Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 17, 1943, Image 11
JACKSONVILLE Church Services Sunday, June 20: Bunday school, 9:30; worship, 10:45 | Fla, Mary June Fye of Bellefonte, R. |D., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Neidigh Pfe. Kenneth Neldigh returned to and son Bobby of Bellefonte, R. D,, MeDill Field, Florida, after spending | Bette Aley of Bellefonte, Mr. and a furlough at his home in Jackson-| Mrs. Charles Rudy and son Charles, ville, (Jr, and John Frank, of State Col. Mrs. Mary Ertley and daughter) lege, R. D. June Elizabeth, spent Thursday eve- ning with Mrs. Alice Betz. William Ripka and daughter Teu- rezene, of Spring Mills, called Wed- nesday afternoon at the Leon Aley home Mr. and Mrs. John Dunkle and son Peul, were Sunday evening callers al the Robert Conaway home Mr, and Mrs. Sumner Noll and daughter Elsie Jane, Pfc. Kenneth Neidigh of MacDill Pleld, Fla, Mary June Fye of Bellefonte, R. D, were! Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nelldigh and son of Bellefonte, R. D Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shay and daughter of Bellefonte, visited at the John Deitz home, Sunday Mrs. John Beck and Mrs. Horace Oberheim and daughter Judy of Lock Haven, Mrs. O. P. Smith of Pittsburgh, called Wednesday eve- ning at the Aley home Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Sumner Noll were Pfc Kenneth Neidigh of MacDill Fleld { Callers at the James Shaffer home {during the past week were Mrs. Lucy { Conaway, Mrs. Fred Kessling, son | Henry, Mrs. Fred Lose, sons Earl and | Kenneth of Yarnell, Kathryn, Lester land Lucy Conaway, Carl, Clarabelle, | Martha Jane, Rosetta, Vera and | Dorothy Bartley, Elmer Swope, Mrs, {H. G. Senior of Bellefonte, R. D. {ehildren were Wednesday dinner Mr. and Mrs, William Beightol and family of Howard. While there Mr. Conaway assisted In papering | Billie Ripka spent a few days last week with his grandfather at Spring Mills Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walte of Bellefonte, were Wednesday evening supper guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. James Shaffer and family Mrs. Amos Hostrander of Pitts. burgh, is visiting at the Eisenhauer | | home Mr. and Mrs. John Schaeffer and children of Centre Hall, spent Friday afternoon at the C. E. Aley home ZION Quite a number of folks from our town attended the funeral of Mrs Ida White at her late home at Axe- mann. Interment was made in Zion cemetery Mrs. Wilbur Kerstetter and son Billy, visited a few days last week with her parents at Mackeyville Mrs. Wilhur Omrndorf and child- ren spent Friday with relatives in Coleville Misses Dorothy Venada and Betty Yarnell accepted positions at the Sylvania Electric Products Co. in Mill Hall. Miss Cora Stover spent Friday at the Ray Corman home Pvt. Joel Clevenstine of New Cum- berland, spent the weekend with bis wife here Mr. and Mrs spent Sundey evening at home Carpenters sre busy repairing the buildings damaged by the storm on the Harry Rockey and Joel Royer farms. Allen Witmer and son are re- pairing Rockey's buildings, and Dan Smith and son of Spring Mills, the Royer bulldings Pimples Disappeared Over Night Yes, it is true, there is a safe harm less medicated liguid calied Kleerex that dries up pimples over night Many report that they had a red sore pimply face one night and sur- prised their friends the next dav Elmer Hall and sons the Irvin with a clear complexion. There is no | The first anolication must con- vince you or you get your money pack. Join the happy Kleerex users who are no longer embarrassed with unsightly pimnies. For sale by Par- riah Drug Store risk WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A Windstorm Polley Protects You From Financial Loss. See || John F. Gray & Son | General Insurance | Phone 407. Bellefonte, Pa. C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY NEWS | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rockey, Mr and Mrs. Russe] Stover attended