Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 03, 1943, Image 8
Fifty Years Ago Since last week the trees have put on thelr new summer dress cloth ing their limbs in beautiful green foliage. The leaves were slow In ar- riving, but are appreciated all the more. Summer is here in all its ver- dure Last Friday morning engine 256 with a special car, engineer Jud Weaver, made the trip from Lock Haven to Tyrone, over the Bald Ea- gle Valley Rallroad, a distance of 54 miles. including stops, in one hour and eight minutes. That is covering space in rapid time Marriage licenses the following couples: James Leitch and Ella Haines, both of Howard, Albert J. Gibbony, Philipsburg, and Agnes McManany, Lewistown; Wil- liam Watson and Mary C. Conaway, both of Burnside; J. Edward Confer and Ella Watson, both of Milesburg: David Hoffman, Snow Shoe, and Jennie Griffith, of Broad Top: Wil- liam Confer and Annie Keeler, both of Roland Mr. David were issued to of Sharer Zion, has but is slowly Improving Spangler, who resides lersville and Rebersburg, had a nar- row escape from death. After amining a Winchester rifle ceeded to load it, with the floor and the barrel toward his head The Was rather tight for the barrel and Mr Spangler attempted to force it, when it exploded. The flash severely burn- ed Mr. Spangler’s face and the flying his lip to such extent « a physician stitch the separated parts : between Ty- he pro- pointed shell pleces cut an as to require to Twent proprietor « he Petri- on + would open a tea root C House on wheons and ave were issued the following couples: George Crain Osceola Mills, and Mary M. Cole, of Philipsburg; Ferdinand O. Galla Pittsburgh, and Margar ] W o rhe at gher ¢ \ Zeek Baird Milesburg f Milesburg Ow mobile Beech from } passed scratching demolished Raymond J in charg Bellefonte had been nam Green, who had been +3 id + the ¢ Of the radio station a ne air field for some ippointed chie the Leviat was to make its { erator aboard was taken from the World War 1 had been completely overhauled and refurnished, and was considered the most palatial boat afloat. Mr. Green Was for the post from group of more than 40 applicants and chosen a for {ted of two clay pipes erty on Linn street handsome residence and large vases on either side add much to be gen- eral being put around the property some been dangerously ill the past week, on the foundations of a stable which Samuel | will correspond ex- in dence occupied the stock on vears material ased by Mr 1} y Ye St John's Evangelion) & Reformed Rev. C. Nevin Stamm, Church {school, 9:30 a. m., Fred Hayes and Rulph Owens, Supts. Worship service Bible, formerly |. 4 sermon, 10:45 a. m Prof. George P local editor of this newspaper, Was in town this week. Mr. Bible re- cently was elected principal of the new State Normal School, Strouds- burg here were twelve applicants the position and among them Bible, although one of the was elected St. John's Episcopal, Bellefonte Rev. Francis P. Davis, minister. {Bunday after Ascension. 9:46 a. m,, {church schools; 11 a. m., morning prayer with sermon. A cordial wel- Mr fecome at all services youngest, Mitch Cunningham has a novel clock in his clar store. The face of the clock is made out of a lot of cigar boxes with the hours marked by cigarettes. The hands are construc- It Is a gen- uine clock and keeps elegant time Mart Garman adjusted the works and Mitch designed the case Hublersburg-Zion Reformed Charge Charles G. Link, minister, Hublers- burg Church school, 9:30 a. m.: Di- vine service, 10:30 a. m. Zion—Union Church school, 9:30 a. m.: Divine ervice, 7:30 p. m Milesburg Presbyterian Charge Rev, Howard E. Oakwood, pastor Port Matilda-Bible school 8:30 a. m.; morning worship 10:30. Unlon- ville—-Evening worship 7:30; Bible study