Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 17, 1943, Image 8

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June 17, 1943,
—— , |
Echoes From the Past - |
: Fifty Years Ago
Monday evening the class of '97, of | It is reported that editor Joe W
Penn State College, held its first an-| Furey, now living In Lock Haven, Is
nual banquet at the Bush House | slowly declining in health
Landlord Daggett prepared an elab- The Court recently appointed the
orate feast for the boys, who enjoy-| following committee on examination
ed themselves immensely, {of students: John B. Linn, Esq.
Lee Woodcock {8 a member of the chairman; C. M. Bower, W. F. Reed-
graduating class at Princeton Col-|er, J. C. Meyer and John Blanchard
lege this week. While there he dis-| ny George Eberhart, son of Dan
tinguished himself on the athletic jo) pherhart, of East High street, left
grounds, and in the glee club, and | ponday morning of this week for
graduates with honors Philadelphia, where he will enter the
Last Priday a fall of loose earth Pennsylvania hospital for the pur-
at Morris’ limestone quarries, near pose of having a tumor removed
town, severely injured William John- | from his left side
son and his son, who were emploved| The Bellefonte Bicycle Club is now
there. They were taken to their comfortably located in new quarters
home in Milesburg. Mr. Johnson was o, the second floor of the Centre
injured about the hip and ankle County Bank building Daniel
Last Thursday evening the Belle Poorman is daily hauling loads of
fonte band was formally reorgan- dressed stone to Bellefonte to be
ized with over thirty members A used for the Inner curbing about the
number being players of the old court house yard
band. The new band will use Com- Mi
pany B's armory, over the Centre y
County Bank, for practice
Frank Foreman, daughter of
Mrs. Thomas Purdue, of Coleville
died at her home near Centre Hall
Work on the new railroad to Milli ,, Monday after a prolonged illness
Hall is progressing at a rapid rate.) wiq), typhoid fever: She was 32 years
Several hundred men are employed or ace and leaves a husband and five
along the line and several miles are| hiidren. The interment occurred at
already graded. If work continues at Centre Hall on Thursday
the same rate the road can easily be
completed before the close of sum.
Rev. Fischer, of the Lutheran
church at Centre Hall. has been suf
fering of late with heart trouble, so
much so in fact that he has hardly
been able to conduct his services. At
a congregational meeting the mem
bers voted to give the Rev. gentle. On Tuesday evening Messrs. John
man a vacation for an indefinite Lane and Hare Harris left for Lock
period, in hopes that he will fully Haven to attend a meeting of base-
recuperate ball men at that place The new
A Board of Trade in Bellefonte! pipe organ purchased by W. Fred
Reynolds, in memory of William F
Reynolds, is being put in place at
James Harris vice presidents, J. W.|the Episcopal church this week. It
Gephart and John Meese: secretary, | would have been ready for the Hale-
James Strohm treasurer. John P Andrews wedding but a plece was
Harris: executive committee, George overiooked the shipment and it
IL. Potter. W. Fred Reynolds, T. A. cannot be used until it arrives
Shoemaker, PP. W. Crider and Ham- On Monday moming Mr Theo
mond Sechler MeNichols, an employe at McCal-
Last Saturday morning a train mont’s stone quarry, was badly In-
passing over the high trestle near jured. He was standing on a ledge
Cherry Run, below Coburn, dropped of rock
some live cinders on the ties which blast, when it gave away and drop.
ped about a hundred feet to the bot-
Was Car-
Prof. Dorsey Hunter, principa) of
the Gettysburg public schools, ar-
rived home last week for his sum
mer vacation He contemplates an
extended trip tg Chicago and other
points in the west during the sum
mer, He has been very successful in
his position in Gettysburg
was organized, with the following
officers being elected president
that had been loosened by a
soon caught fire and burned part of
the ties and timber A voung hoy tom of the quarry, and he
came along and saw the fire just in ried along with it and partly bur-
time for him to run back and flag led. He was soon extricated and sent
conductor Allison's freight train, No. home for treatment Mr. MeN hols
184 Had he not done this a terrible escaped with severe bruises
wreck would have occurred The On Saturday afternoon Frank Re-
train crew consisted of W. E. All sides. a carpenter living near Le-
son, conductor: 1. T. Cherry Rin. | mont a fall while at work on a
eer: A cher Adams, fireman v ved fatal Mr. Re-
derwood, flagman, with John Fisher, io. was engaged In re-roofing the
Frank Kaup and W. M. Hershey a on Henry Dale farm. oocu-
brakemen it present by Harry MeGirk
Marriage licenses were issued y » was on the highest portion of
the following couples Charles 8 the roof engaged in nailing shingle
Miller and laura Welsh both of when the siat on which he was sit-
Hublersburg: Anthony Yoson and ting broke and he went through
Mary Buyda, both of Troy Mines: with a hatchet in his hand, to the
Peter Rider, Coburn, and Isabel lower floor of the barn, a distance
Korman, Haines Twp.: John W. of about 30 feet. He was picked up
Reed, Pine Grove Mills. and Alda Pin an unconscious condition and was
Wood, Harris Twp.: George M. An- taken fo his home nearby. He lin-
drews and Ella 1. Hale, both of gered until Sunday afternoon when
Bellefonte Albert Rowe and Mar. death relieved him of his sufferings
garet Fink. both of Tyrone: Harry He was only consclous for a few
Malsden and Louisa Deon, both of minutes when he asked what had
Philipsburg: Charles W. Lytle, Ben- happened His head was badly bruis.
