June 10, 1943. - PINE GRO The annual Memorial services of! the Lady Ferguson Rebekah and the 1. O. O.F. lodges will be observed in the new cemetery, Saturday, June] 12 at 6:30 p. m. VE MILLS Chicago, were pleasant visitors with the former's mother last week, Mrs. Clayton Struble of State College, who ls recovering nicely from a frac tured leg. The Strubles were former. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three LITTLE NITTANY The Jacksonville and Heward 4-H | | myself each have a calf, Wait & few {years and we will have some fine (dalry cattle. I was undecided for w Club held thelr meeting on Tuesday while whether to take a pig, evening, May 25, at the Melvin Har- ter home. We all enjoyed a game of baseball before the meeting. meeting was opened by Homer | Welght, president, and all sang “Am- A new farmer at the Merle Weil- ly among Ferguson township's best erica.” We are sorry to lose Wilbur and home on Tadpole, a bouncing boy, No. 2, born last week at the Centre County Hospital. His name is Norman Merle. One of our aged citizens, Miss Sara Dannley, is a patient at the Centre County Hospital, suffering injuries of both legs, caused by a fall at her home on West Main street. She had just returned from a visit with Bellefonte friends. A| speedy recovery is the wish of her | host of friends. Farmer Paul Homan of Oak Hall, | was a recent visitor with the for- mer’s neighbors in Ferguson town- | ship. Paul was last season a tenant | farmer on the Jacob Relish farm. Elmer Barto, Jr, son of Mr. and | Mrs. Elmer Barto, has been pro-| moted to the rank of corporal, An- other son, Clarence, of Virginia, was home on furlough over the past] weekend at his parental home. | Our Ferguson township schools will close a very successful school year on Wednesday, June 9. One of our veteran anglers and ardent Isaac Walton followers Cy- rus M. Powley, last week caught a 24-inch, 6 1-4 pounder, and John Colpetzer a 27-incher which tipped the scales at 8 pounds. Miss Helen Ellenberger is spend- ing some time at the Jabcar home in Mt. Pleasant. | Pvt. Harry Harris spent an 8-day | furlough recently with his mother and other friends in town Miss Sara Hess, accompanied by her great aunt, Mrs. Sadie Schael- fer of Bellefonte, were Thursday business callers in Huntingdon Mrs. John Gates of Altoona, is spending some time with her father- in-law, J. Cal Gates Mrs. Blanche Gates has returned to her Gatesburg home after being employed at the Sigma Nu fraternity in State College for many years, for a well deserved vacation Among our aged citizens who are somewhat indisposed this week are: grandmother Sophia Reed at the home of her son, R. W. Reed, and ‘Dutch’ Harmon at the Guy Ross- man farm home. ‘Dutch’ was 90 years young on Decoration Day. | Little Nancy, 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rossman, has a badly scalded arm and hand caus- ed by getting in contact with boll- ing coffee pot. Dr. H Dale dressed the injury. Pvt. Russell E. Smeltzer has been transferred from MacDill Field, Tampa, Fla, to General Bombing Range at Myrtle Beach, 8S. C, He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Smeltzer and entered the armed forces Aug. 23, 1942. Mrs. Ruth Frank and Miss Mary Weiland represented the Baileyville Presbyterian Sunday school last Thursday in Bellefonte at the county Sunday school convention. Farmer and banker, Denton 8. Peterson is now farming the modern way with a new I H, C. Farmall tractor purchased from the Dodd agency, a critter that will not recog- nize gee and haw. The Girl Scout Troop held their last regular meeting last Monday evening at the home of Mrs Medie Loring. Those present included: Dolly Wetmore, Betty Lauck, Ann Harpster, Mary Ellenberger, Marjor- fe Artz, Ruby Irvin, Lois Harpster, Ethel Sunday. Charlotte Wetmore, Josephine Sunday. Ruth Ellenber- ger, Dawn Burwell and Barbara Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Emest Struble of C.Y. WAGNER | & COMPANY | WAGNER'S Quality Flour