Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 03, 1943, Image 7
June 3, 1943. ————— LOCAL ~-Miss Agnes Derstine, of the Forge, early last week went to Altoona to take examinations for entrance into the WAAC, ~Joseph M. Griffin, of Fifth Ave- nue, last Wednesday observed his 60th birthday anniversary. He Is an employe of the Walter Eberhart plumbing shop, South Water street. ~The venerable J. F. Hosterman ' of Penn Hall, sons, George, of Spring Mills, Lt. James Hosterman, of the U Navy, were Bellefonte visitors Friday. Miss Marjory Snyder returned to her home in New York City on Friday, after a brief visit in Belle- fonte with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. Cordes Snyder, of East Linn street, —Mr. and Mrs. T. N. McAlarney, of Bellefonte, proprietors of the Big Trout Inn, South Water street, last Wednesday went to the Glenn Wal- jgzer cabin along Spring Creek for a week's stay. —Pvt. Winfield Hampton, with the U. 8S. Army in Hawaill arrived in Bellefonte last week for a month's visit with his brother, Edward Hampton and family, of North Thomas street, and with other rela tives in this area. —Miss Maxine Crafts, daughter of Mrs. Anne Crafts, of South Thom- as street, last Thursday departed for Fredericksburg, Va, for a sev- earl days visit with her fiance, Charles Eckenroth, of East Bishop street, who Is in training there —Mrs. James G. Taylor, of Bev- erly Hills, Cal. the former Ruth Bertram, of Bellefonte, arrived here Tuesday of last week for a visit with the Misses Marie and Katherine Conaghan and John Conaghan, of the Library apartments, and with other friends and relatives in Belle- fonte and vicinity. —Mrs. PF. C. Van Hoesen, of Buf- falo, N. Y.. expects to return to her home there this weekend after a several weeks’ visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas, in Bu’- falo Run Valley. The reason for her visit at this time was to be with her mother, who has been in poor health for some months —Mrs. Stanley Shellenbarger, for- merly Evelyn Saylor, of Bellefonte, who had been with her husband, Pvt. Shellenbarger, at Camp Picket, arrived here last week to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P Saylor, of Valentine street, for an indefinite time. Pvt Shellenbarger expects to be assigned to a new post of duty. —Roy C. Witmer, of West High street, last Thursday departed for the west coast with the expectation of obtaining employment in electri- cal contracting in California. Early this year Mr. Witmer returned to Bellefonte from Trinidad, British West Indies, where he was in charge of refrigeration work for the U.S Government. Thomas W. Miller, seaman sec- ond class, Priday returned to the Great Lakes Naval Training School at Great Lakes, Ill. after spending a week's furlouegh with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Z. Miller, at their home on East High street Upon returning to the station he was to be assigned to a special school for gunners’ mates —8e¢t. Pred Benner, of Ft. Ben- pine. Ga. is here for a ten-day fur- lough with his mother, Mrs. John Benner. of East Bishop street, and with other relatives in this locality. Sgt. Benner, former Bellefonte Bor- ough employe, entered the service 15 months ago and had been =ta- tioned in California until being transferred to Georgia Mies Mary McSuley, well known local artist, last week began the task of redecorating the two iron foun- tains on the lawn in front of the Court House. Miss McSuley, who for some years has been in charge of painting the fountains, apparent- ly has an inexhaustible variety of color schemes, for the fountains appear in a different combination of colors each spring —Corporal James J. Leitzell, of Ardmore Army Air Base, Ardmore, Oklahoma, arrived in Bellefonte last Wednesday to spend a 13-day leave of absence with his wife and family at their home in Milesbure., Corn. Leitzell, a veteran of World War 1, enlisted in the Air Corps in August, 1942. His son, Pfc. Jerome R. Leit- zell. who is serving in the Marines, has been stationed in Guadalcanal since last June. —Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mingle, of Akron. Ohio, returned to their home there Sunday after a brief visit with the former's father, E. G. Mingle, and