ner Twp. and Elsie M. Houseman, ed and he also suffered internal in-
Pine Grove Mills: George EE. Bortel juries. Mr. Resides was a man about
and Annie M. Ewing, both of Phil- 40 years of age and leaves g wife
ipshurg: Joseph Abary and Eda Yok- and six children. The interment
ars. both of Chester Hill took place on Tuesday morning
Twenty Years Ago
A birthday party was held ¥ While handling baled hay with a
home of Mr. and Mrs. A F. Ander- hook, Jacob Sharer, Jr of Centre
son, on East Logan street, for their Hall, was struck on the knee by the
daughter, Miss Adeline. Miss Ander- sharp point of the instrument, in-
son waz employed in the offices of flicting an injury that made it nec-
the Gray insurance agency essary for him to give up farm work
George W. Rees, of Bellefonte, an-| Mrs. Daisy Henderson and her mo-
nounced his candidacy for the office ther Mrz. Barnes, and Miss Gert.
of Register of Centre county on the rude Tayvior. all prominent members
Republican ticket It was reported! of the Bellefonte chapter, Order of
that Mrs. Rebecca Tuten, of Philips-| Eastern Star. motored to Philadel-
Burg. formerly of Bellefonte, would phia to attend a convention of that
be a strong candidate for the office! order
of Recorder Miss Margaret Wenver, who had
Mrs. Winn Love. of Bellefonte, conducted the Hublershurg Hotel for
suffered painful injuries about one! 12 years had returned to the home
eve when a fork in the hands of a of her mother, Mrs Effie Weaver in
child struck her. The tines of the! Aaronsburg, and had accepted a pos.
fork entered the eveball below the (tion in the Commercial Exchange at
lower Hd and penetrated to the Miltheim
nerves. A physician who treated the| on Burdine Butler, of Howard.
Injury said the sight would not bl .n0unced his candidacy for the
affected Democratic nomination for County
During a severe storm the home Commissioner. Mr. Butler was a
of Johh and Miss Carrie Albright, “fighter” from way back and had
at Centre Hall, wag struck by light [the conrage to stand for what he
ning. A chimney was torn down and thought was right. He had in mind
lightning then jumped to the op-'g number of reforms which he ex-
posite side of the house, tearing pected to institute in county govern-
holes in the roof, attic floor and sec- ment in the event he was elected
ond floor, and ripped plaster and| -r, promote interest in the study
paper from the kitchen ceiling In of American History the Bellefonte
Miss Carrie's bedroom, a large hole| 4. nter Daughters of the American
was torn in the floor and splinters|p. olution had offered a prize of 85
were imbedded In the ceiling. A car- v0 she Hupil in the eighth grade of
pet was set afire but the flames Were |. giate College schools Who at-
soon extinguished [tained the highest grades in that
Fred Burns, aged 17, employed on! course during the school year. The
a highway construction job between! prize was awarded to Reginald Wood
Port Matilda and Philipsburg, was and honorable mention went to Ann
erfiched to death when he was ™in | Ritenour
over by an 18-ton steam shovel. The| » reunion of the Bellefonte High
youth was believed to have been rid- | guho01 class of 1897 was held at the
ing the shovel while it was being gaze; bungalow om Spring Creek
moved to a new position, and was meelve members of the class sure
thought to have fallen from the ma | vived ott of an original number of
chine. Fellow workmen knew noth-|gourieen. Those who attended the
ing of the tragedy wntil they saw his |... ion were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
shapeless remains in the path of the | ro of Buffalo. N. ¥.© Mrs. Paul
steam shovel. He was & son of MI. | portney, Mrs. George Hazel, Mrs. |
and Mrs. William J. Burns {Maud Spicher, Mrs. Grace Keefer,
Miss Ella Levy and Mr, and Mrs
Marton 8mith, all of Bellefonte
KELVINATOR | Marriage licenses were Issued to
the following couples: Lioyd W.'