class, Monday, June 7, at 8 p. m. Milesburg--Bible school 9:30 a. m.; Christian Endeavor 6 p. m Considerable work is being done at present on W. Fred Reynolds’ prop- New stone steps laid in front of the were recently fence is For work A new —— Advent Church C. Shuey, pastor. Sunday school 10 o'clock, Howard Hicks, Supt at 11 o'clock Christian 6:30, Mrs. Olive Rhoads, Our revival services closed results. The church was appearance time men have been at C at Preaching Endeavor resident with some satisfactory membership of the rreatly helped out of brown stone to with the house John a force of stone cutters, is work, The resi- for a number James Milliken, sold to Dr Haves and purchased by Mr. Rey- being away this week to enlarge the lawn. The of this house was purch- John C. Miller, who will be built Noll, with charge of this of by Warriors Mark Methodist Charge R. Roland Ritter, minister, War- riors Mark--church school at 9:30 use it for the construction of a resi. {Morning worship 10:35; observance repr a3 next Rural Life Sunday, sermon “God same | 8nd a Farmer.” Youth Pellowship 7:00. Dungarvin-<church school at 1:30; preaching 2:30, sermon "Cod and a Farmer.” St. John's Lutheran, Bellefonte Rev. Clarence E. Arnold, pastor Sunday after Ascension, June 6th 9:30 a m. Sunday school: 10:45 a m., the Service and sermon: “Set Your Affection on Things Above 7:30 p. m., Vespers and sermon: “En- {during Temptation The Willing Workers will meet Tuesday at |] m nolds, is torn in order f L8H " : lence for himself the Woodward pri street on a lot to wperty on the ars Ago Ripka ilding uw: College, was severly emploved N injured El workman construction mer A D girder fell to his he ican A DEAV) He wa ng Mills f a phy Of taken where Dome 3 Was * Care on Samuel Weaver, a member of the Bellefonte team in the Centre Coun- Baseball League, suffered a frac- f tl leg during a Mem- with State Cx ge he made a slide into home 4) » The Methodist Church in Bellefonte H. C. Stenger, Jr. minister Church school 2:30, Harold Wion, \ = wn ) supt.. morning worship 10:45 ser- plate He was a patient the | . Bellefonte Hosoital ! {mon by the pastor, subject Rewards tes. Atha EAT Lhd lof Followers. Evening worship at Alkey, of Bellefonte, was tak [7:30 with sermon subject: Sifting he Rubbish. Midweek prayer ser- the Bellefonte Hospital to un- |, . vice and Bible study on Wednesday @ ture ie left 2 rial Day game Res when al a minor He had abace operation anh and an th oped caused b I Was at p.m wok POs Milesburg- Unionville Methodist Services for June 6. Rev William ? A. Snyder. minister Milesburg reparing to move | " > prepa rs ichurch school 9:30; Youth Pellow- evening worship at 7:30 performe- prea f the blood infection A. E. Schad wa plumbing Allegheny room merly anda Wh street location shop from the present | Op ¥ | hip Pl 10 eg High Wednesday June 9, prayer service pied by the D.|8¢ 7 3. Board of Education and Sons clothing tore | Workers Conference at 8:30. Union- vacating the Alle. |Yile—chureh school §:15. morning worship, 10:30; Youth Peliowship at 6:30, Thursday, June 10, prayer ser- y ‘30 vice | { y "“ hy on an into th » frre Ore on ' treet. for Oct ¢ I. Willard Mr. Schad gheny ince the bulld it + raded t for 0 make way te College, em- ng operations at First Evangelical, Bellefonte was taken to H. Halbert Jacobs, pastor, 9:30 a Hospital for treat. Mm. Sunday Church school, Edward very serious injuries of the |J. Teaman, Supt. 10:35 a. m., preach. head. He suffered the injury when |ing service. The Rev. N. L. Hummel, he was struck on the head by a piece | D.D.. superintendent of the Wil. of building material which fell from | lamsport district, will preach the in He was married and there (sermon. 