Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 10, 1943, Image 3
Page Three June 10, 1943. 5 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT "TIL 9:00 O'CLOCK the inte residences on Clair Brungart and Prossertown rect. Bellefonte Pa. the of Leb the home of Mr. and Mi Theodore | (tems of personal property HOUSEHOLD GOODS Lav A Hie living room tabi« marbi workin sf Mi le: It . A rockers Odd nn pulled and her ton taken Monday nt Lock Haven We a speedy recover) several same young present friend ne callers in Jacksonville received Mr. and Mrs. 8 A. Bierlv and Mr Weaver sere Monday bu BAT be abt ’ URDAY jetier Was ers « ’ The following 7 Die for the many fine let write Saturday ts take! Alice Crouse supper gues 11 voung folks who s¢ ope this | wie will ex- the Centre County Hos; | ou and Mrs. Palmer Bierly : ohn Ba BB reper Ta Pg Trg M06 TO SLL AT THIS LOW PRICE: Act Dre isos Mayes and Bilover 1 het "y erindston SATURDAY. JUNE Mrs é if Waddie will offer at public sale at = J | EPR — Friday, June 25 gh! = a BE wt ERR ped Friday, June 11 MeCLEALAN ROSSMA o ] a bp | harge ’ will offer at ©» . ’ ¥ 5 y I like this A yy ichter was barn ta Mr. and 4M. KIRKFPATRICK } miles north of We ™ 2 D . fa val n i ier at pub #n “ Hee H : % al Dut ¢ far as you can of th except who on lerk in the James . mm " : " - \ | REBERSBURG | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Summers and | daughter of Bellefonte, called at the I Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Miller of Clayton Auman home on Monday TR of the A. FF. Hazel estate, will offer ; ev 4 ? ’ . . range (practically new), electric Sunday evening at 6:30, followed by| Mrs. Florence Miller of Sharon,! Mr and Mrs. John Cooner, John ed to the south on Tuesday , : kitchen cabinet, clocks; porch service Friday evening. Sunday and J. H. Finch, of this place {Inducted Into the army next weel day evenin® with stands, cots: dressers; clothes Saturday busine tors in Belle cooking utensils, dishes of all kinds Ld an i AS VISIVOTS Wie i sb AR gs, . study class which is held each Mon- And husband, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hi" 500 Gon nion of Couders furniture and rug jelly glasses, homes son David, attended the funeral on ersbirg Mr. and Mrs Cummings &nd family of Summit Hill, moved Niagara Falls, N. Y, and his fam- morning. We wish to extend mos! Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hockenberry of [stetter, will offer at public sale g NT - 1 : as int - ~ a business trip to Altoona last Sat- } n0 of Roy Brungart. The latter Is ce ella Richner Mrs. Bish and little daughter and on the premises lam Tarbert, Jr, that he has been nual Children’s Day exercises or] Charles Houtz ha Yt ® { J - ves and Btove o'clock, immediately ung home in Jet 'y anid weeks’ visit with relatives and her home in Pittsburgh last Friday, etn . ’ " : Geraldine Sevier of Mill Hall Ward. administrator of the ar . Sith a A n: nisi .Ab Centre County Hospital last Friday Mrs. Orrie Holt spent several days ; : i J shi, dad ! John Hanselman and two children sATURDAY : of Wolle a Harry Pearce Rumberger held in July by the Bush Grove| pyt John Diehl of Delaware, and Inte pital at Baltimore, suffering with ful birthday surprise was held Mon-| aq home because of the death of his HOO! were near neighbors and’ ww 1 Hackenberg were Tuesday eve. Methodist church beginning Monday, . \ y . “Dear Friends: 1 am taking this op- weekend with her parents, Mr »e teachers have been selected “I n petent teach CLARENCE A. HOLTZ ir children for this little bit of relig- to each of you 10 i ould graduate this year and that will be lor your nave been reced Mrs munity the Army. 1 just finished maneuvers! preach in the local Lutheran church GG. W. Bullock. George enlisted injquite a place. There nothing but native of Centre Hall and a nephew released for defense work, coming work very much it Is very in- northern Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. McElwain