ELECTRIC STOVES Knepp, MeVevtown, and Ethel J
Harshbarger, Mattawana, Pa: Rol-
land P. Borden. New Hope. and Kath- |
erine 1. Pell, McKeesport: Robert A. |
Livingston, Lansdowne, and Anna
M FE L R 0 Y FJ S Neilson, Wilmington, Del: Samuel!
iD. Halderman and Martha May Mil-
toni, both of Port Matilda: William |
oir aot "A Gherrity, Bellefonte, and Adelaide
PLE ’ {Corman Schneider, Tyrone; Thomas
B. Murphy. Jr. Old Wick, N. J. and
{Mary E. Cregar. Plemington, N. ¥.:
{Lynn Btere and Isabel V. Bryan,
PHILCO RADIOS J voth of Bellefonte; Guy L Cum-
mings, Lock Haven, and Elizabeth |
RENDIX HOME LAUNDRY Bip mcOlintock. Mil Hajl; Albert O.!
{Craumer and Caro Wise, both of |
Lebanon. ]
Frank Phillips, of Potters Mills,|
installed a 1500-watt electric light!
plant in his home and garage and h
planned to furnish electric current un ay C [0] Lesson now in its
to other nearby residents if they de-
sired it. The unit was powered by a}
teams had scheduled a game, the |
proceeds of which were to go townrd | yy, ernational Sunday School Lesson forefront of the battle, always in “he
defraying the hospital expenses of for June 20, 1943, {thick of the fight, always at the post
Samuel Weaver, Bellefonte player,
who had suffersd a broken leg in a} 9 " v " ,
Memorial Day game ) GOLDEN TEXT But if we
3 |
A large barn on the farm of Na- walk in the light, as he is in the
thaniel Pletcher, one-half mile east| ght, we have fellowship one
of Howard, was struck by lightning with another, and the blood of |
and was burned to the ground. The | Jesus his Bon. cleanseth us from
contents comprising farm machin- all sin 1 John 1: 1 |
ery, hay, straw and tools also were ‘ !
included in the loss. The loss was ~ "
(Lesson Text: vhn 2: i 3: 12-
estimated at between $5000 and $6 I m Text: I Johr 2: 1-6 1
000 18: 4: 15-17.
The Penn township school board
elected the following teachers for
the coming term: Coburn, grammal
Ray Bartges: Coburn primary, Mar-
ian Meyer; Pike, W. E. Keen; Lib.
erty, Rachel Hosterman: Gentzel, T
A. Hosterman. The Haines township
school board named these teacher . a
Aaronsburg High Prof wagner: of rg A x " . h a A. moctgted
grammar, Parl Weber Aaronsburg we h Pe » Ri borin n \ i um
y after itecost and 15 als "ne
primary E. BR Wolfe; Wolf's Chapel | : - . ;
Luella Fostetman St Paul C. F tioned by Paul as one of the pillars
J iw : ) "mii Mts > f > y ,
Kreamer: Woodward, A M. Martin of the-church at the time of the
Lose, Fdna Hosterman, and Vonada ;
Tona Hosterman However, five hooks in the New
’ . 5 [ v ve the
Andrew 18-months-old son of Festament are « A bh pen
s Pines of John W are the "Fourth Gos-
John Robison, of Unionville, wa hia These a i , do ’
oa t he ree eps
saved from death under the wheels | ho:
of a speeding passenger train by thw
For the past several Sundays, we
have been coneerned mostiv with
tudies about Peter and his writings
with scarcely mentioning the name
of John. Nothing is recorded in the
New Testament about John's activ
thes as an apostle alter Christ's as-
Council in Jerusalem
Ie of John and
the Book of Revelation All were
ith od p Anus wait | Very probably written near the end
prompt action of John Saxon pil
Fond tower Gperglor, Mi. Saxon mw wl e epistles, lke the
the Pittsburgh flyer coming down ; I J ike {
the track and at the same time saw oct OF JOWH. hI profound
the youngster walking along the ties, "OUENHE IN simple wore dwell ing
unaware of the approaching danger ial element n religion
Saxon ran down the tower steps and
raced for the child suceeeding In
getting him off the tracks not more
when John was
rather than om the external and em