6:30 Pp. m., The Crusaders were seven children in the family 7:30 p. m.. preaching service. Sermon subject, “The Jallor Questions About Bellefonte ment of Piedad THOS LOUISA’S LETTER Dear Louisa: I been with a boy for abo four months. We were plan- ning to be married until my parents objected and sald I was too young We then planned be married when [ was seventeen vears old. 1 stil] go with him once in a while. He is now goirig with another girl doesn't want me to go with other boys. He is first with her, and then with me. If you were me, would you go with other boys and not with him any more, the way he has done, or he wait for him? Give me some good advice, | | have { coing going 1t i to n n out 8.—~Virginia Answer I think you would be very foolish to give all of your time to a boy who is sharing his attentions with you and another girl I don't see any harm in his going with other girls, if he is willing for you to go with other boys. In fact, at age, 1 think it mich better to go with several than to limit yourself to a your H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 3579 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. have to take on extra work Salvation.” The Ladies’ Aid will meet iat the church on Tuesday evening at Wednesday evening at 7 o'- | special prayer hour; at 7:30 ithe prayer meeting. The Church School Board will meet following the meeting. You are wel- come at all of our services ed. you sho ne On Pp Le However, if y decide with any he should also keep away girls. What “fair for for gander,” | 41 A if to one Loy not to go other boy, om prayer £ $9) } il owner fair the gOOse is Know think parents were very sensible to persuade you not to get married so young. They have prob saved you from a lot of unhap- United Brethren, Bellefonte G. E. Householder, pastor. Unified serviecs beginning at 9:30 a. m., Wil- ison R. Shope, supt. in charge. De- ivotions at 9:30 a. m.. sermon at 19:50 a. m. by the pastor. Sunday | school lesson study at 10:20; closing Dear Louisa iat 11 o'clock. Rally Day will be ob- I [ horoughly agree with you that served in the MOMHIng services. The all this war work is a lot of foolish- | HE¥1Y orgasined Hille chon ot he Ris 1 think women should <tay | CHUrch will furnish special music for home and attend to their families. fhe Rally a oes. Snratian " ~ Mls! M . HOMELOVER—Mass. | arvices at 7:30 by the pastor, sub- . [Jeet “Sins Committed Against the { Holy Spirit by Unbelievers.” The You misunderstood my letter, if} . ? male chorus will sing at the eveni vou think I said that all this WAT | corvices 8 ng work is foolish. In fact, any one who | i reads and thinks at all, is convinced | that it necessary and a vitall Blanchard-Dix Run Baptist part in our winning the war i Rev. Wiliam J Shope, pastor. What I did say was that no moth- | Liberty Baptist Church, Blanchard: er should do war work at the ex.| Unified morning service of Sunday pense of her children’s welfare, un- your LOUISA « Answer is very | school and morning worship 9:45 to less it is absolutely necessary to sup-| 11 o'clock. Tuesday, June 8, Child- ply them with food and clothing |ren’s meeting at 3:30; glad hour Neglected children who run wild and | service at 7:30. Plans have been pick up bad habits are too big a | completed for opening a community price to pay for extra luxuries vacation Bible school the day follow- But there are thousands of wom-| ing the closing of the public school. en who have no reason for not help- This presents a splendid opportun- ing in this war effort, and they are | ity for your child to receive Christ- tise slackers when they spend|ian education with out cost. The their partying and amusing the busy women real days themselves while in the school house. Send your boys and girls to the community Bible school. Messiah Baptist, Dix Run—8unday school 9:30; evening