Mrs. Mingle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E L. Stover, all of Aaronsburg. The Mingles came east early last week, Mr. Mingle, who Is vice-presi- dent in charge of purchases for the Colonial Salt Company, having con- tinued on to New York to transact business for several days before re- joining his wife at Aaronsburg. ~Cieorge A. Miller, North Spring street, former well known local hard- ware merchant, Friday returned to Ravenna, Ohio, where he has been employed for some time, after hav- ing been off duty for a number of weeks while undergoing surgical treatment. Mr. Miller underwent an oneration at Geisinger Memorial hospital, Danville. He was accom- accompanied by his and S on panied to Ravenna by Mrs. Miller, who expects to remain there for a week before returning to the family home in Bellefonte, —Stealing a march on office em- ployes of the West Penn Power Com- pany here, who had planned a little “farewell party” for him that after noon, Walter T. McCormick, who May 31 retired as district manager | of the West Penn, invited the office staff to the Brockerhoff Hotel for Muncheon at noon, Friday, and the | luncheon and party were combined, with Mr. McCormick being host at the luncheon, and the office staff presenting him with gifts. The affair | was entirely informal and there was | no fixed . About twelve members of the West Penn office force attended the luncheon. of Burn- | side street, and Miss Minnie Miller, | supervisor of Miss Rose Haupt, of Milesburg, | the Bellefonte tele- phone exchange, was on vacation from her duties last week. Mr. and Mrs, Terrill Lucas and family last week East Lamb street to a North Water street ~A, M. Wasson, of Bellwood, was a welcome caller at our office on Tuesday while In town on a visit with his nephew, Sam Wasson and family on East Howard sereet Mrs. Jean Bauer HefMlefinger re- cently resigned her position as a nurse at the Centre County Home and has accepted a post In the glass. ware department at the Murphy Co store on the Diamond Pfc. Phillp Gordon, son of Mr and Mrs. John “Crabby” Gordon of North Thomas street has been trans ferred from a camp in Mississippi to the Army Air Base at Venice, Florida. Pvt. Gordon Is in the Quar- termaster Corps Capt. E. C. Burghdufl, stationed at Patterson Field, Dayton, Ohlo, spent the weekend with Mrs. Burgh- duff at the family home on East Curtin street. Prior to moving to Bellefonte several months ago the Burghduffs resided near Baltimore, Maryland Rev. and Mrs. H Willis Hart- sock, formerly of Bellefonte, Satur- day returned to their home in Ever- ett after a several days’ visit in Bellefonte, during which time they were guests at the Penn Belle Hotel Rev. Hartsock formerly was pastor of the Methodist church here Mother M. Olivia and Sister M Nazarene, Priday, returned to St Xavier Convent, Philadelphia, after a several day visit with the former's mother, Mrs. Willlam McGowan, of near town They came home at this time to attend the funeral of Sister Nazarene's aunt, Mrs. John Kelley, formerly of Bellefonte Pvt. John Whippo, who is stat- loned at the U. 8S. Air Base at Or- lando, Plorida, arrived in Bellefonte, Monday of last week to spend a 15- day furlough with his mother, Mrs. John Whippo, of West Logan street, and with his wife, the former Betty Stover, of Clintondale, who also is visiting at the Whippo home here, Our malling list was corrected this past weekend and all subscrip- tions received up to closing time Friday have been credited Pay- ments received after Priday will not be credited until the end of June, when our mailing list will be cor- rected again. Check the expiration date on the pink label and advise us of any errors Members of the ion Auxiliary Stamp sales moved from house on American Leg- in charge of the War booth at the Murphy store here Saturday morning sold $2880 In stamps, it was reported Sales during the month of April tot- nled $242.15, and during May, $247 - 45. Announcement was made yes- terday that the booth is to be con- tinued every Saturday during June Frank W. West, of East Linn street, who has been serving as a federal juror in Harrisburg since early in May, spent the weekend at his home here, and returned to Har- risburg, Monday, to continue serv- ing on the jury in the trial between the