niagara Falls, Y.. with Phil e Islands. al } rom or his consoling words and the POR SALE--Three used wood silos DURRIOE, BOING Waomns. DO Le
: N h Pp edly from RH spr 10 hots
L. Curtin, of Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Walter's son-in-lass malaria Wetsier Funeral Home for their kind ot Also REW gios. Inquire of Robert wagons Clive lowest prices |
" a : and efficient service in our time of Meeker, Millheim, P 37 letter ; v. Repberabure. P :
-A farewell dinner was held Bun- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lair Mrs. Lawrence Thal and daugh- %TTow (Signed) Mrs. Sarah J Wii Admin 2 ” BA Hg bersburg a a
day at the home of Mr. ond Mrs. and family. They also visited Can- : . 8 hams and family FOR SALE--Gallon jugs for cider or : H f R
. . " " . M ter, Gertrude. of South Allegheny — vinegar 10c each. 4 for 35¢. Wid. ouses for Kent
Charles Martin, on South Allegheny ada on their trip ’ "a : ict WANTED A farm 10 to BO acres
street. in honor of Mr and Mrs p heft i» street, went to Philadelphia last | M . mann & Teah Drug Store x36 with or withou on Ra i eng A ie tl
: and : —Peter Sheffer, son of Mr. and, ao "WI0D: mE oe eaant Sony HME 100M. pn RENT-Pour-room dwells
Martins nieces, Miss Teresa En-'amrs paul Sheffer. of E : (week where Gertrude entered the n emoriam FOR BALE—A green and white en. L1'C¢ must be right Will pay cash A rt eT ; ling,
trekin, of Bellefonte, and Miss Vir- " eT, ast nn Nurses’ Training School of German. a . . ameled kitchen stove. In good 0 A. J. Shaler. 2015 Broad Ave. AHOONa. ©..." Boe i Pa Rand
ginia Ayre, of Pleasant Gap. Miss Street. arnived home Friday after|town Hospital Miss Thal is a grad- | In memory of my mother, Mrs. |S von. C. L Yorks Milesburg. Pa. x36 J X38 ple. Phone 749. asad 4 KELVINATOR
» : 5 spending the summer vacation as a " “ ; pr seu - | WAN" y 4 . :
Entrekin left yesterday to begin porter ) A uate of this year's class of the Belle- Chaiies A Dolan. who died three FOR SALE-—A Harler Davidson mo- | WAN TED. Want 0 buy or sell a pon pemer Sack ye ELECTRIC STOVES
rain ith the WAVES at Hunte po on a large steamer on the fonte High School They were ac. Years ago August 27. 1040 torevele in excellent condition. Ad- farm? Write today West's Farm decora bie { oh?
a > i A 2 re a Great Lakes.' Before coming to companied by Mrs. Mac Bryan. of | I MISS MOTHER dress P. O. Box 156, Bellefonte, Pa. yo. 1 Pitts |g fr i a
- ¢ vie Ban Jie Bellefonte he spent several days North Penn street, who visited with Mother dear has left this valley x3 i Pa Areas Ville. wlonz Rattlesnake pik ) 00 n——
report to Daytona Beach Florida, |g : {TN 3 ET “tt ; ter month In Gdire ’
with Mrs. Sheffer's relatives in her daughter, Sarah, also in train-| Jo! so very long ago. POR 8 ry esas, - month. Ing uin .
September 15, to undergo training zanesvilie. Ohio i : ’ | Yes, mother dear has gone to heaven, ALE-Set of harness for team, | pon ware 0 killed with can wn. Fleming, Pa. or address Jul.