worship at 7:30. There will be no LOUISA young peoples meeting for Priday evening. Hospital Board Named Edward PF. Price, of Danville, was elected president of the board of trustees of Danville State Hospital at the annual re-organization meeting held at the hospital. Other officers named were: Prancis M. Haas Sun- bury, vice president: L. Bielke, treasurer. Moth Preventive Hang a couple of small bags gum camphor inside the plano near THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. — — A ————— _..; CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL | IN THE WEEK'S NEWS Monday of Last Week, | Admitted: Miss Mary Meek, of | Bellefonte, | | Discharged: Edward Hanlan, Jr, {State College; Miss Maudella Rock- ey, Bellefonte; Mrs. Nevin Stover, | Woodward Births: & son to George H. Monsell, Bellefonte BR. D 12; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Willlsn | Hoover, Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday of Last Week: Admitted: Miss Lucy Musser, Spring Mills Discharged: Robert R. Wighman, Port Matilda R. D.; Mrs. Donald E | Knisely and infant daughter, Belle- fonte; Mrs, David E. Dorman and infant son, Milesburg Admitted Tuesday and discharged Thursday: Mrs. Martha Peters, of Milesburg Admitted Tuesday and discharged Wednesday. Charles C. Brown, Jr, Bellefonte; Thomas R. O'Connell Jr., State College Wednesday of Last Week: Admitted: James C. Huey, Mad- isonburg Discharged: Steve Yakicle, Port Matilda; Mrs. Kaye Vinson, State College: Mrs. Thomas A. Ballenger and Infant son, State College R. D Admitted Wednesday and dischar- ged the following day: Miss Eleanor Markle, State College; Ellen Cur- rier, State College Birth: a son to Charles Goodman of Mr. and Bellefonte Thursday of Last Week, Admitted Roy Decker Mrs Pleasant Gap Dischmrged: Miss Helen Porgeous, State College; Mrs. C. Paul Zeigler {and infant son, Port Matilda: O Elwood Fry, Penna, Purnace. Mrs Alonzo Gummo, Bellefonte | Friday, Admitted: Mrs. Mary Z Fisher, State College; Miss Rita Miller, of State College, and Nancy Jane De- | Armitt, Lemont Mrs. W Joseph E Discharged Lemont; Mrs State College Admitted Priday and discharged the same day: Carol Monsell, Pleas- ant Gap Saturday. Admitted tray Discharged: Mrs. Reynolds Van Buskirk and infant daughter, Belle- fonte; Mrs. G. Elwood Fry and in- fant daughter, Bellefonte; Mrs. Roy E. Miller and infant son, Coburn; Miss Margaret Hazel, State College Birth: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Norris, State College R. D. | C. Tressler, Russell, of Charles Blakely, Mon- Sunday. Admitted: Mrs. Harry Justice Bellefonte: Mrs. John Lockhart Bellefonte R. D. 2 Discharged: Mrs man and infant son, Bellefonte Births: a son to Mr and Mrs Merle Wheland, Penna. Purnace, a son to Mr. and Mrs Clarence Bon- nell, Bellefonte There were forty-three patients in the hospital at the beginning of this week of of Charles Good- UNIONVILLE Methodist monthl of the Service thi Church The y¥ business meeting Wo ns Bo lety of will be held In the church Thursday evening at 7.30 p. m Sunday school Sunday morning fol- lowed by the regular preaching ser- vice at 10:30, with sermon Ly the pastor, Rev. William A Snyder. Jun- or Pellowship in the afternoon at 2:30, at the home of Mrs. Harriet Askins, and Junior Pellowship in the evening at 6:30 at the church regular and social hristian i w Preaching service In the Presby- terian church Sunday evening at 7:30, with sermon by the pastor, Rev H E. Oakwood Free Methodist service Friday school Sunday wowed by ular pre ning at Church: Prayer evening Sunday morning at 9:30, fol- meeting and the reg- service Sunday eve. with sermon by he pastor, Rev. H. C, Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. John Hoff and the latter's sister. Miss Elisa Willams