the funeral of Mr. Rockey's brother-in- law at Clearfield, Monday Mrs. Pearlie 8harer, better known to many as "Grandma" Sharer, ob- served her 82nd birthday on Satur- day. 8he wishes to thank her maay friends who remembered her in Lo many ways Walter Armstrong spent a few days last week with his cousin, Jun- jor Walizer of Bellefonte Mrs. Earl Armstrong is relatives in Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Neil and family were Sunday dinner guesis at the Lloyd White home visiting Association sthediled for this Sat. urday, has been cancelled until ifur- ther notice ER a ORVISTON There were 100 present at Sunday school Mr. and Mrs Chester, spent {thelr parents, Chaplain and Mr Lomison Mr. and Mrs Walter Diets Howard, R. D.. spent the weekend iat the Albert Packer home Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Heaton, Jr, of Lock Haven. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Heaton, Sr Mrs. Blanche Daley spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs C. D Olmstead and family at Lock Haven of ith John Chaplain the weekend and Mrs. Claude Marie Marshall of Flemington, is (spending several days with Neanetle House & Jot Waite Dick Lomisor ning with his friend, Mervin Hain iat Flemington, also singing a soio at the Flemington Church of Christ Pvt. Clifford Confer, son of Mr and Mrs. Robert Confer, is seriously ill with meningitis at Pt Lewis, Washington. We hope for him a speedy recovery The Win-One class held their reg- {ular monthly meeting on Tuesday i night at the hone of Mrs. Madeline Gunsalius The Men's Bible class held their regular monthly meeting in the class rooms on Friday night Special sing- {ing was rendered YW Edwin Gilles. { ple, Dick Lomison and William Con- {fer The loyal Women's clasg {their regular monthly meeting | Friday night at the home of Mrs | Olive Gray | Miss Smith of Blanchard, was & | weekend guest of Patty Ann Gilles- spent Sunday eve. We feel that we have neglected to | {die. Well, things will be a little dif. {ferent now since we have had a tele- |" Mr. and Msr. Robert Conaway and | Phone installed in our home. The guests at the home of her parents, | wife, who had a stroke {bed since that time, but has lost her SCOTIA (By HW. M. Williams) chureh was held last Friday evening, with members present. The next meeting will be held on Priday evening, July | 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry (IM. Williams report the condition of two of our neighbors that have not been well for quite some time. They are Mr and Mrs. George Stevenson of Wad- Btevensons at last report were some better. Mr. Stevenson is able at times to be up and around but not for long At any one time on account of his heart which Is not very strong, His some time ago, has not been able to be out of voloe and seems to recognize every- are many for the Stevensons well known over the country have many friends We do recall one thing and that is | traveling over it {when the Bellefonte Central ran a passenger train over the road, that George was there to meet most all! trains, and if we went to Bellefonte and come home and Stevie, as he was known, was at the station we thought that something was wrong Well, we hope for a speedy recovery for both of them In spite of their; ‘advanced age Cpl. Harold Stitzer and wife and two children spent Sunday, June 6, with grandma Williams, and his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willams. Harold is the son of Mr and Mrs. Charles K. Stitzer of Pleasant Gap. and left last Friday for Camp Adalr, Oregon, where he listening mines lately to Rey on a large scale news to all date Harry has been stationed since he was In- {ducted into the serviee, Miss Betty Stevenson, wh The monthly class meeting of the | tioned at the Haddonh adult members of Grays Methodist ernment hospital at at the home of spent a week with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Edna Mattern at Matternville, | and Mrs. George Stevenson, at Wad. sixteen