caster counties. Donald enlisted re- last Friday for Norfolk, Va. where THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. | Saturday, June 12 ’ B Eubell Ward, Executor | Stoyestown, were Tuesday and Wed- evening : - , . | ! : ¥ " a at public sale at the late residence at Methodist Church: Prayer service just recently been promoted to his!nesday guests with thelr son-in-law Mis. Bishop of Pensacola, Florida, | Unjonville, Center County, Pa. the « G. | . | io ! Thursday evening. Sunday school on! present ranks from that of an En- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis who was employed at the Rev, Ed following 4 a Sunday morning. Youth Fellowship sign in the U. 8. Navy |Greninger and daughter Nancy Blerly home the past weeks, return- | HOUSHHOLD GOODS - Hlectri( where | washer electric sweeper: electric per the regular preaching service at 7:30, spent some time over Memorial Day | winters and Mrs. Maude Fiedler of she has secured employment Soler: lo ie fron, kitchen Son! » y " nT) y N nv "(Ye rT i ye gy ry . AOVEe ard « « Lov wiiie with sermon by the pastor, Rev. W. visiting with her sisters and bro-| philade Iphia, were guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Fred B nder and hovel hard Oh]. TOOL a HR wl A. Snyder. ther, Mrs. Almeda Stere, Mrs. Wil- home of Mrs. Maude Winters the daughter, Joan of State College, call- 4 Free Methodist Church Prayer lam Summers, Mrs C. W Bauder st weekend, The former will be ©d at the Sholl-Diehl home on Mon- |glider; kitchen sink; bedroom suite; 3 a0. ! r I'S § 8 | 4 ’ ' a A ke closets, rugs of all kinds and sizes school on Sunday morning at 9:30,] Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Moran and} 0 5. Ziegler and two chil-| Miss Violet Kidder was a we KENd hall and stair carpets, rocking chair followed by the Children’s Day ex- gon Jay. uid he: othe Ne. Rae dren of Port Matilda are visiting visitor In Lock Haven AMR A Fook pu y om atiae CISeS D DO spe as B= ' / yi e stools, sidebonarc ring room WW wy, ercises m in ut A Dona, SF ban ; ug her mother. ‘Mrs. Marie Mann. at! Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brungart wer Presbyterian Church: The Bible day visiting with the atlers SISter) pockville pleture frames corner cupboard; fonte dining room table, large cupboard; 2 3 p he sO . 8 le ry very - small cupboards; Le Indder porel day evening under the direction of Custer. The hid leaving VEIY nort, spent the weekend with her : PhO rtd } Rev. HE. Oakwood, will be held inj’ h ! we Ui vig friend, Betty Page PLEASANT VALLEY crooks: Mason jars, and many other , n . np Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fox and son " : 3 Ruin the church during the summer O Reed, Mrs. Pierce Peters und Pvt. Ned Hostetman of New Cumn- Be r ariieles. ¢ 1 Yorn maw d re 2 ree ler Bale ¢ ), n TR . months Instead of at the various |YWen teed, I Crers UNG herland, was a Sunday caller in Reb- {10880 Twp.) | Haromter, apt why” y Herbert Chapman pg Monday afternoon of Miss Mary Fox . and Mrs. Joseph Peters and || ‘ : ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter fe moved I the Wil- of Jersey Shere, who had been ill and daughter of Williamsport called ' on Saturday in the lower part of the Saturday, June 12 liam Lucas property to Bellefonte for several Wis Is Se Jersey Share on the former's parents, Mr. and Clair Richner home We welcome MRS, WILLIAM TAYLOR y “ Syl ‘ x re ns rid nv valk Joseph has secured employment in ospital and expired , y aay Mrs. A. J. Cummings on Saturday them to our val Preciitor of the estate of James evening ellefonte | the (Hnoere sympathies to the bereaved Mr. and Mi nt the weekend at | 3 3 Pp a ) p | FLAT 14) , LIM | |] f w 11} ¥ i wi hve an Bellelonis | family, relatives and friends hildren, David and Carol me being t. : imi I i i arol Mr. and Mrs. John Talhelm enter- Mr. and Mrs. Clair Carmer made... were Sunday callers at the Eminhize: ! . ! ! tained to Sunday dinner Mr. and . y 4 d urday morning recovering slowly from an attack of yall at the Mrs. Amanda Moran. The dinner The sale of the household goods preumania ni . Mr AaVera Rudy n't was in honor of the birthday of Mrs. |0f the late A. F. Hazel will be held] Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Tarbert re- writing. as she had seven Talhelm this Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock ceived word from their son, Pfc. Wil- Children’s Day Services: The an-| purchased for|transferred from Hamilton Field . ST10.17] \ at fairf *41 Methodist Student Day as it is now himself an automobile and expects Ci to Suisun Dine a Fairfield Cal Bminhizer isn't called, will be held in the Methodist |to leave this week, with the traller| Mrs. A. B. Wolfe spent rit We wish ne ‘ ave | \ exiting in the care b Vi vis) i § fwelling house church Sunday morning. June 20th |which has been parked on the va- days last week assisting in the TAIe | shoady recovers sale at the regular preaching hour, 10:30 cant lot at the rear of the Comly of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Page, i le 1 eo following the garage, for Tennessee, where he has at the Marion ¥X HM g | - x uk cler Sunday school secured employment and will reside sey Shore shu ' i ; n » traile | {azel spent the weekend at Mrs. Roy Calhoun returned to her in the trailer | I 1 le | sm i » Peasant home last Saturday from a couple Mrs. Thomas Jarrett returned to H. Smith home in Pleasa Saturday, June 19 | BATURDAY. JUNE 12 B ! MES. JM. COLDRON friends in Pittsburgh and Ohio accompanied by her aunt, Miss Mary | kend ast t the All \ Ke ges y {3} Vy ’ . i offer at bm % \ Miss Kathleen Homan, daughter Turner. after having spent the past a oe na gu A e ion ifr A ® Hal I of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Homan of | couple weeks visiting here with rela- Auman hom th hil this place, was operated upon in the | tives Mr: Map Daye " i hee chil dren o Lmor and Mr. and Mi: o pendicitis, with which she was y rokend vis } for apf ndi iy h wh Ey '%% lover the past weekend visiting with Biore. were Sunday din- Baridten attacked very suddenly. She Is Im- po. on and daughter in Milesburg r musts with the ladies’ parent ” iat proving as rapidly as can be expect-| + | REF guesis with U sind at Soring d The annual Lucas reunion, usually mr and Mrs. Charles Garrett - ed ! 1 Mr } ' son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearce Rum- church, will not be held this vear on ars John Diehl of Sunbury, called go ii ne . account of restrictions iriving . . » re Brand - “ VIN berger of Baltimore, Md. is ill and ace in : re triction on by gp on the former s_grandmothe; Mr beds confined to the Walter Reed Hos- Birthday Surprise: A very delight-ip, Diehl, last Friday. He was call MANY 4 jay evening at the home of Mr. and! ant Mrs. Elizabeth Gephart, of HBATURDAY . - some other throat infec. 9% Ant , dizabeth phat I ; Shop or som ' i Mrs. John Talhelm in honor of the! grate Collear Vacation Bible School: A Vacation | birthday of Mrs. Talhelm. Guests afr and Mrs. J. N. Moyer and Ms 4 i § acat Bible School will be held in the June 21, and continuing each day | for the next two weeks. School will from Cpl. Basil Robison, in apprecia- | Elizabet) convene each morning from 9 to 12 tion of the many letters he has re-iness visitors in Bellefonte p rth ' ; 5s Com- ceived from friends in Unionville Miss Eva Bover of Laurelton, spent o'clock during the two weeks Com- ceived f n ¥ Saturday, June 19 and all indications are that it will portunity to thank my many friends { Mrs. Newton Boyer 4 : AR 1% ile . 