povernment and the Lackawan- na Pants Manufacturing Company which was one of the first cases call- ed and which is still being tried Sgt. Steve Barnyak, of Camp Corras, Col. arrived in Centre Coun- ty, Tuesday, for a 14-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Barnyak, of Moshannon. Sgt. Barn- vak recently received a promotion to Staff Sergeant. A coal operator in private life, he entered the U 8 Army on December 8, 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor, and is now at- tached to a field artillery unit at Camp Corras Rev. Clarence E. Arnold, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, re- turned home Priday, from Harris. burg, where he had attended meet- ines of the Lutheran Synod in ses sion in that city. During his ab- sence, Rev. Arnold also spent some time with Mrs. Arnold, who several weeks ago went to York to spend the summer months at the family: cottage near that city. Her husband will join her there in August during his annual vacation -Pyvt. John Emel. of Clearfield, who has just completed his basic training with the infantry at Fort Belvoir, Va. spent a few hours in Bellefonte last Wednesday with his | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas “Gust” Emel and family, on East Beaver street. John, former well known resident of Bellefonte, who before entering the army was project en- gineer for the State Highway De- | partment at Clearfield, received such | Arthur Ward, of New York City, | spent the weekend in Bellefonte with [Johnson Field, N. C., THE CENTRE DENOTES BELLEFONTE, PA. ~Pfe, Ira Wright, Jr, of SBeemore spent Monday {his mother, Mrs, Belle M, Ward at [at the home of his parents, Mr, and {her home on East Curtin Street. Staff Sgt. Harold Brown, | Camp Polk, La., is spending a 12-day | | Mrs. Ira Wright, of Willowbank of I street, ~Pvt, Kenneth Walker, with the furlough at the home of his wifes | U. 8, Marines at Camp Lejeune, New parents, Mr. and Mrs, tof Willowbank street, Malcolm Wetzler, Jr., turned to the home of his parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Wetzler In Milesburg, after completing his first vear studies at Mercersburg Acad- emy Miss Agnes Han street, Reading with ter-in-law, Mr Shields Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bottorf, of North Spring street, spent the week end in Philadelphia with their dau- ghter, Miss Mary Catherine Bottorf, and with Mrs. Bottorf's sister, Miss Sue Garner David F burg, and Shields of East Lo- her brother and sis- and Mrs Fortney, of Johnson- James N. Deeter, of St Marys, psent the weekend at the home of the former's parents, Mir and Mrs. D. Paul Fortney, of East Bishop street Clyde Corman, with the Navy stationed at Akron, spent the weekend here with rela- tives and friends. Mr. Corman ‘or- merly was an employe of the Belle- fonte postoffice Mrs. John T. Ammerman, of Jersey Shore, visited friends In Bellefonte and vicinity from Priday until Monday. Her mission was look after the graves of relatives the local cemetery Milford W. Cox, guard at the White Hill Industrial School, Camp Hill, spent the weekend in Bellefonte on a business and pleasure mission Mr. Cox formerly conducted the Cox restaurant on West High street Paul R. Emerick class In the Sea-Bees, stationed at Camp Peary, Va. spent the weekend in Bellefonte with Mrs. Emerick and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J Emerick, at the Penn Belle Hotel Franklin Stevens, pharmacist mate, second class, stationed at the Naval Hospital at Bainbridge, Md was a weekend guest of his parent Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stevens, at the family home on East Curtin street Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bullock, North Wilson street, have Philadelphia, where Mr Titan Metal Company employe for eight years, has accepted a position with the Ace Manufacturing Com- pany James Pinge, street, proprietor ber shop on We: U Ohio 8 to in Seaman second of moved to Bullock, a West Curtin of the Plnge t High street, is pected to return to his duties here today after a several day visit with relatives and friends in Lock Haven and vicinity Willlam T Arizona, last Thursday Bellefonte for a month's vi his mother and Blanche Heinle Shaughnessy, at the family on East