with the WAC. Those who attended eavilie, : |ing at the same hospital. The women And I mis her so new. Ciasters. § High street, Belie- | “5 nuties Rat Killer, Guaranteed a0. RD x36 MELR (0) ¥Y ’
the farewell dinner, in addition to', M3. James C. Young returned returned to Bellefonte Wednesday But at Henig oF She firelide pauls, Pal Look tot the Burgatn Bas | harmless dogs, cats. livestock and =
\ ny 3 to o - i here 1 a th all my dreams, " roultry. Schaeffer’ Lire =
the guests of honor and the hosts, ly het home In Rublessblicg Tecerit- night. $1 fancy I can see her smiling. POR SALE. Five | — oy stoves. four Hp Re 8 and O. A Rie Apartments for Rent Phone 6851
were: Mr. and Mrs. John Sheckler ‘ | Four Bellefonte young women Smiling up at me, It seems. coal brooders  Sneode ol} Brcoder WANE er worm Shoe wii ey r— PLEASANT GAP, PA
end son Jack, of Milesburg: Miss nd Ves dame : Sng, io 15 0ft fast week for Philadelphia, Chorus D. Z Anglin, Woodward, Pa. Star State age. breed and price. Mort Heat
Catherine Prank. of Philadelphia; ct" Brooklyn, N aval Sapital where they all became students at Mother dear, I'm sad and lonely, Toute 32-41 | ye silent trailer. Oall Prenchville ex. Service
i ’ st. rig . . Bea ed ome and sit.with me awhile, ak. wwe psu bp = let No. 1-R-18, or writ ¢ school teact
5» Florence Beachrist, of lewis Young received his, training at the the Nurses Training School of the S80 that I may hear your dear voice, TCR BALE-Gun. 20-gauge. single. a Bh, or white RK Bellefonte. ’ 2
town; Aviation Student R. O. Wat. U. 8. Traini Station. 'Bainbrid (Germantown Hospital. They were See your tender and sweet smile barrel, shotgun, and a rabbit dog, © PHILCO RADIOS
kins, Jr. of Raleigh, N. C.; Mr. and ng an, NOTICR®. | Miss Gertrude Thal, daughter of Mr. price complete, £500. Inquire of Eilia : FOR RENT Apartment
" - ! e i nai ting « eu
Mrs. Irvin Martin and family, and Md where he was awarded his di and Mrs. Lawrence Thal: Miss Betty when no how pio tha, cig HOS ok. Laird, Port Matilda, Pa X36 | and old. Will pay highest prices three rooms and bath Enclosed BENDIX BOME LAUNDRY
c . ter verly ploma as a graduate hospital ap- - 8 SH SALE «An . . iMust have some at once. Also live- “un porch. Steam heat and
Marie Osler and daughter, Beverly, Rine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Dad is still right there to greet me. FOR SALE+An Osborne corn bin- | ol “aul SOE So ORE Loganton. | © supplied. Apply at 103 Bast. Cus
prentice 2nd class i ; | But he never seems conient der and a 10-inch MeCormick-
of Bellefonte iseph Rine, Miss Annabells Walker, Years ago I 10st 8 sister. Deering feed mill, RK Hun ter Pa Phone Loganton 2822 x43 | Yin streel. Bellefonte x36
~<Mrs. Ida Krebbs, of Paltimore, daughter of Fred Walker, ond Miss Th : x ANT ET ET
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boob, of ‘ ' en Cod called my dearest brother, Boalsburg, Pa. Phone 3143 x36 NTED -
t How d E 4 — 4 -home Md. has been a guest of her sister Joan Kusse, daughter of Mr. and But I didn't mise those AOAF ONES | one | © iE mn 1h ol], SCTAD TON. 60 ——— A
East Howard street, returned -hom h d A | AY I miss ny darling monet FOR BALE-—-We are having a special Coote ber 100 hotinds, delivered our
Monday from a five-day trip by ray 20d husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Mrs. Karl Kusse. The young women | : | vale on open stock dinner ware, JAd. Bo tin. Also old automobiles.
to Westover Field, Mass, where they Bird for the past ten days at their who will take the prescribed three. | Written re AT ker” Met new patterns. Clasters, § High street. Boy A DeWshabers Ninganiies, Jun. (Political adv (Political adv)
. ass... ere £ J key. - . : f an :
visited their sen. Pfc. Darel Boob, home near Roopsburg. Both ladies year course are all gradua‘es of this Pa. ¥. Mon- | Bellefonte, Pa. Look for the Bamain gos. oA AUG ta fone oe
who Is a member of
an airborne Were callers while in Bellefonte on course are all graduates of this | » ——— . . Basket X37 of Milesburg). Phone Bellefonte 24%2
medical unit at that important air Saturday, the former to renew her year's class of the Bellefonte High | Help Wanted | POR SALE--One Indian motoreyole, |
a —————— —— ott
; subscription, an annual custom of School. {in good shape, HA CPB © i i a ——— .