4 Fes $820 od AS re - ; : ¥ f boa ¢ —_ be very beneficial to the young folks. i x Elsie Waite Jp 1 0 at publ a “ 't 0 3 rovveivine fre A | Ty a rt ral & It is hoped that all mothers of the ters ing ! Tn receiving irom Swartz of Wolles community will plan to send their fous education ot spare Only one of our attend Bellefonte High School will Jack Shipley. There are more in the [ing these jetters sine 1 came in § inst week a class for next vear. but this is the Army and 1 sire enjoy reading M Mlinburg : : smallest number since young folks every one of them, for news MeClellan, a student at Ge started to attend from this com- home is a wonderful thing here vehiire Theological Seminary, will Plc. and Mrs. George S. Bullock in Louisiana and Texas and am Now next Sunday cvenine al 7:30 o'clock : of Lansdowne, spent last Priday vis- taking desert training here on the Services in the Brungart church Der residens jE Oa AY. Salt at 1730 ©. mm Terms cash. xi 3 " : 3 iting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Yuma desert in Arizona This Sunday morning Mr. McClellan a ' ! i : the U7. S Army Air Force In August, level desert land a ¢ late Rev. William MeCiellan 1042. and has received training in’ see, and nothing growl rrved the jocal Reformed Personnel and Military Organization few cactus trees. [ am a « in several states. He has now been | Division Surgeon's office from Presque Isle Field Maine, and will be employed by Westinghouse. Philadelphia, begin- ning work there at once loft By bus on Sunday for Balti- more. Md. to visit for a few days with their zon. Donald. and with the McElwain families in York and Lan- cently in the U. 8 Army Air Force and leaves for training on Saturday June 12 ] , Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Kerchner left they spent several deve visiting with their daughter and husband Lt (ig) P Richard Fisher. Lt Fisher has Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort TASTEETH. a pleasant alkaline non-acid) powder. holds false teeth | more firmly To eat and talk in more comfort, just sprinkle a little FAS- TEETH on your plates. No gummy gooey, pasty taste or feeling Checks “plate odor” (denture breath) Get FASTEETH at any drug store | just promoted | pital at Philadelp named June Elleen visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Charles teresting work to a Corporal which 1 am very proud, She has been the service thir- Jennie of. 1 have been i teen months and in this ser a ot of the country. 1 will now | siller nd this little note to my many Mr. and Mrs Harry Waite of Log- tv and 1 hope anton. called at the C. J Weaver, serve it purpose of gr home ont Monday evening letters In clos-| Miss Marguerite Krape of Butler ing 1 will sav that it does all of our {x visiting her mother, Mix W. D Brungart letters from vou and to know that The Young Women's Missionary our many friends are thinking of gociety of the Lutheran church met and doing their part to make U8 4¢ the home of Mrs Calvin Breon, hove in the service happy It is a fine ir on Mondav evénins joby you are doing and everyone of, Mr and Mrs A J Commings ns appreciates it ‘Keep them 1roll- rolled on the former's mnther, Mrs ing.’ As ever, Cpl. Basil Robison.” Rebecca Wolfe at Aaronsbure. Sun A bake sale Ir the Young Women's dav nn. m. The latter is quite ill class of the Methodist Sunday school] wre. Paul Dingess and daughter will he held on the nremises IM- of Baltimore, are visiting her pare mediately after the sale of house ants Mr and Mrs [2= Walfe hold gonds at the home of the late Ad Reish eho iz emploved al Albert Hazel. Saturday afternoon, MechanichiBirz, spent the weekend June 12 at his home Clorde Smell, Curtis Gréningsr It might be possible tg get some ang Harry Weaver began work atl Congressional committees to run the pPiner Alreraft Company the past war for the Russians and British 88 week ary Zieglor is employed at well as for us Svlvania Products Company time 1 have grandparents ” friends of my comm! that this answering all rly hearts good to receive these friendly - - Only 5 Shopping Days ofehoce in DETROT ne HOUSEHGLD GOODS old fash jon ed slove Saturday, June 12 CHAS. FF. BARTGES Fil] offer at public sale at the late CC Bartges home al Spring Mills the following HOUSEHOLD OOODS Kalamazoo kitchen range, A-1 condition. plano, New Home sewing machine. 