Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 09, 1943, Image 3
September 0, 1943, — THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Rev, Groninger, the new Lutheran minister, preached his first sermon last Sunday. He with his family re- cently moved from Shanksville to the Lutheran parsonage on West Main street The 4-H Girls’ Club of Ferguson tbwnship, held thelr annual round- up at the Balleyville Community hall on Sept. 2nd. An appropriate play was staged by the girls and choice refreshments were served Many school dresses made by the girls were on display Robert Parsons, mechanic at the Dodd service station, was absent last week [rom hig position his Annual vacation Master Hugh Fry, son Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fry. is nursing a broken Arm caused by a fall on the sidewalk in State College Mrs. George W. Rudy is patient in the Centre County pital At this writing she Is recover ing nicely and her many [friends trust a speedy return to good health The Roy Ripka family are now snugly fixed in the L H (Bus) Harpster farm house. Mr. Ripka employed at State College Mrs. D. Sidney Neidigh is enjoying a visit with her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams in Lombard, Ill The new sheds and modern barn on the I. K. Metzgar farm are well under way. A Millheim contractor has the job Blanchard Parsons Elmira, N Y. spent ga few days the past week with his wife on East Main street and other friends in the valley The George Dunlap store was dis- posed of at a bargain the past two weeks, George will devote his time to school teaching. Many a day since our town boasted of two or three general stores, but at present only one store is Jeft on Main street that of the E. C. Martz Clover Fa store. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pressler were among the friends at the John Borst funeral last Thursday in Shave Creek Valley enjoying of a surgical Hos- is of m re EN PINE GROVE M ceremony wo ——— | Mary Hall Beckwith of Tyrone. Miss t L L S [Anna Jane Musser sang “O Promise [Me" and “I Love You Truly" The {matron of honor wag Mrs. Mary Ho- One of our aged citizens, EUsha p00 Heliman of Philadelphia, cou- Shoemaker, is a medical patient at go. of the bride, and the groom's the Blair Hospital in Huntingdon. peother, Ellis Kean of Diamond, Pa., His Injuries were caused by a fall In wus best man. The bride was given alighting from his car at his home ;. warriage by her father. A well on East Main street known and estimable young lady, Mrs. Ruth Prank, Mrs. Edna Gil- prominent in Centre county's 4-H liland and Miss Corene Copley were glub work graduated from State Col- guests Thursday at a chicken din- lege High 8choo] and held a clerical ner at the Daniel Frank home in! position in State College. She will be State College a worthy helpmate. The bridegroom Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L Albright Is a well known Venango county have retired from active farming farmer, son of Mrs. W. A. Deets of and last week moved from their well Diamond, graduate of Oll City High known farm their new home on School and also a graduate of Penn Tadpole. Their son Ralph and fam- State, class of 42 in dairy hus- ily are in charge of the farm bandry He Is at present stationed ‘Miss Barbara Ulmer is spending with the armed forces at Camp Mac- an indefinite visit with her aunt and Call, N. C., where after a brief hon. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thomp- eymoon trip they will live in Riverside, Calif, and with ea. Pvt. Dale Koon who Is stationed JACKSONVILLE with the U. 8. armed forces . Don't forget to vote at tae primary Church 14th. A host of candidates 12: Sunday soliciting your personal civilian 19 4 Ladies’ Aid Society the home of Mrs at Howard on Sept. 11 Mr. and Mrs children, Mrs Linn Winters spent Sunday ning at the Baird home PAYMENT APPROVED FOR —————— Auditor General F. Clalr Ross last week approved the payment of 86, - 030.276.19 to second and third-class school districts throughout the State for the payment of teachers’ salar- les and for closed school year ended avment will 10 Districts in Centre county ceive $35.301.48 as follow Bellefonte, $16,092.60, lege, 