of Tyrone, are spending a fw Ry: at the B. E Hoit home here Mr. and Mra. Gilbert Keatley and daughter Lois Anne, visited on Sun- day at the home of his mother, Mrs.» Margaret Keatley, and also other relatives in the community Miss Ida Mae Barton, daughter of Mrs. Haze! Barton, is spending her vacation her home here aller having gradustied from the Lock Haven Teachers’ College last Tues- day i The following persons atlended commencemen: exercises at the Lock Haven Teachers” College last Tues. day: Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Lucas, Mrs Hazel Barton and daughter Florence, and Mrs. John Hoff of Tyrone { Mrs. James T. Metzler and daugh- ter Blaine who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Metzler, for some lime past, re.) turned to thelr home in Niagara Palls, N. Y. last Monday. leaving their son Melvin, to spend his vaca- | tion with his grandparents ! Mrs. John Whipple, =45 has been visiting with Mrs Orrie Holt and other relatives and friends In and. about the community for the past couple weeks, returned to her home in Rochester, N. Y.. last Wednesday. Prank Irvin Wf Union township, Bush Hollow, visited last Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. James A. Metzler | Mrs. Anna Morrison and daugh- ter Mae, of Altoona, spent Memorial {Day at the Nome of Mr and Mrs Harry P. Jones 3 Birthday Surprise: A very delight- | {ful birthday surprise dinner was held last Saturday evening : home of Mr. and Mrs Harre P. Jones | ‘at which time the menu consisted of | chicken and waffles, given in honor of the birthday of Mr Jones, also ing 7.30, at | | Leitzel of Tyrone, who was present to enjoy it. Those present were Mr.’ and Mrs. W. C. Wiser and children, | Sammy and Shirley Mrs. Susie Wis-' ler and granddaughter, Patsy Wiser, | iall of Port Matilda, Mr. and Mrs. | {John King and Mr. ana Mrs. John) IC. Leitzel of Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. | Harry Jones and son Paul. Both ‘many more happy birthdays. | Harry Eckert of Trafford, spent iMemorial Day visiting with friends {and relatives in and about the com- | munity. { Mrs. Savilla Parsons of Williams port, spent the past week visiting {with her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. B. , returning to her home | Wednesday of this week. | Mrs. William Lucas spent Sunday iand Monday visiting with relatives ‘ih and about Williamsport and vis- iting the cemetery there where her services for the dedication of the R. Clancey, who Killed in World War I Invocation was conducted by Rev. HC. Jacobs of the Free Met} odist church and addres, y Rev. W. A Snyder of the Methodist hurch. Miss Jda Maes Barton recited WR the { State Here Is Postponed (Continusd from page one) box in library, $7.24, and American Association of University Women, State College, $20 The new library sign at the corner of the lot is the gift of the M. L Claster Co. This much-needed fea- ture will be helpful not only to in- {dicate the location of the library but to convey to all countians the information thot registration, books and service are free to them as well #8 to residents of Bellefonte bor- ough Two new magazine subscriptions have been added to the collection as the gift of Mrs. Edward Kofman “Wee Wisdom,” for very small child- ren and the well known “St. Nich- olas Magazine,” reviewed in March, 19043. The UDrary also owns the first nine volumes of this periodical which began publication in 1873 under the editorship of Mary Mapes Dodge, the famous author Hans Brinker the Sliver Skate The Pennsylvar Cnservation asks that the | ! ( public be enlisted In collec preserving the cultural America. In the ¢1 ing of metal and of or Jommitiee on Resources generas ral { the ting and heritage LAT of thusias gather. LL © possible to overlook the