phasizing faith and love, obedience
nd knowledge, light and life
than ten seconds before the tral The first letter of Joh
which was making up lost time forms the basis of our study th
thundered past week the longest of the three and
. as probably written in Ephesus. It
« that they could
Reuben H. Mull, to J. Munson
et ux. of Philipsburg tract in
ipsburg, $1
Willis M. Baotlorf,. of ux. to Clade
J. Witmer, et ux of Centre Hall
tract in Potter Twp. §l
George Wingard, ot al, to John G
Meyer, of Meyer Lumber Co. of Co-
burn. tract in Haines Twp. 81
HH. Hosterinae: et ux, to
Eusenhaner, ot ux. of Mill
t in Millheim_ $1.000
J 0 Richard M
Myers 1% altimore, Md. tract
in Huston
Ray C. Noll, et
of Pleasant Gag tract In Spring
Twp. 81 filo (it in revealed in
A.A Frank by heirs, to G. Clayton To know what God is like
Auman, of Rebersburg, tract in Miles Jesus. To hear God's message, lasten
Twp. 81 y Jesus. If we desire to please God
Samuel T. Hoover, by heirs to Ed- to be a Christian, live like Jesus
iward E. Hoover, of ux, of Burnside And all this sums up in a life of love
of doeirine
ietier. Twice |
save that God 1»
(Twp, tract in Burnside Twp, $1 lived daily among our fellows, pring |
| Edward E._Hoover, ot ux, to Clyde not in word, neither with tongue. but |
Hoover, et ux, of Karthaus, R DD. in deed and in truth
tract in Burnside Twp, $1 Confession of faith, generosity in
wird E. Hoover, et ux, to Wil-| gerviee, all the godlike things named
1 Hoover, ot ux. of Karthatis, R by Jesus in the Sermon m the
tract In Burnside Twp. $1 Mount are Impiled in our brief texts
Edward E. Hoover, ot ux, to Lioyd from John's First Epistle. Hereby
Hoover, et ux. of Karthaus, R D ww we love, because he laid down
tract in Burnside Twp. $1 vis life for us; and we ought to}
Edward BE Hoover, ot ux. to Min. down our ves far the bret)
nie B. Lewis, ot bar, of Biow Bhoe, God through Christ. and show
tract in Burnside Twp. 81 Christianity hy daily living Hives
Edward EE Hoover, of ux, to Ray. love
mond Hoover, of Karthaus, BR. D Are vou a Christian? Da vor hear
tract in Burnside Twp. $1 the mark of a Christian? Percy J
Edward E Hoover, of ux. to Harry Cieubb. in the Wesleyan Methodist
G Hoover, of yx. of DuBois, tract in Magazine, writes You have all
Burnside Twn. 81 heard of Alexander the Great He
County National Bank of Clear sontguered country after sony in
field. by Receiver. to Edith V. Mc quick succession. We are told that he
Bride. of Clearfield, tract in Harris had in his army a soldier whose
Twp. $1 name also was Alexander. One day
John T. Beckwith by heirs. 10 he sent for the man to appear be.
Ellsworth RB. Beckwith. et ux. of Port fore When he came, Alexander
Matilda, R. D.. tract In Taylor Twp, said to him I have hess wo
$! things about vou the first is that
John T. Beckwith by hetrs. to vou are a coward and whenover
John D. Beckwith. et al, of Port Ma. a battle js to be fought, you either
tilda, BR. D.. tract in Tavior Twp. 8] get out of it altogether, nr you RO
Jacob D. Neidigh. #t ux. to Eugene somewhere ott of danger: and the
M. Irvin, et ux. of State College. R. other thing T have heard i that
D., tract In Perguson Twp. $5500 you bear the same name as myself
We Have Just Added Another
to our already large stock of finished work. If inter.
ested in placing a memorial we invite vou to call at our
vards in Lemont and inspect the material and work-
manship of our line of work.
It will be a pleasure to assist you in making a se-
lection of a memorial for your lot. A visit to our vard
will place you under no obligation whatever to place
an order. ;
We Specialize in Rock of Ages Barre Granite !