818.308 48 for the 30 nbout schools January be made will re. <1 tate Coi- : $27.062 PAID TO COUNTY wi RESIDENTS DURING AUGUST residents in the Special Assistance $27.062.20 In follow; Aged Centre county groups receiving were pald a total of August, divided $16,427.20: Blind, $12,040; Ald to Ix pendent Children, $8505. July ments totalled 827.386 9% During the week just closed relief payments in Centre gr $546 10 Pavmel previou week totalled $506 As son here services on Bunday, Sept school, 9:30 worship on Sept Are erated will William Saturday meet at Belightol evening priviiege A Brooks clerical position some UUme and two Wall The who holds Bristol with their Corl, nice spent wife on n or Vier nry Hav Banme Public Sales wil at recently his daughters at home Audrey Fisher and Florence Stover and all of Lock Haven afternoon and Mr. and Mrs treet IL. Roy Barto family are now snugly located in the Wetinore home on N. Church street, having fitted last week from the Smith house Retired P. R. R. engineer C. Mil- Sunday caller: the C. E. Aley ton Fry and the T. B. Wogan fam-) 0. were Mrs. Charles Meyer and ily. all of Altoona, enjoyed the past Mrs Alders of Lama O weekend Fry home in Rock " Springs. Mrs. Esther Richey accom- Visitors at the home of Mr. and panied C. M. to the country and vis- Mrs. Robert Conaway and family ited at the well known Osman home during the week ware ' Mrs. William near Pine Hall now home of Belghtol and son Earl of Howard Henry Bloom and family Mrs. Senlor of Bellefonte, R. D., Mr» The home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frank Eisenhauer Mrs. Ed. Aley, A. Homan was the scene of a fash. Mrs. Leon Aley, Mrs Sumner Noll ionable Sept. 5th 8nd children, Barbara Rebecca and h DA: at 3 p.m their v d nh. Sarah Shaffer, Mrs. Deimer Ertley 0 small ter Eller eve Harry SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 11 E Clark will offer at public sale at 120 Bouth Pugh Blat [e Packard gamge and am sireet ; Colleg ’ hguaehaolc Lic ue lock nt Omi nd tly 1 at the ( ub 120 8ou household w_ lich Ave MANY Years ing tems seal, corner « pad room ere ) heen the been —— Drop-ieal 1pbhoard ites mart Dies WMmps carpets wedding wedding tures tables be Mary 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Dunkle and son ed Glenn A. Kean Franklin, Rev Paul Mingovillie, They called es- Philip Hall of Tyrone performed the pecially to Mrs. Robert - farm home WARY Who unde; doctor's care beautifl with an attack of intestinal flu, but and rose we are glad to report better at this writing of iad on’ Oowmt the Civil Wa tom E M Smit} 3 SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER (8 " "or * esr3h wer will o of a Cona- TA ‘ L is the wi spacious Alvins in the Pir ited Wedt ; ye Fant B He PS WAS OeCOr- 3% The Mrs y she with evergreens n is fing March was played by Saturday dinner guests at the Leon Aley home were William Rip- a (Political advt.) ELECT C. ROY HELD SHERIFF Over 20 years’ experience of Law Enforcement. Life long resident of C Trained in Law Enfore Veteran of World War First name on ballot, May I ask your vote and influence, oe ka and daughter Mills, and Dean fonte, R. D Visitors at Alice during the week were Mrs and children Mrs. Walker, Mn Harold Boone Miss Beatrice Thompson of Howard, Mrs Mary Deitz and Mrs. Willlam Dixon Callers at the James Shaller home during ti week were Mrs. Anna Clark and daughter Martha, Mrs Harry Baird and son Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stover and daughter Janet Marie, Mrs. Benjor and Elmer Swope Teurezine of Spring Raat oth Rogers, of Belle- SEPTEMB SATURDAY BR 35 (Political advt) ili of ss .dence State 2 ~ ne same old Belz home Ruth Betz SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25 Seeger will offer at pub Haze! street, Milead ng household sulle hrary bed nd springs halrs, fic breakfast ing utensils. 1 Oeorge w yO ail i 0 mans work bench combination ans rice and nero entre County. "on Wa ement, No. 1. ve Dixons is not We wish her William very this time Speedy recovyery Mrs. Mary C. Bridge and daughter Ramona, and step-father John Her- man. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Noll and family | Mr. and Mrs. John Schasefler and ichildren of Centre Hall, Mrs Jack Mabus and Mrs. Dean Beighlol were Ts good at a SATURDAY OCTOBER vis Shull i will offer Bremnises ; Smith, auct THURSDAY. OCT. 2i--John MoCoy will offer at public sale on his fay one-half mile south of Stats Col | | | jege, Pa. along the White Hall (Political advt) LEAMER R. WOODRING Milesburg RECORDER OF DEEDS Republican Voters — NOMINATE — road. livestock and farm ments. Hale at 10 a m SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23 Yearick will offer at public nh farm nil Beliefonte livestock ET Labor Day supper guests at the C. E Aley home On Tuesday of this week school started with the children ready and eager to 80. The teachers are: Miss Moore, primary; Miss Clark. gram- mar: Rev. Gulick substitute at Frain: Miss Weight and Miss Miller. Henderson Mr. and Mrs, Dean Rogers oicing arrival of daughter, ! horn Friday morning at the Centre Coun Hospital Both and daughter are doing fine tnt) Political advt) His one | the old farm oid goois. Sale at sharp Mayes and Stover THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28--The Jar ed Evey ontate will offer st publ sale at the Pah Hatchery near Pleasant Cap a § ull ne stock, farm implements 3 Bare LL orks mplemean ls 12:30 as AUCH Hoy are of a baby re. ver bh goed ae Smith. au M Dubbs FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29 will t ‘vesd at » Hii al at bi i14 a vie - pow 8 ug early * promising yo stationed One of farmers now | at Fort Benning. Ga Pvi Arthur Bartley, and Miss Kathryn Balley of Salona, were quietly married Satur- day evening. Sept. 30th at Howard by Rev. Gulick, We wish them a long and prosperous wedding Hie The remains of Mrs Willlam Orr Howard, was laid to rest in the Presbyterian cemetery Sunday af ternoots. The family have our deep. est sympathy our fine ne n the arms I aunt THURSDAY will offer farm, 3% mil Mil Pa plement Carper THURSDAY, ? wil EY fs NOV al Ov offer £ on of m ieadine Old Port. livestock and farm im plements, including 40 some head purebted. high-grade Holstein cattle. Sale at fam. KE Smith ano PRIDAY. NOV 5-Jnsenh Hosage wil offer at public sale on the White. rack Farm on the State Highway ieading from Pleasant Cap, Pa. to lock Haven, near aviation fisin Hyestock farm implements and housshold goods, Including 40 head of rattle Sale at © a m E MM Smith. auct W. C. SBmelizer and Lee Smelter, clerks IE SH. to the ¢ of BN M Completes Pilot Training Aviation Cadet John L. Dobeibow- er, 101 West Curtin street, Belle-| fonte, is one of the 384 young men from Pennsylvania engaged in the last phase of their training before they actually get behind the con-| trols of an army plane. Cadet Dobel- | power is now stationed at the Army | ir Porces Preflight 8chool for pil- | ed at the Ban ip Texas, Avia- | Saturday, Sept. ] | tion Cadet Center i FLIZABETH S. VONADA {administratrix € tt a of the state (Pol. Adv.) N. ROY STIVER jor 8 Elizabeth Bmith, will offer =s public sale at the late residence, one mile west of Milesburg. along State Highway Route 220 follow items FARM IMPLEMENTS 80-t00th lev. harrow, Oliver side-hill plow; Ol- iver two-way sulky plow. one-horse potato raleer; one-horse cultivator one-horse shovel plow: light bob- sied. 3 iron kettles. copper kettle Delaval No. 12 cream separator in excellent condition HOUSEHOLD OOO0DS--Plano; desk antique living room furniture: mare bie-top stand. antique secretary the 2 i Huston Township 5th Place on the Ballot Bo 4 4 a twin antique chairs; china closet; Kitchen cabinet, sewing stand: ta- Bie. 3-piece bedroom suite; chest of drawers; table. antique rocker: chest 2 sledn. iron crib; fron bed. drens- Candidate for the | BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT | by or, wash stand; 12; matching 9, and 2 rugs living rug H by rug © 0 by 12. 