Howard street The Bellefonte Garden Club will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Benjamin Bradley, 128 North Allegheny street, on Tuesday, June B The business session will open at 4 p m., and will be followed by a picnic supper at 6 p. m Bellefonte Epis goers will be interested to learn former rector, Canon Stuart F now of Williamsport, wa office in the Harrisburg diocese of Episcopal church at the close of the 39th annual convention last week in Harrisburg Ensign Samuel H. Bricker, stat- loned at Camp Peary, Va. spent the weekend in Bellefonte with his wife, the former Betty Zeigler, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr: Clarence Zeigler, of East Curtin street, and with his mother, Mrs Susan Bricker, of Reynolds avenue Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weaver of Philadelphia, returned to their home there yesterday after a Mem- orial Day visit In Bellefonte, The Weavers, who still maintain their home on Penn street, Bellefonte have been in Philadelphia for some time, Mr. Weaver being employed in the Navy Yard there --Mrs. John Mignot on Priday re. turned to her home on East High street from Columbus, Ohio, where she spent five weeks visiting her dauchter. Mrs. OG. Edward Cantwell and family, Mrs. Mignot was ace jcompanied here by her brother | Louis Bigleman, of Los Angeles, Cal, who will be a guest at the Mignot home for a time, of bar - eX Heinle f Phoenix arrived it grandmother and Mrs 0 in with Mrs Mary home church that Crast copal elected to ~-Miss Henrietta Showers, who for (several weeks has been assisting iwith the work at the Harrisburg and New Cumberland telephone ex- changes, arrived in Bellefonte on Saturday, to spend a week's vacation with her mother, Mrs, George Show- iers, of Pleasant Gap. Miss Showers formerly was employed in the Bello fonte exchange. high grades during his basic train- | ing course that he has been assigned | to attend officers’ school at Belvoir -Raloh Dale, member of Belle fonte High School faculty, has been granted a temporary leave of ab-! sence in order to take charge of the farm labor office which opened this | iweek in the Bush Arcade building. | The office, sponsored by the Penn | State Agricultural Extension service, | of which R. C. Blaney is local agent, | will serve as a clearing house where | farm workers may register for em- ployment and where farmers need- | ing help may apply to obtain such | workers. Mr. Dale's duties will con- | tinue until about November when he will resume his teaching duties of the late Peter FP. Keichline, who thas been residing with her son, {Charles, at Lakewgrth, Fla. since the closing of her e here, was the guest of honor recently at a birthday party celebrating her 84th anniversary. Mrs. Lulu Dinan was the hostess. The home was beauti- fully arranged with flowers, the gifts of friends, and after a social time ice cream and cake was served. Plc tures were taken of the honoree and ther friends. Bhe received many lovely gifts and cards. Honoring Mrs, | Keichline were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam | Goss, Mr. and Mrs. John Budy, New i York; Mrs. Edythe Williams, Mont- clair, N. J; Mildred Ferroe, Mrs. Polly Parran, Charles Keichline and Miss Mary Ryan. Mrs. Jennie 8. Keichline, widow | —-Miss Mary Shope, who recently Iwas graduated from the Indiana {State Teachers’ College at Indiana, Pa. is spending the summer season {with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- rv Shove, of East Bishop street, Miss Shope has accepted a teaching posi- ition in the elementary grades of the New Kensington Schools and will | begin her duties there in September. Pvt. Paul Gordon, of Bellefonte, who has been ill for the past ten | weeks in the Naval Hospital, Samp- son, N. Y.. Is reported to be recover- ine steadily. He is reported to be | suffering from rheumatic fever, and Ira Wright, | River, N, C,, spent a brief leave of iabsence during the weekend with has re- | his wife and daughter at thelr home [on Pike street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Handley, of | Washington, D. C, expect to return {to their home there today after a { Memorial Day visit with Mrs. Hand- Edward | iley's brother and sister, Hugh and is spending two weeks in | Miss