A Hard Wheat Pat Flour WAGNER'S Our Best Flour 4-50 Blend WAGNER'S Very Best Fi lour | | i Wagner's 82% Dairy Feed Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed Wagner's Horse Feed Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner's Egg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter | and Grower, Wagner's Turkey Starter and Grower, Wagner's Scratch Feed Feed. Wagner's Chick Feed Wagner's Medium Scratch Rydes Cream Calf Meal Eshelman’s Dog Feed All kinds of high protein feeds for mixing with your own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA, ————— {be completed this week and will be | urday ithe church will | Your contribution will be gratefully ‘tillers of the soll. Insurance agent Conrad G. Fry, wife and son Bobby, motored up| and Edward Shuey from our club, They are moving and cannot be in the club this year. Good luck to vou made up my mind to try my luck with a steer, are supposed to be kept; brusn them meetings for the soldiers every day, take them for a walk to Mrs Rawling held ORVISTON There were 123 present at Bunday so 1 school, Rev. Rawling showed moving ple- | On Baturday It takes lots of work |tures on Friday night of some of the an give them exercise, keep the hoofs campeign about six years ago and trimmed; seems like cutting finger thelr old friends thelr larger and harder to trim, I suppose Rev nails only were hoofs are much hear him again. While In our town Rawlins was entertained in the from Waynesboro for the Memorial | boys and hope you can be In the club this fall when we take them to the Clair Butler home. holiday to his parental home in Rock Springs. They returned to their] home Sunday night. | Farmer George P. Irvin has been | under the care of his family phy-| sician the past ten days, but is im-| proving very nicely at this writing. | Sheep clippers Willis Schilling and Ralph Albright have been do-| ing a rushing business the past two weeks. | The new farm house on the L. K Metzgar farm at Meek's Church will occupied by farmer Fred Walls. Our Ferguson township students graduating last Thursday from the State College High School included the following: commercial prizes were awarded to Lois Mae Schilling and John Eugene Knarr, the latter also having the honor of being pres- ident of the Student Council; Charles L. Lauck, now in the U, 8.! Army, his diploma being turned over to his parents. On the honor roll were John E. Knarr and lois Mae Schilling. Others were: Jane L. Bar- to, Ivan L. Dodd, James Calvin Corl, Mary E. Gilligan, Anna M. Gearhart, Betty L. Gummo, Irene Illingsworth, Olive Ruth Martin, Paul E. Rider, Doris Irene Schilling and Harold and Wilford Burns, Melvin Fry says the WAACs are in great demand in the army, as he boasts of another girl at his home No. 3. Her name is Mary Ellen Beef cattleman Charles W. Wit- mer lost one of his fine Hereford steers last Saturday by the bloat route ————— — — SNOW SHOE The Ladies’ Aid of the Presby- terian church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Rover Grieb last Thursday evening After the business meeting and social eve- ning, lunch was served. Those pres- ent were: Mrs. Minnje Uzzle, Mrs. James Uzzle, Mrs, Thomas Stetler, Mrs. Charles Weaver, Mrs, Claude Irwin, Mrs. Arch Marshall, Mrs, John Gledhill, Mrs. Merrill Harnish, Mrs. Salina Carlson, Mrs. Mac Mc- Kelvey and daughter Dorothy, and Mrs. Royer Grieb, Mr. and Mrs. H. LIL. Dial and daughter Lee Anna, have rented a summer home In Massillon, Ohio, where they will spend the next few months Pvt. Robert Dixon of Fort Belvoir, Va., is home on furlough. Miss Ruth France, student nurse at Philipsburg State Hospital, re- turned after a three weeks’ vacation Mrs. Harold Bitner, son Harold, Jr., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bitner of Milesburg. Mrs. Mary Sickle, after spending the winter at Philadelphia, has re- turned to her summer home here. Mrs. Eugene Rhone and child of Bellefonte, returned home after vis- iting her parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Hipple. Miss Marie Hipple ac- | companied Mrs. Rhone home and has secured employment there Mr. and Mrs. John Park and chil- dren spent a few days with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Mary Park and sister, Mrs. Harry Etters and fam- ily. Mrs. Eva Wenrick Is visiting the former's daughter, Miss Ellen Wen- rick of Cleveland, Ohio, also Gladys and Lloyd Wenrick are visiting their sister, Miss Kathryn Wenrick of North Bend i Some Bellefonte shoppers on Sat- were Mr. and Mrs. E M Francé, Mrs. William Rigle and daughter Elaine, Edith McKelvey and Miss Elizabeth Glenn | Misses Elizabeth, Kathryn and | Myra Dixon, and Pvt. Robert Dixon spent Sunday afternoon with their aunt, Mrs. James Dixon of Glen Richey, who had a stroke and is in a serious condition. PINE GLEN Church Services: Sunday school at 10 a. m., and preaching services| at 11 o'clock. The social which the Sunday school held on Saturday night was successful, proceeds to be used to! renovate the church. Renovation of | begin very soon. | accepted. Charles Narehood, who was re- ported killed when the attack was] on at Pearl Harbor and later cor- | a joyous surprise when he arrived | home on Sunday morning. Narehood has been serving in the South Pa- leific. Pred Plubell moved from Ivan Plubell’'s home to the Hipple farm; now owned by George Narehood i Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hahn are the | proud parents of a baby boy, born June 1. The young son has been named Charles Marvin. Hoth mother and son are doing fine. Miss Laura Hoover and Miss De- moris Benner of Lock Haven, spent | Sunday with Miss Hoover's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Buck and children of lLeContes Mills, spent one day last week with her mother, Mrs. Lovina Houdeshell. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickle of Harrisburg, spent last Sunday at the Beates home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Plubell and son Freddie, spent Sunday with relatives at Clearfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ramsey and son Dennis of Altoona, are spending thelr week's vacation at the home of Mr. Ramsey's sister, Mrs. R. L. Schmoke. Mrs. Iva Burkey of Howard, re- turned to her home one day last week after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. James Hodge. Mrs. Russell Hoover and daugh- ters Sonya and Joyce, of Moshannon, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Plubell next year. Those present were: Hom- er and Henry Weight, Paul, Lloyd and Harold Rogers, Jorfy Bittner, Fred Wensel, Martin Watkins, Wil- liam and George Brumbaugh, Jim and LeRoy Button, and Mr. Tait. Visitors were Mrs. George Weight and Mr. J. B. Button, After the roll call our question on our project was taken up by Mr. Tait. Each one told his experience with his project. Af- ter our meeting we played games We club members feel very sorry for losing Mr. Tait as our leader He {will be heard over WRAK, Willlams- | port, every Thursday afternoon .at 1:15 o'clock. We wish you the best of luck, Mr. Tait, and hope you will still visit our meetings. You will al- ways be welcome with us I told you in my last letter that I would name the project each one has been assigned. Homer and Hen- ry Weight, Paul and Lloyd Rogers, Don and Jerrv Bittner, Fred Wen- sel, Martin Watkins, Willlam and George Brumbaugh and Jim Button all have pigs. They will not need any red stamps this fall to buy their pork. Jim and LeRoy Button have bees. Due to the scarcity of sugar, they will have plenty of honey this winter to eat Watch out for bee stings, boys Homer Weight and Kenneth Bittner have capons. We club members will accept an Invita- tion to a capon dinner this fall Homer Welght Otis Korman and {falr we will have to put finger nall Rev. Paul Dumnill filled the pul- polish on their hoofs and maybe &!pit of the church for his trial ser- lHttle lipstick would like the taste of that After our meeting wag over we I