old NEWSpDRpers documents and personal letter and women who have played 1 important part in the development of the Of times value th Map mater attics and basement an overhauling careful scru in] before mslgning it pie. The ( Boclety whose headquarter the County Library glad Ww receive al preserve f Crap paper, f val value of state these have rich historical ne as time when are ing that all mater- the waste Historical are in will be material the t far ex g their va a eee suggested ti + given to ¢ wnt County Centre Coun ~ ‘In Planders Pleld,” and the group ¥Ho sang “The Star Spangled Banter” The boys whose names are already on the Honor Roll from the borough and township sre ax follows Clair Ammerman, Lawrence Ammerman Foster Ammerman, Phillip Alexan- der, Bdward Barton, Willlam Bar- tan, William Barndt, Grant Brower James Bruss, Ardery Calhoun. David Casper, Homer Comiey, Raymond Connelly, George Connelly, Charles Dubbs, Peter Dubie, Lewis Emen- hizer, Nelson Pisher Join God Joseph Haines, Robert Haines § Hall Wharton Haines, Howard Hall Stewart Hall, Richard Hall Walter Hall, Glenn Harper, Ralph Harper Russel] Holt, Walter Houtz, Ida Jan. et. Chester Lucas Lemus] Lucas, Paul Lucas: Samuel! Lucas Walter Lucas Charles Mitchell Edward Moore. Paul Musser, Nelson Navior Kenneth Parsons, Joseph Plerce Jolin Resides. Paul Rezides, Andrew Robison, Basil Robison, John Sax- ton. Liovd Spotts, John Steere, Don- ald Walker, Gilbert Watson, Mahlon Watson, Paul Watson, Russel] Wat- son, Joseph Way, Alonza Willams Guy Witherite, Lester Witherite, Ted Witherite, Leonard Witt, Oscar Wol- eslagle, Walter Zahniser, Porrest Flick, Clarence Showers, Clair Logue Clair Flick, Paul Caster, Ralph Stonebraker, and Harry Walters This makes a list of 0 young men with more expecting 10 go very soon Mr. and Mrs. G. Harold Keatley of Washington, D C are visiting this week with his mother, Mrs Margaret Keatley, and greeting his many friends in the neighborhood Miss Charlotte Blere spent the past weekend visiting with Mrs. Hel. en Bnoke and children of Union township Mrs. Stella Parsons returned to her home the latter part of last week after having spent the winter months at the home of Mr. and Mrs Clark Williams is nk Daly SCHOEArsip DIATY YW Rig 1 tation: It is pi mer book wher= child reading between rh Bible es wishing a chiiaren ai sum- rain thie CGritin oe Se REVO nn ms vas COth- it wr any cation munity lection of books for adults and may have 2% to 100 books free of charge by ap plying Mrs. Carl iversen Bellefonte to the Nbrarian County Libra ry APE MOongy et SPE Mr. and Mrs. Philip Armstrong of State College, called on friends in the community on Memorial Day Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stevenson of Altoona, spent Memorial Day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. B Btere Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alcott of Al- { H toona, spent the past weekend visit. ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Rue] Lucas Memorial Day was very quiet in visitors as on previous years on ac- count of the shortage of gas and ban on pleasure driving, and the ser- graves at the various cemeteries were decorated, which shows they were not forgotten in spirit. Very few persons visited the cemeteries, although graves were well taken care of by persons appointed or hired for that purpose. We hope by another Memorial Day things will be better Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams at- school will open at 9:30, June 8th. guests received lovely gifts, and all tended the Memorial Day parade Sessions each morning until 11:30 departed wishing the honor guests and services in Bellefonte on Sun- day evening. Mrs. Williams was one of the Cold Star mothers from World War I and was one of the honor guests