\ base. Mr. and Mrs. Boob reported yo" al ol el past 20 years.| nei 74 size, 1032 year Charien F. Miller, | FARMERS — The Clinwn Auction.
that traffic conditions on the rall- | Mr. and Mrs. Sinie H. Hoy, of | wee Soring Mills, Pa. Care of Hang la Mill Hall Pa. offers you an op. ° ;
4 8he expects to visit wvarjous other’ [portunity io dis five.
roads during the weekend were Tl Tp nia before re. South Thomas street, are looking | Fiamme. Photie 9-R-4 Spring Mille, | Jo ty tr Co ties
something to remember. On a train turning to her Maryland home {forward to this coming weekend. | WANTED ETE ci | DIdinG. every Monday. Cet your
frem New York City into Massa- Ty ; [Their family will be together again WOMEN-—18 40 50 FOR SALB-Second-hand potato dig. Check as soon as sale is made. No
chusetts, after the coaches were fill-| Miss Teresa Elizabeth Entrekin, for the first time since 1031, and in 5 (Nun wer. No. 1. sik-fout. 32-inéh with (Sais. No commission. Jos Bechisl, F or Assessor
ed to overflowing, passengers were of Bellefonte, whose enlistment in addition, they will celebrate their ®vivania Eisctric Products Inc Toa in rig id per ding ew | ot
herded into the baggage cars where the WAVES was announced several golden wedding anniversary. Plans Mill Hall Behrer, Pennsylvania Purnace. Dial | PERMANENT WAVE. 50c. Do your |
they were happy If they found weeks ago, last Priday reported for for the forthcoming weekend in. Warriors Mark 13R-3. od TTR reg ut NORTH WARD
standing room. Many persons who duty at the Keystone Hotel, Pitts- clude a family-dinner Saturday eve. | Workers now in PCR SALE — Olenwood coal range, 90 curlers and shampoo. Easy 0 Gb
covidn't crowd onto the train had to burgh. and 21 be assigned at once ning in their honor at the Penn  ¥° Industries not eligible. x35 ar; corner eup- 'ABnolutely, harmless. Praised by shel.
walt until the next one. Soldiers re-|to Hunter . New York City, Belle Hotel, and a reception of | board; four kit, ar. Money rel
turning to camp from leaves found | for basic training. Seaman Entrekin, friends Sunday afternoon and eve. | chen ch ; hast « ous ovia star. pMoney refunded BELLEFONTE BOROUGH
it possible to sleep standing up in who made her home with her unele ning at thelr home. The following ton. Dial Bellefonte 2022 :
the trains. There wasnt, room and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles sons and thelr families expected cn © X35 FOR SALE--Diamond T school os | Room Wanted
enough for them to tumble over. Martin, of South Allegheny street, home are: Christian, of Los Angeles, i ers an
Everywhere along the route railroad | was employed in the local Bell Tele- Cal: Harry, of Pittsburgh: Miles, of |W Pornard tons pate Good’ MSc | Third Place on Republican Ballot
facilities were crowded to capacity, phone exchange, and was active in Chicago, Tll.: Robert, of ronan Oe are. Toes amilies. Hon. trade a Die | WT ie rset. |
Mr. and Mrs. Boob reported. Red Cross first ald work, iN. Y.. and John, of State College. |Chester Pa. . -nS4 Bi A 7 “ Tg Rgds Pa TV'Y at Bia it Inn, elante :