Rena Turner, at their home on | Bouth Potter street Wehr, seaman class, of the Sea-Bees, construction battalion of the Navy, returned to Camp Endicott, Davisville, N. Y.. on Monday, after spending a 9-dav fur. lough with his parents Mr. and Mrs C. R. Wehr, at their home on East Curtin street Seaman Wehr been stationed at Camp Endicott for the past six weeks Mr. end Mrs. Qrover North Allegheny street, ents of their third child and third ron, born at 5 o'clock last Thursday morning at the Centre County hos. pital. The younsgter, who welghed over 8 pounds at birth, has named Kenneth Eugene. Mr man is proprietor of Corman's Market on West High street Mrs. Laura E. Holt D. 1. a Bellefonte v was forced to Memorial Day Mrs. Emmett ern part of t state who has eight 3 In one in the Marines Mother at the honor roll in her orial Day Pvt. Edwin Linn street ed into 1 Eugene second Corman of ure the par- been Cor- Food i uy of Jullan stor terd for rend ve plan with a the west McCabe the Armv and was Lhe Honor dedication of the home Mem cance) visit McCabe “ Mr: sOn town K. Taylo who recently SIvice, is lee, Va efore Pvt. Tavior, son Harry C. Tavior Was assistant in the of the soliritar general of the svilvania Railroad in Pvt. Tavior haz been the infantry Pe Tom Bellef Tax Brown and Mrs gan street, su late yes morn dent which happer cal education fonte High 8c the Centre treat of wi stationed at C entering the of Mr. and of East Linn Fant Call amp ’rmy Mr street offices Penne- Philadelphia sOUcCitor KEfigneqd 10 Rrovn, J on wee | of East Lo- fractured | ing in ed during at the Was U Hospital memix 15 Collector Brown flered a Aw terday a Phy. Bel! aker clas wool He Aunty Mrs. G. A treet, Mone Altoona to enter From Allooy d tn be sent to Kees 1or of East Curt in ted fe dena adet training «} wr Biloxi ¢. Robisor senior cl ass as Sch Le TAIT dut ol, granted even though hb commence eit Mrs Mario T. N. McAlarnes Big Trout Inn, has served many s It wasnt until last We ner fr anglin yoked ers cau a crecGilavle spe Mable Hassinger Bellefonte, has rr word that her nephew, Plc, | W. McKinley. son af Mr Guyver H. McKinley, of Altoona been reported missing in the Philippines since May 7. 1042 Accordin®e to reports. McKinley was an athletic director in the air corps on Nichols Field near Manila, Pvt MeKi enlisted on Auoust 11, 1939 and went to the Philippines in Oct- ober, 1979 He was graduated from the Altona High School in the class of 1906 Charles E. Dorworth moved this week from the beautiful F. W. Crider homestead. 123 West Linn street which he is offering for sale. Mr Dorworth is occunving the residence next door, 119 West Linn street, where he fi*st resided when they re- moved to Bellefonte from Philadel pia in 1908. It is interesting to note that the residence in which Mr. Dorworth is again living was the first house to be built north of Lamb street. It was the birthplace of At. torney J. Thomas Mitchell and also that of Miss Mary Miles Blanchard Mrs. Jerome Weinstein, the for. mer Thomazine Curtin, has resigned her position on the nursing staff at the Centre County Hospital and yes- terday morning she and her mother, Mrs. H. L. Curtin, of Curtin, depart. ed by rail for Florida. Mrs. Wein- stein will join her husband, Cpl Weinstein, who is stationed with the Air Forces in Florida, while Mrs Curtin will attend a Marine grad- uatine exercise in Jacksonville, her son, James Curtin, being a member of the graduating class. Mrs. Wein- stein will be in the south indefinitely while Mrs. Curtin expects to return home next week ~Boroush workmen yesterday morning drained the Big Spring to give the giant basin tg annual spring housecleaning. Large bristle brushes attached to long ropes were drawn back and forth across the bottom and sides of the spring to Mins north of and hin action In pa viey clean it of moss and other accumu- lations. The intake pipes and other his wife, the former Helen Watson, | has visited him several times during { his illness. Prior to entering the ser- vice Mr. Gordon was employed by the Electric Supply Company here, —Bawyer W. Clark, of Buffalo Run | Valley, one of the projectionists at | the local theatres, last week received | a personal letter from Major Gen- eral A. M. Patch, In charge of the armed