Fifty Years Ago Since last week the trees have put on thelr new summer dress cloth ing their limbs in beautiful green foliage. The leaves were slow In ar- riving, but are appreciated all the more. Summer is here in all its ver- dure Last Friday morning engine 256 with a special car, engineer Jud Weaver, made the trip from Lock Haven to Tyrone, over the Bald Ea- gle Valley Rallroad, a distance of 54 miles. including stops, in one hour and eight minutes. That is covering space in rapid time Marriage licenses the following couples: James Leitch and Ella Haines, both of Howard, Albert J. Gibbony, Philipsburg, and Agnes McManany, Lewistown; Wil- liam Watson and Mary C. Conaway, both of Burnside; J. Edward Confer and Ella Watson, both of Milesburg: David Hoffman, Snow Shoe, and Jennie Griffith, of Broad Top: Wil- liam Confer and Annie Keeler, both of Roland Mr. David were issued to of Sharer Zion, has but is slowly Improving Spangler, who resides lersville and Rebersburg, had a nar- row escape from death. After amining a Winchester rifle ceeded to load it, with the floor and the barrel toward his head The Was rather tight for the barrel and Mr Spangler attempted to force it, when it exploded. The flash severely burn- ed Mr. Spangler’s face and the flying his lip to such extent « a physician stitch the separated parts : between Ty- he pro- pointed shell pleces cut an as to require to Twent proprietor « he Petri- on + would open a tea root C House on wheons and ave were issued the following couples: George Crain Osceola Mills, and Mary M. Cole, of Philipsburg; Ferdinand O. Galla Pittsburgh, and Margar ] W o rhe at gher ¢ \ Zeek Baird Milesburg f Milesburg Ow mobile Beech from } passed scratching demolished Raymond J in charg Bellefonte had been nam Green, who had been +3 id + the ¢ Of the radio station a ne air field for some ippointed chie the Leviat was to make its { erator aboard was taken from the World War 1 had been completely overhauled and refurnished, and was considered the most palatial boat afloat. Mr. Green Was for the post from group of more than 40 applicants and chosen a for {ted of two clay pipes erty on Linn street handsome residence and large vases on either side add much to be gen- eral being put around the property some been dangerously ill the past week, on the foundations of a stable which Samuel | will correspond ex- in dence occupied the stock on vears material ased by Mr 1} y Ye St John's Evangelion) & Reformed Rev. C. Nevin Stamm, Church {school, 9:30 a. m., Fred Hayes and Rulph Owens, Supts. Worship service Bible, formerly |. 4 sermon, 10:45 a. m Prof. George P local editor of this newspaper, Was in town this week. Mr. Bible re- cently was elected principal of the new State Normal School, Strouds- burg here were twelve applicants the position and among them Bible, although one of the was elected St. John's Episcopal, Bellefonte Rev. Francis P. Davis, minister. {Bunday after Ascension. 9:46 a. m,, {church schools; 11 a. m., morning prayer with sermon. A cordial wel- Mr fecome at all services youngest, Mitch Cunningham has a novel clock in his clar store. The face of the clock is made out of a lot of cigar boxes with the hours marked by cigarettes. The hands are construc- It Is a gen- uine clock and keeps elegant time Mart Garman adjusted the works and Mitch designed the case Hublersburg-Zion Reformed Charge Charles G. Link, minister, Hublers- burg Church school, 9:30 a. m.: Di- vine service, 10:30 a. m. Zion—Union Church school, 9:30 a. m.: Divine ervice, 7:30 p. m Milesburg Presbyterian Charge Rev, Howard E. Oakwood, pastor Port Matilda-Bible school 8:30 a. m.; morning worship 10:30. Unlon- ville—-Evening worship 7:30; Bible study class, Monday, June 7, at 8 p. m. Milesburg--Bible school 9:30 a. m.; Christian Endeavor 6 p. m Considerable work is being done at present on W. Fred Reynolds’ prop- New stone steps laid in front of the were recently fence is For work A new —— Advent Church C. Shuey, pastor. Sunday school 10 o'clock, Howard Hicks, Supt at 11 o'clock Christian 6:30, Mrs. Olive