dle We have been asked many times about the announcement of the date for the Bocotia pienic the story. The committee has decided to postpone the picnic this year as no one is permitted to travel, and if we did hold it there would be so few people there that worth while having. We will wait un- til all these war clouds blow over and then we will have time together, as most of the Scotia people have a son or daughter in the service and we will walt till they {all come home and show these sol- {diers one grand time at the old pic- | nie grounds The writer to nephews and one niece in the ser- vice and probably a few more to go.| While sitting on the one that comes to gee her, and they | Sunday and so few cars on the high- are way to what there and | years it wouldn't has porch had been ot the highway seemed like a deserted by-road with =o few people We folks up here on the Half Moon {charge are without sg preacher and Inst Sunday we had the pleasure of Stenger of the Bellefonte church, who delivered a very fine sermon. Call again, Rev- jerend, we are always glad to have We haven't een up to the Beotia but we have been in- formed by outside information that they plan to open up very soon and This will be good we slowly Whenever we find a man who ex. pects us to agree entirely with what he believes move on Well, here is one grand twelve crowd and the (very well Mr, Isaries, be Miss Laura clock. A weddin Claude Confer, eight ing them a ha {wedded Jife Dovie walker last on furlough her camp at Thursday Miss visiting Slemmons at home last week Doyle Walker Reese were dir (Samuel Shirk © Bouth ting along very Mrs. Thomas sick list at this this writing Mr. and Mrs of Nittany, and family, Mr Mr. and Mrs and Mrs Chestnut Grove, {ver wedding anniversary on BSatur- {day evening. There was about fifty (guests present and a very delightful supper was served. We all join In (wishing them many more anniver- Confer Johnson were united in marriage at the Advent church by Shuey on Friday afternoon at 4 o'- at the bride's home, present at jcalithumplan band serenaded them | in the evening. We all join In wish- | qo ughter visited the Charles Bush Saturday Merrill Fye returned the hospital Inst Friday visited with | o Is sti=| The Children’s Day service that all, U. 8. CGov- was held on Bunday evening was Atlantic City, very successful, There wag a large children performed Samuel Shirk of celebrated their sil- and Frank Rev, C. C £ supper was served Mr. and Mrs There were sixty. the supper. The ppy and pleasant one of our Caroling on Anna Mae returned Verna the and Miss ner’ guests at wome on Sunday home from and is get- nicely Poorman is writing on the Miss Ruth Purl is a little better at Thomas Gunsallus their son and Mrs. Richard Gunsallus, Sunday { home family of Wingate, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ™ | RUNVILLE visited Cunsallus home on Sunday, Mrs, da Witmer of Wingate, vis. at the Measuring If the term “cup” ins cooking recipe, it means the equiva. ited with her daughter, Mrs Madge ont of one-half pint. Therefore, two Kauffman and family the past week.’ cpg equal one pint, four cups equal Mrs. Bessie Watson of Ohlo, and! ne quart {Miss Myrtle Watson visited at the] Lioyd Walker home and al the Den-| nis Watson home the past week Ing at 9:30 0:30 services ” 1} v with her sister, Mrs ver and family, and Mr: BUSH HOLLOW Bunday school as usual at 9:30 cn Bunday, followed by class meeting Preaching service in the evening at Annie BE Kerstetter o'clock. Everybody welcome Mru isited last Mr Martin Bpotts and children Wednesday afternoon! estate Woodrow Blo. | below Bellefonte George evening ang Bush and 1 ck | thelr daughter Joan home, after she | i ! Harold Bennett and army had hovs from Fort Monroe, Va, Is home | grandparents’ home Weston visited ome ! 