forces on Guadalcanal. When | Mr. Clark was attending Staunton Military Academy from 1919 to 1923, General Patch was commandant of the military department of the school. When Clark recently learn- ed that he was in command of op- erations in Guadalcanal, he wrote him a letter. In his reply, General | at length. (drained the entire town received its | H y {of Huntingdon, {Collepe on Monday, fittings were cleaned and checked and the spring was generally over. hauled. When the gates were Jower- ed, the spring filled up to its usual depth in less than an hour and a half. During the time the spring was water supply fram the reservoir, Witr used Graduation «+ Niece Mis. Mary E. Runkle of Lemont, | spent the weekend with her sister and family, Mrs. Sherman Travpe, and also attended the graduation exercises at Juniata at which time ‘her niece, Jeanna Kathryn Trappe, graduat od. ——— Hicecughs A a Hioccoughs can often be stopped by Patch expressed his thanks for the [tak'ne a small cup of hot water, letter and added that since he's holding it in the mouth until it is “quite busy” he was unable to reply [felt that the hiccough is ipraagh- ing, then # | advertising | ments, | advertisements, has | | ocrut whose "Page Five | CLASSIFIED ALVECTIS EWEN is | Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns every week, That's why the benefits derived from it munity Bargain Counter RATES — Advertisements Arst Issue, aod 156 cents ments contain more REAL ESTATE A straight one sale or rent KEYED ADS All Lo this office, must be Please do not endl at the us the of the advertiser SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE subscription is vertisement in subscriber will can be used use, of 0 pald up these columns one be charged the six times The Centre partment has become so amazingly popular it Is undisputably Centre County's twe for each additional lnsertion than twenty-five advertisements complied with by publishers are Every regular a year atl different intervals Democrat's classified advertising de- Considering its low cost an Com - for advertise charged lees 25 cents Where cent au word Is nty-five words or words, one cent a word bs that request thie Mice for not permitted to divulge replies to be malled wering the advertise Information concerning such Lhe name ni subscriber to Ww date, Is Lime The Centre Dem- entitled ww a 26 word ad. of charge advertising ree OLherwlw This privilege Lie rule ANNOUNCE SUMMER COURSES AT HIGH SCHOOL in shi Deng the B rmation can Daisy B. Henderson Many more business t needed for the war are needed In offices austry ment and civil According to re Chools, the eng large | thelr iroliment JUL BS * DOW rihand and Lyi ihied HNK or th mn High plal al Hefont )ehiool rained | are effort of busines I RON and government an servi ts from busin ollment jx unu Por or Uminer ciasie i composed Lis month ate next Jun graguating Willi grad wh with 10 pet the summe: men in the women who wish oes Indu armed for are to be SURPRISE PARTY HELD FOR COLEVILLE YOUTH King evening in hot h birthday of Richard King Those wer Lois Donna Ramish, Hazel Rhoads Ant Jetta 1 oma Wr of 1 10t t sent ANE pie n I Rider eo land oO iar blonde Northusniber » W27T on spaniel, light ’ county licens Fi nder pleas BR D 2 Howard Help Wanted WANTED-—Boy with farm Raymond Orner, Mill Hall experience Pa. x22 VIANTED ~~ A woman for general housework, good wages Inouire of Pobert Shope, Box 415 Bellefonte Pa. (Collins Row) x22 WANTED --Middiedagot fngle man to work. who can drive a car Min nie Stine RB. D1, Port Matilda, Pa lave on Buffalo Run road near Cross Roads x22 WANTED Men to cut mine props, logs, mil tract or by the hour cabins suitable for family rent at Job, Inaoulre of G & Sor Son, Fleming, Pa Work Wanted wa ~ 7 D— Job herding “eattle “thru i" the summer months Inquire at The Centre Democrat office x22 WANTED Middle-aged lady a position caring for invalids saved person. Do not phone Call in rer-on at 212 Bast Lamb street, Belle fonte, | Pa x22 Wanted to Buy paper wood work. Cone Houses and use for WwW. Holt 18-11 desires “we WANTED—To buy a doll carriage Inguire of Mrs. Fred Hayes, BR. D 3. Bellefonte, Pa x22 WANTED To pay ive pouty In. quire of C. M . How - ard, + Pa Phone ion ow x22 WANTED To buy electric hot