Rhoads, Our revival services closed results. The church was appearance time men have been at C at Preaching Endeavor resident with some satisfactory membership of the rreatly helped out of brown stone to with the house John a force of stone cutters, is work, The resi- for a number James Milliken, sold to Dr Haves and purchased by Mr. Rey- being away this week to enlarge the lawn. The of this house was purch- John C. Miller, who will be built Noll, with charge of this of by Warriors Mark Methodist Charge R. Roland Ritter, minister, War- riors Mark--church school at 9:30 use it for the construction of a resi. {Morning worship 10:35; observance repr a3 next Rural Life Sunday, sermon “God same | 8nd a Farmer.” Youth Pellowship 7:00. Dungarvin- prepa rs ichurch school 9:30; Youth Pellow- evening worship at 7:30 performe- prea f the blood infection A. E. Schad wa plumbing Allegheny room merly anda Wh street location shop from the present | Op ¥ | hip Pl 10 eg High Wednesday June 9, prayer service pied by the D.|8¢ 7 3. Board of Education and Sons clothing tore | Workers Conference at 8:30. Union- vacating the Alle. |Yile—chureh school §:15. morning worship, 10:30; Youth Peliowship at 6:30, Thursday, June 10, prayer ser- y ‘30 vice | { y "“ hy on an into th » frre Ore on ' treet. for Oct ¢ I. Willard Mr. Schad gheny ince the bulld it + raded t for 0 make way te College, em- ng operations at First Evangelical, Bellefonte was taken to H. Halbert Jacobs, pastor, 9:30 a Hospital for treat. Mm. Sunday Church school, Edward very serious injuries of the |J. Teaman, Supt. 10:35 a. m., preach. head. He suffered the injury when |ing service. The Rev. N. L. Hummel, he was struck on the head by a piece | D.D.. superintendent of the Wil. of building material which fell from | lamsport district, will preach the in He was married and there (sermon. 6:30 Pp. m., The Crusaders were seven children in the family 7:30 p. m.. preaching service. Sermon subject, “The Jallor Questions About Bellefonte ment of Piedad THOS LOUISA’S LETTER Dear Louisa: I been with a boy for abo four months. We were plan- ning to be married until my parents objected and sald I was too young We then planned be married when [ was seventeen vears old. 1 stil] go with him once in a while. He is now goirig with another girl doesn't want me to go with other boys. He is first with her, and then with me. If you were me, would you go with other boys and not with him any more, the way he has done, or he wait for him? Give me some good advice, | | have { coing going 1t i to n n out 8.—~Virginia Answer I think you would be very foolish to give all of your time to a boy who is sharing his attentions with you and another girl I don't see any harm in his going with other girls, if he is willing for you to go with other boys. In fact, at age, 1 think it mich better to go with several than to limit yourself to a your H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 3579 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. have to take on extra work Salvation.” The Ladies’ Aid will meet iat the church on Tuesday evening at Wednesday evening at 7 o'- | special prayer hour; at 7:30 ithe prayer meeting. The Church School Board will meet following the meeting. You are wel- come at all of our services ed. you sho ne On Pp Le However, if y decide with any he should also keep away girls. What “fair for for gander,” | 41 A if to one Loy not to go other boy, om prayer £ $9) } il owner fair the gOOse is Know think parents were very sensible to persuade you not to get married so young. They have prob saved you from a lot of unhap- United Brethren, Bellefonte G. E. Householder, pastor. Unified serviecs beginning at 9:30 a. m., Wil- ison R. Shope, supt. in charge. De- ivotions at 9:30 a. m.. sermon at 19:50 a. m. by the pastor. Sunday | school lesson study at 10:20; closing Dear Louisa iat 11 o'clock. Rally Day will be ob- I [ horoughly agree with you that served in the MOMHIng services. The all this war work is a lot of foolish- | HE¥1Y orgasined Hille chon ot he Ris 1 think women should