in the parade and was presented with a bunch of rosebuds. Harry G. Musser and daughter Helen, of Williamsport, spent severa] days over Memorial Day visiting with friends in the community. Harry was a former resident of this community and likes to come back We are glad to learn that our good friend and neighbor, Mr. B. G. Holt, MARKET QUOTATIONS : | at the and about our community, not many vices which had been planned were honoring the birthday of John co. spoiled on account of rain. Soldiers’ | 1 oney AGDURZED sacks IN AMERICA Hs ayaryihing a or ng a —— Library Meeting Two Zion Farms | June 3, 1943, "Public Sales BATURDAY. JUNE 12 Ward, sdministrstor the Albert ¥ Hazel eniatle will er st pubic sale st the late residence in Un torn lonville, Pa, a Tull line of house Bale at | ockck H fv) BATURDAY. JUNE ones iH Ow Leys 1=Pact for Clarence When offer wt Duby the bullding pho Pans 4 \ Damaged by Wind (Continued from page one) B. Bubeil of ” on streams of water to shreds and curtailing from thelr anchorage Parts of the roof of the house and barn were found In adjoining fields while other parts were carried 0 the fields of netighboring the house roof left heavy rafters went with cutting the bullding off neatly at the square Members of the Elen at home, bul none them were Wn- jared Boring On the Harry Rockey farm anted by Russell Stove tree uprooted in g i the Blinds were ripped were 10-The Commis ALLOY - A Houts Bie al Lhe Mali Wownshiip ie nor #A Unionville line of household woods 30 1 mn Terma JRE 12 t Hiv tre County farm t i Fa x Tull ie at MY, N a ‘ mals BATURI Is family were Las 3 Ta Pr Vil " pub of : CC Burtges resider Mills household bo of the late C. C. Bartge Lhe ter and were the barn carried a short and part off wrapped Poles A foundation were proken ‘ Whe Rrounac and fence | Saturday, June 5 DANIE MeKINLEY chicken h was blown so | ) el ; or Ji ber o : ie a milk truck inside HOUSEHOLD GOODS Unde nn ne OO0 net : 4 ana Kid Saturday, June 12 KH Fulwll Ward F. Hazel sale at the ¢ Cer) Lae Executor esi HOUSHHOLL Pour Escape Drowning Bu ) Saturday, June 12 J. M KIRKFPATKICK FOR SALE! JOHN DEERE TRACTOR MODEL B Bought New Last October Excellent Condition THIS TRACTOR WiLL SOLD AT By THE BEGULAR CLINTON AUCTION MILL HALL. PA MONDAY, JUNE 7th SALE BEGINS AT 1 P.M JOE BECHDEL TR Saturday, June 12 WILLIAM TAYLOR 4 - Sik . Ker Laie 3 ae fromm, SHAFFER’S HAVE THE BIG VALUES Bargains In Non-Rationed Items ! For Taste, Try Pure, Sweet, No Better! Table-Grade, NU-MAID There Is No ter EVERYDAY (5 points) Oleo ~20c|Milk « ~10¢c Morton's Salt. . . ... ... .26-0z. pkg. 10¢c Ralston Wheat Cereal... ..... ... .25¢ Ranger Joe Honey Coated Cereal 2 for 25¢ Cherrioats . . . . . cain 136 Muffets . . . irises ns Me Marjorie Daw Macaroni... . . |b pkg. 13¢ Marjorie Daw Spaghetti... . |b pkg 13¢ Marjorie Daw Noodles. . . . . |b pkg. 17¢ P. A, Peanut Butter. ....12 02. 24¢ Lifebuoy Soap. . . . .....4 bars 15¢ Lux Toilet-Soap. ...........2 bars 15¢ Swan Soap for Beauty. . . 3 reg. bars 19¢ Rinso .....large pkg. 25¢ PENN-ALTO SPICED CAKE 29¢c 37¢ PENN-ALTO SALAD DRESSING me 23¢ QUAKER CORN MEAL 5-23c the felt, but not touching the re- Honor Roll scheduled to be held on sounding keys, and this will discour- Sunday afternoon were postponed age moths from feasting on the until Monday afternoon on account felts. fof rain on Sunday, but a {just about as bad, but services It's about time for the United held on Monday at the site of States to stand up on its own legs Honor Roll, which Is located and take on international responsi- the postoffice and alongside bilities, |memoriai whieh was erected for E—— — Ee ——— ——— ——— orn SHAFFER STORES CO. ——— —— especially on party lines THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. W, & Co, Ine, Flour Mill, he