3-burner New Perfection oll stove. iron safe; center fable: two kitchen cabinels. old-fashioned sideboard. two book- cases, dressers, iron beds. linoleum rugs some hand-woven wooden hed some antiques, jot of lamba mirros. quilting frames. bed springs window screens rockers clocks rome antique. high chair, baby cra- die; office swivel chair, arm chair. cketts. Bollinger olirt. oarpeis stands, kitchen chairs, kitchen uten. efls; fruit jars. crooks; wooden tubs. flower pots. bird cages, sled. porch swing carpenter foods, i2.enuge shot gun: 32 rifle; hand cultivator: scales. three iron Kettles, corn sheller. meat vessel, garden tools: jot of canned fruit. chains, mat- tocks: scoop shovel, wheelbarrow and many other articles too numer. ous Wo mention Bale at 12:30 p. m. Terms cash Geo E Wise, auct — PUBLIC SALE—~CARLOAD OF Albright orn planter potato ralser Bast. and one a Ben fon steel moller new pring harrow. 60-toolh harrow mill; corn sheller; grindstone hog crates. extension adder ’ bar wagon. stone fork. potato ahove wheelbarrow, toD bugey. #01 of bugss harness and whip, two sets tug hare ness. sel of houdngs. saddle, cart *hip swing horse pair of bean scales, 400-pound capacity ridies check lines onllars hajters hi : ing straps forks shovels, pick grubbing hoe COW chains rake bolts. hammers, cold chisels trees dotibie trees digging irons Crow bar, garden tools; vies, grab and other tools, stallion bridle five new milk cans, 10 and 12 gallon two milk buckets. strainer. strip Dine cup, Joan or milk cooler 7 enlion churn, two butter bowls De. Laval cream separator; Two butler oaddies. large copper kettle and stir reps Ford pickup truck. barrel of £4 HOUSEHOLD GOODS-—Plano. light Oak library table; roll ton writing desk. round extension table: marble top stand. large sideboard. drop-leaf cherry table, hyeakfast set. stands and chairs. barrel of vinegar. crooks; ars. dishes. two iron pots: lawn mower, two wooden tubs. and many other articles 100 numerous to men - tion Sale at 9:30 a m. Terma cash This single @ Sensational vals ” SPRING FILLED Livi Room Suites. WORTH 85° Matching and comfortad.e Occasional Chair, 2ll covered in vurable fabrics for long wear fofs and Chair £1.25 WEEK Wy South Dakota HORSES! AT THE HOTEL BARN, Is a clean-up sale. Lunch will be served on the premises. Mayes and Stover, aucts X25 TO USE | EN —————————— | H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 357% FINE GROVE MILLS, PA. 17 | sTAMP MAKE IT COUNT WITH CENTRE WALL PA Wednesday Evening Real Quality Shoes ||| 2m 1 Borrel Mares. iv. B68 2 Borrel Mares 7-8 ! Borrel Mares, ........6-7 2 Black Celdings ..... 5-8 Such Names as ROBLEE BUSTER BROWN and WOLVERINE Insure This Quality For the Convenience of Workers We Will Remain Open Tuesday, June 15 until 9 P. M. YEAGER’S ‘Bellefonte’'s Hom» Shoe Store \ 4 Pc. BEDROOMS | “ boi? j g v oe : iy Melaing. re 4 : HB A modern suite at this LOW PRICE ? Sorrel and he Mare. 7 : General Auctioneer " : f= truly a sensation’ Includes: Bed, 10 ; ’ : 3- : pr Chest, choice of Dresser or Vanity i Sars ns ding 3d Real Estate Sales Fry and Vanity Bench. ALL 4 PIECES 1 Oray Mare. .......... : : , SPECIALLY PRICED | AIRSTEP L. FRANK MAYES A BPECIALTY CALL STATE COLLEGE, 332 Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding in the sale of your property. 1 Gray Gelding 1 Bay Pony Geiding. . .. This is another good load of horses bought direct from the farms. You will find selected teams and singles In this load with outstanding quality. Don't miss this sale if in need of a good team or single horse: Sale rain or shine, Wally Gruenewald RAY CA R, Auct, Past experiences have proven that public sales of real estate demand higher prices. A pumber of Farms and several Residences will be offered of public sale in the near future Watch for Dates! FURNITURE CO Bellefonte, Pa.