don't belleve they mon and in the Romola church at 12:30. Mr. and Mrs, Clair Butler and Rev Dumnill were entertained bai h Both were served with sandwiches, pickles the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hel. oD Bunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry | {Lucas and sons of Moose {and cookies, Our next meeting will| che) for supper be held at the Button boys’ home on be with us 1 guess 1 have told you of Curtin, Our town was saddened to hear of whieh occurred at the | at, KENNEDY evangelistic | Mulbarger, at Pleasant Gap —— The M. E. churen has had a paint. Mr to our village and Mrs. L. L family called Bunday p Mr pleased to ing, it looks very nice and Mrs. Fred Griffith children of Bellefonte, have moved | Welcome back | McCartney and Lhe H. E. Leathers home Callers at the m Run and at J. F. McCartneys| Mr and Mrs. E. H. Runkle, Mr. and Mrs June 22. Then our new leader will the death of Mrs. Willlam Barnhart Phil McCartney and family Our new Rev Cons preached Bun- all our club news for this time. Wish | philipsburg Hospital Thursday eve- |48Y morning with a good attendance you all the best of luck, and 0 1008 ning. Her son. Willlam, had just had until we meet again. Signed | Harter Creek, visited lam Dolan, sick list Mrs. Maresret Dullen Wil- A Very severe Melvin [4 card from her Thursday morning saving she Last weekend Fred Dolan of Beech ang the news came of her death as with his father who has been on the gn4 friends. Mrs. Barnhart had just was getting along fine, blow to her relatives visited In our town a few weeks ago visited on 8he was a very kind Sunday with her daughter and son- and lovable woman and to know her was to love in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pheras Eck at). we extend our sincere sympathy to her family in their sorrow | Nesbit Do Your Own Canning This Year! Quite a number attended the f our town folks funeral of Mrs. Barn- Help prevent a possible food short- hert at Curtin, Sunday afternoon age this year Lv and vegetables for home use find easy-to-follow a big help In chicken string beans items for the pantry shel! putting your fruits canning recipes Blanche preserving cherries, night other and Eunice this timely feature in the June 20th mother issue of The American Weekly, the the big magazine distributed with Baltimore Sunday American. On sale ides at all newsstands Bily Bonds for future needs what Heverly You'll visited overnight with Lomison, Eddie Puhrer Look for at his home in North Bend with his Lock Haven her of COUsIn, last spent the N—-— If there are readers who have no inflation will do to nation, let them talk with some bro- ther 11921 ar Liste who was around i in | Rhoads Don't forget Bunday morning Welcome all Bunday your friend: EXECUTORS Come SCHOO] every and bring Legal Notices | - NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Rob. ert O Boro Foraburg deceased late of {f Be liefonte Letters testamentary on the above estate having undersigned been all PETROS the aald estate are requested immediate ing delay for PETERSON, Executor weekend Johnston and Johnston neys lor estate Pa payment claims or demands against Thursday estate to present the settlement to CHARLES BE Jersey and Mme LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby the partnership lately Rhoads E Leonard (i; Rhoad w tracing given ibsisting Ww Rhoads granteq indebted 10 that and under LU io the w make have said without Share BROT - x25 Lie between | name of George E. Rhoads’ Sons ex {pired on the 24th day of April, 1043, William Alkey of Harrisburg, call-|by reason of the death of E. Leonard ed on friends and hls aged mother Rhoads, All debts owing Lo the sald are to be received by Mr. and Mrs. H. E, McCartney andthe sald G. W. Rhoads and Lee E Our to keep a calf and steer the way they army camps in which they held 50n spent the weekend with the lat- Rhoads, surviving partners, at the He and|ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Office of R. Paul