Lemont Marble & Granite Works
Carload of Memorials |
Now you must do one of two thing:
Bellefonte and Millheim baseball CHRISTIANE [either you must become a brave sol
dier Uke
of danger: or, if you cannot do that
vou must change Your name vou Mr am
| M d M F ad
BLANCHARD Poor Te ca his Rite with WOODWARD
The Dally Vaestion Bible school Mr. Grant's parents in Galeton Miss Currie Hasslnger and sister,
second week hag proved! Word has been received by the Mrs. Guy Klinger and son of North-
iquite suceessiyl. The fins] program paretts of Plc Joe Behenck that he, umberiand are guests of their
[will be held in the Church of Christihas landed gafely in Northern Af- grandma, Mrs. Carrie Pultz, since
on Bunday evening rica Baturdasy
your general always in the
her sister
for a few day
Cieorge Holtzapple 1s visiting with Pfc. Robert Spangler visited his Mr. and Mrs. M. OO. Btover of
daughter, Mrs. Madeline Harter, | parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Bpang- Millheim, were Thursday afternoon
Mrs Harter entertained! ler en route 10 a training camg | Ruesty of her brother and sister -in-
Mrs, Heckman of Cham. | Texa law. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Musser
Miss Jean Kunes Las been enter D. J Benner passed into the Great
taining friends from Berwick during Beyond at the Danville State Hos.
the past week. Also Miss Madeline pital early on Saturday morning at
Hinton and son Millard
Rt A 0 ’ NV yl
ghall not disgrace the name of your are visiting in Fort Wayn Ine Bt 10.4 :
hall 1 h } Dice of Lock Haver spent a few 12:20 o'clock For further details see
Bo Christ comes to every one of
us, young and old alike, and he sa
having left
¢ day
for Indizgna last Tues-|
days AL the Kunes residence ast
week r and Mr Hamld Ard and
Mi John Campbell wag admitted - ——, pughter Marke af Aberdeer MA
If vou bear the name of Christian! to the Teah Hospital, Lock Haven ETOCKHOLDERS MEETING ned home ve
vou must also bear my mark and last Saturna
the weekend
for medical treatment 4 :
A Oo his piace of em-
A meeting of stockholders of Cer
badge upon You. You must exercise Miss Evelyn Andrews of Tyrone, 8 re Building and Loan Association plo) i Bunday afternoon
that same pure unselfish, kindly visiting with hex aun Mrs. John for the election of directors and such Mr a Ray Orndor! of Phil.
love towards another and to all H to
around you which 1 have manifests sohool
uint wits 1 vacatio rs
| with Ww ACALION her busine a8 MAY n hefore fn Wn, wel { reintives and
them, will be held § r offic « AOQuUnly res ) "1 | around town
ed to all men, or } yon Mr. Cleon Bath is a patient In day evening, June 11 Lt 93 over ‘ a r. Orpdor! was
cold lg
too qui
your nam you all nN the Lack H
the name of ristian rst Wa
Drink Slowly
A practics arinking Jel
slowly ys quantity PY |
Hd taken Into the tomach
kly may interfere with the
digestion and cause col
Take it slo
Bye pits Mr Bath- x2 CHAI F. COOK, Be pile nb | y They re
f vid 3 hoo
} - mi 1 f ’ city on
Ay evenin Mildewed Auto |
! Wer
pholstery " \ V riainly glad
I! rain wi |
rak (3
LOOT 4] : 3
rm on Lhe » ) ' { eng Body Deodorant
eo bw Aeire
To help you be neat
10< 39¢ 59
Don't take
| “Save on These Nationally Known Toiletries
at Your MURPHY Store
Ci 10<25¢| 5= i
N\ 21¢
Midas / /
blemishes, : . / : 39¢
Prevents mouth
odors by thorough
/ 4
0c AT |
Quickly wilts beard,
3 for 27°
For the shin you love
to touch,
Reveal hairs
true lustre,
~~ 1 Of
[ 4 mosth refraching Somanith enough foe
taleum powder with even babys tender
* Sows fragrance, shin,
For long lasting thaves,
Nonaticky, vanithing.
For a might
cream or
y dor be
wend sid oom 3 ice for spar. PHILLIPS® \ Po bo
we longeriasi. | Wing teeth. CLEANSING GREAM
ing Blue Blades,
37° ; (AN Shades)
Kespt hair
healthy and we
101 weet in the
house or
for normal, oily or dry hair, Safe, sary to we, kb not a bleach! 12 Retiering
ious lustre, leaving no dull or shades to wile you hair lovelies kyober, Can
be used for ANY shade of hale, #
Allegheny & High Streets