14-Tot runners, pillows and Mmatiresses feather ticks stand mantle table and showonse with spring Inrd oan gallon crocks, mii rors, children's child's desk Heats heater small heater one an oll-burner miscellan eous chair quilt Red Star and Ow room 1H rig CHMNA col Lag Los 2 dishes wardrobe love In clomet oll many other a Wo menuon 14:30 gasoline ianter: los LOO 1 Hume Harri x46 Thursday, Sept. 16 FRANK INGRAM public Shoemaker fh I offey known a ne m what | follow sale o Homi the LIVES Holstein mile} pound Saturday, Sept. 18 MH HARFPSTER y me won CWNED Estas teed creat BY BARNIE Morris char with springs 2 Dede oa COLLINS 3 wan stends fresser . ES . He Saturday, Sept. 18 SEVINA STOVER re on nu all Mayes onditior M Dubbs Saturday, Sept. 25 AMES H. ANDERSON, offer ai pub fwner, sale on h Ciearfield g farm pr Mille pPeraons ir township te of the north 1 70568 Owrenia on foliowing ch CHWs bul 1 pls. 100 roos weight about 53 pound: each FARM IMPLEMENTS Ferguson Ford tractor on rubber with plows drow cultivator and ley kt ] fw Wr o grain a mower gpike-1o0th cultivalow soring-tooth harrow rope and pulleys. all kinds i tools: 156 tons loose hay. po ORR some f [: Fun Two stoves also will containing WARONS Dlow harrow fork AP be received on 4 125 acres, with fF and barn. Owner resers 4 0 relect any or all is the farm Sale at 1 Pp Mm. Wise and Hubble: x38 ) own hide on H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 257% PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. REPUBLICAN NOMINATION ND R. W. ROAN’S TWO-DAY Antique |Auction Sale Monday, Sept. 20 Tuesday, Sept, 21 SAMwIr Mm South Side Community Sewthern Avenue Williamsport, Pa. On Exhibition--<Afternoon and re f Qe COUNTY Seeks Your Vote and Support Hall Evening, Sunday, Sepl. 10th, 1 L. FRANK MAYES (General Auctioneer Real Estate Sales A SPECIALTY! CALL STATE COLLEGE, max Why not have the henefit of competitive bidding In the sale of your property. Past sxperiences have proven that public sales of real esta demand higher prices. °° A number of Farms and several Watch for Dates! mn ————— EE a .,ee.l o i i0 He ha had a long and varied busin ition 1 of the cow in at had thorough training in pobre ha career di duties office “ to carry on qualified highest las admirably it Po api inated and bring creql THIRD PLACE ON Republicans ! Nominate John “Jerry” Galaida or Sheriff entoreermed ork, na ony it th ail WILLIAM H. BROUSE COUNTY REPUBLICAN ("andidate For COMMISSIONER FOURTH PLACE ON BALLOT. Cr DINGHY] DROIT LMT IIIT IRIS! WII AT RY JETT “1 wil Jes ame ee of Centre Subject: Count JnnRaRI Ww OU STEN Ha and Does he DULGINES and other a Commissioner's Mr. McCord and the similiar problems on their his 2000) own farms, He h {to 1 in elected the office of County Con many 1183107 three vears, Mr. McCord was in ment the Standing Experimental Forest Mills. Thig tract is now managed by t a Forestry Experime Camp and Forestry tree uf ni al Camp. nlanting and lumbering have brought t and the { managemen affairs of We feel that the acceptable manner. Please ask any person sioners on September 14, 1943. Signed; PROF. GEORGE R. GREEN, Professor of Nature Education, Pennsylvania State College. GEORGE W. RALSTON, Farmer and Chairman Grange Fair Com., Centre Hall, Pa. J. MUNSON LEE, Lee Metal Products Co., Philipsburg, Pa. 0. HAMILL BATHGATE, Dairyman-Engineer, State College. JIMSEPEASHIT JRITIIOUEENY STHESIIVITICEL Joes To the Republican Voters 0. P. McCord, Candidate for County Commissioner other farmers living entire life and his neighborly attitude toward everyone good farmers living within the Coun charge of 1 , across the mountain from Pine he P Juilding, Mineral Industries Camp, These experiences, wit good buginess methods, statements made in this letter are to the real facts about Mr. McCord’s ability and energy to get things done in an qualifications for the office of County Com We hope vou may see fit to vote for Mr. McCord as one of vour Commis- MEE JTS TISIRIT SI SHEE UTI OCI TMMITION SITAR JIS AIRITIY SII FIRST tn ’ ACA 81 County: ESHER SR Fs inty Have very wear Philipsburg, assurance that, if he problems of the as lived on a farm 1 er, he will iy. { construction and improve- Grove ennsvivania State Cr It includes Civil Engineering those of road construction. him into associations with labor and h a & modest in comparison knowing Mr. McCord to appraise his missioner. itis DR. H. B. NORTHRUP, Director of Mineral Industries Ext. Pennsylvania State College. ARTHUR BARRACLOUGH. Coal Operator, Bellefonte, Pa. DR. E. H. HARRIS, Snow Shoe, Pa. J. H. FRANCE, J. H. France Refractories Co. Philipsburg, Pa. a Bb Le a ———