Campbell, Belle- {fonte, Pennsylvania {mands on the seid partnership are Wo be presented Wo them for payment lat the same place Ww LEE E {partnership G -— and all RHOADS RHOADS |R. PAUL CAMPBELL, Allorney | IN THE Elizabeth B COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF CENTRE COUNTY Baird, et al VE shannon Coal Mining Company No. 3 To May Term all Creditors 1931 and interest In the above case You Charles N. Todd count as Receivers ter In the Prothonotary be firmation at 10:00 a flied on will kindly A have presented ‘o on or belore above account will ‘distrib solvent made in a tH on MW hed iif nl s fled C. A ADMINISTHRATRIX'E NOTICE, NOTRE Alert theret Lee E w firm Lake Riczenbaugh and Walter filed thelr office of Bond C and that Lhe the Monday m. Unless the notice final dee Mo. ab per sony thi notice mony William Pauline Port May Term Common Pleas Pennsylvania June the time Johnston offices Tuesdny p.m. as x23 ing w the when ar x24 nt 17 nthe above mat. ( LRT June 21 salg be confirmed armls int RICKENBAUGH WALTER N TODD Receiver exceptions White will Court for con- 1943 (re ccorGance with t ' vt} 4 foryu ELIZABETH 8 £ settlement Ww Administratrix R. Paul Campbell, attorney for estate, that I have by the Court as Master 10 take testi ol High Btreet place 0 lake ad where you K ESTHER H. RHOADS, Bellefonte, RK. P. D V2] MASTER'S DIVORCE NOTICE To Ida Pauline Port, Respondent Dear Madam You will please take been appointed in the Divorce Came of Port, libellant, vs. lds respondent, to No. 117 1943, in the Court of Centre County, and that | have set 22, 1943, at 2 o'clock and Johnston and Y M C. A Bulldg- Bellefonte, Pa testimony, ete attend If of may In Equity. you so desire of J NNEDY JOHNSTON Master BIDS WANTED ox T., June 14 untu 1943 of the received for ap- Of ROOd grace : Bupplies oi Board re- y or all Oe Coal Bids VONALA Cretlary fonte Sod Bellefont CENTRE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ TAX SALE OF SEATED AND UNSEATED LANDS NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the | Commissioners of Centre County, by virtue of the power and authority vested in them | Acts of Assembly relative to | unseated taxes due and unpaid, will offer at public | | House & Lot under various the sale of seated and sale on TUESDAY, JULY 13, a. m.,, at the Court House, lands 1943, at 10:00 in Pennsylvania, the tracts of land hereinafter designated. TERMS OF SALE: 1 ‘he purchaser must pay the purchase price and costs in cash, at the time of sale, may be held until all tracts of sold. Adjourned sales land have been SEATED LANDS Location Bellefonte Boro Description House & Lot or House & Lot House & Lot Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro . Bellefonte Boro Centre Hall Boro Centre Hall Boro. Philipsburg Boro .. Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro Port Matilda Boro Port Matilda Boro Port Matilda Boro Port Matilda Boro , . Philipsburg Boro S. Philipsburg Boro . Philipsburg Borg Philipsburg Boro S. Philipsburg Boro . Philipsburg Boro . Philipsburg Boro . Philipsburg Boro. . Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro . Philipsburg Boro . Philipsburg Boro . Philipsburg Boro 8. Philipsburg Boro . Philipsburg Boro Philipsburg Boro. . Philipsburg Boro. .. Snow Shoe Boro. ..... Lot Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot Ware House House & Lot House & Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot h House & Lot House & Lot Lot - Lot Lot Lot. . Lot hes House & Lot mathnnl Lot. House & Lot. . House & Lot. . . Lot House & Lot... iot..... House & Lot. Lot me State College Boro State College Boro. . 1ot...... State College Boro Lot. | rected, gave his parents and frierids | Lots | House & Lot. . Mh... House & Lot. . 30k... .uniis: State College Boro House & Lot. . State College Boro. Lot . State College Boro. Lot State College Boro. . .. Lots State College Boro State College Boro, Anderson, Supposed Owner Catherine Breon, Catherine Callan, Elizabeth Clark Estate, James Korman Estate, WR Orlady, George B Powers, Susan Ripka, Clyde | | House & Lot | Lot | House & Lot Smith, J. P Hartman, PF. G Shunk. 