1 and ¢ spent the past week at her Mr. and Mrs. Car] SBpotts and son Earl Milton returned to the army! moved into their last | week Mr and Bunday Mrs Mrs Mir fren and Mr took and Mrs Erma Milton, who had been | daughter with her sister Lewistown, Carl Spotts Charles Weston home Sunday supper new Westo and Farl Fred the Mrs. Le Roy Spotis a Saturday Andrew Bush visited afternoon home last n and Ceargle Irvin —- the nd chil- eYening at the D. H. Custer home in Union ville § t ¢ AS when Rey iv took in Bpott; Mr hurch Our pastor negaged In and Mrs Bunday and Mn daughter Mae of Wingate, attended here on Bunday end painting the wealher | Daniels dinner a ft 1) home % 1 mor wife the suitable A ————————————— and Bummernrs fam w Mar ning have been church Bush and oo used The Japs are talking a great war put they are losing ships every day | Sunday school next Bunday morn- | ..d4 this means they are losing pow. Preaching service at]. Everyone welcome (0 these | Legal Notic EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE In the matter | Township cenred Letters testamentary on the above to the undersigned. all persons indebled to the sald estate are requested to make having been immediate payment estate delay | TAYLOR Pa fon Bush miate EXECUTORS In the matter of the esiate of Rob. Bellefonte “rt | Boro | { GG. Porsbureg deceased {state having been undersigned, all per immediate ing claims or y GElatle 10 present & delay payment for Pa neys Johnston for estate and ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE, In the matter of Leonard Rhoads 4 Lr ntre Count Letters {f admin estate having beer undersigned all thereto are mediate payments claims or demands will present 1% settlement to Administratrix o Be of Centre County, to present the same for settlement Addition late Letters testamentary on demands he settlement PETERSON. Executor entate of the Inte Pa granted ina es Boring de. In Paul Cumpbell, attorney for estate; MASTER'S DIVORCE NOTICE To 1da Pauline Port, Respondent: Dear Madam: You will please take notice that 1 have been appointed mony William May Tuesday of | Jd x24 and those have ing claims or demands against sald OERTIE oO NOTICE of granted WO and seainst MITE Jerney Johnston the estate « ate of Bpring T y. Pa stration granted Persons requested and the La hem with ESTHER H efonte, RP without Bellefonte Executrix. M. W_ Getlig attorney x28 the above tor the indebled 0 the said estate are requested 10 make those have na id without to CHARLES Shore avlor - Notice Mr Harry sioner: County Vv an agreement in real of Bpring Township Pennayivania change in location of Btate 346 and tale damages | Alkey County Nos real © sald E Dollars x25 from t} LAX Da ver Ch Ls) piration Thi ire Count RHOADS D Hippie of Centre County of Centre damage Exceptions may gd agreement ” damages wil of sald period agreement | of the Prothonotary by the Court as Master to take test)- els B | Pauline Port Term Common Pleas Pennsylvania; June 22, p.m. as the time, and Johnston and Johnston offices ing. W. High Street us the place to take testimony, ele, when and where you may attend if you so desire in the Divorce Case of Port, libellant, vs. Ida respondent, to No. 117 1043, in the Court of of Centre County, and that 1 have set 1943, at 2 o'clock M. C. A Bulld- Bellefonte, Pa, v KENNEDY JOHNBTON Master LEGAL NOTICE is hereby given thal Charles Mensch, and Commis for the Fred Keeler County have entered into of Bliss Centre the payment of J for eslate caused by the existing width, lines, and Highway Routes #71, upon which sald abuts. The amount of Bix Hundred ($600) ' be filed to ten (10) days notices hy ANY ure filed al the #x- with date of thi £4 no xoet Tis be Paid on file in the of - of Centre CHARLES F. HIPPLE FRED C. MENSCH HARRY V KEELER County Commissioners of Centre County CENTRE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ TAX SALE OF SEATED AND UNSEATED LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the | Commissioners of Centre County, by virtue | Due to the gas rationing, the an- of the power and authority vested in them nual festival of the Zion Cemetery der various Acts of Assembly