plate, either single or double. Inquire of Harry MoDonald, Port Matilda, RD WANTED — To buy scrap tron, 60 cents per 100 pounds, delivered our yard, no tin. Alsop old automobiles, shilained [rom WANTED Liens mus ' Medium WANTED o et ele inte Ww ANTED-- hus * » ows. Must 'wo grad Oak POR evils FOR BALE 8 H 1936 Chevrolet Pood {~bot Very 8m X23 SALE f tra ) hae Joe Tiae Chas Near Autoport Wor two.) Foon) Port Mat me Slate College Phx Inquire of An ay Kosliko Pa FOR SALE ton panel truck Food condition of Paul 1. Beck tilda, Pa 1930 Model A Pord Tires and truck in Price 850 I.nouire RD 1, Port Ma- FOR SALE n plants, including caulifiower. eop plant Inquire of Fred lovine as 81. Beliefonte, Pa kinds kf Omato mangoes North Thom - x22 FOR SALE mango Plants: cabbage. tomato broocoiia, cauliflower, egg plant, Bermuda onjon, petunias, ag- erratum, snapdragon aster mari golds and cosma. Ceo. J. Bohn, Le- mont, Pa x22 FON SALE-Timely merchandise, in stock today at Losch Supply Co Jersey Shore, Pa: 3 new chick brood- ers; 2 oak office benches, 1 cement b'ock machine. a new kind of roof- ing. cheap, 1 new potato planter. 3 used corn planters; 1 used traction spraver and 1 power suraver 1 res bully Fordson tractor and plow: 4 used tractors, wheel, 35 engines, 1 new elevator potato digger, 4 teo- way plows. 1 car two-wheel trailer; 1 10-inch used ensilage cutter: 2 hand cider mills, 4 used mowers 2 tractor plows, 2 gang plows: 1 heavy long roller; 1 two-tub washer with engine; 1 two-can milk cooler What else do you need that ‘« ¢ able. Limited sunply of home grown red clover seed, good germination, $1690 a bushel, while it lasts. Gaso- lene stove: washing machines, wood saws and mandrels; 50 cockerels, 10 months old. 5 to 8 pounds. Losch Sonsumery Supply Co. Jersey Shore A Act Quickly Against Coccidiosis trucks, newspapers magazines, rube | ber, metals and beef hides Kofman's Junk Yard (one mile west of Milesburg). RECAPPING AND VULCANIZING NEW TIRES, TUBES AND BA ES KEYSTONE TIRE SERVICE 8. Potter Street Bellefonte, Pa. Home Owned and Operated Jake | Phone Bellefonte 2422 | oer | As a First-Aid Treatment Use Dr. Salsbury's Rakos { | i i Use this highly astringent liquid | ’ immediately at the first indication of dreaded Coccidiosis. Watch for those tell-tale signs--droopy wings, huddling, and shivering, loss of ap- petite, bloody or watery droppings. Nagleet can be very serious—so act QUICKLY! Also use sanitation and litter spray to kill Coccidia. FEED DR. SALSBURY'S AVI- TAB as a flock conditioner to birds hit by Coocidiosis, It's an ideal ap- [petite stimulator. 'Hockman's Feed Store [Phone 2220 Bellefonte, Pa. charged for real estate F | | Pom ! 1 A 1 «luo Superior rn darill, In good condition Surge electr) for selling last ue Phone DALE 31) "AIM MAC HINERY you need It FERMANEN"] Kit ( i Perman nnpie le OWhL 0 curle ssi ul Real Estate for Sale : PCR FOR SALE Halfmoon £110; ir 0 e C ginal ated at nway. ing N. Front hose £ Julian ire of 1 Mrs hall X24 130-acre far } mile from Ross Church township, #0 acres under balance In timber: new new concrete block milk house and house In A+ ) ad for electricity Co in keeping ith Sheffield ons. Can bw ought at bar 1 Drice for aujck =» Possession 1 1 il desired t farm waa for se Iv known as the Rider farm. now whed by Rusell Zerby. If interests d call L Frank Maves 2842 State ollege 8-11 m nied one-half in iitjvation at a} STi me x22 | & wt Enjoy Fresh POTATO CHIPS ALL THE TIME HYDE'S POTATO CHIPS Made in Bellefonte Get Them at Your Grocers. VITNT WT STINET TIRE BABY CHICKS Large Type White Leg. Chicks Prices Per 100 (1c extra for less than 100) Chicks Pallets Cockerels 19 $]7% 1g Special Broiler Cockerels 50 for $3.25 Write for my free chick circular Heavy breeds sold well in advance Gervin K. Schaeffer Houses for or Rent ENT Apartments for Rent Vionted to Rent Storage Insurance HAN 3 Money to Loan i¥ Pa, Miscellaneous OCS Announcements Rana ls —— Roller Skate — CF — Heda Park Every Friday Night Eat i LL Poultry Raisers ! START Your CHICKS RIGHT With DR. SALSBURY'S PHEN-O-SAL The Double Duty Drinking Water Medicine HOCKMAN'S POULTRY STORE 5 Phone 2229 Phone 23 Bellefonte Centre Hal Centre Hall Store open every Sat. urday from 2:30 to §:30 P. M. MARKET EGGS - HATCHING EGS WANTED