8, J Blair & McCausland Button, William | John | House & Lot Delige, John | Faulkner Est. H. P Pezalski Est Herman | Lot { House & Lot Cowher, Solomon, Jacob Wilkinson, Roy Wilson, Adam | Wilson, W. B Leathers Brothers Pringle. C. M Pringle C M ..Pringle. C M Bailey, Buzzell, . Craft, Chester Edward Folmer Est. Prank .7Josnick, Joseph Jusick, Konrad Musser, M. A. Northamer, Anna .Northamer, Anna .Northamer, Ruth Petriski,* Alex Snyder, Mark E. Steele Est, Aaron .Surdursky, Joe .... Wright, Ruth Kelley, Mrs. Leo .. Snow Shoe Boro. Lacas Coal Company .State College Boro. . Alexander Est I. N. State College Boro. . Gilliland, M & Wm. . Homan, Warren State College Boro. . Hoover Estate, J, 1. Keller, Hayes G Keller, Hayes GO. veo. Keller, J. D. Kreamer, Mary for | Bellefonte, ! Batcheler Est. Sim | Batcheler Est. Sim | Description Lot House & Lot Lots House & Lot AHouse & Lot House & Lot Lot House & Lot Lot Last Lot 1-5 Acre Lot 5 Acres 36 Acres 107 Acres House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot | 130 Acres i Lot House & Lot i Acres House © "ot House & Lot | House & Lot | House & Lot 35 Acres House * Lot 87 Acres 7 Acres 3 Acres | House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot | House & Lot | House & Lot Location State College Boro Lambert State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro State College Boro SEATED LANDS Supposed Owner Mrs. CW McClellan, W. F Marlin, LL. P Peters, Mary C Ream, Vilas Savercool Es, Sus'n Smith Estate, J. C, Sowers, Mrs. Gilbert Thomas, C. E State College Boro Warman, Mrs. Louise State College Boro State College Bore Unionville Boro Benner Twp Benner Twp Benner Twp Benner Twp “oges Twp Boggs Twp Soges Twp Boggs Twp Bogus Twp Boggs Twp “oggs Twp Boggs Twp “loges Twp Toges Twp ‘oggs Twp ‘oggs Twp ‘oan Twp Boggs Twp “oggs Twp ogns Twp Boggs Twp Bogs Twp Boges Twp oggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boges Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Boges Twp Boggs Twp Boggs Twp Burnside Twp College Twp. College Twp College Twp College Twp. Curtin Twp «+ Curtin Twp « « Ferguson Twp «Perguson Twp... «Ferguson Twp. Perguson Twp. Weaver, J. 8 Young, Susan E Kephart Estate, Laurs Dale, J. W Dunlap, Alien Kesser Estate, William Kline Estate, J H Allen Estate, William Brett, David Brett, David Brown, Earl | Brown, Earl Brown, Janet Burns Caldwell Estate, William Confer, J. 1 Curtin Estate, Gregg Curtin Estate. Gregg Fetzer, Lewis Mrs. James Lucas, Jacob McMullin, Robert Milton, Perry Muller, William Packer Est. William Bchrover Est, Mrs. Wm Smith, W. H Heaton Spicer Est, Mary | Jerry | * Summers, Bworm Walker Walker Frank Mary Watkind, E W Watson, James | Watson, Mrs. John J Payziesnick, John Laurer, R P Smith, Charles & Wife Sowers, Mary Williams, E E David & Yeager Fetzer, O. M Clark, M. A. ..... Donahue, Pat ...Goss, George & Joe . .Henry, Roy Holmes, Hamill Hoffman, Hannah .... Miller, Jean ‘ ...Noll, Beatrice Rider, Mrs. Florence vo. Kerby, James .....Ryster, C. L. +...» King, Florence ....Balley Est. Alice . +. . Blackburn, Samuel ..... Hicks, Est. J. D. .... McKee Est, James .. Taylor Est, William | Description Elizabeth | John | Walker, Roy Lot House & Lot House & Lot 23 Acres House & Lot ote A Tot House & Lot Lot 7 Acres House & Lot House & Lot 11% Acres 8% Acres 100 Acres 7 Acres House & Lot Lot Lat Lan House & Lot House & Lot 10 Acres 103 Acres Te t House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot Lot House & Lot Lot House & Lot { Lot 3 Acres 6 Acres House & Lot | House & Lot House & Lot 8B Acres 2 Acres House & Lot | House & Lot Lot Tipple Cabin | Cabin House & Lot 2 Acres 4Ac H&L SEATED Location Liberty Twp Liberty Twp Liberty Twp Marion Twp Marion Twp Miles Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp Patton Twp *atton Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp Penn Twp “enn T wp Potter Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp. Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp Rush Twp LANDS Ww Supposed Owner jaines Allie Kunes Est, D. D Wiams, Bathsheba Aley Est Lose Dean Est. Leah Hendershot, Robert Showers Ma Citizen: Fahifelder Matalski, Mildred Showers, Roy Mrs. Roy Margaret Swanger, Elmer Auman, A L Auman, A L Auman, A L Motz Est, J.C Settlers Club Snyder, Parter G Snyder, Porter G Ulrich, Michael Butler Gun Club Koonsman, Perry chamer, William J Runkle. W. G Taylor Est. John Berish, Andy Berry. Isabella Bezelski, John Briston Estate Brobeck, RE Brown, Fred s Bldg. & Loan As Davis Est. John Dawson, Matt Delaney Estate Diehl Est, C. R Diehl Coal Co Earnest, Albert Rudolph Spicer Fleck Fredora George Gill, Charles B Gray, Harvey Est. Harznisiski Horn, J. Edward Houser, Charles | Hutton Run Camp Kadish, Kate | Kasmark, Ben | Wash | Kazak, Wash | Kennedy, A W. | | 130 Acres Kazak Kennedy Est. C. A Knepp, Edward | Steve | Lucky Ridge Camp | | House & Lot Kobal, McOonigal, Joseph Macker, James T. Marsden, Louise Minorchik, Victor Morince, Mike Moshannon R. & G. Club Monns, Thomas Myers Spring Camp Nason, O. H O'Connor, William O'Rourke, Francis Parks Brothers Pringle, C. M. ...Red B. Camp Rich Hill Coal Co Rofinski, Pete Royal Collery Sawdust Camp .Shalky, Mrs. Joe ..Sheets, William __Shillingford Est. Jane Snyder, Alma .. Squires, Chester Andrew | John i Steve | Joseph P. 1 John | John | Description Mine Equi; Camp & Lot e & Lot & Lot House & Lot Lot 65 Acres 25 Acres 4 Acres 40 Acres Lot s Acre '» Acre House & Lot House & Lot 4 Acre Lot is Acre 6 Acres Lot i Acre House & Lot Lot ¢ Acre House & Lot 80 Acres is Acre is Acre 132 Acres Lot Lot 150 Acres House & Lot House, 2 Lots 224 Acres 44 Acres 52 Acres Lot House House & Lot House & Lot House & Lot Lot 200 Acres 2 Acres 26 Acres 6 Acres 32 Acres 14 Acres 165 Acres 165 Acres 1 Acre 112 Acres House & Lot 100 Acres House & Lot 1 Acre 50 Acres . SEATED LANDS Location Snow Si Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe ” Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Spring Twp Tavior Twp Taylor Twp Tavior Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Tavior Twp Tayvior Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Tavior Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp Tayvior Twp Taylor Twp Tayior Twp Tavior Twp Union Twp Union Twp Union Twp Union Twp Taylor Twp Taylor Twp W dker Twp Walker Twp Walker Twp . Walker Twp Worth Twp Worth Twp Worth Twp Worth Twp. Shoe T Shoe T Shoe T Shoe Twi Supposed Owner ott Est Janes swede Camp Shanty Camp Turick, Gust Twigg, Samuel Twigg. Bamue] Vissella, Alex Domenick White Oak Club Whitten, Emma Wolf Run Camp Vessella Woomer, Mary Calderwood M. FP. Jr Fisher, Paul Gibbs, Minnie Gleason Est, Thos Hockenberry Est. Jno Kelley, Logan M Peasley Est, J. FP Shaw, Hugh Snow Bhoe Coal Co Tarocko Est. John v Est. Thos. P : v Est. Thos P Tubridy, Thos. A Tubridy., Thos. A Wadsworth, 8 Weaver, Clarence Samuel Reuben DW Bumgardner Crossmvyer Gates Houck, Mrs. Emma Howard William Hughes, George Imel. Charles Jackinsa, Steve Kreamer, Melvin Leathers Brothers McCormick, Bruce Markie, Ward Miller, Edna Robb, Mrs. Alice Runkle, James D Runkle, James 8 Runkie James 8S Shawley, Mrs. Miller Garland William Krouse, Carrie Krouse, Carrie Markowitz, Henry Markowitz, Samuel Matis, William Sharer Sharer, Sharer Weaver Est Weaver Est, Weaver Est, Alexander, Tabitha Bumgarger. Ann Edwards, C. H Hall, John W Mitchell, E R Spotts, Lloyd H Rand E W Union Stock Land Bank “Lnnna000 EEERERRKE . McDonald, Williams, George W. Warrantee Name Butler, Margaret. One trouble with mankind is that it ls over-organized. UNSEATED LANDS Location ~~ , oxi : HH Freer mod wxx, ¥ik > % 1 > wd FEEES 222% adhe ARE ET PRE 1 TELHEEEE : wf : Emm 20 28 3 2 a af a of a ik EE PY op ER ® 23 00 FEE [FF ai UNSEATED LANDS odds (HTL ; - EEE ree 4 ER a CHARLES F. HIPPLE, FRED C. MENSCH, HARRY V. KEELER, .