relative to the sale of seated and unseated lands for taxes due and unpaid, will offer at public | sale on TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1943, at 10:00 Bellefonte, | Pennsylvania, the tracts of land hereinafter | | House & Lot a. m., at the Court House, designated. TERMS OF SALE: cash, at the time of sale, sold. The Mr. and Mrs. Jerry must pay the purchase price and costs in | Adjourned sales | of may be held until all tracts of land have been | Description | Lot purchaser | SEATED LANDS Description House & Lot Location Bellefonte Boro House & Lot. Bellefonts Boro Anderson, Supposed Owner or Breon, Catherine Callan, Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Centre Hall Boro Centre Hall Born Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Port Matilda Boro Port Matilda Boro Port Matilda Boro Port Matilda Boro S. Philipsburg Boro . 8. Philipsburg Boro 8. Philipsburg Boro Lot Lot House & Lot % Acre % Acre Lot House & Lot , House & Lot Ware House House & Lot House & Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot House & Lot House & Lot Lot Lot. . Hartman, Orlady, George B, | Powers, Susan | Ripka, Clyde Smith. J. P F G Shunk. 8. J Delige, Faulkner Est. H. P Pezalski Est Herman | Solomon Wilkinson, Roy | Wilson, Adam | Wilson, W. B i#athers Brothers | Pringle. C. M Pringle. C. M Pringle. C. M Jacob i House & Lot Lots House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot i House & Lot 130 Acres i Lot Elizabeth | Clark Estale, James | Korman Estate, WR Catherine | House & Lot 4 Acres House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot | House & Lot 35 Acres House & Lot House & Lot Lot | House & Lot Biair & McCausland | Button, William Cowher, John | John | 87 Acres 7 Acres House & Lot 3 Acres | House & Lot House & Lot | Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot | House & Lot Lot | Lot Bailey, Lex | House & Lot : House & Lot .8. Phliipsburg Boro 8. Philipsburg Boro 8S. Philipsburg Boro Buzzell, Craft, Folmer Est, Prank Batcheler Est. Sim | Batcheler Est. Sim Chester | Edward | House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot Lot 119 Acres | Lot SEATED LANDS Location Btate College Boro Lambert State College Boro State College Boro Btate College Boro State College Boro Btate College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro Unionville Boro. K Benner Twp Benner Twp Befiner Twp Benner Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Roges Twp Bowers Supposed Owner Mrs CW McClellan, W_F Marlin, LL P Peters, Mary C Ream, Vilas SBavercool Es Smith Estate, J C Mrs. Glibert Thomas, C. E Description { Lot i House & 10t Sus'n | Warman, Mrs. Louise | Weaver, J. 8 Young, Susan E ephart Estate, Laura Dale, J W Dunlap. Allen Kline Estate, J H Brett Brett Brown, David Earl Boggs Twp Bogus Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Far] Janet Brown, Brown Burns, Elizabeth Kesser Estate, William | Allen Estate, Willlam | David | Caldwell Estate, William Confer, J. 1 Boggs Twp Boges Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boge: Twp Boggs Twp Boges Twp .- Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Burnside Twp College Twp College Twp College Twp College Twp Packer Watson, Mrs 2 Curtin Estate, Gregg | Curtin Estate, Gregg | Petzer Mrs Lucas MceMullin Milton. Perry Muller, William Est. James Jaroch Heaton Smith, W Spicer Est, Bummers Bwarm, Walker, Walker, H Prank Lewis | House & 1.0 23 Acres House & Tot House & Lot House & 1.01 Lot 7 Acres House & Lot House & Lot 11% Acres 9% Acres 100 Acres 7 Acres House & Lot Lot Lon Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot | House & Lot Robert | House & Lot Lot | House & Lot William | Bohroyer Est, Mrs. Wm Mary | Jerry | Mary | John | Walker. Roy | Watkins, E W Watson, John J Payziesnick, Laurer, R P Smith, Charles & Wife Sowers, Mary Williams. E E Curtin Twp Curtin Twp Ferguson Twp Pelzer, O. M Clark. M. A James | John | Lot House & Lot Lot 3 Acres 6 Acres House & Lot House & Lot House & Loot BR Acres dAc H&L 2 Acres House & Lot House & Lot Lot | Tipple | Cabin Cabin | House & Lot David & Yeager | 2 Acres Location Liberty Twp Liberty Twp Liberty Twp Marion Twp Marion Twp Miles Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Tp Rush Twp sh Twp Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp . Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Ww Hendershot Bhowers Ma Citizen Fahifelder SEATED LANDS Supposed Owner James, Annie Kunes Est, D D Hiams. Bathsheba Aley, Ira C Lose Est, Calviy Shafer. J. 1 Dean Est. Leal Robert Mildred Showers, Roy Mrs. Roy Spicer, Margaret Swanger, Elmer Auman, A 1 Auman, A L Auman, A. 1 Motz Est. J. C Settlers Club Snyder, Porter G Snyder, Porter G Ulrich. Michael Butler Gun Club Koonsman, Perry chamer, William J Runkle W. G Taylor Est. John | Berish, Andy Berry. Isabella Bezelski, John Briston Estate Brolwek, RE Brown, Fred 5 Bldg & Loan As Davis Est. John Dawson. Matt Delaney Estate Diehl Est, C. R Diehl Coal Co Earnest, Albert Rudolph Andrew John Bteve RB F Matalski Fleck, Fredora George Gill, Charles Gray, Joseph Harvey Est. John Harznisiski, John Horn, J Edward Houser, Charles Hutton Run Camp Kadish, Kate Kasmark, Ben Kazak, Wash Kazak, Wash Description Mine Equip Camp Camp House & Lot House & 1.0 House & 1.ot oA Lot Cabis Lot Cabir Camp House & Lot 60 Acres Lot Lot House & Lot Lot 85 Acres 25 Acres 4 Acres 40 Acres Lot ‘« Acre is Acre Houne A Lot House & Lot % Acre Lot 's Acre 8 Acres Lot i Acre House & Lot Lot % Ac re House & Lot BO Acres is Acre ‘a Acre 122 Acres Lot Lot 150 Acres House & Lot House, 2 Lots SEATED Location Rush Twp Rush Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Bhoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp LANDS Supposed Owner Binit Fst James Bwede Camp Shanty Camp Turick, Gust Twigg. Samuel Twigg. Samuel Vissella, Alex Vessella, Domenick White Oak Club Whitten, Emma Wolf Run Camp Woodring Camp Woomer, Mary Calderwood, M. PF Jr Fisher, Paul Gibbs, Minnie Gleason Est. Thos Hockenberry Est. Jno Kelley, Logan M Peasley Est. J. F Tir pa. now Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Shaw, Hugh Snow Shoe Coal Co Tarocko Est. John Tubridy Est. Th at Tubridy Est. Th . Tubridy, Thos. A. Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Spring Twp Spring Tw Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twi Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Tayior Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Tubridy. Thos. A. Wadsworth, 8 A Weaver, Clarence Bumgardner, Samuel Crossmvyer. Reuben Gates, D W Houck, Mrs. Egma Howard William Hughes, George Imel, Charles Jackinsa OGteve Kreamer, Melvin Lenthers Brothers McCormick, Bruce Markle, Ward Miller, Edna Robb, Mrs. Alice Runkle, James D Runkle, James 8S Runkle, James 8 Shawley., Mrs. Miller Garland. William Krouse, Carrie Krouse, Carrie Markowitz, Henry Markowitz, Samuel Matiz, William House & Lot Lot 224 Acres 130 Acres 44 Acres 52 Acres Donahue, Pat Goss, George & Joe ‘ Henry, Roy | Cabin Holmes, Hamill | Lot. Hoffman, Hannah | Cabin. . ‘ Miller, Jean | House & Lot Noll, Beatrice | House & Barn Tavior Twp Taylor Twp Tayvior Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp | House & Lot | House & Lot. House & Lot Kennedy, A. W Kennedy Est, C A | Knepp, Edward | Kobal, Steve | Lucky Ridge Camp | Lot McGonigal, Joseph | House & Lot Macker, James T.| House B. Philipsburg Boro S. Philipsburg Boro 8. Philipsburg Boro Ferguson Twp Ferguson Twp, Perguson Twp Ferguson Twp Josnick., Jose Jusick, K Musser, M. A Northamer, Anna Northamer, Anna | . .Northamer, Ruth | | pie | Pvt. Ellis Haines of Atlantic City, lot... ....... IN. J. 1s home on furlough with his House & Lot family. 4 | Hone & Log | Rev. Booth of Philadelphia, de-| -e nis enn | livered his trial sermon at Orviston, | House & Lot House & Lot Eharer, Sharer, Sharer WAGNER'S Quality Flour A Hard Wheat Pat Flower CM&E J CM&E J. WAGNER'S Our Best Flour 0-50 Blend Very Best Flour Wagner's 82% Dairy Feed Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed Wagner's Horse Feed Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner's Egg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter and Grower, Wagner's Turkey Starter and Grower. Wagner's Scratch Feed Wagner's Chick Feed Wagner's Medium Scratch . Rydes Cream Calf Meal Eshelman’s Dog Feed Al kinds of high protein feeds for mixing with your own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA. Romols, and Monument, Sunday | preached a very able germon to an | appreciative audience | Wedding bells were ringing in our [village last week when Pvt. Frank | Jonson of Florida, and Laura Con- fer of Runville, were quietly united in marriage in the little white church on the hill by Rev. Shuey of Bellefonte. Congratulations. Mrs. Harry Lucas and jand Carolyn Stemm of Moose Run, {were recent guests at the Leathers’ | home. | Mrs Eva Heaton spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Emerick in Bellefonte. We are sorry to hear that Ed Heaton is not improving much jand bas returned to the Geisinger {Hospital for treatinent. | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burd called {on Aaron Hall at Unionville recent- tly Visitors at the J. T. Watson home {were Mr. and Mrs. M, C. Reese and three children of Gam Stump, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Sheesley and family of Howard, Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Wat- son and son of Milesburg, Mrs. Lee Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Watson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kessling and daughter, Mrs. Ruth Johnson, John and Glenn Poorman, O, V. 8holl, Mrs Elsie Burd, and Mr. and Mrs. William Rachau and son. Bunday gtiests at the Lee Johnson home were Mrs. Claude Confer and daughters of Runville, and Mrs. Ida Jolinson and daughter, Mrs. Paul Bennett and children of | Mr Roy Leathers and children, + callers at the Arthur Burd home. A drain will not clog if, about once or four uls are placed at the opening the drain, thén washed down the He : | House & Lot House & Lot. . | Lot House & Lot. : { i [Lot House & Lot. | Lot | House & Lo 10t. .. . | Lots State College Boro .. State College Boro. . . State College Boro. . . .Btate College Boro. . State College Boro State College Boro. Petriski, ...Bayder, Mark E Stesle Est, Aaron ..Burdursky, Joe cov... Wright, Ruth .. Kelley, Mrs. Leo .. Bnow Shoe Boro. Lucas Coal Company State College Boro State College Boro. . Alexander Est TN. ered Baker, Elijah . State College Boro. . .. State College Boro... .. . . State College Boro Alex | House & Lot House & Lot... House & Lot... PE Marsden, Louise | Minorchik, Victor | Morince, Mike | ¥ Moshannon R. & G. Club .... .Shillingford Est. Jane | Myers Spring Camp O'Connor, William Monns, Thomas | Nason, O. H O'Rourke. Prancis Parks Brothers ...Pringle,. C. M ..Red B. Camp Rich Hill Coal Co. Rofinski, Pete Royal Collery Sawdust Camp | Shalky, Mrs. Joe ..Bheets, William ..Bnyder, Alma House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot Lot ai 200 Acres 2 Acres 28 Acres 6 Acres... 32 Acres 14 Acres 165 Acres 165 Acres. . 1 Acre 112 Acres. . .. | House & Lot 100 Acres. . .. House & Lot 1Acre..... 50 Acres. . Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Tavior Twp Tavior Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp. Taylor Twp Union Twp Union Twp Union Twp Union Twp... Taylor Twp Taylor Twp LLL 00 a, 28 499RRRRE mp En , John Walker Twp Walker Twp... Walker Twp. . Walker Twp Worth Twp... . Worth Twp... Worth Twp . Worth Twp ! | Description 433A. 183P..... UNSEATED LANDS Warrantee Name Boyd, Hugh : Miles Twp Butler, Margaret, hi % «0a® x nied | ir i Pe hoe mod wzxd Hit 235% E88 » wR 31 FREE 228% zEE 337 rrerrrrrrr dH dwell] » [2] TELLEEEER ag fala Fxz mmm fERREREE ee 00 ii 412 Acres. . . UNSEATED LANDS ii EEEER Q0pmowe ERwpmw Rr Bree RER ao oy CHARLES F. HIPPLE, FRED C. MENSCH, HARRY V. KEELER, Commissioners of Centre ¢ .